Update 1.51 "Cold Steel"
Update 1.51 "Cold Steel"(changelog) was introduced on 30 June 2015. The update is distinguished for adding the first winter ground forces location (Finland) to the game, introducing the "Enduring Confrontation" game mode; as well as improving the damage indicator and adding "Orders".
[hide]- 1 New Vehicles
- 2 Game Changes
- 3 Smaller updates that came afterwards
- 3.1 30.06.2015
- 3.2 01.07.2015
- 3.3 02.07.2015
- 3.4 06.07.2015
- 3.5 07.07.2015
- 3.6 09.07.2015
- 3.7 10.07.2015
- 3.8 15.07.2015
- 3.9 16.07.2015
- 3.10 21.07.2015
- 3.11 23.07.2015
- 3.12 24.07.2015
- 3.13 31.07.2015
- 3.14 04.08.2015
- 3.15 06.08.2015
- 3.16 07.08.2015
- 3.17 10.08.2015
- 3.18 13.08.2015
- 3.19 21.08.2015
- 3.20 25.08.2015
- 3.21 01.09.2015
- 3.22 02.09.2015
- 3.23 23.09.2015
- 3.24 25.09.2015
- 3.25 07.10.2015
- 3.26 08.10.2015
- 3.27 13.10.2015
- 3.28 19.10.2015
- 3.29 22.10.2015
- 3.30 27.10.2015
New Vehicles
United States
- А-36
- SB2C-1C
- F2A-3 (New Model)
- F2A-1 (New Model)
- Thach's F2A-1 (New Model)
- IL-2 (1942)
- Do 17E-1
- Bf 109 E-1 (New Model)
- Bf 109 E-3 (New Model)
- Hurricane Mk IIB (Premium)
- Yak-3 (VK-107) (Premium)
- IL-2M Type 3 (New Model)
- IL-2M "Avenger” (New Model)
Great Britain
- Hurricane Mk.IV
- Hurricane Mk. IIb (New Model)
- Firebrand TF.MK.IV
- J2M5
- J2M5 (30 mm) (Premium)
- Ki-44
Ground vehicles
United States
- М60
- М18 Super Hellcat (Premium)
Game Changes
Changes in Vehicle Models
- For all vehicles of the "Panther" series, and self-propelled guns, external screens on the lower part of each vehicle have been added and accounted for in the damage model;
- Multiple tweaks and fixes to the shape and thickness of armour elements on several vehicles;
- Fixed the number of crew members displayed for the KV-85, changing from 5 to 4;
- Armour for the Yak-7B has been fixed (removed nonexistent armoured glass);
- Fixed uploading custom camouflages for the Hurricane Mk.I/L;
- Fixed uploading custom camouflages for the Me 262A-1/U4;
- Fixed the display of offensive weaponry damage model for Hs 129B-2;
- Added missing armour for the He 111H-16;
- Fixed the display of offensive weaponry for BB-1 aircraft and SU-2 lineup.
New Locations and Missions
- Added event in the Enduring Confrontation game mode (JiP). The new game mode will start with limited combat missions a few days after Update 1.51 launched. We will regularly supplement these missions with new tasks and continue to improve the mechanics. Stay tuned!
- Finland - A new winter location for mixed battles (modes: domination, battle, conquest)
- New aircraft Arcade missions have been added:
- Apple Gardens (Ground Strike);
- Approaches to Moscow (Ground Strike);
- Khalkhyn Gol (Ground Strike);
- Saipan (Ground Strike);
- Gorge (Front Line);
- Foothills (Front Line).
- New aircraft Realistic missions have been added
- Korsun (Front Line);
- Mozdok (Front Line).
Changes in Locations and Missions
- Krymsk: Removed known unfair vantage points. Some areas have been slightly flattened;
- Jungle: Removed known unfair vantage points;
- Eastern Europe: Balance changes have been made to the central capture point;
- Carpathians: Added a new shelter position, some changes to unfair winning conditions;
- Karelia: Some changes to unfair winning conditions;
- White Rock Fortress: Balance changes at the northern capture point;
- Battle of Hürtgen Forest: Balance changes at the third capture point.
Research and Economy
- The amount of research points awarded for the destruction of ground vehicles are now uses the system similar to aircraft battles - vehicle BR difference will also be considered;
- The amount of research points awarded for the destruction of ground vehicles has been slightly increased;
- Added missing traverse adjustment drive modification for self-propelled guns: Panzerjäger Panther, Panzerjäger Tiger, Panzerjäger Tiger P Ferdinand, ISU-152, SU-100Y, SU-100, SU-122, SU-122-54, SU-152, SU-85-1943, SU-85М;
- The US nation now has a separate line for level bombers. Attackers and dive bombers now have a common research line.
Damage Model
- A new indicator for ground vehicle and aircraft damage has been introduced;
- A new system of tracking for shell fragments has been introduced: Fragments can now have a more complex and unique shape, and differing fragments can have different amounts of energy. This system works for secondary shell fragments and the metal jet of HEAT grenades;
- Increased the efficiency of piercing projectiles with a discarding sabot against sloped armor;
- Increased the efficiency of flat-headed shells, and armour-piercing and ballistic capped shells, on sloped armour inclined at a 60 degree angle.
- Fixed the ballistics of piercing projectiles with a discarding sabot. Now, the cross-section on which ballistics will be calculated correspond to the core size of the projectile, and not to the projectile's sabot.
- HESH (High-Explosive Squash Head) shells have been added, which cause fragments to hit targets inside the vehicle due to spalling;
- HEATFS (High-Explosive Anti Tank Fin Stabilized) shells have been added. These shells have a much better penetration, but cause less spalling than common HEAT shells;
- BP-367P streamlined piercing projectile ammunition has been added for the T-44.
Changes in Flight Models
- A6M (all models) - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations, and geometry calculations of the wings. Stalling, due to executing a turn is more likely now. Decreased takeoff distance. Changed engine operations in automatic control mode;
- B-25 (all models) - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Control of this aircraft in Mouse Aim mode has been improved;
- B7A2 - Changed behavior of the aircraft whilst in a vertical dive (improved stability, including during recovery from a steep dive). Edited the efficiency of the air brake (reduced). Edited inertia calculations;
- Blenheim Mk.IV - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Improved stability whilst in a vertical dive;
- Boomerang Mk. I/II - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Yer-2 (with M-105 engines) - Refined engine operation mode (temperature). Improved stability whilst in level flight.
- G4M1 - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Il-2 (all models) - Overheat calculations refined (engine now takes longer to overheat). Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Ju-87B-2 - Improved stability whilst in a vertical dive;
- Ki-84 (all models) - Improved stability whilst in a vertical dive. Increased the sensitivity of control surfaces. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Improved reaction of the aircraft during tug the handling situations (stalling suddenly, including at high-speeds);
- Ki-102 otsu - Overheat calculations refined (engine now takes longer to overheat). Improved stability in all flight modes. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Ki-45 - Overheat calculations refined (engine now takes longer to overheat). Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Ki-49 (all modifications) - Overheat calculations refined (engine now takes longer to overheat). Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Ki-96 - Overheat calculations refined (engine now takes longer to overheat). Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- P-47 (all models) - Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations.
- Wirraway - Overheat calculations refined (engine now takes longer to overheat). Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Yak-1/1b/7b/9/3 (all models) - Flight models have been fully updated. Recalculated and refined all geometric and weight characteristics. Reworked propeller and engine characteristics. Changed behaviour during takeoff and landing (reduced speed for takeoff and landing). Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Yak-3 BK-107a - Initially configured according to the data sheet;
- J2M5 - Has been configured according to the data sheet;
- J2M5 (30mm) - Has been configured according to the data sheet;
- Ki-44-1 - Has been configured according to the data sheet;
- Ki-61 (all models) - Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- N1K2 (all models) - New flight model. Basic characteristics of the aircraft have been changed (max speed was increased to 630 km/h, time to climb up to 5000m has been reduced to 05:30 min). New characteristics configured in accordance with the Data Sheet. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Bf.110C-4 - Improved stability whilst in level flight. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- P-51D (all models) - Refined geometric data, control elements (flaps, ailerons, elevator and rudder), by reaching maximum overload, calculations are considered for the effect of airflow. The higher the speed, the greater the effect, stalling and climb rate has been initially configured according to the data sheet. The engine has also been slightly modified;
- P-51D-5 - Fuselage tank has been installed, lack of additional fin area in later models is considered, behavior corresponding to early D series;
- А-36 - Has been configured according to the data sheet;
- Fury Mk.II - Flight model has been completely reworked. Size, weight, and restrictions on control have been edited (vertical dive, overload, chassis durability). Wing and profile have been recalculated. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. The Kestrel VI engine, gear, screw, and radiator have been configured according to historical graphics;
- Tempest (all models) - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Attacker - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Trimmer has been fixed;
- Firebrand Mk.IV - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet;
- Ta.152H-1 - Flight model has been completely reworked. Reworked aircraft behaviour at high speeds. The higher the speed, the greater the effect. Calculations are now considered for the effect of airflow on the horizontal tail surface. Refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. The resistance of single elements (flaps, screw, fuselage, radiator etc.) are now calculated. Refined wing centre of gravity and behaviour during a stall or corkscrew and when at maximum overload. Engine performance has been adjusted, reduced compression and overheating. Fuel consumption calculations have been refined. Refined speeds and climb rate in different modes;
- Do.17E-1 - Has been configured according to the data sheet;
- La-5F - Fixed the maximum speed when affected by ground-effect. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Me-410 (all models) - New flight model. Reduced the impact of torque effect during take off. Improved the efficiency of air brakes. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, refined the calculation of the transition processes and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations;
- Hurricane Mk.IV/Mk.II (USSR) - Has been initially configured.
- A new system has been introduced - Orders;
- Added function that allows the marking of locations of enemies in combined Realistic Battles. By landing a shot on an enemy with your main gun, all players in your team will, for a limited time, be able to view the targeted enemy’s location on the minimap;
- Tags for Britain carrier-based aircraft have been optimised (unnecessary and apparently duplicating tags have been removed).
- Changed the method of saving user settings. Now they are stored separately for each account and divided into two parts. One part is synchronised between all player devices (general settings, vehicle preset settings and settings), the other one is individual for each device (control settings, colours, fonts, etc.).
- Improved the overall sound environment for air battles;
- New sounds for shells striking the ground have been added.
Decals and Camouflages
- Multiple decals for ground vehicles and aircraft have been added;
- Added winter camouflages for all ground vehicles which don’t already have them. For all soviet ground vehicles, added woodland camouflages. Vehicles: Flakpanzer I Ausf A, КV-1B 756®, Aufklärungspanzer 38(t), Pz.Kpfw 38(t) Ausf. A, Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger P, Sd.Kfz. 6/2 mit FlaK 36, StuG III Ausf A, StuG III Ausf F, M2A4, M3 Lee, M3 Stuart, M3A1 Stuart, BT-5, BT-7 1937, IS-3, IS-4M, ISU-152, KV-1 L11, KV-2 1939, М4A2 76W (USSR), SU-100Y, SU-100 1945, SU-122-54, SU-152, SU-57, SU-76M 1943, Т-10М, Т-126(SP), Т-26 1940, Т-28, Т-35, Т-50, Т-54 1951, Т-60 1941, Т-70 1942, Т-80, ZIS-30, ZSU-37, ZSU-57-2, ZUT-37;
- The conditions for unlocking some camouflages have been changed.
Smaller updates that came afterwards
- Error leading to the inability to respawn for bombers in missions: [Front Line] Gorge and [Front Line] Foothills has been fixed.
- Fixed map border on the Poland map for the “Domination” game mode in Realistic Battles (respawn points outside the location).
- Haze reduced on Finland map.
- Duplicate camouflages for T-28, T-28E and T-35 have been removed.
- Engine compartment roof thickness of T-34-100 has been fixed.
- Overestimated crew vitality from direct hits has been fixed.
- Inability to use a custom camouflage for Leopard-1 has been fixed.
- Description of the machine gun MG3A1 has been corrected. Caliber is displayed correctly as 7,62mm.
- Client stability has been improved.
- A bug where snow would remain on the tracks of ground vehicles after a session on the “Finland” map has been fixed.
1st Patch
- Fixed aircraft behaviour during air events in Arcade Battles for ground vehicles.
2nd Patch
- It is no longer possible to mark enemy tanks by hitting them with your main gun in Simulator Battles.
- An ammo allocation bug for the Leopard 1 has been fixed.
- A bug where ammo allocation would not be displayed in battle for the Kugelblitz and GaZ 4M has been fixed.
- PB-46A shell (SU-100-Y) penetration has been fixed (122mm AP shell data had been used previously by mistake).
- The default camouflage cover for the T-26 1gv.t.br. has been fixed - it now uses one similar to the T-34 1gv.t.br.
- M46, M47 and M60 driving performance has been improved (no jerking while turning at speeds below 5 km/h).
- The spawn point for the Southern capture point on Kuban (Conquest) has been changed.
- The thickness of the side skirts for the “Coelain” has been changed from 30mm to 5mm.
- Improved the mobility of the Leopard I whilst turning at low speeds.
- Fixed a damage model bug for the M2A2, which allowed the machine gun ammunition to explode.
- A suspension settings bug for the T-34-85 and T-34-100 has been fixed. The down motion of the roller has been reduced according to the “T-34. Manual” VI NKO Moscow 1944, p. 11.
- For all modifications of the T-54, the rate of the fire has been fixed. The maximum rate of the fire has been increased up to 7 shots per minute according to the “Guide to the material part and operating of T-54” VI MO USSR 1969, p.10 line 51. The speed of the vertical guidance has been reduced to 4° per second.
- For all modifications of the T-54, the settings of the transmission have been fixed according to “Guide to the material part and operating of T-54” VI MO USSR, p.8, line 14. The maximum speed at 2000 rpm/min is now 49 km/h.
- Fixed the penetration of the 122mm shell BR-472 of the M62TC T-10M gun. Armour piercing has been increased by 12% on all distances according to “Domestic armored vehicles of the XX century” 1946-1965, volume 3, datasheet 15.
- Ammunition for coupled/coaxial machine guns of the T-10M has been reduced to 450 shells, configured as 9x50 machine gun magazines (the remaining amount of ammunition are not in the magazines and need some time to reload). According to “Guide to the material part and operating of T-10M”. VI MO USSR 1960, p. 109.
- The maximum rate of the fire of the 100mm LB-1 gun for the T-34-100 has been increased up to 5.2 shots per minute, according “Armour collection. History of the T-34” 2003, p. 51. The angle of elevation below level for the gun has been increased to -5°.
- The maximum rate of the fire of the D-10S (SU-100) has been increased up to 5.7 shots per minute.
- The maximum rate of the fire of the KwK43 and PaK43 has been increased up to 7.02 shots per minute.
- Ammunition for the coupled/coaxial machinegun MG3A1 of the Leopard I now use the “tank” tape cartridges with 1000 shells.
- The “Bundeswehr” Decal, and Decal of the “4th Egypt Division” have been moved to the category “neutral”.
- Do.217 (all models) - Flight model has been edited. Overheating has been refined (engine now overheats during emergency power (WEP)). Improved stability in all flight modes. Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated.and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations.
- Improved Client performance.
- Refined automated trimming.
- Fixed a bug that in some instances caused damaged parts of wings to remain in the air.
- Fixed a bug in air events during Arcade ground battles which counted a lost aircraft as a death for the player.
- The incorrect display of the interface for players waiting in a game queue has been fixed.
- A bug where the mouse cursor would return to the middle position by activating map or team statistics display, has been fixed.
- The look of engine flames on jet aircraft have been changed.
- Interface errors in tutorial missions, while using a gamepad, have been fixed.
- A bug, which restricted showing the full battle log after a mission had ended has been fixed.
- Bugs in the interface for vehicle decal applications have been fixed.
- An interface bug, where deleted friends would remain visible in the friends list, has been fixed.
- Client stability has been improved.
- Optimizations for physics of destruction on landscape objects like hedges, fences, trees etc, which should recover FPS (mostly noticeable on Finland location).
- PS4: Fixed a bug which prevented the use of sights in test drive for Realistic Battles mode.
- PS4: Added the option of managing binoculars with controller analogue stick.
- Transmission on SPG SU-122-54 and ZSU-57-2 configured the same as the T-54 (the maximum speed of vehicle and the gear ratio)
- Penetration value of 100 mm HEAT projectile ZBK-5 increased from 350 to 380 mm according to "Domestic armored vehicles. The twentieth century. Volume 3 1946-1965 gg. "P.49," Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army ".
- Increased likelihood of ricochet at acute angles (less than 25 degrees) for HESH shells.
- Increased likelihood of ricochet for HEAT and HEAT Finned shells at angles of less than 20 degrees.
- Changed position slightly of spawn and capture points on ground vehicles in Kuban to correct the situation where team A wins more often than Team B because of closer location in relation to the spawn points of capture as well as being a good position for covering capture points.
- Client stability has been improved.
- Improved behavior of mouse cursor in windowed mode on Linux client.
- For all self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicles, the visibility in sniper mode has been increased.
- M4A3 105: Track guard thickness has been changed from 25.4mm to 9.5mm.
- The thickness of twin machine guns on the BT series, T-34, KV and IS ground vehicles has been fixed.
- Track guard thickness for the T-34 series has been fixed: On earlier models (1940-1941) to 13mm, on later models to 20mm.
- The turret rotation speed of the T-10M has been increased to 17° according to “Domestic armored vehicles 1945-1965”, volume 3, p.56. Increased the cannon’s vertical guidance speed for better simulation of stabiliser work.
- Excessive penetration of explosive effect for all armour-piercing shells has been reduced. Previously, it was possible to hit enemy tanks through the bottom armour plate or track guards without actual penetration.
- Reduced the effectiveness of APDS shells when hitting an armour plate inclined at more than 60 degrees.
- Reduced the effectiveness of APHE shells: The amount of secondary fragments caused by spalling has been reduced by 15% and the penetration of these fragments has been reduced as well. Thus, fuel tanks and other internal modules can now intercept these secondary fragments.
Changes to ‘Enduring Confrontation’ mode (available at the start of the next test):
- Added a new mission to Enduring Confrontation: ‘Ruhr’.
- A new objective/scenario has been added: ‘Bomber Escort’.
- The hitpoints of bases have been slightly increased.
- The respawn time of bases has been increased from 10 seconds to 2 minutes.
- The speed of recon aircraft is now limited to 350 km/h. Before this patch, it was possible for them to reach a speed of up to 600 km/h, making it too difficult to detect and shoot them down.
- Improvements and fixes have been made to the interface.
- Fixed a problem which caused a loss of control while rolling with multi-engine aircraft, when ailerons and wings were damaged.
- Added a new parameter: “Automatic flaps control”, to the instructor settings.
- Added the display of armour-piercing shell penetration values for aircraft.
- Added the display of modification improvement descriptions for ground vehicles.
- Fixed surges in engine power caused by switching compressor gears.
- Fixed pitch handling problems in several aircraft when the setting “simplified joystick” is enabled in the “simplified controlling” mode.
- Fixed a bug where the damage cam displayed modules incorrectly (in yellow colour).
- Fixed an incorrect response caused by damaging the fuel tanks and ammunition load with secondary fragments. It was possible that these modules wouldn’t catch fire or wouldn’t explode by damage from secondary fragments in some situations.
- Fixed the display of damage shown for enemies during hitcam playback. Now it shows the status of the modules after the last hit. (Previously it only displayed the relative damage of the last hit).
- Fixed lack of shell explosions inside vehicles during a hit and in deathcam, if the vehicle was destroyed by other destroying shell factors (secondary fragments or direct contact with a crew member).
- The correct distribution of ammo pack for BT-5, BT-7, SU-100, SU-122P, SU-76М, Т-34-100 has been introduced.
- Fixed a bug with resetting the reloading process by hitting the gunner, and the lack of resetting the reloading process by hitting the tank loader.
- Fixed the colour of the winter camouflage for the KV-1 with the KwK-40 cannon.
- Balance changes have taken effect on “Normandy” and “Kuban”.
- The errors during the ground vehicles tutorial have been fixed.
- Refined the weight of the Browning M3 shells.
- Increased the altitude where clouds begin to form for all game modes.
- Fixes and changes have been applied to the following aircraft models: Bf.109 (all models), Fw.190A-1, Fw.190A-4, Fw.190A-5, I-16 typ 5, Ki-43, Mosquito FB Mk.XVIII, Tempest MK2, Yak-9M, B7A2, A-36, Pe-2-83, Pе-3 (all models).
- Fixes and changes have been applied to the following ground vehicle models: KV-1B 756(r), Leopard I, Ferdinand, 10,5cm Tiger II, Pz.Bfw.VI (P), T-10M, IS-2 1944, IS-2 Avenger, SU-100Y, СМК, Т-26-5, Т-35, Т-34-100, М47.
- For the T-10M, the anti-aircraft machine gun has been enabled.
- New sounds have been introduced for the KPVT machine gun.
- New sounds have been introduced for the L7 and M68 cannons.
- Changed fuel consumption levels on the following A6M aircraft:
- A6M2N - flight time with a full fuel tank and 100% throttle: 2 hours
- A6M2/model 11 - flight time with a full fuel tank and 100% throttle: 1 hour 40 minutes
- A5M3 - flight time with a full fuel tank and 100% throttle: 1 hour 08 minutes
- A6M3 model 22/model 22 Ko - flight time with a full fuel tank and 100% throttle: 1 hour 24 minutes
- A6M5 Ko/Otsu - flight time with a full fuel tank and 100% throttle: 1 hour 24 minutes
- Refined the fuselage polar for: Yak-1/1-B/7-B/9-P, Т, M, K, U, UT.
- P-47-D-25/28 - Changed fuel consumption level. Flight time with a full fuel tank and 100% throttle: 1 hour 17 minutes.
- Hе.112 V-5/А-0 - Refined the fuselage polar, cockpit lights added.
- I-301, LaGG-3 (all models) - Refined the fuselage polar and tail assembly (exchange rate stability was improved).
- La (all models except jets) - Refined the fuselage polar and tail assembly (exchange rate stability was improved).
- F-82E - improved handling at high speeds.
- Il-10 (all models) - Specified the calculation for the airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations.
- Bug which allow ground travel outside the minimap on location “Kuban” has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug, where in the game mode “Break” was possible to respawn on the rocks.
- Fixed errors related to joining to “Enduring Confrontation” session that is in progress.
- LINUX: window stuck in fullscreen has been fixed.
- RENDER: disappearing snow in tank locations has been fixed.
- RENDER: ground vehicle rendering in simulator mode has been fixed.
- Carpathians: The reward for additional tasks has been reduced (-10% ticket points from enemy team).
- Kursk: A bug in “Conquest” mode, which initiated the activation of the wrong missions in “Realistic Battles” mode and “Simulator Battles” has been fixed.
- Camouflages for the SU-122-54 and for the premium M46 have been added.
- Ground vehicle engine and transmission repairs have been fixed. From now on, all damage which affect the mobility of the vehicle can be repaired if the repair kit has been researched. Previously, some damage may have been able to affect the engine or transmission, without the ability to repair it.
- The ‘behind armour effect’ and the effect on sloped armour for some aircraft armour-piercing rounds and armour-piercing composite rounds have been fixed.
- The ‘behind armour effect’ of sabot shells (type APCR) has been slightly reduced. The parameters of secondary fragments from more powerful post-war shells with detachable trays (type APDS) were previously used incorrectly.
- New “Drill Squadrons” with limited functionality, but with the possibility to participate in squadron battles, have been introduced.
- The Linux Launcher has been released | Download Here
- Various rare issues when logging in have been fixed.
- Some errors on Windows 10 have been fixed.
- Some errors on Linux have been fixed.
- T-10M armour has been fixed: turret ring hole’s diameter was larger than inner wall of the turret so tank’s crew and modules could have been damaged by spall fragments if hit under the turret
- The error with camouflage on the USSR premium M4A2 has been fixed.
- The bug with coaxial machine gun on Maus has been fixed. it was impossible to aim the machine gun vertically.
- Fixed the types of 90mm shells for T33 and T43 from armour-piercing with ballistic and armour-piercing caps to sharp armour-piercing shells. According to Pershing: A History of the Medium Tank T20 Series. R. P. Hunnicutt. Armor-piercing ammunition for Gun, 90mm, M3.
- Roll function on P-51D-5 with a dead engine will remain controllable.
- Wingmen in ‘Tactical control’ single missions will use bombs and rockets if the player cannot switch to another wingman.
- Rocket powered engines will now be able to restart in the air.
- When fuel is overfilled, fuel counter will not show negative values.
- Various issues when reconnecting to ‘Enduring Confrontation’ session have been fixed
- User localizations sometimes not loading properly has been fixed
- D, 520/521 - Refined fuselage polar and tail assembly (exchange rate stability has been improved). Improved handling at high speeds. Improved stability whilst in a vertical dive.
- ХР-50 - Improved handling at high speeds. Improved stability whilst in a vertical dive. Geometrical and weight parameters of tail assembly have been specified.
- Havok Mk.1 - Specified calculation for airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Improved handling in all flight modes. Improved the operation of automatic engine control.
- DB-7 - Specified the calculation for the airflow on horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Improved handling in all flight modes. Improved the operation of automatic engine control.
- Boston Mk.1 - Specified the calculation for the airflow on horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Improved handling in all flight modes. Improved the operation of automatic engine control. Installed Pratt & Whitney R-1830-S3C4-G engine.
- PBY-5/5a - The intermittent error where a tendency of pitching the nose upwards periodically when the rudder or stabilizator were lost has been fixed.
- Ki-43 (all models) - Specified the calculation for the airflow on horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations.
- Fury MkI - Installed Kestrel IIs engine. Flight model has been completely reworked. Size, weight, and restrictions on control have been edited (vertical dive, overload, chassis durability). Wing and profile have been recalculated. Specified the calculation for the airflow on horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated.and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. .
- Do-17E1 - Specified the parameters of the BMW VI engine. Installed propellers with fixed pitch.
- P-26 (all models) - Applied new calculation for airflow on horizontal tail surfaces. Inertia calculations updated and CG-position dependant on how much fuel is being carried. Specified climbing parameters.
- P-36 (all models) - Flight model has been completely reworked. Recalculated the power characteristics of the engine (exactly conforms to prototype), improved handling on all flight modes and types. Fixed “jerking” on mouse aiming.
- P-51/Мк.-1 - supply fuel tank added. In the inverted position the flight is limited to 10 seconds. Refined wing focuses (aerodynamic centre).
- A-36 - supply fuel tank added. In the inverted position the flight is limited to 10 seconds. Refined the wing focuses (aerodynamic centre). Specified the focus offset when releasing air brakes as well as their resistance.
- P-51-D (all models) - supply fuel tank added.. In the inverted position the flight is limited to 10 seconds. Slightly reduced likelihood of engine overheating.
- Il-28 - Refined balance and model of the airflow, increased negative destructive overload up to -4G (weight with full fuel tanks without bombs).
- Vampire FB.5 / Venom FB.4 - Refined balance, model of the airflow and inertia calculations.
- Icons added to battle log messages
- Client stability has been improved
- A bug when small secondary shards and cumulative jet could pierce through crew member has been fixed (secondary shards with low penetration can no longer pierce through several crew members sitting in line).
- A bug where AI torpedo bombers didn't drop torpedoes and failed to destroy enemy ships has been fixed;
- Font in Battle Log has been fixed.
- Client stability has been improved;
- Fixed a rare issue that led to the Squadron Tag not being displayed for some players;
- Fixed a bug on Mozdok which made it possible for a spawn point to appear outside the minimap area;
- Fix a bug when calling an artillery strike on the map with gamepad controls.
- Reduced the maximum fire rate of the F-34, ZIS-5 and ZIS-3 cannons from 10.8 to 8.7 shots per minute.
- Reduced the maximum fire rate of the L-11 canon from 9.6 to 8.4 shots per minute.
- Reduced the maximum fire rate of the T-34 1942 from 11.7 to 9.3 shots per minute.
- Increased the ‘behind armour effect’ of secondary fragments when armour-piercing shells penetrate.
- Several stability errors have been fixed.
- Windows: A crash that occurred while using the AMD Gaming Evolved Client in some configurations has been fixed.
- Client stability has been improved.
- Quantitative Matchmaking as described in our Developer's Blog has been enabled for the following BR brackets:
- Tanks: 6.7 - 7.7 and 7.0-7.7
- Aircraft: 6.7 - 7.7 and 7.0 - 8.0 and 7.3 - 8.3
- There is a limit of 4 top vehicles per team, except for the BR 7.0 - 7.7 bracket, where it is 6.
- The Battle Ratings have been updated to work with Quantitative Matchmaking. Details in the forum.
- Similar Premium and regular vehicles will now share the same Battle Rating based on their combined performance data.
- The Economy has been updated. Details in the forum.
- The shell type BR-471D has been added for the following vehicles: IS-2 "Revenge", IS-2 Mod. 1944, SU-122P
- Client stability has been improved.
- Client stability has been improved.
- Fixed sound effect when ground vehicles collide with trees and bushes.
- Error, which could lead to micro lags at the start of ground battles on PC’s with low performance, has been fixed.
- An error which caused problems while downloading files for a client update has been fixed.
Global changes for Matchmaking
Not so long ago, we announced a new intended feature in matchmaking, this would allow us to limit the amount of specific vehicles in battles. The rule has been tested in battles with ground vehicles and aircraft at higher ranks and proved itself robust. It gives the players an opportunity to engage in much more comfortable battles and meet many enemies at closer ranks and BR’s.
Now we are announcing an important change in battles at all ranks for ground vehicles and for aircraft!
- Compensation issued for removed/changed engine injection modification (thanks to Jorge_Too for the report).
Changes in the operation of modification “new boosters” in jets for the following aircraft:
- MiG-15, Canberra B.2, Canberra B.6, B-57A, Il-28 - Modification “new boosters” has been removed. These aircraft use conventional control rods and cables or hydraulic actuators for the operation of control surfaces.
- MiG-15bis, MiG-15bis (GER), La-15, La-174, F9F-2, F9F-5, F-84B, Venom FB4, F-80A, F-80C, F2H-2 - modification “new boosters” affects the speed of roll control only as hydraulic actuators in these aircraft were installed in the aileron mechanism.
- In the the F-86 series, the effect of the modification "new boosters" improves handling for roll and pitch - hydraulic actuators were installed only on the ailerons and elevators.
- The research points and game currency spent on research of removed modules will be compensated.
- Steam Controller support has been added.
- Client stability has been improved.
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