Scouting refers to special traits of certain lightly armoured vehicles, which allows them access to extra abilities. This perk is available only to light tanks of ranks II and above, as well as a select few tank destroyers plus vehicles armed solely with anti-air guided missiles.
[hide]Scout traits
Active Scouting
The first benefit afforded to these vehicles is called Active Scouting. This is an activatable ability that allows the tank to scout enemy positions and relay that information to allied vehicles. This rewards the scout with Research Points and Silver Lions. The key to use Active scouting is, by default, V, and can be changed in controls under the Tank tab, then under Miscellaneous. The mechanic works differently based on gamemode;
- ARCADE - To scout a hostile ground vehicle, target the enemy using the 'Lock Target' keybind—found under Common—and press your Active scouting key. You and your teammates will now be able to see and select the enemies' marker in the world and on the minimap at all times for the next 30 seconds.
- REALISTIC - To scout a hostile ground vehicle, enter your Binoculars, or use your sight (Sniper Mode), and place your crosshair directly atop your target before pressing the Active scouting key. You and your teammates will see a small red arrow above the target that updates periodically, with their location updating on the minimap in tandem, for the next 30 seconds.
Only one player can scout a target at a time, with another scout attempt on an already scouted target only successful once 30 seconds have passed since the previous successful scout. In realistic battle mode, if you use Active scouting while your crosshair is not placed over a hostile ground vehicle, your ability will go on a lengthy cooldown before it can be used again.
Whenever a target you have an active scout on is killed by an ally during the 30 second window, you receive an additional reward of Research Points and Silver Lions, on top of the smaller reward you received for successfully scouting the target. You also receive an additional, in-match bonus for your efforts, based on gamemode. You receive the Intelligence award and the killer receives According to Intelligence award, which can be the requirement for battle tasks.
- ARCADE - You are rewarded with an additional artillery strike and an air strike point. Reward is granted only if the destroyed enemy was not clearly visible to your ally before the scouting or their destruction, or if the attacker is your squadmate.
- REALISTIC - The Spawn Point (SP) cost of all aircraft in your line-up is reduced by 7%. If you have the 'Airstrike' modification, the reduction is 14% instead.
Team Repairs
While any vehicle with the "Parts" modification installed has the ability to help repair allied vehicles, vehicles with the Active scouting capability are more effective in doing so.
- Helping a player who's already repairing
Whenever an allied player is repairing their vehicle, the player will see a white wrench icon inside a timer circle above their tank. Moving your own tank close to the ally and then holding the Tank repair key increases the speed at which that allied vehicle is repaired threefold (compared to twofold with a vehicle without Active scouting capability).
- Helping a player who can't repair
You can also help players who haven't unlocked their "Parts" module yet and therefore can't repair on their own. Tanks in that situation will request help for repair by displaying the white wrench icon alone above their tank. Helping them repair will however last the full duration of the repair time (no sped up repair).
Vehicles with the capability of Active scouting also have access to two unique modifications — the first of which is Airstrike — which grants a different benefit based on the gamemode;
- ARCADE - At all times, players with this modification can join an existing air battle as an Attacker or Bomber, as well as the standard option of spawning a Fighter. Spawning an additional Attacker or Bomber allows the enemy team to spawn one additional Fighter in exchange.
- REALISTIC - Doubles the reward for an ally killing a scouted target from an SP reduction of 7% of all aircraft in your line-up, to a 14% reduction.
There is also a second modification — Improved Optics — which increases the spotting range of the crew. As with Airstrike, this has different effects based on the gamemode;
- ARCADE - Increases the range at which markers will appear for enemy vehicles.
- REALISTIC- Sometimes, your crew will point you in the general direction of an enemy vehicle with a small red arrow on the border of your screen. Increases the range at which this triggers.