Update "Winged Lions"
Update "Winged Lions" (changelog) was introduced on 14 December 2021. This update is notable for the introduction of Israeli aircraft tree and the first Israeli ground vehicles, shipborne reconnaissance aircraft, and new wind-affected visual effects.
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Though the update numbering has been dropped since Update "Starfighters", the game version is still present in-game to indicate the update as 2.13 |
- 1 New vehicles
- 2 Graphics
- 3 New locations and missions
- 4 Location and mission updates
- 5 Enduring Confrontation
- 6 Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- 7 Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- 8 Flight Model changes
- 9 Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
- 10 Economy and research
- 11 Customization
- 12 Interface
- 13 Game mechanics
- 14 Sound
- 15 Smaller updates that came afterwards
- 15.1 15.12.2021 (
- 15.2 16.12.2021 (
- 15.3 22.12.2021 (
- 15.4 23.12.2021 (
- 15.5 24.12.2021 (
- 15.6 27.12.2021 (
- 15.7 29.12.2021 (
- 15.8 12.01.2022 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))
- 15.9 17.01.2022 (
- 15.10 19.01.2022 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))
- 15.11 24.01.2022 (
- 15.12 26.01.2022 ( ( — Xbox, — Playstation))
- 15.13 02.02.2022 ( ( — Xbox, PlayStation®))
- 15.14 03.02.2022 (Server update)
- 15.15 09.02.2022 ( ( — Xbox, PlayStation®))
- 15.16 14.02.2022 (Server update)
- 15.17 16.02.2022 ( ( - Xbox, PlayStation))
- 15.18 21.02.2022 (
- 15.19 24.02.2022 (
- 15.20 02.03.2022 (
- 15.21 07.03.2022 (
- 15.22 10.03.2022 ( ( - Xbox))
New vehicles
- F-105 Thunderchief
- OS2U-1 (updated model)
- OS2U-3 (updated model)
- F-4J
- Seafire LF Mk III
- Mirage 5F
- Vautour IIN (premium)
- Spitfire Mk IXc
- S-199
- B-17G
- Spitfire Mk IX (CW)
- P-51D-20-NA
- M.D.450B Ouragan
- Meteor NF.13
- Meteor F.8
- Vautour IIA
- Vautour IIN
- M.D. 454 Mystere IVA
- A-4E Early (M)
- A-4H
- A-4N
- Super Mystere B2 Sambad
- Super Mystere B2 Sa`ar
- F-4E Phantom II
- Nesher
- Mirage IIICJ
- Kfir C.7
Ground vehicles
- DF105
- Pz.II C, Pz.II C (DAK) — (updated model)
- Pz.III B — (updated model)
- The effect of breeze or wind on particle effects such as fires and smoke, dust from vehicle movement and aircraft engines, gun shots, explosions and sparks has been added.
- Added new high-resolution decals for shell hits on ground vehicle armour.
New locations and missions
- New location for aerial battles "Israel"
- New mission [Operation] Golan heights for the location "Israel".
- New [Ground Strike] Golan heights mission has been added for the location "Israel".
- Test flight for Israeli aircraft has been added.
- New operation in the "Spain" location, based on Enduring Confrontation logic (in total there are already three such missions). The size of the mission's map is 128x128 km.
Location and mission updates
- All Ground Strike missions (except for novice Ground Strike missions), and Enduring Confrontation missions (where not applied before): ground AI units utilize the same models available in ground vehicle battles. The same will be implemented for RB missions later.
- A bug in all "Enduring Confrontation" missions, where after the destruction of several bombing bases they ceased to respawn has been fixed.
- The score indicator in "Enduring Confrontation" missions at the bottom of the screen has been disabled as it essentially duplicated the bar at the top edge of the screen but might mislead players because the scores and the bar itself were calculated in different ranges.
Enduring Confrontation
- A new mission in the "Spain" location. The map size is 128x128 km.
Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- Upper and lower armour plates of the following ground vehicles have been converted to volumetric armour:
- IS-3
- IS-4M
- IS-7
- T-10A
- T-10M
- Object 268
- Tiger II (P)
- Tiger II (H)
- Tiger II (10.5 cm KwK)
- Tiger II (H) Sla.16
- Jagdtiger
- The turret sides on the following ground vehicles have been converted to volumetric armour:
- Tiger II (H)
- Tiger II (10.5 cm KwK)
- Tiger II (H) Sla.16
- Turret armour on the T-54 (1951) has been converted to volumetric.
- Physically correct tracks have been added for:
- USSR: BMP-1 (SPz BMP-1 and ZBD86), BMP-2, BMP-2М, 2S3
- Germany: all Tiger II modifications , Jagdtiger, all Leopard 1 modifications, Pz-II F/C, Pz-III B/E, Stug A
- USA: М24, М19A1, М46, М47, M4A3E2 75mm and 76mm.
- Italy: all OF-40 modifications, Otomatic.
- France: АМХ-50, АМХ-М4, АМХ-50 Fosh, AMX-50 Surblinde, AMX-50 surbase, Mars-15
- Great Britain: all Churchill modifications, SPG 3 inch Gun Motor Carriage
- Sweden: B1 kan.
- Israel: M51, all Merkava tank modifications.
Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- Radar warning system (RWS) is now available for all aircraft with no need to research the modification. The corresponding modification has been removed, EXP, SL or GE spent to unlock it will be returned.
- A28B - 18 cm HPRAK m/49 rockets have been removed from weapon presets (Source 1: FV Raketbeväpning 1944-1954 (SAF Rocket armament 1944-1955), Source 22: SFI (Speciell förarinstruktion) J 28 B Prestanda)
- Aircraft with HVAR and RP3 rockets now feature separate launches.
- F-4E — GBU-15(V)1/B guided bomb has been added.
- MiG-21bis-SAU — R-60 missiles have been replaced by R-60MK.
- Mi-24P (Germany) — R-60M missiles have been replaced by R-60МMK.
- B17BS — Bomb sight has been added.
Flight Model changes
- F4F-3/4, F6F-5 (all modifications) — Flight model has been updated. Engine operation modes have been clarified. Fuel distribution by fuel tanks has been corrected. Wing, fuselage, tail and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and refined. Clarified behavior when operating mechanization (e.g. wheels, flaps). Improved behavior when diving at high angles.
- Lа-11 — Flight model has been updated. A bug that led to an excessive roll when maneuvering with mouse aim has been fixed.
- He 51 B-2/H — Fixed a bug that caused the aircraft to behave incorrectly on water. Controllability and seaworthiness have been improved.
- C.202 (all modifications), C.205 (all modifications), C.200 (all modifications) — Flight model has been updated. Controllability on all types of control methods has been improved. Errors that led to the incorrect behavior of the vehicle in a tailspin have been fixed.
- MPK pr.12412 - aiming angles of the AK-630 30mm rotary* cannon have been increased.
- IJN Yugumo - traverse aiming angles of the first torpedo launcher have been increased.
- SF40 Leichte - 37mm FlaK-Lafette C/36 has been changed to 37mm FlaK.43 gun.
- Torpedo type for British destroyers has been changed from Mark IX to Mark IX**:
- HMAS Armada
- HMS Brissenden
- HMS Jervis
- HMS Kelvin
- HMS Nepal
- HMCS Haida
- HMS Mohawk
- HMS Tribal
- HMS Tobruk
- ORP Garland
- Ballistics in naval shells have been corrected - changes have been implemented to the dynamics and speed loss, in accordance with historical data. The effect of air resistance has been fixed. As a result, the flight time has been changed. For the vast majority of shells the flight time has been reduced. Trajectories have become more flat, including according changes to fall angles. Speed loss at distance has been reduced that has resulted in increased armour penetration capabilities of many rounds. Changes affect almost all shells in naval battles, their parameters may be specified further in future. Shells with the most noticeable armour penetration value changes are (first parameter - distance 1,000 meters; second - 15,000 meters):
- SAP 130 mm/50 B-13: armour penetration increased by ~10-12 mm
- AP and SAP 180 mm/57 B-1P, B-1K, 152mm/57 B-38: armour penetration increased by ~25-40 mm
- SAP 127 mm/50 Mk.5: armour penetration increased by ~13-21 mm
- SAP 152 mm/53 Mk.12: armour penetration increased by ~24-34 mm
- AP 152 mm/47 Mk.16: armour penetration increased by ~16-29 mm
- AP 203 mm/55 Mk.14: armour penetration increased by ~12-31 mm
- AP 203 mm/55 Mk.12: armour penetration increased by~18-43 mm
- AP 305 mm/45 Mk.5: armour penetration increased by ~16-40 mm
- AP 305 mm/50 SK L/50: armour penetration increased by ~14-44 mm
- SAP 152 mm/50 BL Mk.XXIII: armour penetration increased by ~1-15 mm
- SAP 152 mm/45 BL Mk.XII:armour penetration increased by ~11-27 mm
- SAP 203 mm/50 Mk.VIII: armour penetration increased by ~12-18 mm
- AP 305 mm/45 Mk.X: armour penetration increased by ~19-46 mm
- SAP 343 mm/45 Mk.VH: armour penetration increased by ~12-52 mm
- AP 343mm/45 Mk.VH: armour penetration increased by ~23-95 mm
- AP 203 mm/50 Ansaldo mod.1924: armour penetration increased by ~21-37 mm
- AP 305 mm/46 Armstrong mod.1909: armour penetration increased by ~26-62 mm
- SAP 305 mm/46 Armstrong mod.1909:armour penetration increased by ~48-121 mm
- SAP 140-мм/50 3rd Year Type 14 cm: armour penetration increased by ~19-25 mm
- AP 305-м/50 41st Year Type:armour penetration increased by ~14-34 mm
- SAP 356-мм/45 41st Year Type: armour penetration increased by ~26-30 mm
- Other AP and SAP shells have 1-10 mm armour penetration rise/loss.
- List of documents on the basis of which the ballistics of the naval shells have been changed.
- When specifying ballistics first of all we tried to bring the flight time of the shells and its speed at different distances to the data from the documents listed.On most shells it turned out quite accurately. Absolute accuracy is currently impossible to achieve for objective reasons and limitations in the game engine. In future we plan to bring external ballistics to a more accurate simulation. Currently you can observe differences in the angles of incidence with shells for historical ones. This is also due to the limitations of the engine which we will eliminate during development. We also remind you that penetration data from the documents and in-game penetration may differ because in-game penetration is calculated uniformly according to a single formula for all shells and the documentary data may have been obtained in different ways: theoretical and practical. However the flight time and speed on the trajectory are now much closer to historical (and for many shells almost completely coincide) than they were before.
- 283mm/54.5 SK C/34 — Shell velocity dynamics that caused armour penetration to be lowered and flight time to be increased has been fixed.
- One coefficient of the armour penetration on the semi-AP rounds calculation has been fixed, resulting in a slight armour piercing value rise.
- Admiral Graf Spee - ship's armour has been corrected: the thickness on extremities and decks. The deck traverse has been separated into two plates of different thicknesses.
- Parizhskaya Kommuna - the dynamics of sinking and the behavior of the ship when flooding has been fixed. The ship no longer capsizes when losing buoyancy up to 60-80%
- USS Raleigh, USS Trenton - a model of fuel tanks has been added in the area of the ammunition room of the aft turrets of the main battery.
- USS Pensacola - the location of the central artillery post and the location of the aft ammunition stowages for secondary and anti-aircraft artillery have been changed.
- HMS Liverpool, HMS Southampton - armour has been added under the barbettes of the main caliber guns.
- USS Northampton - elevators have been added for the secondary guns.
- M-17 - the internal geometry of the bow section of the ship has been fixed for the correct calculation of the received damage.
- MPK pr.12412 - the mounted rescue boat has been removed during a battle session.
- HMS Blackpool - incorrect display of torpedoes inside of the torpedo tubes has been fixed.
- USS Raleigh - incorrect display of the elevator of the aft tower of the main battery in the x-ray has been fixed.
- USS Pensacola - the shape and dimensions of the fuel tanks have been changed in accordance with the blueprints.
Economy and research
- F-84F and Vautour IIA IDF/AF(Premium French aircraft) have been withdrawn from purchase. In future the Vautour IIA will appear as a premium vehicle in Israel's aircraft tree. Read details in the Developers Diary.
- F6F-5N (France) — Moved to a group with the F6F-5.
- Seafire F.Mk.XVII and Seafire FR.47 — Have been moved into one group.
- Italian light cruisers of rank IV have been moved to the right branch of the research tree.
- Changes in the economy of the RN Raimondo Montecuccoli:
- Research cost have been reduced: 220.000 → 100.000 RP
- Purchase cost has been reduced: 610.000 → 310.000 SL
- Crew training cost has been reduced 180.000 → 90.000 SL
- A bug has been fixed where the "Fire Arrows" achievement might only be completed using unguided rockets.
- "Emblem of the 61st Mechanised Battalion, South West Africa" decal has been added for the South African vehicles. The decal can be unlocked only with SA vehicles.
- R3 T106 FA, R3 T20 FA-HS — tricolor camo has been added available for Golden Eagles.
- New "Road Signs" decorations have been added and are available for purchase with GE.
- The logic of checking the player's vehicles for compliance with the condition in a task has been changed for most game tasks about 'damage, destruction and assist in the destruction of the enemy' that are used for obtaining camouflages, stickers, decorations, medals, titles, achievements etc. Now the vehicle that has been used for damage or destroying the enemy will be checked and not the one that the player was controlling at the moment of the event (damage, destruction and assist). For example earned on the aircraft achievements from air strikes in ground AB will be counted in the air vehicles even if at the moment the player is already in the tank, but destroys the enemy with an aircraft bomb. Gradually this logic will be extended to the rest of such tasks.
- In battle in the action bar's selection window, each point now has a fixed location. If some actions are missing on the vehicle, then instead of them there will be empty spaces in this menu.
- A new "Allow empty teams" point has been added In the options menu for creating custom battles that will allow you to start and continue missions without active players and bots in any of the teams.
- "Bots rank" has been removed from the options menu when creating custom battles. Now vehicles for any chosen bots are determined by the minimum allowed BR and the game session BR (used to determine whether to add long-range airfields. Helipads and other objects of high rank battles) and determined by the maximum allowed BR as it happens in random battles.
- SAM info cards now contains data on G-tolerance and seeker parameters.
Game mechanics
- Scout aircraft in naval battles. The ability to launch a scout aircraft from the ship's catapult (if it has one) has been added to naval battles. It is necessary to open and install the appropriate modification beforehand. After the start of the battle, the launch of the aircraft becomes available after a specific time. To launch, activate the catapult (default "U"), point it outboard and launch the aircraft (default "U"). During flight, you can switch between the aircraft and the ship. As long as the player controls the aircraft the ship will remain on the course it was on at the time of launch. The ship will fire in accordance with the set shooter AI mode. If the ship is destroyed while controlling the aircraft the flight will end after a while. In addition to aerial fighting, scouting aircraft can:
- Capture points
- Drop bombs
- Deploy a smoke screen at altitudes of up to 50m
- Perform long-range scouting
- List of ships that have received launchable aircraft:
- USS Trenton
- USS Raleigh
- USS Detroit
- USS Brooklyn
- USS Helena
- USS New Orleans
- USS Portland
- USS Northampton
- USS Pensacola
- USS Cleveland
- Admiral Hipper
- Admiral Graf Spee
- Prinz Eugen
- Karlsruhe
- Scharnhorst
- Kirov
- Maxim Gorky
- Voroshilov
- HMS Enterprise
- HMS Kent
- HMNZS Leander
- HMS York
- IJN Kako
- IJN Kuma
- IJN Sendai
- IJN Furutaka
- IJN Suzuya
- IJN Mogami
- IJN Mikuma
- IJN Agano
- RN Bartolomeo Colleoni
- RN Trento
- RN Zara
- RN Pola
- Japanese ships have as many aircraft for launch as the number of them mounted on catapults. Aircraft stored on decks and rostrums are not yet available.
- Implemented surround sound support for Windows 10 platforms (Windows Sonic for headphones, Dolby Atmos for headphones, DTS: X headphones), Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5.
- Sound events of aircraft engines, ground vehicles, as well as aircraft guns and enemy/allied ground vehicles received support for improved spatial positioning.
- For the player's ground vehicles, the suspension soundtrack has been implemented when driving over rough terrain. That is, the movement of the suspension arms is now voiced.
- All jet aircraft have received unique engine sounds, reflecting the characteristic features of a particular engine model.
Smaller updates that came afterwards
15.12.2021 (
- A bug where the capture of an enemy point was interrupted when joining an air strike event in AB ground battles has been fixed.
- A bug that caused a blank second page to appear on the multifunctional aircraft menu with the active "Armament" point has been fixed.
- The reload timer for suspended weapons for scout-aircraft no longer resets after switching to ship control.
- F-4J - a bug has been fixed where there was a pylon missing for certain weapon presets
- S.O.4050 Vautour IIN, S.O.4050 Vautour IIA IDF/AF - icons of bombs have been corrected in the secondary weapon menu.
- S.O.4050 Vautour IIN - added penetration data for the AS-20 Nord missiles.
- Mirage 5F - bombs and rocket powered presets display has been corrected in the secondary weapon menu.
- Mirage IIICJ - a bug has been fixed where the "Without load" preset was grouped into the "To hit air targets"
- Kfir C.7 - the number of rockets in pods has been added for Zuni MK32 Mod 0 ATAP presets.
- M.D.450B Ouragan - the required modification has been corrected for setup of "500lbs x2, T10 151 x4, T10 151 x4".
- La-11 (China) - the name of the aircraft has been corrected in the Chinese research tree.
- MiG-23M - mistakenly changed missiles from R-60M to R-60MK have been restored.
Ground vehicles
- Leclerc, Leclerc S2, Leclerc SXXI — A bug that led to the absence of secondary fragments when penetrating a block under the gunner's sight has been fixed.
- HN-6 — The Incorrect display of the homing head rocket parameters in the card has been fixed. Autopilot on short-range launches has been improved.
- A bug that caused sound on multichannel audio systems (incl 7.1 headsets) to be played incorrectly, "deaf", without positioning effect or with the sound picture missing from the front and rear of listeners has been fixed.
- A bug that sometimes made enemy and allied aircraft engines audible in pressurized cockpits has been fixed.
- A bug that sometimes interrupted the engine sound and made it possible that some elements of the sound picture (gun shots, tracks, ground vehicle engines) disappeared has been fixed.
- The engine sound on the Abrams possibly being badly distorted when climbing a slope has been fixed.
16.12.2021 (
- A bug that might cause seaplanes to not collide and fly through ships after takeoff has been fixed.
- OS2U-1 aircraft on USS Helena, USS Brooklyn, USS Cleveland and HMS Enterprise received bomb weaponry.
- P-51D-20-NA (Israel) — Cockpit has been added.
- Mirage 5F, Mirage IIICJ, A-4H, A-4E Early (M), A-4N — Additional camouflage versions which are available for completing tasks and for GE have been added.
- MiG-21S - A new preset with 2хR-3R and 2хR-3S has been added.
22.12.2021 (
Ground vehicles
- T-69 II G — a bug has been fixed with the lack of control of the AA machine gun when the commander is knocked out. (report).
- An issue with lock-on of air-to-air missiles on certain aircraft in test flight has been solved (report).
- Incorrect bomb drop from the central pylons has been fixed.
- A28B — the sightmark shift after missile launch has been corrected.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented zooming out after bomb/rocket powered chase camera has been enabled.
- Aichi E13A1 - turret machine gun type has been changed from Type 99 to Type 97.
- A-7E - camera toggle has been fixed for the weapon preset containing the FLIR system and AGM-62A Walleye guided bombs.
- A-129CBT - a bug has been fixed, where in the preset of BGM-71C ITOW + FFAR x 14, certain missiles were visually detached.
- B-25 (all series), PBJ-1J - the thickness of the armour plate below the nose gunner has been corrected (Source: AN 01-60GE-1)
- Mirage 3E - radar view in the cockpit has been changed from cone to square.
- 37mm М4/М10 gun - spread has been corrected.
- Rockets and air-to-surface missiles with huge HE warheads now feature a space between the warhead and the fuse. This change results in warhead detonation on the certain distance before the armour, and improves the shrapnel spread diagram. The list of rockets/missiles is:
- S-1OF
- S-13OF
- S-21
- S-24
- S-24B
- S-25O
- S-25L
- Type-130-2
- Zuni Mk32
- Tiny Tim
- Red Angel
- Uncle Tom
- Triplex R.P.
- Kh-66
- Kh-23M
- Kh-25
- Kh-25ML
- Kh-29L
- Kh-29T
- AS-20
- AS-30
- AS-30L
- Rb05A
- AGM-12B
- AGM-12C
- The sortieing of a reconnaissance aircraft will no longer increase the spawn point cost of bomber aircraft.
- HMS Norfolk - a bug preventing torpedo reload in Arcade battles has been fixed.
- JDS Harukaze - flag has been changed in the info card.
- Prinz Eugen - take off angles of reconnaissance aircraft have been corrected.
Other changes
- PC: a bug has been fixed where on some graphic cards, shadows of static objects in the hangar might disappear after switching to windowed mode and back.
- PC: ground darkening has been fixed, when setting the global illumination quality higher than "low".
- Glitching of the pop-up window with a battle trophy in the warbond shop has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where the squadron tag was indicated in front of the name of the AI that replaced the player who did not join a battle.
- The mechanics of accounting of the active players in air Realistic battles has been improved. Now, the team score begins to decrease instantly, when there are no more active players with a respawn left. At the same time, the waiting period of the last active player has been increased from 90 to 100 seconds.
23.12.2021 (
Ground vehicles
- 2S3M — thickness of the bulkhead between the driver and the transmission has been corrected.
- Challenger 2, Challenger 2 (2F) — a bug has been fixed where the rear armour plate was missing in the hull in the xray mode.
- Challenger 2, Challenger 2 (2F), Challenger 2 TES — the armour type of the turret bottom has been changed to cast steel (report)
- Challenger 2 TES — overestimated durability of the side skirts has been fixed.
- The volume of jet engines from first and third person views has been slightly decreased.
- Enemy/allied jet engines do not overlap the whole sound of battle for players on the ground. Jet engine sounds now have less priority over explosions, gun fire, and ground vehicle engines.
- Player gunshots from ground vehicles are now more distinctive and detailed in comparison to allied/enemy gunshots.
- Signal of the laser warning system is now more distinctive for a player, it becomes louder and higher in tone.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented playback of rocket engines of enemy\allied aircraft.
- Bugs in the playback of player aircraft rocket engines have been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed where snow and rain in VR headsets were displayed only for one eye.
- Artefacts from exhaust gases animation on the AMD Radeon graphic cards have been fixed.
24.12.2021 (
- The 'notch' sector 90 degrees relative to the target's course has been increased 1.5 times for pulse-doppler modes of AN/APG-59 and AN/AWG-11/12 and slightly decreased for AN/APG-66J and PS-37A/46A.
- RWR sounds have been changed to something less annoying and loud. The reference sound used has been brought from the F-14 Tomcat RWR.
27.12.2021 (
- Notch sector has been increased for semi-active radar seekers of AIM-7, R-23R and R-24R
- Visibility issues with some icons have been resolved.
- Radars will no longer acquire terrain instead of failed target acquisitions at low altitude.
- Smoothed indication of ground clutter on a radar scope.
29.12.2021 (
Ground vehicles
- All ground vehicles with rangefinders now feature longer distances for the Arcade ballistic calculator (colour cross). Max distance depends on the type:
- Up to 1.5 km — regular rangefinder;
- Up to 4 km — stereoscopic rangefinder;
- Up to 10 km — laser rangefinder;
- E-100 — material of the side skirts has been changed to cast armour (report).
- Vickers Mk.1 — the depletion order for the ammo rack has been changed.
- ZTZ-96A — durability values of the ERA protection on the turret's front in xray mode have been fixed..
- T-72B3 — name of the AA machine gun has been corrected to 6P49.
- M60A2 — fire control has been added to the commander's sight (report).
- XM975 — vertical aiming angles of the launcher have been fixed.
- Type-10 — a bug has been fixed that prevented damage to the crew in event of an ammo stowage fire with damaged bulkhead between ammo and the crew.
- Leopard 2PL — a bug has been fixed that allowed the gun to pass through the track shoulder.
- ZSU-37-2 — camera position bug has been fixed that caused the vehicle to disappear in certain observation angles.
- AMX-30 (1972), AMX-30B2, AMX-30B2 BRENUS, AMX-32, AMX-40 — display of the horizontal traverse speed on the coaxial 20mm gun has been fixed.
- Т-55АМ — position of the radiation emitter of the IR spotlight has been fixed.
- Calliope — sight magnification has been fixed from x3 to standard (х1.9 — 3.5).
- TOW-2B — a bug has been fixed that prevents damage from the charge core when the ATGM hits sloped parts (report).
- kulsgr m/90 round — the tracer has been disabled (report).
- Sprgr. 38 round for the 50mm KwK 39 and Mk.214a guns— weight, muzzle velocity, and velocity drop along the trajectory have been specified (report).
- 47-mm mle1936 round — velocity drop along the trajectory has been specified (report).
- Vickers Mk.7 — physically accurate tracks have been added.
- Type-90, Type-16, Type-74 (all versions), Type-10 — the elevation angles of the M2 anti-aircraft machine gun have been standardized. Max elevation angle is now 60°, previous angles varied from 20° to 40° depending on the vehicles.
- F2G-1 — ammo capacity has been increased from 300 to 600 rounds per gun (report).
- F-100A (China) — AN/APR-25 radar warning system has been added (report).
- EC-665 Tiger UHT — a bug has been fixed that allowed elements of the targeting device to be visible at the extreme left and right positions (report).
- Hurricane Mk.IIB/Trop, Hurricane Mk.IV, F6F-5, Typhoon (all versions) — separate rocket launch has been added.
- Me 264 — engine sound has been fixed (report).
- AIM-9C Sidewinder — missile weight has been changed from 88 to 95 kg; burn time has been changed from 5 to 5.2 sec (report).
- AIM-9J/P Sidewinder — a bug with incorrect values of the max launch load has been fixed for certain presets, max load has been corrected from 4G to 7G.
- 120-kg bomb М/71 — explosive type has been corrected from TNT to COMP B.
- AA-20, AS-20 — missile speed has been converted to Mach (report).
- A bug has been fixed where the recon aircraft model remained visible in the x-ray view after its launch.
- A bug with the effect of fire for burning aircraft instantly crossing the battlefield in naval battles has been fixed.
- AI gunners of 20-mm guns won't fire at destroyers anymore.
- Parameters of the shells of 114mm/45 guns Mark IV and Mark V (report 1, report 2) have been changed:
- Explosives type of the HE rounds has been changed to RDX/TNT;
- Weight of the explosives in the HE rounds has been changed: 1.22 → 1.81 kg;
- Weight of the explosives in the semi-AP rounds has been changed: 0.72 → 0.91 kg.
- Parameters of the Mk.7 rockets on US patrol boats have been changed (report):
- Explosives weight: 1.27 → 0.79 kg;
- Rocket weight: 22.6 → 22.27 kg.
Other changes
- Max brightness on the NVD has been reduced when the illuminating rounds are fired.
12.01.2022 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))
Ground vehicles
- A bug has been fixed that caused the rendering of exhaust gases on towed or rammed vehicles.
- A bug has been fixed where smoke from smoke grenades was displayed as low temperature in the thermal imagers in night scenarios .
- A bug has been fixed that resulted in shot loss when another enemy vehicle was located near the target and the shot vector was directed to the ground's surface.
- FlaRakRad, SARC MkVI (6pdr) — a bug has been fixed that caused the model to disappear when observed from the commander's sight at certain angles.
- Eland 90 Mk.7, AML-90, Ratel-20, Ratel-90, ZT3A2 — smoke grenades now launched in two salvos.
- ZTZ59D1 — smoke grenades have been changed to modern spray grenades activated in mid-air.
- Char 25t — turret traverse speed has been specified - 24°/sec → 36°/second (report).
- Char 25t — sight magnification has been specified - х6 → х7.9 (report).
- M18 GMC — sight magnification has been changed from x3 to the standard (х1.9 — 3.5) (report).
- Leopard 2K — max speed has been specified from 70 to 72 kph.
- M4A3 (76) W (JSDF) — underestimated turn time of the AA machine gun has been fixed. Speed has been changed in accordance with other open flak cannons 30°/second → 90°/second (report).
- Vickers Mk.3 — overestimated thickness of the bulkhead between engine and combat compartments has been fixed - 500mm → 10mm.
- TCM AGS — a bug has been fixed that resulted in different targeting angles of the gun and the coaxial machine gun.
- Ikv 91, Ikv 91-105 — sight magnification has been specified - х8-16 → x10 (report).
- Ikv 91, Ikv 91-105 — turret traverse speed has been specified - 20°/second → 25°/second (report).
- STB-1 — targeting angles on the AA machine gun have been specified in order to avoid intersections with the turret.
- 155-mm sgr m/60 round — tracer has been removed.
- ITP (М-1) — a bug has been fixed that caused a fuselage break when the tail was detached.
- MiG-21MF, MiG-21bis-SAU, MiG-21SMT, MiG-21bis — visuals of pylons for R-60 and R-3S missiles have been fixed (report).
- Bf 109 (all versions) — separate drop has been added for 50kg bombs (report).
- F.C.20 Bis — the name of the 37mm Breda Model 39 gun has been fixed.
- 800kg armour piercing bomb Type 99 number 80 — explosives type has been changed to Type 91 (report).
- Targeting speed parameters of the Italian 100-mm/47 utility guns have been corrected.
- IJN Mutsuki, IJN Satsuki, Scharnhorst — errors in the info cards concerning the armour thickness of the main calibre turrets have been fixed.
Other changes
- Standard hangar has been enabled.
- A bug has been fixed with missing aircraft contacts when the game resolution was set lower than the resolution of the monitor.
- Battle task "Aerial Superiority " now features the "Rogue wave" award (report).
- Marker position under the airfield in the "Domination:Vietnam" mission has been fixed.
17.01.2022 (
- Physically correct moonlight has been added.
- Display of some objects (for example bushes and trees) has been improved when observed through a ground vehicle sight by graphic settings "max" and "movie".
- MiG-27K, Jaguar GR.1A — a bug has been fixed that caused camera rotation while maneuvering.
- A bug has been fixed where Roland 1 missiles had a limited effective range within 1 km versus helicopters.
- Display of trophy contents has been improved.
19.01.2022 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))
Ground vehicles
- A bug has been fixed that caused vertical targeting block when stationary and firing from rapid-fire heavy recoil guns (video).
- A bug has been fixed where "Commander fire control" was disabled when switching to the commander's sight from the binoculars by enabling NVD or a thermal imager (video).
- A bug has been fixed where NVD and TVD remained functional in third-person view when the battery is low.
- Object 279, Т95: a bug has been fixed that caused respawning below ground level.
- Simulator Battles: fixed a bug where the browser map, as well as the map in the "Assistant for War Thunder" app, showed the positions of allies.
- A2D-1 - separate rocket launch has been added for the weapon preset of 2,000 lbs + HVARx20.
- PB2 rockets - a bug has been fixed that prevented HEAT warheads to break through advertised armour thickness (report)
- Crew number on Italian cruisers has been adjusted in accordance to the year of modification:
- RN Eugenio di Savoia: 578 → 694;
- RN Raimondo Montecuccoli: 578 → 648.
- Shrapnel amount and shrapnel total damage in naval HE rounds have been adjusted in order to avoid performance drop when taking massive fire.
Other changes
- A bug that caused low FPS in the first minutes when playing in a custom mission in custom battles has been fixed.
- 3D decorations and decals in the Inventory menu now have their respective sections.
- "Numbers" decals have been added for Israel.
- A bug has been fixed that allowed TVD to see through glass, for example, through windows in buildings.
- Star icon has been restored to show the best squad in the battle statistics window.
- Incorrect shadows on horizontal surfaces of ingame objects have been corrected.
- Synchronization of guided missile flight when launched by other players has been improved.
Xbox, Playstation
- МiG-27K, Jaguar GR.1A —a bug has been fixed that caused camera rotation while maneuvering.
- A bug has been fixed where Roland 1 missiles had a limited effective range within 1 km versus helicopters.
- Display of trophy contents has been improved.
24.01.2022 (
SB Enduring Conflict missions and RB random battles with EC mission logic
- AI anti-aircraft gun presets have been changed for convoys and the Ground Battle event, where two groups of AI units fight with each other. The changes were made to lower AA calibres where possible and therefore the general setups are as follows:
- BR 1.0-2.0: calibre 7.92mm
- BR 2.3-3.3: calibre 12.7mm
- BR 3.7-4.7: calibre 20mm
- BR 5.0-6.3: calibre 40mm
- BR 6.7-7.7: calibre 30mm, autoguns
- BR 8+: calibre 30mm, autoguns, radars.
- Example of the a US setup:
- Before:
- BR 1.0-2.0: M15 CGMC
- BR 2.3-3.3: M19A1
- BR 3.7-4.7: M19A1
- BR 5.0-6.3: M163
- BR 6.7-7.7: M247
- BR 8+: M247
- After:
- BR 1.0-2.0: Light AA Mk I
- BR 2.3-3.3: M16 MGMC
- BR 3.7-4.7: AEC AA
- BR 5.0-6.3: M19A1
- BR 6.7-7.7: M163
- BR 8+: M247
- Before:
26.01.2022 ( ( — Xbox, — Playstation))
- A "Filters" option has been added to the secondary weapons menu. Now you may choose to display only "favorite" or "available" setups, as well as display the setups by modification tier.
- An "Alarm clock" icon has been added to warn players about expiring items in their inventory.
- Boosters and personal discounts in the bottom right part of the hangar menu, as well as those in the "Store → Inventory" menu are now framed in orange or red depending on their expiration dates - in 4 or 1 hours respectively.
Ground vehicles
- A bug has been fixed with passing certain obstacles, such as trenches, where the slope angle under the vehicle could be calculated incorrectly, which caused traction drop and the vehicle sticking.
- A bug has been fixed where an effect of fire could remain on the battlefield after the vehicle's hull disappears.
- M1128 — max engine speed has been specified from 2,600 to 2,400 rpm; max speed has been corrected from 121 to 96.5 km/h.
- BMP-3 — a bug has been fixed with the laser rangefinder over the gun's barrel with the "Sodema" modification installed.
- Challenger 2 — a bug with the description of the front right side skirt in the x-ray mode has been fixed.
- Radkampfwagen 90 — a bug has been fixed where in some cases the protection of the armour fragment in the lower part of the turret was overestimated.
- M18 — a bug has been fixed where in some cases the protection of the armour fragment below the gun mantlet was overestimated.
- The accuracy of laser and correlation rangefinders has been increased.
- Me 163B, Me 163B-0, Ki-200 — a bug has been fixed that prevented take-off from unpaved airfields (report, video).
- A bug has been fixed where wing spoilers may display raised in the hangar or on the reserve site.
- J-7E — max launch overload in 4G has been removed from the PL-5B missiles.
- Ki-45 Hei, Ki-45 Ko, Ki-45 Otsu, Ki-45 Tei — targeting angles of the dorsal turrets have been fixed.
- D4Y (all modifications) — targeting angles of the dorsal turret have been fixed.
- F1M2 — targeting angles of the dorsal turret have been fixed.
- 12,7mm Breda-SAFAT — fuze sensitivity of the HE round has been fixed from 3 to 0.1 mm (report).
- Saab AJ37 — the weapon setups including the RB75 missiles have been moved to the section "For armoured targets" (report).
- AIM-7F, R-24R missiles — autopilot logic at close distances to the target has been improved.
- USS Trenton, USS Raleigh — number of the rangefinders of the stern and central gun director rooms in the x-ray mode has been corrected.
- USS North Dakota — number of the gun directors in the pop-up message of the central gun director room has been corrected in the xray mode.
- A bug has been fixed where the azimuth scale may be hidden when changing from the bluewater ship to the coastal vessel with a radar (report).
Other changes
- Display of markers in the tutorial missions has been corrected.
02.02.2022 ( ( — Xbox, PlayStation®))
Ground vehicles
- The marker for the ballistic calculator (crosshair) has been disabled for the ATGM weapons.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the marker for the ballistic calculator (crosshair) to be displayed incorrectly when shooting at aerial targets with ground vehicles with a laser rangefinder.
- M1A2 Abrams — commander's sight magnification has been specified: x2-8 → x3-10 (report).
- Ikv 91, ikv 91-105 — gun control option has been added to the commander's sight.
- Ikv 91, ikv 91-105 — number of forward and reverse gears have been increased, the gear ratio values have been specified (report).
- Merkava Mk.2D — the display of the composite screen has been disabled in xray mode.
- F4J — a bug has been fixed where the 20mm Mk 11 mod 5 gunpod was not displayed on the model (report).
- Mi-24V — a bug has been fixed where the S-24 rocket was displayed in the weapon preset "9M114 Shturm x8 +S8KO x40".
- SBD-3 — a separate bomb drop has been added for the 100 lbs ANM-30 bombs.
- Purchased, or available to purchase vehicles, able to complete tasks in the weekend/special events now have the 'star' tag. You can get to the task via the "Task" tab in the vehicle menu, or by clicking the 'star' tag in the hangar. (Note: this feature will be implemented within 24 hours after the publication of this change list).
- A bug has been fixed where the RMB+LMB click on a vehicle group might disable the interface.
- Dependence of the camera rotation speed from the replay speed has been fixed.
- Freezing of shot sounds in aerial and ground Arcade battles has been fixed.
03.02.2022 (Server update)
Planned economy changes have been implemented:
- Bonus Silver Lions reward for victory or defeat in missions have been changed to 47% and 20%, instead of 67% and 0% respectively.
- The research points reward for time spent in mission has been changed: 0.8 RP/sec for defeat and 1.2 RP/sec for victory, instead of 0.6 RP/sec for defeat and 1.4 RP/sec for victory.
- Changes to reward multipliers, repair costs, and related economic parameters for vehicles have been applied in accordance to with a transition to the rank based economy.
- Changes to research and purchase costs, as well as relative parameters for specific vehicles have been applied.
Changes to the research trees:
- M1A1 Abrams and IPM1 一 switched places.
- Pz.IV F2 and Pz.IV G 一 grouped up.
- Pz.IV H and Pz.IV J (in the group) 一 moved to rank II.
- TAM and Begleitpanzer 57 一 switched places.
- Crusader AA Mk.I and Crusader AA Mk.II 一 switched places.
- Chi-Ha Kai and Ho-I 一 switched places.
- Ikv 103 一 moved to rank III.
- F-104G 一 moved to rank VII.
- Ju 88 C-6 一 moved to rank II.
- Bf 110 C-7 and Bf 110 F-2 一 grouped up.
- Tu-4, Tu-4 (China) 一 moved to rank V.
09.02.2022 ( ( — Xbox, PlayStation®))
Ground vehicles
- The first four rounds of an artillery strike in ground battles are now targeting shots that leave orange smoke trails. Targeting shots may damage vehicles only with direct hits (no splash damage). The total number of shots in artillery support has been increased from 12 to 15.
- Ariete, Ariete PSO, Ariete (P) — the number of forward and reverse gears have been increased, the gear ratios have been adjusted.
- Chieftain Mk.3, Chieftain Mk.5, Chieftain Mk.10 — pivot radius has been reduced.
- M4A2 (76) W — targeting time on the AA machine gun has been increased from 30 to 90°/sec, similar to other open MG mounts.
- 2А11 37mm gun 一 burst fire spread has been increased, muzzle velocity spread has been increased when firing in bursts.
- M7 76mm gun一 muzzle velocity of the M42A1 HE round has been specified from 800 to 853 m/sec (report).
- M1 76mm gun 一 muzzle velocity of the M42A1 HE round has been specified to 823 m/sec (report).
- MIM146 SAM missile — a bug has been fixed that prevented armour fragmentation.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the incorrect launch direction of the right catapult on the AI carrier USS Forrestal (rерort).
- Yak-38,Yak-38M 一 incorrect indication of the thrust direction in the cockpit has been fixed .
- F3H-2 — a bug with the aircraft's armouring has been fixed (report).
- He 111 H-16 — a bug has been fixed where the lower turret was able to fire through the fuselage (report).
- B-10B — separate bomb drop from the bomb bay has been added for the 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs (report).
- I-180S — separate bomb drop with low calibre bombs has been added.
- Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper — separate bomb drop has been added for 1,000 lb G.P.Mk.I and M.C.Mk.I bombs on the fuselage pylons, as well as for the 500lb Mk.IV bombs.
- S-199 — a bug has been fixed that prevented separate gun control.
- IAR 316B — the secondary weapon menu has been corrected.
- Sa'ar — weight of the FFAR Mighty Mouse pods has been corrected.
- m/56D rockets — a bug that prevented armour fragmentation has been fixed (report).
- HMS Blackpool — a bug has been fixed with the depth setting of the Mk20 Bidder torpedo that prevented damage to destroyers and boats (report).
Other changes
- The incorrect display of shadows in areas of accumulation of destroyed and operational armoured vehicles has been corrected.
- Long names for missiles in air battles have been shortened in the HUD (report).
- FPS drop has been fixed when firing AA machine guns in naval battles.
- A bug has been fixed with an interpolation switch to the remote key point when watching replays.
14.02.2022 (Server update)
- Planned Battle Rating changes have been applied.
- Important changes to top-tier air battles implemented.
Other changes
- Some wagers have been changed (applied to newly received items only):
- "Mission Maker" — the number of stages has been reduced from 10 to 3; reward for the first stage has been increased from 50,000 to 75,000 Silver Lions; rewards for the third (and the now last) stage has been increased from 150,000 to 400,000 Silver Lions.
- "Wing Breaker" - the number of stages has been reduced from 10 to 3; reward for the first stage has been increased from 12,500 to 50,000 Silver Lions; rewards for the third (and the now last) stage has been increased from 75,000 to 300,000 Silver Lions.
- "The Best Squad" — the number of failed attempts has been reduced from 4 to 3; the reward for the 10th (final) stage has been decreased from 500,000 to 250,000 SL.
- "Hero of the Sky" and "Antimech" wagers have been grouped into a single one - "Unstoppable"
16.02.2022 ( ( - Xbox, PlayStation))
Ground vehicles
- 2S6 — a bug has been fixed that prevented 30mm ammo reload on a point with the 2S6M1 modification installed.
- BT-7, BT-7M, BT-7A (F-32) — turn lag has been fixed.
- Strv m/31 — turn lag has been fixed.
- Tetrarch I — turn lag has been fixed.
- 57mm OR-281U — explosives type has been specified from TNT to A-IX-2. Source: 57-мм автоматическая зенитная пушка С-60. Руководство службы.
- F-105D — lack of the radar lock on target visualisation has been fixed .
- Me-264 — targeting angles of the nose turret have been corrected.
- TBD-1 — targeting angles of the turret have been corrected.
- DB-3A (China) — targeting angles of the turrets have been corrected (report).
- Lancaster B.Mk.I, Lancaster B.Mk.III — a bug has been fixed where the upper turret was able to shoot through the fuselage.
- MiG-27M, MiG-27K — a bug has been fixed where the number of bombs in the setup "OFAB-100 х12, S5KP х64" was incorrect .
- A bug has been fixed where a wrecked hydroplane disappeared when the second hydroplane was launched.
- MBK-161 late — bugs with incorrectly displayed armour values have been fixed.
Other changes
- A bug has been fixed that prevented raindrops from displaying when the graphics are set to "Maximum" or "Movie" modes.
- An option has been added to hide markers of the available tasks from the "Research" button, as well as nations and vehicle types' tabs. Markers are now hidden after reading the corresponding info in the user profile window.
- Players are now able to toggle previews of vehicles, camos, decals and decorations from the Battle Pass prizes list.
21.02.2022 (
- A bug has been fixed where hit markers on vehicle armour did not correspond to actual armour penetration and damage caused.
- A bug has been fixed where a switch box on the ERA block was not detached when the block was destroyed.
- A bug has been fixed where the TVD might remain enabled in server replays for third-person view.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented artillery strikes and vehicle control during a nuclear blast.
- Distant sounds of aircraft engines have been changed to more distinctive and less annoying.
- Sound management system of the engines of ground vehicles has been reworked in order to calculate the priority of engines and tracks sounds based on their actual volume. Previously, the calculation dealt only with distance to the listener.
- Sound volume of the allied/enemy tank engines is now aligned along the rpm range, i.e. idle and maximum rpm are now close in volume. Previously, idle rpm was several times quieter, making hiding tanks behind obstacles silent.
- Sound volume of all ground vehicle engines has been equalized by the distance key points for the whole hearable range of 0-300 meters.
- Sound volume in the gaming environment has been reduced to improve the subjective positioning of the engines and tracks. I.e. tank 20m to the left sounds directly from the left, in the left ear
- The audibility range on player controlled SAMs has been increased to 4 km, but their volume and frequency balance have been changed so that they don't deafen across the map. Thanks to this, sounds should become more audible to pilots.
- The management system of the sounds of ground and air cannons has been redesigned. Now the priority will be calculated based on the actual volume of the cannon (previously only the distance to the listener was taken into account).
- Hit sounds from 20mm-35mm rapid-fire cannons no longer stutter and disappear. The sounds, as well as the management system have been reworked.
- Artillery strike sound system has been reworked. Now these sounds don't stutter or disappear in case of a massive area strike from many players.
- The volume of sound events such as explosions and shooting now decrease more noticeably with distance. This makes the sound events closest to the player, like enemy engines, explosions and shooting, more noticeable.
- The sounds of destruction of vehicles and trees have been made less loud and more noticeably diminished over distance.
24.02.2022 (
Ground vehicles
- Bkan 1C, DF105, Leopard 2K — sight range reset has been corrected after the rangefinder is applied.
- XM-8 — suspension damping has been increased.
- OF-40 Mk.2A, OF-40 (MTCA) — AA machine gun is now controlled by the loader (report).
- Range enter ability has been added when measuring range from the commander's sight with fire control disabled.
- A bug has been fixed where dust and mud from the tracks of the player's vehicle from the front were displayed incorrectly while observed in sniper mode.
- MiG-27K - a bug has been fixed that prevented IRST to lock on a ground area from the cockpit view.
- SBU2 (all versions), V-156 (all versions) - targeting angles of the turret have been adjusted.
- F-8E(FN) - launch G-limit has been removed for the Matra R550 Magic missile (report)
- Fw-190A-4 - guns have been divided into groups: low-calibre, high-calibre, and auxiliary (report).
- A bug has been fixed where after crash landing, the catapults did not start reloading for the next launch .
- On ships with several hydroplanes, the launch marker no longer lights up when the hydroplane is launched.
- A bug with hull damage displayed in the hit camera has been fixed.
Other changes
- A bug has been fixed where an artillery strike request prevented the correct execution of the nuclear blast scenario.
- "Show vehicles" button has been added to the terms of the regular event in order to display required vehicles in a separate window.
02.03.2022 (
Ground vehicles
- ADATS (M113) — armouring on the external fuel tanks has been increased from 12.7 to 44 mm.
- ASRAD-R — armouring on the external fuel tanks has been increased from 12.7 to 44 mm.
- SIDAM-25, SIDAM-25 (Mistral) — armouring on the external fuel tanks has been increased from 6 to 44 mm.
- CM25 — armouring on the external fuel tanks has been increased from 4 to 44 mm.
- ASU-85 — IR spotlight has been fixed (report).
- BMP-3 — a bug has been fixed where the "Sodema" sight was displayed on the model without researching the corresponding modification.
- Challenger 2, Challenger 2 (2F), Challenger 2 TES — description of the internal bulkheads has been corrected.
- Challenger 2 TES — description of the external armour blocks in x-ray mode has been corrected.
- A bug has been fixed where a rotation of the commander's periscope might be displayed as turret rotation when observed by other players.
- When open-top vehicles are destroyed by fire, the crew members are no longer displayed in their seats.
- A bug has been fixed where, when observed in a tank sight, a shell might be displayed in a splayed tank muzzle.
- A bug has been fixed where it was possible to shoot through obstacles when a tank gun barrel passed through them.
- AU-1 — weapon icons have been corrected in the secondary weapons menu.
- AJ37 — icon of the RB 75 missile has been corrected (report).
- Wyvern S.4 — a bug has been fixed that prevented separate rocket launches for the "Rp-3 x16 + torpedo" setup.
- EC-665 Tiger HAD — a bug has been fixed where rockets were not displayed in the left pod of the "HOT-3 x4, SNEB type 23 x12" setup (report).
- Fw 190 A-5 (all versions) — guns have been divided into control groups "low calibre", "high calibre", and "suspended".
- F-4J — weapon setups have been divided into groups (report).
- SMS Helgoland, SMS Westfallen, HMS Dreadnought, Imperatritsa Mariya, Poltava, Parizhskaya Kommuna — armour data has been corrected in the info cards.
- PT-200 — 20mm ammo belt select option has been fixed .
- Moskva, Leningrad — horizontal targeting angles on the main calibre guns have been increased
07.03.2022 (
- The engine sounds for enemy aerial and ground vehicles now have a higher priority than allied vehicles.
- The track sounds on enemy ground vehicles now have a higher priority than allied vehicles.
- The engines for enemy and allied vehicles sound quieter as the engine speed decreases. An idling vehicle will again sound significantly quieter than a vehicle in motion.
- The volume of hits from low calibre rounds (20-37mm) around the listener has been significantly decreased. Such sounds might previously have been identified as machine gun fire or just crackling.
10.03.2022 ( ( - Xbox))
Ground vehicles
- Strv m/40L, Strv m/39 — coaxial machine guns Ksp m/36 have been changed to Ksp m/39.
- Type-10 — hull tilt angles have been corrected while the suspension control is enabled (report).
- Type-10 — pivot speed has been increased (report).
- VEAK 40 — vehicles in test drive have been changed to modern ones.
- PT-16/T14 — targeting limits of the AA machine gun have been corrected to avoid shooting through the elements of the turret top.
- Bkan 1C — 3rd person view camera position has been fixed (report).
- T-34-57, T-34-57 (1943), T-34 (1 Gv.T.Br.), Т-34 (1943), Type 62, Type 62 (USSR), T26E5, Strv m/41 S-I, Centurion Mk.5/1 (RAAC), T-10A, Т-10M, BT-5, RBT-5, 9P149, 9P157, Sturer Emil, VK 45.01 (P), FIAT 6614, Tortoise, A.C.IV, M15 CGMC, M3 GMC — Armour values in the info card have been corrected.
- Type 87 RCV — gear select ratios have been specified.
- Type 87 — gunner sight magnification has been specified (report).
- Grant I, Grant I (USA) — the thickness of the armour plate below the 75mm gun has been fixed from 12.7 mm to 22,2 mm.
- AS 42 — gun recoil has been removed.
- Etendard IVM - calculator for the constantly computed impact point (CCIP) for bombs has been added (report)
- Sa`ar - a bug has been fixed where in some cases wing components might remain on the wing tips when the wings are torn off.
- Firebrand TF.Mk.IV - separate rocket launch has been added for the setup of "2х 250lbs G.P. Mk.IV bomb + RP-3 rockets"
- ITP (М-1) - separate rocket launch has been added for the RS-82 and RBS-82 rockets
- Kfir C.7 - launch order has been corrected for the Zuni Mk32 Mod 0 ATAP rockets.
- USS Candid - display for the first stage ammo count has been corrected for the 76mm gun.
- Explosives type of the British AP and semi-AP round has been changed for the following guns:
- 343mm/45 Mk 5(H) - from Lyddite to Shellite
- 152mm/45 BL Mk XII - from Lyddite to TNT
- 152mm/50 BL Mk XXIII - from Lyddite to TNT
- 152mm/50 QF Mk N5 - from Lyddite to TNT
- 190mm/45 BL Mk VI - from Lyddite to TNT
- TNT equivalent of the Shellite has been corrected to 0.94.
Updates | |
Closed Beta | 1.17 · 1.25 |
Open Beta | 1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63 |
Release | 1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire |
Update 2.0 | New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age |
Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy | |
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