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'''The Shooting Range''' is a series of video produced by the War Thunder YouTube Community for the purpose of aiding the player base on certain aspects of the game such as game mechanics, pages of history, Q&A's, tactics, strategies, and more.
'''The Shooting Range''' is a series of video produced by the War Thunder YouTube Community for the purpose of aiding the playerbase on certain aspects of the game such as game mechanics, pages of history, Q&As, tactics, strategies, and more.
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==Video Summaries==
==Video Summaries==
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 1-25}}
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 233-current}}
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4R3iiCmiBQ Episode 1]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WGV2ECr-TA Episode 252]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Tank duels, taking advantage of enemy weaknesses, mobility, and armor sloping.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Tortoise]]
:''Science of War:'' Parallax error in third person view.
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-72 (Family)|T-72]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F4U-1A|F4U Corsair]]
:''Triathlon:'' Hydrofoil boats
:''Hotline:'' Missile accuracy and balancing, huge maps, new German Tier V vehicles, and [[P-40C|P-40B/C]]'s.
:''Hotline:'' how to play with the [[M1A2 Abrams|M1A2]], can you still fly a plane the same when one of the two pilots gets shot, are there any plans for adding or updating top-tier ground forces for Japan, which tank has the longest gun in the game, fastest plane or slowest missile: which would win.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyr_aw3YTe8 Episode 2]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF4m-Y9ITgg Episode 251]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Flying controls with keyboard.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Yak-9B]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[P-61C-1|P-61 Black Widow]] combat overview.
:''Pages of History:'' [[F2G-1|Super Corsair]]
:''Science of War:'' HESH shells in combat.
:''Map Guide:'' [[Berlin (Ground Forces)|Berlin]]
:''Hotline:'' New sounds, the Canal Defense Light (CDL), and the [[Bf 109 Z]].
:''Hotline:'' why don't aircraft of the MiG family have even numbers, can you overpenetrate a tank wreck to kill a tank that is taking cover behind it, how to play the [[IS-6]] effectively, what are the MiG series of planes good at.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBGRGu-o9us Episode 3]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryx7Uxo_3X0 Episode 250]'''
:''Special:'' The First [[:Category:ATGM vehicles|ATGM-Equipped Tanks]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Char 25t]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F2A-1|F2A Buffalo]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tiger H1|Henschel's Tiger]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Port Novorossiysk]]
:''Special:'' [[Damage_mechanics#Overpressure|blast overpressure]] - updated HE rounds
:''Hotline:'' - Naval implementation, smoke launchers, External fuel tanks, the "Grand Slam Bomb" for the [[Lancaster B Mk I|Lancaster]].
:''Hotline:'' why does the [[Breda 88 (P.XI)]] have a bomber sight window but no bomber sight, what is the [[Night_Vision_Devices#Infrared_Spotlights|IR spotlight]] and how to use it, how to get aerobatic smoke for your aircraft.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L04Bp-FkBhA Episode 4]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExA9b4wexHE Episode 249]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[He 219 A-7|Heinkel He 219 UHU]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M.B.175T]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' How To Deal With Spawn Camping
:''Pages of History:'' Sukhoi's firstborn jets, the [[Su-9]] and [[Su-11]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Battle of Hurtgen Forest|Battle of Hürtgen Forest]]
:''Round Study:'' penetrating the [[Ferdinand]]
:''Hotline:'' More British tanks, Focke-Wulf P VII (Flitzer), P59 Airacomet, Russian Bias.
:''Hotline:'' why can't you drop bombs above Mach 1, how can you see your ammo count in air battles, are the skins from WT Live visible to my teammates or enemies, what are the funny-looking wires on the nose of German attackers such as the [[Me 410 B-6/R3]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5YJmEcfLxQ Episode 5]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klTnC5qwPX4 Episode 248]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Dive Bombing
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M3A3 Bradley]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Tiger II (H) Sla.16]]
:''Pages of History:'' birth of the [[Leopard 2 (Family)|Leopard 2]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Frozen Pass]]
:''Triathlon:'' sub top-tier MBTs
:''Hotline:'' Dutch airplanes, adding the PTAB bomb, different sights for tanks, ammo weight, American Bias.
:''Hotline:'' how big a difference is there between different types of ammo used when playing as a fighter aircraft, climbing the ranks with helicopters, what is a good way to deal with both late propeller and early jet fighters in the [[A2D-1]] Skyshark, are there any plans to make HE shells damage the enemy crew like in real life or at least stun them.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuBjkyZT6Yw Episode 6]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCwVACmDQw Episode 247]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[Wellington Mk Ic|Vickers Wellington]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-11]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Using Binoculars
:''Pages of History:'' Boris Kovzan, "Air Ramming Champion"
:''Challenge:'' Hunting aircraft with the [[Calliope|T34 Calliope]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' playing the hills
:''Hotline:'' Britain non-premium ATGM, Machine gun utility, WWII only matches, [[F4U-4B|Later model corsairs]], P-47 Razorback
:''Hotline:'' is there any advantage having a double propeller similar to the [[Seafire FR 47]], how to kill the [[T26E1-1|Super Pershing]] from the front, how do I make my own skin, why is there a crew replenishment modification in 2-man tanks like the [[Shturm-S]] or the [[Khrizantema-S]], how do you play the [[Centurion Mk.5 AVRE|British AVRE]] in the best possible way.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2grV9sYBfE Episode 7]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anAu8xSE-Hs Episode 246]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ki-43-III otsu|Ki-43-III Otsu]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZA-35]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Tunisia]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M13/40 (Family)|M13/40]], the workhorse of the Italian Army
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.50 serie 2|Fiat G.50]]
:''Round Study:'' comparing BR-471 B/D rounds
:''Hotline:'' Italian defection, [[P-51H-5-NA|P-51H]] or P-51K, Tank lights, Bomb bay button, British Bias.
:''Hotline:'' why is the [[Vampire FB 52A|Italian Vampire]] faster, what is the best way to play the F-86F-2, which navy do you recommend first, what is the difference between the AIM-9B and the AIM-9B FGW.2 on the German F-104G, what is a float-controlled carburetor.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPFzWLprS_A Episode 8]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTVTgZh5s74 Episode 245]'''
:''Special:'' Naval Battles
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-5A (China)|F-5A Freedom Fighter]]
:''Pages of History:'' Bulkeley's Devil Boats
:''Pages of History:'' Bruce Carr
:''Pages of History:'' St Nazaire Raid
:''Challenge:'' Auxiliary weapons
:''Hotline:'' Punishing Team-Killers, Night battles, Submarines, [[Update 1.61 "Road to Glory"|Update 1.61]] speed.
:''Hotline:'' how do you fire a 37 mm cannon separately from a 20 mm cannon on a plane, why are the gunners on bombers so bad, why don't jet fighters have cannons over 30 mm calibre, what's the most effective way playing with the [[P40]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYdJqnO5Cs4 Episode 9]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O6saI_fQ2Y Episode 244]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Turning Point
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ikv 91-105]]
:''Special:'' Losing a crew member
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ratel 20]], the South African Badger
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Beaufighter (Family)|The Bristol Beaufighter]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Ash River]]
:''Hotline:'' All-vehicle mode, Canadian vehicles, Kamikaze in Naval Battles, Naval-counter aircraft, Wood chucks.
:''Hotline:'' what's the binocular icon in the lower left corner of the in-battle tank UI, why does the Challenger Mk.2 have a stock APFSDS shell with a better normal penetration than the researchable APFSDS shell, why planes don't like to pull negative Gs and which aircraft can pull the most negative Gs, can you use the nuke in Realistic Battles.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPfgmUwiJMA Episode 10]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyfaQ2Cfg2U Episode 243]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' How to land on an aircraft carrier.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-17M2]]
:''Science of war:'' All things armor
:''Pages of History:'' [[SAAB-105 (Family)|SAAB-105]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-15]]
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Fifth rank helicopters|reserve rank helicopters]]
:''Hotline:'' premium jets, Saab 29 Tunnan.
:''Hotline:'' what is the best tank to research between M60A2, M551 and T95E1, why some ground arcade battles allow more than one bomber or attacker in the air when it is normally limited to one, how to fire AGM missiles, how to create a custom battle to fight a 1-on-1 duel with a friend, can you destroy bombs using guns or cannons.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abvolluBFeM Episode 11]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brTNf5hXVGM Episode 242]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Spin recovery
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Olifant Mk.2]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pr.1124 MLRS]]
:''Pages of History:'' the desert [[Crusader (Family)|Crusader]]
:''Challenge:'' Fighting the Maus with a reserve tank
:''Tactics and strategy:'' urban tank duels
:''Hotline:'' Fokker G.1 and Westland Whirlwind, plane in test drive map for AA training, Avro Vulcan.
:''Hotline:'' how to play the T-55A, why did US pilots dislike the P-39 while Russian pilots loved it, does the Me 262 have underwing rockets, how squadron activity points are received, how to lock the turret in position while driving.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnfxWsXct9E Episode 12]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRRbMZ12LHQ Episode 241]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Flaps
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Re.2005 serie 0]]
:''Science of War:'' [[Damage mechanics|Damage calculation]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pe-8]]
:''Pages of History:'' the [[SBD-3|Douglas SBD Dauntless]]
:''Challenge:'' unguided air-to-air rockets
:''Hotline:'' aerobatics maps, CDK for Mac users, future armored cars.
:''Hotline:'' what is the best playstyle for the Fw 190 series fighters, how to change team and enemy colours, what are good tactics for beginner tankers, how to get hexagonal camouflage for the Ho 229.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Rw863XFGd8 Episode 13]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbEOsa_3iBg Episode 240]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mosquito FB Mk VI]] & [[Mosquito FB Mk XVIII]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Vickers MBT]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Elco 80 ft PT-109]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Chi-Ha (Family)|Chi-Ha]] and [[Chi-He (Family)|Chi-He]]
:''Special:'' A vehicle set for an SP gun enthusiast
:''Map Guide:'' [[Kuban (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' custom test drive missions.
:''Hotline:'' why was the Archer built with a backwards turret, how can you see your replays, what is the difference between inline and radial engines in piston planes and which one is superior, what is the Challenger 2 & (2F) playstyle.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgi1k_ljFYw Episode 14]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRBzLn1se_Y Episode 239]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' A few tips for air battles.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F8F-1B]] Bearcat
:''Wooden Beasts:'' [[8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.|8.8 cm FlaK 37 (sf.) auf s. Zgkw. 18t]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-38]], the first Soviet production VTOL
:''Pages of History:'' [[Kikka]] and [[Me 262 A-1a|Schwalbe]].
:''Triathlon:'' early [[:Category:Jet fighters|jet fighters]]
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Japan ground vehicles|Japanese tanks]], reloading animations, PS VR.
:''Hotline:'' what are some notable features of German bombers, how to play the [[F-104S]], how to get to the mission editor, making a Cobra manoeuvre in an [[A-7D]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8ItFYwulAs Episode 15]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIlUeGLTF7w Episode 238]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Pz.Sfl.Ic|Pz.II H]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZSU-37-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' Japanese aircraft markings.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Panzer_III_(Family)#Vehicles_Based_on_the_Panzer_III_Chassis|StuG III]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Sinai]].
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Assault in Tank Arcade
:''Hotline:'' IAR 80, camouflages for ships, [[F-100D|F-100 Super Sabre]], Gaijin logo.
:''Hotline:'' what is the best way to play the [[T26E1-1|Super Pershing]], why do most jets have spikes on their noses, why did Grunman naval aircraft have "cat" at the end of their name, what are early jets tactics.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ97c_m8G0I Episode 16]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY-M41AUM48 Episode 237]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[BV 238|Blohm und Voss BV-238]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Buccanneer S.2]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F9F-2|F9F Panther]] & [[F9F-8|F-9 Cougar]].
:''Pages of History:'' a new old engine for the [[Fw 190 (Family)|Fw 190]]
:''Special:'' High caliber soviet bias set.
:''Map Guide:'' [[Karelia]]
:''Hotline:'' [[World War|World War mode]], flamethrowers, sound effects.
:''Hotline:'' what is the maximum daily login reward you can receive, how to set the lock-on SAM missiles, how to know which engine is number 1, 2, 3 or 4 when in a bomber, does my aircraft become faster and lighter over time by consuming fuel and wasting ammo, slowest plane vs. fastest ground vehicle.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVqOmM_IrLY Episode 17]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yssg5uKGS-A Episode 236]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Spotting the enemy.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZTZ99]]
:''Science of War:'' G-forces & G-LOC.
:''Pages of History:'' [[M6A1]], the first American heavy
:''Special:'' Earning silver.
:''Triathlon:'' top [[:Category:Battleships|battleships]]
:''Hotline:'' Pilot models, Golden Eagles transfer, user skins in PS4.
:''Hotline:'' which Ju 87 have the Stuka siren, what is the playstyle of each nation and which to pick a a new player, what is the gameplay style of the early P-51, what is the best early US jet, what is your favourite weird SPG.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtCKzvbLfNg Episode 18]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J6c4D5MVRg Episode 235]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M163|M163 VADS]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A-7D]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Fw 190 A-1|Focke-Wulf 190A]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[A.109EOA-2]]
:''Challenge:'' Tank bowling.
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Boom & Zoom|Boom and Zoom]]
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Italy aircraft|Italian aircraft tree]], lobby system for map choosing, Xbox One support.
:''Hotline:'' why most Soviet tanks have bad gun depression, which is the best heavy fighter to dogfight single-engine fighters, tips on how not to lose SL and end up grinding low ranks, what is the most effective way to lose speed when trying to land with VTOL aircraft.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJO2sLI_jwU Episode 19]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XaRwE1dsmQ Episode 234]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[Boomerang Mk I (Great Britain)|CAC Boomerang]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[VFM5]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Finding angles for angling.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Chieftain (Family)|Chieftain]], the Centurion's successor
:''Special:'' Best aircraft for SB.
:''Map Guide:'' [[Sinai]]
:''Hotline:'' B-26 Marauder, multi-crewed planes controlled by more than one player.
:''Hotline:'' how to change the color of the aerobatics smoke, are there airborne anti-ship missiles in the game, where to find the controls for guided bombs like the Fritz X.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xklKT8qdvPo Episode 20]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aM7hS-ciYY Episode 233]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ki-87|Nakajima Ki-87]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SK60B]]
:''Special:'' The size of a tank crew.
:''Pages of History:'' The birth of the [[Harrier (Family)|Harrier]]
:''Challenge:'' Bringing a torpedo to a tank fight.
:''Triathlon:'' Top piston engine [[:Category:Fighters|fighters]]
:''Hotline:'' Jet flame visual effect, sights for SPAAs, Boulton Paul Defiant.
:''Hotline:'' how to set up wheel brakes for an aircraft when landing, what are the differences between the T-80U and the T-90A, which aircraft has the highest climb rate, what are the tactics and strategy for using early helicopters equipped with only unguided weapons and no ATGM.
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 181-232}}
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1niD5IkZuLM Episode 232]'''
:''Metal Beasts 2020:'' landmark vehicles added to the game.
:''War Thunder in 2020:'' game features introduced or improved.
:''The weapons and ammo of 2020:'' new weapons introduced.
:''Locations 2020:'' maps added this year.
:''Hotline:'' which manoeuvres you should use whe there's an enemy fighter behind you, how star shells work, what is the best non-premium German fighter at low BR, what is the purpose of the red paint of the submerged bottom part of ships, what is your favourite Swedish jet.  
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skBaXa4lQUM Episode 21]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmL0qG0bB4 Episode 231]'''
:''Special:'' The start of the naval pre-beta test.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-90A]]
:''Special:'' Our fleet... so far!
:''Pages of History:'' [[ARL-44]]
:''Pages of History:'' Exercise Tiger.
:''Challenge:'' Toss bombing
:''Hotline:'' How does the CBT work?, Participating in the CBT after purchasing a pre-order pack, pre-order pack vessel receiving, PS4 support.
:''Hotline:'' where do you send questions for the Hotline, which Phantom is the best in the game, how do you play the US T34 heavy tank, how does a VTOL plane land and hover like a helicopter, why did the later models of the Fw 190 stop using radial engines.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8NJyFROYqY Episode 22]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z0ihOEb1tw Episode 230]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M4A5|RAM Mk.II (M4A5)]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Harrier GR.1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[TB-3M-17-32|TB-3]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[Bf 109 (Family)|Bf 109]] in Swiss service
:''Special:'' [[Leopard A1A1|The best top tier tank]].
:''Tactics and strategy:'' dogfights on [[:Category:Sixth_rank_aircraft|top jets]]
:''Hotline:'' [[F6F-5N]], [[Pr.1124 MLRS|Project 1124]] rockets, depth charges.
:''Hotline:'' how to configure the VTOL controls, why ammo can still explode even when it doesn't have explosive filler, smoke shells vs. smoke grenades, comparison of the T-72AV (TURMS-T) and the XM-1 (GM), why does the nose cone of some aircraft have spirals painted on them.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9KdgbSzla8 Episode 23]'''
:''Special:'' A set for a Japanese ace.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T29|Heavy tank T29]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tempest Mk II]] and its engine.
:''Hotline:'' naval forces release date, parasite fighters, [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French tanks]], [[:Category:Tank machine guns|tank machine guns]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEKOxO9Gn7E Episode 24]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zesNf8kYsKg Episode 229]'''
:''Special:'' Playing the World War Mode!
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2A6]]
:''Special:'' The Japanese are rolling out!
:''Pages of History:'' [[Sturer Emil]]
:''Pages of History:'' Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident.
:''Map Guide:'' [[Abandoned Factory (Ground Forces)|Abandoned Factory]]
:''Hotline:'' more detailed plane damage model.
:''Hotline:'' why the body of Mil helicopters is constructed at an angle, how to change the height of the sight on the [[Strv 122B PLSS]], how to switch to bomb tracking view, why planes are painted black on the nose, why there is a nuke in the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt6JJt5uYgs Episode 228]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-21bis]]
:''Pages of History:'' Old 666
:''Triathlon:'' reserve [[:Category:Destroyers|destroyers]]
:''Hotline:'' how to use the M60 effectively, ricochet table for tank rounds explained, how to turn off the flight instructor without using full real controls, why the bottom half of big ships is coloured red, which modern MBT is most fun to play.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxkPq8ICn3Y Episode 25]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1PfKRvLTVs Episode 227]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[A-20G-25|Douglas A-20 Havoc]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SMS Helgoland]]
:''Special:'' Nose Art
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-80 (Family)]]
:''Challenge:'' Skip Bombing
:''Special:'' capturing points on a [[VTOL]] aircraft
:''Hotline:'' Performances in old computers, bomber cockpit details, Naval closed beta test, and happy holidays!
:''Hotline:'' is the Su-7B or BKL worth the grind for ground battles or is the MiG-21SMT better, how to join a Dev server, what is the lowest BR jet fighter in-game, what is the best way to play the Kingcobra, what does the little grey circle represent in the bombsight view.
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 26-76}}
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'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jmSoAvIsv4 Episode 26]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chi-Ri II]]
:''Pages of History:'' 18th of August, 1919
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ta 154 A-1|Focke-Wulf Ta 154]]
:''Hotline:'' Time cursor in replay, ram kills, Japanese crew names, and first year experience.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_3vuywdr5E Episode 27]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1G4iGba5MA Episode 226]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 60 SPRG (C)|Type 60]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M47 (105/55)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-43-I|Ki-43]] & Itokawa Hideo
:''Pages of History:'' the crazy battle of USS Lexington
:''Map Guide:'' [[Korea (Ground Forces)|38th Parallel]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' [[:Category:Game_modes#Arcade_Battles|Assault air arcade]]
:''Hotline:'' Sound rework, plane ramming damage effect, and [[World War|World War mode]].
:''Hotline:'' why are some jet engines angled downwards like the Jaguar or the Phantom, what is the plane with the biggest number of bombs, why do WW2 tanks have 5 crew members sitting apart while Cold war tanks have 4 crew members sitting close to one another, which MBT has the fastest reload, how do you use the Bullpup ATGM on an aircraft.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDvzWT2BSg4 Episode 28]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnopLjce42E Episode 225]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Object 906]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-6]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Su-2 MV-5|Sukhoi Su-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Nb.Fz.]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Abandoned Factory (Ground_Forces)|Abandoned Factory]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Advance to the Rhine]]
:''Hotline:'' Hydropneumatic suspension, ToG II, and 1/2 year anniversary of Shooting Range.
:''Hotline:'' what is the best way to play the T-35, why did allied planes have stripes on their wings, what is the best German ground attacker.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2Eyz6Lwgg8 Episode 29]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJLUJNFD1Nw Episode 224]'''
:''Special:'' RAAF Aircraft Set
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[TAM 2C]]
:''Special:'' Soviet Tank Camouflage
:''Pages of History:'' hunting the [[Bf 109 F-4|Friedrich]]
:''Challenge:'' Shooting at a Plane From the Other Side of the Map.
:''Triathlon:'' comparing [[:Category:Medium_tanks|early MBTs]]
:''Hotline:'' Sonic booms, French armour, Churchill AVRE, and sushi.
:''Hotline:'' what is the best way to use the FV4005, how does battle cruise control work for ATGM vehicles, how to use "schräge Musik", how to change the font size of the User Interface (UI).
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTibyCaPA9Y Episode 30]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJNmzteLOk8 Episode 223]'''
:''Special:'' "Convoy"
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lightning F.6]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MZ1]] & the [[MPK Pr.122bis|Project 122bis]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[:Template:USA heavy tanks|USA heavy tanks]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hudson Mk V (Great Britain)|Lockheed Super Electra/Hudson]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Guide to manual engine controls|Manual engine controls]]
:''Hotline:'' Japanese heavy tank, future of Japanese ground forces, PS VR support, and over-powered terrain.
:''Hotline:'' how to use the QF 3.7 Ram and the VFW in battle, which tanks have suspension controls, difference between fighters and interceptors, what is the purpose of the new game mechanic "LWR / laser warning receiver".
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8LVKOlnQdE Episode 31]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoZLyWJ5lRw Episode 222]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Working in Tandem
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv 104]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[He 100 D-1|Heinkel He 100]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[H6K4|boats]] and [[B-17E|fortresses]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Independent|Vickers A1E1 Independent]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Poland (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' Armoured cars, new Chieftain, meaning of "bis", and a face reveal.
:''Hotline:'' how to lock a target, bushes in Arcade battles, which game mode is used by the Shooting Range, gun stabilizer on low-rank vehicles, slowest reload rate in-game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzBqa1PSpno Episode 32]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNA65Ms4gwY Episode 221]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Working in Tandem II
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jaguar A]]
:''Special:'' The Best Medium Tank at Around BR 5.0
:''Pages of History:'' the story of two competing aces
:''Special:'' Soviet Modifications
:''Triathlon:'' comparing medium tier [[:Category:Anti-aircraft_vehicles|SPAAGs]]
:''Hotline:'' More tank skins, Free non-Rank I premium vehicle, [[Ka-Mi]] amphibious capabilities, and War Thunder mechanics.
:''Hotline:'' what the device on the back of the T-80U's turret is for, why the movie settings is not recommended for gameplay, why you can't take the Pe-8 as your first aircraft in Sim battles, what is the best strategy to play P-47D-25 or D-28.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R9OL0Hf-yw Episode 33]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpCq7QDEjBk Episode 220]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Gepard|Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chi-Ha LG]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SB 2M-100|SB-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Panzer III (Family)]]
:''Special:'' User-made Camouflages
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Template:Naval mines|Naval mines]]
:''Hotline:'' Reporting process, skip bombing, [[:Category:Japan ground vehicles|Japanese tanks]], and game experience.
:''Hotline:'' how to play the M46, how to know which bombs will drop first: weapon selector, best rank IV and V German vehicles, most versatile piston fighter in-game, manual engine controls.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1S7jHyFxdA Episode 34]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gSNZiirWEI Episode 219]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Fighting More Maneuverable Enemies
:''Metal Beasts:'' {{Specs-Link|us_merkava_mk_3d|short}}
:''Pages of History:'' [[Panther D|Pz.Kpfw.V Panther]]
:''Pages of History:'' how the Swedish engineers changed their engines mid-flight, the [[J21 (Family)]]
:''Challenge:'' Fighting AA Guns on Their Turf
:''Map Guide:'' [[Normandy (Ground Forces)|Normandy]]
:''Hotline:'' More RB maps, O-I heavy tank, sandbag armour, and BR change satisfaction.
:''Hotline:'' how to play the Ju 87 G1/G2, how to display info like ammo count and engine temperature in Realistic Air Battles, why AIM-7 Sparrow missiles sometimes fail to track their target and slef-destruct, comparison between P-51H-5-NA and Spitfire F Mk 24, how to play Soviet vehicles with little or no gun depression.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoK9_NmswCo Episode 35]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llVOukVt1A4 Episode 218]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' [[T26E1-1|Super Pershing]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[BI]]
:''Pages of History:'' Women Pilots
:''Pages of History:'' the Trophy T-34s
:''Special:'' User-made Camouflages II
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:ATGM vehicles|ATGM carriers]]
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian armour]], engineer vehicles, radars, and the Kugelpanzer.
:''Hotline:'' how to perform a Cobra manoeuvre, role of barrage balloons, tutorial for ASU-57, best Soviet rank 4 plane, how to use the weapon selector in aircraft.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owYlJZ4LgyA Episode 36]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj5yjwMfmAM Episode 217]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[:Category:Twin-engine_fighters|Heavy Fighters]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Somua SM]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[T29]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Swedish engineering miracle
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ju 87 B-2|Ju.87 Stuka]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' defense maneuvers in air duels
:''Hotline:'' Professional Esports, mobile release, and test ranges.
:''Hotline:'' how radar-homing missiles work, does a shell lose penetration when shooting through a wall, best way to play British 6.7 tanks, how to play the P-38 Lightning, best rank IV or V US tank.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6PVSequHlM Episode 37]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srKv5v9zoGA Episode 216]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' [[IS-6]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-72B3]]
:''Special:'' [[Gun stabilizer|Gun Stabilizers]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F11F-1]] Tiger
:''Map Guide:'' Guiana Highlands
:''Special:'' Volumetric rounds
:''Hotline:'' Single-player missions, British APHE, 3D modeling references, and the P1000 Ratte.
:''Hotline:'' how to play the P-61C-1 in battles, difference between 0 seconds fuze and assaut fuze, how to prevent your plane from going back to horizontal flight path when switching to rear gunner view, what to do if you have very few Silver Lions {{SL}}, how to tell if your tank can [[:Category:Amphibious ground vehicles|swim or not]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TcbJLHJ6sA Episode 38 (April Fool's)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-RnfEaO0ns Episode 215]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' XF5U-1
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-13-M24]]
:''Pages of History:'' Eisen Kaputt
:''Pages of History:'' [[Grant I (Great Britain)|M3 Grant]]
:''Metal beasts:'' Project Bigfoot
:''Map Guide:'' [[Jungle]]
:''Hotline:'' Submarines, World War I vehicles, flying tanks, and Lowes.
:''Hotline:'' best way to use the Churchill Mk VII, why there are 2 pilots in the F-82E, best way to use heavy bombers in GF RB, tips and tricks for a player new to rank 5.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8iCEAEtszE Episode 39]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpp-GqXiaKg Episode 214]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[N1K1-Ja|N1K1-Ja Shiden]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mirage IIIC]]
:''Special:'' How do Tanks Steer
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-61C-1|P-61 Black Widow]]
:''Special:'' The Weirdest British Vehicles
:''Air Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Biplanes|Biplanes]]
:''Hotline:'' Hull machine gun, armoured trains, and tank smokes.
:''Hotline:'' which gun has the fastest rate of fire in-game, why fires on Japanese planes can't be put out, which British plane has the highest speed, Can the fastest plane catch the slowest missile, Which tanks for Realistic Battles.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE4wTuJbe2I Episode 40]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDqhppOWjc4 Episode 213]'''
:''Special:'' [[:Category:Game modes#Arcade Battles|Air Assault]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M48 Super]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Sturmpanzer II]]
:''Pages of History:'' Drone Day
:''Pages of History:'' [[Gladiator Mk II|Gloster Gladiator]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Air duels: attacker's position
:''Hotline:'' Tanker profile pictures, Fairey Gannet, ramming ships.
:''Hotline:'' in-game planes flying Mach 2.0 and above, which rank 3 British tanks research first, getting more SL in a squad, how to use the ballistic computer, slowest in-game tank and plane.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNDrBysixQM Episode 41]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oVIzdap51E Episode 212]'''
:''Special:'' [[Gun stabilizer|Stabilized Shermans]]
:''Special:'' Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Fw 190 D-13]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ta 152 H-1]]
:''Special:'' User-made Camouflages III
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Seventh rank helicopters|Top helicopters]]
:''Hotline:'' More AF maps, replay system, ground assault, Thunder League.
:''Hotline:'' what happens to the daily rewards if you don't log in everyday, how to play the Hs.129, what planes can be used in naval RB, how to play the Bf 109, purpose of the red and white stripes on the deck of Italian ships.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMCGzhRFKzc Episode 42]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9qfGHj1YcI Episode 211]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Flying with a Single Flap
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-7B]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Churchill Mk III|Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) Churchill]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F-104 (Family)|F-104 Starfighter]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-3T]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Eastern Europe (Ground Forces)]]
:''Hotline:'' Destroyers & cruisers, Soviet Rank II stabilization, [[Type 60 ATM]] issue, and pancakes.
:''Hotline:'' who was Marge, the woman pictured on Richard Bong's P-38J-15, which German CAS planes fly in tank realistic battles, what are the advantages of a propeller fighter compared to a jet engine fighter, which plane car carry most guns, best ground vehicle for drifting.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s517bjhkxzk Episode 43]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgBE-namY8E Episode 210]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' A Gentleman's Guide to Winning
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-32]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-61-I ko|Ki-61]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Beaufighter (Family)|Beaufighter]]
:''Special:'' User-made Missions II
:''Challenge:'' Destroying missiles with tanks cannons
:''Hotline:'' VE Day, bomber gunner FPS, cruisers & destroyers, international tree, did you read this?
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Destroying missiles normally
:''Hotline:'' how to use orders in-game, why some US planes have glossy camouflage, destroying a plane with a falling bomb, best rank 2 US fighter plane.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXxfEpltseI Episode 44]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr-1BHTvokk Episode 209]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' P-63A-5 Kingcobra
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-69 II G]]
:''Special:'' [tss.warthunder.com]
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-50]]
:''Special:'' User-made Missions III
:''Air Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Jet fighters|Top-tier fighter jets]]
:''Hotline:'' Program language, underdog trees, assault mode difficulty, robbery, stupid questions.
:''Hotline:'' why the NS-23 cannons on the IL-10 have less penetration than the VYa-23 cannons on IL-2s, which US ground vehicles play to grind the American tech tree, self-sealing tanks work, how to play with the T95, how to grind faster to reach top-tier jets?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQs0VuHMaFA Episode 45]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmLZDtH7FpU Episode 208]'''
:''Special:'' Introducing the [[:Category:Italy aircraft|Italian Aviation]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F3H-2]] Demon
:''Pages of History:'' [[CR.32]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M4A3E2]] Jumbo
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.55S]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Playing on torpedo boats
:''Hotline:'' Model creation, X-ray cam for planes, airfield loadout changes, most played song.
:''Hotline:'' best way to make silver lions and earn research points, tips and tricks for air-to-ground missiles, mid-air collision between a tank and a jet aircraft, adding a tank from the future, Worl War season 3.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k15BSV4Xx9w Episode 46]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq7zctbs7t8 Episode 207]'''
:''Special:'' [[Update 1.69 "Regia Aeronautica"|Update 1.69]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IL-2 M-82]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[T-55A]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Battle of the Chinese Farm]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.91 R/1|G.91]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Surviving on a fighter
:''Hotline:'' All-vehicle events, bomber repairs, spoiling the community, human writer.
:''Hotline:'' tow cables and helicopters, damaging a jet engine by shooting through the air intake, angling armor, best German ground vehicle, destroying an helicopter by ramming it.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifSt7zyLw8o Episode 47]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z09VhocmW04 Episode 206]'''
:''Special:'' How to Flak
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M60 AMBT]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[BM-13N|BM-13N "Katyusha"]]
:''Pages of Alternative History:'' [[Battle for the Fulda Gap]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hunter F 1|Hawker Hunter]]
:''[[World War]]:'' [[Season: Road to the West|Season 3]]
:''Hotline:'' Rank 5 smoke, multinational tree, Italian white flag, I like trains.
:''Hotline:'' how vehicle sounds are recorded, Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P, are points curtailed when leaving a game early? playing as kamikaze, best climb rate among Soviet WW2 planes, FPS improvement with next-gen consoles.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrqqMtZin1U Episode 48]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPdcryL47sk Episode 205]'''
:''Special:'' A Gentleman's Guide to Winning II
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Scimitar F Mk.1]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[P.108A serie 2|P.108A]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Jagdpanzer 38(t)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-10-I|Ki-10]]
:''Challenge:'' Jumping as high as possible with the [[Type 93]]
:''Hotline:'' Ammo weight, naval forces, office tour, French tree.
:''Hotline:'' guests on the Shooting Range, new secondary weapon selection menu, books of records for planes, "Nice shot!" voice order, how flares work in-game, new sound design.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwbexTKZA-A Episode 49]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcIeR_s6fp8 Episode 204]'''
:''Special:'' [[World War]] Q&A
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strf 9056]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[KV-1S]]
:''Pages of History:'' how Germany managed to create [[Tiger I (Family)|2 Tigers]] at the same time
:''Pages of History:'' [[C.205 serie 1|MC.205V]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' radars
:''Hotline:'' Pilot models, sniper rifles, [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian tanks]], 2-OP [[Po-2|PO-2]], 1 year anniversary.
:''Hotline:'' multifunction menu for console players, rangefinders before the introduction of laser rangefinders, Japanese propeller plane with the best climb rate, full circle Cobra manoeuvre, killing tanks with WW2 rockets, British jet fighter Scimitar.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8ui6TcGq5Q Episode 50]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5cw-_dXhFE Episode 203]'''
:''Special:'' War Thunder Veterans Club
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[HSTV-L]]
:''Hotline:'' Special Q&A with Kirill Yudintsev, Creative Director of Gaijin Entertainment.
:''Pages of History:'' Her Majesty's Red Army Men
:''Tactics and strategy:'' high-precision weapons
:''Hotline:'' why it is not possible to view replays from older versions, presets for keybinds, Italian armour, modeling your own tank with the CDK.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxIVvUZGptw Episode 51]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAA4S31Hbhw Episode 202]'''
:''Special:'' [[B-29A-BN|B-29]] & [[Tu-4]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-104A|F-104 Starfighter]]
:''Pages of History:'' Churchill Mk.III-VII
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mirage IIIC]]
:''Pages of History:'' The [[Tu-2]] and Polikarpov
:''Special:'' meet the glorious [[:Category:Italy ships|Italian fleet]]
:''Hotline:'' 4 questions, French error, smoke round lethality, Deus Vult.
:''Hotline:'' Shooting Range intro, ammo rack detonation for AP shots, dive bombing at the speed of sound, what determines the color of NVD sights?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60IVWW1_Flw Episode 52]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX9xsllAqfY Episode 201]'''
:''Special:'' A Gentleman's Guide to Winning III
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Rooikat 105]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[M60A2|152mm Gun Tank M60A2 <<Starship>>]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[KV-1 (L-11)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[PBY-5 Catalina|Consolidated PBY Catalina]]
:''Naval Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Heavy cruisers|Heavy cruisers]]
:''Hotline:'' British vs Royal Army, handling real tanks, Italian jets, the [[M41A1|M41 Walker Bulldog]], and camouflage on PT boats.
:''Hotline:'' why MGs on tanks and airplanes sound different, thrust vector jets, climbing the ranks with French planes, 200th episode.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW9Gjrax8Zg Episode 53]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mhSXtNN9Ko Episode 200 (Shooting Range 2.1)]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Fletcher-class DD.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ka-52]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Bf 110 C-7|Bf 110]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SB2C-1c|Curtiss SB2C Helldiver]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[D3A1|Aichi D3A]]
:''Challenge:'' Performing the Cobra
:''Hotline:'' Terrain effect on tanks, artillery vehicles, Blenheims, and bargaining.
:''Hotline:'' impact of Covid on Gaijin's work, banning maps in a squad of premium users, killing an enemy with smoke grenades or shells, autorotation for helicopters when losing the engine, guns with the best elevation.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO1p-dpJOa8 Episode 54]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_bJWbpQuMg Episode 199]'''
:''Special:'' Playing the [[:Category:World War|World War]] mode.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv 74]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[IJN Yugumo]]
:''Pages of History:'' Pearl Harbor 2
:''Pages of History:'' German Half-Tracks
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Using the MBT
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian ground forces]], dead bomber mates, Esports, and show name origin.
:''Hotline:'' how to aim with the MiG-15bis, hitting a torpedo with another torpedo, how to control the multiple engines of an aircraft separately.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xWIrlYSr4 Episode 55]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWT-ETcU_No Episode 198]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Ru 251|Spähpanzer Ru 251]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-4E Phantom II]] & [[F-4EJ Phantom II]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-39 (Family)|Bell P-39 Airacobra]]
:''Pages of History:'' Mysterious kinship
:''Challenge:'' Racing on a Jet Bomber
:''Tips and tricks:'' bombing in mixed battles
:''Hotline:'' [[B-29A-BN|B-29]] nuclear armament, bigger ships, and Gaijin's name in Japanese.
:''Hotline:'' YT channels to learn how to land on a carrier, new voice orders, turning off the helicopter turbine engine, boom and zoom, blood effects.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiEXsMxd5rc Episode 56]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIPHzv54GQw Episode 197]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Crash Course: [[:Category:Italy aircraft|Italian Planes]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[CV 90120]]
:''Pages of History:'' The low profile of the [[T-44]]
:''Pages of History:'' Saburo Sakai, 1 vs 15
:''Pages of History:'' [[Swordfish Mk I|Swordfish]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' mid-tier medium tanks
:''Hotline:'' Long-range bombers for Germany, Ilyushin IL-40, Zeppelins, Shenanigans!
:''Hotline:'' using the landing flaps to land faster, killing a top tier MBT with a reserve tank, the tank with the slowest turret traverse speed
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1DTj5x40CY Episode 57]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIgoj8bT0H4 Episode 196]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[YaG-10 (29-K)|29-K]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A-4B]]
:''Special:'' Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.
:''Pages of History:'' the last voyage of HMS Edinburgh
:''Pages of History:'' The two turrets of the "[[Tiger II (P)|King Tiger]]"
:''Challenge:'' Landing the biggest possible plane on an aircraft carrier
:''Hotline:'' Fairey Gannet, AI planes in test flights, More wheeled tanks, Stalinium.
:''Hotline:'' most armored light tank in each tier, music of the show, timecodes for specific sections of the episode, multifunction menu
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7EikSPup3Q Episode 58]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNfRQMZUMQg Episode 195]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' MTB vs Destroyer
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[J35D]]
:''Pages of History:'' The 3rd of November, 1943
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ho 229 V3|Ho 229]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Sd.Kfz.234/4]]
:''Tank Triathlon:'' Wheels versus caterpillars
:''Hotline:'' More British planes, submarines, aircraft carriers; events against the dev team, super saian modes
:''Hotline:'' damaged from the backblast of a recoilless rifle, how to activate X-ray mode during battle (damaged modules overview), largest aircraft you can land on a carrier, running WT on minimal specs
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh8JUqody5g Episode 59]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcvwEs84aTs Episode 194]'''
:''Pages of History:'' The Soviet Shermans
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AML-90]]
:''Special:'' User-made Missions
:''Pages of History:'' [[Strv m/42 EH|Strv m/42]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-43A-1|P-43A-1 Lancer]]
:''Challenge:'' climbing up some hills
:''Hotline:'' Horton 18, armoured cars, [[KV-2 (1939)|KV-2]] reloads, combined arms game mode.
:''Hotline:'' customizable HUD, social distancing, multifunction menu, tutorials for newly introduced technology, working remotely during the quarantine
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fphmndESyNU Episode 60]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZRl4RvDmbE Episode 193]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Ki-94-II]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv 122]]
:''Special:'' [[:Category:Sixth rank ground vehicles|Rank 6 Armoured Vehicles]]
:''Pages of History:'' battle of Sunda Strait
:''Pages of History:'' [[J7W1]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' assault ground arcade
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Sixth rank aircraft|Rank VI aircraft]], mixed RB maps, [[Update 1.71 "New E.R.A."|1.71]] update release, Quidditch gamemode
:''Hotline:'' the effect of modern missiles on gameplay, copyrighted music for the show, how to use mortars on ships, Gaijin's priorities, full barrel roll in a tank
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyD1M_Mi-dw Episode 61]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Gfl_N4JV8 Episode 192]'''
:''Special:'' Preparing for the new tanks
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-72B]]
:''Pages of History:'' Richard P. Stevens
:''Pages of History:'' the first Swedish tanks
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-1]]
:''Special:'' new [[Update 1.97 "Viking Fury"#Interface|multifunction menu]]
:''Hotline:'' Rank VI tanks for nations, free-to-play game, [[A-36]] HVAR rockets, host's name.
:''Hotline:'' which game modes are best suited for new players, custom loadout vs. preset loadout, fuel options for ground vehicles
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-bdhpFsonU Episode 62]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl68kOR9ig Episode 191]'''
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Object 120|Object 120 "Taran"]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv m/31]]
:''Special:'' The [[Update 1.71 "New E.R.A."|Update 1.71]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Lightning F.6]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Emperors Garden Map|Emperor's Garden]] & [[Fulda Gap]]
:''Map:'' Sweden
:''Hotline:'' Number of players per team, B-36 bomber, US [[M8 Greyhound|M8 Greyhound]] armoured car, fps limit.
:''Hotline:'' vehicle with the most polygons in the game, find out if your shot will penetrate with the Protection Analysis feature, bomber carrying the biggest explosive mass in WT, infantry not coming to the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKeFUWKudoY Episode 63]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-YJo8JRBEM Episode 190]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[Leopard I|Leopard]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IS-3]]
:''War Machines:'' [[BMP-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' Focused specialists vs universals, a comparison of tank design in Britain and Germany during WW2
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hornet Mk.III|Hornet]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' High-explosive rounds
:''Hotline:'' AP vs HE bombs, Rank VI naval forces, Tank single missions, 5 million GE.
:''Hotline:'' BR decompression past 10.3, how tanks are modeled for the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbqozTGrra8 Episode 64]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE4ZiqG-7xw Episode 189]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[T114]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[G-LYNX|G-Lynx]]
:''Pages of History:'' Heinz Knoke
:''Pages of History:'' Tokyo Express, how Japan used destroyers as resupply ships
:''Special:'' Wagers
:''Tips and tricks:'' aircraft rockets
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Cold War Matchmaking, Calculations per second, Easter eggs.
:''Hotline:'' choosing target tanks in test drive, why fuel tanks were placed next to the driver in modern tanks, damage model of commander optics, fastest Soviet ground vehicle, how answered YT comments are selected
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI8p0KZbcG0 Episode 65]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSxjrQWwEbE Episode 188]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-64A (1971)|T-64]] (and Soviet MBT development)
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Albatros-Klasse (143)|Albatros]]
:''War Machines:'' [[Do 335 B-2|Do.335B-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' George Beurling, Canadian ace pilot in Malta (Part 2)
:''Pages of History:'' [[A5M4|Mitsubishi A5M]]
:''Challenge:'' capturing points on a helicopter
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[MiG-19PT|MiG-19]], More WW2 Vehicles, More air bombing targets.
:''Hotline:'' the tank that was most difficult to model, cannon barrel collision with the environment, which in-game vehicle is the closest to its present day version, how to control air-to-ground missiles in RB GF
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSqlxUQsl50 Episode 66]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyRkpUAoH5k Episode 187]'''
:''Special:'' The [[:Category:France aircraft|French]] are coming!
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-44]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[D.371]]
:''Pages of History:'' George Frederick "Screwball" Beurling (Part 1)
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.O.8000 Narval]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' Urban battles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, M-51 Super Sherman, Panzer 2 L "Luchs", Custom Tanks.
:''Hotline:'' tanks with fastest reverse speed
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J43vCE-Fo30 Episode 67]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCO0chq-xcw Episode 186]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[He 100 D-1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jagdpanther]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[C.R.714|Caudron CR.714]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Re.2001 serie 1|Re.2001]]
:''Special:'' New Battle Ratings
:''Challenge:'' Planes racing against ATGMs
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French Tanks]], Sweedish Tech Tree, [[:Category:Sixth rank aircraft|Rank 6 Aircraft]].
:''Hotline:'' Swedish ground tree, how to put out a fire on a plane, how to turn off a helicopter engine
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZtvfyAsmM4 Episode 68]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQjxB7WRaJg Episode 185]'''
:''Pages of History:'' Ferdinand Porsche
:''World War:'' [[Season: Attack from the Sea|Attack from the sea]]
:''Pages of History:'' Porsche's projects during WW2
:''Pages of History:'' [[AD-4|Douglas Skyraider]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Maus]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' Fighting tanks on [[:Category:Anti-aircraft vehicles|SPAAs]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, A-10 Warthog, Ju-287, French Decals, War thunder on Xbox One.
:''Hotline:'' sliding bar for fuel options, upcoming plans for naval battles, how answered comments are selected, ammo racks detonation explained
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=val2qd1RsNY Episode 69]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq9qHd_TCgk Episode 184]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[D.371 H.S.9]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Admiral Graf Spee]]
:''Special:'' [[:Category:France aircraft|French Planes]]
:''Pages of History:'' American tank diet: post-war US tank projects T41, T42 and T43
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.O.4050 Vautour IIA|S.O.4050 Vautour II]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Using your [[SPAA radars]] efficiently
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, IFVs and Scout Vehicles, [[Helicopters|Attack Helicopters]], Is it boring to read the comments, Where is footage from.
:''Hotline:'' searchlights for ships, fastest biplane in the game, WW1 tanks
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXaIKX58Rd4 Episode 70]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yUrv5UsiXU Episode 183]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[S.O.4050 Vautour IIA]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[J32B]]
:''Special:'' [[VB.10-02]] vs. [[P-47N-15]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[G4M1|Mitsubishi G4M Betty]], the "Flying Lighter"
:''Pages of History:'' [[M.D.450B Ouragan|Dassault MD.450B Ouragan]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Climbing in air battles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Tier 6 Japanese Tanks, Sturmtiger, Object 279.
:''Hotline:'' discount sales of premium vehicles, effect of a full fuel tank on your plane performance, are in-game bots named after War Thunder devs and team?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-EazLEFaFg Episode 71]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wx-xUnIqyI Episode 182]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[N.C.223.3]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SAV 20.12.48]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[A-35B (France)|Vultee A-35]]
:''Pages of History:'' Hans Hahn, the fall of a German ace pilot
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[P40 "G.C. Leoncello"|Fiat P40 "Leoncello"]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' how to sink heavy cruisers
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, More heavy bombers, B-26, Lowe.
:''Hotline:'' different sparkles for different ammo, how to use rockets on a plane, graphics card used to record the show, fastest piston engine aircraft in the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqLe-I0FRwQ Episode 72]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1QGN0ge4C8 Episode 181]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[S.O.8000 Narval]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-21SMT]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' history of the Swedish aviation industry
:''Pages of History:'' [[V.G.33C-1|Arsenal VG.33]]
:''Map:'' New Zealand Cape
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French Tanks]], BA-3 & BA-6, KV-6.
:''Hotline:'' crushing vehicles with heavy tanks, formation lights for convoy night travel, damage from kamikaze attacks, tank fighting capability with only 1 remaining crew member
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 129-180}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxTPgXg6EY Episode 180 "2019 in review"]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' Metal Beasts of 2019
:''Tactics and strategy:'' War Thunder in 2019, game features introduced or improved.
:''Map:'' Maps of 2019
:''Hotline:'' does the graphics update profit every platform? how to climb faster in a plane, backblast of a recoilless rifle
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ0XIBPcF4E Episode 73]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoprhFB5S7I Episode 179]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Begleitpanzer 57]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Rooikat Mk.1D]]
:''Pages of History:'' Forward Swept Wings
:''Pages of History:'' [[Strv 103-0|Strv 103]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-3]] and the Nomandie-Niemen Regiment
:''Special:'' the big graphics engine changes in [[Update 1.95]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, cross platform gaming, [[He 177 A-5|He-177]], Replays.
:''Hotline:'' HDR in-game, operation the Strv 103 with only 1 crew member left, operation F.R.O.S.T.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1e7dEJigJQ Episode 74]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqLoa0NIpzE Episode 178]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Waffentrager|Waffenträger]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M56]] Scorpion
:''Pages of History:'' [[B1 bis|Char B1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[J2M2|Mitsubishi J2M Raiden]]
:''Pages of History:'' That mimic Hurriton
:''Tank triathlon:'' deadly tractors, comparison of half-tracks and trucks equipped with guns
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, History of the [[Vampire FB 5|Vampire FB.5]], More [[He 162 A-2|He-162]] versions, Blackburn Buccaneer.
:''Hotline:'' easiest way to earn Silver Lions, can 2 shots collide mid-air? learning armor values on tanks
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woJWg8E03HM Episode 75]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTqPFjW2K-o Episode 177]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[B1 ter]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chi-Nu II]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[B1 bis|Char B1 bis]] and [[B1 ter]]
:''Pages of History:'' James H. Howard, US ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-44 (Family)|Nakajima Ki-44]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Cannibal bombers, the bombers who can also intercept enemy bombers
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Soviet Hurricanes, G.91Y, Experimental Soviet Fighters.
:''Hotline:'' which tank has the fastest hull turn time in the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8nQyKM3OjU Episode 76]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5714dpuDDo Episode 176]'''
:''Special:'' War Thunder in 2017
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ariete PSO]]
:''Special:'' Holiday Etiquette
:''Pages of History:'' The Bristol [[Blenheim Mk IV|Blenheim]]
:''Special:'' Christmas Events
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Playing on mid-tier SPAA tech
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Button for backflips, What comment was number 402, how many kg of baguettes french bombers carry.
:''Hotline:'' highest reverse speed in the game, how recoilless guns work, first Soviet tank with neutral steering
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 77-128}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhgodizubC4 Episode 77]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[SAu 40]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AMX-13]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-29]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, FPS lock, TV-8, Czech Tanks.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih6xhSZlTgQ Episode 78]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHRUSJ79Re4 Episode 175]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[M4A1 (FL10)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Vickers Mk.7]]
:''Pages of History:'' One-Man Turrets
:''Pages of History:'' how the French created their famous [[AMX-30 (1972)|AMX-30]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[C.205N2|MC.205N]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' reserve tanks
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian Tanks]], When ships will be in OBT, [[Fulda (Ground Forces)|Fulda]]Map Size.
:''Hotline:'' Gaijin's priorities between gameplay and historical accuracy, fastest way to grind the game, Swedish ground tech tree, in-game tank flight experiments
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HreZgJwCMzM Episode 79]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxalaBFUfb8 Episode 174]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[Lorraine 40t]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mi-28N]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.35|Somua S35]]
:''Pages of History:'' the [[Me 262 A-1a|Schwalbe]] problem: too few, too late
:''Map Guide:'' [[Middle East]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' tanks with recoilless weapons
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Italian Tanks / Reggiane Planes, Modern Tanks, International Tech Tree.
:''Hotline:'' shooting a cannon round through 2 aircraft, why aircraft wings rip and which manoeuvers to avoid
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KhcG7ajFSw Episode 80]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKxlwtWIlSI Episode 173]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[AEC Mk.II]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZTZ96]]
:''Special:'' [[Scouting|Active scouting]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pyörremyrsky]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[H.35|Hotchkiss H35]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Hunting on a helicopter
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, War Thunder Nintendo switch, History of [[Vampire FB 5]], Error in previous episode.
:''Hotline:'' fastest tank in the game on- and off-road, difference between tank burnt down and hullbreak, upcoming Swedish planes
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76ArCiYaEog Episode 81]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd9m6rPtN3U Episode 172]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[F3D-1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ka-50]]
:''Pages of History:'' Panzer 1
:''Pages of History:'' [[J29D|Saab J29 Tunnan]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Whirlwind Mk I|Westland Whirlwind]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' HEAT projectiles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, War Thunder Xbox One X ETA, [[Me 410 (Family)|Me-410]] History, More german planes.
:''Hotline:'' naval gun scopes, separating propellers and jets, effect of fuel amount on flight performance, using knots to measure in-game speed
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amZQtFjHAn4 Episode 82]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChdDCA2ob2Y Episode 171 (Halloween)]'''
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[MiG-17]] vs. ground forces
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Super Hellcat]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-94-II]]
:''Pages of History:'' the ghost pilots from Biggin Hill
:''Map Guide:'' [[Maginot Line]]
:''Special:'' the scariest tanks
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Tiger II history, Improvements to damage in test flights, World War Mode Release.
:''Hotline:'' fastest projectile in the game, how penetration values are determined in-game, hullbreak explained, is the blast force modeled in-game?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1IDVFUqzrI Episode 83]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2VsOCEhzy4 Episode 170]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[AMX-30B2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 75 SPH]]
:''Pages of History:'' The last King Tigers
:''Pages of History:'' Operation Crusader, the first defeat of the invincible Rommel
:''Pages of History:'' [[A-26 (Family)|Douglas A-26 Invader]]
:''Map:'' Japanese port
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Single Player tank campaign, Aircaft Carriers in naval battles, British light tank line.
:''Hotline:'' learning how to aim with anti-air guns, how long it takes for a tank engine to cool down, difference between ammo rack detonation and ammo rack destroyed, controls for hydropneumatic suspension explained
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lec0mwCN81I Episode 84]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq0Ws_mafAs Episode 169]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[T-34 (Family)|T-34]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Admiral Hipper]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[T20]]
:''Pages of History:'' Joseph R. Beyrle, a captured US soldier that became a Soviet tanker
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hampden TB Mk I|Hampden TB Mk.1]]
:''Challenge:'' the most powerful bomb in the game
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, French Ships, F4 Phantom, Ocean Map.
:''Hotline:'' best piston engine aircraft for boom and zoom, materials used in composite armor
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpvKhy22Erc Episode 85]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_lSvW7IOhY Episode 168]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[A30 Challenger]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SIDAM 25 (Mistral)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[FCM.36]]
:''Pages of History:'' wheeled tanks
:''Pages of History:'' [[Vampire FB 5]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' Top SPAAs
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Shooting down ATGMs, Italian Tanks / Reggiane Planes, Disappearing Decals, New Gamemodes.
:''Hotline:'' why night vision is green, where to find zoom controls in the interface, night vision mode for ASU-57, turning the engine off in low tier ground battles
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKzzN3pzLSI Episode 86]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADl4WeY-R2A Episode 167]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[ARL-44]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' the [[EC-665 Tiger HAD|French]] and [[EC-665 Tiger UHT|German]] Eurocopter Tiger
:''Pages of History:'' Vasiliy Golubief, Soviet ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' the yellow Focke-Wulf
:''Pages of History:'' Women in the Royal Air Force
:''Challenge:'' toss bombing
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Classified Armour Values, [[World War|World War Mode]], BT-42.
:''Hotline:'' difference between IAS and airspeed, engine battery countdown explained, turning your engine off to become invisible to thermal vision, comparison between night vision and thermal vision
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dglE5EGyY0o Episode 87]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFj2LOWdj5o Episode 166]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Challenger Mk.2|Challenger 1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-4C Phantom II]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Re.2000 serie 1|Re.2000]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Wirraway (Great Britain)|Wirraway]]
:''Special:'' New Visual Effects
:''Tactics and strategy:'' night ground battles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Turning tank engines off / on, More stories about Axis forces, Banned account.
:''Hotline:'' is armour fatigue modeled in damage mechanics? factors determining the reload speed of a tank, at which tiers can you find night vision devices and thermal sights?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6sYNcaVVO0 Episode 88]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E941IRtmZdE Episode 165]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M1 Abrams]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-21F-13|MiG-21]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Soviet MBTs (T-64, T-72 & T-80)
:''Pages of History:'' [[Night Vision Devices|Night vision]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[He 177 A-5|Heinkel He 177 Greif]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Cargo Port|Cargo Port map]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, New [[:Category:Jet_aircraft|Jets]], Custom Ammo Belts, More [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French Tanks]].
:''Hotline:'' how critical hits are defined, plane carrying the most bombs, why max plane speed is measured at an altitude and not at sea level, assign a key for the rangefinder
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6VQsVau2dM Episode 89 (April Fool's)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJziizNMYj8 Episode 164]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' KV-6 Behemoth
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ta 154 A-1]]
:''Special:'' Happy Birthday, RAF!
:''Pages of History:'' [[SB2C-1c|SB2C Helldiver]]
:''Special:'' The legends of War Thunder
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Helicopter defence systems
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[M1 Abrams]] announcement, Axis subnations, Cadillac Gage Commando V-150, Russians.
:''Hotline:'' going supersonic, effectiveness of AA gunners on ships, BM-13N Katyusha, zoom sensitivity in sniper mode
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VBAWLdfLcw Episode 90]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZkupQZmfyc Episode 163]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-64B]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[HMS Southampton]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[La-200]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Fw 200 C-1|Fw 200]], the airliner that went to war
:''Special:'' War Thunder Marketplace
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Reload types: pros and cons
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, how long to make a Shooting Range script, Swiss Army, How to make user made model.
:''Hotline:'' How tanks were transported to operation theatres, fuze delays on bombs, parameters influencing shell penetration, thickest conventional armor in the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91duRbIoCPM Episode 91]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d-Kop_sGt8 Episode 162]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Magach 3 (USA)|Magach 3]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jagdpanzer 38(t)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-36 (Family)|P-36]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-153P|I-153]], or the ShKas carnage!
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' The Best SPAA Vehicles
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Learning the way of the [[:Category:Rocket_launchers|MRL]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, BT-42, not using the market place, Flying Pancake.
:''Hotline:'' Maus removal, how IAS was measured during WW2 and Climbing the ranks with British aircraft
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_txEPailKc Episode 92]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNt_CfnoyCw Episode 161]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfires, pt. 1 - Ranks II & III]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' A light tank with a very heavy gun [[BT-7 (F-32)]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.81]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Soviet tank transmissions and their unique construction.
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' How to play the [[Tiger E]]
:''Challenge:'' How many enemies can you destroy with a single shot?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, T-72, stop adding vehicles and fix the game, Shooting Range on Thursday instead of Sunday.
:''Hotline:'' Artillery, Aircraft with slats, Armor angle, Will Israel join the game? French tanks and rearview mirrors.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVvmp7zEmes Episode 93]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARUpi8DsmTI Episode 160]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MB.5|Martin-Baker MB.5]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' The regular Yak with an unusual engine ([[Yak-3U]]).
:''Pages of History:'' [[PV-2D|PV-2D Harpoon]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Yom Kippur War and the hell it brought upon Sinai (October 4th, 1973).
:''Special:'' WW2 Chronicles
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' The right way to use the landscapes around you on tanks of different nations.
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[M60A1 (AOS)|M60A1]] APFSDS, Air to Air Missiles, Special event for world cup.
:''Hotline:'' Decompress top-tier MBTs?, Climbing the ranks with Soviet tanks, Hydraulics in vehicles?,Shooting tank barrels, Do heat seeking missiles lose target lock if the target turns off its engine?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA3jQgZLjAg Episode 94]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuacwZrhw3M Episode 159]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2K]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' The pros and cons of the French Sabre ([[F-86K (France)|F-86K]]).
:''Pages of History:'' [[M1 Abrams]]
:''Pages of History:'' Michel Vernisse and his outside the box thinking.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tandem MAI]]
:''Tactics and Strategy:'' Top 10 useful advice for tankers.
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Problem with [[:Category:Sixth rank aircraft|Rank 6 aircraft]], More Leopards, Two step authentication and Steam for market place.
:''Hotline:'' Tank snorkel, Single-shot kills, Climbing the ranks with British aeroplanes, Tank shell characteristics
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNacjyimuCQ Episode 95]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osh4KS9yodw Episode 158]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfires, pt. 2 - Rank IV]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A2D-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-4M]]
:''Pages of History:'' Shoichi Sugita, Japanese ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' [[Do 217 (Family)|Do.217N]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' top MBTs
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, More wheeled ground vehicles, WWI and early WWII vehicles, Fritz X glide bomb.
:''Hotline:'' how to look around in a tank without having to turn the turret, exhaust of helicopter turboshaft engines, requirements needed for a vehicle to be added to the game, how to determine the optimal climbing angle of an aircraft, is the weight of a vehicle affected by the quantity of ammo onboard?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZtAEsSpwNM Episode 96]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zlt_uBS6KE Episode 157]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lorraine 155 Mle.50]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AH-1S Kisarazu]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T18E2|T18E2 "Boarhound"]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F3F-2]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' how to deal with heavily-armored opponents
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[Bf 109 (Family)|BF-109 series]], what comes after modern tanks, GDR vehicles for German tree.
:''Hotline:'' wood-steel equivalency on HEAT projectiles due to Munroe effect, best belts for dogfighting
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa1_8SqJcT0 Episode 97]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjanlLrycGo Episode 156]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' Gun Trucks
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 16]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mystere (Family)|Dassault Mystère II]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[H-34 (France)]]
:''Special:'' Getting ready for the [[Type 90]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' gameplay effects of different types of terrain
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Australian vehicles, sponsorship, choose tracer colour.
:''Hotline:'' fire extinguishers for bombers, Ho-Ro accessories, Marcel Bloch's flying hospital
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hSjkacg4CQ Episode 98]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHakCK96pjA Episode 155]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F4U-1A]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Hunter F.6]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AMX-50]]
:''Pages of History:'' Kelly Johnson’s [[P-38E|P-38 Lightning]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-40F-10|P-40F]]
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Twin-engine_fighters|Twin-engine fighters]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, future plans for German ground forces, armed jeeps, pronunciation of SNECMA.
:''Hotline:'' explanation of the term SPG (self-propelled gun), killing a tank by shooting the gound beneath him, turning off your stabilizer, are the penetration values increased by the velocity of an aircraft?
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6qqrQqgUZw Episode 99]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF1OmW7f1c8 Episode 154]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-50 Foch]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Shturm-S]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IAR-81C|IAR-80]]
:''Pages of History:'' Marcel Bloch, a humanist with a vision
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[:Category:Twin-engine_fighters|Heavy Fighters]]
:''Challenge:'' death defying stunts on a… heavy bomber!
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Helicopters, Xbox Edition, Italy captured planes, How to get on Dev Server.
:''Hotline:'' in which game modes Shooting Range clips are recorded, why modern tanks have been added recently, how to access the wiki from the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DFosBxGtcg Episode 100 (100th episode)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG8G07cq0iY Episode 153]'''
:''Special:'' [[The Shooting Range]] (the making of)
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-30 Super]]
:''Special:'' What lies ahead (plans for the future of the show)
:''Pages of History:'' the Japanese zero, a miracle of engineering
:''Special:'' The creative celebration (skin contest with IS-6 as a prize)
:''Tactics and strategy:'' SPGs of different nations, and how to play them
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Dogfighting tips, Free money, cup of tea decal.
:''Hotline:'' why some planes do not have combat flaps, BMP-1's water deflections shield explained, how much explosive is needed to cut off a plane's wing, Pages of History for more recent conflicts
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akxAxhPBA3k Episode 101]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifv05cSErOc Episode 152]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2A4]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ariete]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[PC 1400 X (1,400 kg)|Fritz-X]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[J5N1]]
:''Special:'' [[Bf 110 (Family)|Bf 110]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' flaps explained
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, T-72, Job at Gaijin, Michael Wittmann's Tiger 1, change ammo without firing shot.
:''Hotline:'' how the section Pages of History of the show is created
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCiYZGT9Ipc Episode 102]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNoalq4WIt4 Episode 151]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Z20 Karl Galster]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Stormer HVM]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Cowell (DD-547)]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Battle for Caen
:''Special:'' The best [[:Category:Torpedo bombers|Torpedo bombers]] for naval battles
:''Tactics and strategy:'' naval triathlon
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, P-51 History, World War Mode Beta, Renault FT-17, Spaceships.
:''Hotline:'' marks on the horizontal axis of a tank's scope explained, realistic sound of speed for distance explosions, what Gaijin would add to the game if it wasn't for technical limitations
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goszFx1uQCw Episode 103]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zgt3Ep2ADM Episode 150]'''
:''Special:'' #100 episodes (contest winners)
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[PG 02]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-62M-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SRAAM]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-32]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' shooting down bombs, torpedoes and ATGMs
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Swastikas, Object 279, Ju 87 C-1 (and more naval planes), F-84F-25.
:''Hotline:'' destroying a missile or a bomb in the air, watching the show in 4K
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxrFP5uW_J8 Episode 104]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBTQGGr-Kxs Episode 149]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jaguar-Klasse (140)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leclerc]]
:''Pages of History:'' Arseniy Vorozheykin, Soviet ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' [[Me 264]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[XM-803]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' playing on a heavy cruiser
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Tier 6 Jets, New Tech Tree, Optimize to run on weaker computers, adding Yugoslavia to the game.
:''Hotline:'' how subjects for Pages of History are selected, realistic tank barrel collision with environment
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dkhjEhFXBY Episode 105]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-sMfeWsEq0 Episode 148]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chieftain Marksman]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-13 (Family)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Type 1936|Z-21 Wilhelm Heidkamp]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tu-4]]
:''Map Guide:'' Northern Port
:''Air triathlon:'' looking for the best fighter
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Battleships, Episode about [[Object 120]], Dutch Planes, BT-42.
:''Hotline:'' how to get into custom battles
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryfyneZ7390 Episode 106]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD7Tgq9dONk Episode 147]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[89 ft PT-810]]
:''[[:Category:World War|World War]]:'' what you need to know
:''Pages of History:'' [[XM-803]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' World War game modes
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Playing Aircraft In Naval Battles
:''Pages of History:'' [[The Battle of Vitebsk]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[IS-7]] Gameplay, Episode about [[M24|M24 Chaffee]], Girls und Panzer decals, chat bug.
:''Hotline:'' learning how to shoot on the move, textolite explained, what happens if Gaijin runs out of vehicles to add to the game, best tank in the game, effect of the amount of fuel on the plane's performance
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31ZOmtzI_2g Episode 107]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YrtSp7ADe8 Episode 146]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 90]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Challenger 2]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-7]]
:''Pages of History:'' Alexander Milyukov, Soviet ace tanker
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Glass Cannons
:''Tactics and strategy:'' strategic bombers
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[SMK]] history, Gaijin financial situation, working anchors for ships.
:''Hotline:'' music used in the War Thunder channel, landing a plane on a plane, bore evacuator on modern tanks cannon barrel
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94S5XQwnX2I Episode 108]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6WWooehhFw Episode 145]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Conqueror|Conqueror Mk.2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mi-35M]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.56]]
:''Pages of History:'' Partisan of Minsk, how a lone T-28 defended the city
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Heavy Caliber Weapons
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Gun stabilizer|Gun stabilizers]]
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Playable infantry, Release date for [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian tanks]].
:''Hotline:'' open positions at Gaijin, how vehicle triathlons are performed
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElWz1Tl6BwY Episode 109]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtFA7r6OTiw Episode 144]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IS-7]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ar-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' Colin Kelly, the “American Samurai”
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[PC 1400 X (1,400 kg)|Fritz-X]]
:''Tank Triathlon:'' the fastest tanks
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, DMM events, Hotline answers, submarines.
:''Hotline:'' earn Golden Eagles with wagers, where War Thunder devs find info to model vehicles in 3D, metal plates on the sides of the T-64A explained
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QZAY1EtkFU Episode 110]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHz4LwNtVrU Episode 143]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[UH-1 (Family)|UH-1 Huey]]
:''Special Event:'' Battlefield Engineer, a chance to obtain several unique vehicles!
:''Pages of History:'' [[AH-1 (Family)|AH-1 Cobra]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AH-1Z]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mi-24 (Family)|Mi-24]]
:''Pages of History:'' Joe Ekins, British ace tanker
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Swastika, [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian Tanks]], [[Bf 109 (Family)|Bf-109]] & [[Bf 110 (Family)|Bf-110]].
:''Hotline:'' meaning of "no armor is best armor", why speed of sound travel delay is not implemented in the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDxhzDnCnHY Episode 111]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RX3Y1-HJHE Episode 142]'''
:''Special:'' [[:Category:ATGM_vehicles|ATGM vehicles]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mitsubishi T-2]]
:''War Machines:'' [[C.205N2]]
:''Pages of History:'' SUD Aviation Alouette
:''Pages of History:'' Alexandra Boiko, Soviet tank commander
:''Challenge:'' High-Altitude Bombing
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Answer more questions in hotline, British Helicopters, Shell prices.
:''Hotline:'' historical accuracy vs battle rating, sharing your creations via WT Live, options for setting units metric or imperial, purpose of the wood log on Soviet tanks, Never in a Hurri
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80ajQCMfdto Episode 112]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF2AVtHfWao Episode 141 (April Fool's)]'''
:''Special:'' Multi-Turreted Tanks
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[P.7.T AA]]
:''War Machines:'' [[IL-28Sh]]
:''Pages of History:'' the peculiar diet of the Luftwaffe pilots
:''Pages of History:'' [[MO-4]]
:''A Gentleman’s Guide to Winning:'' Playing on Ground Vehicles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Partnering with tank collectors, Otto Carius, Modern Day Tanks (Armata).
:''Hotline:'' purpose of the wood log on Soviet tanks, April Fool's Day Event, bias against Royal Navy
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_Gng-eiEXE Episode 113]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqCcFtMWLqU Episode 140]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[FJ-4B VMF-232]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M1A1 Abrams]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mi-4AV]]
:''Pages of History:'' American Shermans in Tunisia
:''War Machines:'' [[Sd.Kfz.234/3]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' playing on bigger ships (destroyer/cruiser)
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Japanese tech tree, Missing bomb/rocket loadouts, Multi-nation tech trees, [[He 111 H-6|He 111]].
:''Hotline:'' how to escape from missile radar lock, radar detection of the Ho 229
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AThOHUXhcsI Episode 114]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BbIiDovPPk Episode 139]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[Mi-24D (USSR)|Mi-24D]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-80U]]
:''War Machines:'' [[UH-1C XM-30]]
:''Map:'' [[Alaska]]
:''Pages of History:'' Lafayette G. Pool, US tank ace
:''Tactics and strategy:'' how to play with radar stations
:''Hotline:'' 400K YT subscribers, markings on Ju-87 bombs and EC Helicopters.
:''Hotline:'' climbing the ranks with a nation
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o24D6yl_VLg Episode 115]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H5iB4U4xic Episode 138]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[T54E1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[R3 T106 FA]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-225]]
:''Pages of History:'' USS William D. Porter, the destroyer that almost killed a US president
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Angling 2.0 (continuation of episode 19)
:''Challenge:'' what can you destroy with rockets?
:''Hotline:'' French medals, Italian Tanks, removed decals and African tech tree
:''Hotline:'' Serbian localization, gun barrel as solid object, why some APCBC shells have a better penetration than some AP shots, why the Maus fights against post-WW2 tanks in-game, how to submit a video for the Thunder Show
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_BcBzYVOeU Episode 116]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfGoEp0HbZc Episode 137]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Warrior|FV510 Warrior]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-19PT]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Dealing with intel in ground battles
:''Pages of History:'' Italian bombing of Gibraltar
:''Pages of History:'' [[Me 163 B-0|Me.163]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' a new method of armor penetration calculation for shells
:''Hotline:'' Parts & FPE
:''Hotline:'' increased penetration of a projectile when the target flies towards it
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSCwCJOW4-Q Episode 117]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jgnUQl8x38 Episode 136]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard A1A1 (L/44)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Köln]]
:''Pages of History:'' Sukhoi Su-6
:''Pages of History:'' Ray Holmes and the first ever aerial ramming of WW2
:''Challenge:'' Small bombs vs top tanks
:''Tactics and strategy:'' reading the map
:''Hotline:'' Requests to changes to SB
:''Hotline:'' from which country Gaijin is, why Swatikas are not displayed in the game, community feedback and suggestions
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn5rIoPjHuA Episode 118]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf1YWYfD_qk Episode 135]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-80B]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Panther tank (Family)|Panthers]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F4F (Family)|F4F Wildcat]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Battle of Ushant (1944)
:''Map Guide:'' [[American Desert]]
:''Tank Triathlon:'' heavy SPGs
:''Hotline:'' Criteria for including aircraft, German helicopters
:''Hotline:'' War Thunder cinematic trailers, correct pronunciation of Centauro, adding birds to the game
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hWb_841D7w Episode 119 (Halloween)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-a9MXzpDEk Episode 134]'''
:''Pages of Terror:'' The Black Helicopter (staring [[M22]] and Mi-24 in US markings)
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Centauro]]
:''Dreaded Beasts:'' [[IPM1|M1-IP]]
:''Pages of History:'' Alexander Fadin, Soviet ace tanker who shot down a plane with a tank
:''Panic & Strategy:'' Destroying [[IPM1|M1-IP]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' depth charges
:''Hotline:'' French/Italian planes, hint for American Desert, Russian Bias
:''Hotline:'' creating in-game content with CDK, fuel options for tanks, T-72A turret convoy IR light
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsTppuWdvjA Episode 120]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFKJSkrgA0w Episode 133]'''
:''Special:'' New Vessel Damage Model
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-100D]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Emden|Emden III]]
:''Pages of History:'' battles of Khalkhin Gol (1939), the first time fighter planes used rocket-powered projectiles
:''Special:'' Switching from AB to RB in aviation battles
:''Tank Triathlon:'' wheeled tanks
:''Hotline:'' Customizable ammo belts, more countries (Sweden), P.1000 Ratte
:''Hotline:'' licensing issues for adding modern military vehicles and technology in the game, horns for tanks and ships, April's Fool plans
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvSdDRBazww Episode 121]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW4fRtXKUgs Episode 132]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[Type 75 MLRS]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-72A]]
:''Pages of History:'' Otto Carius and the battle of Malinovo village
:''Pages of History:'' Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission
:''War Machines:'' [[Ya-5M]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' sideslip shooting
:''Hotline:'' Short stories, nukes, the black helicopter
:''Hotline:'' how to defeat Tiger IIs
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW_BVvR7CIg Episode 122]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9nUjFDdk-E Episode 131]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[Dark class (FPB 1101)|Dark FPB 1101]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[OTOMATIC]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F4U (Family)|F4U Corsair]] and The Football War
:''Pages of History:'' [[N.C.223.3]]
:''Special:'' Getting used to air SB
:''Test Drive:'' tank triathlon with IFVs
:''Hotline:'' New nations, when [[T-72A|T-72]], Vietnam as a map
:''Hotline:'' supersonic fighters for Italy
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvCqay-RaPQ Episode 123]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzUXH6GmH2E Episode 130 (Shooting Range 2.0)]'''
:''War Machines:'' [[Pr. 159|Project 159]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Sho't Kal Dalet (Great Britain)|Sho't Kal Dalet]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[TAM]]
:''Pages of History:'' conquering the sound barrier
:''Challenge:'' Small bombs vs [[:Category:Cruisers|cruisers]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' hull break
:''Hotline:'' 100 years since the Great War, Japanese naval tree
:''Hotline:'' client stability has improved, supersonic fighters for Great Britain
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrotBJk-VYk Episode 124]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpWGXcI9PQc Episode 129]'''
:''War Machines:'' Griffons
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-15bis ISH]]
:''Pages of History:'' Attack on Bari Harbor
:''Pages of History:'' [[Centauro]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Drum autoloaders
:''Pages of History:'' a Taiwanese Sidewinder
:''Hotline:'' Bomber cockpits, armour customization, world war mode
:''Hotline:'' wind as a parameter in the game, map voting system, Nigel says goodbye
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 77-128}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Av7KWmvYE Episode 128]'''
:''Special:'' War Thunder in 2018
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M26 "D.C.Ariete"|M26 Pershing Ariete]]
:''Special:'' Holiday Sale
:''Hotline:'' Merkava, Player-controlled Aircraft Carriers, Submarines, [[:Category:World War|World War mode]]
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E36dhUguPuI Episode 125]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq8xrhp2MDs Episode 127]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[PGH-2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[105/25 M43|Semovente 105/25 M43]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[105/25 M43|Semovente 105/25 M43]]
:''Pages of History:'' Origins of Air to Air guided missiles
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Using your suspension while aiming
:''Map Guide:'' [[Vietnam Hills]]
:''Hotline:'' Bruce voicing tank commander, plans for 2019, Chaffee
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Britain helicopters|British helicopters]], [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian tanks]], supersonic planes
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpm0DcBWhIA Episode 126]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpm0DcBWhIA Episode 126]'''
Line 782: Line 797:
:''Hotline:'' Planes with high calibre guns, subs and missiles in naval battles, Thunder Stories: Never in a Hurri, vehicle lighting
:''Hotline:'' Planes with high calibre guns, subs and missiles in naval battles, Thunder Stories: Never in a Hurri, vehicle lighting
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq8xrhp2MDs Episode 127]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E36dhUguPuI Episode 125]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[105/25 M43|Semovente 105/25 M43]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[PGH-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' Origins of Air to Air guided missiles
:''Pages of History:'' [[105/25 M43|Semovente 105/25 M43]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Vietnam Hills]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Using your suspension while aiming
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Britain helicopters|British helicopters]], [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian tanks]], supersonic planes
:''Hotline:'' Bruce voicing tank commander, plans for 2019, Chaffee
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Av7KWmvYE Episode 128]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrotBJk-VYk Episode 124]'''
:''Special:'' War Thunder in 2018
:''War Machines:'' Griffons
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M26 "D.C.Ariete"|M26 Pershing Ariete]]
:''Pages of History:'' Attack on Bari Harbor
:''Special:'' Holiday Sale
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Drum autoloaders
:''Hotline:'' Merkava, Player-controlled Aircraft Carriers, Submarines, [[:Category:World War|World War mode]]
:''Hotline:'' Bomber cockpits, armour customization, world war mode
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 129-180}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpWGXcI9PQc Episode 129]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-15bis ISH]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Centauro]]
:''Pages of History:'' a Taiwanese Sidewinder
:''Hotline:'' wind as a parameter in the game, map voting system, Nigel says goodbye
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzUXH6GmH2E Episode 130 (Shooting Range 2.0)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvCqay-RaPQ Episode 123]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Sho't Kal Dalet (Great Britain)|Sho't Kal Dalet]]
:''War Machines:'' [[Pr. 159|Project 159]]
:''Pages of History:'' conquering the sound barrier
:''Pages of History:'' [[TAM]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' hull break
:''Challenge:'' Small bombs vs [[:Category:Cruisers|cruisers]]
:''Hotline:'' client stability has improved, supersonic fighters for Great Britain
:''Hotline:'' 100 years since the Great War, Japanese naval tree
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9nUjFDdk-E Episode 131]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW_BVvR7CIg Episode 122]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[OTOMATIC]]
:''War Machines:'' [[Dark class (FPB 1101)|Dark FPB 1101]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[N.C.223.3]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F4U (Family)|F4U Corsair]] and The Football War
:''Test Drive:'' tank triathlon with IFVs
:''Special:'' Getting used to air SB
:''Hotline:'' supersonic fighters for Italy
:''Hotline:'' New nations, when [[T-72A|T-72]], Vietnam as a map
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW4fRtXKUgs Episode 132]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvSdDRBazww Episode 121]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-72A]]
:''War Machines:'' [[Type 75 MLRS]]
:''Pages of History:'' Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission
:''Pages of History:'' Otto Carius and the battle of Malinovo village
:''Tactics and strategy:'' sideslip shooting
:''War Machines:'' [[Ya-5M]]
:''Hotline:'' how to defeat Tiger IIs
:''Hotline:'' Short stories, nukes, the black helicopter
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFKJSkrgA0w Episode 133]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsTppuWdvjA Episode 120]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-100D]]
:''Special:'' New Vessel Damage Model
:''Pages of History:'' battles of Khalkhin Gol (1939), the first time fighter planes used rocket-powered projectiles
:''Pages of History:'' [[Emden|Emden III]]
:''Tank Triathlon:'' wheeled tanks
:''Special:'' Switching from AB to RB in aviation battles
:''Hotline:'' licensing issues for adding modern military vehicles and technology in the game, horns for tanks and ships, April's Fool plans
:''Hotline:'' Customizable ammo belts, more countries (Sweden), P.1000 Ratte
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-a9MXzpDEk Episode 134]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hWb_841D7w Episode 119 (Halloween)]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Centauro]]
:''Pages of Terror:'' The Black Helicopter (staring [[M22]] and Mi-24 in US markings)
:''Pages of History:'' Alexander Fadin, Soviet ace tanker who shot down a plane with a tank
:''Dreaded Beasts:'' [[IPM1|M1-IP]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' depth charges
:''Panic & Strategy:'' Destroying [[IPM1|M1-IP]]
:''Hotline:'' creating in-game content with CDK, fuel options for tanks, T-72A turret convoy IR light
:''Hotline:'' French/Italian planes, hint for American Desert, Russian Bias
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf1YWYfD_qk Episode 135]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn5rIoPjHuA Episode 118]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Panther tank (Family)|Panthers]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-80B]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Battle of Ushant (1944)
:''Pages of History:'' [[F4F (Family)|F4F Wildcat]]
:''Tank Triathlon:'' heavy SPGs
:''Map Guide:'' [[American Desert]]
:''Hotline:'' War Thunder cinematic trailers, correct pronunciation of Centauro, adding birds to the game
:''Hotline:'' Criteria for including aircraft, German helicopters
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jgnUQl8x38 Episode 136]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSCwCJOW4-Q Episode 117]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Köln]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard A1A1 (L/44)]]
:''Pages of History:'' Ray Holmes and the first ever aerial ramming of WW2
:''Pages of History:'' Sukhoi Su-6
:''Tactics and strategy:'' reading the map
:''Challenge:'' Small bombs vs top tanks
:''Hotline:'' from which country Gaijin is, why Swatikas are not displayed in the game, community feedback and suggestions
:''Hotline:'' Requests to changes to SB
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfGoEp0HbZc Episode 137]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_BcBzYVOeU Episode 116]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-19PT]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Warrior|FV510 Warrior]]
:''Pages of History:'' Italian bombing of Gibraltar
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Dealing with intel in ground battles
:''Tactics and strategy:'' a new method of armor penetration calculation for shells
:''Pages of History:'' [[Me 163 B-0|Me.163]]
:''Hotline:'' increased penetration of a projectile when the target flies towards it
:''Hotline:'' Parts & FPE
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H5iB4U4xic Episode 138]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o24D6yl_VLg Episode 115]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[R3 T106 FA]]
:''War Machines:'' [[T54E1]]
:''Pages of History:'' USS William D. Porter, the destroyer that almost killed a US president
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-225]]
:''Challenge:'' what can you destroy with rockets?
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Angling 2.0 (continuation of episode 19)
:''Hotline:'' Serbian localization, gun barrel as solid object, why some APCBC shells have a better penetration than some AP shots, why the Maus fights against post-WW2 tanks in-game, how to submit a video for the Thunder Show
:''Hotline:'' French medals, Italian Tanks, removed decals and African tech tree
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BbIiDovPPk Episode 139]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AThOHUXhcsI Episode 114]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-80U]]
:''War Machines:'' [[Mi-24D (USSR)|Mi-24D]]
:''Map:'' [[Alaska]]
:''War Machines:'' [[UH-1C XM-30]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' how to play with radar stations
:''Pages of History:'' Lafayette G. Pool, US tank ace
:''Hotline:'' climbing the ranks with a nation
:''Hotline:'' 400K YT subscribers, markings on Ju-87 bombs and EC Helicopters.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqCcFtMWLqU Episode 140]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_Gng-eiEXE Episode 113]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M1A1 Abrams]]
:''War Machines:'' [[FJ-4B VMF-232]]
:''Pages of History:'' American Shermans in Tunisia
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mi-4AV]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' playing on bigger ships (destroyer/cruiser)
:''War Machines:'' [[Sd.Kfz.234/3]]
:''Hotline:'' how to escape from missile radar lock, radar detection of the Ho 229
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Japanese tech tree, Missing bomb/rocket loadouts, Multi-nation tech trees, [[He 111 H-6|He 111]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF2AVtHfWao Episode 141 (April Fool's)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80ajQCMfdto Episode 112]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[P.7.T AA]]
:''Special:'' Multi-Turreted Tanks
:''Pages of History:'' the peculiar diet of the Luftwaffe pilots
:''War Machines:'' [[IL-28Sh]]
:''A Gentleman’s Guide to Winning:'' Playing on Ground Vehicles
:''Pages of History:'' [[MO-4]]
:''Hotline:'' purpose of the wood log on Soviet tanks, April Fool's Day Event, bias against Royal Navy
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Partnering with tank collectors, Otto Carius, Modern Day Tanks (Armata).
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RX3Y1-HJHE Episode 142]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDxhzDnCnHY Episode 111]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mitsubishi T-2]]
:''Special:'' [[:Category:ATGM_vehicles|ATGM vehicles]]
:''Pages of History:'' SUD Aviation Alouette
:''War Machines:'' [[C.205N2]]
:''Challenge:'' High-Altitude Bombing
:''Pages of History:'' Alexandra Boiko, Soviet tank commander
:''Hotline:'' historical accuracy vs battle rating, sharing your creations via WT Live, options for setting units metric or imperial, purpose of the wood log on Soviet tanks, Never in a Hurri
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Answer more questions in hotline, British Helicopters, Shell prices.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHz4LwNtVrU Episode 143]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QZAY1EtkFU Episode 110]'''
:''Special Event:'' Battlefield Engineer, a chance to obtain several unique vehicles!
:''Pages of History:'' [[UH-1 (Family)|UH-1 Huey]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AH-1Z]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AH-1 (Family)|AH-1 Cobra]]
:''Pages of History:'' Joe Ekins, British ace tanker
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mi-24 (Family)|Mi-24]]
:''Hotline:'' meaning of "no armor is best armor", why speed of sound travel delay is not implemented in the game
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Swastika, [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian Tanks]], [[Bf 109 (Family)|Bf-109]] & [[Bf 110 (Family)|Bf-110]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtFA7r6OTiw Episode 144]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElWz1Tl6BwY Episode 109]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IS-7]]
:''Pages of History:'' Colin Kelly, the “American Samurai”
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ar-2]]
:''Tank Triathlon:'' the fastest tanks
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[PC 1400 X (1,400 kg)|Fritz-X]]
:''Hotline:'' earn Golden Eagles with wagers, where War Thunder devs find info to model vehicles in 3D, metal plates on the sides of the T-64A explained
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, DMM events, Hotline answers, submarines.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6WWooehhFw Episode 145]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94S5XQwnX2I Episode 108]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mi-35M]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Conqueror|Conqueror Mk.2]]
:''Pages of History:'' Partisan of Minsk, how a lone T-28 defended the city
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.56]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Gun stabilizer|Gun stabilizers]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Heavy Caliber Weapons
:''Hotline:'' open positions at Gaijin, how vehicle triathlons are performed
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Playable infantry, Release date for [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian tanks]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YrtSp7ADe8 Episode 146]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31ZOmtzI_2g Episode 107]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Challenger 2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 90]]
:''Pages of History:'' Alexander Milyukov, Soviet ace tanker
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-7]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' strategic bombers
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Glass Cannons
:''Hotline:'' music used in the War Thunder channel, landing a plane on a plane, bore evacuator on modern tanks cannon barrel
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[SMK]] history, Gaijin financial situation, working anchors for ships.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD7Tgq9dONk Episode 147]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryfyneZ7390 Episode 106]'''
:''[[:Category:World War|World War]]:'' what you need to know
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[89 ft PT-810]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' World War game modes
:''Pages of History:'' [[XM-803]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[The Battle of Vitebsk]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Playing Aircraft In Naval Battles
:''Hotline:'' learning how to shoot on the move, textolite explained, what happens if Gaijin runs out of vehicles to add to the game, best tank in the game, effect of the amount of fuel on the plane's performance
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[IS-7]] Gameplay, Episode about [[M24|M24 Chaffee]], Girls und Panzer decals, chat bug.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-sMfeWsEq0 Episode 148]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dkhjEhFXBY Episode 105]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-13 (Family)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chieftain Marksman]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tu-4]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Type 1936|Z-21 Wilhelm Heidkamp]]
:''Air triathlon:'' looking for the best fighter
:''Map Guide:'' Northern Port
:''Hotline:'' how to get into custom battles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Battleships, Episode about [[Object 120]], Dutch Planes, BT-42.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBTQGGr-Kxs Episode 149]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxrFP5uW_J8 Episode 104]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leclerc]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jaguar-Klasse (140)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Me 264]]
:''Pages of History:'' Arseniy Vorozheykin, Soviet ace pilot
:''Tactics and strategy:'' playing on a heavy cruiser
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[XM-803]]
:''Hotline:'' how subjects for Pages of History are selected, realistic tank barrel collision with environment
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Tier 6 Jets, New Tech Tree, Optimize to run on weaker computers, adding Yugoslavia to the game.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zgt3Ep2ADM Episode 150]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goszFx1uQCw Episode 103]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[PG 02]]
:''Special:'' #100 episodes (contest winners)
:''Pages of History:'' [[SRAAM]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-62M-1]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' shooting down bombs, torpedoes and ATGMs
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-32]]
:''Hotline:'' destroying a missile or a bomb in the air, watching the show in 4K
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Swastikas, Object 279, Ju 87 C-1 (and more naval planes), F-84F-25.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNoalq4WIt4 Episode 151]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCiYZGT9Ipc Episode 102]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Stormer HVM]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Z20 Karl Galster]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Battle for Caen
:''Pages of History:'' [[Cowell (DD-547)]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' naval triathlon
:''Special:'' The best [[:Category:Torpedo bombers|Torpedo bombers]] for naval battles
:''Hotline:'' marks on the horizontal axis of a tank's scope explained, realistic sound of speed for distance explosions, what Gaijin would add to the game if it wasn't for technical limitations
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, P-51 History, World War Mode Beta, Renault FT-17, Spaceships.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifv05cSErOc Episode 152]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akxAxhPBA3k Episode 101]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ariete]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2A4]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[J5N1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[PC 1400 X (1,400 kg)|Fritz-X]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' flaps explained
:''Special:'' [[Bf 110 (Family)|Bf 110]]
:''Hotline:'' how the section Pages of History of the show is created
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, T-72, Job at Gaijin, Michael Wittmann's Tiger 1, change ammo without firing shot.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG8G07cq0iY Episode 153]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DFosBxGtcg Episode 100 (100th episode)]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-30 Super]]
:''Special:'' [[The Shooting Range]] (the making of)
:''Pages of History:'' the Japanese zero, a miracle of engineering
:''Special:'' What lies ahead (plans for the future of the show)
:''Tactics and strategy:'' SPGs of different nations, and how to play them
:''Special:'' The creative celebration (skin contest with IS-6 as a prize)
:''Hotline:'' why some planes do not have combat flaps, BMP-1's water deflections shield explained, how much explosive is needed to cut off a plane's wing, Pages of History for more recent conflicts
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Dogfighting tips, Free money, cup of tea decal.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF1OmW7f1c8 Episode 154]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6qqrQqgUZw Episode 99]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Shturm-S]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-50 Foch]]
:''Pages of History:'' Marcel Bloch, a humanist with a vision
:''Pages of History:'' [[IAR-81C|IAR-80]]
:''Challenge:'' death defying stunts on a… heavy bomber!
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[:Category:Twin-engine_fighters|Heavy Fighters]]
:''Hotline:'' in which game modes Shooting Range clips are recorded, why modern tanks have been added recently, how to access the wiki from the game
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Helicopters, Xbox Edition, Italy captured planes, How to get on Dev Server.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHakCK96pjA Episode 155]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hSjkacg4CQ Episode 98]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Hunter F.6]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F4U-1A]]
:''Pages of History:'' Kelly Johnson’s [[P-38E|P-38 Lightning]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AMX-50]]
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Twin-engine_fighters|Twin-engine fighters]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-40F-10|P-40F]]
:''Hotline:'' explanation of the term SPG (self-propelled gun), killing a tank by shooting the gound beneath him, turning off your stabilizer, are the penetration values increased by the velocity of an aircraft?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, future plans for German ground forces, armed jeeps, pronunciation of SNECMA.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjanlLrycGo Episode 156]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa1_8SqJcT0 Episode 97]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 16]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' Gun Trucks
:''Pages of History:'' [[H-34 (France)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mystere (Family)|Dassault Mystère II]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' gameplay effects of different types of terrain
:''Special:'' Getting ready for the [[Type 90]]
:''Hotline:'' fire extinguishers for bombers, Ho-Ro accessories, Marcel Bloch's flying hospital
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Australian vehicles, sponsorship, choose tracer colour.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zlt_uBS6KE Episode 157]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZtAEsSpwNM Episode 96]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AH-1S Kisarazu]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lorraine 155 Mle.50]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T18E2|T18E2 "Boarhound"]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' how to deal with heavily-armored opponents
:''Pages of History:'' [[F3F-2]]
:''Hotline:'' wood-steel equivalency on HEAT projectiles due to Munroe effect, best belts for dogfighting
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[Bf 109 (Family)|BF-109 series]], what comes after modern tanks, GDR vehicles for German tree.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osh4KS9yodw Episode 158]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNacjyimuCQ Episode 95]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A2D-1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfires, pt. 2 - Rank IV]]
:''Pages of History:'' Shoichi Sugita, Japanese ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-4M]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' top MBTs
:''Pages of History:'' [[Do 217 (Family)|Do.217N]]
:''Hotline:'' how to look around in a tank without having to turn the turret, exhaust of helicopter turboshaft engines, requirements needed for a vehicle to be added to the game, how to determine the optimal climbing angle of an aircraft, is the weight of a vehicle affected by the quantity of ammo onboard?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, More wheeled ground vehicles, WWI and early WWII vehicles, Fritz X glide bomb.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuacwZrhw3M Episode 159]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA3jQgZLjAg Episode 94]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' The pros and cons of the French Sabre ([[F-86K (France)|F-86K]]).
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2K]]
:''Pages of History:'' Michel Vernisse and his outside the box thinking.
:''Pages of History:'' [[M1 Abrams]]
:''Tactics and Strategy:'' Top 10 useful advice for tankers.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tandem MAI]]
:''Hotline:'' Tank snorkel, Single-shot kills, Climbing the ranks with British aeroplanes, Tank shell characteristics
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Problem with [[:Category:Sixth rank aircraft|Rank 6 aircraft]], More Leopards, Two step authentication and Steam for market place.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARUpi8DsmTI Episode 160]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVvmp7zEmes Episode 93]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' The regular Yak with an unusual engine ([[Yak-3U]]).
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MB.5|Martin-Baker MB.5]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Yom Kippur War and the hell it brought upon Sinai (October 4th, 1973).
:''Pages of History:'' [[PV-2D|PV-2D Harpoon]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' The right way to use the landscapes around you on tanks of different nations.
:''Special:'' WW2 Chronicles
:''Hotline:'' Decompress top-tier MBTs?, Climbing the ranks with Soviet tanks, Hydraulics in vehicles?,Shooting tank barrels, Do heat seeking missiles lose target lock if the target turns off its engine?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[M60A1 (AOS)|M60A1]] APFSDS, Air to Air Missiles, Special event for world cup.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNt_CfnoyCw Episode 161]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_txEPailKc Episode 92]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' A light tank with a very heavy gun [[BT-7 (F-32)]].
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Spitfire (Family)|Spitfires, pt. 1 - Ranks II & III]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Soviet tank transmissions and their unique construction.
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.81]]
:''Challenge:'' How many enemies can you destroy with a single shot?
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' How to play the [[Tiger E]]
:''Hotline:'' Artillery, Aircraft with slats, Armor angle, Will Israel join the game? French tanks and rearview mirrors.
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, T-72, stop adding vehicles and fix the game, Shooting Range on Thursday instead of Sunday.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d-Kop_sGt8 Episode 162]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91duRbIoCPM Episode 91]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jagdpanzer 38(t)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Magach 3 (USA)|Magach 3]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-153P|I-153]], or the ShKas carnage!
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-36 (Family)|P-36]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Learning the way of the [[:Category:Rocket_launchers|MRL]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' The Best SPAA Vehicles
:''Hotline:'' Maus removal, how IAS was measured during WW2 and Climbing the ranks with British aircraft
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, BT-42, not using the market place, Flying Pancake.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZkupQZmfyc Episode 163]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VBAWLdfLcw Episode 90]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[HMS Southampton]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-64B]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Fw 200 C-1|Fw 200]], the airliner that went to war
:''Pages of History:'' [[La-200]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Reload types: pros and cons
:''Special:'' War Thunder Marketplace
:''Hotline:'' How tanks were transported to operation theatres, fuze delays on bombs, parameters influencing shell penetration, thickest conventional armor in the game
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, how long to make a Shooting Range script, Swiss Army, How to make user made model.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJziizNMYj8 Episode 164]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6VQsVau2dM Episode 89 (April Fool's)]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ta 154 A-1]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' KV-6 Behemoth
:''Pages of History:'' [[SB2C-1c|SB2C Helldiver]]
:''Special:'' Happy Birthday, RAF!
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Helicopter defence systems
:''Special:'' The legends of War Thunder
:''Hotline:'' going supersonic, effectiveness of AA gunners on ships, BM-13N Katyusha, zoom sensitivity in sniper mode
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[M1 Abrams]] announcement, Axis subnations, Cadillac Gage Commando V-150, Russians.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E941IRtmZdE Episode 165]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6sYNcaVVO0 Episode 88]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-21F-13|MiG-21]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M1 Abrams]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Night Vision Devices|Night vision]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Soviet MBTs (T-64, T-72 & T-80)
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Cargo Port|Cargo Port map]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[He 177 A-5|Heinkel He 177 Greif]]
:''Hotline:'' how critical hits are defined, plane carrying the most bombs, why max plane speed is measured at an altitude and not at sea level, assign a key for the rangefinder
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, New [[:Category:Jet_aircraft|Jets]], Custom Ammo Belts, More [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French Tanks]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFj2LOWdj5o Episode 166]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dglE5EGyY0o Episode 87]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-4C Phantom II]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Challenger Mk.2|Challenger 1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Wirraway (Great Britain)|Wirraway]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Re.2000 serie 1|Re.2000]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' night ground battles
:''Special:'' New Visual Effects
:''Hotline:'' is armour fatigue modeled in damage mechanics? factors determining the reload speed of a tank, at which tiers can you find night vision devices and thermal sights?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Turning tank engines off / on, More stories about Axis forces, Banned account.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADl4WeY-R2A Episode 167]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKzzN3pzLSI Episode 86]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' the [[EC-665 Tiger HAD|French]] and [[EC-665 Tiger UHT|German]] Eurocopter Tiger
:''War Machines:'' [[ARL-44]]
:''Pages of History:'' the yellow Focke-Wulf
:''Pages of History:'' Vasiliy Golubief, Soviet ace pilot
:''Challenge:'' toss bombing
:''Pages of History:'' Women in the Royal Air Force
:''Hotline:'' difference between IAS and airspeed, engine battery countdown explained, turning your engine off to become invisible to thermal vision, comparison between night vision and thermal vision
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Classified Armour Values, [[World War|World War Mode]], BT-42.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_lSvW7IOhY Episode 168]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpvKhy22Erc Episode 85]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SIDAM 25 (Mistral)]]
:''War Machines:'' [[A30 Challenger]]
:''Pages of History:'' wheeled tanks
:''Pages of History:'' [[FCM.36]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' Top SPAAs
:''Pages of History:'' [[Vampire FB 5]]
:''Hotline:'' why night vision is green, where to find zoom controls in the interface, night vision mode for ASU-57, turning the engine off in low tier ground battles
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Shooting down ATGMs, Italian Tanks / Reggiane Planes, Disappearing Decals, New Gamemodes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq0Ws_mafAs Episode 169]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lec0mwCN81I Episode 84]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Admiral Hipper]]
:''War Machines:'' [[T-34 (Family)|T-34]]
:''Pages of History:'' Joseph R. Beyrle, a captured US soldier that became a Soviet tanker
:''Pages of History:'' [[T20]]
:''Challenge:'' the most powerful bomb in the game
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hampden TB Mk I|Hampden TB Mk.1]]
:''Hotline:'' best piston engine aircraft for boom and zoom, materials used in composite armor
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, French Ships, F4 Phantom, Ocean Map.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2VsOCEhzy4 Episode 170]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1IDVFUqzrI Episode 83]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 75 SPH]]
:''War Machines:'' [[AMX-30B2]]
:''Pages of History:'' Operation Crusader, the first defeat of the invincible Rommel
:''Pages of History:'' The last King Tigers
:''Map:'' Japanese port
:''Pages of History:'' [[A-26 (Family)|Douglas A-26 Invader]]
:''Hotline:'' learning how to aim with anti-air guns, how long it takes for a tank engine to cool down, difference between ammo rack detonation and ammo rack destroyed, controls for hydropneumatic suspension explained
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Single Player tank campaign, Aircaft Carriers in naval battles, British light tank line.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChdDCA2ob2Y Episode 171 (Halloween)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amZQtFjHAn4 Episode 82]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Super Hellcat]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[MiG-17]] vs. ground forces
:''Pages of History:'' the ghost pilots from Biggin Hill
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-94-II]]
:''Special:'' the scariest tanks
:''Map Guide:'' [[Maginot Line]]
:''Hotline:'' fastest projectile in the game, how penetration values are determined in-game, hullbreak explained, is the blast force modeled in-game?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Tiger II history, Improvements to damage in test flights, World War Mode Release.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd9m6rPtN3U Episode 172]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76ArCiYaEog Episode 81]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ka-50]]
:''War Machines:'' [[F3D-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[J29D|Saab J29 Tunnan]]
:''Pages of History:'' Panzer 1
:''Tactics and strategy:'' HEAT projectiles
:''Pages of History:'' [[Whirlwind Mk I|Westland Whirlwind]]
:''Hotline:'' naval gun scopes, separating propellers and jets, effect of fuel amount on flight performance, using knots to measure in-game speed
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, War Thunder Xbox One X ETA, [[Me 410 (Family)|Me-410]] History, More german planes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKxlwtWIlSI Episode 173]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KhcG7ajFSw Episode 80]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZTZ96]]
:''War Machines:'' [[AEC Mk.II]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pyörremyrsky]]
:''Special:'' [[Scouting|Active scouting]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Hunting on a helicopter
:''Pages of History:'' [[H.35|Hotchkiss H35]]
:''Hotline:'' fastest tank in the game on- and off-road, difference between tank burnt down and hullbreak, upcoming Swedish planes
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, War Thunder Nintendo switch, History of [[Vampire FB 5]], Error in previous episode.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxalaBFUfb8 Episode 174]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HreZgJwCMzM Episode 79]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mi-28N]]
:''War Machines:'' [[Lorraine 40t]]
:''Pages of History:'' the [[Me 262 A-1a|Schwalbe]] problem: too few, too late
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.35|Somua S35]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' tanks with recoilless weapons
:''Map Guide:'' [[Middle East]]
:''Hotline:'' shooting a cannon round through 2 aircraft, why aircraft wings rip and which manoeuvers to avoid
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Italian Tanks / Reggiane Planes, Modern Tanks, International Tech Tree.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHRUSJ79Re4 Episode 175]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih6xhSZlTgQ Episode 78]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Vickers Mk.7]]
:''War Machines:'' [[M4A1 (FL10)]]
:''Pages of History:'' how the French created their famous [[AMX-30 (1972)|AMX-30]]
:''Pages of History:'' One-Man Turrets
:''Tank triathlon:'' reserve tanks
:''Pages of History:'' [[C.205N2|MC.205N]]
:''Hotline:'' Gaijin's priorities between gameplay and historical accuracy, fastest way to grind the game, Swedish ground tech tree, in-game tank flight experiments
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian Tanks]], When ships will be in OBT, [[Fulda (Ground Forces)|Fulda]]Map Size.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5714dpuDDo Episode 176]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhgodizubC4 Episode 77]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ariete PSO]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SAu 40]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Bristol [[Blenheim Mk IV|Blenheim]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[AMX-13]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Playing on mid-tier SPAA tech
:''Pages of History:'' [[I-29]]
:''Hotline:'' highest reverse speed in the game, how recoilless guns work, first Soviet tank with neutral steering
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, FPS lock, TV-8, Czech Tanks.
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 26-76}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8nQyKM3OjU Episode 76]'''
:''Special:'' War Thunder in 2017
:''Special:'' Holiday Etiquette
:''Special:'' Christmas Events
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Button for backflips, What comment was number 402, how many kg of baguettes french bombers carry.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTqPFjW2K-o Episode 177]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woJWg8E03HM Episode 75]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chi-Nu II]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[B1 ter]]
:''Pages of History:'' James H. Howard, US ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' [[B1 bis|Char B1 bis]] and [[B1 ter]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Cannibal bombers, the bombers who can also intercept enemy bombers
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-44 (Family)|Nakajima Ki-44]]
:''Hotline:'' which tank has the fastest hull turn time in the game
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Soviet Hurricanes, G.91Y, Experimental Soviet Fighters.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqLoa0NIpzE Episode 178]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1e7dEJigJQ Episode 74]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M56]] Scorpion
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Waffentrager|Waffenträger]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[J2M2|Mitsubishi J2M Raiden]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[B1 bis|Char B1]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' deadly tractors, comparison of half-tracks and trucks equipped with guns
:''Pages of History:'' That mimic Hurriton
:''Hotline:'' easiest way to earn Silver Lions, can 2 shots collide mid-air? learning armor values on tanks
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, History of the [[Vampire FB 5|Vampire FB.5]], More [[He 162 A-2|He-162]] versions, Blackburn Buccaneer.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoprhFB5S7I Episode 179]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ0XIBPcF4E Episode 73]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Rooikat Mk.1D]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Begleitpanzer 57]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Strv 103-0|Strv 103]]
:''Pages of History:'' Forward Swept Wings
:''Special:'' the big graphics engine changes in [[Update 1.95]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-3]] and the Nomandie-Niemen Regiment
:''Hotline:'' HDR in-game, operation the Strv 103 with only 1 crew member left, operation F.R.O.S.T.
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, cross platform gaming, [[He 177 A-5|He-177]], Replays.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxTPgXg6EY Episode 180 "2019 in review"]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqLe-I0FRwQ Episode 72]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' Metal Beasts of 2019
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[S.O.8000 Narval]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' War Thunder in 2019, game features introduced or improved.
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-2]]
:''Map:'' Maps of 2019
:''Pages of History:'' [[V.G.33C-1|Arsenal VG.33]]
:''Hotline:'' does the graphics update profit every platform? how to climb faster in a plane, backblast of a recoilless rifle
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French Tanks]], BA-3 & BA-6, KV-6.
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 181-232}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1QGN0ge4C8 Episode 181]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-21SMT]]
:''Pages of History:'' history of the Swedish aviation industry
:''Map:'' New Zealand Cape
:''Hotline:'' crushing vehicles with heavy tanks, formation lights for convoy night travel, damage from kamikaze attacks, tank fighting capability with only 1 remaining crew member
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wx-xUnIqyI Episode 182]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-EazLEFaFg Episode 71]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SAV 20.12.48]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[N.C.223.3]]
:''Pages of History:'' Hans Hahn, the fall of a German ace pilot
:''Pages of History:'' [[A-35B (France)|Vultee A-35]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' how to sink heavy cruisers
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[P40 "G.C. Leoncello"|Fiat P40 "Leoncello"]]
:''Hotline:'' different sparkles for different ammo, how to use rockets on a plane, graphics card used to record the show, fastest piston engine aircraft in the game
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, More heavy bombers, B-26, Lowe.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yUrv5UsiXU Episode 183]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXaIKX58Rd4 Episode 70]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[J32B]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[S.O.4050 Vautour IIA]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[G4M1|Mitsubishi G4M Betty]], the "Flying Lighter"
:''Special:'' [[VB.10-02]] vs. [[P-47N-15]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Climbing in air battles
:''Pages of History:'' [[M.D.450B Ouragan|Dassault MD.450B Ouragan]]
:''Hotline:'' discount sales of premium vehicles, effect of a full fuel tank on your plane performance, are in-game bots named after War Thunder devs and team?
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Tier 6 Japanese Tanks, Sturmtiger, Object 279.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq9qHd_TCgk Episode 184]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=val2qd1RsNY Episode 69]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Admiral Graf Spee]]
:''War Machines:'' [[D.371 H.S.9]]
:''Pages of History:'' American tank diet: post-war US tank projects T41, T42 and T43
:''Special:'' [[:Category:France aircraft|French Planes]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Using your [[SPAA radars]] efficiently
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.O.4050 Vautour IIA|S.O.4050 Vautour II]]
:''Hotline:'' searchlights for ships, fastest biplane in the game, WW1 tanks
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, IFVs and Scout Vehicles, [[Helicopters|Attack Helicopters]], Is it boring to read the comments, Where is footage from.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQjxB7WRaJg Episode 185]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZtvfyAsmM4 Episode 68]'''
:''World War:'' [[Season: Attack from the Sea|Attack from the sea]]
:''Pages of History:'' Ferdinand Porsche
:''Pages of History:'' [[AD-4|Douglas Skyraider]]
:''Pages of History:'' Porsche's projects during WW2
:''Tips and tricks:'' Fighting tanks on [[:Category:Anti-aircraft vehicles|SPAAs]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Maus]]
:''Hotline:'' sliding bar for fuel options, upcoming plans for naval battles, how answered comments are selected, ammo racks detonation explained
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, A-10 Warthog, Ju-287, French Decals, War thunder on Xbox One.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCO0chq-xcw Episode 186]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J43vCE-Fo30 Episode 67]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jagdpanther]]
:''War Machines:'' [[He 100 D-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Re.2001 serie 1|Re.2001]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[C.R.714|Caudron CR.714]]
:''Challenge:'' Planes racing against ATGMs
:''Special:'' New Battle Ratings
:''Hotline:'' Swedish ground tree, how to put out a fire on a plane, how to turn off a helicopter engine
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French Tanks]], Sweedish Tech Tree, [[:Category:Sixth rank aircraft|Rank 6 Aircraft]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyRkpUAoH5k Episode 187]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSqlxUQsl50 Episode 66]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-44]]
:''Special:'' The [[:Category:France aircraft|French]] are coming!
:''Pages of History:'' George Frederick "Screwball" Beurling (Part 1)
:''Pages of History:'' [[D.371]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' Urban battles
:''Pages of History:'' [[S.O.8000 Narval]]
:''Hotline:'' tanks with fastest reverse speed
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, M-51 Super Sherman, Panzer 2 L "Luchs", Custom Tanks.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSxjrQWwEbE Episode 188]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI8p0KZbcG0 Episode 65]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Albatros-Klasse (143)|Albatros]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-64A (1971)|T-64]] (and Soviet MBT development)
:''Pages of History:'' George Beurling, Canadian ace pilot in Malta (Part 2)
:''War Machines:'' [[Do 335 B-2|Do.335B-2]]
:''Challenge:'' capturing points on a helicopter
:''Pages of History:'' [[A5M4|Mitsubishi A5M]]
:''Hotline:'' the tank that was most difficult to model, cannon barrel collision with the environment, which in-game vehicle is the closest to its present day version, how to control air-to-ground missiles in RB GF
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, [[MiG-19PT|MiG-19]], More WW2 Vehicles, More air bombing targets.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE4ZiqG-7xw Episode 189]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbqozTGrra8 Episode 64]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[G-LYNX|G-Lynx]]
:''War Machines:'' [[T114]]
:''Pages of History:'' Tokyo Express, how Japan used destroyers as resupply ships
:''Pages of History:'' Heinz Knoke
:''Tips and tricks:'' aircraft rockets
:''Special:'' Wagers
:''Hotline:'' choosing target tanks in test drive, why fuel tanks were placed next to the driver in modern tanks, damage model of commander optics, fastest Soviet ground vehicle, how answered YT comments are selected
:''Hotline:'' Special video for questions, Cold War Matchmaking, Calculations per second, Easter eggs.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-YJo8JRBEM Episode 190]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKeFUWKudoY Episode 63]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IS-3]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Leopard I|Leopard]]
:''Pages of History:'' Focused specialists vs universals, a comparison of tank design in Britain and Germany during WW2
:''War Machines:'' [[BMP-1]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' High-explosive rounds
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hornet Mk.III|Hornet]]
:''Hotline:'' BR decompression past 10.3, how tanks are modeled for the game
:''Hotline:'' AP vs HE bombs, Rank VI naval forces, Tank single missions, 5 million GE.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl68kOR9ig Episode 191]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-bdhpFsonU Episode 62]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv m/31]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Object 120|Object 120 "Taran"]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Lightning F.6]]
:''Special:'' The [[Update 1.71 "New E.R.A."|Update 1.71]]
:''Map:'' Sweden
:''Map Guide:'' [[Emperors Garden Map|Emperor's Garden]] & [[Fulda Gap]]
:''Hotline:'' vehicle with the most polygons in the game, find out if your shot will penetrate with the Protection Analysis feature, bomber carrying the biggest explosive mass in WT, infantry not coming to the game
:''Hotline:'' Number of players per team, B-36 bomber, US [[M8 Greyhound|M8 Greyhound]] armoured car, fps limit.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Gfl_N4JV8 Episode 192]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyD1M_Mi-dw Episode 61]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-72B]]
:''Special:'' Preparing for the new tanks
:''Pages of History:'' the first Swedish tanks
:''Pages of History:'' Richard P. Stevens
:''Special:'' new [[Update 1.97 "Viking Fury"#Interface|multifunction menu]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[IS-1]]
:''Hotline:'' which game modes are best suited for new players, custom loadout vs. preset loadout, fuel options for ground vehicles
:''Hotline:'' Rank VI tanks for nations, free-to-play game, [[A-36]] HVAR rockets, host's name.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZRl4RvDmbE Episode 193]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fphmndESyNU Episode 60]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv 122]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Ki-94-II]]
:''Pages of History:'' battle of Sunda Strait
:''Special:'' [[:Category:Sixth rank ground vehicles|Rank 6 Armoured Vehicles]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' assault ground arcade
:''Pages of History:'' [[J7W1]]
:''Hotline:'' the effect of modern missiles on gameplay, copyrighted music for the show, how to use mortars on ships, Gaijin's priorities, full barrel roll in a tank
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Sixth rank aircraft|Rank VI aircraft]], mixed RB maps, [[Update 1.71 "New E.R.A."|1.71]] update release, Quidditch gamemode
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcvwEs84aTs Episode 194]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh8JUqody5g Episode 59]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AML-90]]
:''Pages of History:'' The Soviet Shermans
:''Pages of History:'' [[Strv m/42 EH|Strv m/42]]
:''Special:'' User-made Missions
:''Challenge:'' climbing up some hills
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-43A-1|P-43A-1 Lancer]]
:''Hotline:'' customizable HUD, social distancing, multifunction menu, tutorials for newly introduced technology, working remotely during the quarantine
:''Hotline:'' Horton 18, armoured cars, [[KV-2 (1939)|KV-2]] reloads, combined arms game mode.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNfRQMZUMQg Episode 195]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7EikSPup3Q Episode 58]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[J35D]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' MTB vs Destroyer
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ho 229 V3|Ho 229]]
:''Pages of History:'' The 3rd of November, 1943
:''Tank Triathlon:'' Wheels versus caterpillars
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Sd.Kfz.234/4]]
:''Hotline:'' damaged from the backblast of a recoilless rifle, how to activate X-ray mode during battle (damaged modules overview), largest aircraft you can land on a carrier, running WT on minimal specs
:''Hotline:'' More British planes, submarines, aircraft carriers; events against the dev team, super saian modes
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIgoj8bT0H4 Episode 196]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1DTj5x40CY Episode 57]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A-4B]]
:''War Machines:'' [[YaG-10 (29-K)|29-K]]
:''Pages of History:'' the last voyage of HMS Edinburgh
:''Special:'' Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.
:''Challenge:'' Landing the biggest possible plane on an aircraft carrier
:''Pages of History:'' The two turrets of the "[[Tiger II (P)|King Tiger]]"
:''Hotline:'' most armored light tank in each tier, music of the show, timecodes for specific sections of the episode, multifunction menu
:''Hotline:'' Fairey Gannet, AI planes in test flights, More wheeled tanks, Stalinium.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIPHzv54GQw Episode 197]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiEXsMxd5rc Episode 56]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[CV 90120]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Crash Course: [[:Category:Italy aircraft|Italian Planes]]
:''Pages of History:'' Saburo Sakai, 1 vs 15
:''Pages of History:'' The low profile of the [[T-44]]
:''Tank triathlon:'' mid-tier medium tanks
:''Pages of History:'' [[Swordfish Mk I|Swordfish]]
:''Hotline:'' using the landing flaps to land faster, killing a top tier MBT with a reserve tank, the tank with the slowest turret traverse speed
:''Hotline:'' Long-range bombers for Germany, Ilyushin IL-40, Zeppelins, Shenanigans!
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWT-ETcU_No Episode 198]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xWIrlYSr4 Episode 55]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-4E Phantom II]] & [[F-4EJ Phantom II]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Ru 251|Spähpanzer Ru 251]]
:''Pages of History:'' Mysterious kinship
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-39 (Family)|Bell P-39 Airacobra]]
:''Tips and tricks:'' bombing in mixed battles
:''Challenge:'' Racing on a Jet Bomber
:''Hotline:'' YT channels to learn how to land on a carrier, new voice orders, turning off the helicopter turbine engine, boom and zoom, blood effects.
:''Hotline:'' [[B-29A-BN|B-29]] nuclear armament, bigger ships, and Gaijin's name in Japanese.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_bJWbpQuMg Episode 199]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO1p-dpJOa8 Episode 54]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv 74]]
:''Special:'' Playing the [[:Category:World War|World War]] mode.
:''Pages of History:'' Pearl Harbor 2
:''Metal beasts:'' [[IJN Yugumo]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Using the MBT
:''Pages of History:'' German Half-Tracks
:''Hotline:'' how to aim with the MiG-15bis, hitting a torpedo with another torpedo, how to control the multiple engines of an aircraft separately.
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian ground forces]], dead bomber mates, Esports, and show name origin.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mhSXtNN9Ko Episode 200 (Shooting Range 2.1)]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW9Gjrax8Zg Episode 53]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ka-52]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Fletcher-class DD.
:''Pages of History:'' [[SB2C-1c|Curtiss SB2C Helldiver]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Bf 110 C-7|Bf 110]]
:''Challenge:'' Performing the Cobra
:''Pages of History:'' [[D3A1|Aichi D3A]]
:''Hotline:'' impact of Covid on Gaijin's work, banning maps in a squad of premium users, killing an enemy with smoke grenades or shells, autorotation for helicopters when losing the engine, guns with the best elevation.
:''Hotline:'' Terrain effect on tanks, artillery vehicles, Blenheims, and bargaining.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX9xsllAqfY Episode 201]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60IVWW1_Flw Episode 52]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Rooikat 105]]
:''Special:'' A Gentleman's Guide to Winning III
:''Pages of History:'' [[KV-1 (L-11)]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[M60A2|152mm Gun Tank M60A2 <<Starship>>]].
:''Naval Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Heavy cruisers|Heavy cruisers]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[PBY-5 Catalina|Consolidated PBY Catalina]]
:''Hotline:'' why MGs on tanks and airplanes sound different, thrust vector jets, climbing the ranks with French planes, 200th episode.
:''Hotline:'' British vs Royal Army, handling real tanks, Italian jets, the [[M41A1|M41 Walker Bulldog]], and camouflage on PT boats.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAA4S31Hbhw Episode 202]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxIVvUZGptw Episode 51]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-104A|F-104 Starfighter]]
:''Special:'' [[B-29A-BN|B-29]] & [[Tu-4]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Mirage IIIC]]
:''Pages of History:'' Churchill Mk.III-VII
:''Special:'' meet the glorious [[:Category:Italy ships|Italian fleet]]
:''Pages of History:'' The [[Tu-2]] and Polikarpov
:''Hotline:'' Shooting Range intro, ammo rack detonation for AP shots, dive bombing at the speed of sound, what determines the color of NVD sights?
:''Hotline:'' 4 questions, French error, smoke round lethality, Deus Vult.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5cw-_dXhFE Episode 203]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8ui6TcGq5Q Episode 50]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[HSTV-L]]
:''Special:'' War Thunder Veterans Club
:''Pages of History:'' Her Majesty's Red Army Men
:''Hotline:'' Special Q&A with Kirill Yudintsev, Creative Director of Gaijin Entertainment.
:''Tactics and strategy:'' high-precision weapons
:''Hotline:'' why it is not possible to view replays from older versions, presets for keybinds, Italian armour, modeling your own tank with the CDK.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcIeR_s6fp8 Episode 204]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwbexTKZA-A Episode 49]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strf 9056]]
:''Special:'' [[World War]] Q&A
:''Pages of History:'' how Germany managed to create [[Tiger I (Family)|2 Tigers]] at the same time
:''Pages of History:'' [[KV-1S]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' radars
:''Pages of History:'' [[C.205 serie 1|MC.205V]]
:''Hotline:'' multifunction menu for console players, rangefinders before the introduction of laser rangefinders, Japanese propeller plane with the best climb rate, full circle Cobra manoeuvre, killing tanks with WW2 rockets, British jet fighter Scimitar.
:''Hotline:'' Pilot models, sniper rifles, [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian tanks]], 2-OP [[Po-2|PO-2]], 1 year anniversary.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPdcryL47sk Episode 205]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrqqMtZin1U Episode 48]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Scimitar F Mk.1]]
:''Special:'' A Gentleman's Guide to Winning II
:''Pages of History:'' [[Jagdpanzer 38(t)]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[P.108A serie 2|P.108A]]
:''Challenge:'' Jumping as high as possible with the [[Type 93]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-10-I|Ki-10]]
:''Hotline:'' guests on the Shooting Range, new secondary weapon selection menu, books of records for planes, "Nice shot!" voice order, how flares work in-game, new sound design.
:''Hotline:'' Ammo weight, naval forces, office tour, French tree.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z09VhocmW04 Episode 206]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifSt7zyLw8o Episode 47]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M60 AMBT]]
:''Special:'' How to Flak
:''Pages of Alternative History:'' [[Battle for the Fulda Gap]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[BM-13N|BM-13N "Katyusha"]]
:''[[World War]]:'' [[Season: Road to the West|Season 3]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hunter F 1|Hawker Hunter]]
:''Hotline:'' how vehicle sounds are recorded, Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P, are points curtailed when leaving a game early? playing as kamikaze, best climb rate among Soviet WW2 planes, FPS improvement with next-gen consoles.
:''Hotline:'' Rank 5 smoke, multinational tree, Italian white flag, I like trains.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq7zctbs7t8 Episode 207]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k15BSV4Xx9w Episode 46]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[IL-2 M-82]]
:''Special:'' [[Update 1.69 "Regia Aeronautica"|Update 1.69]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Battle of the Chinese Farm]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[T-55A]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Surviving on a fighter
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.91 R/1|G.91]]
:''Hotline:'' tow cables and helicopters, damaging a jet engine by shooting through the air intake, angling armor, best German ground vehicle, destroying an helicopter by ramming it.
:''Hotline:'' All-vehicle events, bomber repairs, spoiling the community, human writer.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmLZDtH7FpU Episode 208]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQs0VuHMaFA Episode 45]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F3H-2]] Demon
:''Special:'' Introducing the [[:Category:Italy aircraft|Italian Aviation]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M4A3E2]] Jumbo
:''Pages of History:'' [[CR.32]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Playing on torpedo boats
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.55S]]
:''Hotline:'' best way to make silver lions and earn research points, tips and tricks for air-to-ground missiles, mid-air collision between a tank and a jet aircraft, adding a tank from the future, Worl War season 3.
:''Hotline:'' Model creation, X-ray cam for planes, airfield loadout changes, most played song.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr-1BHTvokk Episode 209]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXxfEpltseI Episode 44]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-69 II G]]
:''Metal beasts:'' P-63A-5 Kingcobra
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-50]]
:''Special:'' [tss.warthunder.com]
:''Air Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Jet fighters|Top-tier fighter jets]]
:''Special:'' User-made Missions III
:''Hotline:'' why the NS-23 cannons on the IL-10 have less penetration than the VYa-23 cannons on IL-2s, which US ground vehicles play to grind the American tech tree, self-sealing tanks work, how to play with the T95, how to grind faster to reach top-tier jets?
:''Hotline:'' Program language, underdog trees, assault mode difficulty, robbery, stupid questions.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgBE-namY8E Episode 210]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s517bjhkxzk Episode 43]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-32]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' A Gentleman's Guide to Winning
:''Pages of History:'' [[Beaufighter (Family)|Beaufighter]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-61-I ko|Ki-61]]
:''Challenge:'' Destroying missiles with tanks cannons
:''Special:'' User-made Missions II
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Destroying missiles normally
:''Hotline:'' VE Day, bomber gunner FPS, cruisers & destroyers, international tree, did you read this?
:''Hotline:'' how to use orders in-game, why some US planes have glossy camouflage, destroying a plane with a falling bomb, best rank 2 US fighter plane.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9qfGHj1YcI Episode 211]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMCGzhRFKzc Episode 42]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-7B]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Flying with a Single Flap
:''Pages of History:'' [[F-104 (Family)|F-104 Starfighter]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Churchill Mk III|Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) Churchill]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Eastern Europe (Ground Forces)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-3T]]
:''Hotline:'' who was Marge, the woman pictured on Richard Bong's P-38J-15, which German CAS planes fly in tank realistic battles, what are the advantages of a propeller fighter compared to a jet engine fighter, which plane car carry most guns, best ground vehicle for drifting.
:''Hotline:'' Destroyers & cruisers, Soviet Rank II stabilization, [[Type 60 ATM]] issue, and pancakes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oVIzdap51E Episode 212]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNDrBysixQM Episode 41]'''
:''Special:'' Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.
:''Special:'' [[Gun stabilizer|Stabilized Shermans]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ta 152 H-1]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Fw 190 D-13]]
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Seventh rank helicopters|Top helicopters]]
:''Special:'' User-made Camouflages III
:''Hotline:'' what happens to the daily rewards if you don't log in everyday, how to play the Hs.129, what planes can be used in naval RB, how to play the Bf 109, purpose of the red and white stripes on the deck of Italian ships.
:''Hotline:'' More AF maps, replay system, ground assault, Thunder League.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDqhppOWjc4 Episode 213]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE4wTuJbe2I Episode 40]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M48 Super]]
:''Special:'' [[:Category:Game modes#Arcade Battles|Air Assault]]
:''Pages of History:'' Drone Day
:''Metal beasts:'' [[Sturmpanzer II]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Air duels: attacker's position
:''Pages of History:'' [[Gladiator Mk II|Gloster Gladiator]]
:''Hotline:'' in-game planes flying Mach 2.0 and above, which rank 3 British tanks research first, getting more SL in a squad, how to use the ballistic computer, slowest in-game tank and plane.
:''Hotline:'' Tanker profile pictures, Fairey Gannet, ramming ships.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpp-GqXiaKg Episode 214]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8iCEAEtszE Episode 39]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mirage IIIC]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[N1K1-Ja|N1K1-Ja Shiden]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[P-61C-1|P-61 Black Widow]]
:''Special:'' How do Tanks Steer
:''Air Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Biplanes|Biplanes]]
:''Special:'' The Weirdest British Vehicles
:''Hotline:'' which gun has the fastest rate of fire in-game, why fires on Japanese planes can't be put out, which British plane has the highest speed, Can the fastest plane catch the slowest missile, Which tanks for Realistic Battles.
:''Hotline:'' Hull machine gun, armoured trains, and tank smokes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-RnfEaO0ns Episode 215]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TcbJLHJ6sA Episode 38 (April Fool's)]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[AMX-13-M24]]
:''Metal beasts:'' XF5U-1
:''Pages of History:'' [[Grant I (Great Britain)|M3 Grant]]
:''Pages of History:'' Eisen Kaputt
:''Map Guide:'' [[Jungle]]
:''Metal beasts:'' Project Bigfoot
:''Hotline:'' best way to use the Churchill Mk VII, why there are 2 pilots in the F-82E, best way to use heavy bombers in GF RB, tips and tricks for a player new to rank 5.
:''Hotline:'' Submarines, World War I vehicles, flying tanks, and Lowes.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srKv5v9zoGA Episode 216]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6PVSequHlM Episode 37]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-72B3]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[IS-6]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F11F-1]] Tiger
:''Special:'' [[Gun stabilizer|Gun Stabilizers]]
:''Special:'' Volumetric rounds
:''Map Guide:'' Guiana Highlands
:''Hotline:'' how to play the P-61C-1 in battles, difference between 0 seconds fuze and assaut fuze, how to prevent your plane from going back to horizontal flight path when switching to rear gunner view, what to do if you have very few Silver Lions {{SL}}, how to tell if your tank can [[:Category:Amphibious ground vehicles|swim or not]].
:''Hotline:'' Single-player missions, British APHE, 3D modeling references, and the P1000 Ratte.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj5yjwMfmAM Episode 217]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owYlJZ4LgyA Episode 36]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Somua SM]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' [[:Category:Twin-engine_fighters|Heavy Fighters]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Swedish engineering miracle
:''Pages of History:'' [[T29]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' defense maneuvers in air duels
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ju 87 B-2|Ju.87 Stuka]]
:''Hotline:'' how radar-homing missiles work, does a shell lose penetration when shooting through a wall, best way to play British 6.7 tanks, how to play the P-38 Lightning, best rank IV or V US tank.
:''Hotline:'' Professional Esports, mobile release, and test ranges.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llVOukVt1A4 Episode 218]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoK9_NmswCo Episode 35]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[BI]]
:''Metal beasts:'' [[T26E1-1|Super Pershing]]
:''Pages of History:'' the Trophy T-34s
:''Pages of History:'' Women Pilots
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:ATGM vehicles|ATGM carriers]]
:''Special:'' User-made Camouflages II
:''Hotline:'' how to perform a Cobra manoeuvre, role of barrage balloons, tutorial for ASU-57, best Soviet rank 4 plane, how to use the weapon selector in aircraft.
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Italy ground vehicles|Italian armour]], engineer vehicles, radars, and the Kugelpanzer.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gSNZiirWEI Episode 219]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1S7jHyFxdA Episode 34]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' {{Specs-Link|us_merkava_mk_3d|short}}
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Fighting More Maneuverable Enemies
:''Pages of History:'' how the Swedish engineers changed their engines mid-flight, the [[J21 (Family)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Panther D|Pz.Kpfw.V Panther]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Normandy (Ground Forces)|Normandy]]
:''Challenge:'' Fighting AA Guns on Their Turf
:''Hotline:'' how to play the Ju 87 G1/G2, how to display info like ammo count and engine temperature in Realistic Air Battles, why AIM-7 Sparrow missiles sometimes fail to track their target and slef-destruct, comparison between P-51H-5-NA and Spitfire F Mk 24, how to play Soviet vehicles with little or no gun depression.
:''Hotline:'' More RB maps, O-I heavy tank, sandbag armour, and BR change satisfaction.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpCq7QDEjBk Episode 220]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R9OL0Hf-yw Episode 33]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chi-Ha LG]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Gepard|Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Panzer III (Family)]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[SB 2M-100|SB-2]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Template:Naval mines|Naval mines]]
:''Special:'' User-made Camouflages
:''Hotline:'' how to play the M46, how to know which bombs will drop first: weapon selector, best rank IV and V German vehicles, most versatile piston fighter in-game, manual engine controls.
:''Hotline:'' Reporting process, skip bombing, [[:Category:Japan ground vehicles|Japanese tanks]], and game experience.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNA65Ms4gwY Episode 221]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzBqa1PSpno Episode 32]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Jaguar A]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Working in Tandem II
:''Pages of History:'' the story of two competing aces
:''Special:'' The Best Medium Tank at Around BR 5.0
:''Triathlon:'' comparing medium tier [[:Category:Anti-aircraft_vehicles|SPAAGs]]
:''Special:'' Soviet Modifications
:''Hotline:'' what the device on the back of the T-80U's turret is for, why the movie settings is not recommended for gameplay, why you can't take the Pe-8 as your first aircraft in Sim battles, what is the best strategy to play P-47D-25 or D-28.
:''Hotline:'' More tank skins, Free non-Rank I premium vehicle, [[Ka-Mi]] amphibious capabilities, and War Thunder mechanics.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoZLyWJ5lRw Episode 222]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8LVKOlnQdE Episode 31]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Strv 104]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Working in Tandem
:''Pages of History:'' [[H6K4|boats]] and [[B-17E|fortresses]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[He 100 D-1|Heinkel He 100]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Poland (Ground Forces)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Independent|Vickers A1E1 Independent]]
:''Hotline:'' how to lock a target, bushes in Arcade battles, which game mode is used by the Shooting Range, gun stabilizer on low-rank vehicles, slowest reload rate in-game.
:''Hotline:'' Armoured cars, new Chieftain, meaning of "bis", and a face reveal.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJNmzteLOk8 Episode 223]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTibyCaPA9Y Episode 30]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Lightning F.6]]
:''Special:'' "Convoy"
:''Pages of History:'' [[:Template:USA heavy tanks|USA heavy tanks]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MZ1]] & the [[MPK Pr.122bis|Project 122bis]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Guide to manual engine controls|Manual engine controls]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Hudson Mk V (Great Britain)|Lockheed Super Electra/Hudson]]
:''Hotline:'' how to use the QF 3.7 Ram and the VFW in battle, which tanks have suspension controls, difference between fighters and interceptors, what is the purpose of the new game mechanic "LWR / laser warning receiver".
:''Hotline:'' Japanese heavy tank, future of Japanese ground forces, PS VR support, and over-powered terrain.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJLUJNFD1Nw Episode 224]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2Eyz6Lwgg8 Episode 29]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[TAM 2C]]
:''Special:'' RAAF Aircraft Set
:''Pages of History:'' hunting the [[Bf 109 F-4|Friedrich]]
:''Special:'' Soviet Tank Camouflage
:''Triathlon:'' comparing [[:Category:Medium_tanks|early MBTs]]
:''Challenge:'' Shooting at a Plane From the Other Side of the Map.
:''Hotline:'' what is the best way to use the FV4005, how does battle cruise control work for ATGM vehicles, how to use "schräge Musik", how to change the font size of the User Interface (UI).
:''Hotline:'' Sonic booms, French armour, Churchill AVRE, and sushi.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnopLjce42E Episode 225]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDvzWT2BSg4 Episode 28]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-6]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Object 906]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Nb.Fz.]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Su-2 MV-5|Sukhoi Su-2]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Advance to the Rhine]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Abandoned Factory (Ground_Forces)|Abandoned Factory]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the best way to play the T-35, why did allied planes have stripes on their wings, what is the best German ground attacker.
:''Hotline:'' Hydropneumatic suspension, ToG II, and 1/2 year anniversary of Shooting Range.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1G4iGba5MA Episode 226]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_3vuywdr5E Episode 27]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M47 (105/55)]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Type 60 SPRG (C)|Type 60]]
:''Pages of History:'' the crazy battle of USS Lexington
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ki-43-I|Ki-43]] & Itokawa Hideo
:''Tips and tricks:'' [[:Category:Game_modes#Arcade_Battles|Assault air arcade]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Korea (Ground Forces)|38th Parallel]]
:''Hotline:'' why are some jet engines angled downwards like the Jaguar or the Phantom, what is the plane with the biggest number of bombs, why do WW2 tanks have 5 crew members sitting apart while Cold war tanks have 4 crew members sitting close to one another, which MBT has the fastest reload, how do you use the Bullpup ATGM on an aircraft.
:''Hotline:'' Sound rework, plane ramming damage effect, and [[World War|World War mode]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1PfKRvLTVs Episode 227]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jmSoAvIsv4 Episode 26]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SMS Helgoland]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Chi-Ri II]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-80 (Family)]]
:''Pages of History:'' 18th of August, 1919
:''Special:'' capturing points on a [[VTOL]] aircraft
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ta 154 A-1|Focke-Wulf Ta 154]]
:''Hotline:'' is the Su-7B or BKL worth the grind for ground battles or is the MiG-21SMT better, how to join a Dev server, what is the lowest BR jet fighter in-game, what is the best way to play the Kingcobra, what does the little grey circle represent in the bombsight view.
:''Hotline:'' Time cursor in replay, ram kills, Japanese crew names, and first year experience.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt6JJt5uYgs Episode 228]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[MiG-21bis]]
:''Pages of History:'' Old 666
:''Triathlon:'' reserve [[:Category:Destroyers|destroyers]]
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 1-25}}
:''Hotline:'' how to use the M60 effectively, ricochet table for tank rounds explained, how to turn off the flight instructor without using full real controls, why the bottom half of big ships is coloured red, which modern MBT is most fun to play.
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxkPq8ICn3Y Episode 25]'''
:''Pages of History:'' [[A-20G-25|Douglas A-20 Havoc]]
:''Special:'' Nose Art
:''Challenge:'' Skip Bombing
:''Hotline:'' Performances in old computers, bomber cockpit details, Naval closed beta test, and happy holidays!
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zesNf8kYsKg Episode 229]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEKOxO9Gn7E Episode 24]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Leopard 2A6]]
:''Special:'' Playing the World War Mode!
:''Pages of History:'' [[Sturer Emil]]
:''Special:'' The Japanese are rolling out!
:''Map Guide:'' [[Abandoned Factory (Ground Forces)|Abandoned Factory]]
:''Pages of History:'' Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident.
:''Hotline:'' why the body of Mil helicopters is constructed at an angle, how to change the height of the sight on the [[Strv 122B PLSS]], how to switch to bomb tracking view, why planes are painted black on the nose, why there is a nuke in the game.
:''Hotline:'' more detailed plane damage model.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z0ihOEb1tw Episode 230]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9KdgbSzla8 Episode 23]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Harrier GR.1]]
:''Special:'' A set for a Japanese ace.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Bf 109 (Family)|Bf 109]] in Swiss service
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T29|Heavy tank T29]].
:''Tactics and strategy:'' dogfights on [[:Category:Sixth_rank_aircraft|top jets]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tempest Mk II]] and its engine.
:''Hotline:'' how to configure the VTOL controls, why ammo can still explode even when it doesn't have explosive filler, smoke shells vs. smoke grenades, comparison of the T-72AV (TURMS-T) and the XM-1 (GM), why does the nose cone of some aircraft have spirals painted on them.
:''Hotline:'' naval forces release date, parasite fighters, [[:Category:France ground vehicles|French tanks]], [[:Category:Tank machine guns|tank machine guns]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8NJyFROYqY Episode 22]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M4A5|RAM Mk.II (M4A5)]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[TB-3M-17-32|TB-3]].
:''Special:'' [[Leopard A1A1|The best top tier tank]].
:''Hotline:'' [[F6F-5N]], [[Pr.1124 MLRS|Project 1124]] rockets, depth charges.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmL0qG0bB4 Episode 231]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skBaXa4lQUM Episode 21]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[T-90A]]
:''Special:'' The start of the naval pre-beta test.
:''Pages of History:'' [[ARL-44]]
:''Special:'' Our fleet... so far!
:''Challenge:'' Toss bombing
:''Pages of History:'' Exercise Tiger.
:''Hotline:'' where do you send questions for the Hotline, which Phantom is the best in the game, how do you play the US T34 heavy tank, how does a VTOL plane land and hover like a helicopter, why did the later models of the Fw 190 stop using radial engines.
:''Hotline:'' How does the CBT work?, Participating in the CBT after purchasing a pre-order pack, pre-order pack vessel receiving, PS4 support.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1niD5IkZuLM Episode 232]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xklKT8qdvPo Episode 20]'''
:''Metal Beasts 2020:'' landmark vehicles added to the game.
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ki-87|Nakajima Ki-87]].
:''War Thunder in 2020:'' game features introduced or improved.
:''Special:'' The size of a tank crew.
:''The weapons and ammo of 2020:'' new weapons introduced.
:''Challenge:'' Bringing a torpedo to a tank fight.
:''Locations 2020:'' maps added this year.
:''Hotline:'' Jet flame visual effect, sights for SPAAs, Boulton Paul Defiant.
:''Hotline:'' which manoeuvres you should use whe there's an enemy fighter behind you, how star shells work, what is the best non-premium German fighter at low BR, what is the purpose of the red paint of the submerged bottom part of ships, what is your favourite Swedish jet.
{{Sp-begin|Episodes 233-current}}
<div align="left">
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aM7hS-ciYY Episode 233]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[SK60B]]
:''Pages of History:'' The birth of the [[Harrier (Family)|Harrier]]
:''Triathlon:'' Top piston engine [[:Category:Fighters|fighters]]
:''Hotline:'' how to set up wheel brakes for an aircraft when landing, what are the differences between the T-80U and the T-90A, which aircraft has the highest climb rate, what are the tactics and strategy for using early helicopters equipped with only unguided weapons and no ATGM.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XaRwE1dsmQ Episode 234]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJO2sLI_jwU Episode 19]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[VFM5]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Boomerang Mk I (Great Britain)|CAC Boomerang]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[Chieftain (Family)|Chieftain]], the Centurion's successor
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Finding angles for angling.
:''Map Guide:'' [[Sinai]]
:''Special:'' Best aircraft for SB.
:''Hotline:'' how to change the color of the aerobatics smoke, are there airborne anti-ship missiles in the game, where to find the controls for guided bombs like the Fritz X.
:''Hotline:'' B-26 Marauder, multi-crewed planes controlled by more than one player.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J6c4D5MVRg Episode 235]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtCKzvbLfNg Episode 18]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[A-7D]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M163|M163 VADS]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[A.109EOA-2]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Fw 190 A-1|Focke-Wulf 190A]].
:''Tactics and strategy:'' [[Boom & Zoom|Boom and Zoom]]
:''Challenge:'' Tank bowling.
:''Hotline:'' why most Soviet tanks have bad gun depression, which is the best heavy fighter to dogfight single-engine fighters, tips on how not to lose SL and end up grinding low ranks, what is the most effective way to lose speed when trying to land with VTOL aircraft.
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Italy aircraft|Italian aircraft tree]], lobby system for map choosing, Xbox One support.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yssg5uKGS-A Episode 236]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVqOmM_IrLY Episode 17]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZTZ99]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Spotting the enemy.
:''Pages of History:'' [[M6A1]], the first American heavy
:''Science of War:'' G-forces & G-LOC.
:''Triathlon:'' top [[:Category:Battleships|battleships]]
:''Special:'' Earning silver.
:''Hotline:'' which Ju 87 have the Stuka siren, what is the playstyle of each nation and which to pick a a new player, what is the gameplay style of the early P-51, what is the best early US jet, what is your favourite weird SPG.
:''Hotline:'' Pilot models, Golden Eagles transfer, user skins in PS4.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY-M41AUM48 Episode 237]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ97c_m8G0I Episode 16]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Buccanneer S.2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[BV 238|Blohm und Voss BV-238]].
:''Pages of History:'' a new old engine for the [[Fw 190 (Family)|Fw 190]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F9F-2|F9F Panther]] & [[F9F-8|F-9 Cougar]].
:''Map Guide:'' [[Karelia]]
:''Special:'' High caliber soviet bias set.
:''Hotline:'' what is the maximum daily login reward you can receive, how to set the lock-on SAM missiles, how to know which engine is number 1, 2, 3 or 4 when in a bomber, does my aircraft become faster and lighter over time by consuming fuel and wasting ammo, slowest plane vs. fastest ground vehicle.
:''Hotline:'' [[World War|World War mode]], flamethrowers, sound effects.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIlUeGLTF7w Episode 238]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8ItFYwulAs Episode 15]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZSU-37-2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Pz.Sfl.Ic|Pz.II H]].
:''Pages of History:'' [[Panzer_III_(Family)#Vehicles_Based_on_the_Panzer_III_Chassis|StuG III]]
:''Pages of History:'' Japanese aircraft markings.
:''Tactics and strategy:'' Assault in Tank Arcade
:''Map Guide:'' [[Sinai]].
:''Hotline:'' what is the best way to play the [[T26E1-1|Super Pershing]], why do most jets have spikes on their noses, why did Grunman naval aircraft have "cat" at the end of their name, what are early jets tactics.
:''Hotline:'' IAR 80, camouflages for ships, [[F-100D|F-100 Super Sabre]], Gaijin logo.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRBzLn1se_Y Episode 239]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgi1k_ljFYw Episode 14]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F8F-1B]] Bearcat
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' A few tips for air battles.
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-38]], the first Soviet production VTOL
:''Wooden Beasts:'' [[8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.|8.8 cm FlaK 37 (sf.) auf s. Zgkw. 18t]].
:''Triathlon:'' early [[:Category:Jet fighters|jet fighters]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Kikka]] and [[Me 262 A-1a|Schwalbe]].
:''Hotline:'' what are some notable features of German bombers, how to play the [[F-104S]], how to get to the mission editor, making a Cobra manoeuvre in an [[A-7D]].
:''Hotline:'' [[:Category:Japan ground vehicles|Japanese tanks]], reloading animations, PS VR.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbEOsa_3iBg Episode 240]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Rw863XFGd8 Episode 13]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Vickers MBT]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Mosquito FB Mk VI]] & [[Mosquito FB Mk XVIII]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Chi-Ha (Family)|Chi-Ha]] and [[Chi-He (Family)|Chi-He]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Elco 80 ft PT-109]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Kuban (Ground Forces)]]
:''Special:'' A vehicle set for an SP gun enthusiast
:''Hotline:'' why was the Archer built with a backwards turret, how can you see your replays, what is the difference between inline and radial engines in piston planes and which one is superior, what is the Challenger 2 & (2F) playstyle.
:''Hotline:'' custom test drive missions.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRRbMZ12LHQ Episode 241]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnfxWsXct9E Episode 12]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Re.2005 serie 0]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Flaps
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pe-8]]
:''Science of War:'' [[Damage mechanics|Damage calculation]]
:''Challenge:'' unguided air-to-air rockets
:''Pages of History:'' the [[SBD-3|Douglas SBD Dauntless]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the best playstyle for the Fw 190 series fighters, how to change team and enemy colours, what are good tactics for beginner tankers, how to get hexagonal camouflage for the Ho 229.
:''Hotline:'' aerobatics maps, CDK for Mac users, future armored cars.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brTNf5hXVGM Episode 242]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abvolluBFeM Episode 11]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Olifant Mk.2]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Spin recovery
:''Pages of History:'' the desert [[Crusader (Family)|Crusader]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Pr.1124 MLRS]]
:''Tactics and strategy:'' urban tank duels
:''Challenge:'' Fighting the Maus with a reserve tank
:''Hotline:'' how to play the T-55A, why did US pilots dislike the P-39 while Russian pilots loved it, does the Me 262 have underwing rockets, how squadron activity points are received, how to lock the turret in position while driving.
:''Hotline:'' Fokker G.1 and Westland Whirlwind, plane in test drive map for AA training, Avro Vulcan.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyfaQ2Cfg2U Episode 243]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPfgmUwiJMA Episode 10]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-17M2]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' How to land on an aircraft carrier.
:''Pages of History:'' [[SAAB-105 (Family)|SAAB-105]]
:''Science of war:'' All things armor
:''Triathlon:'' [[:Category:Fifth rank helicopters|reserve rank helicopters]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Yak-15]]
:''Hotline:'' what is the best tank to research between M60A2, M551 and T95E1, why some ground arcade battles allow more than one bomber or attacker in the air when it is normally limited to one, how to fire AGM missiles, how to create a custom battle to fight a 1-on-1 duel with a friend, can you destroy bombs using guns or cannons.
:''Hotline:'' premium jets, Saab 29 Tunnan.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O6saI_fQ2Y Episode 244]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYdJqnO5Cs4 Episode 9]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ikv 91-105]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Turning Point
:''Pages of History:'' [[Ratel 20]], the South African Badger
:''Special:'' Losing a crew member
:''Map Guide:'' [[Ash River]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Beaufighter (Family)|The Bristol Beaufighter]]
:''Hotline:'' what's the binocular icon in the lower left corner of the in-battle tank UI, why does the Challenger Mk.2 have a stock APFSDS shell with a better normal penetration than the researchable APFSDS shell, why planes don't like to pull negative Gs and which aircraft can pull the most negative Gs, can you use the nuke in Realistic Battles.
:''Hotline:'' All-vehicle mode, Canadian vehicles, Kamikaze in Naval Battles, Naval-counter aircraft, Wood chucks.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTVTgZh5s74 Episode 245]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPFzWLprS_A Episode 8]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[F-5A (China)|F-5A Freedom Fighter]]
:''Special:'' Naval Battles
:''Pages of History:'' Bruce Carr
:''Pages of History:'' Bulkeley's Devil Boats
:''Challenge:'' Auxiliary weapons
:''Pages of History:'' St Nazaire Raid
:''Hotline:'' how do you fire a 37 mm cannon separately from a 20 mm cannon on a plane, why are the gunners on bombers so bad, why don't jet fighters have cannons over 30 mm calibre, what's the most effective way playing with the [[P40]].
:''Hotline:'' Punishing Team-Killers, Night battles, Submarines, [[Update 1.61 "Road to Glory"|Update 1.61]] speed.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anAu8xSE-Hs Episode 246]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2grV9sYBfE Episode 7]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[ZA-35]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Ki-43-III otsu|Ki-43-III Otsu]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[M13/40 (Family)|M13/40]], the workhorse of the Italian Army
:''Map Guide:'' [[Tunisia]]
:''Round Study:'' comparing BR-471 B/D rounds
:''Pages of History:'' [[G.50 serie 2|Fiat G.50]]
:''Hotline:'' why is the [[Vampire FB 52A|Italian Vampire]] faster, what is the best way to play the F-86F-2, which navy do you recommend first, what is the difference between the AIM-9B and the AIM-9B FGW.2 on the German F-104G, what is a float-controlled carburetor.
:''Hotline:'' Italian defection, [[P-51H-5-NA|P-51H]] or P-51K, Tank lights, Bomb bay button, British Bias.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCwVACmDQw Episode 247]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuBjkyZT6Yw Episode 6]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Su-11]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Wellington Mk Ic|Vickers Wellington]]
:''Pages of History:'' Boris Kovzan, "Air Ramming Champion"
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Using Binoculars
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' playing the hills
:''Challenge:'' Hunting aircraft with the [[Calliope|T34 Calliope]]
:''Hotline:'' is there any advantage having a double propeller similar to the [[Seafire FR 47]], how to kill the [[T26E1-1|Super Pershing]] from the front, how do I make my own skin, why is there a crew replenishment modification in 2-man tanks like the [[Shturm-S]] or the [[Khrizantema-S]], how do you play the [[Centurion Mk.5 AVRE|British AVRE]] in the best possible way.
:''Hotline:'' Britain non-premium ATGM, Machine gun utility, WWII only matches, [[F4U-4B|Later model corsairs]], P-47 Razorback
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klTnC5qwPX4 Episode 248]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5YJmEcfLxQ Episode 5]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M3A3 Bradley]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Dive Bombing
:''Pages of History:'' birth of the [[Leopard 2 (Family)|Leopard 2]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Tiger II (H) Sla.16]]
:''Triathlon:'' sub top-tier MBTs
:''Map Guide:'' [[Frozen Pass]]
:''Hotline:'' how big a difference is there between different types of ammo used when playing as a fighter aircraft, climbing the ranks with helicopters, what is a good way to deal with both late propeller and early jet fighters in the [[A2D-1]] Skyshark, are there any plans to make HE shells damage the enemy crew like in real life or at least stun them.
:''Hotline:'' Dutch airplanes, adding the PTAB bomb, different sights for tanks, ammo weight, American Bias.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExA9b4wexHE Episode 249]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L04Bp-FkBhA Episode 4]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[M.B.175T]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[He 219 A-7|Heinkel He 219 UHU]]
:''Pages of History:'' Sukhoi's firstborn jets, the [[Su-9]] and [[Su-11]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' How To Deal With Spawn Camping
:''Round Study:'' penetrating the [[Ferdinand]]
:''Map Guide:'' [[Battle of Hurtgen Forest|Battle of Hürtgen Forest]]
:''Hotline:'' why can't you drop bombs above Mach 1, how can you see your ammo count in air battles, are the skins from WT Live visible to my teammates or enemies, what are the funny-looking wires on the nose of German attackers such as the [[Me 410 B-6/R3]].
:''Hotline:'' More British tanks, Focke-Wulf P VII (Flitzer), P59 Airacomet, Russian Bias.
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryx7Uxo_3X0 Episode 250]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBGRGu-o9us Episode 3]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Char 25t]]
:''Special:'' The First [[:Category:ATGM vehicles|ATGM-Equipped Tanks]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[Tiger H1|Henschel's Tiger]]
:''Pages of History:'' [[F2A-1|F2A Buffalo]]
:''Special:'' [[Damage_mechanics#Overpressure|blast overpressure]] - updated HE rounds
:''Map Guide:'' [[Port Novorossiysk]]
:''Hotline:'' why does the [[Breda 88 (P.XI)]] have a bomber sight window but no bomber sight, what is the [[Night_Vision_Devices#Infrared_Spotlights|IR spotlight]] and how to use it, how to get aerobatic smoke for your aircraft.
:''Hotline:'' - Naval implementation, smoke launchers, External fuel tanks, the "Grand Slam Bomb" for the [[Lancaster B Mk I|Lancaster]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF4m-Y9ITgg Episode 251]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyr_aw3YTe8 Episode 2]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Yak-9B]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Flying controls with keyboard.
:''Pages of History:'' [[F2G-1|Super Corsair]]
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[P-61C-1|P-61 Black Widow]] combat overview.
:''Map Guide:'' [[Berlin (Ground Forces)|Berlin]]
:''Science of War:'' HESH shells in combat.
:''Hotline:'' why don't aircraft of the MiG family have even numbers, can you overpenetrate a tank wreck to kill a tank that is taking cover behind it, how to play the [[IS-6]] effectively, what are the MiG series of planes good at.
:''Hotline:'' New sounds, the Canal Defense Light (CDL), and the [[Bf 109 Z]].
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WGV2ECr-TA Episode 252]'''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4R3iiCmiBQ Episode 1]'''
:''Metal Beasts:'' [[Tortoise]]
:''Tactics & Strategy:'' Tank duels, taking advantage of enemy weaknesses, mobility, and armor sloping.
:''Pages of History:'' [[T-72 (Family)|T-72]]
:''Science of War:'' Parallax error in third person view.
:''Triathlon:'' Hydrofoil boats
:''Pages of History:'' [[F4U-1A|F4U Corsair]]
:''Hotline:'' how to play with the [[M1A2 Abrams|M1A2]], can you still fly a plane the same when one of the two pilots gets shot, are there any plans for adding or updating top-tier ground forces for Japan, which tank has the longest gun in the game, fastest plane or slowest missile: which would win.
:''Hotline:'' Missile accuracy and balancing, huge maps, new German Tier V vehicles, and [[P-40C|P-40B/C]]'s.
<!-- Use as template for future episodes '''[]'''
:''Metal Beasts:''
:''Pages of History:''
:''Tactics and strategy:''
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;Show anniversary
;Show anniversary
* Ep. 200: Shooting Range 2.1.
* Ep. 150: Longer intro thanking the player community.
* Ep. 100: Making-of & plans for the future of the show.
* Ep. 50: War Thunder veterans club & Hotline with Kirill.
* Ep. 50: War Thunder veterans club & Hotline with Kirill.
* Ep. 100: Making-of & plans for the future of the show.
* Ep. 150: Longer intro thanking the player community.
* Ep. 200: Shooting Range 2.1.
* Ep. 233: Bruce appears on camera (Wishes for 2021).
* Ep. 232: Bruce appears on camera (Recap 2020).
* Ep. 180: Bruce appears on camera (Recap 2019).
* Ep. 175: Bruce's voice is broken.
* Ep. 130: Bruce appears on camera (Shooting Range 2.0).
* Ep. 52: Bruce's 1st Shooting Range episode.
* Ep. 52: Bruce's 1st Shooting Range episode.
* Ep. 130: Bruce appears on camera (Shooting Range 2.0).
* Ep. 175: Bruce's voice is broken.
* Ep. 180: Bruce appears on camera (Recap 2019).
* Ep. 232: Bruce appears on camera (Recap 2020).
* Ep. 233: Bruce appears on camera (Wishes for 2021).
;April Fool's
;April Fool's
* Ep. 141: April Fool's Day 2019.
* Ep. 89: April Fool's Day 2018.
* Ep. 38: April Fool's Day 2017.
* Ep. 38: April Fool's Day 2017.
* Ep. 89: April Fool's Day 2018.
* Ep. 141: April Fool's Day 2019.
;Year recap
;Year recap
* Ep. 232: Rewind 2020.
* Ep. 180: Rewind 2019.
* Ep. 128: Rewind 2018.
* Ep. 76: Rewind 2017.
* Ep. 24: Rewind 2016 (Christmas episode).
* Ep. 24: Rewind 2016 (Christmas episode).
* Ep. 76: Rewind 2017.
* Ep. 128: Rewind 2018.
* Ep. 180: Rewind 2019.
* Ep. 232: Rewind 2020.

Revision as of 13:51, 21 May 2021

Introducing Wiki 3.0

The Shooting Range is a series of video produced by the War Thunder YouTube Community for the purpose of aiding the playerbase on certain aspects of the game such as game mechanics, pages of history, Q&As, tactics, strategies, and more.


Before the series aired on June 9th, 2016, Gaijin releases various of informative videos online separately. "The Shooting Range" is meant to be a compilation of various of tips and tricks for the players to use. However, the information presented in the series require experience in gameplay mechanics to understand, so the target audience is definitely for War Thunder veterans.

The Shooting Range airs every Sunday at 04:00 PM GMT (noon in Eastern time).

Playlist for the whole series can be found here.


Latest videos

Latest three videos!

Video Summaries









  • The format of the show consists of 4 sections, 3 of which were from the following categories: War Machines, Metal Beasts, Pages of History, Tactics and strategy, Special, Science of War, Tips and tricks, Challenge, Map Guide or Tank triathlon while the 4th section always is the segment "Hotline".
  • The current show (Shooting Range 2.0) started at episode 130. The main changes compared to the old format (episodes 1-129) are visual (graphics/audio/video quality).


  • Bruce is the regular voice actor of the show since episode 52.
  • Shawn (Thunder Show) used to voice the show during its first year (episodes 1 to 51).

Special episodes