Update "Air Superiority"

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Update "Air Superiority" (changelog) was introduced on 14 December 2023. This update is notable for the addition of new top tier jet aircraft and Rank VIII ground vehicles.

Msg-info.png Though the update numbering has been dropped since Update "Starfighters", the game version is still present in-game to indicate the update as 2.33


New vehicles





Great Britain







Ground vehicles




Great Britain







Naval fleet



Great Britain




New locations and missions

  • Volcano Valley — a new aircraft location has been added with two available: Ground Strike for Arcade battles and Operation for Realistic battles.

Location and mission updates

  • Visual improvements have been added to the tank test drive area.
  • Hürtgen Forest — this location has been reworked based on player feedback: spawns covered, blocked line of sight for shoot throughs.
  • Middle East — this location has been reworked based on player feedback: spawns covered, blocked line of sight for shoot throughs.
  • The following missions have been changed with the location of the bombing bases in them depending on the rank of the battle:
    • [Operation] Lake Ladoga.
    • [Operation] Ladoga. Winter 1941.
    • [Operation] Moscow. 42nd kilometer.
    • [Operation] Moscow. Naro-Fominsk.
    • [Operation] Moscow. Serpukhov.
    • [Operation] Moscow.
    • [Operation] Smolensk. 1941.
    • [Operation] Smolensk. 1941.
    • [Operation] Berlin.
    • [Operation] El Alamein.
  • For trees, wind attenuation when moving away from the model has been added to enhance the visual effect of model switching.
  • Trains driving outside of the playable zone in missions on the Flanders map have been added.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • BMP-1, SPz BMP-1, ZBD86, BMP-2, RakJPz 2 (HOT), IT-1, Shturm-S, Khrizantema-S, Swingfire, Type 60 ATM — the damage model of missiles loaded into a launcher has been reworked so that they are now ammunition and not part of the launcher. (Report)
  • Type 62 — track animation has been fixed. (Report)
  • Object 211, Type 63, ZTS63 — exhaust position when afloat has been fixed. (Report)
  • AMX-10M — missing armor at the optic location has been fixed. (Report)
  • E-100 — internal armor plates moved to X-Ray view.
  • Leopard 2A4 (Hungary) — a bug that caused the bulldozer blade animation to not work has been fixed. (Report)
  • M47 (105/55) — a bug where the first stage ammo stowage did not rotate with the turret has been fixed. (Report)
  • T20 — gun mantlet armor has been fixed. (Report)
  • ZiS-12 (94-KM), Phòng không T-34, LOSAT, E.B.R. (1963) — a bug that caused headlights and searchlights to become transparent from the front has been fixed. (Report 1, Report 2, Report 3, Report 4)
  • T-50 - the armor values have been corrected (lowered) from 40 mm to 37 mm. (Report) Mass of the tank has been increased from 13.8 to 14 tons. (Report)
  • Type 60 SPRG — the number of gears and the gear ratio values have been corrected. Source: 制式要綱 60式自走106mm無反動砲(C) D8004C.
  • OF-40 Mk.1 — turret traverse speed has been increased from 20 to 22.5 degrees per second. Vertical aiming speed has been decreased from 8 to 7 degrees per second. (Report)
  • Leopard 40/70, 47/32 L40, 90/53 M41M — an issue that caused these vehicles to not take pressure damage has been fixed.
  • The firing accuracy of 8.8 cm KwK36 and Flak 37 cannons has been increased. (Report)
  • The firing accuracy of 7.6 cm M32 and M32K cannons has been increased. (Report).
  • Au F1 — the engine and transmission parameters have been revised and set to the values of the AMX-30B. An ability to turn in place has been added. The engine power has been lowered from 720 to 680 h.p. The number of gears and both forward and backward speeds are also set to the values of the AMX-30B. (Report)
  • Au F1 — mass of the vehicle has been increased from 42 to 43.5 tons. The maximum gun depression angle has been improved from -4 to -5 degrees. Source: GIAT VECTEUR brochure.
  • AMX-30 Super — the transmission parameters have been revised. The gear ratio values and the number of gears have been corrected. (Report)
  • M26 (all variants) — the transmission parameters have been revised (Report).
  • Lancia 3Ro (100/17) — the Granata da 100 Mod.914 shell parameters have been corrected. The initial velocity has been lowered from 370 m/s to 244 m/s. The mass has been increased from 16 kg to 16.2 kg. Source: Artiglierie su affusto a ruote ed in installazione mobile, dati principali e caratteristiche, page 22.
  • AS 42/47 — the vehicle type has been changed from Tank Destroyer to Light Tank.
  • The mass values for Ariete tanks have been corrected, in tons:
    • Ariete (P): 53.8 -> 54.
    • Ariete (without WAR kit): 54, no changes.
    • Ariete (with WAR kit): 54 -> 59.5
    • Ariete PSO (without PSO2): 53.8 -> 57
    • Ariete PSO (with PSO2): 53.8 -> 59
  • Challenger 2 (all variants) — the issue which caused the inner track to not block while turning has been fixed.
  • The spall liner for ground vehicles has been implemented. The liner decreases the cone of secondary shard dispersion. Each liner section can be destroyed after being penetrated with a powerful shell, giving no protection in this area. The liner is implemented for the following vehicles: Leopard 2A5, Leopard 2A6 (including the Finnish one), Leopard 2 PSO, Leopard 2A7V, Strv 122A, Strv 122B PLSS, Strv 122B+, Strf 9040C, Lvkv 9040C, Challenger 2, Challenger 2 (2F), Challenger 2 TES, Black Night, Challenger 2E and Challenger 3 TD, Т-90М, M3A3 Bradley.
  • The ability to select an ATGM and look through its sights has been added to the following vehicles: BMP-2, Marder A1-, Marder 1A3, Pbv 302 (BILL), Warrior, Ratel 20. Said sight has its own zoom, field of view, and aiming angle parameters.
  • M109A1 (all versions) — the erroneous presence of an automatic loader has been fixed. (Report)

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:


  • G8N1 — the 1500 kg Type 3 Number 150 armor-piercing bomb and its modification module have been added.
  • Su-25BM — the Kh-29T missile has been replaced with the Kh-29TE. The KAB-500Kr bomb has been replaced with the KAB-500Kr-E.
  • Su-39 — the Kh-29T missile has been replaced with the Kh-29TE.
  • JH-7A — GB250 bombs and Kh-29T rockets have been added along with the modification module for each, and a preset for 250 kg bombs has been added with no modification module required.
  • The BRAB-220 (1930) armor-piercing bomb has been added to the SB-2 (all variants), TB-3, BB-1, Su-2 (all variants), Pe-2-1, Pe-2-31, Pe-2-83 and IL-2 (1941).
  • The BRAB-500 (1938) armor-piercing bomb has been added to the SB-2 (all variants), TB-3, Pe-2-1, Pe-2-31, Pe-2-83 and IL-2 (1941).


  • A5M4 — 2 x 60 kg Type 97 Number 6 high-explosive bombs have been added.
  • Wasp HAS.Mk.1, SA 316B Alouette III — scope magnification has been changed from 10x to 2.5x-10x. Source: The Royal Navy Wasp, An Operational and Retirement History, 2018; Flight International 1968, No.3115 Vol.94; Jane's Weapon Systems, 1974-75; International Defense Review 1968, Vol 1 Issue 4.
  • Scout AH.Mk.1 — scope magnification has been changed from 10x to 2.5x-10x. Source: The Anatomy of the Gyroscope, 1988.
  • Swordfish Mk.I — a bug that caused one G.P. 250 lb Mk.IV bomb to not be attached to a pylon has been fixed.
  • MiG-23 (all variants) — the possibility to fire S-24B rockets separately has been removed. The possibility to bomb drop separately has been removed. Source: Самолёт 23-12Б. Руководство по технической эксплуатации № ГК-442Б. Книга 2. Авиационное вооружение. Часть 1. Самолёты 2 и 2М. Технологические карты выполнения подготовок к полёту. Часть 2. Авиационное вооружение. Книга 3. Неуправляемое вооружение. К единому регламенту технической эксплуатации №23П. Самолёт 23МФ (вариант А). Технологические карты выполнения всех видов подготовок. Часть 2. Авиационное вооружение. Книга 3. Неуправляемое вооружение. К единому регламенту технической эксплуатации №23ПА.
  • MiG-21 (all variants), J-7 (all variants) — the possibility to bomb drop separately has been removed. Source: Самолёт МиГ-21Ф-13. Техническое описание, Книга II - Вооружение. 1963. Самолёт МиГ-21ПФМ. Инструкция по эксплуатации № ГК-194. Книга вторая - Эксплуатация вооружения. 1968. Aircraft МиГ-21Бис Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions.
  • Su-6 (AM-42) — a bug that sometimes allowed the 37 mm cannons and 4 x FAB-100 bombs to be mounted on the inside fuselage pylons has been fixed.
  • JA37D Viggen — NVD modification has been added.
  • Harrier GR.3 — NVD modification has been added.
  • MiG-23MF — a bug that caused the underside fuselage countermeasure pod to appear in presets it was not included into has been fixed.
  • MH-60L DAP — MAW (Missile Approach Warning system) has been added, with the Countermeasure modification changed to MAW.
  • MiG-23 (all variants) — a bug that caused the underside fuselage countermeasure pod to visually appear in the presets it was not included into has been fixed.
  • Hs 129 B-2, Hs 129 B-3 — the position of the camera for the sight in the cockpit has been corrected.
  • F4D-1 — ammunition capacity of the 20 mm Browning-Colt Mk12 Mod 0 cannons has been reduced from 280 to 260 rounds. Source: Flight Handbook. NAVY MODEL. F4D-1 AIRCRAFT. 1 November 1957. Pages 92-93.
  • A-1H Skyraider, AD-4 Skyraider, AD-4NA Skyraider — ammunition capacity of the 20 mm M3 cannons has been reduced from 200 to 198. Source: NAVWEPS 01-40ALF-2. Handbook. Maintenance Instructions. NAVY MODELS. A-1H - A-1J. SECTION IX - ARMAMENT SYSTEMS.
  • Bf 110 G-2 — a restriction for the joint use of 500 kg and 1000 kg armor-piercing bombs with the 37 mm BK 3.7 cannon has been added.
  • Sea Fury FB.11 — 2 x 1000 lb M.C. Mk.I bombs have been added along with its modification module. The modification research link between bombs and rockets has been removed.
  • Ka-29 — the appearance of the already fired missiles in the missile pod consisting of 4 x 9M114 Shturm missiles has been fixed. (Report)
  • Hunter F.58, Etendard IVM — a ballistic computer for bombs — navigational bombing (CCRP) has been added. Source: Schweizer Soldat: Monatszeitschrift für Armee und Kader mit FHD-Zeitung, Band 39 (1963-1964), Heft 14, Artikel Schlagkräftigere Flugwaffe. Historische Militär-Rechner: Bomben-Abwurfrechner BT-9 des HUNTER (ein SAAB-Export-Produkt).
  • F-5E Tiger II, AIDC F-5E — RWR type has been changed from AN/APR-36 to AN/ALR-46(V)3. Source: T.O. 1F-5E-1 F-5E/F Flight Manual. Самолеты зарубежных стран. В помощь строевым частям ВВС. Тактический истребитель F-5E (производство США). 1984
  • F-8E Crusader, F-8E(FN) Crusader II — ammunition capacity of the 20 mm Browning-Colt Mk12 Mod 3 cannons has been reduced from 576 to 500 rounds. Source: NAVAIR 01-45HHD-1 NATOPS Flight Manual Navy Model F-8D, F-8E pg. 104A (March 1, 1968). Standard Aircraft Characteristics Navy Model F-8E Aircraft (July 1, 1967).
  • Harrier GR.7 — a bug that caused the RWR indication to extend beyond the display in the cockpit has been fixed.
  • MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA — the type of RWR has been changed from SPO-15 to SPO-10. Source: Самолёт 23-12Б. Руководство по технической эксплуатации № ГК-442Б. Книга 3. Радиоэлектронное оборудование. Часть 1. СПО-10. Станция предупреждения об облучении СПО-10 (Изделие С3М) Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации ХА1.090.000ТО.
  • MIG-19PT, J-6A — SPO-2 has been added. Source: Самолёты МиГ-19С, МиГ-19П, МиГ-19СВ. Временная инструкция по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию ГК-199.
  • Mi-24 (all variants) — SPO-15 has been replaced with SPO-10 Source: 'Временная инструкция по технической эксплуатации вертолёта Ми-24. Книга 4. Радиооборудование.' Инструкция экипажу вертолёта Ми-24В. Издание третье. Книга 1. Летная эксплуатация. Общие сведения о полёте. Особенности аэродинамики и динамики полёта. 1987.
  • MiG-15 (all variants) — a bug that caused the rocket pods not to drop automatically has been fixed.
  • P-63A-10 — additional variants of secondary weapon customization with one or two 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs have been added.
  • P-63A-10 (USSR) — additional variants of secondary weapon customization with one or two FAB-250 bombs have been added.
  • Mirage 2000-5F, Mirage 2000D-R1 — a bug that caused the CC-630 30mm DEFA gun pod to not change any flight characteristics has been fixed. Information about the flight characteristics changes has been added to the pod description.
  • S-199 — a SC250 bomb has been added. Source: Predpisy pro letoun S 199.
  • G.91 R/3 — a 750lb M116A2 incendiary tank, 250 kg SAMP Type 25 bomb and LAU-51 rocket launcher pod have been added. The number of bombs and rocket launcher pods has increased from 2x to 4x.

Source: Siegfried Wache - F-40 Flugzeuge Der Bundeswehr #29 Fiat G/91 R.3 1960-1968 (1997) Siegfried Wache - F-40 Flugzeuge Der Bundeswehr #26 Fiat G.91 R.4 (1996).

  • F3H-2 — separate firing of the Browning-Colt Mk12 Mod 3 20 mm Browning-Colt Mk12 cannon has been added to the top and bottom guns. Source: NAVWEPS 01-245FCB-501 p. 115 (Report)
  • Hunter F.58 — drag chute has been added. (Report)
  • Nimrod Mk.II — two wing roundels have been added to each topside wing.
  • Sunderkand Mk. IIIa, Sunderland Mk.V — the X-Ray view of the two side machine guns has been fixed. (Report)
  • B-26B, B-26C — the third-person camera view has been adjusted due to the obscuring tail. This makes it easier to see when firing the offensive guns. (Report)
  • F-5E — a radar lead indicator has been added. Source: (NASA-CR-141627) NONCOOPERATIVE RENDEZVOUS RADAR SYSTEM Final Report.
  • AH-1E — NVD removed from the gunner's sight (Source: TM 9-1425-473-20).
  • MH-60L DAP — research link between the MAW and IRCM modification has been added. Flares/Chaff modification replaced by the MAW modification.
  • MiG-23M — the OFAB-100, FAB-250 and FAB-500 modifications have been moved from tier 2 - 4 to tier 1 - 3 respectively. The R-23R/T modification has been replaced by two modifications: the R-23R and R-23T. If the R-23R/T modification was already unlocked, then the two new modifications have been unlocked automatically.
  • MiG-23ML, MiG-23MF — the OFAB-100 modification has been removed for MiG-23ML. The FAB-250 and FAB-500 modifications have been moved from tier 3 and 4 to tier 1 and 2 respectively. The R-23R/T modification has been replaced by two modifications: the R-23R and R-23T, and the R-24R/T (for MiG-23ML) has been replaced with the R-24R and R-24T. If the modifications were already unlocked, then new modifications have been unlocked automatically.
  • MiG-23MLD, MiG-23MLA — the OFAB-100, FAB-250 and FAB-500 modifications have been moved from tier 2 - 4 to tier 1 - 3 respectively. The R-23R/T modification has been replaced by two modifications: the R-23R and R-23T, and the R-24R/T with the R-24R and R-24T. If the modifications were already unlocked, then new modifications have been unlocked automatically.
  • Mirage 2000 (all variants), F-14 (all variants) — minimal range in pulse-doppler head-on search mode (HPRF waveform) has been increased to 5 km.
  • F-16 (all variants), MiG-29 (all variants) Yak-141 (all variants), Harrier AV-8C, J-8F, JH-7A, Mirage 2000-5F, Saab JA37 (all variants) — in all-aspect pulse-doppler track mode (MPRF waveform) abeam targets can be tracked in look-up cases. In head-on aspect pulse-doppler track mode (HPRF waveform) abeam and tail-on targets tracking depends on signal return — to — ground clutter ratio. This means that abeam targets can be tracked in look-up cases and tail-on targets track range strongly depends on fighter altitude: higher — larger.
  • A-4E/H/N, F-100A/D, F-104C/G/S, F-105D, F-4 (all variants), F-5 (all variants), Jaguar A, Kfir (all variants), A-7 (all variants), Buccaneer (all variants), Sea Vixen F.A.W. Mk.2, Hunter F.58, A-6E TRAM, F-14 (all variants), F-16 (all variants), A-10A (all variants), AV-8B/C, Sea Harrier FRS.1, Tornado F.3/ADV, Su-25T, Su-39, MiG-29SMT, Ka-52, Mi-28 (all variants), A-5C, Q-5L, J-7E, JH-7A, J-8F, J-11 — RWR will roughly estimate range to the radiation source using received signal strength. The stronger signal (and closer the source) is — the closer to the scope center it is indicated.
  • F-4E/EJ KAI, Kurnass (all variants), F-5E/E (China), F-16 (all variants), F-14B, A-10 (all variants), AV-8B/C, Sea Harrier FRS.1, Tornado F.3/ADV, Su-17M4, Su-22M3/M4/UM3K, Su-25 (all variants), Su-39, MiG-27 (all variants), MiG-23MLD, MiG-29 (all variants), Yak-141, Mi-24P/V, Mi-35, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-28 (all variants), A-5C, Q-5L, J-7E, JH-7A, J-8F, J-11 — RWR, which in real life can identify friendly and enemy types of radars (NATO, Eastern Block + China), will be able to identify friendly and enemy radars by unit side in RB mode. This is implemented this way because players can use aircraft of any nation on any side.
  • Mirage F1C (all variants) — the Matra R530E modification has been added. If the Matra R530 modification was already unlocked, then the new modification has been unlocked automatically.
  • Su-17M2 — the laser guidance aiming camera has been removed. Now the laser beam guidance is performed by changes in the aircraft's course.
  • Super Etendard — night vision system for the pilot has been added.
  • Harrier GR.3 — night vision system for the pilot has been added.
  • F-4 (all variants except the F-4C), F-111A — CCRP mode for bombs has been added.
  • Ki-48-II Otsu — the upper machine gun in the turret has been replaced with the Type-1 machine gun. Turret being able to shoot through the tail has been fixed.
  • JH-7A — a bomb load option that does not require modification research has been added.
  • Mi-4 — the A-12.7 machine gun has been replaced with a TKB-481 in a gun mount. The number of rounds for the TKB-481 machine gun has been reduced from 900 to 200. Turret aiming angles have been adjusted from -55/+8 degrees to -50/0. Source: Ми-4 Техническое описание, книга 1, 1955.
  • A-4E Early, A-4E Early (M), A-4H, A-4N (Ayit) — the type of RWR has been changed from AN/APR-36 to AN/APR-25.
  • Kikka — the Otsu mod. modification has been moved to the first tier of modification research.
  • F-104 (all variants), Jaguar (all variants) — ejection seats have been added.
  • Mirage 2000C-S5 — drop tank has been added.
  • An issue which caused periodic countermeasures to cease functioning when the pilot lost consciousness due to overload has been fixed. (Report)

Secondary weapon customization added to aircraft:

  • IL-4, Yer-2 (ACh-30B) (e), Yer-2 (ACh-30B) (I), Ju 88 A-1, Ju 88 A-4, Ju 188A-2, Ar-2, Beaufighter Mk.21, D4Y2, D4Y3, Ar-234 B-2, Ar-234 C-3.

Flight Model changes:

  • PBY-5/5a (all variants) — the flight model has been updated. Improved sea worthiness. Improved handling on water.
  • F-16A (all variants)/AJ/C-Block 50/D-Block 40 Barak II — fuel tank inerting system has been added.
  • Jaguar (all variants) — a bug that caused the incorrect display of performance changes when installing the New boosters modification has been fixed.
  • AM-1 Mauler — a bug that led to an uncontrollable turn of the aircraft during takeoff when using the "Mouse Aiming" control has been fixed.
  • P-39 (all variants) — the flight model of this aircraft has been completely updated according to the current capabilities of the physical model. Polars of wings, fuselage, empennage, and propeller blades have been recalculated and corrected. Moments of inertia have been corrected.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

  • The ability to automatically release sea mines has been added. When holding down the button, a mode is activated so that all mines are sequentially dropped until the last one.
  • HMS Blackpool — a bug where choosing torpedoes and limbo mortar as additional weapons caused the aiming speed of the limbo mortar to be underestimated has been fixed. (Report)
  • The speed of the weapon control system has been increased; lead calculations and calculation updates are now quicker.
  • USS Douglas, USS Asheville — a description of the tracking radar has been added.
  • USS Pittsburgh — the horizontal aiming limits of the main caliber stern turret has been increased. (Report)
  • USS Nevada — search radar model name changed from SC to SK. (Report)
  • Opytny — a bug that caused torpedoes to not be replenished in AB has been fixed. (Report)
  • IJN Settsu — a bug where the fire control calculation stopped when switching to the auxiliary caliber guns has been fixed. (Report)
  • Type 89 7.7 mm machine gun — the ammo belt filling and its display on the icon which showed 8 rounds instead of 4 has been fixed.
  • The Arcade Battles horizontal drive speed multiplier for naval guns has been increased from x1.6 to x2.
  • USS Litchfield, USS Barker — for the 76mm auxiliary gun, the base shell has been changed to semi-armor-piercing instead of HE-TF. Both of these shells are now available as stock for these ships.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

  • RN Attilio Regolo — a modification for new anti-aircraft artillery has been added.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

  • USS Roanoke — the size and placement of crew compartments has been fixed. The crew distribution has been changed to favor inner modules. The amount and placement of fuel tanks, charge and additional armament cellars has been fixed. The placement of the radio room and the size of the central artillery station has been fixed.
  • The resistance of coal bunkers to torpedo hits has been reduced.
  • RN Duilio — a bug that caused anti-aircraft guns on the opposite side of the torpedo hit to malfunction has been fixed. (Report)
  • Jeanne D'Arc — a bug that caused the pumps to not match each other in the X-ray and the damage model has been fixed. (Report)
  • MTB Vosper (both) — a bug that caused the anti-fragmentation shield on the 20 mm gun to be rotated 90 degrees has been fixed. (Report)

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

  • USS Texas — X-ray details have been improved.
  • Marat — a bug that caused the visual models of the propellers to not match the X-ray has been fixed.
  • USS Somers — rangefinder display in X-ray view has been fixed.
  • HMS Spey — fuel tank display in X-ray view has been fixed.
  • HMS Leopard — a bug that caused a constant rotation of the tracking radar antennas separately from the fire director was fixed. (Report)
  • Letuchiy — the rollback direction of the 88 mm gun has been fixed. (Report)
  • HMCS Terra Nova — the position of the third-person camera when zooming in has been fixed — the ship model no longer disappears. (Report)


  • The disappearance of destroyed fuel tanks, anti-torpedo buoys, and coal bunkers in the ship's hit camera has been fixed. Their display in full or damaged state has been placed on the back layer so that they do not overlap the internal modules.
  • Weapon group icons have been added to the gun indicators above the action panel — Main Caliber, Auxiliary or Anti-Aircraft.
  • A more visual indication of the impact of proficiency vs skill improvement for crew experience points has been added to the crew skills window.

Economy and research

  • The required level for ground vehicle crews when purchasing the "Expert" qualification have been reduced due to Rank VIII vehicles being added:
    • Rank IV: Level 30 → Level 25;
    • Rank V: Level 45 → Level 35;
    • Rank VI: Level 55 → Level 45;
    • Rank VII: Level 60 → Level 55.
  • The required level for ground vehicle crews when purchasing the "Ace" qualification have been reduced due to Rank VIII vehicles being added:
    • Rank II: Level 50 → Level 45;
    • Rank III: Level 60 → Level 50;
    • Rank IV: Level 70 → Level 60;
    • Rank V: Level 80 → Level 70;
    • Rank VI: Level 85 → Level 80;
    • Rank VII: Level 90 → Level 85.
  • The cost of researching and purchasing ground vehicles of rank VI-VII has been reduced, and some vehicles have been moved from rank VII to rank VIII. The values of the following parameters have been reduced: the purchase price of vehicles in SL; the cost of putting vehicles in crew slots in SL; the purchase price of Expert Crews; the total cost of purchasing modifications in SL; the cost of researching vehicles in RP; the total cost of researching modifications for RP. For vehicles transferred to a higher rank, the RP earnings multiplier, and in some cases the SL earnings multiplier have been increased.
  • The parameters for some squadron ground vehicles have been adjusted in accordance with changes to similar researchable vehicles: the RP earnings multiplier has been increased, the SL earnings multiplier has been increased; the cost of researching squadron vehicles with squadron points has been increased, and the purchase price for Golden Eagles has been increased.
  • A new progression rule has been established for Rank VIII vehicles — both MBTs and other vehicles with high-caliber guns. For the tank's ammunition, along with a HEAT-FS shell, one of the APFSDS shells is available immediately after purchasing the tank. We've decided to introduce this rule due to the fact that Rank VIII MBTs have well developed, all-round HEAT defense, and HEAT shells can be ineffective even against the side protection of tanks.
  • IJN Mikuma — has been moved from Rank IV to Rank V.

Customization and Achievements

  • New Gaijin.net achievements for using nuclear weapons, destroying an aircraft carrying nuclear weaponry, and using guided bombs have been added.
  • The ability to not lose the daily login streak in War Thunder by playing War Thunder Mobile has been added. The link with QR-codes for downloading War Thunder Mobile has been added to the daily login streak window.
  • The colors for the standard and desert camouflages for modern Italian armored vehicles have been adjusted. The three-color camouflage has been fixed (the shape of the spots have been changed and the colors have been adjusted).


  • A reward for shooting down an enemy aircraft that is carrying a nuclear weapon has been added: "Peaceful Atom". This reward is given in Ground Arcade and Realistic battles and only if the delivery aircraft has not yet dropped the nuclear bomb.


  • Training missions have been added to the vehicle modification window, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the weapon that a modification unlocks and test them. Training missions are available after researching and purchasing the corresponding modification. If you have not yet familiarized yourself in a mission for a weapon, the modification is marked with a "new" icon, which shows from in the hangar to the mission itself: on the "Modifications" button, on the modification itself and on the "Test" button, which starts the mission. The "new" icon disappears on all weapon modifications when viewing any single modification of a given weapon type. For example, if you view any missile with IR seeker (let's say AIM-9L), the icons will disappear on all missiles with IR seeker (AIM-9B, AIM-9G, R-60, R-73 etc.). You can always return to the modification window and test any weapon that you are interested in again. Missions are currently available to test the following aircraft weapons:
    • Air-to-surface missiles with manual guidance;
    • Air-to-surface missiles with laser guidance on an aircraft with a stabilized target designator, but without a targeting pod;
    • Air-to-air missiles with an infrared seeker.
    • Air-to-air missiles with SARH seeker.
  • An aircraft's parameters HUD is now displayed in the optical seeker view.

Game mechanics

  • The ability to use universal backups in the respawn window without needing to activate them first in the modification window before a battle has been added.
  • In Ground Realistic Battles, when an enemy is destroyed, a new skull destruction icon instead of the regular hit icon is displayed in the hit marker, signaling that the enemy has been destroyed.
  • Contextual hints about the use of certain mechanics and equipment of ground vehicles have been added and occur when certain conditions are met. Each hint is only shown once per spawn; i.e. it can be shown again the next time you respawn in the current battle, or in the next battle. Each hint is shown no more than three times in three months. Whenever the corresponding mechanic is used, the game remembers this fact as showing a hint, so it doesn't get shown to experienced players if possible. Currently the following tips have been added:
    • When trying to use the target lock of radar/IRST from third-person view, if the target lock is available only from the sights or binoculars, a hint recommending to switch to the sights is shown.
    • When trying to use the target lock of radar/IRST from the sights or binoculars, if the target is missing, a hint recommending to point the sight to the target is shown. The successful target lock from the sights or binoculars is counted as a successful hint show.
    • When not moving for 40 seconds, a hint about the ability to use binoculars to safely inspect the area is shown. The total binoculars usage time of 3 seconds is counted as a successful hint show.
    • When getting damaged from the front, if the vehicle has smoke grenades, a hint about the possibility to use smoke grenades is shown. Using smoke grenades under any circumstances is counted as a successful hint show.
    • When getting damaged from the rear, if the vehicle has ESS, a hint about the possibility to use ESS is shown. Turning ESS on under any circumstances is counted as a successful hint show.


  • There has been a complete rework of all fires in the game. This includes fire on locations, for example volcano effects or burning buildings and also fires on tanks, boats and ships. A fire of each different module has its own visual effect of fire and smoke.
  • Additional detail to the effects of large-caliber hits (from 80 mm) have been added.
  • When a tank explodes, there is now a chance of fuel leakage and a subsequent fire.
  • Updated and added new effects for the interaction of aircraft landing gear with various surfaces such as ground, snow, sand, concrete, asphalt and carrier decks. A unique effect has been added for each of the surfaces when the landing gear touches, moves and the interaction of air flows from the aircraft engines.


  • Ultra-low frequencies have been added to the sounds of explosions, gun shots, and aircraft engines to give more richness to the game mix.
  • The sounds of machine guns on ground and naval vehicles have been adjusted. More dynamic and characteristic sound features have been added to each weapon.
  • The sounds of autocannons on ground units have been corrected: TNSh, ZSU-23-4 Shilka cannons, Oerlikon KDA cannons (Gepard SPAA), Oerlikon KAD B17 cannons, 2A14 cannons (PG87), Rh202 cannons. ZSU-23-4 Shilka cannons now sound like a twin 2A14.
  • PKT and SGMT machine guns now have their own sounds. Before that, they had a set of general ones.
  • The MG4 5.56 (PUMA) machine gun now has its own sounds. Before that, it has sounded like an MG42/MG3.
  • Rockets and ATGMs that fly past have been given positioned fly-by sounds.
  • The sounds of flying shells and bullets are now positioned around the player depending on the direction of fire.
  • The sounds of hits to the player's ground vehicles when in the gunner/driver view are now positioned depending on the direction of fire.
  • A new type of voice informant has been added to the following Chinese aircraft: J-8F, J-11 and JH-7A.
  • The phrases of the following tank crews have received updated and correct voice acting: Polish and French.
  • The phrases of the following tank crews have received their own unique voice acting: Argentine and Indian.
  • The following languages have received full voiceovers of the radio command messages: Portuguese and Spanish.
  • The following languages have received additional voiceover phrases of the radio command messages (target designation, request for help, etc.): Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian, Korean, Serbian and Turkish.
  • Aircraft controls (control stick, thrust lever and rudder pedals) now emit sounds when moved inside the cockpit view, creating another channel of feedback between the player and the aircraft.
  • A bug that caused support for voice mods for ground vehicle crews to stop working has been fixed.

Smaller updates that came afterwards

15.12.2023 (


  • AMX — lack of thermal imaging mode in the targeting pod camera when installing the NVG modification has been fixed.
  • JAS39 (all variants) — the gun's ammunition has been changed to 120 rounds. (Report)
  • Litening II — a bug that caused an incorrect resolution in the sight has been fixed. It is now 800x600 in IR range.
  • A bug that caused high-explosive shells from aircraft cannons to not cause damage to the fuselage section they hit if there was a module behind it has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • VT-4A1 — the commander's sight magnification has been adjusted from 3-10x to 6-10x; gunner's sight from 6-11x to 6-10x.

Naval Vessels

  • USS Mississippi — the main caliber guns have been changed from 356 mm\45 mk.12 to 356 mm\50 mk.11. The parameters of the shells have been adjusted.
  • Novorossiysk — the auxiliary caliber gun has been changed from 135 mm/45 to 120 mm/50 OTO mod.1933.


  • A bug where putting decals on some ground vehicles (for example, the Comet I, T-34 (1942) and some others) with Two sided mode caused the decal to appear on three sides at once has been fixed. (Report)
  • A bug that caused decals applied to a corner to only appear on one surface side has been fixed.
  • A bug that could cause the water color to display incorrectly when using a VR device has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused an incorrect texture display when using the Vulkan API renderer has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused some objects to visually shake when using TAA, DLSS or XeSS has been fixed.

PlayStation and Xbox

  • A bug that led to the appearance of artifacts on water has been fixed.


  • An issue that could cause problems with launching the game on Windows 7 has been fixed.

15.12.2023 (

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that caused ammunition on some ground vehicles to instantly replenish at capture points has been fixed. (Report)
  • A bug that caused the counting of APFSDS shells in tasks has been fixed. This bug caused these shells to be counted as shells with a caliber of less than 35 mm, which affected the completion of achievements in the game.


  • F-15A, F-15J — the angular speed of a steady turn has been adjusted: at medium speeds — reduced by 1-2°/s, at speeds M 0.7...1.0 — increased by 1-2°/s.
  • Excessive illumination of cockpits from the flashes of shots in some aircraft has been fixed.
  • Ka-52 — the visual absence of a co-pilot from the gunner's position has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • A bug that caused ship decorations at high angles to flip to a vertical position making them unable to be used has been fixed. (Report)

17.12.2023 (

Ground Vehicles

  • VT-4A1, MBT2000, ZTZ96A, ZTZ96A (P), ZTZ99-II, ZTZ99-III, ZTZ99A, WZ1001(E) LCT — FY-2 and FY-4 ERA resistance has been revised. (Report)
  • MBT2000 — durability of the composite armor has been revised. (Report)
  • M3A3 Bradley — Missing anti-fragmentation lining has been added.
  • Added the visual display of anti-fragmentation lining to the animation of the hit camera in battle.


  • Mirage 4000 — New camouflages have been added.
  • The display time of the supersonic transition effect has been reduced.


  • USS Roanoke — Damage model updated


  • The option "Show decals on other player vehicles" has been added to the "Customization of Vehicles" section. This option is disabled by default (e.g. decals are not displayed). In the near future, this option will be improved so that it is automatically enabled for players who actively use decals themselves, so that they can see the decals of other players. For high-level players who do not actively use decals, a pop-up window will be shown once asking to enable the option when entering the game.

18.12.2023 (Server update)

  • For players who actively use decals, the option "Show decals on other player vehicles" is automatically toggled to "Yes". For high-level players who do not actively use decals, a pop-up window will be shown when opening the game, asking to enable the option. Additionally, this window will also be shown when the option is off and a decal is applied to a vehicle, but no more than once every 6 months.

19.12.2023 (

Ground Vehicles

  • The incorrect (less than calculated) amount of secondary fragments when penetrating the armor of ground vehicles has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused a collapsed radar icon to be displayed on the interface in-game for vehicles with a target tracker has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the azimuth scale to be missing while not tracking a target for ground vehicles that have the target tracker but lack detection radar has been fixed.
  • The missing "Select special weapon or ATGM" button for the BMP-2 has been fixed.


  • Air combat tips for modern aircraft have been improved. Information about engaging ground targets have been added.
  • AMX — absence of target tracking ability for the targeting pod has been fixed. Absence of saving the tracked aiming point when returning the pod optics to the area with the previously tracked point has been fixed.
  • MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLD — a bug that caused the visual absence of the countermeasure pod under the fuselage when installing it through the Secondary weapon menu has been fixed.
  • JAS39A, JAS39C — angular speed of a steady turn has been reduced by 2-3°/s (~21.0...21.5°/s at 800km/h with 50% fueling). Maximum speed at sea level has been increased to M1.2, and maximum speed at 12000 meter altitude has been reduced to M2.0.
  • Su-27 — display of stars on the wings has been corrected.
  • Su-27, J-11 — pitch instability, roll speed and roll response at low speeds have been reduced to adapt control to mouse aim and the instructor to reduce the probability of stall and losing of control during rough handling.


  • A bug that caused vehicles in the vehicle selection menu to not be added into a crewslot when selected has been fixed.
  • A bug that might cause rivers to flow in the wrong direction in the Tunisia and Jungle locations has been fixed.
  • A control preset for the HORI HPC-045U HOTAS Flight Control System & Mount has been added.
  • The readability of text hints in loading screens has been improved.

20.12.2023 (

Ground Vehicles

  • Challenger 2 (all variants) — jerking when turning with a locked track has been fixed. (Report)
  • M1A1, M1A1HC, M1A1 Click-Bait, M1A1 AIM, M1A2, M1A2 SEP, M1A2 SEP V2 — rate of fire when using first-stage ammunition has been increased from 10 to 12 rounds per minute.
  • Leclerc (all variants) — horizontal (from 30 to 40 degrees per second) and vertical (from 36 to 30 degrees per second) guidance speeds have been changed. (Report)


  • Mirage 4000 — engine thrust and rate of climb at supersonic speed at altitudes of 6...15 km have been increased.
  • JAS39 — a bug that caused the fire extinguisher system on this aircraft not to work has been fixed.
  • BI — a bug that made this aircraft unable to take off has been fixed. (Report)


  • PT-812 — a bug that caused freezing when using this boat on MacOS has been fixed.
  • Pirate flags for ships have been moved to a separate group.


  • A bug where radars did not visually change when changing the scale has been fixed.
  • A bug that could cause the camera angle to reset in simulator battles when showing tooltips has been fixed.


  • A bug where Allied aircraft would make howling sounds when rotating the camera on the runway and in spectator mode has been fixed.
  • A sound layer has been added to the M61 cannon, giving it a characteristic crack and howl at a distance.

21.12.2023 (

Ground Vehicles

  • Challenger 2 — engine smoke (ESS) coming out of the wrong exhausts when using the armor package has been fixed.


  • JAS39A, JAS39C — a bug where it was possible to use the AIM-9 missile even if the AIM-9 modification was not unlocked has been fixed. (Report)


  • Overly bright effects in overcast weather have been fixed.
  • A bug that caused an aircraft's landing gear on Karelia while on an airfield to clip into the ground making it not possible to take off has been fixed. (Report)
  • The XeSS performance improvement setting for discrete Intel cards is now available under Options > Graphics.


  • Swedish KSP 58 machine guns now have their own unique firing sound. They previously used sounds from the M1919 Browning.

25.12.2023 (


  • A-5C, Hs 129 B-3 — a bug that caused extensively huge holes from tank rounds has been fixed.


  • Fairmile D (697) — a bug that caused the "Blue" camouflage to not display on this boat has been fixed.


  • An FPS drop on certain locations while controlling UAVs or aircraft in tank battles has been fixed.

27.12.2023 (


  • J-9 — artifacts have been removed from the cockpit view.
  • Target re-acquisition after short homing break down has been improved for SARH missiles.


  • SMS Sachsen — camo mapping has been fixed.


  • The sounds of ATGMs and unguided rockets flying past the player have been adjusted so that they sound less like jet aircraft flying over, and also sound more distinctive.


  • Squares A1-A2 and partially B1-B2 have been excluded from the available play area on the [Domination #1] Mozdok mission to avoid spawn trap kills on the northern spawn point.
  • The available play area in all missions in the Sands of Sinai location have been shifted to the left to exclude the hills, which allowed for control of most of the location and spawn points.
  • All AB missions in the Sands of Sinai location now have spawn and capture points located similarly to RB/SB missions.

28.12.2023 (


  • Mirage IIIE, IIIC — take-off elevation time of the nose gear leg has been reduced (report).
  • Saab JAS39A, JAS39C — The dependence of the available engine thrust on speed is adjusted closer to the available thrust of the installed F404-GE-402 (F-18) engine (report). Sea level static thrust has been increased by ~1,500 lbs; at М0.9 reduced by ~3,000 lbs. Landing distance has been reduced (report).
  • F-111A — sustained turn rate has been reduced by 13 deg per sec at 60,000 lbs weight, climb rate adjusted (report).


  • The sound of the GAU-8A cannon now features an additional layer with a characteristic crackling and howling noise when heard at a distance.
  • A bug that caused flares/chaff to sound like an ATGM while passing by the player has been fixed.


  • All AB and RB missions on the "Carpathians" map now have an additional spawn point for both teams, which previously could be found only in SB mode. Undetailed zones at the borders of the ground vehicle play area are now unavailable.

29.12.2023 (Server update)


  • Mirage 2000 (all versions), Mirage 4000 (all versions), F-16 (all versions), AV-8B plus (Italy), F-15A, JA37 (all versions), JAS39 (all versions), MiG-29 (all versions), Yak-141, J-8F, JH-7A - notch filters are back for radars in pulse-doppler acquisition modes. Acquisition of chaff is now no longer possible. Notch filters will not work in tracking mode, so if the target is performing 3-9 maneuver lock transfer to chaff is possible.

Target acquisition from pulse-doppler velocity search mode - SRC PDV HDN was fixed.

  • Flight time for the AIM-7F/M, R530F/D, Sky flash Temp and PF10 missiles has been increased after losing their target, so they will now have more time to re-acquire the target before they self-destruct.

10.01.2024 (

  • A bug that caused duplicate smoke effects after using smoke grenades has been fixed.
  • A destroyed module no longer covers other functioning modules in the damage module indicator while in battle.
  • Absence of the "rate of fire" parameter for non-automatic guns and the "reload time" parameter for automatic guns when viewing ships in X-ray view in the hangar has been fixed. (Report)


  • Challenger and Leopard 1 — the sounds of the engines have been improved in accordance with feedback from players. Now, constant revolutions are better audible and are better combined with the sounds of revving.
  • A bug that caused flares to sound like jet engines when flying through them has been fixed.
  • Challenger 3 TD — the engine sound has been changed to the same as Challenger tanks, as it previously had the sound of the Leopard 2's engine, which was incorrect.


  • Flickering of trees in the aircraft hangar has been fixed.

Xbox, Playstation

  • The "Film Lover" achievement has been removed, as it was impossible to complete it on console.

17.01.2024 (

Ground Vehicles

  • In Ground Arcade Battles, the list of available vehicles and weapons in the air battle mode has been changed:
    • At BRs up to 9.0, the following have been adjusted. Removed: UH-1D with FFAR Mighty Mouse, UH-1B with FFAR Mighty Mouse. Added: Mi-8TB with S-5K, Mi-8TV with S-5K, Mi-24D with S-5K;
    • At BR 9.3 to 10.0, the following have been adjusted. Removed: AH-1F with ITOW, Mi-24P with 9M114, EC-665 Tiger UHT with FFAR Mighty Mouse;
    • At BRs from 10.0, the following have been adjusted. Removed: F-4E Phantom II with AGM-65B, F-5E with AGM-65B, MiG-27K with Kh-29T. Added: MiG-23MLA with S-24B, MiG-27K with S-24B.
  • Challenger 2F, Challenger 2 TES — the ammunition amount of the turret machine gun has been clarified, with the capacity of the ammunition increasing from 100 to 200 rounds. (Report)
  • VT-4A1 — the decrease in gun declination angle in a small frontal guidance sector has been fixed.
  • Challenger 3 TD — a bug that caused destruction of the turret's ammunition to happen without the explosion/venting of ammunition has been fixed. (Report)
  • ZLT-11 — the steering angles in the wheels for the steerable axles of the chassis have been increased, and the turning radius has been reduced. (Report)
  • Challenger 2 (all variants) — the angles of vertical gun elevation for the rear areas have been fixed. The maximum angle of depression has been increased. (Report)
  • M109 (Germany/Italy) — the gun designation has been changed from M126 to M126E1. The initial velocity of projectiles has been increased from 562 to 684 m/s (the M126E1 allowed the use of a new, eighth charge, providing increased ammunition velocity). Vertical guidance angles have been changed from -3/+75 to -3/+70. The vehicle's mass has been increased from 24,100 to 24,500 kg. Sources: Obice da 155/23 smv M109G, Tavole di Tiro. // Armo e mezzi in dotazione all'esercito. // Descrizione ed impiego delgi apparati di mira e di controllo del tiro dell'obice da 155/23 montato su semovente M109G // Mezzi da combattiemento. Caratteristiche generali.
  • Leopard 2AV — a bug that led to a lower rate of fire compared to the Leopard 2A4 has been fixed. The rate of fire has been increased from 9 to 10 rounds per minute.
  • T-90M — a stabilizer has been added to the anti-aircraft machine gun. (Report)
  • Mistral MANPADS — a bug that made it impossible to achieve the calculated missile overload has been fixed.
  • Skull icons on the minimap that indicate the location of where an enemy was destroyed now remain visible for 7 seconds rather than the previous 2.5 seconds.


  • BV 138 C-1 — a bug that could cause the nose turret to fire through the fuselage has been fixed. (Report)
  • AD-4NA (France) — a bug that caused T10 151 rockets on the left wing on pylon 2 to float in the air has been fixed. (Report)
  • JAS39A, JAS39C, Mirage 2000-5F — a bug that could turn off the thermal imaging camera when selecting the "Aiming Optics" camera with the key assigned to this function has been fixed. (Report 1), (Report 2)
  • A bug that caused the virtual cockpit camera to display a gun marker when the ballistic calculator was disabled has been fixed.
  • F-4S Phantom II — incorrect display of the horizon while in the cockpit view looking at the heads-up display has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused signatures from a helicopter's propeller to greatly decrease with distance, making it difficult to capture helicopters with radars at greater distances has been fixed.
  • A bug where after a player's aircraft was destroyed by a teammate who had previously ejected from their own aircraft, the player would see the ejected pilot instead of the teammate who shot down their aircraft has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • The damage model for boats when hitting terrain that previously resulted in the destruction in almost all cases has been fixed. Boats now receive damage depending on its mass and speed of the collision. Cases of hull destruction from impact are still possible, but this will require a greater speed.
  • The stabilization of Coastal fleet automatic guns at higher speeds has been improved.
  • PT-6 — the horizontal guidance limits of the 12.7 mm machine guns have been increased to 50 degrees to the opposite side.

23.01.2024 (


  • A bug that caused some location bushes to not be destroyed by shots has been fixed.
  • A bug where damage was incorrectly calculated in Naval battles has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the commander's sight to rapidly twitch when turning the camera has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the ATGM icon to not be highlighted when it was selected as a controlled weapon has been fixed.


  • A bug that caused some automatic cannons to sound like machine guns has been fixed. (Report)
  • A bug that affected the audibility of allied and enemy ground vehicles at lower RPMs has been fixed.

25.01.2024 (Server update)

  • The planned Battle Rating changes have been implemented.
  • Changes to the rotation of available Battle Rating brackets in Air Simulator Battles will take effect in the next rotation change.
  • The maximum luminosity and burning time of BOL flares have been reduced in accordance with the mass of pyrotechnic compound. The number of BOL countermeasures in one salvo has been doubled to maintain sufficient effectiveness (released in one of the previous updates).

26.01.2024 (

  • A bug relating to AMD GPU drivers being incorrectly detected, causing the game to suggest updating freshly installed drivers has been fixed. (Report)
  • A bug that caused the game to crash when connecting late to a battle already in progress with the message "Error 8111000A: Freeze detected" has been fixed.

29.01.2024 (


  • The engine sounds of enemy and allied ground and air vehicles fade more prominently and lose high frequencies over distance. This means that situations with excessive "noise" in the environment have been corrected, and the realism of the sound has improved.
  • The HSTV-L and Abrams tank series have been made to sound less distinctive as the distance increases.
  • New sounds have been created for the Challenger 2 tank engines. The old Challenger 2 sounds have been transferred to the Chieftain tank series.
  • The throttle sounds of the player's ground vehicles will now stop if the throttle button is pressed and then released before the throttle sound ends.
  • A bug where piston aircraft sounded similar to each other has been fixed, meaning each engine type sounds unique again. This applies to both the player's vehicles and the vehicles of enemies and allies.
  • The flyby volume of jet aircraft has been reduced.

31.01.2024 (


  • The "Order of Maritime Merit" award has been added for the French Navy.


  • The ability to edit the list of camouflages that are automatically selected for a certain type of location has been added. You can now exclude any camouflages from the auto selection list except the Standard one.
  • A bug when selecting the "Automatic" camouflage type causing it to not save after a battle has been fixed.
  • In the crew upgrade window, crew qualification for the current vehicle is now shown across all tabs.
  • In the universal backup activation window in battle, an option to disable the confirmation message popup when using a backup has been added.
  • A bug where the "Backup" text on a vehicle was missing in the respawn window when it was possible to spawn with it only using a universal backup has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the performance characteristics of a shell to not show in the Protection Analysis if a vehicle only had one type of shell has been fixed.


  • SB2C (all variants) — a bug that caused the defensive turret to be able to fire through the fuselage has been fixed. (Report)
  • TIS-MA — a bug that caused rocket launcher rails to show on the wings when selecting FAB-100 bombs has been fixed. (Report)
  • AJS37 — launch rail for the RB 74 missiles has been replaced with a correct one.
  • SA.341F Gazelle — the HOT-1 ATGM no longer requires modification research and is available immediately. The HOT-2 modification has been moved from Rank III of modification research to Rank II. The HOT-1 modification has been removed. The modification cost in Golden Eagles or Research Points will be compensated.
  • A.109EOA-2 — the 2 x BGM-71C ITOW option has been added, which does not require researching any modifications and is available immediately.
  • A bug where it was possible to fire guns even if control was lost due to overloads has been fixed.
  • A bug in Arcade Battles that caused the visibility of dropped or fired secondary weapons to not update after reloading while in spectator mode has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused part of the image of one multifunction display to be overlapped onto another has been fixed. For example, the frontline of the enabled map was overlapping on other screens in the cockpit. (Report)
  • A bug which caused messages about the inability to fire rockets due to the landing gear being deployed to not appear has been fixed.
  • A bug which caused the inability to fire rockets after the landing gear was torn off on aircraft where having landing gear down blocks rockets from firing has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused rocket boosters to work incorrectly when the instructor's "auto control of engine" setting was enabled has been fixed.
  • Su-17M2 — a bug that prevented the launch of a missile in a direction different from the direction to the activated target point has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that made it possible to change a loaded belt, clip or magazine without firing a loaded round has been fixed.
  • Ariete (P), Ariete, Ariete PSO, Ariete AMV — the blowout panel mechanic has been removed, as it was incorrectly present whilst all ammo was actually stored in the crew fighting compartment instead. (Report)
  • Ariete (P), Ariete, Ariete PSO, Ariete AMV — a bug where there was no secondary shrapnel formation when the upper front hull was hit has been fixed.
  • M60 AMBT — a bug where there was no stabilizer for the 25 mm LW25 gun has been fixed. (Report)

Naval Vessels

  • MS-53, Soukou-Tei — the aiming angles for guns of the first group of weapons have been increased.
  • HMS Gay Archer — the previously empty ammunition magazine, located closer to the stern, is now filled with shells.
  • Vauquelin — a bug that caused a deck anti-aircraft machine gun to not attack enemy aircraft and boats has been fixed. (Report)
  • A bug that caused the highlighting of the projectile impact point to be missing has been fixed.
  • A bug that allowed rockets to be fired while reloading has been fixed.
  • A bug where torpedoes did not take reloading into account has been fixed. For example, on the destroyer Pr.45 Opytny it was possible to fire a salvo of 10 torpedoes from 8 tubes without reloading. (Report)

01.02.2024 (


Display of vehicles at a distance

Targeting pods and optics for high-ranked aircraft help to see ground targets and give the ability to launch at ranges that are comparable to the engagement ranges of SAMs. However, due to a bug in applying angular target sizes to the detection range through targeting optics, these ranges were noticeably smaller than they should have been for small targets. For example, for smaller vehicles such as the Swedish Lvrbv 701, the maximum range at which it could be detected in the targeting pod was about 8 km. After fixing this bug, its detection range will be over 20 km instead, and for larger targets even more.

  • A bug with the incorrect display of vehicles at long ranges when using targeting optics for aircraft has been fixed.
  • A bug where looking through targeting optics, such as target designation pods, enemy markers could be detected at distances exceeding the enemy marker detection capabilities and crew skills has been fixed.

Other aircraft fixes

  • A bug where the Prandtl-Glauert effect was not visible to other players has been fixed.
  • F-16C, Barak II — incorrect heading display on the HUD compass in the cockpit has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • KPz-70, MBT-70 — a bug that caused the autocannon's aim to raise in a specific area of fire has been fixed. (Report 1) (Report 2)
  • A bug during air events in Ground Arcade battles that caused the outlines of allied vehicles to be visible to players who were in an aircraft has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • A bug that caused sea mines to sink when coming into contact with allies has been fixed.

Other fixes

  • A bug that could cause repaired vehicles to remain crew locked has been fixed.

02.02.2024 (Server update)

  • A bug with the late appearance of allied tank markers in targeting optics in Ground Battles has been fixed. The fix for the distance at which markers for enemy aircraft appear in Air Battles when using optical targeting systems has been temporarily disabled.

Ground Vehicles

  • Vilkas, KF41, VBCI-2 (MCT30) — a bug that caused ammunition and modules located in the hull to disappear or take damage after the turret ammunition rack was on fire or destroyed has been fixed. (Report)

05.02.2024 (


  • A bug causing artifacts after minimizing/maximizing the game client with the latest AMD Radeon drivers has been fixed.
  • Partially fixed textures disappearing and deformation issues while using the latest NVIDIA GPU drivers.

06.02.2024 (


  • Tornado F.3, Tornado ADV — a bug where the HUD was missing the target range scale and launch success zone for missiles has been fixed. (Report)
  • MiG-29, Yak-141 — CCRP for bombs has been restored in the HUD. (Report)

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that caused an explosion after an ammunition burnout has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • A bug that incorrectly displayed the reload time on turrets that had multiple types of ammunition when the ammunition type was changed on only one turret has been fixed. (Report)

Other changes

  • A bug where the aiming circle and azimuth scale moved during a pause in a test drive has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the corners of some destructible buildings and objects on some maps such as Spaceport to have incorrect collisions when tracing projectiles has been fixed. For example, firing at a tank that was visible on the corner of a building would cause the projectile to hit an invisible wall. (Report)
  • A bug that caused the respawn point cost of armor-piercing belts to remain even after unequipping them has been fixed. (Report)

07.02.2024 (

Ground Vehicles

  • T-90M — a bug that led to the disappearance of ammunition in the hull when ammunition in the turret burned out has been fixed.


  • A bug where looking through targeting optics, such as target designation pods, enemy markers could be detected at distances exceeding the enemy marker detection capabilities and crew skills has been fixed.


  • The engine sounds of enemy and allied ground vehicles have become slightly louder and more noticeable (the hearing distance has not been changed). Tracks have become slightly more noticeable with distance.
  • The BMD-4, 2S25 and 2S25M have received their own, more suitable engine sounds.
  • The Tiger, Tiger II and other tanks with the same engine have received an updated sound that better reflect power and speed.
  • The Pantsir-S1 has received an updated engine sound that better reflects the dynamics and operating modes.
  • The volume balance of the Abrams turbine howl and compressor fan for the player has been changed so that they are less annoying.
  • An ATGM fired from the barrel of a tank has a new and more realistic sound.
  • Firefighting sounds for ground and naval vehicles have been made more noticeable.
  • Wind sound now depends on its current speed on a map. The singing of birds has become more noticeable. Previously, if a shot was fired within a radius of 500 m by a player, birds would fall silent for 60 seconds. Now, the radius has been reduced to 100 m and the resumption time to 10 seconds.

Other changes

  • The level of the War Bond shop will now increase even if the player does not claim the level reward in the Battle pass reward row.

14.02.2024 (

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug where the selection of machine guns and cannons did not function correctly has been fixed.
  • Ka-Chi — incorrect placement of decorations when the pontoons were removed has been fixed.
  • Ariete — incorrect placement of decorations when the War Kit modification was removed has been fixed.
  • Missing armor penetration values on the stat cards of some vehicles has been fixed. (Report)
  • Incorrect operation of the stabilizer, which allowed the player to increase aiming speed and turret rotation has been fixed.
  • The animation of tracks on destroyed armor vehicles when they are being towed has been removed.
  • Ratel 20 — a bug causing no separate ATGM sight to be present has been fixed. (Report)


  • A bug with the radar on the F-14 where in 'Track While Scan' mode, the radar could switch between targets, which made it difficult to launch AIM-54 missiles has been fixed.
  • A21A-3 — a bug that caused the wrong order of bomb drops has been fixed.
  • All airborne radars with BVR mode now have a target tracking prolongation time of 3 seconds.
  • ACM and HMD radar modes range for F-16A/D (all variants), AV-8B Plus (Italy), Mirage 2000 (all variants) and J-8F was increased to 10 NM.

Naval Vessels

  • The inability to activate a tow rope has been fixed.

Game Mechanics

  • A bug where in some cases in Ground Realistic Battles, active scouting did not work, despite the fact that the target was in the crosshairs of the scout's sight or binoculars has been fixed.
  • In Ground Arcade and Realistic battles, when a scouted target is destroyed by a player who attacked it within 60 seconds before the scouting, the scout is now always given a "Not by intelligence" reward. This also means that the scout will not receive an increase in air strike and artillery points (in Ground Arcade), and a reduction in the cost of spawn points for aircraft (Ground Realistic).
  • A bug in Ground Arcade battles when destroying a scouted target from an aircraft, the reward "Not by intelligence" was always given, without taking into account whether the player had seen the target before the scouting or not has been fixed.


  • A bug that led to FPS drops in Naval Battles due to the display of damage in the hit camera has been fixed.
  • Critical FPS drops (freezes) when flying over tank areas have been fixed.


  • A new HUD for the "Battle" ground mode has been added. Instead of a bar of team points, it shows the number of destroyed vehicles required for an instant victory, as well as the current number for each team. It also includes a mission timer, after which victory is awarded to the team with the most kills. The logic of the mission has not changed, but has just become more clear.
  • A bug where crew slots were hidden when the crew window was open due to a larger interface scale has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the game mode to change when creating a new vehicle preset has been fixed.
  • A bug where a squad invitation was not shown in the chat has been fixed.
  • The text color in the skill bonus tooltip in the statistics window has been changed for better readability.

PlayStation and Xbox

  • The inability to attach a tow hook has been fixed. (Report)

15.02.2024 (


  • Tearing off the tail of helicopters with coaxial rotors is no longer counted as destruction, since it does not have a significant impact on the performance of these types of helicopters and does not lead to them crashing. This should help situations where players stop firing at one of these helicopters thinking it is no longer a threat.
  • The detachment of an aircraft wing when the allowable load is exceeded is no longer counted as a destruction, the same as with the tearing off of flaps or landing gear.


  • Previously announced changes to vehicle grouping have been implemented
    • The 2S3M has been grouped with the 2S1, and the He 111 H-3 has been grouped with the BV 138 C-1.
    • The "Strela-10M2" has moved from Rank VI to Rank VII.

16.02.2024 (

  • In Ground Realistic Battles, active scouting of a recently destroyed enemy (less than 1 second ago) is no longer considered a miss and blocks the reuse of scouting for 6 seconds, which is the same time for a successful scout, rather than for 45 seconds.
  • Starting with the Sword of Justice event, the cost of purchasing an event stage with Golden Eagles will be significantly reduced when the player reaches 85% and 95% progress in completing a stage.
  • Disappearance and deformation of textures when using the latest NVIDIA video card drivers has been fixed.

21.02.2024 (


  • A bug that caused a boat's foam and wake trail to become more distinct after firing the guns has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • FlaRakPz 1 — a bug that caused the radar antenna to display incorrectly for other players has been fixed.

23.02.2024 (Server update)

  • In Air Simulator Battles, mission points will no longer be awarded for attacking an enemy aircraft on an airfield that had not earned any mission points since their respawn. This is to prevent players who match-fix from easily earning mission points in this mode. More details about this here.
  • A bug where the price drop threshold bar on Sword of Justice event tasks could be displayed on other tasks in the game has been fixed.

29.02.2024 (

From the Roadmap

  • The Severe Damage mechanic carried over from the previous Roadmap has now been added to all gamemodes for aircraft.

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug with the gun stabilizer which caused them work with a delay when moving the gun horizontally in the rear hemisphere has been fixed.
  • VT-4A1, Black Night — a bug causing the APS launchers to sometimes make an extra rotation when activated has been fixed.
  • A bug where leaving a fighter during an air event in Ground Arcade Battles caused ground vehicle markers to appear to a spectating player has been fixed.


  • F-111A — missing limitation on wing folding when attaching underwing 20 mm cannons in the Dynamic Campaign mode has been fixed.
  • For the Akan m/55 gun, the type 5876 armor-piercing tracer round has been added to the ammunition range. A stealth belt for the Akan m/55 gun has also been added to the following aircraft: SAAB-105G, SAAB-105OE, AJ37, AJS37, J29D, J32B, J35A Saab, J35XS, J35D, SK60B.
  • Mi-24P (all variants), Su-25 (all variants) — a stealth belt has been added to the GSh-30 cannon.
  • A bug where aircraft without horizontal stabilizers received severe damage from any hit has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • A bug where the reload time for main caliber guns increased up to 2 times when a feed elevator was destroyed has been fixed.
  • A bug where the aiming indicator remained visible while torpedoes were being reloaded has been fixed.


  • The new "Battle" mode HUD has been improved:
    • The destroyed vehicle counter animation has been simplified;
    • Indication of when a player is at a capture point has been added;
    • The color of the font, outline and background of the capture points has been changed so that they are similar to the spatial HUD (font and outline to black, background to white) for better readability of capture point progress;
    • Thickness of the outline for a capture point has been reduced for better readability of the capture progress.
  • A confirmation window when enabling the "Researching of helicopters playing ground vehicles" option has been added.
  • A bug that caused crew qualifications to not be updated in the crew window after purchasing an expert or ace crew has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused an unobtainable camouflage to be shown in the modification window after unlocking all camouflages for a vehicle has been fixed.
  • A bug where flag the tooltip background in the customization window could have been smaller than the flag itself has been fixed.


  • A bug causing the voiceover to say an incorrect grid square and number when calling an artillery strike has been fixed.

01.03.2024 (Server update)

  • The Battlepass challenge "Thunder from Heaven" that required the use of stealth belts now requires belts that have no tracers.

02.03.2024 (


  • A bug where severely damaged enemies finished off by allies did not count towards progress for tasks, wagers, challenges and battle tasks etc has been fixed.
  • Severely damaged enemies finished off by allies have been added to the "Destruction of aircraft" item in the battle results. In the "Finishing off" column, the value "By another player (no reward)" is indicated, making it easily distinguishable from your own destruction of enemies.


  • A bug that caused the client to crash on Ubuntu 20.04 when running via Steam has been fixed.

05.03.2024 (Server update)

  • Information about the lack of tracers in an aircraft belt has been added to the tooltip in the modification window.
  • A message about the need to select a weapon to be able to change its belts has also been added to the tooltip.

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds