Hey hey, my name is Chokuki and I'm an active War Thunder player since December 2021 (yes ik not very long).
I play all different kinds of nations and modes and do not just specify on one, but if I would have to then I would limit myself to Sweden for both ground and air. The reason why I don't main a single nation is, because I want a wide variety of vehicles to play and by having all vehicles I am not as biased against a nation like other players.
- Part of =ACASS= clan
- ShimakazeTM is a confirmed cutie!
- Gripen worshipper
- Small upcoming content creator
More about me
I am a weeb and watched many different Animes over my time. I also play a lot of different related games such as Azur Lane, Honkai Impact, Honkai Starrail, Arknights and many more. I also do some cosplaying in private but I don't share any pictures because of privacy and due to the fact that I don't like showing myself online. Further, I am from Germany and turned 18 few months ago, gaming is my passion since I was 5 years old.
Before I started playing War Thunder actively I mainly played World of Tanks Blitz most of the time. But after I got all the vehicles in there and due to me getting bored of the game as there wasn't any interesting late game content, I switched to War Thunder. Before I came to War Thunder I actually was a top 100 player in Blitz and I could still easily could go back in the top 100 if I would try. Also in case you ever would want to try/play blitz with me (Idk why you would want to do that tho), just hit me up, either in game (my name is Chokuki there) or via the ACASS discord (you can find an invitelink on ShimakazeTMs Stream).
My (silly) rating about top Tier vehicles
This is only meant to entertain you! Please do not take serious what I say!
Tanks (Rank VII)
- HSTV-L: The Americans don't know how to make light tanks, also its annoying, also its american. 5.7/10
- M1A2 Abrams/M1A2 SEP: Its american so idk what to say. 5/10
- M1A1 HC/M1A1 AIM/M1A1: why are there so many of them? M1A1/10
- IPM1: Thinks its special, well at least its more unique than the others. IPM1/10
- ADATS: I hate the fact that it can kill tanks. 1/10
- M1128: Fast boi with good pen, I like it. 11.28/10
- XM975: Decent SPAA I guess. 5.79/10
- Merkava Mk.3D (USA): I don't like playing against Merkavas+its too expensive on the Marketplace. 3/10
- M60 AMBT: OP pen, too expensive, also KE-W (KEKW) ammo. KEK/10
- Germany
- TAM 2C: It can shoot, also a lot of modifications, also its not actually german. 4.2C/10
- Leopard 2A5: Basically the same as Leopard 2A6 with bit less pen otherwise good tank. 9.25/10
- Leopard 2A6: Basically the same as Leopard 2A5 with bit more pen otherwise good tank. 9.26/10
- FlaRakPz 1: Okish full time SAM unlike FlaRakRad but too slow: 7.5/10
- FlaRakRad: It transports food to supermarkets when its not in use. LIDL/10
- Leopard 2 PL: Polish Leopard 2, worse than Leopard 2A5 and 2A6: 8.2/10
- T-90A: Why is this thing on 10.7? Its too strong and thats why I hate it. 0.9/10
- T-72B3: Instead of going from A to B to C, they decided to add numbers behind B. B4/10
- T-80U: Idk I like it, sometimes, funnier than T72s. 8.01/10
- T-80BVM: This tanks ERA Package is the reason why we need 12.0 for ground. ERA/10
- 2S25: Its alright, can't say much about it. 7.1/10
- 2S25M: Still can't say much but it got thermals and more pen now. 8.1/10
- Khrizantema-S: The reason why I started playing russia. 1.200/10
- 2S6: Can't say much about it except that it can shoot down planes. 6/10
- Pantsir-S1: Instead of giving russia an russian tank thats already in game (Tor-M1) they gave russia something more broken. Why/10
- T-80UM2: A 11.3 tank on 10.7 and only looses thermals? Why do people say its bad? 10.7/10
- T-80UK: My go to tank to rush, its funny ig. 8.0/10
- Great Britain
- Challenger 2: Its alright, nothing special about it except that its slow. 5.9/10
- Challenger 2 (2F): Basically the same thing. 5.9/10
- Challenger 2 TES: Ok, how many more are there? 5.9/10
- Black Night: Fancy Name but still a Challenger 2 with some upgrades (they forgot the engine tho). 5.9/10
- Challenger 2E: This is worse than the M1A1 incident. Also it took them several tanks to get a new engine. 7.2/10
- Stormer HVM: Decent SPAA I guess. I once saw someone kill a tank with this thing in ShimakazeTM's stream, epic! 7.30103/10
- ADATS (M113): A vehicle I hate in the Bri'ish tech tree? 0.9/10
- TTD: Looks like a Leo 2A4 but it isn't an actual Leo 2A4. TTD/10
- Japan
- Type 90: Nearly plays like a Leo 2A4, has 4s reload and its Japanese. 10/10
- Type 90 (B): Basically the same thing but its nice to have it twice, sadly no Dozer Blade. 9.9/10
- TKX: This tank is basically a twin of the Type 10 but with a cool name. The Cooler Type 10/10
- Type 10: Has everything I would want from a tank except the armor. Main reason why I grind Japan. Type 10/10
- Type 16: Everything great about this tank. 16/10
- Type 93: Big Map? Eurobeat running? Alright have fun! SPEED/10
- China
- ZTZ99-II: Another ZTZ tank in the tech tree, damn. ZTZ/10
- ZTZ99-III: They aren't really creative with their names, huh? III/10
- ZTZ99A: So from version III we went to version A? I dont get it. A/10
- WZ1001(E) LCT: Goofy name but seems nice to play, also where is the difference between the ZTZ99A? 10.01/10
- PGZ04A: It looks like a low tier SPAA but it actually better than it looks. 9.3/10
- Tor-M1: This is what Russia should have gotten instead of Pantsu-S1. 10/10
- ZLT11: This thing has nearly everything what you want from a light, why is it only 9.3? OP/10
- Italy
- Centauro I 120: Seems very fun to play, also its italian. 12.0/10
- Ariete PSO: If this is your most played tank then you are a true gigachad. GIGACHAD/10
- Ariete: Basically the same as the PSO, also still a gigachad. GIGACHAD/10
- Ariete AMV: Should be 11.3 imo. 11.3/10
- SIDAM 25 (Mistral): Can't say much, seems alright but it should be lower br. 8.9/10
- OTOMATIC: This thing is better at destroying tanks than planes. 7.6/10
- VCC-80/30: Don't know much but I'm nice today. 8.3/10
- Freccia: I think it looks cool, also it has Spike ATGMs. 10.0/10
- France
- Leclerc: It seems nice and consistent to play but mediocre pen. 9/10
- Leclerc S2: Same thing, also why are there so many? 9/10
- Leclerc SXXI: I dont want to bother, same thing. LECLERC/10
- Roland 1: Its decent for 10.0, can't kill tanks so I like it more. 9.5/10
- ItO 90M (France): So they gave up on new SPAAs after the Roland? Finnish/10
- Sweden
- CV 90120: I really like this thing, hate me or not idc. 90.120/10
- Strv 122A: Its a swedish Leopard 2A5. 9.25/10
- Strv 122B PLSS: Most survivable Leopard version, I like this tank.Also funny optics xD. 12.2B/10
- ASRAD-R: I wonder how much the designer of this thing smoked. 7.420/10
- ItO 90M: Not swedish but makes more sense to be here than in the French tree. 9.0/10
- Leopard 2A6 (Sweden): Copy Pasta 2A6, most people get 2 kills while dying 6 times tho. 2.6/10
- T 80 U (Sweden): WOW, another T-80, we already got enough! 6/10
- Isntreal
- There are only 3 Merkava tanks in Rank VII anyway, just like half of the tech tree. Merkava/10