Difference between revisions of "Update 1.33"

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(Smaller updates that came afterwards)
(09.08.2013: Removed dead link)
Line 182: Line 182:
* Engine sound fading most probably fixed
* Engine sound fading most probably fixed
* FMBC Mk.1 description fixed
* FMBC Mk.1 description fixed
* New arcade map added - "[[Grave Robbers' Cliff]]"
* New arcade map added - "Grave Robbers' Cliff"
* Hispano upgrades fixed (jammimg issue)
* Hispano upgrades fixed (jammimg issue)
* F8F, F9F, P-47 graphical inconsistencies fixed
* F8F, F9F, P-47 graphical inconsistencies fixed

Revision as of 14:53, 21 June 2020

Introducing Wiki 3.0
Wallpaper Update1.33.jpg

Update 1.33 (changelog) was introduced on 7 August 2013. It is most notable for adding Modifications and Consumables to the game, along with a wide range of new armament options for aircraft.

New Vehicles




Great Britain

Game Changes


  • Completely new tab for modifications
  • Clear display of influence of modifications on aircraft performance
  • Added selection of colour for the crosshair and several interchangeable crosshairs (colour selection and crosshair selection wil be updated)
  • with approaching of flutter speed instrumental speed will appear
  • During display of Speed and altitude, units of measurement have been added
  • Added display of negative influence of externally carried armament


  • New metal shading.
  • “Cloud quality” option will affect the quality of their reflections in the water as well
  • Cloud rendering in 3d mode is fixed
  • Propeller Disappearance has been fixed
  • The whole rendering system has been optimized, the whole rendering process has been made faster as well as rendering for grass.


  • Added new sound effects for Browning M3 MG
  • Added new sound effects for Hispano MK II cannon
  • Added new sound effects for Hispano MK V cannon
  • Added new sound effects for NS-45 cannon


  • Lots of new modifications for different planes. Almost all the modifications are upgrades for the planes, replacing old, worn parts with new ones ….. Some modifications are different, but they are the minority of what is planned (eg lendlease fuel, rear armor plate replacement).
  • New modifications added that will allow installation of gun and rocket pods
  • New approach to modifications' and armamament's research
  • Crew that took part in the battle are now blocked in the game for five minutes after quitting the battle. (or until the battle ends if it ends earlier). 5 minutes lock for all who leave in first 5 minutes in AB and HB, no lock for FRB
  • Players can now buy camo and decals with Golden Eagles (without achieving the needed requirements for unlock)
  • Shell racks are now consumables and should be replenished.
  • Ammo, rockets, torpedoes and bombs are spent after they are used in battle, not after the battle is over.
  • Weapons won't reload if there are no more purchased shell racks left. (except for “default” shell racks – they are free and unlimited but not that efficient)
  • When hitting with no damage – player won't receive rewards, but will get the message that no damage was done.
  • If your premium is over, after the battle is over in a debriefing window you will have an opportunity to buy premium for a week and thus get all the rewards you should receive if you were playing with premium.
  • You have an opportunity to buy modifications with golden eagles.
  • Healing speed Skill is replaced with weapon maintenance skill
  • Rockets for German and American planes added.
  • No air kills will be awarded with air collisions.
  • Requirements for unlocking skins and decals have been changed, option to buy any skin/decal with Golden Eagles added.


  • Aircraft Purchase Price lowered by 30%
  • Modification purchase price lowered
  • Cost of the repair now depends on the installed modifications (Cost of repair of un-modified planes will be even lower, by 10-20%)
  • Reduction of repair cost of un-modified planes by about 10%
  • Experience requirements for unlocking new modules have been lowered
  • Repair Cost of Aircraft tier 11 to 18, have been lowered even further

FM changes

  • MiG-15 bis WEP is fixed
  • La-5FN and LA7 performance at critical angles is fixed
  • Plane performance will be negatively affected by cannon pods
  • All externally carried armament (rockets, bombs, torpedoes and cannon pods) has been adjusted so that they affect aircraft performance more historically correct.
  • F4U Corsair's climb and turn rates have been fixed
  • P-47 FM has been fixed

DM changes

  • Damage of Mg’s and cannon shells increased, damage caused by the real kinetic energy of a shell is more accurate.
  • For the planes that have 1st and 2nd pilot DM is changed, so both pilots should be knocked out in order to lose the plane. That applies to:
    • B-17E
    • B-17E late
    • B-17G
    • B-24D
    • B-25
    • YeR-2 ACh30B
    • G4M1
    • G5N1
    • G8N1
    • PBY-5
    • PBY-5a
    • SM-79
    • А-26С
  • Flame protection modelling/simulation is added. After a fire outbreak in the engine area, the pilot is not injured while the fire seal is whole (20 seconds).


  • New bomb load options for Ju-87B2, Ju-87R2 , Ju-87D3, Ju-87D5.
  • New bomb load options for Ju-88A4.
  • New bomb load options for IL-4 including external load. Overall bomb load can reach up to 2 tons.
  • Load-out of the “default” shell racks for ShVAK and B-20 cannons is changed to HI-T/AP-I (in 1 to 1 proportion)
  • Load-out of the “default” shell racks for МК-108 has been changed to historically accurate - HEF-T/ I(in 1 to 1 proportion)
  • Fuse for incendiary shells for МК-108 and МК-103 has been fixed. When hitting oil tank shell has a good chance to cause denotaion of the tank and aircraft explosion as a result.
  • USA Browning 12.7 mm Mgs have new shell types, the old ones got their own names:
    • M1 – incendiary bullet
    • M23 - incendiary bullet (appeared in 1945, has starting speed of 1000 m/s, incendiary material's weight is 5 g)
    • M2 – armor piercing bullet
    • M20 – armor piercing incendiary tracer bullet
    • M8 – armor piercing incendiary bullet
    • M1 – tracer bullet
  • M23 and M20 bullets are available for the aircraft that served during the end of WWII and after.
  • BR-21 rocket added for German planes
  • "Tiny Tim" anti-ship rocket added for US planes

Additional weapons added

  • Ruestzustand 1 ( R 1) for Bf .109 F -4 (2 x 20 mm MG .151/20 gun with ammo load of 125 rounds per each gun)
  • Ruestzustand 6 ( R 6)) for Bf .109 G -2, G -6, G -10 (2 x 20 mm MG .151/20 gun with ammo load of 125 rounds per each gun)
  • MG.151/20 with 125 rounds ammo load for Fw-190A-5
  • Rüstsatz 3 (R3) for Fw-190F-8 ( 2 x 30-mm MK -103 gun with ammo load of 35 rounds per each gun)
  • BR20 Rockets for Bf .109 G -6 / W - 2 rails under the wing panels
  • Ruestzustand 6 (R6) rockets for Fw-190A-5 - 2 rails under the wing panels.

Bug fixes

  • Penetration issue for 20mm AP-I shells for ShVAK fixed. For 50 m distance it is increased from 20m to 30 mm.
  • Guidance angle for IL-4 turrets fixed
  • Default bomb load for IL-4 is changed from 2x250 kg bombs to 10x100 kg or 10x50
  • Damage model of TBF-1C fixed. (ailerons durability is increased )

New features

  • You can select the shell racks for all planes that have defensive/turret armament
  • For all gun and rocket pods armament (rockets, bombs torpedoes and cannon pods) - their aerodynamic resistance affects performance of the aircraft.
  • New pilot models are added for the following aircraft:
    • a-20g
    • a-26c
    • b-17e
    • b-17e_late
    • b-17g
    • b_24d
    • b_25
    • beaufighter mk21
    • beaufort mkviii
    • boomerang mki
    • boomerang mkii
    • wirraway
    • f-86a-5
    • f9f-5

Maps and missions


  • Stalingrad winter: 3rd airfield is added, amount of tickets for both teams is increased.
  • Zhengzhou. 3rd airfield is added, amount of tickets for both teams is increased.
  • Peleliu. Ticket loss speed is reduced if both teams have captured airfields.
  • Mozdok. Ticket loss speed is reduced if both teams have captured airfields.
  • Krymsk. Time to capture airfield on this map is the same as for other maps

Ground Strike

  • Cliffed coast - spawning points for the teams is changed to improve balance.
  • Stalingrad - spawning points for the teams is changed to improve balance.
  • Ground units are now divided into 2 groups – attacking and supporting, The victory comes after destroying the attacking group, support units are not required to be destroyed (but it still brings income). That means that “gremlins” will hardly affect the battle – ground units kill each other only on the line of contact.[/spoiler]

Smaller updates that came afterwards


  • Engine sound fading most probably fixed
  • FMBC Mk.1 description fixed
  • New arcade map added - "Grave Robbers' Cliff"
  • Hispano upgrades fixed (jammimg issue)
  • F8F, F9F, P-47 graphical inconsistencies fixed
  • Crashes in Japanese localization fixed
  • De Havilland DH.100 Vampire FB.Mk.5 FM updated
  • Browning 7.7 spread fixed
  • P-51D-30 Mustang and gift P-51 D-30 Mustang D-20 NA added
  • Fuselage aerodynamics fixed (frontal resistance fixed) for following aircraft:
  • A6M2, A6M2n, A6M3, A6M3 mod 22, A6M5, B-25J, Boomerang Mk.I\Mk.II, D3A1, F1M2, Fw-190 D12, Ki-49, N1K2, P-63 A-10, OS2U Kingfisher, TBF, Wirraway, BTD
  • Airbreaks for F-80 fixed
  • Wing and flaps aerodynamics for F2A3 fixed
  • F8F basic characteristics display fixed
  • Requirements for modifications have been fixed for following planes: MiG-15, Spitfires Mk. IX and Mk.XVI
  • Some minor bugs have been fixed as well

Upd: P-26 FM will be updated in next minor patch.


  • Arado Ar.234 is now Level 19
  • Vampire FB.5 is now Level 18
  • [Operation] Korea in HB is now available only for jets
  • [Operation] Berlin in HB is now available for tiers 10-17
  • FRB map rotation update: USSR vs Germany


  • Carrier landing fixed (It should work correctly now)
  • Visual errors in plane models, cockpits and damaged plane components fixed for the following aircrafts: Spitfire (all modifications), Ar-2, Pe-2. La-7(B)-20, F8F, F9F, P-26 (all modifications), P-36 (all modifications), Blenheim Mk.IV, Ju 87 (all modifications), Fw.190 (all modifications), Beaufighter (all modifications), BTD-1
  • FM fixed for P-26, P-38, P-47 - all modifications
  • AI take off fixed (They should no longer roll to the side of the airfield and/or crash)
  • A chat channel has been added for FRB
  • Externally carried pods are now spent correctly after plane is destroyed
  • Stars and moon are visible in bad weather conditions above the clouds
  • Some minor balance fixes of ground units in most missions
  • After a successful reload on an aircraft carrier, the aircraft is set to the starting point at the back of the carrier so that it can take off a lot more easily
  • Accuracy for the following MGs has been fixed (increased)
  • Ho 103
  • Breda SAFAT 12,7 mm
  • Breda SAFAT 7,7 mm Browning 303
  • Browning M2
  • Browning M3
  • Repair costs changed according to new statistical data. Most changes are minor, overall costs became a bit lower
  • B-24D is rank 15 now (1 Rank lower), A-26 is rank 15 now (1 Rank lower), Bf 109 F4 is rank 8 now (1 rank higher), Tu-2/late is rank 15 now (1 Rank lower), Lancaster Mk.III is rank 15 now (1 Rank lower)


  • "Change aircraft" bug fixed
  • Several minor bugs in inteface layout fixed


  • Added instructor customization options to interface (menu/controls/instructor)
  • Fixed a crash when adding a friend in steam
  • Outbound network traffic optimizations
  • Servers and game client stability improved

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds