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===Latest videos===
===Latest videos===
Latest three videos!
{{Youtube-gallery|SqxntIySLo4|'''Episode 406''' <small>2024.05.12</small>|VllBeDoqLHo|'''Episode 405''' <small>2024.05.05</small>}}
{{Youtube-gallery|VPhzn19gKiY|'''Episode 325''' <small>2022.10.23</small> '''''NEW!'''''|vSDNdUBUvWI|'''Episode 324''' <small>2022.10.16</small>|y1jSd1RLCnI|'''Episode 323''' <small>2022.10.09</small>}}
==Video Summaries==
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 388-current}}
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqxntIySLo4 Episode 406]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Raam Segol]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Alpha Jet (Family)]]
:''Battle Pass:'' [[Battle Pass: Season XV, "Northern King"|Northern King]]
:''Hotline:'' how to use the machine guns above the recoilless 106 mm cannons on the [[M50]] without using the cannons themselves, what's better for the [[T-64A (1971)]]: 3BM15 or 3BM22, how can the [[Lancia 3Ro (100/17)]] be used properly in battle, what's the difference between the [[Tiger II (H)]] and the [[Tiger II (H) Sla.16]], is it possible to fully control an aircraft while in gunner view without it correcting to the last mouse location.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VllBeDoqLHo Episode 405]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[PLZ83-130]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-3]], post-war reference tank
:''Arsenal:'' [[MiG-27 (Family)]]
:''Hotline:'' why is the reload time different for the [[KPz-70]] and the [[MBT-70]] if they're both the same, how come early WW2 tanks have stabilisers but later ones the Pz.IV to VI and Pershings don't have any, what are some of the best loadouts for the [[MiG-23MLA (Germany)|MiG-23MLA]], are there any colours of afterburner flames besides orange and on which factor does it depend.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN1s4oSSLj8 Episode 404]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Buccaneer S.2B]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Bofors (40 mm) (Family)|Bofors]], reference AA gun
:''Squadmates:'' [[American Desert]]
:''Hotline:'' what are the differences and advantages of the [[M109A1]] and the [[M109G]], will the [[MH-60L DAP]] ever get its forward-facing machine guns and cannons, what are the diagonal bars on the side of [[:Category:Battleships|battleships]], what's the difference between the [[MiG-23 (Family)|MiG-23]] and the [[MiG-23 (Family)|MiG-27]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-JRTkSXEKA Episode 403]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-25SM3]]
:''Pages of History:'' mistake after mistake, a North Sea battle
:''Arsenal:'' [[SAAB 39 Gripen (Family)]]
:''Hotline:'' how much fuel do you have to take to get the best air performance in the [[Jaguar GR.1]], what is indicated as "F-18" on an aircraft's [[Radar warning receiver|RWR]], how to use the [[Kh-29TE]] efficiently, would you recommand 2 drop tanks on the [[F-16C]] and the [[F-15 (Family)|F-15]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ3gKpG6x3k Episode 402]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZBD04A]]
:''Pages of History:'' medium or heavy, the  [[M26 (Family)|Pershing]]'s undecided class
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Alpha Strike"]]
:''Hotline:'' why does the [[Ozelot]] have a laser rangefinder, what is the best CAS loadout for the [[Su-25BM]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aW9l_3LlG4 Episode 401]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' {{Specs-Link|ah_60_iaf}}
:''Pages of History:'' [[ZSU-57-2 (Family)|ZSU-57-2]]
:''Squadmates:'' North Holland
:''Hotline:'' what do the colours of the missiles and bomb in the secondary weapons menu mean, what's the best strategy for the [[Type 61]] and the [[ST-A3]], what are some good weapon loadouts for the [[F-16C]], what is the better tank: [[IS-3]] or [[IS-6]], why does the fuel tank under the [[MiG-29]] have a hole going through it.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0RHBstrvEk Episode 400]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Fox]]
:''Pages of History:'' invisible Ace over the Mediterranean
:''Special:'' sensor view in replays
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[T32]] and the [[T32E1]], how not to lose bushes when switching camo, which [[SAAB-105 (Family)|SAAB 105]] is the best, how to express suggestions about the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQmQW_b9Vec Episode 399]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Alpha Jet A]]
:''Pages of History:'' Swedish 1990 tender for a new MBT
:''Tactics and strategy:'' winning in tank football
:''Hotline:'' what is the best loadout for the [[Su-25]], why do some [[Vautour (Family)|Vautour]] bombers have a bomb sight while others don't, what are the best places to put bushes on the [[M1A1 Click-Bait]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeS9PrzGeBc Episode 398]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[120S]]
:''Pages of History:'' Westland [[Wessex HU Mk.5]]
:''Special:'' North Holland
:''Hotline:'' why doesn't the [[A-4E (Israel)|A-4E]] have an airspawn if it is a strike aircraft, what is the difference between the [[Type 74 (E)]] and [[Type 74 (F)|(F)]], why is the [[M1 Abrams (Family)|Abrams']] turret not symmetrical, what is the best Chinese [[:Category:Medium tanks|MBT]], what is recommended for the [[F-4S Phantom II|F-4S]]: a fuel drop tank or an external gunpod.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGsrLteeZM Episode 397]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jaguar IS]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Type 90 (Family)]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[38th Parallel]]
:''Hotline:'' how to use the [[AGM-65 (Family)|AGM-65]] missile, how to activate the automatic [[:Countermeasures|countermeasures]] in a jet.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO32vkQMgP8 Episode 396]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IL-8 (1944)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SU-100P]]
:''Arsenal:'' [[Mirage 5 (Family)|Kfir (Family)]]
:''Hotline:'' what does the [[F-15A|American F-15]] have in the left drift at the top, is the [[Strv 103C]] good at its BR, what are the holes that the [[M60 AMBT]] has next to the driver's hatch and back at the corners of the engine, why do some ships like the [[USS Mississippi]], [[USS Nevada]], or [[USS Arkansas]] have extra anchor chains going to the bottom of the bow into the water despite the anchor being raised.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZmyM4QzCZY Episode 395]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M551(76)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SAAB 18 (Family)|SAAB 18]]
:''Special:'' bell manoeuvre
:''Hotline:'' what is the device placed vertically on the bottom right side of the fuselage just underneath the cockpit on the [[A-10 (Family)|A-10]], why can't the [[Yak-141]] carry 4 [[R-27ER]] or [[R-27ET|ET]] missiles, what is the little fin at the end of the [[Challenger 2 (Family)|Challenger 2]]'s barrel, what is the difference between standard [[:Countermeasures|countermeasures]] and flares reinforced.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWETK5VPHI Episode 394]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX]]
:''Pages of History:'' Australian tanks
:''Squadmates:'' [[Frozen Pass (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' why can't you see the pilot in the cockpit even when the option is activated, which non-premium [[F-4 Phantom II (Family)|F-4]] is the best out of all nations, helicopter turret controllable by headtracking.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0PG5LJM-iI Episode 393]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Object 292]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IL-8 (1944)]]
:''Arsenal:'' [[Su-17/22 (Family)]]
:''Hotline:'' which is better: the [[MiG-29G (Germany)|MiG-29G]] or the [[MiG-29SMT]], which CAS loadout is recommended for the [[P-51D-20 (China)|Chinese P-51D]], why does the top-tier [[AV-8B Plus (Italy)|Harrier in the Italian tech tree]] appear as an F/A-18 on the RWR, what's the role of the wheel cover attached at the rear of the nose gear on [[MiG-29 (Family)|MiG-29s]] and [[Su-27 (Family)|Su-27s]]?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUuKlydTMUc Episode 392]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mirage 4000]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[LOSAT]]
:''Round Study:'' best IR-guided [[Air-to-air missiles|missiles]]
:''Hotline:'' how is the thrust-to-weight ratio of the [[F-15 (Family)|F-15]] calculated, what is the best performing [[Leopard 2 (Family)|Leopard]] when compared to its respective BR, what is the best air-to-air loadout for the [[MiG-21 SPS-K (Germany)|MiG-21 SPS-K]], position of the IRST sensor on the [[Su-27 (Family)|Su-27]], can you do a Cobra manoeuvre with the [[SAAB 39 Gripen (Family)|Gripen]] or the [[Mirage 4000|Super Mirage]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JynFzP5cOdk Episode 391]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2A7V]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[A7M (Family)|super Zero]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Middle East (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' what does IAS mean, how good is the [[IS-2 (1944) (China)|Chinese IS-2 (1944)]], what is the difference between [[Vautour (Family)|Vautours]] in the Israeli tech tree, what is the best German [[:Category:Heavy tanks|heavy tank]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpAvtM4iUWo Episode 390]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[JAS39A]] / [[JAS39C]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AMX-30 (Family)|AMX-30]] and the wonder shell
:''Arsenal:'' top-tier [[Mirage 2000 (Family)|Mirages]]
:''Hotline:'' how to rewind while watching replays, what does "the lead is calculated automatically" mean, how do you get your jet to drop used rocket pods automatically when they are all used.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcI5HuQH0A4 Episode 389]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-90M]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Stirling B Mk I]]
:''Squadmates:'' Arctic
:''Hotline:'' what is the window behind the pilot on the fuselage on the [[Yak-9 (Family)|Yak-9]] for, what is the little knob on the tail of the [[JA37D]], how does the inertial system on the new [[GB1000 (1,090 kg)|Chinese 1,000 kg guided bomb]] work.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHeVZEC8Szc Episode 388]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-15 (Family)|F-15]] Eagle
:''Pages of History:'' [[Challenger 3 TD]]
:''Triathlon:'' lightweight 4th Gen [[:Category:Jet fighters|fighter jets]]
:''Hotline:'' research of [[Helicopters|helicopters]] by playing ground vehicles, how to use air-to-ground missiles on the [[A-10A]], why are 2 [[F-16 (Family)|F-16s]] for Israel, what is the sensor-like device under the [[A-4H (Israel)|Israeli A-4H]] wingtip, is the voice in War Thunder videos an AI or a real person.
==Video Summaries==
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 336-387}}
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 285-current}}
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR8APnl4yMA Episode 387]'''
:''Metal Beasts 2023:'' the most iconic metal beasts
:''War Thunder in 2023:'' technologies and new mechanics
:''Locations 2023:'' a sightseeing tour
:''Hotline:'' how to see in cockpit mode in replays, what's the best [[Tiger (Disambiguation)|Tiger]] tank from the German tech tree, 4 x [[SC50JA (50 kg)|SC50]] or 1 x [[SC250JA (250 kg)|SC250]] bombs for the [[Bf 109 B-1]] against tanks at BR 4.3 to 6.7, why aren't there more [[PL-8]]s available on the [[JH-7A]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4juJrYOVpCQ Episode 386]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Challenger 3 TD]]
:''Pages of History:'' Black Friday
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Air Superiority"]]
:''Hotline:'' how to select night battles, which [[R-60]] missiles are better, are the [[R-60MK|MK]] export models worse, what's the difference in these MBTs: [[Ariete]], [[Ariete PSO]], and [[Ariete AMV]], on the [[Q-5L]], if you look from one of the wingtips toward the fuselage, you can see a red hourglass within a circle: does it have any signifance.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlHdl2JAjfU Episode 385]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-27]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M1128]], single-role wheeled tank
:''Special:'' Pugachev's Cobra on the [[Su-27]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the best Viggen: the [[AJS37]] or the [[JA37C]], drop tanks for new aircraft, what is the best [[F-16 (Family)|F-16]] out of all variants, tactics for the [[F4U-4]] Corsair in Air RB, which is better: [[Leopard 2 PSO]] or [[Leopard 2A6]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5mtjVXLry0 Episode 384]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strikemaster Mk.88]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[TTD]], South African MBT
:''Squadmates:'' [[Japan (Ground Forces)|Japan]]
:''Hotline:'' does a vehicle test drive give SL and RP gain the same as if you buy the vehicle, what does FAB mean in the name of Soviet bombs.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZA722l1aG8 Episode 383]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Vickers Mk.11]]
:''Pages of History:'' how a [[Swordfish Mk I|Swordfish]] captured an entire island
:''Arsenal:'' [[F-16 (Family)]]
:''Hotline:'' how to see the bomb falling when recording, if you break the floats off of [[:Category:Hydroplanes|seaplanes]], will they fly faster, does air density make a difference in missile performance, is it modelled in the game and how much of a difference is it.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jttH2id3KsY Episode 382]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mi-8AMTSh]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[TOG II]]
:''Special:'' optical contrast targeting
:''Hotline:'' what is the small tube sticking out of the later [[IL-2 (Family)|IL-2s]]' right wing (starting with the [[IL-2 (1942)]]), what is the difference between the [[F-16C]] and the Israeli [[Barak II]], what does IRCCM mean on IR missiles.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjkKhVqNmfY Episode 381]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M109A1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[JH-7A]], flying Leopard
:''Squadmates:'' Flanders
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[AJ37]] and the [[AJS37]], is there a way to change the speed of your WASD camera movement in replay mode, what is the hardest medal you can get in the German tech tree, what's the best way to angle the [[M26 (Family)|M26 (and T26 variants)]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tw-uOo1pMg Episode 380]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[JH-7A]]
:''Pages of History:'' Hungarian armour
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Kings of Battle"]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the purpose of the 2 separate vertical controls on the [[Su-25]]: it seems counterproductive to have one turn the right way while the other seems to go the wrong way, why is there landmine protection when there is no landmine in the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avl9dE1525Y Episode 379]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Object 775]], pancake tank
:''Pages of History:'' [[Strikemaster Mk.88]], British flying desk
:''Arsenal:'' [[A-4 (Family)|A-4 Skyhawk family]]
:''Hotline:'' could the [[Su-22M3]] squadron vehicle be used as an air-to-air interceptor, what are all the aircraft with a helmet-mounted seeker, why does it look like someone forgot the rudders on the floats of the [[He 115 C-1]], the [[A-4E Early]] has a little triangle above the pilot: does it have any meaning, what is the difference between the [[Leopard 2A5]] and the [[Leopard 2 PSO]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m04wG7J7oq8 Episode 378]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-111A]] Aardvark
:''Pages of History:'' [[G6]], South African HE slinger
:''Special:'' Flanders
:''Hotline:'' which is better: the [[R-27ER]] or the [[R-27ET]], which tank is better: the [[M1 Abrams (Family)|Abrams]] or the [[Challenger 2 (Family)|Challenger]] and which one has the most armour, what's the best [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfire]], is it true that tracks are used as add-on armour in real life, or is it just in the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaufXbHC0VU Episode 377]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[VIDAR]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-48-II otsu|Ki-48]], surplus bomber
:''Squadmates:'' Test Site 2271
:''Hotline:'' what is the best [[Close Air Support|close air support]] fighter near the 7.0 battle rating, which [[Vautour (Family)|Vautours]] are best at air-to-air combat: the French with their manual and radar-guided missiles or the Israeli with their heat seekers, why are Japanese planes carrying torpedoes slightly on the right or left of the fuselage, should the APFSDS be spinning in the Shooting Range intro, is it possible for an [[Air-to-air missiles|air-to-air missile]] to damage a ground target.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3sRtaPqENE Episode 376]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-16C]] Block 50
:''Pages of History:'' MBT rearmament
:''Round Study:'' top radar-guided [[Air-to-air missiles|AAMs]]
:''Hotline:'' tips to play the [[P-47D-22-RE]], what is the difference between the [[Ferdinand]] and the [[Elefant]], if you activate a best squad wager and then go into a solo queue, what will happen if you don't get automatically squaded, tips for playing the [[M18 GMC]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEMvtctleC8 Episode 375]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2 PSO]]
:''Pages of History:'' Stanley Vejtasa
:''Arsenal:'' [[Harrier (Family)|Harrier II]]
:''Hotline:'' is it possible during an air battle to change the load of secondary weapons once landed at the airfield, what is the weird window thing sticking out of the [[Pvkv m/43 (1963)]], why can the [[F-16 (Family)|F-16s]] and the [[Netz]] carry only 1 external fuel tank and not 2, and will the [[F-14 (Family)|Tomcats]] ever receive external fuel tanks.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jHIZqHq5FM Episode 374]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mi-8TV]]
:''Pages of History:'' tank ambushes
:''Squadmates:'' updated [[Normandy (Ground Forces)|Normandy]]
:''Hotline:'' purchasing order between [[M19A1]], [[M4A3E2]] Jumbo, and [[M18 GMC]], Bulgarian tanks in-game, what is the earliest fire-and-forget missile [[:Category:Anti-aircraft vehicles|AA vehicle]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS_0tpx-u1E Episode 373]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[KF41]] Lynx
:''Pages of History:'' Beechcraft [[XA-38]], flying cannon
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Sons of Attila"]]
:''Hotline:'' why does the M62 shell on the [[M18 GMC|M18]] appear to fly faster in the gun sight than on the [[M4A2 (76) W|M4A2]] and the [[M4A3 (76) W]], tips for playing the [[M1A1 AIM]] and the [[A-10A]] in ground RB, is the [[AIM-7E-2 Sparrow|AIM-7E-2]] better than the [[AIM-7F Sparrow|AIM-7F]] or is it the other way around, what jet has the greatest acceleration in-game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRQujCYvU1k Episode 372]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-29SMT]]
:''Pages of History:'' battle of Kursk aftermath
:''Special:'' Test Site 2271
:''Hotline:'' what is the best [[Battle ratings|BR]] for the [[:Category:Germany ground vehicles|German ground tech tree]], what is the little black-coloured device under the fuselage of the [[A5M4]], what is the best fighting style for the [[Ju 188 A-2]], what is the difference between the [[A-10A]] and the [[A-10A Late]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nij7hfQK_MU Episode 371]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' Patria [[CT-CV 105HP]]
:''Pages of History:'' Italian tri-motor planes
:''Arsenal:'' [[MiG-29 (Family)|MiG-29s]]
:''Hotline:'' what's the better role with an [[F-5E]]: being a bomber, a fighter, or both, what is that warning light-looking thing on the tail of the [[Mi-24 (Family)|Mi-24 Hind]] and what does it do, what's the difference between the S-25 rockets ([[S-25O|O]], [[S-25OF|OF]], [[S-25OFM|OFM]]), what is better: the [[M26]] or the [[T26E1-1]], [[:Category:Misc Nation Vehicles|Indian]] vehicles in War Thunder.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSEfQPcz7pw Episode 370]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-25BM]], the first plane to carry the [[R-73]] missile in-game
:''Pages of History:'' [[ZUT-37]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Abandoned Factory]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the most powerful [[Anti-tank guided missiles|anti-tank missile]], what is the strongest jet engine in the game, what are the best tactics for planes like the [[Tornado IDS (1995) (Italy)|Tornado IDS]], are there any [[:Category:Misc Nation Vehicles|Spanish]] vehicles in the game, and in what tech tree is each one found, which one is better: [[M1A1 AIM]] or [[M1A1 HC]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k4QRAI_ILw Episode 369]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) KwK]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Wyvern S4]], first turboprop strike aircraft
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Ballistic Computer|Toss bombing]]
:''Hotline:'' should you get the [[F-16A ADF|F-16]] first or the [[F-14B]], which plane can hold the most unguided rockets in the game, will [[AIM-7 Sparrow (Family)|AIM-7 Sparrow]] missiles be added to aircraft such as the [[F-4F (Germany)|F-4F Phantom]], what is the difference between the [[AJ37]] and the [[AJS37]], why can't [[ATAS (AIM-92)|Stingers]] or similar IR missiles lock onto helicopters from their normal range of 5-6 km instead of the 2-3 km in game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwtZninBT0I Episode 368]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[B7A2 (Homare 23)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M4/T26]]
:''Triathlon:'' early HE slingers
:''Hotline:'' when will you add a keybind to drop the fuel tank, will we ever see machines back on sale that were once on the Gaijin store/Steam but were taken off sale, what's the purpose of the [[F-84 (Family)|F-84F's]] radar, how do you effectively use the [[Jaguar (Family)|SPECAT Jaguars]] in Air RB, what is the best all-round top-tier jet.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1SLIe-9Vmc Episode 367]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SPz 12-3 LGS]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[BV 138 C-1|White Sea rescue]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Poland (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' why is one exhaust nozzle on the [[F-14 (Family)|F-14]] dilated in the hangar while the other one isn't, why is the [[T-44]] at BR 6.7, what happened to proximity-fused shells: the [[2S3M]] became unusable against tanks since the shells just explode above rocks or the ground.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxg17aav2ZM Episode 366]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[He 162 A-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' tanks vs [[Anti-tank guided missiles|ATGMs]]
:''Arsenal:'' [[F-4 Phantom II (Family)]]
:''Hotline:'' any tips to avoid getting shot by AA and escape fighters with the [[Wyvern S4]], where is the [[A-10A|A-10]]'s titanium tub, in jet aircraft, does going to a higher altitude make your fuel burn slower, what is the best tactic for the [[Tiran 4]] and [[Tiran 4S]], is there any chance air refueling is going to be added to the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92uvdnsp7Bk Episode 365]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M4/T26]]
:''Pages of History:'' night sky chaos
:''Triathlon:'' top [[:Category:Battleships|battleships]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the best tactic for using the [[SMK]] in arcade battles, if a plane with two pilots has the main one taken out, would the copilot be able to take over, why does the [[Bf 109 G-14]] have a heart on the side, which is the better tank: the [[Tiger II (H)]] or the [[Panther F]], is it possible to play on a map with naval and ground forces together.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_25MEJkZQc Episode 364]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[J-8F]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M4 Sherman (Family)|Sherman]] engines
:''Squadmates:'' [[Finland]]
:''Hotline:'' are there any Dutch vehicles in the game, why does the [[JA37D]] rank IV modifications cost 57k RP but any other countries' top-tier jet modifications don't come close to that, if a missile is launched and locked on a target and the launching vehicle is destroyed, will the missile reach the target anyways, what is currently the fastest jet in-game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLDLKmzIvPU Episode 363]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Object 435]]
:''Pages of History:'' joyriding a jet fighter
:''Arsenal:'' [[Su-25T]] and [[Su-39]]
:''Hotline:'' what is better; the [[F-14A Early|F-14A Tomcat]] or the [[F-4J Phantom II]], what's the thing on the [[Strv 122B PLSS]] called, what is better on the [[Ju 87 D-5]]: the 12 x MG 81 or the 4 x MG151, what is the better tactic to use when it comes to mid range (about 4.0 BR) German tanks, where is the custom loadout for the [[A2D-1]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_Ikp4Zbjp8 Episode 362]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mirage 2000-5F]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Template:TankManufacturer Renault|Renault tanks]]
:''Triathlon:'' late HE slingers
:''Hotline:'' why does the [[A7M1 (NK9H)|premium A7M]] have an asymmetrical back, which is the best (not premium) [[F-104 (Family)|F-104]], which tank has the fastest turret rotation speed in the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIla0DZ8kRE Episode 361]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Raketenautomat]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AH-1 (Family)|Cobra]] to [[AH-1Z|Viper]]
:''Squadmates:'' Iberian Castle
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[F-16A]] and the [[F-16A ADF]], what is the most powerful 20 mm cannon shell, will jets such as the Eurofighter Typhoon, the F/A-18 Hornet, and the F-15 Eagle be eventually added to War Thunder.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHIGPV9XDjM Episode 360]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-14B]] Tomcat
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pz.38(t) n.A.]]
:''Round Study:'' [[:Category:Aircraft cannons|20 mm aircraft autocannons]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the purpose of the [[F3D-1]]'s tracking radar if it doesn't provide lead, what is the difference between the [[M18 GMC]] and the premium [[M18 "Black Cat"]] light tanks, what propeller-driven plane in-game has the engine with the most horsepower.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfM5LamuwWY Episode 359]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Freccia]]
:''Pages of History:'' ramming duel
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "La Royale"]]
:''Hotline:'' which is better, the [[Panther D]] or the [[Panzer IV/70(V)]], what skills prioritize when [[Crew skills|training all crew types]], why was the [[White Rock Fortress]] map removed, what is the fastest [[:Category:Jet aircraft|jet]] in War Thunder and can it outrun any guided missile while flying horizontally.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgnJeQkhhfQ Episode 358]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-25T]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-70]], third wheeler light tank
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[:Category:Suspended armaments|retarded bombs]]
:''Hotline:'' when will Gaijin release War Thunder for mobile phones, what are the best tactics with the [[J21 (Family)|J21 and A21 series]], what is the biggest [[:Category:Suspended armaments|napalm bomb]] and the biggest [[:Category:Naval special armaments|torpedo]], will the flight performance of an aircraft improve the longer it burns fuel, how effective is the [[Harrier (Family)|Harrier]]'s thrust vectoring during dogfights.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeURzre6VU0 Episode 357]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AuF1]]
:''Pages of History:'' Georgy Parshin, enigmatic [[IL-2 (Family)|IL-2]] pilot
:''Special:'' Iberian castle
:''Hotline:'' Heinkel He 111Z, what's the best Soviet [[:Category:Torpedo bombers|torpedo bomber]], is the [[F-16 (Family)|F-16]] slow compared to other top-tier fighters, do the [[Ka-50]] Black Shark and the [[Ka-52]] Alligator have ejection seats in-game, what is the best loadout for the [[F-4S Phantom II]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI159Jebqhk Episode 356]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A32A]] Lansen
:''Pages of History:'' battle of Hannut
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Sixth rank helicopters|mid-tier helicopters]]
:''Hotline:'' are there any Swiss vehicles in the game, what's the better ground attack aircraft: the [[Tu-2 (Family)|Tu-2S]] or the [[IL-10 (Family)|IL-10]], does the hard kill APS on the [[T-55AMD-1]], [[Merkava Mk.4M]], or [[Black Night]] work inside smoke screens.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vknn8HX9DD4 Episode 355]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Centurion Mk.2]]
:''Pages of History:'' controversial air victories
:''Squadmates:'' [[Carpathians (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' why do the German tech tree [[G.91 (Family)|G.91s]] lose half their machine guns or cannons just cause you want to use [[AA-20 Nord|Nord AAs]], which [[:Category:Sixth rank ground vehicles|rank VI]] Soviet tank is best for first rank VI tank, what is the difference between the [[M1A1]] and the [[IPM1]] besides the gun size, which tank within its BR can destroy the [[T95]], should the new [[F-4S Phantom II]] be bought.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OkWySAZEw0 Episode 354]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[He 112 A-0]]
:''Pages of History:'' Diesel as a German Solution
:''Arsenal:'' [[A-1H]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the plane that holds most [[Air-to-air missiles|air-to-air missiles]], which is better: the [[Pz.II (Family)|Pz.II]] or the [[Pz.III E]], why was the nose section of the [[He 111 (Family)|He 111]] made asymmetrically, German dubbing of the Shooting Range.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QdxhMAGn6o Episode 353]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AFT09]]
:''Pages of History:'' Anatoly Kadomtsev
:''Tactics and strategy:'' filling [[Ammo racks|ammo racks]]
:''Hotline:'' what aircraft has the most variety of guided munitions, will ejection seats be added to 1950s jets that had them, why do the [[Su-25]] and the [[Su-25K]] have different missiles if they're the same plane.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgmbLGEVWGg Episode 352]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Hunter F.58 (Germany)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AMD.35]]
:''Round Study:'' late [[:Category:Suspended armaments|large-calibre HE rockets]]
:''Hotline:'' tutorial for helicopters, what is the function of the tube on the rear of the [[T-64 (Family)|T-64]]'s turret, triathlon for late piston-engined fighters, what are the differences between the [[Lancaster B Mk I]] and [[Lancaster B Mk III|Mk III]], which is better: the [[Maus]] or the [[T95]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izFpnktG5w4 Episode 351]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Sd.Kfz.222]] / {{Specs-Link|cn_sdkfz_222_early}}
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pe-2 (Family)|Pe-2]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Jungle]]
:''Hotline:'' why is the canopy of the [[F-16 (Family)|F-16]] yellow, what is the best way to play the [[Strv 81 (RB 52)]], what's the smallest [[:Category:Aircraft cannons|aircraft cannon]] in the game, what about the smallest [[:Category:Tank cannons|tank cannon]], which plane has the most powerful piston engine.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q2mDrbxOT8 Episode 350]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Tornado F.3]]
:''Pages of History:'' German tank engines
:''Triathlon:'' earliest twin-engined [[:Category:Bombers|bombers]]
:''Hotline:'' how to use the [[SB2C (Family)|Helldiver]] in the most optimal way, what is the fastest jet that could reach Mach 1 (from takeoff), what is the best aircraft for ground attack, the [[P-47 (Family)|P-47]] or the [[Typhoon (Family)|Typhoon]], is it possible to hit ground units with an air-to-air missile.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4P93QnwRlI Episode 349]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T1E1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[La-9]], the last Soviet prop
:''Arsenal:'' [[Su-25]]
:''Hotline:'' what strategy is best for the [[Brigand B 1]], what are the differences between the [[AIM-7F Sparrow|AIM-7F]] and the [[AIM-7M Sparrow|AIM-7M]], is there any point using the rectangular radar over the default one, what is the best British prop aircraft for ground attack.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8PuopV6XyY Episode 348]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Kurnass 2000]]
:''Pages of History:'' tank crew layouts
:''Round Study:'' mid-tier HE [[:Category:Suspended armaments|rockets]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[GBU-8 (2,000 lb)|GBU-8]] and the [[GBU-15(V)1/B (2,000 lb)|GBU-15]], which tank is better: the [[T34]], the [[T30]], or the [[T29]], when will the [[P-47D-25]] get its drop tank, how long after a video is posted do the people that pick the comments for the next Shooting Range stop reading them, can the British active protection system on the [[Black Night|Challenger]] be effective against artillery.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLhl4uB0QhU Episode 347]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ItPsV 90]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-141]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Eastern Europe]]
:''Hotline:'' which is the best tactics for tanks like the [[Strv 121]], what are the differences between the [[T-72B]] and the [[T-72B (1989)]], if you land a helicopter on a captured zone, can you replenish rockets/ammo, why is there a fixed MG in the tail of the [[He 111 (Family)|He 111]], what's the purpose of it.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J9VTmvFRT4 Episode 346]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Challenger 2E]]
:''Pages of History:'' German [[:Category:Wheeled ground vehicles|armoured cars]]
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Sky Guardians"]]
:''Hotline:'' what's the difference between the [[Su-25]] and the [[Su-25K]], why can't the [[Tornado (Family)|Tornado]] have more missiles, if you keep one bomb on a wing, is rolling affected, will we see more planes with fuel tanks, out of all the variable geometry wing designed aircraft, which is the best for dogfighting.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K09goo8T4jM Episode 345]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Yak-141]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[B-26B|one a day in Tampa Bay]]
:''Triathlon:'' new top-tier [[:Category:Medium tanks|MBTs]]
:''Hotline:'' if you jettison all your bombs and rockets/missiles because you're in a dogfight, are your bombs active and explode, East German vehicles, ejection seats.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmahhlgwgkk Episode 344]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Me 410 A-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' tank suspensions
:''Arsenal:'' [[A-10A]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the heaviest prop fighter in the game, what is better: the [[F-105D|F-105 Thunderchief]] or the [[Buccaneer S.2|Buccaneer]], is it possible to use the Mirage III's rocket booster in the air, can you use CCRP for laser-guided bombs.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3QsGMSrgEM Episode 343]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Khalid]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-16 (Family)|Pilipenko's millstones]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[:Category:Suspended armaments|rocket]] [[Close Air Support|CAS]] in jets
:''Hotline:'' which plane has the most turrets, with the [[F-105D]] being a bomber, why doesn't it get an airspawn, how to check how many vehicles you unlocked, what is the difference between the [[PTL02]] and the [[WMA301]] and what's the best way to play them, drop tanks for P-51s and P-47s.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tE6fqxW0nQ Episode 342]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A-6E TRAM]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[:Category:Ground vehicles with explosive reactive armour|reactive armour]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Karelia (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' which is a better Soviet plane for [[Close Air Support|CAS]]: the [[MiG-27K]], the [[Su-25]] or the [[Su-17M4]], are [[:Category:Game modes#Arcade Battles|ground arcade battles]] ever set at night, did the [[IS-2 (1944)]] get a [[History of updating 3D models and textures of units|reworked model]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ujTq0WcQs Episode 341]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-32 (105)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AH-64 (Family)|Apache]] or [[AH-1 (Family)|Cobra]]?
:''Triathlon:'' deeply modernized early [[:Category:Medium tanks|MBTs]]
:''Hotline:'' which is better: [[MiG-23 (Family)|MiG-23]] or [[MiG-27 (Family)|MiG-27]], how do you properly play the [[Leopard 2K]], how can you drop all the GBU guided bombs at the same time for the same target.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kVkp5-IeNQ Episode 340]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Tornado IDS ASSTA1 (Germany)|Tornado IDS ASSTA1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[2C bis]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Close Air Support|CAS]] with propeller planes
:''Hotline:'' what makes missiles like Sidewinders or Sparrows increase in range with progressing variants when the shape and therefore fuel capacity doesn't change, why do some jets have a large tube protruding before the tail and rudder section like the Scimitar or the Harrier, what are the differences between versions of the P-51D, how long should you expect to wait to see your moments on the Thunder Show, should they win.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzwvDeihMT8 Episode 339]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[2C bis]]
:''Pages of History:'' Louis Curdes, American ace
:''Round Study:'' [[:Category:Suspended armaments|Soviet rockets]]
:''Hotline:'' which planes have thrust reversal in-game, why is the [[M1128]] so slow on sand and snow, what does the [[Ballistic Computer#CCRP Usage|designated bomb point]] do and how to use it, can you find a tank triathlon IRL and where to watch it.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtpM_1j4G0c Episode 338]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mirage 2000D-R1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pz.III J|racing Panzer]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Kuban]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[Phantom FG.1]] and the [[Phantom FGR.2|FGR.2]], does losing your landing gear on fixed landing gear aircraft make you have less drag, what does the [[Bf 109 G-6]] have over the [[Bf 109 G-2/trop|G-2]] that makes it lose so much performance, how can I precisely aim my [[Ballistic Computer|CCRP]] when the target is not a base, custom loadouts on propeller planes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7WJfgt3LuY Episode 337]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M728 CEV]]
:''Pages of History:'' P-38s vs [[IAR-81C|IAR-81s]]
:''Triathlon:'' [[F-4 Phantom II (Family)|F-4 Phantoms]]
:''Hotline:'' can you use drop tanks as more fuel and use them as bombs, why doesn't the bomb series keybind work when you use the weapon selector, can you explain all the abilites of scout drones, how do you decide which comments to pick for the hotline segment.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEdjVf5IDOM Episode 336]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-29]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[38 cm Sturmmörser|Sturmtiger]]
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Apex Predators"]]
:''Hotline:'' does having your canopy open when flying around do anything, how to change the amount of smoke grenades used in a smoke screen, how to use time-fused shells on a tank like the [[8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.|Flak 88]].
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 285-335}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVHfVQZtPIE Episode 335]'''
:''Metal Beasts 2022:'' landmark vehicles added to the game
:''War Thunder in 2022:'' technologies and game mechanics introduced
:''Locations 2022:'' a tour around new locations added this year
:''Hotline:'' is there any tactical use for the Cobra manoeuvre, what is the difference between the [[IL-28]] and the [[IL-28Sh]] besides the incendiary bombs, why does the tech tree [[A-10A Late|A-10]] get a worse camera than the premium [[A-10A|A-10]], what top tier jet can Japan expect to get in the future.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtFRyd0R3Lg Episode 334]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-16A]]
:''Pages of History:'' Soviet night fighters
:''Special:'' Gold Quarry
:''Hotline:'' if my tank commander has the commander fire control feature, can I still shoot when the gunner is knocked out, how to take control of roof-mounted machine guns on tanks, in-game Hungarian vehicles, what do magnetic mines do and how to use them effectively.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah9gpdy7IPI Episode 333]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Rooivalk Mk1F CSH]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Brummbar|Sturmpanzer]]
:''Triathlon:'' rank II [[:Category:Medium tanks|medium tanks]]
:''Hotline:'' if you buy a camouflage for the [[Strv m/42 DT|Strv m/42]], will it apply to all tanks in the Swedish tech tree, tips for flying the Focke-Wulf [[Ta 152 H-1|Ta 152]], can 3 [[Nuclear weapons|nuclear bombs]] be dropped at a time, what is the best rank IV Swedish aircraft to research: [[J21A-2]], [[A21A-3]] or [[T18B]], can a 10 kg bomb from the [[He 51 B-2/H]] kill a [[Maus]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqIEFBoiv3I Episode 332]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AS 42/47]]
:''Pages of History:'' nighttime interception with a [[Yak-1]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[:Category:Fighters|piston fighters]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the thing sticking out the top of the nose of the [[Mirage 2000C-S5|Mirage]], what is the best tactic for early missiles ([[AIM-9B Sidewinder|AIM-9B]]/[[AIM-9E Sidewinder|-9E]]) as they are not even nearly as manoeuvrable as something like the [[AIM-9G Sidewinder|AIM-9G]], does a [[:Category:Ground vehicles with dozer blade|dozer blade]] count as extra frontal armour.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqDtRttvNBk Episode 331]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' {{Specs-Link|mig_23bn}}
:''Pages of History:'' naval SPGs [[SU-85]] and [[SU-100]]
:''Squadmates:'' [[Normandy (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' what bomber has the most guns, French [[P-47D-22-RE (France)|P-47]] or French [[Yak-3 (France)|Yak-3]], can a Maverick missile track a target at night without a TV pod, is the [[A-4E Early|A-4E]] better as fighter or as a bomber.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbjbdcxBcYw Episode 330]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[38 cm Sturmmörser]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Sunderland Mk IIIa]] vs Junkers 88
:''Triathlon:'' rank VI [[:Category:Light tanks|light tanks]]
:''Hotline:'' do magnetic mines work on land, and if they do, do planes activate them, manual engine controls, does the map temperature affect engine cooling or overheating like the desert or snow, [[Su-7BMK]] or [[MiG-21S (R-13-300)]], which is better to grind with, custom loadouts for the [[A-4 (Family)|A-4 series]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy87KuguGJA Episode 329]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Q-5L]]
:''Pages of History:'' German tank building
:''Round Study:'' [[Me 262 A-1/U4|Pulkzerstörer]] rounds
:''Hotline:'' is it possible to send replays from older game versions for Thunder Show, how to use early/low-tier radar, does the Airstrike modification on light tanks reduce the spawn cost for drones, what does bis mean on vehicles like the [[MiG-15bis]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1VVzWsVeKs Episode 328]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[2S38]]
:''Pages of History:'' Push! Resuce over Vietnam
:''Tactical Briefing:'' changes introduced in [[Update "Fire and Ice"]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[J35A]] and the [[J35D]], why does the [[G.91 R/3 (Germany)|German G.91 R/3]] lose one of its cannons when you install the Nord missiles, can an ammo rack explosion overpressurize a nearby friendly open-topped tank, how many airplanes can do the Cobra manoeuvre.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIV-3ekwmq8 Episode 327]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A-1H]] Skyraider
:''Pages of History:'' [[M18 Hellcat (Family)|M18 Hellcat]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' New SAM capabilities
:''Hotline:'' Australian vehicles, what is the best way to play the [[SM.91]] and the [[SM.92]], after firing, will the pylons for bombs and rockets still affect flight performance.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgsv6_VWzbc Episode 326]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M1A2 SEP]]
:''Pages of History:'' WEP in piston engines
:''Special:'' Arctic map
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[G.91 R/3]] and the [[G.91 R/4]], why does the 17-pounder have different penetration values on different tanks even when they have the same ammo, when should you use MG instead of the main cannon when playing, tips on how to play the [[Harrier (Family)|Harrier family]], [[T-34-85 (D-5T)]] 3D model rework.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPhzn19gKiY Episode 325]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPhzn19gKiY Episode 325]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[VK 3002 (M)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[VK 3002 (M)]]
Line 89: Line 583:
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JcG-_L0oLo Episode 313]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JcG-_L0oLo Episode 313]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MD500-TOW]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lahatut|MD500-TOW]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AM-1]] ''Mauler''
:''Pages of History:'' [[AM-1]] ''Mauler''
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Anti-aircraft vehicles|early radar SPAAs]]
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Anti-aircraft vehicles|early radar SPAAs]]
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uTPOTTUKxY Episode 309]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uTPOTTUKxY Episode 309]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lim-5P]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lim-5P]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[MD500-TOW|Hughes MD500]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Lahatut|Hughes MD500]]
:''Tactical Briefing:'' [[Update "Danger Zone"]]
:''Tactical Briefing:'' [[Update "Danger Zone"]]
:''Hotline:'' is the [[M4A3 (105)]] a good Sherman, why does the [[MiG-23 (Family)|MiG-23/27]] have their flares on top of the aircraft when every other nation has them by the exhaust, what is a better boom-n-zoom fighter, the [[P-38J-15]] or the [[P-47N-15]], where do you get more crew XP points, in [[Arcade Battles|arcade]] or in [[Realistic Battles|realistic]].
:''Hotline:'' is the [[M4A3 (105)]] a good Sherman, why does the [[MiG-23 (Family)|MiG-23]] have their flares on top of the aircraft when every other nation has them by the exhaust, what is a better boom-n-zoom fighter, the [[P-38J-15]] or the [[P-47N-15]], where do you get more crew XP points, in [[Arcade Battles|arcade]] or in [[Realistic Battles|realistic]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb-P5hQN6K0 Episode 308]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb-P5hQN6K0 Episode 308]'''
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szjj7F1iHL4 Episode 291]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szjj7F1iHL4 Episode 291]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Merkava Mk.2D]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Merkava Mk.2D]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[S-199]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Sakeen|S-199]]
:''Challenge:'' long-distance bombing record
:''Challenge:'' long-distance bombing record
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[Bf 109 G-6]] and the [[Bf 109 G-14|G-14]], does the [[M1A2 Abrams]] have a laser warning system, how to use the [[M163]]'s tracking radar, which [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfire]] has the most bombs, after downloading a skin from [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/ WT Live], how to add it to your vehicle
:''Hotline:'' what is the difference between the [[Bf 109 G-6]] and the [[Bf 109 G-14|G-14]], does the [[M1A2 Abrams]] have a laser warning system, how to use the [[M163]]'s tracking radar, which [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfire]] has the most bombs, after downloading a skin from [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/ WT Live], how to add it to your vehicle
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uI33fRlznc Episode 288]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uI33fRlznc Episode 288]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[S-199]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Sakeen|S-199]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[PT-76 (Family)|PT-76]], how Soviet tanks learned to swim
:''Pages of History:'' [[PT-76 (Family)|PT-76]], how Soviet tanks learned to swim
:''Tactical Briefing:'' minor changes introduced in [[Update "Winged Lions"]]
:''Tactical Briefing:'' minor changes introduced in [[Update "Winged Lions"]]
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:''Pages of History:'' the Soviet engineers' radial nightmare
:''Pages of History:'' the Soviet engineers' radial nightmare
:''Special:'' holiday fun with custom battles
:''Special:'' holiday fun with custom battles
:''Hotline:'' how does the [[SIDAM 25]]'s radar work, will the [[F-82E]] will remain in flight if one pilot gets knocked out, what is the difference between the [[Jaguar GR.1]] and the [[Jaguar GR.1A]], how to select a particular target if several targets are on the [[Airborne radars|radar]], why is the [[MiG-23 (Family)|MiG-27]] ground attack aircraft classified as a jet fighter.
:''Hotline:'' how does the [[SIDAM 25]]'s radar work, will the [[F-82E]] will remain in flight if one pilot gets knocked out, what is the difference between the [[Jaguar GR.1]] and the [[Jaguar GR.1A]], how to select a particular target if several targets are on the [[Airborne radars|radar]], why is the [[MiG-27 (Family)|MiG-27]] ground attack aircraft classified as a jet fighter.
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{{Sp-begin|Episodes 129-180}}
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 129-180}}
<div align="left">
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxTPgXg6EY Episode 180 "2019 in review"]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxTPgXg6EY Episode 180]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' Metal Beasts of 2019
:''Metal Beasts:'' Metal Beasts of 2019
:''Tactics and strategy:'' War Thunder in 2019, game features introduced or improved.
:''Tactics and strategy:'' War Thunder in 2019, game features introduced or improved.
Line 941: Line 1,435:
:''Pages of History:'' the [[Me 262 A-1a|Schwalbe]] problem: too few, too late
:''Pages of History:'' the [[Me 262 A-1a|Schwalbe]] problem: too few, too late
:''Tactics and strategy:'' tanks with recoilless weapons
:''Tactics and strategy:'' tanks with recoilless weapons
:''Hotline:'' shooting a cannon round through 2 aircraft, why aircraft wings rip and which manoeuvers to avoid
:''Hotline:'' shooting a cannon round through 2 aircraft, why aircraft wings rip and which manoeuvres to avoid
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKxlwtWIlSI Episode 173]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKxlwtWIlSI Episode 173]'''
Line 2,004: Line 2,498:
* Shawn voiced the show during its first year (episodes 1 to 51), as well as the original Thunder Show.
* Shawn voiced the show during its first year (episodes 1 to 51), as well as the original [[Thunder Show]].
* Bruce was the main voice actor of the show from episode 52 to 303.
* Bruce was the main voice actor of the show from episode 52 to 303.
* Andrew (New Thunder Show) has voiced episodes 284, 285, 286, 304 and following episodes.
* Andrew (New Thunder Show) has voiced episodes 284, 285, 286, 304 and following episodes.
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<div align="left">
<div align="left">
;Show anniversary
;Show anniversary
* Ep. 400: Longer intro thanking the player community
* Ep. 300: Longer intro thanking the player community
* Ep. 300: Longer intro thanking the player community
* Ep. 200: Shooting Range 2.1
* Ep. 200: Shooting Range 2.1
Line 2,034: Line 2,529:
;Year recap
;Year recap
* Ep. 387: Rewind 2023
* Ep. 335: Rewind 2022
* Ep. 284: Rewind 2021
* Ep. 284: Rewind 2021
* Ep. 232: Rewind 2020
* Ep. 232: Rewind 2020

Latest revision as of 15:48, 7 November 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0


The Shooting Range is a series of video produced by the War Thunder YouTube Community for the purpose of aiding the playerbase on certain aspects of the game such as game mechanics, pages of history, Q&As, tactics, strategies, and more. The Shooting Range airs every Sunday at 04:00 PM GMT (noon in Eastern time).

Playlist for the whole series can be found here.

The Shooting Range is meant to be a compilation of various of tips and tricks for the players to use. However, the information presented in the series require experience in gameplay mechanics to understand, so the target audience is definitely for confirmed War Thunder players.


Latest videos

Video Summaries












  • The show aired for the first time on 9 June 2016. Before the series aired, Gaijin released various informative videos online separately.
  • The format of the show consists of 4 sections, 3 of which were from the following categories: War Machines, Metal Beasts, Pages of History, Tactics and strategy, Special, Science of War, Tips and tricks, Challenge, Map Guide or Tank triathlon while the 4th section always is the segment "Hotline".
  • The current show (Shooting Range 2.0) started at episode 130. The main changes compared to the old format (episodes 1-129) are visual (graphics/audio/video quality).
  • Video chapters and timestamp links were added from episode 262.


  • Shawn voiced the show during its first year (episodes 1 to 51), as well as the original Thunder Show.
  • Bruce was the main voice actor of the show from episode 52 to 303.
  • Andrew (New Thunder Show) has voiced episodes 284, 285, 286, 304 and following episodes.

Special episodes