Update 1.97 "Viking Fury"

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Update 1.97 "Viking Fury" (changelog) was introduced on 16 March 2020. This update is notable for the introduction of the Swedish ground tree, and new aviation mechanics.


New vehicles

Ground vehicles















Naval fleet










New onboard aviation systems

New mechanics for pilots: Ground Target Search Radar, flares and Automatic Correction for Target Marker (ballistic calculator). All the described mechanics are being implemented for those vehicles which they were actually used in real life by taking into account the peculiarities of each particular system.

New locations and missions

  • New location "Sweden" for ground vehicles and missions have been added.
  • New aircraft location "Denmark" has been added.
  • Test Flight has been added for Swedish aircraft in the location "Denmark".

Location and mission updates

  • Airfield models have been changed in combined ground battles. Now the airfield model for a runway length of 1200 metres will be used for low rank battles, 1700 metres for medium ranks, and 3200 metres for high ranks respectively.
  • In combined ground battles the location of airfields has been brought to a single standard. Now for low and medium rank battles, airfields are located 7000 metres away from the centre of the location and for high rank battles the distance has been increased to 12,000 metres (previously airfields were mainly located at distances of 6000-9000 metres).
  • Self-destructible AI targets over time have been disabled for Ground Strike missions listed below. New type of targets added: AI ground attackers, which spawn for both teams and attack ground targets. The number of AI vehicles for these missions has been increased, mission points now count both heavy targets (bunkers and tanks) and light targets (artillery, trucks, AA guns):
    • Ground Strike "Oahu"
    • Ground Strike "Berlin"
    • Ground Strike "Britain"
    • Ground Strike "Guam"
    • Ground Strike "Korsun"
  • The airfield length has been changed to 1700 metres for the listed missions (above).
  • For the listed missions (above) the vehicle counters have been disabled. They basically duplicated the score displayed at the top of the screen but it occasionally didn't reflect the actual number of vehicles required for victory when for example the bombers had destroyed several bomb zones whilst the number of victory points decreased.
  • For the listed missions (above) when an opponent's aircraft has been destroyed the victory points for the team were deducted (shooting down aircraft didn't affect the points previously). The same mechanism will be used in the "Airfield Domination" missions and has proved itself useful.
  • The lack of invulnerability in the respawn area with the respawn for ground vehicles in the locations "Hürtgen Forest" and "Maginot Line" has been fixed.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes

  • T-72A - hull upper front plate parts converted into volumetric armour.
  • T-80B - hull upper front plate parts converted into volumetric armour.
  • T-54 (1947), T-54 (1949), T-54 (1951) - the gun mantlet is now volumetric armour.
  • Type 59, Type 69, ZTZ59D1 - the gun mantlet is now volumetric armour.
  • T-34, all versions with 76mm and 57mm guns - mantlet and hull upper front plate are now volumetric armour.
  • Infrared spotlights have been added for the Kpz-70, MBT-70, Leopard 1 and M48AC2.
  • Optical target trackers on AA vehicles are now much more precise.
  • The maximum range of the Stormer HVM has been fixed. The maximum range of 7km which was previously on the vehicle card can not be reached and the missiles were detonated at a distance of about 5km.

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes

  • For most "air-to-air" missiles the launch range has been changed to real values at low altitudes - reduced by about 25-30%. The reduction at mid and high altitudes is insignificant.
  • IR seekers of "air-to-air" missiles now can handle multiple targets inside the seeker FoV in a proper way: missiles no longer turn away from targets.
  • "Igla", "Stinger" and "Mistral" missiles - corrected flight performance and seeker parameters: engine thrust has been increased, lateral acceleration has been decreased.
  • "Firestreak" missile has been tuned according to sources: lateral acceleration and seeker gimbal angles have been increased, pure pursuit guidance method is used instead of proportional navigation.
  • The flight performance of the R-60M missile has been configured according to sources: now it matches the flight performance of R-60 missile.
  • Cloud cover now reduces the target lock-on range for IR and laser homing sensors, as well as the optical equipment of helicopters and missile-equipped AA vehicles.
  • Speed and flight time of all air-launched ATGM's has been configured according to reference. Maximal launch range now depends on launcher and target altitude. The Maximum launch distance of "Vikhr" at ground level has been decreased from 10 km to 8.6 km. For other ATGM's, the change in maximum launch distance is insufficient.
  • F-4M FGR-2 - radar warning receiver and "air-to-air" missiles launch zone computer has been added to radar. Ballistic computer for bombs, rockets and cannons has been added.
  • F-4C - the modular set has received RWR (radar warning system).
  • MiG-21F-13, MiG-21MF and MiG-21SMT - "air-to-air" missiles launch zone computer has been added to radar rangefinder and radar, respectively.
  • MiG-21MF and MiG-21SMT - Ballistic computer for rockets and cannons has been added.
  • F-4C - "air-to-air" missiles launch zone computer has been added to radar.
  • T-2 - "air-to-air" missiles launch zone computer has been added to radar. Ballistic computer for bombs, rockets and cannons has been added.
  • AH-1F and AH-1Z received autosight for rockets. The AH-1Z now features autosight for cannons and automatic aiming in cannon turret on a chosen target.
  • The Tiger UHT has received an automatic sight for rockets and cannons
  • Mi-28N received SPO-150 "Pastel" instead of SPO-15 "Bereza" radar warning receiver. The amount of ammunition for the 2A42 cannon has been adjusted to 250 shots.
  • Mi-24, Mi-35M, Mi-28N and Ka-50 helicopters received automatic sight for rockets and cannons. The Mi-28N and Ka-50 helicopters received automatic aiming of cannon turrets on a chosen target.
  • AH-1S helicopter received automatic sight for rockets.
  • A-129A received an automatic sight for rockets and cannons, as well as automatic aiming of turret at a chosen target.
  • Tiger HAP and Tiger HAD received an automatic sight for rockets and cannons, as well as automatic aiming of turret at a chosen target.
  • Aircraft cannons GSh-30, NR-30, N-37 — Recoil when firing has been decreased.
  • The type of shell for the 30mm cannon of the Tiger HAP and HAD has been changed from HEF-I to SAPHEI. The ballistic range has been increased. Kinetic piercing has been added. Now the shell retains its effectiveness when shooting at targets at a distance of up to 3 km.
  • The incorrect displayed localization for the RP-3 missiles for some aircraft has been fixed.
  • Pyorremyrsky - The belt setup and ammunition for the 12.7 mm LKk/42 machine gun have been changed.
  • J20 - Weaponry composition for the Akan m/40 machine guns has been changed.
  • J11 - Weaponry composition for the Akan m/40 machine guns has been changed.

Flight Model changes

  • All helicopters - unrecoverable roll when maximum allowed speed is exceeded in arcade mode has been removed.
  • LaGG-3 -11/23/34/35/66 series - a bug has been fixed with an incorrect display of flight time depending on the amount of fuel selected.
  • Bombs from 100 to 3,000 pounds (USA, Britain) - bugs have been fixed leading to incorrect parasitic drag.
  • FFAR, Mighty Mouse - drag of suspended blocks has been corrected.
  • Halifax B Mk.III - name and model of engines in the "X-ray" mode in the hangar have been fixed.
  • A21A-3 - bug has been fixed with incorrect fuel tank filling.
  • A21RB - Ksp m/22 unit's affect to flight characteristics has been fixed.
  • B5N2, B7A2, D4Y1, D4Y2, D4Y3 Ko, P1Y1 - flight model has been completely updated. The wings, fuselage, fins and elevators and propeller blades have been recounted and refined. Behavior of the aircraft with the release of flaps and landing gear has been specified. Adjusted fuel distribution in tanks. Moments of inertia have been updated.
  • B7A2 - a bug leading to underestimated speed characteristics has been fixed; speed set to passport data (increased).
  • Lynx AH.Mk.1, G-LYNX, Scout AH.Mk.1, Wasp HAS.Mk.1 - bug with incorrect instrument panel illumination has been fixed.
  • G5N1 - flight model of the aircraft has been completely updated. The wings, fuselage, fins and elevator and propeller blades have been recounted and refined. Adjusted fuel distribution in tanks. Moments of inertia have been updated.
  • SB 2 (entire series) - a bug has been fixed leading to a stall in the case of a failure of one of the engines at speeds exceeding the values ​​specified in the operator's manual. This effect will now appear at speeds of about 135 km/h or lower.
  • DB-3a - Issue with the animation of the landing gear has been fixed.
  • F-86F-40, F-86F-40 JASDF - The efficiency of the rudder at high speeds has been reduced. The maximum overload has been reduced to safer values (destruction because of overload has become less common).

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes

Naval weaponry:

  • Shells with radio fuse have been added for following cannons:
    • 102-mm/45 Mark XVI cannon
    • 114-mm/45 Mark IV cannon
    • 114-mm/45 Mark V cannon
    • 120-mm/45 Mk.XII cannon
    • 152-mm/50 BL Mark XXIII cannon
    • 152-mm/50 QF Mark N5 cannon
  • USS Phelps (DD-360) - main calibre guns have been adjusted in accordance with their settings.
  • 94 ft PT-811 - a historically correct torpedo model has been installed.
  • IJN Sendai - a historically correct torpedo model has been installed.
  • Isuzu - type of torpedoes combined with bomb mortar preset has been fixed.
  • Type 1934A (1940) - type of torpedoes combined with bomb mortar preset has been fixed. Torpedoes G7e changed to G7a.
  • Type 1936B - type of torpedoes combined with bomb mortar preset has been fixed.
  • Kirov - 100mm utility gun rate of fire has been fixed for first-stage stowage shells.
  • 94 ft PT-811 - overheating time for automatic guns has been fixed.
  • Tribal (F75) - main calibre guidance has been fixed.
  • Haida (G63) - main calibre guidance has been fixed.
  • 165 ft PC-451, 165 ft PC-466 Carmi - main calibre (76 mm) rate of fire increased to 20 rounds per minute, first-stage shells have been added.
  • AF D1, AF D3 - rate of fire of the main calibre guns has been increased to 15 rounds per minute, shells of the first stage have been added, firing position armour has been fixed.
  • Mogami class - the traverse angles of 127mm guns have been reduced to historically correct values.
  • HMS Leander, HMS Arethusa - 102mm guns have been fixed, guidance angles, rate of fire and ammunition have been corrected.
  • Battle (D14) - single-gun main calibre turret has been fixed from 20 to 15 rounds per minute, first-stage shells removed from the bow turrets.
  • USS Pensacola - 203mm/55(8") main calibre gun Mk.14 rate of fire has been increased to 3.5 rounds per minute.
  • Type 1924 Jaguar - elevation angles on 105 mm turrets increased to 50 degrees. The traverse limit of the aft turret has been expanded to 360 degrees. Added dead zone for bow turret with deck superstructure sector.
  • HMS Tiger - first stage armour storage has been removed, the fire rate is now constant. The main calibre training angle increased to 360 degree.
  • Syonan - main calibre 120mm/45 type 3 guns have been changed to 120mm/45 type 10, featuring better fire rate and aiming time.
  • 152 mm CPC (Common Pointed Ballistic) shell - the type of shell has been changed to semi-armour piercing instead of semi-arour piercing with ballistic cap.
  • 152 mm CPBC (Common Pointed Ballistic Capped) shell - Armour penetration has been slightly increased.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

  • Type 1924 Jaguar — modification order has been changed.
  • Isuzu — excessive Auxiliary Armament Targeting modification has been removed.
  • 165 ft PC-466 Carmi — armament unlocked with the modifications "Bomb mortar" and "Depth charges" has been changed

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

  • Shell storage damage model has been changed:
    • Shell storage has been divided into shell and fuse chambers, first stage shell stowage, auxiliary guns shell storage and depth charge/bomb storage.
    • Shell magazines explode when destroyed, causing the destruction of the naval vessel. All shells that are stored separately have ~11% chance of detonation from instant strong explosion damage.
    • First stage shell stowage and fuse storages may ignite causing damage to their turret, and may initiate a fire in the whole vessel.
    • Auxiliary guns shell storage and depth charge/bomb storage may ignite causing severe damage to surrounding compartments and modules, but this fire is not lethal to the naval vessel.
    • First stage stowage shells can not destroy the vessel when damaged, but disable their turret.
  • Crew compartments have been fixed or redistributed for all cruisers. Bugs with crew compartments beyond the armour or fuel tanks have been fixed. Thus, the survivability of cruisers has increased slightly.
  • Optimization of the geometric grid in damage models for the entire fleet, this will allow better calculation time for shells.
  • Balanced time of repairing modules in Realistic battles mode.
  • MBK-161 (1944), USS Atlanta (CL-51), IJN Mogami, Kirov — main calibre turret armour has been fixed.
  • Syonan — hull damage model has been fixed.
  • HMNZS Leander — armour for ammo magazines, tiller room and barbets has been fixed.
  • IJN Suzuya - transmission damage model has been fixed.
  • IJN Kuma - armoured deck position has been fixed.
  • AF D1, AF D3 - Crew survivability has been improved.
  • HMS Belfast - armouring on the deck, barbets, and traverses has been fixed. Added longitudinal armoured bulkheads in the main calibre shell storage has been corrected. Main calibre shells and charges position has been corrected. The first stage ammunition stowage for the main calibre guns has been removed due to the direct supply of shells from the storage to the turret. 4-inch guns shell storage has been added.
  • HMS Arethusa - shell storage armouring and position has been fixed.
  • USS Brooklyn, USS Helena -armouring has been fixed.
  • IJN Furutaka - armouring, fuel tanks, elevators and shell storages have been fixed.
  • Admiral Hipper, Prinz Eugen - clarified transverse bulkheads, 20mm longitudinal internal armour.
  • Kanonenboot K-2 - armour corrected - holes fixed.
  • Type 1936A (Mob) - changed the size of the fuel tanks and elevator in the bow. Added elevators at the stern.
  • MGB-61, HMS Arethusa, HMS Dido, Fairmile C (332), SGB (S304) - the armour on the secondary weapons have been separated.
  • HMS Dido - changed the thickness of the armoured belt, traverses, the shape of the armoured deck, added missing elements. Ammunition magazine volumes have been clarified.
  • Pr. 7U, Pr. 7U Stroyny, Tashkent (leader) - physical parameters have been changed to correct the maximum roll.
  • Pr. 159, Pr. 35 - the beam width at elevation has been increased in the FOOT H radar.
  • HMZNS Leander - removed first stage shells for the main guns.

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

  • MPK Pr.122a, MPK-163 — Mismatch of the magazine ammunition with the description in the vehicle card has been fixed.
  • IJN Kiyoshimo — A bug with the displaying in the X-Ray view of the 25mm turrets has been fixed.
  • Z20 Karl Galster — The X-Ray model of the torpedo unit has been fixed.
  • IJN Sendai — The placing of the display in the X-Ray view bomb model has been fixed.
  • Isuzu — The X-Ray view model of the torpedoes has been fixed.
  • IJN Suzuya, IJN Mogami — The model of the aircraft has been changed.
  • USS Phelps — The X-Ray view of the stern main calibre turret has been fixed.
  • SGB (S304) - fixed x-ray model of the 40mm turret.
  • HMS Hawkins (D86) - fixed model of the destroyed condition of turrets. Adjusted scale.
  • HMS Dido - changed the appearance of the ammunition magazines in x-ray.
  • Pr. 7U, Pr. 7U Stroyny, Tashkent (leader) - the initial position of the camera has been changed.
  • IJN Yuudachi - fixed an error on the display of shadows on module additions.
  • HMS Tiger - redesigned x-ray model.
  • IJN Kako - changed x-ray model of boilers, the number and position of elevators, the shape and location of fuel tanks, as well as ammunition magazines.


  • Battle (D37) — Torpedo lead marker for the stern torpedo launcher has been fixed.
  • HMS Dido — A bug in the damage indication in the HUD panel where other elements of the ship were rotating around the bow main calibre turrets as well has been fixed.
  • Class K (F37) — The X-Ray model of the stern anti-aircraft system has been fixed.
  • Fairmile C (332) — The X-Ray of the guns and units on the main calibre turrets has been fixed.


  • Kanonenboot K-2 - respawn location has been moved to the destroyer respawn location.

Economy and research

  • A bug where the classes of aircraft didn't match the specified tags of the vehicle has been fixed. Because of this, the aircraft had an incorrect reloading time, the respawn scores were calculated incorrectly and other related parameters as well. At the same time, the vehicle cards have been corrected with the right tags and specification of the aircraft. Respawn points for the specified aircraft have not been changed.
    • Changed to attackers:
      • P.108A series 2
      • XA-38
      • Tandem MAI
    • Changed to bombers:
      • B18A
      • B18B
      • B17A
      • B17B
      • B3C
    • Changed to fighters:
      • Firebrand TF.Mk.IV
      • Firefly F.Mk.I
      • Firefly FR.Mk.V
      • Tempest Mk.V (Vickers P)
      • Hurricane Mk.IV
      • Mosquito FB.Mk.XVIII
      • Beaufighter Mk.VIc
      • Beaufighter Mk.21
      • Beaufighter Mk.X
      • He 219A-7
      • Firecrest
      • Me 410 (all models)
      • Ki-102 Otsu
    • Changed to "light bomber":
      • OS2U-1
      • OS2U-3
      • F1M2
  • Classes for the following ground vehicles have been corrected:
    • IT-1
    • Ho-Ni I
    • AML-90
  • New class for Naval; "Frigate" has been added. It is divided into the corresponding groups "Frigate" and "Gunboat". These ships will able to respawn in the missions only on the respawn points for destroyers or larger ships:
    • Pr. 159
    • Pr. 35
    • Chikugo
    • Isuzu
    • Syonan
    • Köln F220
    • Ikazuchi
    • Groza
    • Kanonenboot K-2
    • River class (K-246)
  • Swedish aviation has become available to everyone for research. Adjusted the requirements for opening ranks.
  • The relationships between the following units in ground forces research trees have been added:
    • Begleitpanzer 57 -> TAM
    • Conqueror -> Warrior
    • Striker -> Rooikat Mk.1D


  • Test Drives for Chinese and Swedish ground vehicles have been added.
  • Achievements for Chinese and Swedish aircraft have been added.


  • New orders and medals for Sweden have been added.
  • New titles for receiving Swedish awards (orders and medals) have been added.


  • A Multifunction control menu has been added for all vehicles in the game. By default the menu call is assigned to the "Y" button and can be re-assigned in the control settings in the "general" section. In this menu it is possible to control different systems of any vehicles under the player's control (radar, weaponry, mechanization, AI commands etc.). The Menu has been activated temporarily only for PC version of the game. In future it will also be available on consoles.

Game mechanics

  • The mechanics of the respawn zones protection has been changed for ground battles:
    • Entering the zone of where a player's ground vehicle was destroyed at the expiration of the timer has been disabled. At the same time in this zone enemy ground vehicles for the defending side will still be highlighted on the map. Players of the attacking side entering such a zone will also be highlighted on the map (the zone).
    • Crew lock when leaving the mission ahead of time in which the enemy is at your respawn zone has been disabled. It is important to remember that leaving the vehicle by using "Leave the vehicle" button the slot of the vehicle will still be blocked until the end of the mission (but for not more than 9 minutes) as it was previously.
  • In naval battles the highlighting of the respawn zone for the enemy has been added for players of the attacking side by entering such a zone. Previously this zone was not highlighted or even displayed for them.
  • The number of victory points received for damage or destruction of AI controlled vehicles whilst playing helicopters has been reduced by 2.5 times (now it is on the level of ground vehicles).
  • The difficulty settings for tank and naval missions in the test drive / sail in ground vehicles and naval vessels have been implemented in accordance with the difficulty settings that are used in Random Battles (previously, for all, the settings of air battles were used).
  • In ground forces and naval Realistic battles for aircraft, automatic engine start and automatic control of flaps and landing gear (similar to aviation RBs) has been added.
  • In ground vehicle realistic battles, the cost of spawning a helicopter has been changed:
    • without ATGM: 280-350 SP (depending on the BR);
    • with ATGM: 480-600 SP (depending on the BR).
  • On most ground vehicles when using the camera from tank gunner sight, the reduction of the sight and the main gun axes has been implemented. Depending on the ballistics of guns and battle ranges the following values of reduction of the sight have been added:
    • 400m for anti-tank cannons with a calibre of less than 45mm plus 75mm for short-barreled cannons which are typical for vehicles of rank I.
    • 800m for anti-tank cannons with a calibre of 50mm or higher.
    • 1200m for cannons with shells in addition to various versions of the L7,CN-105-F1, L74 and 120 mm L1A2 cannons.
  • On most main battle tanks equipped with laser rangefinder, gun targeting will be corrected when measuring the range that can not be less than 200m. Gun targeting isn't implemented for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, ground vehicles where the main type of armament is ATGM's and vehicles with symmetrical placing of cannons (for example M50 Ontos).
  • In naval battles, the player's destroyed vehicles will remain until the end of the session.
  • New mechanics for survivability in naval battles. In cases where the number of combat crew is reduced below the limit (5% more than the minimum crew), it is no longer possible to allocate crew to the battle for survivability (i.e. to pump water, shore up holes, put out fires, and repair.However, the vessel will remain under the control of the player and may continue to fire weapons until completely flooded.

Examples of bugs corrected by player reports

We want to thank you for correctly creating bug reports! Below you will find some of the bug fixes that were possible with your help. You as usual, continue to assist us to make War Thunder better!

  • Incorrect offset when dropping suspended bombs from the A-4B skyhawk has been fixed.
  • In the [Domination] mission "Andaman Sea" the size of capture point "C" has been corrected and now matches the one outlined by buoys.
  • Anti-aircraft guns in the location "Middle East" no longer appear on the runway and are now positioned according to the standing order.
  • The respawn direction for aircraft on one of the airfields in the location "Middle East" has been fixed.
  • A "chink" in the frontal armour of the main calibre turrets of the K-2 and the Pr.123 has been fixed.
  • The missing section of armour on the turret top of the Merkava Mk2B has been added.
  • Presence of the take off position with the flaps for the Chinese DB-3A has been fixed.
  • The installation of decorations for the T-80U has been simplified (some additional elements no longer interfere with the installation).
  • The lack of the armour on the M3 GMC doors has been fixed.
  • HMS Belfast has been deprived of the first order ammo racks for the main calibre canons because in reality it didn't have such storage.
  • A gap in the armour of the turret on the Valentine has been fixed.
  • On all early T-34 tanks, the inclination of the lower frontal part of the hull has been changed from 53 to 60 degrees.
    • T-34 (Prototype)
    • T-34 (1940)
    • T-34 (1941)
    • T-34 (1st Gv.T.Br.)
    • T-34 (1942)
    • T-34E STZ
    • T-34E
    • T-34-57 (1943)
    • T-34-57
    • T 34 747 (Germany)
    • T-34 (1943) (China)


  • The visual effects for engine fires, general fires, ammunition fires, have been updated and improved on all armored vehicles and naval vessels. Sparks and refractions on high temperature air have been added to all the main effects of fire. Added an animation of the glow from the fire. The fire system in vessel sections has been improved, the fire now occurs precisely in the section that has been damaged. Particle lighting has also been improved.
  • Fixed an issue with flickering effects.


  • New sound events for all cannons on ground vehicles except a few rapid-fire guns have been created.
  • New sound events for explosion sounds have been created.
  • The sound events of the firing of the naval cannons have been reworked.
  • The system of the formation and management of the sound events of the firing of the ground and naval vehicle cannons has been reworked.
  • A system to simulate speed of sound propagation in the environment has been added (this system is optional and can be activated through settings, it is disabled by default).
  • Another iteration of the sound project resources optimization has been done.
  • Experimental option to switch Fmod sound engine to the synchronous operation mode has been added (all calculations will take place in the current game cycle without delaying the next ones). It is recommended to use it only if the sound in the game is unstable (fps may drop by 2-10%). You can enable it in the config.blk file by adding the line "fmodSynchronousMode:b = yes" (without quotes) to the sound{} block.
  • Unique music theme has been added to the Swedish hangar.
  • Sound events for the rain for ground and naval vehicles which are taking into account the distance to the surface of the vehicle and the position of the camera (from the 3rd person view mode or from the gunner) have been created (previously there was one common sound event for both types of vehicles).
  • Sound events for the crew dialogues for Swedish aircraft and ground vehicles have been updated.
  • Sound events for overflights of enemy/allied aircraft have been changed for in-line and jet engines.
  • Sound events of piston engines now feature sound layers of the pistons in accordance with the engine's type (inline, radial, radial in nacelle for bomber, inline in nacelle for bomber)
  • The rotor blade sound asset has been changed for maneuvers with overloads.
  • For some sound events in ground vehicle engines a new sound layer of the operating pistons for the V12 petrol, V8 petrol, V12 diesel, in-line 6 cylinder and radial 9 cylinder engines has been added.


  • Automatic locking of the vertical guidance of cannons whilst holding the brake has been added. Also during the time of the command "short stop" this lock significantly reduces the swinging of the gun barrel after a stop on most tanks in the game.
  • The ability to select the shooting mode (from one cannon or from all the cannons of the same turret) has been added. Can be activated in the control settings.


  • The possibility to select the color scheme for the thermal imaging camera has been added to the ground vehicles. There are 3 different colors available: black, green and red.


  • EAC has been switched on for aircraft SB missions.
  • New missions and vehicles have been added to the rotation of in regular battles.
  • Ground SB - Setup 12_2 has been removed from the rotation. Setups will be changed now in the following order: 8_2, 10_2, 8_2_2, 9_2.

Changes specific to the PlayStation®4 platform.

  • HDR is now supported
  • New In-Game Store added
  • Tilt correction for DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller motion sensors is now enabled by default
    • (Options -> Controller Settings -> Align motion sensor with gravity)
  • Added shortcut to reset DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller motion sensors neutral orientation
    • (Controls -> Common -> Reset motion sensor orientation)

Smaller updates that came afterwards

17.03.2020 (

  • The display of grass on locations for ground vehicles has been fixed.
  • The twitching of helicopter gun sights when locked onto ground targets, where the sight would switch from out of range to normal firing distances, has been fixed.
  • A bug where there would be no sounds during the kill cam has been fixed.
  • A bug which would lead to the pointer shifting in the helicopter ATGM sector of fire has been fixed.
  • A bug where, after repairing on an airfield, aircraft would respawn in a nose-up position, has been fixed.
  • The display of speed in the cards of the 9M120 and 9М114 ATGMs has been fixed.
  • UPK-23-250 - Weight has been corrected (has been reduced according to the technical description).
  • НАР B8V20 - The mass of the unit has been corrected according to the technical description (mass of the unit with ammunition is now 346 kg).
  • ZTZ59D1 - Armour penetration value for the 10.5 cm Type 83 shell has been fixed and now corresponds to the armour penetration values of the M111/DM23 shell.
  • Centauro MGS - Armour resistance values for parts of the additional applicable armour against kinetic (have been increased) and HEAT (have been reduced) shells have been corrected.
  • Ikv 72, Ikv 103 - Sight magnification has been fixed (reduced) from 8/16х to default values.
  • Pvkv m/43 (1946) - The low fire-rate bug has been fixed.
  • KV-1 (ZiS-5) - A bug causing the coaxial MG to be absent has been fixed.
  • Rooikat 105 - A bug causing an absence of the scouting mechanic has been fixed.
  • J35D - the user skin template has been fixed.

18.03.2020 (Server update)

  • A bug has been fixed where the NR30 aircraft cannon had a reduced rate of fire.
  • IAR 316B: ATGM sight vignette has been removed.
  • Inability to respawn in a helicopter in SB mode has been fixed.
  • In RB mode you are now able to choose the helicopter pad to spawn (most distant from the battlefield is set as the default one)
  • The "Return to the battlefield" indicator has been removed for specific high ranked combined battles.

23.3.2020 (Server update)

  • Shafrir missile — the type of explosive has been corrected to HBX, and the explosive weight has been changed to 4.76 kg.
  • RB24 missile — missile weight has been corrected to 72.57 kg, type of explosive has been corrected to HBX, explosive weight has been changed to 4.76 kg and residual mass to 55.8 kg.
  • PL2 missile — The type of explosive has been changed to TGAF-5, and the explosive mass has been changed to 5.5 kg.
  • AIM-9B Sidewinder missile — missile weight has been corrected to 72.57 kg, the type of explosive has been corrected to HBX, and explosive weight has been changed to 4.76 kg.
  • AIM-9D Sidewinder missile — missile weight has been corrected to 88.45 kg, the type of explosive has been corrected to PBXN-3, explosive weight has been changed to 2.76 kg, and the residual mass to 55.8 kg.
  • AIM-9E Sidewinder missile — missile weight has been corrected to 76.43 kg, the type of explosive corrected to HBX, and the explosive weight has been changed to 4.76 kg.
  • AIM-9J Sidewinder missile — missile weight has been corrected to 76.93 kg, the type of explosive has been changed to HBX, and the explosive weight to 4.76 kg. (source)
  • AIM-9L Sidewinder missile — missile weight has been corrected to 84.46 kg, the type of explosive has been corrected to HBX, explosives weight has been changed to 3.54 kg, and the residual mass to 57.06 kg.
  • Р-3С missile — the type of explosive has been corrected to TGAF-5, and the explosive weight has been changed to 5.5 kg.
  • Fw 190 D-13 — X-ray pop-up data for the 20mm MG 151 cannon has been corrected.
  • A-20G-25 — the incorrectly appearing M8 rocket launchers when mounted weapons are not equipped have been removed.
  • A-26B-10 — incorrectly appearing weapon pods when mounted weapons are not equipped have been removed.
  • DB-3 (all modifications), IL-4 — a separate bomb drop for large calibre bombs has been added. (source, source)
  • J29A, J29B, J29F — The g-suit modification has been added. (source)
  • Boston Mk.I, Havoc Mk.I — Vickers MG turret ammo has been changed to 500 per turret. (source)
  • Swordfish Mk.I — Turret ammo has been changed to 600 rounds.
  • Wirraway — Turret ammo has been changed to 600 rounds.
  • Sa.341F Gazelle — The paired firing of unguided rockets has been fixed.
  • The description indicating the installation of missiles only on aircraft has been fixed for the FRC mk.2 modification.
  • GIAT M.621 cannon — Overheating parameters have been corrected.
  • T-2 (Mitsubishi T-2) — Has been renamed from Mitsubishi T-2 to T-2. The name Mitsubishi T-2 will remain in the vehicle card.
  • The incorrect names of some German aircraft have been fixed.
  • The display of notifications regarding a lack of ammunition in helicopters when attempting to fire guided weaponry while in the sighting mode has been fixed.
  • B-25J-1 - A bug has been fixed that didn't permit the creation of custom camo. A bug has been fixed with the inaccessible RAAF livery.

24.03.2020 (

  • Ground vehicles that make use of “hull aiming mode” will no longer roll down hill when positioned on sloped surfaces.
  • In settings for ground vehicles there is a new option “Block vertical aiming while braking” available. By default this setting is disabled.
Server update
  • MiG-21SMT — access to the FAB-500 bomb without the appropriate modification has been corrected.
  • D3A1 — turret horizontal angles have been corrected from -35/+ 35 degree to -90/+90, vertical angles from -40/+40 to -80/+80 degree.
  • Me 264 — incorrect declination on the right side turret has been fixed, lifting up of the upper turret passing through the tail direction has been corrected.
  • IL-28 — vertical angles of the turret have been fixed. Deflection angle has been changed from 45 to 40 degrees.
  • Boston Mk.I — turret aiming angles have been fixed, the possibility of shooting the tail has been removed.
  • DB-7 — turret aiming angles have been fixed, the possibility of shooting the tail has been removed.
  • Havoc Mk.I — turret aiming angles have been fixed, the possibility of shooting the tail has been removed.
  • TIS MA — turret aiming angles have been fixed, turret hull collision fixed.
  • UBS machine gun — fire rate has been corrected from 800 to 1000 rounds per minute.
  • A-29 — turret aiming angles have been fixed, the possibility of shooting the tail has been removed.
  • A-26B series — upper right turret vertical angle has been changed from 0 to -5 degree; lower rear turret vertical angle has been changed from 0 to 5 degree.
  • A-26C series — upper right turret vertical angle has been changed from 0 to -5 degree; lower rear turret vertical angle has been changed from 0 to 5 degree.
  • PBJ series — tail turret aiming angles have been changed from -10/+10 to -38/+38 degree in horizontal, and from -20/+15 to -35/+40 degree in vertical.
  • B-24D-25-CO — tail turret aiming angles have been changed from -60/+60 to -85/+85 degree in horizontal, and from -45/+45 to -40/+71 degree in vertical.
  • SB-2 series — upper turret aiming angles have been fixed, the possibility of shooting the tail has been removed.
  • ER-2 series — upper turret aiming angles have been fixed, the possibility of shooting the tail has been removed.
  • Tu-4 — Turret aiming angles have been corrected, lower rear turret ammo has been corrected to 275 round per gun, rear turret ammo - to 500 rounds per gun.
  • B-29A-BN — turret ammo has been corrected to 500 round per machine gun
  • B-17E, EL series — tail turret aiming angles have been changed from -20/+20 to -30/+30 degree horizontal, and from -15/+15 to -30/+30 degree vertical.
  • B-25J series — tail turret aiming angles have been changed from -10/+10 to -38/+38 degree horizontal, and from -20/+15 to -35/+40 degree vertical
  • The name designation of some German aircraft have been corrected.

26.03.2020 (

  • A bug that caused the windows and headlights of ground vehicles to shine through smoke has been fixed.
  • A bug that, in some cases, caused the game client to crash because of damage to the radar system on the Ka-52 has been fixed.

01.04.2020 (

  • M4A4, M4A4 (1st PTG) - The amount of ammunition has been changed from 97 to 98 rounds. Source: TM9-754, Technical Manual Medium Tank M4A4, 21 January 1943.
  • AUBL/74 - Changes in ammunition:
    • M620A1 HEAT-FS - The mass of the shell has been changed from 8.3 to 4.1 kg. The armour penetration value has been changed from 300 to 250 mm.
    • M625A1 HESH - The mass of the shell has been changed from 8.2 to 4.5 kg. The explosive mass weight has been changed from 1.3 to 1.2 kg.
    • M618A1 Smoke - The mass of the shell has been changed from 9.2 to 5.3 kg and its initial speed has been changed from 695 to 714 m/sec.
      • Source: MECAR Tank Ammunition Brochure.
  • All Т-34 with F-34 cannons - Vertical guidance angles have been changed from 28 to 30 degrees. Source: Танк Т-34 - Руководство службы, 1941 // Альбом фотографий танка Т-34 и его основных узлов (завод № 183, апрель 1941 г.)
  • Chi-Ha Kai (China) - The incorrectly displayed vehicle class has been changed from “Light tank” to “Medium tank”.
  • Rooikat Mk.1D, OTOMATIC - A bug causing exceedingly high horizontal and vertical spread values has been fixed. Spread values have been reduced.
  • M10 (China) - Additional armour attained by using reserve tracks has been removed. Such armour is specific to the M10 US version and is not used on Chinese variants.
  • ZSU-37, ZiS-43 - clip reload time has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 sec.
  • Radpanzer 90 - Hull break effects for the turret have been removed.
  • M36, M36 (China) - A bug relating to sight magnification, where the view would be below the default value, has been fixed. The current magnification has been changed to 5x. Source: TM 9-374, 90-mm Gun M3 Mounted in Combat Vehicles
  • Merkava Mk.1, Merkava Mk.2B, Strv 74 - The position of the camera in the 3rd person view has been corrected.
  • Lorraine 155 Mle.50 - A bug causing the sixth crew member not being taken into account has been fixed.
  • QF 3.7 Ram - The speed of the horizontal (changed from 8 to 11 degrees per second) and vertical (changed from 4 to 6 degrees per second) guidances have been increased. Source: Canadian Microfilms, Project 14 SP 3.7 on Ram chassis.
  • Panzer IV/70 (V) — The maximum speed has been reduced from 40 to 35 km/h; gun declination angle has been changed from -5 to -7 degrees; horizontal aiming angles increased from 10 to 12 degrees on each side; a new sub-calibre AP round Pzgr.40/42 has been added. Source: Handbook WaA, G 356 // Pz.IV & it's Variants, Walter J. Spielberger // Panzer Tracts No.9 - Jagdpanzer.
  • KPz-70, MBT-70 — The fire rate has been changed from 6 to 10 shots per minute (only for KPz). The number of carried ATGM's has been changed to 6 missiles. Source: Review of Army Tank Program : hearings before the United States House Committee on Armed Services, Armed Services Investigating Subcommittee, Ninety-First Congress, first session, on Mar. 13, 14, 19-21, 24, 25, Apr. 3, 28, 1969 // Walter J. Spielberger, (1995). Waffensysteme Leopard 1 und 2 // HUNNICUTT, R. P. (2015). ABRAMS: A history of the american main battle tank, (Vol. 2) // McNaugher, T. L. (1981). Collaborative development of main battle tanks: Lessons from the U.S.-German experience, 1963-1978. // Armor magazine, 1967, Sept-dec
  • Strv m/41 S-II, M5A1 (China) — The following modifications have been added: “Improved optics” and “Air strike”.
  • CV 90105 TML — A bug that prevented smoke grenades from being reloaded has been corrected.
  • Centauro, Centuro ROMOR - recoil impulse and vehicle rocking after shot have been reduced.
  • AMX-30B2 BRENUS - ERA elements durability vs chemical rounds have been increased from 200-250mm to 380-400mm.
  • Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A5, Strv 121. Strv 122 - gunsight magnification has been specified from 8х/12х to 4х/12х. Source: Instruktionsbok Stridsvagn 121 // TH9 -3212, Technische Handleiding Gevechtstank, Rups Leopard 2 A1 NL
  • Challenger Mk.2, Challenger Mk.3 - The resistance of the hull and tower from HEAT shells has been clarified (increased). For the hull - 580 mm. For the tower - 700 mm. The resistance of the hull from kinetic shells up to 300 mm has been clarified (increased). The resistance of the tower from kinetic shells up to 435 mm has been clarified (increased). Source: Report of Comparison of Chieftain Replacement Options (U), RARDE Report 87018, October 1987.
  • Strv m/39 - The position of the driver camera has been corrected.
  • Pz.35(t) - External model of the suspension elements has been fixed.
  • Lvkv 90C - External model has been fixed.
  • ZPRK 2S6 - The operation of the controllable suspension has been fixed.
  • The engine sounds for following tanks and SPGs have been fixed:
    • Stormer
    • Ferdinand
    • VK 4501 (P)
    • Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P
    • Pz.IV C
    • Pz.IV E
    • Pz.IV F
    • Dicker Max
    • Ostwind
    • Ostwind II
    • Wirbelwind
    • Kugelblitz

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes

  • Ju 188 A-2 - wrong crew member positions have been corrected.
  • B17A, B17B - wrong gear position from the cockpit view has been fixed.

Flight Model changes

  • A-4В / F-4C - drag effect info of the rocket pods and gun pod in the aircraft's info card has been corrected.
  • A-4B - bug has been fixed with excessive drag and weight rise with rocket pods installed.
  • Gladiator Mk.II - bug has been fixed with thrust drop in WEP mode.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes

  • Isuzu - drown parameters have been corrected.
  • Koln F220 - displacement parameter has been corrected in the vehicle info.


  • CV 90105 TML - Possibility of purchasing four-color camouflage for Golden Eagles has been added.
  • Pokryshkin's P-39N0, He 112 V-5 - missing additional camos have been returned.
  • VVS pilot sign - terms of achievement have been corrected. Carrier aircraft have been added.


  • New layer for pistons has been added for all tank engines (gasoline V12, gasoline V8, diesel V 12, opposite diesel, inline 6-cylinder, radial 9-cylinder, radial 7-cylinder).
  • Tank engine sounds have been adjusted by volume levels for all components.
  • Sound balance of allied/enemy tank engines has been slightly adjusted.
  • New sound components have been created for tank gas-turbine engines.
  • Explosions and tank shot sound have been slightly adjusted to increase the variability.
  • Ship guns sounds for allies/enemies have been updated to optimize the distance distinctivity. This should improve game performance.


  • ЕАС has been enabled in naval battles.

03.04.2020 ( / (Xbox

  • A bug that might cause the sight to twitch in ground vehicles has been fixed.
  • A bug where the option “Invert the vertical axis” didn’t work in the “Space Thunder” event has been fixed.
  • A bug with the maximum distance in cockpit view mode has been fixed.
  • F-4 Phantom II (all modifications) — A bug causing the incorrect display of the suspended cannon container mass has been fixed.
  • Ki-200 — A bug causing there to be no additional camouflage has been fixed.


  • Engine volume balance for player-controlled ground vehicles has been slightly adjusted.
  • Object 279 has received a sound package which is more appropriate to its type of engine (16 cylinder diesel engine).
  • The volume of the sounds resulting from hits to allied/enemy ground vehicles from medium and large calibre shells has been changed.


  • We have disabled targeted messages to other players in battle chat (battle chat is designed for teamplay) but the ability to communicate privately is still possible in the normal manner.

08.04.2020 (

  • Planned BR changes have been implemented (LINK).
  • Additional helicopters from the recent major update have been added to ground battles in AB mode (for aircraft events).
  • Helicopter pads have been removed in ground battles in AB mode as their AAA might attack players that have joined an aircraft event.
  • All wager terms except “Golden battles” have been changed. Now, all Silver Lion wagers can be fulfilled in rank III-VII vehicles.

13.04.2020 (

  • M15A1 CGMC — A bug where wheels drop below ground level at high speed has been fixed.
  • AF D1, AF D3 — A bug where gunners under AI control wouldn't open fire at aircraft has been fixed (report).
  • Now you can see the characteristics of guided missiles on all ground vehicles (report).
  • The function “Disable gunners” for turrets is available again (report).
  • B-24D-25-CO — The lower turret has now been located in its proper position (report).
  • A bug where the game crashes when joining ongoing battles (join in progress) has been fixed.
  • Decals installed in the 3rd and 4th slots are now displayed correctly in OpenGL render.

14.04.2020 (Server update)

  • Partial storing of respawn points after battle has been disabled for Enduring Confrontation aviation battles in RB and SB modes.

Flight model improvements:

  • AH-1F (1G, 1S, 1Z), Lynx AH.Mk.1, UH-1B (1C, 1C XM-30, 1D), A-129 - Elevation capacity without the rotor blades improvement has been improved (they now climb easier with a full payload in“stock” condition).

Aircraft characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:

  • A bug has been fixed with some aircraft losing their wings during emergency landing.
  • Mi-24V, Mi-24P — Incorrect number of flares has been corrected. (report)
  • Mi-28N — Incorrect number of flares has been corrected. (report)
  • AH Mk.1 — Incorrect number of flares of the AMASE equipment has been corrected.
  • MiG-15bisISh — Ballistic calculator mechanics have been added to simulate improvement of the standard sighting system with a differential circuit. Cannons have been changed from NS-23 to NR-23.
  • EC-665 Tiger UHT — Container pod cap drop visuals has been fixed from AIM-92 pod cap to anti-tank missile pod cap. (report)
  • B-29 — Defensive weapon ammo has been corrected to 1000 rounds per gun. (report)
  • Br.693AB2 — Number of gunners has been corrected.
  • F-4E Phantom II, F-4EJ Phantom II — Central gunpod SUU-23/A type has been corrected from offensive to mounted.
  • B18B, A21RB, J29F, J29D — A separate launch has been added for mounted rockets.
  • S.O.4050 Vautour IIB — Wrong defensive armament point in the crew menu has been corrected.
  • Bo 105 PAH-1, Bo 105 PAH-1A, Bo 105 CB-2 — Wrong armor penetration data for flares in some weapon presets has been removed.
  • Ka-50, Ka-52 — Camera position from the third-person view has been corrected for zooming in on the target marker. (report)
  • H-34 (France) — ATGM type has been corrected from AGM-22 to SS-1.
  • AH-1S Kisarazu — ATGM type has been corrected from BGM-71 TOW to BGM-71 TOW-2.
  • BGM-71 TOW ATGM — Length has been corrected to 1270 mm, mass - to 18.8 kg, explosives mass to 2.45 kg, speed - to 299 m/s. (report)
  • M117, JM117 bomb — The length has been corrected to 2133.6 mm, the mass to 362.42 kg and the explosive mass to 175.1 kg (799 lbs). (report)
  • Mighty Mouse rockets — Mass, speed, and explosive weight have been corrected. (report)
  • Tiny Tim rockets — Mass, speed, and explosive weight have been corrected. (report)
  • DA machine gun - Rate of fire has been corrected to 500 rounds per minute. (report)

15.04.2020 (

  • Ground vehicles that make use of the “hull aiming mode” will no longer roll down hills when positioned upon the landscape at large or very small angles.

16.04.2020 (

  • A crash which would occur during tank battles which was caused by the destruction of objects on 32-bit systems has been fixed.
  • The engine sound of the Strv 103-0 has been updated using a recording of the original engine sound.
  • A bug where the game might freeze while controlling the Ka-52 and AH-64 helicopters has been fixed.

21.04.2020 (

  • The rangefinder now works with binoculars.
  • A lack of the “Tracks” and “Brake system” modifications will now properly affect a tank’s mobility (in a negative way compared to if it had those modifications).
  • Tank maneuverability in turns and pivots in RB and SB modes has been increased. Loss of power in turns has been decreased. These effects are different for every tank, but in general, turns and pivots now take significantly less time.
  • Ikv 91 - Horizontal and vertical shell dispersion rates have been reduced.
  • Thermal vision controls have been changed to be more up-to-date for the following vehicles: ZPRK 2S6 (modification 2S6M1), Challenger 2, Stormer HVM.
  • SdKfz 234/1, /2, /3, /4 - a bug with AP shells, where their fuses would not be cocked on particular hull parts of the required thickness, has been fixed.
  • T-55A, Type 74 - The position of the IR projector now correctly coincides with the respective tank model.
  • T-62, T-62M1, T-62 (China) - The vertical aiming speed has been specified (increased) from 4.5 to 6 degrees per second. Source: Т-62 - Руководство по материальной части и эксплуатации. 1968 г. // Стабилизатор "Метеор" 115-мм танковой пушки У-5ТС и 100-мм танковой пушки У-8ТС (Д-54). Техническое описание. 1962
  • T-62M-1 - Sight magnification has been improved from 7x to 8x, as ATGM launch requires 1K13 sight with 8x magnification. Source: Танк Т-62М - Дополнение к техническому описанию и инструкции по эксплуатации танка Т-62. 1987
  • BMP-2 - Sight magnification has been improved from 5.6 to 6. Gun depression angle has been specified (decreased) from -5 (actually only available with manual guidance) to -4 degrees. Source: Боевая машина пехоты БМП-2. Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации. Часть 1, 1987
  • AMX-10RC — Buoyancy has been improved, the rear doesn’t drown when the tank halts while afloat.
  • T-44 - Tank weight has been specified (decreased) from 31.8 to 31 tons. Source: Руководство по эксплуатации танка Т-44. 1946
  • T-72A - Engine rpm has been decreased from 2100 to 2000 . Source: Т-72А - Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации. Книга первая. 1986
  • T-10M - 14.5 mm machine gun ammo has been increased from 450 to 750 rounds. Source: Т-10М - Руководство по материальной части и эксплуатации. 1960

28.04.2020 (

  • HESH rounds have been added to the Strv 101, 103-0, 103A, and 103C.
  • TOW ATGM launcher vertical aiming angles have been corrected (increased) for the following:
    • M113A1: from -5° to +10° → from -20° to +25°
    • Pvrbv 551: from -5° to +10° → from -13° to +25°
    • UDES 33: from -5° to +10° → from -20° to +25°
  • Now, when destroying a vehicle with hull destruction mechanics by hitting the fuel tank without the destruction of any other modules you will see the message “Hull destroyed” instead of “Vehicle burned down”.

29.04.2020 ( - Server update)

  • A bug where the default values of helicopter parameters for the sensitivity in missile control were selected incorrectly has been fixed.
  • The possibility of changing the parameters of the safe screen area in battle has been added for Xbox One players. You can find this parameter in the “main parameters” in the "Battle interface settings" section.
  • Now if necessary Xbox One and PS4 players can filter their saved control presets by name as well as date.

30.04.2020 (Server update 30.04 (economy))

Research, purchase, crew training costs and other related parameters for vehicles have been changed (tablesheet with the main parameters).

All economy indicators for vehicles will be changed according to rank.

  • In Naval AB Silver Lions reward for destruction of enemy has been increased by 75% for destroyers and cruisers.

Ground forces tech tree changes

  • USA:
    • M8 HMC — Has been moved to the SPG line with sequential research requirements with M3 GMC and M10 GMC.
  • Germany:
    • Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41) and Panzerjäger I — Requirement for sequential research has been added.
    • StuG III A and StuH 42 G — Requirement for sequential research has been added.
    • StuG III G and Jagdpanzer 38(t) — Requirement for sequential research has been added.
    • Jagdtiger and Begleitpanzer 57 — Requirement for sequential research has been added.
  • USSR:
    • Т-50 — Moved to rank II. The ability of active scouting and allied forces repair have been added.
    • Т-126 — Moved to rank II. The ability of active scouting and allied forces repair have been added. The price has been changed from 550 to 850 GE.
  • Britain:
    • Crusader Mk.II and Crusader Mk.III — Have been grouped and moved to rank II and placed after the A13 Mk.II with a sequential research requirement. The ability of active scouting, and allied forces repair, airstrike modification and improved optics modification have been added.
    • Cromwell V and Cromwell I — Have been grouped..
    • Tetrarch Mk.I and Daimler AC Mk.II — Requirement for sequential research has been added.
    • Valentine Mk.I — Has been moved to the rank II with a sequential research requirement with Daimler AC Mk.II and Valentine Mk.XI.
    • Valentine Mk.XI and Valentine Mk.IX — Have been grouped.
  • Japan
    • Ho-Ro — Has been moved to rank II.
  • Sweden:
    • Ikv 91 and U-SH 405 — Switched places.
    • Ikv 91 — Battle rating has been changed from 7.3 to 6.7 for all game modes.

Aviation tech trees changes

  • USA:
    • TBD-1 and PBY-5 “Catalina” — sequential research has been implemented.
    • SBD-3 and TBF-1C — sequential research has been implemented.
    • P-36G and P-40E-1 — sequential research has been revoked.
    • F2A-3 and F4F-3 — sequential research has been revoked.
  • Germany:
    • CR.42, G.50 series 2, G.50 AS series 7, C.200 series 3, C.200 series 7, C.202 — have been grouped in German tech tree and moved to the Premium section of Rank I.
    • S.M.79 (all versions) — have been grouped in German tech tree and moved to the Premium section of Rank I.
    • Bf 109 B-1 — moved to Rank I.
    • Bf 109 E-1 — moved to Rank I, with sequential research with Bf 109 B-1 and grouped with Bf 109 E-3 and Bf 109 E-4.
    • Ju 88 A-1 and He 111H-6 — sequential research has been implemented.
    • Ju 87 D-3 and Ju 87 D-5 — grouped.
    • Hs 129 B-3 — Has been moved to rank II and located before Hs 129 B-2.
    • Me 410 A-1/U4 — Has been moved and located before Me 410 B-2/U4.
    • Me 410 A-1/U4 и Me 410 B-2/U4 — Has been moved to rank III with the need for sequential research with Hs 129 B-2 and Do 335 A-1.
  • USSR:
    • Yak-1 — Has been moved to rank II.
    • Yak-1 and Yak-1B — Have been grouped and located before the Yak-7B with the need for sequential research.
    • LaGG-3-8 and LaGG-3-11 — Have been grouped and located before the LaGG-3-35 with the need for sequential research.
    • LaGG-3-35 and LaGG-3-66 — Have been grouped and located before the La-5 with the need for sequential research.
    • I-15bis and I-153 M-62 — Have been moved in rank I in a separate branch before the group with the LaGG-3-8 and LaGG-3-11.
    • Pe-3 — Has been moved to rank II.
    • Pe-3 (r) and Pe-3 — Have been grouped before Il-2 (1941) with the need for sequential research.
    • Yak-4 — Has been moved and located before Ar-2.
  • Great Britain:
    • Hurricane Mk.I/L — Has been moved to rank II and located before the Typhoon Mk.Ia with the need for sequential research.
    • Nimrod Mk.I and Nimrod Mk.II — Have been dropped from the group with the need for sequential research.
    • Beaufighter Mk.X — Has been moved to rank II and located before the Beaufighter Mk.VIc with the need for sequential research.
    • Whirlwind Mk I — Has been moved to rank IV and located before the Brigand B 1 with the need for sequential research.
    • Mosquito FB.Mk.VI and Mosquito FB.Mk.XVIII — Have been grouped and moved to rank III and located before the Beaufighter Mk.21 with the need for sequential research.
    • Hornet Mk.III and Swift F.1 — The requirement for sequential research has been added.
  • Japan:
    • Ki-10-II K — Has been moved in line and located before the A5M4
    • Ki-32 — Has been moved in the line and located before the J1N1 with the need for sequential research.
    • J1N1 and Ki-45 ko — The need for sequential research has been added.
    • F1M2 — Has been moved in the line and located before the Ki-21-Ia with the need for sequential research.
    • B5N2 — Has been moved to rank I.
    • Ki-109 — Has been moved to rank II.
  • Italy:
    • Re.2002 Early - Has been moved to rank II.
    • Re.2000 series 1 and Re.2000 G.A.— Have been grouped and moved to rank II and located before the Re.2002 Early with a sequential research requirement.
    • Re.2001 serie 1, Re.2001 CB, Re.2001 CN — Have been grouped with a sequential research requirement.
  • France:
    • F.222.2 and N.C.223.3 — Have been grouped before the Potez 633 with a sequential research requirement.
    • M.S.406C1 - Has been moved to rank II and located before the M.S.410 with a sequential research requirement.
    • The research tree after the A-35B aircraft is now distributed in the following order - at rank III: F6F-5, SB2C-5, P-63C-5, at rank IV: F6F-5N, AD-4, F4U7, F8F-1B, the other ranks remain unchanged.
  • Sweden:
    • J20 — Has been placed before the J22-A.
    • J29F — Has been moved to rank VI.

Other fixes

  • Crusader Mk.II, M3A3 Stuart — The ability of active scouting, allied forces repair, airstrike modification and improved optics modification have been added.
  • BT-7 (F-32) — The airstrike modification has been added.
  • Sd.Kfz.234/1 — The ability of active scouting and allied forces repair have been removed.
  • Strf 90C — The ability of allied forces repair has been added.

09.05.2020 (

  • Ya-5M motor gun boat — The salvo speed of the 24 x 82 mm M-8 rocket launcher has been increased up to 7 seconds.
  • Swordfish Mk.2 — Cockpit has been added.

13.05.2020 (

  • A bug that might prevent the game from starting on systems installed with AVG (or Avast) antivirus has been fixed.
  • A bug where some combat ready ground vehicles might look destroyed has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed with the incorrect visuals for destroyed ground vehicles - there may have been a lack of fire and smoke effects, hatches may have appeared locked shut, some external elements may have appeared undamaged.

15.05.2020 (Server update)

  • In ground SB, the previous mechanics for respawn zone protection in the form of a timer used for vehicle destruction has been switched on.

20.05.2020 ( ( for PS4 and XBOX ONE))

  • The after-armour effect of secondary shell debris for APDS shells has been improved. More precise correlation in the amount of secondary fragments of shell and armor to shell mass and parameters. For shells below 100 mm, the after-armour effect has been reduced slightly, for shells 100 mm and above this effect has been increased.
  • Pvrbv 551 and Lvrbv 701 - Traverse angles have been increased.
  • 2S6 - A bug resulting in an actual rate of fire of ~8000 rpm instead of 5000 rpm in the automatic guns has been fixed.
  • Archer - Historical 3x-6x sight has been added.
    • Source: Royal Armoured Corps Training Volume III-Armament Pamphlet No. 6 SP 17-pr Valentine 1952
  • Chi-Ha Kai / Chi-He - Historical 4x sight has been added.
    • Source: Handbook on Japanese Military Sources // Intelligence Bulletin Vol. 3 No 11 July 1945 //
  • Object 279 - BR-482B shell initial speed has been increased from 900 to 1000 m/s with corresponding armour penetration re-calculation.
    • Source: Отечественные бронированные машины. XX век. Том 3. 1946-1965, Солянкин А.Г, Желтов И.Г., Кудряшов К.Н // Техника и вооружение: Отечественные бронированные машины 1945-1965 N°12/2017
  • Semovente 90/53 M41M - A bug in the gunner’s camera position has been fixed, previously it might have resulted in the vehicle disappearing on some graphic presets.
  • Centauro MGS - Commander’s camera height has been increased.
  • Radkampfwagen 90 - Commander’s camera height has been increased.
  • 2S6 - Gun recoil animation has been fixed.
  • Vickers MBT - Excessive MG sight markers have been removed.
  • Lvtdgb m/40 - Clarified the dependence of the limits of the angles for elevation in the angle of turret rotation of the gun.
  • A.43 Black Prince - Clarified the dependence of the limits of angles for elevation in the angle of turret rotation of the gun.
  • 50 mm Mk.214a gun - Spread angles have been increased.
  • Su-6 (all versions) - 37 mm NS-37 guns spread angles have been reduced.
  • 20 mm M61 gun, 30 mm ADEN gun, DEFA gun (all versions) - After-armour effect of the secondary debris for AP rounds has been improved, smoke trail for tracer shells has been removed.
  • A bug has been fixed with the inability to start quick field repair while playing in a squad.
  • Hangar zoom has been added to the PS4 version.

21.05.2020 (

  • Some rare bugs related to game crashes have been fixed for following situations:
    • In air battles;
    • During connection to an already ongoing battle.
  • Game crashes when using stream and replay features has been fixed.
  • Game crash on a Mac client game start has been fixed.

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds