Update 1.75 "La Résistance"

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Update 1.75 "La Résistance"(changelog) was introduced on 19 December 2017. The update is distinguished by introducing the France ground tree.

New vehicles

Ground forces


Introduced into the game!

Air forces






Game changes

New locations for combined battles

Location and mission updates

  • New missions added for the “Maginot Line”: [Conquest 1], [Conquest 2], [Conquest 3], [Domination], [Battle].
  • New missions added for the “Middle East”:[Conquest 1], [Conquest 2], [Conquest 3], [Domination], [Battle].
  • All missions for the “Fields of Poland” location have been reworked, the battle area has been increased by 3-4 km. The mission is available in custom battles.
  • All missions for the “Sands of Tunisia” location have been reworked. The mission is available in custom battles.
  • Spawn protection mechanics have been added for “Fields of Poland”, “Sands of Tunisia” and “Middle East” locations.
  • Runway length has been increased for the “Fulda” location airfields.
  • In tank test drive mission an air target is only available whilst driving an SPAA.


  • Automatic camo choice option has been added. The camo will be chosen depending on the location (urban, desert, winter etc.) If the vehicle doesn’t have suitable camo then standard camouflage will be chosen.
  • The mini-map will now display markers for destroyed vehicles (both enemies and allies). Once a target is destroyed its marker will flicker and grow dim, remaining visible on a minimap for 10 seconds.

Game mechanics

  • Scouting feature:
    • In order to scout the environment in Arcade mode just select a target and push the “Scout” button (may be bound in the settings). After that an enemy marker will become visible for all your teammates for 30 seconds.
    • In Realistic mode you will have to use binoculars or sight (sniper) view. Once in this view put your crosshairs on an enemy vehicle and press the “Scout” button. After that a marker will appear over the enemy vehicle and will be updated for 30 seconds.
    • All allies will receive the recon data which means that you can not apply your skill to vehicles that have already been scouted. Passing enemy coordinates takes time so you may only use the “scouting” feature after a specific “cooldown” period, this applies even if you have not been successful in your reconnaissance (Realistic mode only). Skill cooldown time in RB is longer than in AB and has an extra penalty if it’s failed
    • Ability to repair a tank. Now the players on this kind of vehicle have the opportunity to help with repair for all allies and not only squad members.
  • ‘Scout” vehicles will have additional modifications for research:
    • Airstrike - in Arcade this will permit the scout to join any air battle started by your teammates. This will not be limited to a fighter - you will be able to use an attacker or a bomber even though your team has already begun the battle. Your opponent will have an opportunity to add an additional fighter though.
    • In Realistic mode this modification will additionally reduce SP requirements to use aircraft in combined battles.
    • Improved optical sights will increase the spotting distance by 30% in all modes.

Flight Model changes

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  • Yak-2 KABB - FM updated according to data sheet
  • Yak-4 - FM updated according to Datasheet
  • D4Y1 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • SB2U-2, SB2U-3, V-156-F - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • F-82E - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • H-75A-1 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • H-75A-4 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • Corsair Fmk.2 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • MS-405 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • MS-406 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • AD-4 - FM updated according to Dаtasheet
  • P-51D-10 - maximum engine boost increased to 72”. The aircraft is now more stable.
  • Ki-61 (all modifications) - Wing, fuselage and tail polars recalcuted. Controllability at lower speeds has been improved. Engine characteristics have been updated for altitudes up to 8000 m.
  • Ki-100 (all modifications)— Wing polars recalcuted. Controllability has been improved
  • N1K2 (all modifications) — dimensional data of the aircraft updated. Separate fuel tanks enabled. Thermodynamics reworked. engine critical altitude updated, prop characteristics updated. Maneuverability at medium speed has been improved. All FM settings have been updated according to data sheet
  • VG-33 — fuel consumption has been increased.
  • Hs 129B-2/Hs 129B-3 — dimensional data of the aircraft updated. Separate fuel tanks enabled. fuel load, weapon load now affect aircraft performance more accurately. Maximum speed values have been updated. Wing, fuselage, tail polars corrected. Landing gear shock-absorber performance updated, braking force has been increased. Upon landing on water surface the aircraft will still be able to stay afloat for some time, propulsion system performance updated, Thermodynamics updated.
  • P-36 (all modifications) — Wing, fuselage, tail polars corrected. Engine characteristics update. See data sheet for details.
  • I-29 - A bug which would result in engine overheating being impossible has been fixed.

Aircraft model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes

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  • A new test flight location has been added for Soviet jet aircraft and the Tu-4.
  • Do 217j-1 — a bug which allowed aircraft to drop bombs whilst inverted has been fixed.
  • N.C.223.3 — additional bomb modification has been fixed (source).
  • TBF-1c, Avenger Mk. II — sight angles for turrets have been corrected (source).
  • A-26 (all modifications) — sight angles for the upper turret has been corrected.
  • A6M3 — Type 99 Mk2 cannons have been replaced with Type 99 Mk1 (source).
  • Ju 88C-6 — aircraft type has been corrected, air spawn option has been added.
  • He 111H-6 - "torpedo bomber" type has been added for this aircraft.
  • B-25, PBJ (all series) - Bomb drop order has been corrected (source).
  • P-51H-5 NA ammo load has been changed: 390 for each external MG and 260 for internal MGs (source).
  • P-40E-1 - ammo load has been changed: 225 for each external MG, 260 for each MG mounted in the middle and 295 for each internal MG. General amount of ammo - 1560 rounds (source).
  • TBF-1c, Avenger Mk. II - ammo load for MGs has been corrected - up to 310 for a machine gun (source).
  • F4U-4 - ammo load for MGs has been corrected - up to 400 for a machine gun according to data sheet.
  • F4U-4 - Post-war MG ammo belt has been added.
  • M.D.450B Ouragan - additional SNEB rocket upgrade module has been removed.
  • SNEB rockets - rocket speed has been increased to 600 m/s (source).
  • BV 238 - air spawn has been added for test flight mission.
  • F8F-1b - fuel tank protection info has been corrected.
  • A-35B - fuel tank protection info has been corrected.
  • F6F-5 - fuel tank protection info has been corrected.
  • F6F-5n - fuel tank protection info has been corrected.
  • S.O.8000 Narval - Air spawn option has been added (source).
  • VB.10-02 - Air spawn option has been added (source).
  • VB.10C1 - Air spawn option has been added (source).
  • S.O.8000 Narval - T10 121 rockets have been replaced with T10 140.
  • C.200 serie 3 - Water leak is now displayed if the engine is damaged (source).
  • C.200 serie 7 - Water leak is now displayed if the engine is damaged (source).
  • SB2C-4 - Bomb drop order has been corrected.
  • Swordfish Mk.I - wing “ripped-off” damage model has been corrected.
  • P-38E, P-38G, XP-38G - G-suit module has been removed according to data sheet.
  • Type 5 № 6 Mod.9 now have separate launch.
  • IL-2М 1943 FAB-250 bombs have been added (source).
  • Ki-94 II - 30mm cannon ammo load has been increased to 150. 20mm cannon ammo load has been increased to 200 (source).
  • Spitfire LF Mk IX - cannon ammo load has been increased to 135. MG ammo load has been increased to 260 (source).
  • Spitfire FR Mk XIVe - cannon ammo load has been increased to 135. MG ammo load has been increased to 260 (source).
  • Spitfire F Mk XIVe - cannon ammo load has been increased to 135. MG ammo load has been increased to 260 (source).
  • Spitfire F Mk XVIIIe -cannon ammo load has been increased to 135. MG ammo load has been increased to 260 (source).
  • Spitfire F Mk XVI - cannon ammo load has been increased to 135. MG ammo load has been increased to 260 (source).
  • LaGG-3-34 - NS-37 cannon ammo load has been increased to 36 (source).
  • I-153 (all modifications) - ammo load has been updated to 2470.
  • Ju 87 (all modifications) - sight angles for turrets have been corrected.
  • Ho-103 ammo belts have been corrected (source).
  • G-suit resistance for negative G has been corrected.
  • Hornet Mk.III - Hispano Mk.II has been replaced with Hispano Mk.V.
  • MBR-2-М-34 - wing “ripping-off” damage model has been corrected.
  • Palmer’s D.510 - Darne 1933 machine guns have been changed to MAC 1934.
  • M.S.410 - Modification “Wing repair” has been moved to the 3rd research stage.
  • PV-2D - The bomb-bay being opened when launching the ‘Tiny Tim’ missiles has been fixed.


  • Tracer brightness has been corrected


  • French tank Char B1 in both modifications received authentic engine sound.

Economy and research

  • The possibility of getting winter camouflage for the E-100 by completing tasks has been added (link)
  • T-V - Winter camouflage has been added.

Smaller updates that came afterwards


  • Economy changes for F-86F-40::
    • Purchase cost has been changed from 990,000 to 1,900,000 SL.
    • The cost for assigning the vehicle to a crew in the slot has been changed from 280,000 to 570,000 SL.
    • Costs for purchasing crew “Expert” qualification has been changed from 990,000 to 1,990,000 SL.
  • A bug where the battle zone in the location “Middle East” in game mode “Battle” were incorrectly displayed has been corrected.


  • Fw 190A-8/F-8 — The wing geometry and its sweep angle have been refined. This allows refining in its centering by a minimum amount of fuel. Also the parameters of the fuselage have been refined, the oscillations have been reduced (control using mouse aiming has been improved). The instructor will open the radiator in advance for more effective cooling. Depending on the configuration of the aircraft the weight has been reduced by 8-10kg.
  • Gear box has been updated for Chieftain mk.10 similar to that of mk.5. Maximum speed has been increased to 48 km/h
  • A bug with Japan location when a player in ground Arcade battles could spawn near enemy AAA when using an aircraft
  • A bug with airfield location in Maginot Line has been fixed.


  • A bug where after crew replenishment, weapons would start to reload, has been fixed;
  • A bug where kill assist wouldn't be counted correctly has been fixed.
  • A bug which would result in crew replenishment not working correctly, has been fixed;
  • A bug which, when separate aiming was activated, the auxiliary gun would not aim at the same target as the main gun was, has been fixed;
  • A bug, where all voice commands could not be heard, has been fixed;
  • A bug related with the replication of nations lists in the “Medals” tab, has been fixed;
  • In tanks AB, the option to spot enemy targets and then transmit the location to team members via radio, has been disabled (these targets are indicated on the minimap, but their markers are hidden);
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • A bug which would occur when using particular module combinations on the Fw 190D-9, where the aircraft’s performance characteristics (max speed) would fall/deteriorate, has been fixed;
  • A bug which resulted in an incorrect gunner description for the parameter “Rangefinding” has been fixed (source);
  • Client stability has been improved.

Flight Model Changes:

  • P-38L-5-LO — Insufficient roll speed has been fixed (roll speed increased to 110 degrees per second);
  • Р-40E — A bug occuring while controlling the aircraft with mouse-aim in Arcade Battles, whereby the controls would behave incorrectly, has been fixed.


  • A bug, which would allow ground vehicles to pass through destroyable objects (such as walls), has been fixed;
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • A bug that caused a reset of the capture point being taken if a player crashed in an aircraft in Arcade ground forces battles has been fixed.
  • A bug where 1st aircraft flap position was reflected in a second flight in arcade ground forces battles has been fixed.
  • A bug which shows different times for repair in crew skill card and in the vehicle card has been fixed.
  • A bug where after an extended time of play, the sounds of vehicles was lost has been fixed.
  • A bug which caused the Churchill Mk.I to move through the air in the inverted position (with tracks up) has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


NVIDIA GeForce Experience ShadowPlay Highlights technology, which enables automatic recording of your best play moments should you desire, has been activated.

In order to enable this functionality you should:

  1. Update the game launcher (will be done automatically)
  2. In the game launcher settings select “NVIDIA Highlights - on”
  3. Install the GeForce Experience program (upgrade to the latest version).
  4. In GeForce Experience (update to latest version) enable “Highlights” in “In-game overlay” settings.

List of supported graphic cards


  • Client stability has been improved.


  • A bug related to the display of the T-34-85’s cannon in aircraft battles has been fixed.
  • A bug where, at the low speeds, aircraft wouldn’t be destroyed by colliding with trees, has been fixed.
  • A bug where, in rare cases, an airfield’s identifying icon wouldn’t appear, has been fixed.
  • A bug where ATGMs would be able to fire through pillboxes has been fixed.
  • A bug which would cause the placing of 3d decorations on ground vehicles to be difficult due to invisible parts has been fixed.
  • A bug where bombs would fly beyond their aiming sight has been fixed.
  • A bug which would cause ground vehicle weapons to be unable to move vertically while the vehicle was turning, has been fixed.
  • A bug where the model of an aircraft would disappear after it had been damaged, has been fixed.
  • A bug which would show the “Please close the cockpit” notice, in ground vehicles, has been fixed.
  • A bug occurring in replays where the nickname of players who received a reward was shown with the wrong color, has been fixed.
  • A bug where the mechanism of the crew lock system was working incorrectly has been fixed.
  • A bug where not all available locations would be shown in custom battles has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • A bug where the battle activity score was occasionally not being displayed whilst being located near the enemy has been fixed (source).
  • A bug where sound could be occasionally disabled if a player has spent considerable time in the game has been fixed (source).
  • The stability of the game client has reached the next level of awesomeness.


  • Players that use an aircraft In tank AB will no longer see enemy player nicknames (those who are using ground vehicles).
  • A bug where players using ground vehicles in AB were not seeing the nicknames of players using aircraft were not displayed has been corrected.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Client stability has been improved.


A bug which caused vehicles in the hangar to look like they were damaged has been fixed (source). A bug where the nickname of squad members was marked blue has been fixed. A bug which caused that vehicle cannons to arbitrarily jerk whilst moving on an uneven surface has been fixed (source 1, source 2). A bug where the animation for shooting wing-mounted machine guns would show when the wing had been destroyed has been fixed. Client stability has been improved.


BR Changes:

  • AMX-30 (1972) - BR in all modes has been reduced from 7.7 to 7.3
  • AMX-30B2 - BR in all modes has been reduced from 8.7 to 8.3
  • Centurion Mk.3 - BR for all game modes has been changed from 6.3 to 6.7.
  • FV4202 - BR for all game modes has been changed from 6.3 to 6.7.
  • P-47D-25:
    • AB: 3.0 → 3.3
    • RB: 4.0 → 4.3
    • SB: 3.3 → 3.7
  • P-47D-28:
    • AB: 3.0 → 3.3
    • RB: 4.3 → 4.7
    • SB: 4.0 → 4.3
  • P-47D-27 (USSR):
    • AB: 2.7 → 3.0
    • RB: 3.7 → 4.0
    • SB: 3.3 → 3.7
  • P-47D (Germany):
    • AB: 2.7 → 3.0
    • RB: 3.7 → 4.0
    • SB: 3.3 → 3.7


  • Client stability has been improved.

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds