Difference between revisions of "Update 1.57 "Battle March""

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(Planes were added at later date (initial list is for server update release), so added note on its late addition)
(Fix changelog url, It was pointing to changelog for 1.59)
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[[File:Wallpaper Update1.57.jpg|x400px|border|right]]
[[File:Wallpaper Update1.57.jpg|x400px|border|right]]
[https://warthunder.com/en/news/3634-news-update-1-57-battle-march-released-en Update 1.57 “Battle March”]([https://warthunder.com/en/game/changelog/current/582 changelog]) was introduced on 15 March 2016. It is most notable for adding a number of highly anticipated vehicles into the game.
[https://warthunder.com/en/news/3634-news-update-1-57-battle-march-released-en Update 1.57 “Battle March”]([[wt:en/game/changelog/current/546|changelog]]) was introduced on 15 March 2016. It is most notable for adding a number of highly anticipated vehicles into the game.
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* [[Ki-83]]
* [[Ki-83]]
''Added after [[Update_1.57_"Battle_March"#29.03.2016|29.03.2016]]''
''Added after [[Update_1.57_"Battle_March"#29.03.2016|29.03.2016]]''
* [[H8K2]]
* [[H8K2]]
* [[H8K3]] (premium)
* [[H8K3]] (premium)

Revision as of 21:12, 22 May 2019

Introducing Wiki 3.0
Wallpaper Update1.57.jpg

Update 1.57 “Battle March”(changelog) was introduced on 15 March 2016. It is most notable for adding a number of highly anticipated vehicles into the game.

New vehicles


United States



Great Britain


Added after 29.03.2016

Ground Forces

United States



Great Britain

Game changes

New Locations

  • New winter location "Volokolamsk" for combined battles, game modes: “Battle”, “Conquest”, “Domination”.
  • New winter location "Frozen Pass" for combined battles, game modes: “Battle”, “Conquest”, “Domination”.

Changes in Locations

  • A village area on the central part of the location "Kursk" and on the river bank has been added.

Damage Model

  • Damage inflicted by HE-F ammunition (including APHE ammo and rockets for ground vehicles) is now calculated more accurately according to explosive type and weight.

Ground vehicles performance changes

  • M6A1: maximum power value for Wright G-200 engine has been corrected: from 960 HP to 800 HP. According to: TM 9-721 “Heavy Tanks M6 and M6A1. Catalogue of Standard Ordnance Items, Second Edition, 1944. Volume I. Office of the Chief of Ordnance Technical Division.
  • VK4501 (P): Maximum speed value has been corrected: from 33 km/h tо 35 km/h. Turret rotation speed has been changed from 7,5 degrees per second to 8 degrees per second. According to: Panzer Tracts - Panzerkampfwagen VI P (Sd.Kfz.181); Der Panzerkampfwagen Tiger und seine Abarten

Armament Changes

  • Matilda: depression angle values have been corrected: -20/20 according to Tank Infantry Mark II and IIA, 1940 Edition
  • M19: depression angle values have been corrected: -5/+85 according to FM 44-62, 1947. Twin 40-mm Gun Motor Carriage M19
  • T-34-100: depression angle values have been corrected: -3/+18 according to «Отечественные Бронированные Машины. XX век. Том 2, 1941-1945»
  • HE filler mass value has been corrected for the following 100mm ammo: BR-412 (65 gr), BR-412B (65 gr), BR-412D (61 gr.). According to: «Таблицы Стрельбы 100-мм зенитной пушки КС-19 по Наземным Целям»

Changes in Flight Models

  • Tu-2 (all modifications) - Fixed the handling of mouse aiming for all game modes (AB, RB). Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been enabled.
  • Р-400/39 (all modifications) - Flight model has been reworked. Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been enabled. Speed of the release and retraction of the landing gear has been changed (Full * retraction of the landing gear will take 15 seconds).
  • LaGG-3 (all modifications) - Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been enabled. Reduced effect of reactive torque on the run for take off. Refined aircraft polar values when approaching Mach speeds.
  • La-5/7 (all modifications) - Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been turned on. Temperature settings are listed according to the engine specification and instruction how to operate La-5 aircraft. Refined aircraft polar values when approaching Mach speeds.
  • А-26 (all modifications) - Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been turned on. Polars of the wings and fin have been updated. The engines have been upgraded to the modification Pratt & Whitney * R-2800-79 with a take-off power of 2370 h.p. You can view the details in the data sheet.
  • Ki-21-Ko - Flight model has been updated. Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been turned on.
  • Р-40 - Maximum allowed speed for diving has been increased to 480 mph I.A.S.
  • Fw-190-A1 - The operating time of the engine before overheating with 100% THR has been increased up to 30 minutes according to the specification of the aircraft.
  • Ki-96/102 - Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been turned on. Handling at high speed has been improved. Acceleration capabilities in a dive have been improved.
  • Yak-1, 3, 7 & 9 - Aerodynamics have been adjusted, the characteristics of the power-unit group (propeller, engine, cooling etc) and the thermodynamics have been adjusted. Yak-9U - It is now possibile to move the flaps into combat mode.
  • Spitfire and Seafire (all modifications) - The critical angle of attack is now higher at high Mach numbers. This will improve controllability at high speed.
  • F-86A/F, CL-13a, MiG-15/15bis/17, La-15/174, F-80A/C, Hunter Mk.1 - Improved behavior when exiting a dive at critical speed in Arcade Battles.
  • MiG-15/15bis/17 - Slip-induced roll direction has been corrected. When the slip angle is positive (the rudder position left) it will induce a left roll.
  • Н6K4 - Fuel consumption has been fixed (according to the engine specification), run and take-off is now easier.
  • Do-217-М1 - Flight model has been updated. Separate control of oil cooler and water cooler has been turned on.
  • Fw 190 (all modifications) - The mechanics of the aircraft’s wings have been changed. Now there are three flap positions: 1 - Raised; 2 - Take-off; 3 - Landing (Ein, Für Start, Für Landung).
  • A6M (all modifications) - Separate control of oil cooler and engine cooling shutters has been turned on.
  • Ki-83 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Sunderland Mk.IIIa - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Sea Venom FAW20 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • MBR-2 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Do.335A-0 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Do.335A-1 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Do.335B-2 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Ta.152C - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • Fw.189A-1 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • P-61A-1 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.
  • P-61C-1 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.


  • Choice of vehicles in a battle has been updated and improved.
  • Display ranges of the battle zones on the map and minimap have been increased.


  • New sounds for Ho-301 air cannon.
  • New sounds for the engine of the M18 “Hellcat”.
  • Environmental sounds in ground battles has been improved and expanded.
  • New sounds for hits and ricochets depending on the type of shells involved in ground battles.
  • PS4: The sound in voice chat has been improved.


  • Dynamic light sources for effects of explosions, shell hits, launching of rockets and catching fire have been added.
  • Possibility of using aerobatic smoke of different colours for wings and tail (three coloured aerobatic smoke for those that have Thunder League Dog Tag). Can be turned on in: Menu > Game Options > Aerobatic Smoke Type > Tricolor.

Research and Economy

  • Changed position in research for the following German armoured vehicles and self-propelled guns:
    • Pz 35 (t), Pz 38 (t) Ausf. A and F moved to the top of the research tree for armoured SPG’s ahead of the Stug Ausf. A without BR changes.
    • SPG Jagdpanzer 38 (t) moved to the 3rd rank in the research tree for armoured German SPG’s before the Jagdpanzer IV without BR changes.

Game mechanics

  • British tank tree is available for research to all players.
  • In arcade battles with ground vehicles the physical multipliers for arcade have been adjusted as follows:
    • Reduction of 10% of the main drive ratio, which increases the maximum forward and reverse speed by 10%.
    • Engine power has been increased by 10% relative to 1.55.
    • Rate of the turn of the turret has been decreased by 30% and the speed of gun elevation has been changed.
  • New replacement mechanics of the last remaining crew member for ground vehicles has been added - currently for RB and SB mode only.

Smaller updates that came afterwards


  • Display bug of the game minimap has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved


  • Sizes of battle zones on locations Poland, Normandy and Eastern Europe has been restored (as in 1.55).
  • For all game modes in Arcade Battles in the location Volokolamsk, battle zones have been increased. Battle zones and respawns for RB will be used from the settings for SB (previously as in AB).

Changes in the Flight Models

  • Do 335 (all modifications) - handling has been improved (optimized control over aircraft in mouse aim mode, more stabilized aiming at low speeds).


  • Icons for empty crew slots have been added
  • Pre-battle tips have been updated.

Changes in the Flight Models

  • Spitfire (all models) - a bug with flaps position has been fixed - only landing and raised positions is available
  • Yak-3 Vk-107 - a bug with lack of maximum speed (10 km/h) has been fixed


  • Front line being displayed incorrectly in Enduring Confrontation has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.

Changes in the Flight Models

  • P61 (All models) - Take-off is easier now with mouse-aim controls.


  • Incorrect data in some ground vehicle cards has been fixed.
  • Rare “double-shot” by single click bug has been fixed.
  • Bug with resetting trimmers by changing modifications has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.

Changes in the Flight Models

  • LaGG-3, La-5 and La-7 series - Behavior on low and medium speeds has been improved, ‘sluggish’ turns have been fixed.
  • P-47 series - Effect of losing speed by active use of rudder has been decreased.


1st Patch

Main Changes

  • New photorealistic technology for sky and cloud rendering has been added. The position of the moon and stars now depends on the season and exact geographical location.

New aircraft

  • Japan:
    • H8K2 flying boat - rank I.
    • H8K3 flying boat (premium) - rank II.

Research and Economy​

  • The second skin of the Spitfire Mk.XVIe has been removed because it was not used for the Spitfire Mk.XVIe.
  • The amount of Spawn Points in realistic combined battles for the Ho.229 has been increased, while the BR has been reduced to 7.0.
  • M6A1 - BR has been reduced by 0.3 in all modes.
  • Nashorn - BR has been increased by 0.3 in all modes.
  • P-61 - The spawn points have been fixed on maps with aircraft carriers.
  • M47 - The amount of research points needed to unlock has been reduced to 320,000, instead of 380,000.
  • Centurion Mk.10 - The amount of research points needed to unlock was reduced to 270,000, instead of 380,000.
  • The amount of spawns has been fixed for these tanks (heavy tanks class): Churchill Mk.III, Churchill Mk.VII, Infanterie Kampfpanzer Churchill, Conqueror.
  • The cost of spawning in Realistic Battles has been fixed for these tanks (heavy tanks class): Churchill Mk.III, Churchill Mk.VII, Infanterie Kampfpanzer Churchill, Conqueror.

Ground vehicles performance changes

  • Т-54 1947 - Turret rotation speed has been changed from 10 degrees per second to 13 degrees per second. According to: «Soviet armor vehicles 1945-1965г» I.V. Pavlov, M.V. Pavlov.
  • Panther Ausf.A, T-V – Turret rotation speed has been changed from 15 degrees per second to 24 degrees per second. Panther Ausf.G – Turret rotation speed has been changed from 15 degrees per second to 20 degrees per second. According to: ETO ordnance technical intelligence report No.232 turret traverse speeds of the Pz. Kpfw. Panther Model G from 18 April 1945. "Germany's Panther Tank, The Quest for Combat Supremacy" Thomas L. Jentz.
  • FV4004 Conway - fixed the type of turret armour. Now it’s Rolled homogeneous armour.
  • Chieftain Mk.3— artillery has been added.

Game mechanics​

  • The repair of tracks has changed. Now both tracks are repaired at the same time as opposed to separately.
  • The mechanics of critical damage to the engine and transmission has been changed in arcade battles. In case of critical engine damage, tanks lose the ability to move for 10 seconds and after this time the tank can move again, but the engine power is reduced by 40% of what it originally was. In case of transmission damage, tanks are immobilised for 10 seconds and after this time movement is possible again, but the transmission remains only half of the lower gear ratios. After the repair of the engine or of the tank's transmission, efficiency raises back to 100%.


  • Now you can start replays with the command line (aces.exe -replay path/to/replay.wrpl)

2nd Patch

  • The quality of the clouds on minimum graphic settings in compatibility mode with old video cards has been improved.
  • The lack of parts on the mesh screens on the T-34-85E has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Several rare rendering bugs (lights, overcharged brightness, gamma etc.) have been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Sailing fleet has been introduced. The legendary “Golden Hind” of Francis Drake is available in the test event.
  • Improved display of clouds from above or below.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Google Cardboard Plastic support has been added.
  • [Battle] mode has been added to the “Lost Shores” event.
  • Damage model for the “Golden Hind” has been improved. Cannon balls now apply the same damage to the sails independent of distance.
  • Fire rate of the “Golden Hind” cannons has been decreased by 25%, but at the same time the damage of each cannon ball has been increased by 25%.
  • Automatic replacement of damaged sails has been added.
  • Flooding implemented on ships for testing only. Upon receipt of damage to the hull up to 300mm above the waterline, the ship will begin to take on water which will lead to increased flooding. The amount of water flooding the vessel’s interiors depends on the ship’s speed and the position of the breach compared to the waterline. That will directly affect the ship’s buoyancy.
  • Client stability has not been changed. Actually, we have improved it quite a lot!


  • A bug with flap position indication has been fixed.
  • Improved display of clouds from above or below.
  • “Thin clouds” weather option has been added.
  • Customisation Objects added for ground vehicles
  • "Mounted armour" modification added for following vehicles:
    • T-34 1941
    • Т-34 1942
    • Т-34-85 ZIS-S-53
    • Sherman Firefly VС
    • Churchill Мk.VII
    • М4А3Е8 76W
    • М4А1 76W
    • Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. А
    • Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. D
    • Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. G
    • Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
  • Churchill Mk.III - fixed (increased) maximum speed, max. speed is now 17 mph (27 km/h), according to: Tank Data. Aberdeen Proving Ground. Maryland. U.S. Army Ordnance School. July 1958.
  • Cruiser tank A13 (all modifications) - fixed (increased) maximum speed, max.speed is now 30 mph (48 km/h), according to: Tanks 1919-1939. The Inter War period. The Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum. Royal Armoured Corps centre Bovington, Dorset.
  • Bug fixed: modifications of M4A3E2 are now displayed by ‘heavy tank’ marker on minimap.


  • Discount for foliage customization has ended.
  • “Operation Ruhr” now has light ground targets, that can be destroyed by fighter aircraft (they appear during the tenth minute of the battle). The amount of ground vehicles will be adjusted, so that complete destruction of such vehicles decrease the team points at 50% of maximum.


  • Rare bug where the incorrect model of the ground vehicle was shown with damage from HE shells.
  • Improved game mechanics when aircraft appear in the “Berlin” combined mission. Now, in the list of respawn points, the respawn in the air is listed first (in RB).
  • Client stability has been improved.


Economy and Research

  • Maximum RP rewards for a victorious battle have been increased by 10%.
  • Successful actions in air battles (such as kills, assists etc.) will bring more mission score points. Now aircraft and ground vehicles will receive the same amount of mission score points for all activities.
  • The Battle activity calculation has been changed. You will need to earn more points in order to get over 50% activity.


1st Patch

  • A bug where there were no clouding effects when weather condition “Fog” was selected, has been fixed.
  • A bug in custom battles, where in rare cases the time of day did not correspond to settings, has been fixed.
  • The reflection of bridges and other large buildings on water has been improved.
  • The lighting of rain inside clouds has been fixed.
  • A rare bug in aircraft missions, where the model of a destroyed ground vehicle or AI armoured car did not become burned-out, has been fixed.
  • A bug, where the camouflage scale which was specified in the hangar did not apply in battle, has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.

2nd Patch

  • Excessively slow neutral steering of the Churchill Mk.III has been fixed
  • A13 Mk.II armour thickness data in the info card of the vehicle has been corrected. Previously it was shown as 28mm now it is corrected at 14mm.
  • T-28 maximum speed has been corrected (reduced) from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. Maximum engine power has also been corrected (reduced) to 500 h.p. At 1600 rpm as power was incorrect. Source: Наставление Автобронетанковых Войск РККА. Материальная часть, вождение, уход и регулировка танка Т-28. 1935 (Red Army Tank Forces’ Handbook for T-28)
  • T-28E maximum speed has been corrected (reduced) from 50 km/h to 35 km/h. Maximum engine power has also been corrected (reduced) due to mass being increased by 4 tons to 450 h.p. At 1400 rpm. Source: Наставление Автобронетанковых Войск РККА. Материальная часть, вождение, уход и регулировка танка Т-28. 1935 (Red Army Tank Forces’ Handbook for T-28)
  • M6A1’s front armour material has been changed to rolled homogeneous armour. Source: History of the Heavy Tank M6. National Archives
  • Churchill Mk.VII applicable track thickness has been corrected from 20mm to 17mm since it uses Sherman’s tracks.
  • Armoured Car Mk.II AA’s front armour material has been changed to rolled homogeneous armour.
  • BT-5 - a bug with ammo still being stored in the turret when it had been actually spent has been fixed.
  • MBR-2 - Engine and construction damage model has been fixed.


  • New trophy with “foliage pattern” decorations has been added to the War bonds shop


  • Improved respawn mechanics. When changing aircraft or weapons after landing on an allied airfield, respawn points and team respawn limits will remain the same.


  • Rare bug, where acquiring Steam achievements was not counted in the Steam profile has been fixed. Users who have this bug, will get missed achievements on the next login to the game.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Bomb fuse delay has been reduced in air RB and air SB from 5 seconds to 1.5 seconds.


  • Bug, where flying through a rain cloud in aircraft shows incorrectly drawn water droplets on the cockpit has been fixed.
  • Rare bug, where after helping to repair an allied ground vehicle, the opportunity to repair a player’s own vehicle is not available has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Changed the location of test flight for the Sunderland Mk.IIIa to Britain.
  • Fixed display of external pylons for the Pe-8 for the 1x5000 kg bomb load.
  • Separated controls for large-caliber and small-bore machine guns on the F3F-2.
  • Refined firing arcs on turrets on the Me.410 - removed the blind zone behind central point.
  • MBR-2 changed to "premium" in research tree.


  • Bug, where in “zero visibility” and “Evening” time of the day landscapes, the settings of the graphics for “compatibility with older video cards” was incorrectly lighted has been fixed.
  • Bug, where decals on some vehicles wouldn’t be applied using the option “display on both sides” has been fixed.
  • Issue in which there is some flickering in the clouds for settings when for “compatibility with older video cards” selection has been fixed.
  • Bug, causing graphical freeze during changing of view mode from “free view” has been fixed.
  • Bug, where “turning off” gunners led to the pilot controlled guns being disabled on PBJ-1H has been fixed.
  • A rare bug which caused a game client freeze at the game start on old graphic cards on Windows XP has been fixed.


  • A rare bug that caused FPS to drop when aircraft gunners were attempting to shoot out of the fire range has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


Support for Oculus Rift CV1 (Windows, DX11) has been added.


  • PS4: improved sky and clouds render.
  • PS4: Fixed POV on Saitek Pro Flight X-55.

New vehicles

  • KV-2 mod. 1940
  • Richard Bong’s P-38J


  • Indication for water and oil aircraft engine leak have been added


  • New decorations have been added to the "Other" section

Client stability improved


  • Bomb damage values have been corrected: penetration effect, radius of the damage and effective fragmentation radius Following sources have been used B.A.U. Report №22 "Ground Survey of the Results of an attack by heavy bombers of a german tank concentration", TM 9-1980 "Bombs for Aircraft"; "The Planning and Development of Bombs for the German Air Force". L.Dv.8/g 4 "Das Handwerkszeug fur den Bombenwurf" Teil 4 - Verwendung von Bomben und Zundern.
  • Information about bomb characteristics has been added to the interface: model, mass, mass of explosives, type of explosives, possible damage effect distances
  • Efficiency of HE shells against lightly armoured or unarmoured units has been increased.
  • Fixed the penetration mechanics of aircraft based weaponry. Previously, in some situations, these shells pierced Armour without taking into account Armour sloping and angles, only the reduced geometric thickness of armor.
  • Over-increased incendiary effect of the оf PzGr 40 L Spur 30mm rounds has been fixed (ammo for МК-101 and МК-103 cannons).
  • Rare bug which caused death of the crew on collision with an allied vehicle has been fixed.


  • LMS Feature disabled in RB and SB modes.
    • The LMS feature, while providing a realistic effect on 2-3 crew member ground vehicles, has an unnatural effect on vehicles with larger crews with complex internal path-finding in many cases. We don't want have different controls/gameplay mechanics on different tanks, so we have decided to rework the effect. Today we will disable this feature in RB and SB mode. We plan to add new functions in the next major update that will make it possible to heal one or more crew members. This will give more gameplay options on the one hand and will not create the disadvantages that players faced previously.


  • New leaderboards have been introduced.
  • Bug where the cannon of a ground vehicle moves up when colliding with objects has been fixed.
  • Bug, where incorrect values of achieved damage for points/airfields in TNT equivalent was shown on game score card has been fixed.
  • Bug where shadows of objects were visible through the aircraft cockpit has been fixed.
  • Displaying of the internal aircraft machinery when losing tail and wings has been improved.
  • Bug where switching view from driver camera to binocular the cannon moved in the direction of view from driver camera mode.
  • The assault fuse delay in RB and SB combined battles has been reduced from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Damage model of static defense objects like “Light Pillboxes” has been fixed. Targets of these type can be destroyed by the similar weaponry like medium tanks.
  • MAC OS - Fix added for crash on login.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Game modes for the ground vehicle location “Mozdok” has been changed. Now each mode will located in its own part of the map and the minimap will display the battlefield location correctly. The distance between respawn points in RB and SB has been increased compared to the distance in AB.
  • The ability to preview how 3D decorations looks on the vehicle before buying has been added.


  • A bug, whereby the earth was visible in the sniper scope view while flying through clouds, has been fixed.
  • A bug which would occur while switching to gunner mode, where the camera direction would remain in the direction of flight, has been fixed.
  • A bug, which would stop the possibility of using turrets on aircraft with the “schräge musik” system, has been fixed.
  • The display of snow while flying through cloudless areas has been fixed.
  • The ability to display the level and qualification of crew has been added to the crew slots in the hangar.
  • The ability to display squadrons has been added to the social panel.
  • Information regarding the caliber, weight and initial speed of rockets has been added to the modification card for rocket tanks.
  • The names of weaponry for rocket tanks has been corrected. Now, the modification card will show the rocket name and amount.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • The number of ammo rounds in certain armoured vehicle belts has been changed. Belt prices have been corrected accordingly. (Previously, the number of reloads in a battle could be different than the number of actually spent belts.) The following vehicles are affected:
  • Т-60, 72-К GAZ-ММ, Pz.II DAK, Pz.II C, Pz.II F, Sd.Kfz. 140/1, Flakpanzer I, Sd.Kfz. 6/2, Ostwind, Kugelblitz, Wirbelwind, Coelian, ZSU-57-2, ZUT-37, ZSU-37, M16 MGMC, M13 MGMC, M15 CGMC, M15 CGMC, M19, M42 Duster, Gepard, M2A2, 4M GAZ AAA, 94-KM ZIS-12, Falcon, T17E2, AC Mk.II AA, Crusader AA Mk.I,Crusader AA Mk.II, Crusader AA Mk.I, Crusader AA Mk.II.
  • Mission score gained in RB battles (both air and combined) whilst flying aircraft has been increased by 60% (which will also result in higher RP and SL gain).


  • Bug, where it was impossible to replace installed decal or 3D decoration, has been fixed.
  • Rare bug, where in some cases the target marker of a bomber sight could change position during a battle, has been fixed.
  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Client stability has been improved.


  • Windows OS: The option for preliminary download of an upcoming major update has been added.
  • Client and launcher update: win32 binaries moved to separate folder (Windows).
  • Location “Saipan is now also available for air spawn missions testing in RB. Respawn points in the Ruhr, Sicily and Berlin missions for the following aircraft has been changed: The Fw-190D will start from the airfield, F-82e, Firebrand, Ki-96 and all Ki-45’s will respawn at the same altitude as interceptors.

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds