Update 1.79 "Project X"

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Update 1.79 "Project X" (changelog) was introduced on 12 June 2018.

New vehicles

Ground vehicles















Naval Fleet



Game changes

Reworked air battles sound

  • New sounds for aircraft machine guns and cannons have been added.
  • The dependence of the sound characteristic being created for the firing sound based on the angle of viewing on the aircraft gun has been added. Implemented for 3rd person view on player's aircraft on both allied and enemy aircraft.
  • The dependence of the sound characteristic being created for the firing sound based on the angle of viewing on ground-based weapons has been added. Implemented for 3rd person view on player's vehicle on both allied and enemy vehicles.
  • The dependence of the sound characteristic of the engine operation and the mechanical operation of the tracks/wheels on the angle of view on ground vehicles has been added. Implemented for 3rd person view on player's vehicle on both allied and enemy vehicles.
  • For a player's aircraft, the mechanical sounds of the gun have been added at a specific viewing angle when seen from third person.
  • For a player's aircraft, as seen from the third person, during shooting, with the camera position opposite the gun barrel, the sounds of the bullets have been added.
  • Added sounds of dropping cases, for aircraft standing on the ground or slowly moving on the surface.
  • When shooting at the surface of the earth at low speed, or at rest, now there are reverberating tails.
  • The dependence of the sound character of shots for Allied / enemy aircraft has been added, depending on the distance of hits.
  • The cockpit canopy now strongly filters out external sounds, greatly reducing their intensity.
  • The sound of shots within sight of the cockpit now consist of two main components. These are shots outside the aircraft, filtered by the cockpit's canopy, and the jolts / blows of the machine gun / gun mechanisms located in the structure of the aircraft.
  • If the breech mechanism exists in the cockpit, the mechanical operation of the gun will be audible during the shot.
  • In turrets on aircraft, from the first person view, the mechanical sounds of of the gun and turret will now be heard.
  • The mechanical sounds have changed when shooting from machine guns in ground vehicles, when seen from the first person.
  • Changed the nature of the reverberation in the cockpit more realistically, with the cockpit canopy closed.
  • When you open the cockpit canopy, the cockpit reverb smoothly goes into the reverberation of the open space.
  • If there is an open turret on the aircraft, and a view from the first person is available, the reverb and the sound environment will be the same for an open cockpit.
  • The sound of the mechanics of the aircraft turret has been added as it rotates, when viewed from the first person.
  • With overloads, the character of the sound of the engine of the aircraft changes slightly, when observed from the cockpit.
  • After launching a rocket, when switching to the camera following the rocket, you can now hear the sound of the rocket engine, depending on the viewing angle.
  • The sound of impact on the aircraft frame when landing on any hard surface has been added.
  • The sound of the aircraft rolling on a hard surfaces has been added in 3rd person view and cockpit.
  • The sound of pneumatic brakes on the frame undercarriage from within the cockpit of aircraft has been added.
  • Sound corrections for ground vehicle cannons equipped with muzzle brakes have been made.

New locations and missions

  • Italy - new location for combined battles.
  • Ladoga - new location for air battles. Two missions: “Frontline” and “Air Supremacy”.
  • [Domination] Wallonia - new mission for the “Ardennes” location.

Location and mission updates

  • Ground vehicles Location “Karelia” and partially on “Ireland” — Vegetation have been changed.
  • Ground vehicles Location “Kursk” — Gardens in the village have been added.
  • Hürtgen ground battles location - balancing and visual changes.
  • Ardennes ground battles location - small town added to the central part of the location, number of bushes and smaller trees has been reduced.
  • Zhengzhou air battles location - many corrections for roads and bridges.

Naval locations and missions

  • African gulf - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Arabian Gulf - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Fiji - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Northern Port - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Irish bay - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Mediterranean Port - Naval location for combined battles.
  • North sea - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Norway - Naval location for combined battles.
  • Andaman Sea - Naval location for combined battles.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

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  • For ground vehicles with blowout ammunition panels, new fire mechanics have been introduced. Fires in compartments with blowout panels can not be put out with FPE if the ammo is on fire, and will instead go out after the propellant charges burn out (15-30 secs). However, fires may start in other parts of the vehicle. If the armoured protection of the ammo load is struck, it won't be able to protect the crew from the fire and the vehicle will subsequently be lost.
  • the order of ammunition use has been specified for the following vehicles:
    • Nb.Fz
    • M16 MGMC
    • M15A1 CGMC
    • all M4 with 76mm cannon
    • M2A4, M2A4 1st.Arm.Div.
    • M3 Stuart
    • Charioteer Mk.7
    • M8 Scott, M5A1
    • M4A5, Pz.III N
    • M4A3 (105)
    • T14
    • Churchill Mk.VII
    • Valentine Mk.IX
    • Valentine Mk.XI
    • 3 inch Gun Carrier
    • Archer, SU-5-1
    • Chi-Ri II
  • StuG III F - The amount of ammunition has been changed from 54 to 44 shots. Source: Panzer Tracts 8 - Sturmgeschuetz - S.Pak to Sturmmoerser
  • Fire rate has been changed from 7 to 8 shots per minute for the following vehicles. Source: TM 9-2300 ARTILLERY MATERILEL and Associated Equipment. Department of the Army May 1949 // TM 9-374 90-MM GUNS M3 AND M3A1 FOR COMBAT VEHICLES August 1950 // RAC Technical Situation Report No. 38, Sept. 18, 1945
    • M26
    • M26 T99
    • M26 Ariete
    • M46
    • M46 Tiger
    • ST-A1
    • ST-A2
    • Type 61
    • M18 Super Hellcat, M36
  • IS-3 - Fire rate has been changed from 2.8 to 3 shots per minute. Source: Руководство по Материальной части и Эксплуатации танка ИС-3, 1955.
  • Rate of fire has been increased from 7 to 8 shots per minute for the following vehicles. Source: Documentation W127, Waffen-Arsenal #16, Die Deutschen Kampfwagen Kanonen 1935-1945
    • Tiger II (P)
    • Tiger II (H)
    • Tiger (H) Sla
  • The mechanics for first-order ammunition racks have been added for these rank IV vehicles.
    • ST-A1
    • ST-A2
    • Type 61
    • M41
    • Ru251
    • Tiger II (P)
    • Tiger II (H)
    • Tiger II (H) Sla
    • Black Prince
    • Centurion Mk.1
    • Centurion Mk.3
    • Strv 81 (Rb.52)
    • Caernarvon
    • FV4202
    • FV4004
    • M18 Super Hellcat
    • M26
    • M26E1
    • M36
    • M41
    • M46
    • M46 Tiger
    • T26E1-1
    • T-34-100
    • T-34-85 (C-53)
    • T-44-100
    • T-44
  • Pz.III J1/L/M - Ammunition loadfout has been changed from 92 to 84 shots. Source: Panzer Tracts No.3-3 - Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf.J, L, M und N - development and production from 1941 to 1943
  • The thickness of the frame material has been increased from 1 to 30 mm of structural steel for the following vehicles :
    • ZiS-12 (94-KM)
    • ZiS-43, GAZ-AAA (4M)
    • GAZ-AAA (DShK)
    • GAZ-MM (72-K)
    • YAG-10 (29-K)
    • Type 94
  • M82 shell for T15 series cannons has been renamed to T41. Source: RAC - AFV Situation Report No. 32 // RAC - Issue 20 Section A3 Report
  • M551 - Turret rotating speed has been changed from 24 to 40 degrees per seconds. Source: Trials of conventional armament on US Sheridan M551 Report TR 119/1, FVRDE, 1970
  • Type 74 - Engine power index has been changed from 830 to 720 hp. Source: 戦後の日本戦車POSTWAR JAPANESE TANKS, Author:古是光春 Furuze Mituharu、一戸崇雄 Itinohe Takao // 陸上自衛隊のMBT(MBT OF JGSDF),Author 高橋 昇、野木恵一、城島健二
  • Type 87 - Engine power index has been changed from 750 to 720 hp. Source: 戦後の日本戦車POSTWAR JAPANESE TANKS, Author:古是光春 Furuze Mituharu、一戸崇雄 Itinohe Takao // 陸上自衛隊のMBT(MBT OF JGSDF),Author 高橋 昇、野木恵一、城島健二
  • SU-152 - Number of respawns in SB mode has been changed to 2.
  • 37mm SA18 cannon (FCM.36/H.35) - Fire rate has been changed from 10 to 19.2 shots per minute. Source: INSTRUCTION SUR L'ARMEMENT ET LE TIR DANS LES UNITÉS DE CHARS LÉGERS, Ministère de la Guerre – Division de l’Infanterie, Imprimerie Nationale (1937) // ARMEMENT DES CHARS ET VÉHICULES BLINDÉS - État-Major de l'Armée - Section de l'Armement et des Études Techniques. SHAT Carton 7 N 4205-2 SAET - Chars et armements anti-chars
  • 37mm SA38 cannon (R.39/H.39) - Fire rate has been changed from 10 to 15 shots per minute. Source: INSTRUCTION SUR L'ARMEMENT ET LE TIR DANS LES UNITÉS DE CHARS LÉGERS, Ministère de la Guerre – Division de l’Infanterie, Imprimerie Nationale (1937) // ARMEMENT DES CHARS ET VÉHICULES BLINDÉS - État-Major de l'Armée - Section de l'Armement et des Études Techniques. SHAT Carton 7 N 4205-2 SAET - Chars et armements anti-chars
  • Maus, E-100 - The material of the front turret part armour has been corrected from cast to rolled homogeneous armour. Source: Panzer Tracts No. 6-3 Schwere Panzerkampfwagen Maus and E100 von Thomas L. Jentz and Hillary L. Doyle // "Kampfpanzer Maus Der Überschwere Panzer Porsche Typ 205" by Michael Fröhlich // "Spezial-Panzerfahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres" By Walter Spielberger
  • CCKW 353 AA - A bug with lack of the overheating of the gun during prolonged firing has been fixed.
  • 105 mm T32 shell (105 mm T5E1/T5E2) - Type of shell has been changed from APBC to APCBC. Source: Table of Form Factors of Projectiles by H.P. HITCHCOCK // AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF DATA ON ARMOR PENETRATION BY TANK-FIRED, KINETIC ENERGY PROJECTILES
  • 8.8cm Pzgr.39/43 (8.8cm KwK.43/PaK.43) - Penetration values for the angles of the encounter between shell and armour has been corrected. Source: Dokumentation W 127: Datenblätter für Heeres-Waffen, Fahrzeuge, Gerät // DIE VORGÄNGE BEIM BESCHUß VON PANZERPLATTEN, Lilienthalgesellschaft für Luftfahrtforschung 166 (Berlin 1943)
    • 30 degrees (increased)
      • 10m: 185 >200
      • 100m: 183 >197
      • 500m: 173 >186
      • 1000m: 161 >173
      • 1500m: 150 >161
      • 2000m: 139 >149
    • 60 degrees (reduced):
      • 10m: 105 >80
      • 100m: 103 >79
      • 500m: 97 >75
      • 1000m: 91 >69
      • 1500m: 85 >65
      • 2000m: 78 >60
  • 8.8cm Pzgr. (8.8cm Flak.37/KwK.36) - Penetration values for the angles of the encounter between shell and armour has been corrected. Source: Dokumentation W 127: Datenblätter für Heeres-Waffen, Fahrzeuge, Gerät // DIE VORGÄNGE BEIM BESCHUß VON PANZERPLATTEN, Lilienthalgesellschaft für Luftfahrtforschung 166 (Berlin 1943)
    • 30 degrees (slightly reduced)
      • 10m: 115 >111
      • 100m: 114 >110
      • 500m: 101 >97
      • 1000m: 93 >89
      • 1500m: 82 >79
      • 2000m: 79 >76
    • 60 degrees (reduced):
      • 10m: 65 >50
      • 100m: 64 >49
      • 500m: 57 >43
      • 1000m: 52 >40
      • 1500m: 46 >35
      • 2000m: 44 >34
  • 12.8cm Pzgr. (12.8cm K.40) - Penetration values for the angles of the encounter between shell and armour has been corrected. Source: Dokumentation W 127: Datenblätter für Heeres-Waffen, Fahrzeuge, Gerät
    • 30 degrees (slightly increased)
      • 10m: 178 >189
      • 100m: 177 >187
      • 500m: 158 >168
      • 1000m: 138 >146
      • 1500m: 120 >128
      • 2000m: 105 >111
    • 60 degrees (reduced):
      • 10m: 101 >95
      • 100m: 100 >94
      • 500m: 89 >84
      • 1000m: 78 >73
      • 1500m: 68 >64
      • 2000m: 59 >56
  • 10.5cm Pzgr.Rot (10.5cm KwK L/68) - The designation for the shell has been specified (was previously designated as Pzgr.39). Penetration values for the angles of the encounter between shell and armour has been corrected. (Source)
    • 30 degrees (slightly increased)
      • 10m: 195 >210
      • 100m: 192 >207
      • 500m: 184 >198
      • 1000m: 171 >184
      • 1500m: 161 >173
      • 2000m: 152 >164
    • 60 degrees (reduced):
      • 10m: 110 >84
      • 100m: 109 >83
      • 500m: 104 >79
      • 1000m: 97 >74
      • 1500m: 91 >69
      • 2000m: 86 >66
  • 94mm Shot Mk.1 (32pdr Ordnance QF) - Initial speed of the shell has been changed from 1043 to 929 m/sec. Penetration values for the angles of the encounter between shell and armour has been corrected. Source: WO 291_1439 Vol 1 British tanks
    • 30 degrees (slightly increased):
      • 10m: 192 >200
      • 100m: 188 >196
      • 500m: 180 >187
      • 1000m: 167 >174
      • 1500m: 157 >163
      • 2000m: 149 >155
    • 60 degrees (reduced):
      • 10m: 108 >83
      • 100m: 106 >81
      • 500m: 102 >78
      • 1000m: 94 >72
      • 1500m: 89 >68
      • 2000m: 84 >64
  • 12.7mm BS-41 bullet - Armour penetration has been increased, mm:
    • 10m: 27 >29
    • 500m: 25 >27
    • 1000m: 17 >25
    • 1500m: 7 >11.
    • Source: Справочник по патронам стрелкового оружия Советской армии, 1965.
  • 120mm L31 HESH (120mm L11) - The weight of explosive mass has been changed from 3.1 to 4.1 kg. Source: Department of Defense, Intelligence Production Program Projectile and Warhead Identification Guide - Foreign
  • AMX M4/AMX-50 - The thickness of the hull side has been changed from 30 to 40 mm. Source: Swedish translation of french description of AMX M4 with St.chamond prototype 100 mm turret (January 1951) // Swedish datasheet for production model AMX 50, 1951.
  • AMX-50 - Ammunition loadout for the cannon has been changed from 49 to 50 shots. Source: Swedish datasheet for production model AMX 50, 1951.
  • Churchill Mk.III - The thickness of the armour of the turret top has been changed from 18 to 19.05 mm. Source: Churchill IV Typical for I, II,III, V & VI Drawing No: TD.5912, 1943 Aug., WO 194/105, The National Archives, Kew
  • M4A5 - The armour values for following zones have been changed, mm:
    • turret top: 25.4 > 38.1
    • side and rear of the turret: 63.5 > 69.85
    • Source: Canadian Army Microfilms Reel 72.3
  • Crusader Mk.II - Depression angle of the gun has been changed from -12 to -15 degrees. Source: Crusader Cruiser Tank Mk VI, Gawrych Wojciech J, Armor Photogallery // AFV Weapons Profile 8: Crusader Cruiser Mk VI, James Bingham, Profile Publications
  • T114 - loading mechaniсs have been corrected. First order ammo rack has been added which means no delay until the full 3-shot “magazine” is fired to start reloading.
  • Crusader Mk.II/Mk.III - Turret rotation speed has been increased from 16 to 36 degrees per minute. Source: Crusader I, ICS, II, IICS & III Instruction book, Cat.No.62/438.
  • M60 - Armour values for the upper frontal part of the hull has been changed from 108 to 93 mm. Source: Ballistic Protection Analysis of M60 Series Tanks.
  • Chieftain Mk.3 - Engine power has been changed from 650 to 660 hp. Source: The Chieftain Tank Engine. London: HMSO
  • Chieftain Mk.5 - Engine power has been changed from 720 to 760 hp. Source: The Chieftain Tank Engine. London: HMSO
  • Strv 81 - The designation has been refined. Current - Strv 81 (Rb.52)
  • Т-44 - The angle of cannon elevation has been changed from 28 to 20 degrees. Source: Боевые машины Уралвагонзавода - Т-54/Т-55 Издатели: Управление информации и связи с общественностью ФГУП «Производственное объединение «Уралвагонзавод»
  • AMX-50 Surbaisse - The ability to turn vehicle whilst in neutral has been added.
  • Type 61 - The ability to turn vehicle whilst in neutral has been removed. Source: 戦後の日本戦車POSTWAR JAPANESE TANKS, Author:古是光春 Furuze Mituharu、一戸崇雄 Itinohe Takao // 陸上自衛隊のMBT(MBT OF JGSDF),Author 高橋 昇、野木恵一、城島健二
  • Type 60 SPRG - Maximum speed has been changed from 48 to 55 km/h. The designation of the cannon and sighting machine guns has been fixed. Depression angle of the cannon has been changed from -15 to -20 degrees. Source: 制式要綱 60式自走106mm無反動砲(c) D8004C (Formula outline of Type 60 Self-propelled 106 mm Recoilless Gun (C), D 8004C).
  • Begleitpanzer 57 - Modification “Laser rangefinder” has been added. The stacking capacity of the first-order ammo racks has been changed from 24 to 48 shots. Source: HENSCHEL Wehrtechnik Begleitpanzer 57 mm,Thyssen-Henschel-Bofors
  • YAG-10 (29-K) - Following parameters have been refined and fixed:
    • Mass has been changed from 12.2 to 10.5 t;
    • Speed has been changed from 70 to 42 km/h;
    • Ammunition has been changed from 40 to 48 shots.
    • Source: "Краткое описание зенитной моторизированной установки 29к" 1935
  • MBT/KPz-70, T-64A, T-64Б, M1 Abrams, Leopard 2K, Challenger 1 The accuracy of the stabilizer when firing at low speeds has been increased.
  • FV438, Type 60 ATM, FV102 - Modifications “Horizontal Drive” and “Elevation Mechanism” have been removed.
  • The designation for the Browning M1919A4 machine gun has been changed for British ground vehicles to L3A1.
  • Kugelblitz - The power scheme of cannons has been refined. Belts with 600 rounds for each cannon have been changed to belts with 100 rounds. Reloading speed has been changed from 50 to 10 seconds. Source: Gepard. The history of German Anti-Aircraft Tanks. Walter J. Spielberger.
  • The designation for M15A1 CGMC has been fixed. (previously designated as M15 CGMC). Source: Catalogue of Standard Ordnance Items, Second Edition, 1944.
  • HESH - The values of the slope effect for HESH shells have been revised and refined. Now the efficiency of these shells increases with the hit angle and reaches a maximum value at an angle of 60 degrees. Source: AD001531 "Ballistic Research Laboratory, Transactions of Symposium on Shaped Charges" Nov 1951 // AD309203 "Function and Spall Characteristics of 90mm, T142E3, HEP Shell, Comp A3-Loaded and Fuzed with BD M91A1 Fuze" July 1959 // AD99939 "Test of Shell HEP T170e3 for 76mm Gun T91" June 1956 // AD305131 Effects of Size and Shape of inert Pads on HEP Shell Performance, Apr 1959 // Army Operational Research Group, Memorandum E.13, Tank Effectiveness, Conqueror, Conway and Charioteer
  • The surface resistance for all wheeled vehicles has been reduced.
  • A turret torn apart by an explosion of the ammunition lager is now a synchronized physical object and can interact with vehicles and shells. Now they can be used as additional protection.
  • The icon "Crew replenishment" for Italian ground vehicles has been changed.
  • The effects of hits on various objects for all tank missiles and smoke shells have been reworked.
  • The visual part of the shot of the tank cannon near water has been improved.
  • Type-87, Flakpz I Gepard , Marksman: The selective power for automatic guns has been defined. For AAA it is now possible to switch between two types: primary and external. The belt of sub-caliber ammunition now consists of only 20 rounds per barrel and is always considered to be external.
  • Churchill Mk.III/VII, 3-inch Gun Carrier, Black Prince: Shelves, boxes on the rear of the turret and other elements have been added to the DM.
  • Armoured Car Mk II AA — The thickness of the armour of the turret and breech has been refined.
  • Heavy tank No.6 - Depression angle of the gun in the sectors where it can not lower but due to the presence of grenade launchers.
  • Type 60 ATM, Sd.Kfz.234/2, T18E2 - Opportunities for active scouting and repairing for allies have been added. Modifications "Air Strike" and "Improved optics" have been added.
  • AMX30 (all modifications) - Depression angle of the machine gun paired with the cannon (-8 +40) have been specified.
  • Tiger II (all modifications) — The armour of the machine guns ports in the front hull have been refined and reworked.
  • Panther (all modifications) — The position of the ammunition has been refined.
  • Jagdpanther (all modifications) — The position and amount of ammunition has been refined.
  • Pz.II (all modifications) — The position of the ammunition has been refined.
  • Matilda Mk.II — The position of the ammunition has been refined.
  • Conqueror — New modification “Additional ballistic protection package” has been added.
  • Magach 3 — New modification of the dynamic protection “Blazer” and the smoke screen system have been added.

Aircraft model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

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  • A bug where occasionally “mean time between failures” effect value of the new MG and cannon modifications was displayed lower than it actually was has been fixed.
  • Bf 109 G2 - Armoured plate thickness (that protects fuel tank) has been corrected from 21mm to 27mm
  • Ju 87D-5 - Modifications “offensive 7mm MGs” “New 7mm MGs” have been added for 7.92mm MGs in gun pods for 7.92 WB-81B machine guns.
  • SB2C-4, SB2C-5, F8F-1B - Modifications “offensive 12mm MGs” “New 12mm MGs” have been added for 12.7mm MGs in gun pods for 12.7mm DGP-1 machine guns.
  • OS2U (all modifications) - Guidance angles for the defensive turret have been adjusted (source).
  • TBF-1C - Guidance angles for the defensive turret have been adjusted (source 1), (source 2).
  • Avenger Mk.II -Guidance angles for the defensive turret have been adjusted (source 1), (source 2).
  • A-35B Bomb reload time in the crew menu has been corrected (source)
  • N1K2 Ja - Some missing information about the offensive weapons in x-ray view has been added (source).
  • Ki-87 - The nomenclature of bomb weaponry has been changed (source).
  • Ki-49 (all modifications) - Bomb load with 800 kg bomb has been removed according to the data sheet (source)
  • SB-2M-100 - Dep-19 modification has been removed. RP or GE spent on unlocking the modification will be refunded.
  • Whirlwind Mk I - External bomb weaponry has been added (source).
  • Ki-27 otsu - Additional fuel tanks has been removed (source 1), (source 2).
  • Leo 451 early - The guidance angles of the defensive weaponry have been adjusted.
  • Lincoln B.Mk.II - Bomb load 14х1000lb has been added (source).
  • Ki-61 (all modifications) - Information about the fuel tanks armour has been corrected (source).
  • Il-28 - Armour has been refined (source).
  • D4Y (all modifications) - Bombing weaponry has been adjusted and corrected according to naval and army types.
  • Kikka - Bombing preset with 800 kg armour piercing bomb has been removed.
  • F6F (all modifications) - Mk.13 torpedo has been changed to Mk.13/44 torpedo.
  • P-80A-5 - Renamed to F-80A-5.
  • B-29 - Bomb drop order has been corrected.
  • I-16 (type 24,27,28) - Armour has been corrected (source).
  • Breda 88 (P.XI) - The camera of defensive weaponry has been refined (source).
  • Ki-67 - Armour has been added (source).
  • FW 190 A-8 - Armour when using R-8 modification has been added.
  • Ki-102 otsu - Type of the aircraft has been changed (source).
  • Fw 190 A-8 (USA) - The information about the engine in the X-Ray view has been fixed.
  • Yer-2 (all modifications) - Opening of a bomb-bay in the presence of a bomb ordnance interfering with the opening of the bomb-bay doors has been fixed.
  • Ki-45 otsu - The information of the change to the time between failures for a 37mm Type 94 cannon has been adjusted.
  • Ki-108 - Air start has been added.
  • Su-6 (АМ-42) - Bomb setup with 4x100 kg has been added. The unavailability of bombs for the modification of DZ-40 has been fixed (variants with 6x100 and 2x250 kg are available when using 23mm VYA-23 guns).
  • He 111 H-6 — Separate bomb dropping for 1000 kg bombs has been added.
  • He 111 H-16 — Separate bomb dropping for 1000 kg bombs has been added.
  • P-47 (all modifications) - Air respawn has been removed.
  • Hudson Mk.V - Display of chassis racks has been fixed.
  • Me 163 B - Display of the rotor rotating in the hangar has been fixed.
  • LaGG-3-34 - Display of the ammunition for NS-37 cannon in the X-Ray view has been fixed.
  • Ju 88 A-4 - Display of crew in the X-Ray view has been fixed.
  • Yak-2, Yak-4, I-29 - Oil tanks, oil coolers and aircraft damage model have been separated.
  • P-38E - Display of the broken glazing of the cockpit canopy has been fixed.
  • He 51 (all modifications) - Display of the flaps position in the cabin view has been fixed.
  • The disappearance of exhaust effect on multi-engine aircraft when losing one engine has been fixed.
  • Interference of different modules in the X-Ray view has been fixed.
  • Yak-9UT - Display with the modification of interchangeable guns in the X-Ray view has been fixed .
  • Yak-17 - Lack of DM for fuel tanks have been added.
  • Lincoln B Mk II - 14х1000 lbs bomb load has been added
  • He 177 — The PC 1400 Х (Fritz X) controlled bomb has been added. You can aim by adjusting the pitch and yaw axes. The control of the bomb is implemented in a similar way to how rudder controls work, with the point on which the bomb will land being indicated by the bombsight crosshair. Crosshair risks (the lines of the crosshair) indicate the zone in which the aerodynamic capabilities of the controlled bomb allow you to correct its course to the intended target. So for example, the closer you are to the ground, the less adjustments will be possible.
  • The nomenclature of ammunition has been completely redesigned - ShVAK cannon and B-20, turret-mounted ShVAK and B-20 — API-T round has been removed (Armor-piercing incendiary tracer). This projectile was not produced and was not used in the USSR.
    • Universal turret belts are replaced with “armoured targets”. Belts that have been updated:
      • Early variant before 1941
        • Default: T-HEFI
        • Tracers: T-HEFI-I
        • Air: HE-HEFI-HE-T
        • Stealth: HEF-HEF
      • Post 1941
        • Default: (without changes)
        • Universal:
          • New: FIT-HEF-API-FIT
          • Old: FIT-HEF-HEF-HEFI-API
        • Armored targets:
          • New: API-FIT-API-API
          • Old: APIT-БЗ-FIT
        • Tracers:
          • New: FIT-FIT-FIT
          • Old: APIT-HEF-FIT
        • Stealth: (without changes)
        • Ground targets:
          • New: HEF-FIT-API
          • Old: HEFI-HEF-APIT
      • For turret mounted ShVAK and B-20 cannons:
        • Default:
          • New: FIT-HEF
          • Old: FIT-API
        • Armored targets: FIT-API-API
        • Universal:
          • New: API-HIT-HEF
          • Old: APIT-API
        • Air targets:
          • New: FIT-HEF-HEFI
          • Old: HEF-APIT
  • I-16 type 27, I-16 type 28, I-153P — The type of belts and the order of rounds inside belts for ShVAK cannons have been changed to early variant (before 1941).
  • DGP-1 - Display of electrical cables has been fixed; the weight of the container has been fixed (source)
  • Mk 108 cannon - Cannon mass has been adjusted (source).
  • Mk 103 cannon - Ignition-tracer ammunition has been changed to incendiary ammunition.
  • BK 3.7 cannon - The mass of ammunition has been corrected.
  • S-21 rocket — Mass and type of explosive filler has been specified.

Flight Model changes

View full list

  • Nimrod (all modifications), Fury (all modifications) - Geometry data updated. Aerodynamic characteristics of wing, fuselage and tail corrected, polars have been tuned. Amount of fuel and weapon load now affect centre of gravity more correctly. Aircraft speed values and power rating updated. Landing-gear shock absorber stiffness has been tuned. Fuel consumption rates have been corrected. Thermodynamics updated.
  • Nimrod Mk II: WEP modification added
  • Re.2000 int – WEP modification added
  • Beaufort / Blenheim / Mosquito - Geometry data updated. Aerodynamic characteristics of wing, fuselage and tail corrected, polars have been tuned. Mass values of different aircraft parts updated, separate fuel tanks enabled, amount of fuel and weapon load now affect centre of gravity more correctly. Aircraft may stay afloat for some time after emergency landing on water surface. Thermodynamics updated. Propulsion system performance updated. Controllability and maneuverability in mouse-aim mode have been improved.
  • F8F1 / F8F1-B - Geometry data updated. Aerodynamic characteristics of wing, fuselage and tail corrected, polars have been tuned. Mass values of different aircraft parts updated, separate fuel tanks enabled, amount of fuel and weapon load now affect centre of gravity more correctly. Aircraft may stay afloat for some time after emergency landing on water surface. Thermodynamics updated. Propulsion system performance updated. F8F-1 engine reworked for 70"Hg. WEP modification added.
  • Ki-27 otsu - Geometry data updated. Aerodynamic characteristics of wing, fuselage and tail corrected, polars have been tuned. Mass values of different aircraft parts updated, separate fuel tanks enabled, amount of fuel and weapon load now affect centre of gravity more correctly.
  • Yaк-9u/ut/p, Yaк-3 VК-107 - Impact air pressure affects engine altitude more.
  • J7W1 - Rudder efficiency has been reduced, center of mass has been improved as well as performance at high angles-of-attack, controllability in AB has become “smoother”.
  • Kikka - New Ishikawajima Ne-20 Kai engine with increased rpm and up to 650 kg thrust at sea level in take-off mode. Take-off booster thrust has been increased to 800 kg each. Their operating time has been reduced see the full data in the datasheet.
  • F9F-8 - Intermediate flaps position has been removed according to aircraft flight manual. “New boosters” modification performance has been corrected (modification now also affects rudder performance)
  • MiG-9,9P,15,15bis,17 - Flap combat position has been removed according to Technical Description.
  • Whirlwind Mk I - Fuel consumption rate has been corrected.
  • Seafire FR 47 - Flap take-off position has been added according to aircraft flight manual.
  • MD.452 IIA - the name of the engine manufacturer has been corrected
  • F4F-3/4 - Flap block added when the speed exceeds 130 MPH according to aircraft flight manual. Engine power chart error has been corrected.
  • P-51H-5NA - Engine altitude characteristics at the second speed of the supercharger has been corrected
  • P-47 (all modifications) - fuel dope consumption rate has been increased (WEP time of operation has been reduced)
  • Кi-87 - Altitude performance of the turbo compressor and engine has been updated (engine power has been increased to 1850 HP at critical alt. see the full data in the datasheet).
  • ltitude) I-185 (all modifications) - Non-combat engine modes have been tuned. Thermodynamics updated. Centre of mass and inertia updated, max g-load value has been increased. Breaking system force has been increased.
  • SNEB rockets, T10 - Characteristics of French rockets has been corrected (mass, additional air resistance of the pods, engine characteristics).
  • FW-190A/D Ta-152C/H - Controllability using instructor mode has been improved. Automatic mode “rear tank-front tank” replaced with “front tank - rear tank”. Which causes pilot to experience more G load than before (no matter how much fuel is filled). Stability has been improved with full controls in all modes. Volume of the supplying tank has been reduced, thus the time of flight at negative G has also been reduced. Landing gear suspension travel has been recalculated and causes less “bouncing” during landing
  • Bf-109z - tuned according to the datasheet
  • Bf-110c-7 - tuned according to the datasheet
  • Bf-110f-2 - tuned according to the datasheet
  • Bf-110g-2 - tuned according to the datasheet
  • IAR-81C - tuned according to the datasheet
  • Re-2000 GA - tuned according to the datasheet
  • Ki-32 - tuned according to the datasheet
  • F4U-7 - tuned according to the datasheet
  • Leo-451_late - tuned according to the datasheet
  • P-40F - tuned according to the datasheet
  • FJ-4B - tuned according to the datasheet
  • IL-28Sh - tuned according to the datasheet

Economy and research

  • The cost of aircraft torpedoes has been reduced.
  • Sd.Kfz.234/2 - moved to 2nd tier.
  • Marder III / Marder III H - Have been grouped in the research tree in one group.
  • BMP-1 - Has been moved to rank V before Object 906.
  • Object 906 - Has been moved to rank VI after BMP-1. Battle Rating has been changed for all game modes from 7.3 to 8.0.
  • Daimler AC Mk.II - Has been moved from the AAA line and placed after the Tetrarch Mk.I and before Valentine Mk.I.
  • Bf 110 C-4 the modification has been renamed to Bf 110 C-7 and moved to rank II.
  • Do 217 J-1, Do 217 J-2 — moved to rank I and added to a group in research tree.
  • BR Changes:
  • FW 190 D-13:
    • AB: 6.0 → 5.7
    • RB: 5.7 → 5.3
    • SB: 5.7 → 5.3
  • FW 190 D-12:
    • AB: 6.3 → 6.0
    • RB: 5.7 → 5.3
    • SB: 5.7 → 5.3
  • Do 217 J-1:
    • AB: 3.0 → 2.7
    • RB: 3.0 → 2.7
    • SB: 3.3 → 3.0
  • Do 217 J-2:
    • RB: 3.0 → 2.7
    • SB: 3.3 → 3.0
  • P-38J-15 Richard Bong:
    • RB: 4.0 → 4.3


  • US and German decals have been moved to separate groups: USA: USA (tanks), Germany, Germany (tanks).
  • The ability to ‘mirror’ decals on vehicles has been added.
  • Setting enabling automatic selection of camouflage on ground vehicles has been added to the menu in "customization" of ground vehicles.
  • New feature “Protections analysis” has been added to the armour view mode. Select a potential enemy tank specify the shell type and the range of fire. By moving the cursor over the ground vehicle armour you can find out the probability of penetration, the equivalent of protection from the specified ammunition and also damage depending on the distance of the attack, the angle of the hit (corresponds to the direction of the view in the hangar).
  • The ability to display the camouflage on a damaged vehicle model has been added in the “Customization” menu (show damaged model). For aircraft, with the help of the cursor it is possible to specify the separate damaged element of a covering.
  • The names of some ground vehicles and aircraft in the research trees, and some armament, have been adjusted.

Game mechanics

  • Delays implemented for ground vehicle active modification use, 15-second for fire-fighting equipment and 60-second for crew replenishment. The timer starts from the endpoint use of fire extinguisher or replenishment of the crew member, respectively.
  • The conditions for gaining the battle award “Scouting” have been changed - the award will be given for destruction of a target by an ally which has been scouted by the player.
  • The conditions for gaining the battle award “According to Intelligence” have been changed - award will be given for the destruction of enemy vehicles based on the allied scouting results.
  • New battle award “Help with Repairing” has been added - the award will be given for helping an ally with repairing of their vehicle not more than 3 times in one battle.
  • New battle tasks have been added:
  • “One Step Ahead” - receive the required number of times the battle award “According to Intelligence”.
  • “Scout” - receive the required number of times the battle award “Scouting”.
  • “Set to Work” - receive the required number of times the battle award “Help with Repairing”.
  • Changes in the PvE-missions “Assault”:
  • Daily award for aircraft and ground vehicle assault is not related and you can get them both within one day.
  • Universal backup vehicle for appropriate type of the vehicles (aircraft/ground vehicle) has been added to the award for victory.
  • Number of enemies in the attacker waves depends on the number of players remaining in the session.
  • The minimum number of players needed to start the event has been reduced.
  • Changes in the PvE-mission “Assault. Tank arcade”:
  • Mission in the location “Maginot Line” has been added. In this mission players will fight against French vehicles controlled by AI (1-5 difficulty level).
  • Mission in the location “Fulda” has been added. In this mission players will fight against vehicles of NATO controlled by AI (6th difficulty level).
  • After successful completion of enemy waves, several selectable bonuses which will restore all modules, crew and ammunition and will give additional use of the FPE and crew replenishment will spawn around the base. On the 1st and 2nd difficulty level there are no more than two bonuses after each wave, on the 3rd no more than 3 and so on. At the same time there can be no more than 10 bonuses in the location.
  • The algorithm for the loss of the player's team points when the enemy is inside the defended sector and algorithm for calculating bonuses based on the result of each wave have been changed. Now these parameters will change not intermittently once per wave but by arithmetic progression.
  • AI tanks will now use different shells.
  • Loss of ammunition in AI tanks will not allow them to fire on players.
  • The number of AI aircraft attacking players has been reduced.

Known Issues:

  • Errors may occur with the general protection rating in the Protection Analysis function. In the event that the overall protection dimension shows greater values ​​(more than 1000mm equivalent) this refers to primary modules (engine, cannon etc) where the tank crew and other lesser modules are not damaged.
  • T-62M-1 may display texture issues and glitches.

Smaller updates that came afterwards


  • Game crash caused by viewing a damaged model of the vehicle has been fixed.
  • P-36 (all modifications) - The position of the main landing gear stalks has been fixed.


  • XM-1 (GM) - The mechanics of controllable suspension has been added (clearance only). The ammo use order of ammunition consumption has been refined. Now with a minimum amount of shells taken into a battle, these will be placed behind knock-out panels.


1st Patch

  • A bug where the actions assigned to the “Alt” button would not work if some other key was also being pushed, has been fixed.
  • A bug relating to vehicle X-Ray view, where low detailed crew members would be shown (as opposed to the normal, higher detailed quality), has been fixed.
  • A bug which would cause client crashes to occur when attempting to view some replays has been fixed.

2nd Patch

  • Type 90 — Possibility to purchase late winter camouflage has been added.
  • A bug where ATGM icons are not displayed in spectator mode has been fixed.
  • A bug with the overlay of the icon and text "Replenishment of first-order ammunition racks” has been fixed.
  • A client crash by returning to the hangar after losing connection has been fixed.

Workshop, change items:

  • Based on the results of the experiment with the exchange of hats for rarer ones we decided to turn off this option for PC players next week. We plan to leave the exchange option for only PS4 players as PS4 players can not purchase/sell a new hat on the market.


  • A bug where the button for artillery strike did not function in terrain view mode has been fixed.


  • Crashfix: Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when entering the bombsight view.
  • Crashfix: Fixed a crash\client becoming unresponsive that occurred occasionally with environmental objects (fences etc) destruction.
  • Optimization: previously, long distant shadows could be rendered additional times, resulting in frame rate drops.


  • T-62M-1, T32 - The order of ammunition use has been specified.
  • XM-803 - A bug with very quick replenishment of the reloading mechanism has been fixed.
  • Challenger 1 - The designations of the machine guns have been corrected.
  • SU-57 - Number of crew members has been changed from 4 to 5.
  • Centurion Mk.5 AVRE - A bug with lack of the crew replacement of the driver with the helper has been fixed.
  • Type 74, XM-1 (GM) - The modification “Range finder” has been changed to the modification “Laser range finder”.
  • 120mm shell L15A3 - An error where the same armour piercing values as the L15A5 were allocated has been corrected.
  • 120mm shell OFL 120 G1 - An error with armour piercing values has been corrected.
    • 10 m: 550 → 500
    • 500 m: 540 → 485
    • 1000 m: 530 → 475
    • 2000 m: 510 → 460
      • Source: GIAT Industries, Systemes d’arme, 2000.
  • AMX-40 - The values of elevation angles have been changed from -10/20 degrees to -7/20 degrees. Source: Encylopédie des chars de combats tome 1 par Marc Chassillan // RAIDS HS N ° 029 COMBAT TANKS IN ACTION T4


  • Opening of Naval battle CBT.
  • Economy: after destroying an enemy vehicle, if the BR difference between an attacking vehicle and its target is more than 1.7 BR, the attacker’s reward in SL will be reduced proportionally to the BR difference. This only applies if the attacker is of higher BR.


A bug related to the flying of aircraft in ground battles, where aircraft guns would be in an overheated state when spawning, has been fixed (source). Some rare errors related to the game lagging/hanging have been fixed.


1st Patch

  • A bug where tank gun accuracy remained degraded after the gun was repaired has been fixed.

2nd Patch

  • Vessel repair costs have been re-calculated, see changes on sheet. Leave your feedback in the Naval forum topic (available for the members of the CBT)


Naval battles CBT :

  • Inconsistencies in the weapon naming has been fixed
  • Traverse speed of the MG and autocannon turrets has been increased
  • Researchable modifications have been updated
  • X-ray view bugs when some modules were not displayed have been fixed
  • Torpedoes propel mode modifications bugs have been fixed
  • Ammo rack detonation conditions and effects have been corrected: detonation and fire in ammo racks(naval magazines) means destruction for the smaller craft. As for destroyers and cruisers, fire means losing ammo and leads to a fire around the storage. If the magazine (ammo rack) is completely destroyed with kinetic damage or by shrapnel it will explode or catch fire.
  • Boat DM have been updated: they are more vulnerable to kinetic damage
  • Crew skill description has been fixed


  • A bug, where the zoom settings from the first person view were not saved when switching to the statistics/map and back, has been fixed.
  • Water rendering performance in aircraft battles has been improved.

Naval battles CBT:

  • A bug where the warning "you will drown“ would wrongly appear due to strong waves has been fixed.
  • Costs for the research and purchasing of ships at initial ranks have been reduced.
  • Rewards and repair costs have been recalculated


  • F4U-7 — Air targets belt added
  • Multi-engined aircraft updated DM: damage of low-calibre auto-cannons against wings has been updated.
  • High-calibre aircraft weaponry - installation of a new weapons module, changes to the firing time until jamming.
  • FJ-4B — Browning-Colt Mk.12 Mod 3. Rate of fire corrected. Incorrect message displayed when wing pylon mounted bombs were prevented from dropping has been fixed. Bombs will now free fall without non existing bomb bay doors.
  • Bomb mass and explosive value for Italian and French bombers has been updated
  • A bug where other crew members couldn't switch to the driver position has been fixed.

Naval battles CBT:

  • Kanonenboot K-2 added to German research tree
  • Bugs with AP belts for 20mm Oerlikon cannons and 12.7mm browning MG research has been fixed
  • A mistake with max speed value in the Trenton cruiser info card has been corrected
  • LCS(l)(3): a bug where HE shells were repeated in the action panel has been fixed
  • Main turret armour has been fixed. Gun shield armour has been fixed.


  • The possibility of exchanging hat coupons in the Workshop for PC players has been disabled and will remain only for PS4 users.
  • In the near future we will add the option for PS4 players to exchange coupons or to exchange them for Warbonds in the workshop. Additionally, PS4 players will have the opportunity to purchase keys for trophy chests using Golden Eagles (this trophy chest is available to PC players on the market)
  • Naval battle keyboard lock error after using in-game chat between screen changes has been fixed.
  • FM - Bf 110 (all modifications) - a bug where max G-load was too low has been fixed.


Naval battle CBT

  • 20mm Vierling and 76-152mm cannon sounds have been fixed.
  • Naval battle keyboard lock error after using in-game chat between screen changes has been fixed.


  • A bug where a ground vehicle continued to burn when FPE equipment had been deployed has been fixed.
  • Performance for “Italy” location has been improved.
  • PS4, Xbox — An option to trade “Country Balls” during the “Spot the Ball!” special has been added.
  • Sounds for the naval 12.7-37mm guns have been improved.


  • A bug where a ground vehicle continued to burn when FPE equipment had been deployed has been fixed.
  • Performance for “Italy” location has been improved.
  • PS4, Xbox — An option to trade “Country Balls” during the “Spot the Ball!” special has been added.
  • Sounds for the naval 12.7-37mm guns have been improved.


Naval battle CBT

  • A bug where some of the shells could not achieve their maximum range has been fixed.
  • The distance at which AI gunners will open fire has been refined:
Calibre, mm Distance, m
7.62/7.92 1500
12.7/15 2000
20/25 2500
30 3000
37/40 4000
57 4500
76 8000
88 9000
102/105 10000
120/127/128 15000
150/152 18000


Naval Battles CBT

  • The uneven distribution of respawn areas on naval maps has been fixed.


Naval CBT changes:

  • The volume of the collision warning sound in naval battles has been reduced, the sound played now reflects distance to the object with which a collision is possible, the volume increases as the vessel approaches the object.
  • Fire alarm klaxon volume now automatically lowers after a short delay when no FPE modification is available.

Other changes:

  • A bug where, after participating in the “A fiery ball” event, the FPS would drop in other ground forces battles, has been fixed.


1st Patch

The setting of what types of camouflage (fictional, unhistorical or historical) a player sees on other player vehicles in a battle has now been expanded to include decals. (Options → Vehicles customization → Show content in the battle).

2nd Patch

Battle rating changes implemented for aircraft and ground vehicles (list in this topic).


  • Type 74 - rate of fire increased from 7 to 9 shots per minute. Source: Japan Defense Agency (September 5, 1974), 仮制式要綱 74式戦車 XD9002 [Construction summary, Type 74 Tank, XD 9002], Japan Defense Agency.
  • 120mm L15A3/L15A5 - penetration values have been corrected. Penetration at normal considerably reduced. Penetration at 60 degrees angles has been increased. Source: DEFE 15/1183 // DEFE 25/576 Future Tank Policy (Pre and Post 1995) // DEFE 70.207 Replacement of Chieftain Tank (Future Main Battle Tank - MBT 80) policy
  • 120 mm L23A1 - penetration values have been corrected. Penetration at normal considerably reduced. Penetration at 60 degree angles have been increased. Source. Challenger db
  • Challenger - tank armour and protection updated. For more information see devblog.
  • Challenger - name corrected to “Challenger Mk.2”
  • T-64B - a bug with reduced protection value of the hull and turret has been fixed. Source "Защита танков" ред. В.А. Григорян изд. МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана // Частные вопросы конечной баллистики" ред. В.А. Григорян изд. МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана // Репорт -
  • Accuracy has been corrected for the following guns:
    • 100-mm D-10Т/S/Т2S
    • 105-mm KwK L/68 cannon
    • 105-mm CN105 F1
    • 105-mm L7 and modifications
    • 105-mm M68 and modifications
    • 115-mm U-5ТS
    • 120-mm GIAT CN120-25 G1
    • 120-mm L11A5
    • 120-mm Rheinmetall L/44
    • 120-mm Type 90
    • 125-mm 2А26
    • 125-mm 2А46М-1
    • 152-mm XM150E5
  • Previously these guns had a spread over 1 mRad at 1000m distance. Now the spread has been corrected to 0.38-0.5 mRad at that distance. Sources: ARTILLERY DIVISION REPORT ON EVALUATION OF PREPRODUCTION SHOT, APDS, 105-MM, M392A1 FOR M68 GUN (U) AD0317307, REPORT NO. DPS/OAC-I/60/2 JUNE 1960 // PERFORMANCE OF CHROME-PLATED 105MM M68 GUN TUBES WITH DISCARDING SABOT AMMUNITION ADA031639 September 1976


Owners of the Soviet Project 1124 MLRS Gunboat will now see the vehicle in their research tree. You will not be able to participate in the current Naval battles, however, it can still be used in test drive. The Soviet research tree will be added very soon.


  • Naval Battles repair cost changes (list in this topic).
  • RP rewards for Naval CBT have been doubled.


  • A bug has been fixed where ground vehicles could be immobilised by minor obstacles, like fences, bushes, etc.;
  • A bug where in AB ground forces, dropped bombs were not visible has been fixed;
  • Rare lagging after activating the “To Battle” button in aircraft battles has been fixed;


Naval battles CBT:

Initial Soviet naval research tree has been added

Torpedo boats:

  • G-5
  • D-3
  • Project 123bis
  • Project 123K “Komsomolets”
  • Project 183
  • Project 206
  • Project 206M

Artillery boats, sea hunters, armoured boats and patrol ships:

  • OD-200
  • MO-4
  • BMO
  • MPK Pr.122A
  • MPK-163
  • Pr.191M
  • Pr.1124 (1940)
  • Pr.1124 (1945)
  • Pr.1124 MLRS (premium)
  • MBK pr.186
  • MBK-161 (1944)
  • Pr. 1204 late
  • SKR Pr. 159


Light cruiser:

  • "Krasny Kavkaz"

Fixed bugs:

  • Types of ammunition for German shells have been added.
  • Targeting modifications for Primary Armament, Auxiliary Armament and Anti-Air Armament have been fixed.
  • The number of crew members for the cruiser Emden has been changed from 464 to 582.
  • Maximum speed of the cruiser Emden has been changed from 44.4 km/h (24 knots) to 54.4 km/h (29.4 knots).


      • Naval battles CBT:***

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • The number of vehicles that must be purchased for transition to the 3rd rank of the Soviet fleet - now you only need to purchase 2 ships.
  • Reloading time for the DShK machine guns has been changed from 6 to 4 seconds.
  • The conditions for destroying the Soviet G-5 reserve boat have changed. Previously the boat wasn’t destroyed even after all modules had been knocked out.
  • Project 123bis and Project 123K Komsomolets: the time to reload torpedoes on these Soviet vessels has been changed to 60 seconds.
  • Reduced the cost of buying and researching boats Project 123bis and Project 123K Komsomolets.
  • The rotation speed of turrets on Soviet torpedo and artillery boats of the 1st rank has been increased by 10-15%.
  • A bug occuring in some rare cases when ship gunners were auto-shooting, where they would aim and shoot at incorrect targets, has been fixed.

BR changes (Arcade and Realistic are the same):

  • The BR of the LCS(L)(3) has been changed to 2.7, the ship has also been moved to the end of the 1st rank in the research tree.
  • The BR of the light and heavy SF40 barges have been increased to 2.3.
  • The BR of the K-2 gunboat has been lowered to 3.7.
  • BR changes for Soviet armoured boats:
    • Pr. 191M - 2.0
    • Pr. 1124 (1940) - 2.3
    • Pr. 1124 (1945) - 2.3
    • MBK Pr.186 - 2.7
    • Pr. 1204 Late - 2.7
    • MBK-161 (1944) - 3.0


  • A bug where vehicles on the ground (included aircraft) received reduced damage from bombs and rockets has been fixed (source 1, source 2).
  • A bug where bush decorations were not covered with snow on winter maps has been fixed.
  • A bug where after exit from a “Damaged model preview” the damage was still visible on the vehicle model in the hangar has been fixed.
  • A bug where, in the “Damaged model preview” for aircraft, the engine would start smoking after a while, has been fixed.
  • A bug where use of the “Damaged model preview” in the naval hangar created the playing of random sounds has been fixed.
  • A bug where during a battle in AB ground battles the sound of shooting was still played after switching from the gunner view has been fixed.
  • A bug where, after reloading aircraft rockets a few times, they would no longer produce a visual exploding effect, has been fixed.


On the 13th of August, “Project X” I trophies will stop being dropped in battles and we have turned on the possibility of exchanging 4 trophies of the previous series (“Advancing Storm” I) to the “Project X” trophy in the workshop (available only on PC). The exchange will operate only during this weekend (11th-12th of August) and will be switched off on Monday, the 13th of August.


  • PS4 and XBox One players are now able to purchase keys for the “Storm I” and “Project X” trophies or the trophies themselves for Golden Eagles using the in game item shop. Each trophy contains coupons for one of the following items: a unique camouflage, decal or vehicle.
  • Because of lack of the possibility for PS4 and XBox One players to receive the “Storm I” and “Project X” trophies in random battles in the past, so we enabled this option for a limited time (1 month). The trophies will be dropped within a certain probability and regularity in random battles in all game modes. The minimum requirements for obtaining the trophy are to have at least one vehicle of rank III in the crewed setup and gain 50% or more activity in a battle (except cooperative PvE “Assault” mode).
  • New sections in the workshop are available for PS4 and XBox One players: “Storm I trophy” and “Project X trophy” for the exchange of the coupons of these trophies.
  • Authors of user content included in the “Storm I” and “Project X” trophies will receive their percentage of any proceeds from the sale of the keys for the trophies for Golden Eagles in the in-game shop in GJN (Gaijin Coins).

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds