Inceptor57 - Wiki Senior

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Wiki Moderator
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This member plays War Thunder on Windows
us_m4_sherman.png This member considers Medium Tank M4 Sherman the best USA tank in game.

Welcome to my user page. Here I put any personal notes or items that may be of use as War Thunder resources.

Playing War Thunder since May 2015, I joined the Wiki Team in October of the same year after my work in filling the vehicle history portions have been noticed. Since then, I've moved on to the role as a moderator in making sure new edits put on the War Thunder Wiki are appropriate content to be portrayed on the game's information database.

My expertise is in ground and air force, with a higher preference towards ground due to my experience in it, but recently have begun researching aviation topics.

Current priorities

As of March 2021

  • Vehicle content to be all filled out
  • Improve page mapping matrix of the Wiki
  • Align new format with old to reduce data redundancies


Some guides I've helped drafted to help Wiki editors:

Youtube videos

Some personal videos I have uploaded with some relations to the topics of vehicles in War Thunder

History sections

Some history sections I helped write:


USA  F3D-1
Italy  S.81
China  F-86F-30 (China) (In-game plane details section only)

[Expand]Ground vehicles
USA  M10 GMC · M10 GMC/History · M1A1 HC · M1A2 SEP V2 · M26 · M46 · M551 · M551/History · T25 · T26E1-1 · T34
Germany  Pz.38(t) F · Tiger II (H) Sla.16
Soviet Union/Russia  IS-6 · M4A2 (USSR) · MK-IX "Valentine" (USSR) · PT-76B
Great Britain  A.C.IV · Achilles · Achilles (65 Rg.) · Excelsior · Gun Carrier (3-in) · Sherman Firefly · Sherman_IC_"Trzyniec"
France  M4A1 (France)

[Expand]Naval craft
USA  USS Bennion
Great Britain  LÉ Orla


[Expand]5.56-12.7 mm Machine guns
Germany  C6 (7.62 mm) · MG4 (5.56 mm)
Soviet Union/Russia  6P49 (12.7 mm) · DA (7.62 mm) · DK (12.7 mm) · DShK (12.7 mm) · DT (7.62 mm) · PKT (7.62 mm) · RP-46 (7.62 mm) · SGMT (7.62 mm)
Great Britain  Browning MG4 (7.62 mm)
Japan  Type 91 (6.5 mm)
France  AAT-52 (7.5 mm)
Italy  Beretta MG42/59 (7.62 mm) · Breda Model 31 (13.2 mm)
Sweden  Ksp m/14-29 (6.5 mm)

[Expand]13-50 mm cannons
USA  20 mm/70 Oerlikon Mark 24 (20 mm) · M129 (40 mm) · M195 (20 mm) · M61 (20 mm)
Germany  S.Pz.B.41 (28/20 mm)
Soviet Union/Russia  AG-30 (30 mm) · AZP-23 (23 mm) · PTB-23 (23 mm) · VYa-23 (23 mm)
Great Britain  L21A1 (30 mm)

[Expand]50+ mm Cannons
USA  M1 (57 mm) · M1 (76 mm) · M256 (120 mm) · M36 (90 mm) · M6 (75 mm) · M68 (105 mm)
Germany  KwK44 (75 mm)
Soviet Union/Russia  2A26 (125 mm) · U-5TS (115 mm) · ZIS-6 (107 mm)
Japan  Type 38 (150 mm) · Type 90 (75 mm)
Israel  IMI MG251 (120 mm)

USA  AIM-54A Phoenix · AIM-9B Sidewinder · AIM-9B FGW.2 Sidewinder · AIM-9C Sidewinder · AIM-9D Sidewinder · AIM-9E Sidewinder · AIM-9G Sidewinder · AIM-9H Sidewinder · AIM-9J Sidewinder · AIM-9L Sidewinder · AIM-9M Sidewinder · AIM-9P Sidewinder · ATAS (AIM-92) · MIM146
Soviet Union/Russia  R-3R · R-3S · R-60
USA  AN-Mk 1 (1,600 lb)

Matchmaker Bf109SBMode.jpg