Update "Sky Guardians"
Update "Sky Guardians" (changelog) was introduced on 7 March 2023. This update is notable for the introduction of the first French ships, and new visual effects for aviation such as updated vapour cones, ejector seats, and new dynamic damage effects.
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Though the update numbering has been dropped since Update "Starfighters", the game version is still present in-game to indicate the update as 2.25 |
- 1 New vehicles
- 2 New locations and missions
- 3 Location and mission updates
- 4 Enduring Confrontation
- 5 Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- 6 Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- 7 Flight Model changes
- 8 Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
- 9 Economy and research
- 10 Customization
- 11 Interface
- 12 Game mechanics
- 13 Graphics
- 14 Sound
- 15 Changes specific to the Xbox platform.
- 16 Smaller updates that came afterwards
- 16.1 07.03.2023 (
- 16.2 09.03.2023 (Server update)
- 16.3 10.03.2023 (
- 16.4 11.03.2023 (
- 16.5 13.03.2023 (
- 16.6 15.03.2023 (
- 16.7 16.03.2023 (Server update)
- 16.8 20.03.2023 (
- 16.9 22.03.2023 (
- 16.10 23.03.2023 (
- 16.11 24.03.2023 (
- 16.12 29.03.2023 (
- 16.13 31.03.2023 (
- 16.14 31.03.2023 (Server update)
- 16.15 05.04.2023 (
- 16.16 06.04.2023 (Server update)
- 16.17 07.04.2023 (
- 16.18 12.04.2023 (
- 16.19 13.04.2023 (Server update)
- 16.20 17.04.2023 (
- 16.21 18.04.2023 (Server update)
- 16.22 19.04.2023 (
- 16.23 20.04.2023
- 16.24 26.04.2023 (
- 16.25 03.05.2023 (
- 16.26 04.05.2023 (
- 16.27 10.05.2023 (
- 16.28 16.05.2023 (Server update - Reverted)
- 16.29 17.05.2023 (
- 16.30 24.05.2023 (
- 16.31 25.05.2023 (Server update)
- 16.32 29.05.2023 (
- 16.33 31.05.2023 (
- 16.34 07.06.2023 (
New vehicles
- MiG-29A
- Hunter F.58 (squadron vehicle)
- Yak-141
- Krasnolutsky's I-15bis (Premium)
Great Britain
- Tornado F.3
- Beaufighter Mk.VIc (updated model)
- Beaufighter Mk.X (updated model)
- Beaufighter Mk.21 (updated model)
- Lancaster Mk.I (updated model)
- Lancaster Mk.III (updated model)
- F-84G-31-RE (Premium)
Ground vehicles
Great Britain
- Type 16 (FPS) (Pack)
- USS Des Moines (Pack)
- USS Nevada
Great Britain
- HMS Whitby (Premium)
- HMCS Terra Nova
- MN Aigle (Pack)
- Duguay-Trouin (Pack)
- IJN Nenohi (Premium)
New locations and missions
- A winter version of the location "Seversk" has been added
- Winter versions of the "Ardennes" and "Maginot Line" locations have been added to the rotation.
- Added a new Pyrenees aviation location.
- [Ground Strike] "Mountain Valleys" in new location Pyrenees.
- Ground Strike in location Sinai in two versions: beginners and the standard version.
- Several new RB missions for aircraft:
- [Operation] Vietnam
- [Operation] Sinai
- [Operation] Ladoga. Winter 1941
- [Operation] Moscow
- [Operation] Pyrenees — in new location
Location and mission updates
- A few missions have a new layout of airfields designed for high rank battles. The airfields are located at 46 km from the mission's centre (might be changed after collecting statistics and players feedback):
- [Operation] Golan Heights
- [Operation] Vietnam
- [Operation] Sinai
- [Operation] Moscow
- [Operation] Pyrenees
- Changes have been made to the respawn points in naval missions. The distance between them has increased. The points themselves are formed into columns instead of rows. The movement direction has been changed to be more advantageous to the player and for quicker battle start. Changes have appeared in the following missions:
- Fiji
- [Domination] African Gulf
- Green mountains gulf
- Fuego islands
- Palau islands
- [Domination] Aleutian Islands
- Changes to the naval mission Fuego islands (Domination (boats)):
- Combat zone has been reduced
- Western small fleet respawn points of both teams have been shifted eastwards to the line of the point "A" capture point.
Enduring Confrontation
- New aircraft mission in the location "Sinai".
- Anti-aircraft units on airfields now recover from death every 10 minutes (individual timer for each anti-aircraft unit starting from the moment the anti-aircraft unit is destroyed).
Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- Ariete, Ariete PSO — CL3142 round has been changed to DM53.
- M13, M16 (all) — a bug has been fixed which prevented detonation/ignition of the ammo rack on a hit.
- Type 63 - Maximum engine RPM has been changed from 2100 to 2000 rpm. The mass of the tank has been changed from 18700 to 18400 kg. Sight magnification has been changed from fixed 4х to variable 3.5-7х. Source: 合成军队指挥手册 1980 (Combined Army Command Manual, 1980) // 水中蛟龙——中国63式水陆坦克 // 六三式水陆坦克武器构造与使用 - 中国人民解放军装甲兵司令部 - 1977年10月
- Type 62 (all) - The mass of the tank has been changed from 20500 to 21000 kg. Engine power has been changed from 500 to 430 hp. Source: 《六二式轻型坦克构造与使用》, Type 62 manual
- Type 59, ZTZ59A - The mass of the tank has been changed from 35500 to 36000 kg. Source.
- AMX-13 (all) - The mass of the tank has been changed from 14700 to 14500 kg. Source.
- AMX-13 (SS.11), AMX-13 (HOT) - The mass of the tank has been changed from 15500 to 15000 kg. Source.
- AMX-13-90 - The mass of the tank has been changed from 15500 to 14500 kg. Source.
- AMX-13 DCA - Horizontal guidance speed has been changed from 30 to 90 degrees per second, vertical guidance speed has been changed from 30 to 45 degrees per second. Source.
- AMX-50 (TO90/930) - The mass of the tank has been changed from 52000 to 46100 kg. Source.
- EBR (1963) - The mass of the tank has been changed from 13500 to 12360 kg. Source.
- Leopard 2A4 (PzBtl.123) - The camouflage net is now a modification that can be removed or installed.
- Sho't Kal Alef - The mass of the tank has been changed from 56000 to 51800 kg. Source.
- Sho't Kal Dalet - The model has been refined, in particular the gunner's sighting instruments have been changed. Thermal imager has been added for the gunner. BR in all game modes has been changed to 8.7.
- M13/40 (I) - The angle of inclination of the gun has been changed from -15 to -10 and the angle of elevation has been changed from 25 to 20 degrees. Source: Ansaldo-Fiat Carro armato tipo M 13-40 manual.
- PGZ-09 — ammo capacity has been increased from 440 to 480 rounds. Source.
- GAZ-AAA — gear ratios have been adjusted. Top speed increased from 45 to 65 km/h. Source.
- GAZ-MM — gear ratios have been adjusted. Top speed increased from 45 to 70 km/h. Source.
- Pbv 302 BILL — a bug has been fixed which caused damage to the engine when the vehicle was floating in water.
- Char 25t — gear ratios have been adjusted. Source.
- M41A1 (all) — turret traverse speed has been reduced from 36 to 24 deg./sec. Source.
- 152mm G-530 shell — this round is now considered as semi-AP and calculated by the corresponding formula. Max armour piercing value reduced from 95 to 69 mm.
- A-IX-1 explosive — incorrect TNT equivalent has been reduced from 1,54 to 1,25. Source: GICHD (Feb 2017), Explosive weapon effects – final report, GICHD, Geneva // 《轻武器设计参考资料》 References of Small Arms Design,Institute No. 208, 1975
- T54E1 — reverse speed has been reduced from 11,5 to 8,4 km/h. Source.
- M4A3 (76) W (Japan) — overestimated weight has been corrected that previously included additional track plating that the Japanese version doesn't have. Overall weight has been reduced from 32,9 to 32,2 tons.
- SU-57 — Crew has been reduced from 5 to 4. Source: 57-мм. самоходное орудие СУ-57. Руководство службы (1944).
- Strv 105 — gear ratios have been adjusted in accordance to other vehicles with the CD-850 transmission. Source.
- Type 63-I — speed in water has been increased from 10 to 11,7 km/h. Source.
- T-34-100 — ammo capacity has been reduced from 50 to 30 rounds. Source: Боевые машины Уралвагонзавода. Танк Т-34 by Устьянцев С. В., Колмаков Д. Г // Отечественные бронированные машины. ХХ век. 1941-1945 by Солянкин А.Г., Павлов М.В., Павлов И.В., Желтов И.Т.
- LAV-AD — speed in water has been increased from 6,4 to 10 km/h. Source
- AFT-09 — elevation rate of the missile launcher has been increased from 5 to 10 deg./sec, traverse rate reduced from 30 to 15 deg./sec. Source.
- Chieftain Marksman — laser rangefinder has been added. Source: GEC-Marconi "Marksman Anti Aircraft Gun Turret"
- Penetration values of the APDS rounds now use modified Jacob De Marre's formula.
- Hardmetal APDS rounds with compact penetration nose tip now feature own slope effects: 37mm slpprj m/49, 75mm slpprj m/49, 76mm M331A2, 76mm Shot SV Mk.1, 83mm Shot Mk.3, 105mm T279, 120mm Shot L1G.
- Penetration values of the XM578E1 now use the L-O equation.
- SPAAG and SAM vehicles now have their tracking radar unfolded when the search radar is folded in order to be able to track the target.
- A universal template of the fragments formation is now used for 20-47mm HE fragmentation rounds. Fixed cases where the projectile could deal significantly lower fragmentation damage than its counterparts with the same amount of explosives. (report 1, report 2 report 3, report 3)
- 9М311, VT-1 missiles - transferred to a new more accurate physical model.
Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes
- 12.7mm FN HMP400 LCC gun pod — weight has been reduced.
- A129CBT, A-129 International (p): from 219 kg to 89,4 kg.
- BO 105 CB-2, BO 105 PAH-1, BO 105 PAH-1A1: from 558 kg to 178,8 kg (x2).
- EC-665 Tiger UHT: from 178.4 to 89,4 kg.
- 12.7mm FN RMP LC gun pod — weight and ammo capacity has been reduced:
- A.109EOA-2 — weight: from 363,1 kg to 241,2 kg;
- A129CBT, A-129 International (p) — weight: from 280 kg to 120,6 kg; ammo: from 400 to 250 rounds;
- BO 105 CB-2, BO 105 PAH-1, BO 105 PAH-1A1 — weight from 679,6 kg to 241,2 kg; ammo: from 800 to 500 rounds;
- EC-665 Tiger UHT — weight: from 270.6 kg to 120,6 kg; ammo from 400 to 250 rounds.
- 30mm DEFA 553 cannon — round velocity has been increased to 820 m/sec.
- AB 205 A-1 — SNEB type 23 rockets have been changed to FFAR Mighty Mouse.
- B-29 — 4х4,000 lb AN-M56 bombs have been added.
- Beaufighter Mk.VIc — 250 and 500 lb bombs have been added with corresponding modification. EFS modification has been moved from tier 4 to 3. TSC mk.II modification moved from tier 2 to 1.
- Beaufighter Mk.X — 250, 500 and 1,000 lb bombs with corresponding modifications have been added. EFC modification has been moved from tier 4 to 3 to the "Vitality" section. Modification TSC mk.II moved from tier 3 to 1; modification RSC mk.II moved from tier 4 to 3 and doesn't require modification TSC mk.II.
- Beaufighter Mk.21 — 250, 500 and 1,000 lb bombs with corresponding modifications have been added.Modification RSC mk.II moved from tier 4 to 3 and doesn't require modification TSC mk.II.
- Canberra B(I). Mk.6, Canberra B.Mk.2 — bombs in the GP series have been changed to MC.
- F-80C-10 — 1,000 lb AN-M65A1, 500 lb AN-M64A1, and 250 lb AN-M57 bombs have been added, as well as the Мк 78 fuel pod.
- J-8B — a ballistic computer for bombs and rockets has been added.
- Lancaster B.Mk III, Lancaster B.Mk I — 8,000 lb HC Mk II and 12,000 lb HC Mk.II bombs have been added. 1х 8,000 lb HC Mk II and 6х 500 lb GP Mk.IV bomb setups added. 2х 4,000 lb bomb setup removed.
- MiG-23MLA — a bug has been fixed due to which the GSh-23L cannons were missing in the X-Ray view.
- Mirage 2000D-R1 - A gunpod has been added.
- Mirage 2000C-S5 — 30mm DEFA 554 ammo capacity has been reduced from 270 to 250 rounds.
- Sa.341F Gazelle — GIAT M.621 ammo capacity has been reduced from 1,000 to 240 rounds.
- Wfr.Gr.21 rockets — separate rocket fire has been added for all aircraft.
- Tu-2 (all series) — secondary armament has been updated, new bombs have been added, the total payload increased to 3 tons.
- Tu-14T — localization of bombs, torpedoes and pylons have been fixed. The number of bombs in the bomb setups has been adjusted to:
- FAB-250М-46: from 8 to 12;
- FAB-500М-46 from 4 to 6;
- FAB-1000 from 2 to 1;
- FAB-1500М-46 from 1 to 2.
- AHS — free setup of 4xHellfire ATGM has been added.
- Bf 109G-6 — a bug has been fixed where the 30mm Мк 108 cannon was displayed in the xray mode instead of the 20mm MG 151 cannon (report).
- F1 — RWS has been changed from AN/APR-25 to J/APR-3.
- F-4EJ Phantom II — RWS has been changed from AN/APR-25 to J/APR-2.
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II — RWS has been changed from AN/APR-25 to J/APR-6.
- F-104J — RWS has been changed from AN/APR-25 to J/APR-1.
- Ju 87 D-5, Ju 87 D-3, Ju 87 G-1, Ju 87 G-2 — turret targeting angles have been adjusted: elevation from -20/+70 deg to -15/+80 deg, traverse from -60/+60 to -70/+70 deg.
- Harrier Gr.1/Gr.3 — a bug has been fixed with a visually detached bomb pod on the right wing in the 4x1,000 lb bomb setup.
- EC-665 Tiger (all series) — countermeasures capacity has been increased from 60 to 64.
- Tornado (all series) — a free setup of 4x1,000 lb bombs has been added.
- I-185 (М-71), I-185 (М-82) — fuel tank inerting system has been added.
- IL-28 (all versions) — armour of the rear glass has been increased from 102 to 106 mm.
- Mi-24V — a missing modification required to unlock the UPK-23-250 pods has been restored.
- MiG-29A — position of the retrospect mirrors in the cockpit have been fixed. Close air combat mode has been added to the HUD.
- Reverse throttle of the jet engine has been added to the multifunctional menu.
Secondary weapon customization added to aircraft:
- AB-205 A-1
- B-57B
- Brigand B 1
- F-80C-10
- F-84B-26
- F-84G-21-RE
- F-84G-26-RE
- G-Lynx
- Lynx
- Sk-60B
- Saab A32A
- Saab B18B
- Saab T18B
- Saab T18B (57)
- Saab J32B
- SAAB-105G
- SAAB-105OE
- UH-1B
- UH-1C
- UH-1CXM-30
- UH-1D
- IL-10
- IL-10 (1946)
- IL-28Sh
- Ka-29
- Tu-2
- Tu-2S
- Tu-2S-44
- Tu-2S-59
Incendiary bombs:
- Aerea 559G1 — Incendiary bombs have been added for Fiat G91 series.
- Brandbomb m/58 — Incendiary bomb has been added for A32A.
- FLAMM C 250/ FLAMM C 500 — New incendiary bomb has been added for Bf-109, Fw 190, Ju 87, He 111, He 177, Ju 88 series.
- 380l Mk2 — New incendiary bombs have been added for M.D.450B Ouragan, Mystere IVA, Super Mystere B2 Sambad, Super Mystere B2 Sa'ar series.
- MK77 Mod 4 — New incendiary bombs have been added for AV-8A, AV-8C, Harrier Gr.1.
- Mk78 Mod 2 — New incendiary bombs have been added for F-80C-10, P-63C-5 (France), P-51D-30, P-51H-5-NA, AD-2, AD-4 (all series).
- Mk 79 Mod 0 — New incendiary bomb has been added for A-4B.
- M116A2 — Incendiary bombs have been added for F8F-1B (France), F-100A (China).
Flight Model changes
- Su-2 (all modifications), Er-2 (all modifications), DB-3 (all modifications) — Engine fire extinguishing systems have been added.
- BF 110 (all modifications) — The effect of rebalancing the aircraft at full engine thrust has been refined (on full control, you can see a slight nose down pull). The operation of the propeller group at low and medium speeds has been refined. Easier exit from a dive at low altitudes.
- Blenheim Mk.IV, B6N1, B7A2, Beaufort Mk.VIII, FW-200C — Fight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been clarified. Distribution of fuel in tanks has been adjusted. Polars of wings, fuselage, empennage, and propeller blades have been recalculated and corrected. The plane's behaviour during landing gear release has been corrected.
- F-16 (all versions) — Manoeuvring characteristics are close to reference diagrams, inductive drag at Mach 0.9-1.1 has been increased.
- MiG-29 9-13 — Longitudinal stability at low speeds has been decreased. Resting friction with fully applied brakes has been increased. Fuel tank capacity has been increased.
- DH.110 Sea Vixen — Climbrate and throttle response at low altitudes have been increased.
- Mirage F1C (all versions) — Engine thrust at supersonic speeds has been increased. Climbrate at sea level and at altitudes of 9-12 km at Mach 1.8-2.0 have been increased. Resting friction with fully applied brakes has been increased. Controllability has been improved.
- MD.500 TOW — Fuselage moments of inertia have been reduced, control has been improved, the probability of the main rotor stalling when braking sideways with a large bank has been reduced, the horizon hold mode has been added to SCAS.
Naval weaponry:
- Limbo mortar guidance mechanism on British modern frigates has been redesigned.
- Karl Galster, Geniere - A bug that caused autocannons to fire when main calibre turrets and auxiliary armament firing function was active with one button has been fixed.
- The need for sequential research of modifications for improved anti-aircraft, auxiliary artillery and main calibre turrets has been removed. They can now be researched in any order once the appropriate level of modifications becomes available.
- USS Newport News (CA-148) — the position of the ship's internal modules have been fixed: magazines, plotting room, radio room. The armour scheme has been corrected: the thickness of the armour of the main calibre turrets and barbettes; anti-fragmentation bulkheads in barbettes and behind traverses have been added; the thickness and shape of the internal armoured bulkheads and plates of the armoured belt have been fixed; thickness of armour deck and conning tower has been fixed.
- HMS Glorious — Position of the ammunition of the main calibre bow turret has been fixed.
- Z-47 — Position of the ammunition magazines and radio room has been corrected.
- RN Duca delgi Abruzzi — a bug where the armour crossed the ammunition magazines on the bow has been fixed.
- USS Brooklyn, USS Cleveland — armour of the floor for the conning tower has been added.
- MBK Pr.186 — the gap between the deck armour and the port side has been removed.
- Pr.206 — Boat commander's position and the issue where his hands crossed the superstructure have been fixed.
- Pr.206-M — The position of the officer and sailors on the boat has been fixed.
- Pr.7 "Besposhchadny" — Rangefinder direction has been fixed.
- Ryany — Displaying the 3rd funnel in the X-Ray view has been fixed.
- Various tutorial hints about settings and navigating through the interface have been added to naval battles and the hangar. All new hints either have a limited number for display or will be disabled after the player has followed them.
- Tutorial elements in naval battles have been expanded:
- The control help screen (F1) has been redesigned, relevant elements of it have been added, the mechanics of aiming and firing have been described.
- The loading screen for the first battles with a description of mission objectives and tasks has been added.
- Interface and navigation hints for new players have been added to the ship's hangar.
- The function of automatic circling flight has been added to ship seaplanes
Economy and research
- Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 — Price in Golden Eagles has been changed to 400.
- Krasnolutsky's I-15bis — Instead of the Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 this aircraft has been added as a gift premium aircraft for the first battle for Soviet aviation. Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 will remain with those who have already received this aircraft and will be available for purchase for GE as the Krasnolutsky's I-15bis.
- VEAK-40 — Has been moved from rank V to rank VI.
- Research and purchase costs for USS Wyoming have been changed: RP - 320.000 => 220.000, SL 790.000 =>610.000
- Winter camouflage for Chinese ground vehicles has been refined.
- Additional camouflages for all cruisers and battleships have been added.
- Two-coloured camouflages for modern British vehicles have been refined. The shape of patches has been corrected and colour correction has been made.
- F-16A ADF (Italy) — Additional camouflages available for completing tasks and for GE have been added.
- Lancaster Mk3 — Additional camouflage available for completing tasks and for GE has been added.
- Button for control of the available missile/bombing weaponry with displaying of the control key used for that weaponry and the amount of the weapons has been added to the aircraft action panel in air and ground battles (in AB and custom battles).
- Colour indications of modules of different types have been added for view mode of internal modules of the vehicle in the hangar.
- In aircraft and helicopter HUD colours of all types of sights (missile, cannon, bomb) depend on the option of the sight colour selected in the settings of the corresponding type of vehicle.
- When selecting the control preset in the control settings help/hint will be shown for it.
- Information about the type of ammo which has been used to hit players has been added to the in-game kill log.
- Possibility to fine tune the hit indicator (markers at hit screen edges) of the player's tank has been added. You can change the indicator type - simplified or extended, its size, display time and position on the screen. These settings can be found in the "combat settings" for ground vehicles.
Game mechanics
- Added the mechanics of emergency systems for leaving an aircraft - ejection.
- A-10A (all versions)
- F-4S
- F-4EJ Kai
- F-16 (all versions)
- MiG-29 (all versions)
- MiG-23MLD
- MiG-23MLA
- MiG-27K
- Hunter F.58
- Tornado F.3
- Kurnass 2000
- Ballistic lead indicator system output on the Head-Up Displays (HUD) has been added for the aircraft's cannon armament systems. The system has been added for following aircraft:
- МiG-29 (all versions)
- Mirage 2000 (all versions)
- F-16 (all versions)
- Tornado (all versions)
- F-4S
- F-4EJ Kai
- AJ-37
- AJ-37D
- Ballistic lead indicator system has been added for the cannon weaponry for the 3rd person view when an aircraft's sensors capture a target. The system is available on the same aircraft that have instrumental lead on the HUD. Old lead system similar to the SPAAG indication has been disabled in AB. For shooting you need to point the moving cannon marker at the captured target.
- Prandtl-Glauert visual effect when crossing the sound barrier has been updated.
- Visual effect of the aircraft collision with ground with the appearance of the ground and dust effect from the aircraft impact has been added.
- Visual effect of aircraft condensation footprint has been added.
- Visual shrapnel damage of the aircraft when hit by non-contact fuzed ammunition have been added.
- Hit decals on aircraft have been updated for the HE shells of the calibre of 20mm and above.
- Dynamic burn traces of aircraft surfaces in the places of fires have been added.
- The firing sounds of automatic aircraft cannons have been reworked. The sounds have become brighter and clearer.
- New sounds of object destruction on the maps for tank battles have been created. The goal is to create a more natural and pleasant sound.
- New sounds for buildings and structures collapsing which better match the mechanism of their destruction have been created.
- New sounds of collisions of the player's ground vehicles with various materials (stone, concrete, brick, wood, metal) have been created.
- The F-16 series aircraft received a sound design for the mechanisation of nozzles.
- Sounds of thrust vector change mechanisms for vertical take-off and landing aircraft have been created.
- T-64 series tanks have new engine sounds closer to the real sounds.
Changes specific to the Xbox platform.
- Hungarian localization has been added
Smaller updates that came afterwards
07.03.2023 (
- F-16AJ — Missing ballistic calculator for cannon weaponry in the "air-to-air" mode has been fixed.
- Hunter F.58 — BR in RB has been changed from 9.7 to 9.3.
- A bug that caused the player to spawn in AB ground battles in an air strike with the UH-1B (Japan) without weaponry has been fixed.
- Kikka - A bug where in the X-Ray view the second Type 5 30mm cannon was missing has been fixed (report).
- Kurnass / Kurnass 2000 - A bug that allowed the creation of a weaponry preset with AIM-9G missile together with AIM-7 missile on the wingtip has been fixed.
Ground vehicles
- FlaRakRad — a bug has been fixed where the radar sector remained stationary while turning the turret.
- FlaRakRad - A client crash when measuring range with laser rangefinder has been fixed.
- FlaRakRad, ITO 90M - A bug with missing ammo in X-Ray view has been fixed.
- A bug that caused second team fighters to not respawn correctly in missions of the type [Operation] has been fixed.
09.03.2023 (Server update)
Aircraft Battles
- The maximum possible number of players for each team in aircraft RB has been changed from 12 to 16.
- A bug that made it impossible to select filters in the squadron search window has been fixed.
- A bug that caused vehicle ranks to be missing in the talismans and camouflages descriptions in the battle trophies prizes has been fixed.
Enduring Confrontation
- For scouting aircraft under AI control, a new logic check to fix the cases when the aircraft failed to reach the respawn point and flew out of the mission combat area has been added.
10.03.2023 (
- A bug that might sometimes cause the hit decals to be too large has been fixed.
- A bug where the effect of a shell room explosion can not be played has been fixed.
- A bug where APDS shells were missing secondary fragments has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the camera to switch to the pilot that ejected during the first flight when the aircraft crashed again has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the number of the remaining rounds to be coloured grey after reloading has been fixed.
Enduring Confrontation
- A bug where AI controlled ships at the beginning of the mission dropped their tasks and tried to find the enemy and destroy them has been fixed.
- Hunter F.58 — The display of the vehicles at long range in the sighting camera for the AGM-65 missiles has been fixed.
11.03.2023 (
- A bug that might sometimes cause the hit decals to be too large has been fixed.
- A bug where the effect of a shell room explosion can not be played has been fixed.
- A bug where APDS shells were missing secondary fragments has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the camera to switch to the pilot that ejected during the first flight when the aircraft crashed again has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the number of the remaining rounds to be coloured grey after reloading has been fixed.
Enduring Confrontation
- A bug where AI controlled ships at the beginning of the mission dropped their tasks and tried to find the enemy and destroy them has been fixed.
- Hunter F.58 — The display of the vehicles at long range in the sighting camera for the AGM-65 missiles has been fixed.
13.03.2023 (
- Artillery strikes are again accompanied by visual effects.
- Duguay-Trouin — Two additional respawns have been added.
- VT1-2 and Challenger 2E now have the correct sound of MTU 883 diesel engines.
- Artefacts (overload distortion in midrange area) in explosion sound assets have been found and removed.
- Sounds of bomb explosions have received sounds of blown up material falling on player armour.
- New sounds for flames on ground, naval and air vehicles as well as static objects on maps have been created.
- A number of ground vehicles have received sounds of automatic loaders: AMX-13 (and all tanks with FL-10 and FL-12 turrets), AMX-50, AMX M4, Lorraine 40t, Char 25t, XM-8, Obj. 906, Оbj. 685, CV90105, CV90120.
- The interior firing sounds of machine guns of ground vehicles have received more hull resonance of the vehicle and less exterior firing sounds.
- The interior firing sounds of machine guns of ground vehicles received sounds of falling shells and segments of the ammunition tape (if it is present).
- New sounds for the firing of flares have been created.
15.03.2023 (
Armoured vehicles
- A bug has been fixed where an AI aircraft in tank test drive crashed after respawn.
- T-64A(1971) — a missing description of the mid layer of the composite armour for the hull has been restored.
- Pantsir-S1 — erroneous recon ability has been disabled.
- Challenger 2E — hard-kill APS testing area has been removed from the test drive.
- M53/59 — a bug has been fixed where crew members inside the hull might be affected by napalm damage.
- Type 61 — impact smoke grenades have been changed to those which is spread by explosive action in the air (report)
- Type 61 — a bug has been fixed where all available smoke grenades were discharged at once.
- Char FCM 2C bis — a bug has been fixed that prevented rear machine-gun from firing to the sides.
- AH-6M — a bug has been fixed where the "Airframe" modification might affect max speed by 0.7 km/h in RB.
- Lynx AH.Mk.1 — a bug has been fixed where the stock helicopter's max speed might increase in AB by installing the 2xITOW or 2xTOW-2 weapon setups.
- F-80 — a bug has been fixed that prevented armament setups which include 4x1,000 lb bombs. Missed info of the 1,000 lb bomb has been restored to the cursor hover menu.
- Ka-29 - a bug has been fixed that prevented HIRSS, countermeasures, and IRCM display while the 2A42 cannon was installed. The 30mm 2A42 cannon has been added to the offensive armament menu. The crosshair has been added for the 2A42 cannon.
- AH-6M - an ammo capacity for the machine-gun pods has been increased: to 6,000 rounds for the M134, and to 1,200 rounds for GAU-19 machine-guns.
- Tornado F.3 - Skyflash missiles have been changed to the Skyflash (DF).
- UH-1D - icons for the missiles have been fixed.
- Tornado F.3 - a bug has been fixed that prevented the AIM-9L missiles with the BOL flare/chaff pod (when the countermeasures researched and missiles modification is not).
- P-47D-30 (Italy) - HVAR rockets have been added.
- F-4J and F-4S - Mk.77 incendiary bombs have been added.
- Bf 109 G-10, Bf 109 G-14 - a bug has been fixed part of the wing disappeared when installing the 20mm MG151 gunpods (report).
- A few changes to damage control tips:
- Tips to activate extinguisher, vessel repairs, or water pumps now disappear smoothly in a few seconds and immediately after the required button was pressed.
- If damage control actions are set in the auto mode (long hold of the [6], [7] or [8] buttons), the corresponding tips are not displayed.
- A bug has been fixed where pressing the minimap button in the multifunctional menu or radio reports many times caused the opening of the gaming chat.
- Custom interface colour setup now corresponds to the helicopter HUD interface and indicator.
- A bug has been fixed with incorrect position of the gaming chat in the helicopter HUD.
- A bug has been fixed where the battle chat was dubbed in the spectator's view.
- A bug with missing description in the secondary armaments tooltip has been fixed.
16.03.2023 (Server update)
Table of changes in the BR of Hunter aircraft in RB:
- Hunter F.58 9.3 -> 9.7
- Hunter FGA.9 unchanged
- Hunter F.1 unchanged
- Hunter F.6 10.0 - 9.7
- J34 RB 9.3 -> 9.0
20.03.2023 (
- A bug has been fixed that allowed television seekers to acquire targets in the night.
- USS Newport News — a bug has been fixed that prevented the "Deforming camouflage" application.
- Sound of the M53/59 engine has been changed to a more suitable, in-line 6 cylinder diesel.
- Sound of the ZK 453 cannon has been tuned. Now it sounds brighter and more bass.
- A bug which caused a single shot of aircraft guns not to sound or sound jerky has been fixed.
- The volume of the game interface sounds and air combat signal shots such as reloading, lack of ammunition etc have been corrected.
22.03.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- Laser warning sensors in random battles have been restored.
- A bug has been fixed where the activated cruise control mode was not displayed.
- A bug has been fixed where the destroyed antenna of SAM SPAAGs continued to rotate.
- Pantsyr-S1 — a bug has been fixed that prevented the radar from tracking air-to-surface missiles and aircraft bombs (rерort).
- Pantsyr-S1 — an issue, where the search radar was unable to detect low flying targets, has been solved .
- Pantsyr-S1 — incorrect display of the radar scanning cone angles has been fixed.
- Pantsyr-S1 — scan time of the search radar in different modes has been adjusted. 0-30 degree cone - 2 sec; 0-60 degree - 4 sec; 0-80 degree - 8 sec.
- TOR-М1 — a bug with the incorrect display of the radar cone of the search radar has been fixed (report).
- TOR-М1 — scan time of the search radar in different modes has been adjusted. 0-12 degree cone - 1 sec; 0-32 degree - 3 sec; 0-64 degree - 6 sec.
- FlaRakRad — a bug has been fixed that disabled the tracking radar after switching off the search radar (report).
- FlaRakRad — IRST distance has been increased from 10 to 15 km.
- ITO-90 — IRST distance has been increased from 10 to 15 km.
- 2S6 — IRST distance has been increased from 10 to 12 km.
- ADATS — IRST distance has been increased from 10 to 12 km.
- 2S6 — tracking radar distance has been increased from 10 to 13 km.
- 2S6 — search radar scan cone angles have been increased from 15 to 20 degrees (report).
- 2S6 — IRST angles have been increased: from +/-20 to +/-134 horizontal, and from -10…+80 to -12…+84 vertical (report).
- LAV-AD, Type-93, Machbet, SIDAM 25, SIDAM 25 (Mistral) — incorrect IRST distance in the xray mode and in battle has been fixed, IRST distance has been increased to 10 km.
- Type-91 SAM — autopilot has been improved, missile dynamics adjusted. Sensitivity of the contact fuse has been increased.
- Laser warning sensors in random battles have been restored.
- Distance of all radar-warning systems has been increased 2-3 times against radar and active missile seekers.
- Gun lead indicator will no longer be available for aerial targets in the TWS (track-while-scan) mode, same as for the target area set on the ground. The indicator is now available on distances up to 1.5 km, target tracking is now smoother. When the lead indicator is activated, its mode is now displayed as "AUTO" in the HUD.
- In order to make flight the characteristics of all missiles more authentic, their induced drag has been significantly increased. This results in increasing energy drop in manoeuvring, as well as at low speed flight. Maximum fire range in the frontal hemisphere and on crossing (collision) courses will be reduced, the efficiency of induced oscillation of enemy missiles by manoeuvres in long-range air combat will increase.
- Ki-21-Ia, Ki-21-I Hei — separate bomb drop has been added.
- Be-6 — separate bomb drop has been added.
- A-26 (all modifications) — targeting angles of the turrets have been fixed.
- Bf 110G-4 — a bug has been fixed where the gun pod was displayed after mounting of the Flam C 250 and Flam C 500 incendiary bombs.
- Bf 110G-2, Bf 110G-4 — incorrect bomb icons in the secondary armament menu have been fixed.
- Z-10 — take-off weight (armed, fuelled, with crew) has been reduced to 5,540 kg.
- Lynx AH Mk.1, G-Lynx — wander of the autopilot in the hover mode has been fixed.
- Ka-50, Ka-52, Ka-29, Wasp HAS Mk.1, Scout AH Mk1 — wobbles in the level flight have been fixed.
- MiG-23BN - fuel weight has been increased by 140 kg, dry weight reduced.
- Imperatritsa Mariya — traverse limits of the second and the third main calibre turrets that previously allowed firing through the superstructure, have been fixed.
- RN Duilio — the lifeboats have been hidden to widen the traverse angles of the 37mm guns on the stern superstructure.
- USS Newport News — armour of the mantlets of the stern main calibre turret has been corrected.
- Duguay Trouin — targeting speed of the main calibre turrets has been corrected: traverse from 7 to 6.4 deg/sec; elevation from 6.4 to 6 deg/sec.
- Duguay Trouin — the first order ammo rack of the main turrets has been increased from 17 to 30 rounds.
- 155mm/50 model 20 gun — shell parameters have been adjusted:
- Tail fuse HE round name has been fixed.
- Type of the semi-AP round changed from SAPCBC to SAPBC.
- Velocity of the tail fuse HE round has been increased from 864 to 870 m/sec.
- Some machine guns on ground vehicles and aircraft, that previously used the Browning M1919 sound but had a higher fire rate, now get their own sound with correct fire.
- Some aircraft machine guns with rate of fire over 20 rps and previously using the Browning M1919 sounds, have been transferred to the MG-81 sounds.
- Tanks of the Merkava Mk.4 family get the correct sound of the MTU MB 833 engine of the Leopard 2 family.
- A bug where on helicopters with radar, an inclinometer was missing has been fixed.
- Distance selection for ground vehicles in the protection analysis has been reduced to 2000 metres. Previously armour penetration wasn't considered at distances above 2000 metres despite the possibility of selecting a larger distance in the interface.
Other changes
- Momentary visual zooming of the model when switching between two similarly sized ships has been fixed.
- A bug that could cause the game to freeze when trying to join the next battle has been fixed (report).
- One of the causes of the in-game browser hanging has been fixed.
- A bug that might cause armoured vehicles to appear too bright in the thermal sight has been fixed (report).
- A bug that caused the fire extinguisher prompt not to be displayed has been fixed (report).
Xbox Series X
- A game freeze when trying to watch a server replay has been fixed.
23.03.2023 (
- Incorrect display of the gun crosshair in the HUD of some aircraft has been fixed (report)
- The terms of some Battle Tasks have been changed. New terms are applied to fresh tasks only, The terms of the tasks in progress remain (table with details).
24.03.2023 (
- A bug has been fixed that caused torpedoes not to leave a trail in the water.
- Incorrect reflections from snow during rain on the Ardennes, Maginot Line and Seversk-13 locations at medium and low graphic settings have been fixed (report).
PC and MacOS Only
- Mac — an error that allowed the mouse cursor to leave the game window has been fixed (report).
- An error that caused a possible crash on Intel Arc video cards has been fixed (report).
29.03.2023 (
- TB-3M-17-32, J7W1 — separate bomb drop has been added.
- Mi-28NM — a bug has been fixed that prevented a 4 x 500 kg bombs setup.
- BI — camera zoom position has been adjusted.
- Tornado F.3 — a bug has been fixed that prevented night vision in third-person view.
- An extra red square has been removed from the helicopter sight when stabilisation is on.
Ground Vehicles
- ZTS63 — a bug has been fixed where the vehicle lacked some camouflages.
- IJN Isuzu, IJN Chidori, SKR-1, SKR-7 — main calibre turrets now able to turn 360 degrees.
- RN Duilio — different speed parameter between in battle and in the data card has been fixed.
- Duguay-Trouin — a bug has been fixed that prevented the 155mm first order ammo rack from replenishing (report).
- HMS Tiger — display of the deforming camo has been corrected.
- Incorrect animation of fire in the helicopter's hover mode has been fixed.
- Minimum scale interface option is restored for SB.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented instruments data (speed, height, etc) from disabling in the test flight in "Custom" difficulty setting.
- Rewards that require all rewards from the same trophy to be unlocked have been moved to a separate section in the description of Battle trophies.
31.03.2023 (
- Sounds of tank guns have been corrected to be more realistic. In third person, attacks are more clean and powerful, while the end of the shot feels more natural. In first person pushback, the breech mechanism and falling of shell casings are now more pronounced.
- Sounds of shooting smoke shells have been reworked.
- Some explosions have been reworked to sound more natural and less sharp as distance increases. The mixing of the game should become more transparent.
Ground vehicles
- An error that caused the first order ammo rack to be partially or completely empty upon respawning in realistic battles in some vehicles has been fixed (report).
- An error has been fixed that caused incorrect refilling time of the first order ammo on vehicles with this mechanic (report).
- An error that caused IR missiles to misfire from SAM SPAAGs has been fixed. Due to this error only an animation of the missile launch played without sound, while the missile itself wasn't being launched (report).
31.03.2023 (Server update)
Custom hangar functionality is temporarily disabled due to a bug that causes the game to crash when launching the client.
After the issue is fixed, the user hangar will be available again if it was installed previously. In some cases, it may be necessary to restart the game to fix this bug
05.04.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- Error indicator has been added, if one decoration interferes with another.
- A bug has been fixed that might cause a FPS drop while zooming in to a vehicle with decals.
- A bug has been fixed where a smoke generator remained on the destroyed vehicle.
- A bug has been fixed where bush decorations might disappear completely or partially in the hangar.
- Pantsir-S1 — missing "Adjustment of fire" modification has been restored (report).
- Type 87 — a bug has been fixed where the gun was unable to be controlled after the gunner was knocked out with the control dubbing for commander enabled .
- 105mm T279 — the in-flight weight of the projectile has been increased from 4.2 to 4.5 kg (report).
- Tornado F.3 — reflection of the minimap display on the canopy glass has been removed.
- Tornado GR.1 — visual artefacts that might appear on the canopy in night maps have been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented completion of the take-off/landing tutorial in SB mode when using a gamepad (report).
- BV 238 — incorrect position of the crew in xray mode has been fixed.
- Me 262 A1/U4 - an incorrect fuse delay of HE-T rounds has been fixed.
- Bf 109G-10, Bf 109G-14 - a bug with incorrect display of the МK-108 and МG-151 cannons in xray mode has been fixed (report).
- HMS Hood — watering and heeling parameters have been adjusted. Ship doesn't roll onto its side, watering takes longer and more smoothly.
- MPK 204 — a bug has been fixed that prevented damage control when the crew number reduced to 5%.
- T-51b — a bug has been fixed that resulted in torpedo launch while firing the autocannon.
- Duguay-Trouin — a bug has been fixed that caused damage on the second main gun turret with destruction of the third one.
- IJN Chidori — a bug has been fixed that prevented the stern main gun turret firing.
- Ground vehicle shots when heard from the gunner view now have a sound blast that compensates the clanging of the gun breech.
- Ground vehicle shots from third person view, as well as shots from allies/ enemies are now less bright.
- The sound mix has been rebalanced in order to improve the dynamics of the sound picture. I.e. The volume difference between quiet and loud sounds has increased and the general volume of the game has reduced.
- The volume of explosions has become more consistent with the distances they occur. Close explosions sound sharp and bright; the further they are, the less bright and loud they are, with characteristic rolling echo.
"Mobile infantry" event
- Rangefinders of the exoskeletons have been fixed.
- Twitching movement by fast clicking the right/left buttons has been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented secondary fragments of the 9М336М and FIM-92X anti-air missiles.
- Lock-on distance of the 9М336М and FIM-92X seekers has been increased.
- Acquisition rate of exoskeletons has been increased for Assault, ATGM and MANPADS classes.
- Acquisition rate of Sniper exoskeletons has been reduced.
- The 12.7mm HE-I round of the 6P51 machine gun has been changed to AP-I round.
- Third-person view camera has been shifted back and up.
- If a player has one of the achievement rewards not redeemed. Each time the profile window is opened, a player will be able to see the Achievement tab with an unredeemed reward.
- A bug has been fixed where the squadron list might automatically scroll on top.
- A bug has been fixed which made the booster icons look distorted.
- A bug has been fixed where the radar mode name on the "Khrizantema-S" was out the screen edge.
- The possibility to track the progress of sub-challenges in the Battle Pass window has been added.
06.04.2023 (Server update)
- The conditions for receiving rewards containing Golden Eagles under the "Invite friend" program have been changed.
- Now, to get the second (100 GE and 300,000 SL) and the third (2,500 GE) rewards, as well as the starting reward of 50 GE for an invited friend, an inviting player must have 2-step authentication activated. If, at the moment of completing the condition for reward, the 2-step authentication was not activated, the reward will still be issued after activation and re-login: first for the invited players, then for inviting. The change will not affect previously issued rewards.
07.04.2023 (
- A bug that caused hits from 30 mm automatic cannons of a low firing rate to look and sound like hits from high firing rate cannons (3000 - 6000 rpm) has been fixed.
- Firing sounds of the player's automatic cannons have been corrected by volume in relation to main calibre cannons and machine guns.
- The sounds of falling cannon casings of ground vehicles have received more volume and are now louder.
12.04.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- A bug has been fixed where the UAV for ground vehicles was enabled by pressing the same button as in the infantry battles.
- White exhaust on AI vehicles has been fixed.
- M247 — elevation angles of the commander's sight have been increased from -10…+20 to -10…+60 degrees. Source: TM 9-1230-202-20-1
- VCC-80/30 — due to the cannon's selective feed, over lengthy belt changes has been fixed.
- QN506 — armouring of the commander's sight has been added (rеport)
- QN506 — a bug with overestimated armour values of the tank's top has been fixed (report)
- QN506 — QN502 missiles now can be fired whilst in motion.
- AIM-54A, AGM-114B, AGM-114K, PARS 3 LR, AKD-9, AKD-10, AS-30L, L-UMTAS, ZT-6, Kh-25, Kh-25ML, Kh-29L, Kh-29T — fixed delay of the vertical proportional navigation guidance for targets above the missile
- AGM-114B, AGM-114K — autopilot has been adjusted, missile accuracy for small targets has been increased.
- AGM-114B — explosive weight has been reduced from 6.4 to 5.688 kg.
- AGM-114K — explosive weight has been increased from 6.45 to 6.685 kg.
- MiG-21F-13 — ballistic calculator for cannons has been added.
- Shackleton MR.Mk.2 — guidance angles of the front turret have been fixed (report).
- Javelin F.(A.W.) Mk.9 — a bug has been fixed with the incorrect position of the muzzle flash on cannons in the 2x 30mm ADEN plus 4x Firestreak missiles.
- Z-19, Z-19E — a bug has been fixed where the MFD missed the radar screen while toggling modes.
- F-105D — incorrect weight of the chaff pods has been fixed (report).
- Incorrect position of the launch flash of missiles has been corrected. Previously the missile launch appeared behind the aircraft.
- A bug has been fixed where IR seekers might lock on the empty space instead of an enemy aircraft (report).
- PBY-5A (USSR), BV 238 — incorrect positioning of the crew has been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed where VTOL aircraft had "Hover on" indication after respawn or reloading on the airfield.
- RWR will detect radar lock precisely accounting enemy radar antenna radiation patterns. RWR will also detect radar illumination for SARH missiles with a wider beam if it presents. This will allow aircraft flying near the target the enemy radar is tracking, to now receive a radar lock warning if the enemy SARH missile can re-aim on them.
- Harrier GR.7 — a bug has been fixed where the IRST pod might lose the target due to change of the nose targeting optics position. IRST of the nose optics has been removed.
- Tornado F.3 — incorrect scan angles and the search area of the radar have been fixed (rеport).
- Tornado IDS Marineflieger (Germany) — a bug has been fixed where radar was unable to lock on targets in dogfights.
- A bug has been fixed where destruction of the elevator led to complete disabling of reloading instead of a slowing.
- Pr.1124 MLRS — 12.7mm machine guns have been grouped to the second weapon group.
- USS Pittsburgh, USS Baltimore — main turret traverse rate has been increased from 5 to 5.3 deg/sec, elevation rate - from 8.3 to 10.6 deg/sec.
- A bug that caused the sorting to reset when viewing the squadron composition has been fixed (report).
- A bug that caused the action panel in helicopter and aircraft battles to overlap with some tooltips/notifications has been fixed.
- The time of the opening of the multifunction menu in the battles has been decreased.
- FPS drop while scrolling large lists with the mouse wheel has been fixed.
- FPS drop while moving cursor in the profile window in the "Skins" section has been fixed.
- The position of the player list in the WW mode tab in the squadron menu has been fixed.
- The text of the tooltip that appears when trying to pick up an unopened prize in the BP line has been fixed.
- A bug that occurred when trying to open the multifunction menu on consoles has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the quadrocopter of the air defence soldier to capture points in the "Mobile Infantry" event has been fixed.
13.04.2023 (Server update)
Dear players! We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. In the recent BR update we continued to introduce our approach to gradually increase the Battle Ratings of the top- and pre-top vehicles. This approach allows us to identify solid leaders and outsiders by combat efficiency and make corresponding adjustments to the planned BR updates. This time we are updating the BR 9.7+ vehicles (including a few 9.3 vehicles) in order to reconsider BR 9.3-9.7 vehicles and below. Thanks to your feedback, we've also noticed a few rank III vehicles (such as Comet and T-34-85), which also had their BR updated.
As for the Harrier GR.1 efficiency, it could have a higher rating, but due to the massive feedback we decided to reduce its BR to 9.7 both in RB and SB. We will closely monitor its efficiency after this update. We have also noticed your suggestions concerning the G.91Y. At the moment we are working on the new weapon menu, including new air-to-surface munitions for this aircraft. This requires specific model updates, and new weapons to be introduced to the game in one of the upcoming updates. Also, the previously announced BR updates for Fw 190 D-12 and Ta 152 C-3 in RB mode will also not be introduced yet: although these aircraft remain BR rise candidates, we decided to wait and monitor their efficiency a little more.
Some aircraft receive their BR updates in accordance with their modifications: The American F-8E (USA) gets BR 10.0 in SB, same as the French F-8E(FN); Chinese F-5A gets its BR 10.7 in RB, same as the F-5E. After the F4U-1A (USA), the British Corsair F Mk II and Japanese F4U-1A will have their BR lowered to 3.3 in SB. Although we agree with your suggestions to lower the BR of the AH-6M, but only in the AB. Further changes of ground vehicles and helicopters will take us further research.
We were pleased to hear your positive feedback on the top-tier Enduring Confrontation mode. Other BR changes in the SB mode will also support the variability for all rotations regardless of the week. Unfortunately, some of your suggestions did not take into account the possible encounters for the minimum BR value. However, after analysing the feedback and statistics, we decided to increase Ariete's BR to 9.0. At the same time, we do not plan to lower the BR of the C.202 EC in the upcoming rating updates, which might not correspond to SB matches at 2.3-3.7.
- [9] Enduring Confrontation changes will be implemented later.
- Implemented the aircraft damage model changes listed in this article.
17.04.2023 (
- Custom hangar functionality is again available.
18.04.2023 (Server update)
- The terms of purchasing a rank V bluewater ship has temporarily been removed from the "Invite a friend" program (2,500 GE). The reward will still be issued for purchasing a rank V coastal vessel, ground vehicle, or aircraft. This temporary solution is against the sharply increased number of players using game process automation to upgrade their game account.
- Planned session BR changes for the aircraft Simulator battles.
- Yak-38 — BR has been reduced from 9.7 to 9.3 in the SB mode.
- La-9 (China) — BR has been reduced from 6.3 to 6.0 in the SB mode.
- Iacobi's J8A — BR has been reduced from 1.3 to 1.0 in the SB mode.
- Ki-43-II (USA) — BR has been increased from 2.3 to 2.7 in the SB mode.
- Ki-61-Ib (USA) — BR has been increased from 3.0 to 3.3 in the SB mode.
19.04.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- TKX — incorrect armour penetration values from fragments of low-calibre HE rounds has been fixed (report).
- Object 906 — disconformity of the turret armour plates and visual model has been fixed.
- Vickers Mk.1 — a bug of the damage model of the hull front has been corrected.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented automatic enabling of the crosshair light in night battles.
- A bug of the manual transmission has been fixed where a tank started pivoting by pressing the acceleration button.
- A bug has been fixed where a commander's TVD might spontaneously be disabled.
- AFT09 — a bug has been fixed where the folded missile launcher remained unfolded in the xray mode damage model.
- A bug has been fixed where a repair indicator activated with enabled the towing indicator made both indicators activate.
- PGZ-04A — available G-tolerance of the HN-6 missile has been increased from 10 to 12 G for each plane (18G in the combined plane). Source: "Operation manual of FN-6 ground-to-air missile weapon system".
- PGZ-04A — dynamics and autopilot of the missile have been improved; a bug has been fixed which caused an unstable trajectory.
- QN506 — a missing max distance in the info card of the QN502DD missile has been restored.
- QN506 — a bug has been fixed which caused an overpressure damage to missiles and unmanned turret modules.
- Bf 109 F-4 — a bug has been fixed where the left gunpod was displayed in the xray mode while equipping bombs.
- SA.341F Gazelle, SA.342M Gazelle — third-person view camera zoom position has been corrected.
- MiG-23 MLA — a bug with the missing flare pod under the fuselage has been fixed.
- F-4S — missed air-to-air ballistic calculator in the third-person view has been added.
- Q-5L — a bug has been fixed where it was unable to lock on target in the rear hemisphere, or lock-on was reset, while aiming with a targeting pod.
- JA37 (all versions) — lead marker and gun fire funnel has been added to HUD.
- 9М39 missile — Engine run time has been changed from 8,4 to 8,5 seconds (report).
- 9М39 missile — Rocket dynamics has been reworked. Rocket autopilot has been improved.
- AIM-7E, AIM-7E-2 (DF), AIM-7F, Skyflash (DF), Skyflash SuperTEMP missiles — Angle of target tracking before launch has been changed from 15 to 35 degrees (report).
- Skyflash (DF), Skyflash SuperTEMP missiles — The maximum target tracking speed has been changed from 12 to 44 degrees per second. Source: "Tornado F.3 Tactics Manual (1987)".
- Skyflash (DF), Skyflash SuperTEMP missiles — capturing of the target type "fighter" has been changed from 30 to 37 km (report).
- A bug that caused all buildings in the blast radius to be completely destroyed during a nuclear strike has been fixed. The destructibility now depends on the size of the buildings.
- RN Duca degli Abruzzi — The order of the main calibre turrets in the ship's interface identification has been fixed.
- IJN Nenohi — A bug that caused the ship's model to disappear when zooming in the 3rd person view has been fixed.
- 15 cm Pzgr. L/3,7 (m. HB), 15 cm Spgr. L/4,5 Kz, 15 cm Spgr. L/4,5 Kz (m. HB), 15 cm Spgr. L/4,4 Bdz shells — Amount of the explosive has been reduced. Source: "Merkbuch über die Munition für die 15 cm SK C/25 der Schiffsartillerie".
- A bug where the "shell tracking camera" function was active when the fire button was held again and with broken cannons the shell tracking mode was switched on again has been fixed.
- A bug because of which in the helicopter HUD inscriptions at the "square" and "rectangular" radar went over the screen edge has been fixed.
- A bug where the tooltip about reloading was overlaid on the helicopter's parameters in the battle has been fixed.
- The ability to open the list of suspended weaponry of another "cell" with a single click when editing suspended weaponry has been added. Before the change it was necessary to use two clicks: the first closed the already opened list and the second opened a new one.
- A bug that caused the shell drop point (aiming point) to rotate when tilting the head has been fixed.
- The displaying of nicknames for all Gaijin users has been unified.
- Added support for Unicode letters and numbers that allows the vast majority of nicknames from Steam to look unchanged in Gaijin services. If you encounter any issues, please report them on community.gaijin.net.
26.04.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- T25 — The thickness (4 - >10 mm) and the material (structural steel -> rolled armour) of the grilles on the top of the engine-transmission compartment have been fixed. Previously, these grilles could be penetrated by machine gun fire from other ground vehicles.
- Ariete (all modifications) — The material (structural steel - > combined armour plate) and thickness (4 - > 20 mm) of the side skirts have been fixed.
- 9М331 — The missile's maximum permissible overload has been clarified. Permissible overload has been changed from 16 to 42G.
- 9М331 — The missile dynamics has been reworked. The work of autopilots for guidance and orientation of the rocket has been clarified.
- ZLT11 — A bug where the absence of hatch main armour on the right side of the hull has been fixed (report).
- QN506 — A bug which made it impossible to use the commander's sight except for the cannon's direction has been fixed (report 1, report 2).
- QN506 — Ammo of the 7.62 machine gun has been changed from 2000 to 1000 rounds.
- QN506 — A bug causing part of the hull roof armour to combine at the same time as the air intake grill has been fixed (report).
- QN506 — Partition between the unmanned combat compartment and control compartment has been added.
- QN506 — In the damage mode and X-Ray view, the ammo for the 30 mm cannon has been divided into two belts.
- M6A1, T1E1 — A bug which made it possible to fire the offensive machine guns after the loss of the gunner has been fixed.
- M4A5 — A bug with the inconsistent location of transmission geometry in the damage model and X-ray view has been fixed.
- M163 — A bug with absence in the DM of the breech part of the cannon has been fixed (report).
- 2S38 — A bug with discrepancy of the location of the cannon's breech geometry in DM and X-Ray view has been fixed (report).
- ZSU-23-4, ZSU-37-2 — The mode of the circular scanning has been changed from "Circular" to "Accelerated circular" mode. Angular scanning speed has been changed from 20 to 60 degrees per second. Source: "Пособие по изучению правил стрельбы батареи, взвода, установки ЗСУ-23-4. 1969"
- F-84G (Italy) — air respawn has been fixed.
- PB4Y (all versions) — air respawn has been fixed.
- Milan — a bug has been fixed where the fuel tank was overlapping the cannon magazines.
- F-5E (all versions) — a bug where the radar in the cockpit was shifted to the side has been fixed.
- Kurnass 2000 — a bug where the radar in the cockpit was shifted to the side; the radar colour scheme has been adjusted has been fixed.
- A-7K — a bug where a data popup of the LANA targeting pod was similar to the A-7E pod has been fixed.
- P.108A series 2 — a bug where the modification "New 102mm cannons" increased a shell spread on distances over 500 metres has been fixed.
- Ju 388 J — a bug where the windshield glass was specified as "armour" in the armour view tab in the hangar has been fixed.
- A-4 (all versions) — jet boosters have been added to all A-4 aircraft, similar to A-4B versions. A bug with the infinite repair on the airfield has been fixed.
- Yak-141 — stealth belt has been added to the GSh-30-1 cannon.
- MiG-29 — a bug where the MFD remained idle after disabling the HUD has been fixed.
- A bug where the contrail was not displayed in the local replay has been fixed.
- A bug where while test flying the Soviet piston-engined aircraft, as well as French and British hydroplanes, the gunner's sight was blinking in the allowed fire angles, which made it impossible to disable AI gunners, has been fixed.
Aircraft missiles
- 9М39 — altitude control engine and autopilot has been added.
- L-UMTAS — autopilot has been improved. Significantly improved autopilot at short-range. (report)
- ZT-6 Mokopa — the rocket dynamics and autopilot have been reworked. Significantly improved autopilot at short-range.
- CIRIT — autopilot has been improved.
- APKWS II (M151) — autopilot has been improved.
- APKWS II (M282) — autopilot has been improved.
- R-27Т, R-27R, R-27ER — control guidance delay upon launching has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 sec (report).
- AIM-54A — the rocket dynamics and autopilot have been reworked. Max overload has been increased from 16G to 17G. Sources: "An Outsider's View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System", "Grumman F-14 Tomcat by David Baker", "Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat by Tom Cooper, Farzad Bishop (Author) & Chris Davey (Illustrator) form Osprey Publishing"
- AIM-54A — a bug where the missile could destroy the carrier aircraft while pulling up has been fixed (report).
- AIM-54A — the seeker warm-up angles have been increased from 45 to 60 degrees. Source: "An Outsider's View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System"
- AIM-54A — guidance equipment operational time has been increased from 100 to 160 sec. Source: "An Outsider's View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System"
- AIM-54A — the climbing up angle has been increased. (report).
- Z-47 — The possibility of simultaneous firing of the 128 mm and 37 mm guns has been disabled.
- Blagorodnyy — A bug where the first order ammo racks for the main calibre turrets weren't displayed if the auxiliary armament wasn't selected has been fixed.
- Duguay-Trouin — The elevation angles of the 75mm anti-aircraft gun have been changed from 60 to 85 degrees.
Game mechanics
- Respawn cost of the Pantsir-S1 in Ground RB has been increased to the SPG level: 90-130 RP instead of 70-110.
- Weapon RP costs for ATGM-carrying helicopters in Ground RB has been changed:
- Increased by 9% for ATGMs with proximity fuzes;
- Decreased by 10% for ATGMs with guiding distance of 2 km and below;
- Increased by 9% for ATGMs with guiding distance above 6 km.
- A bug that caused the vehicle in the research window not to update when replacing this vehicle in the setup has been fixed.
Other changes
- An FPS drop while sending long messages in the in-game chat has been fixed.
- Incorrect display of the aircraft gunner's hands have been corrected.
- A bug where the functionality of showing the list of the last past players after the battle wasn't working has been fixed.
- The displaying of nicknames for all Gaijin users has been unified.
- Added support for Unicode letters and numbers that allows the vast majority of nicknames from Steam to look unchanged in Gaijin services.
- If you encounter any issues in game client, please report them on community.gaijin.net.
03.05.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- M60A2 — A bug with the explosion of the smoke grenades at high altitude above the tank has been fixed (report).
- M18 GMC — A bug where AP shells might fly through the commander without causing damage has been fixed (report).
- A bug that caused armoured vehicles with multiple reverse gears when using automatic transmission to reverse in first gear only has been fixed (report).
- A bug that caused maximum reverse speed on wheeled vehicles to be unachievable if the wheels were turned to one side or another before moving has been fixed (report 1, report 2).
- "Vietnam" and "Breslau" locations — Some physical materials that could significantly slow down the movement of wheeled vehicles for example on bridges has been corrected (report).
- AGM-65A, AGM-65B, AGM-65D — The autopilot and rocket dynamics have been redesigned. The loft manoeuvre mode has been added to the autopilot.
- F-84F — A bug where HVAR missiles under the fuselage were consumed incorrectly has been fixed.
- Lightning F.53 — A bug that made it possible to forcibly drop SNEB type 23 missile containers above the wings has been fixed.
- Jaguar GR.1A — A bug that made it possible to forcibly drop AIM-9G missiles has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the parameters of dropping bombs in series to apply to other helicopter weaponry has been fixed (report).
- A bug that caused bomb/torpedo tracking not to work when the weapons selector was turned on after bombing has been fixed.
- A bug where when using the default settings for the "Takeoff-Landing" training prompted the instructor to raise the mouse up when taking off, which caused a nose over, has been fixed.
- A bug when switching to premium piston aircraft in the hangar where the engine propeller might change the position has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the position of the propeller blades to be different when viewed from the cockpit and from 3rd person view has been fixed.
- Display of the current and maximum allowed mass has been added to the suspended weaponry edit window. Also displaying the mass for each pod has been added to the drop-down suspended weaponry menu.
Other changes
- The ability to move the NVIDIA ANSEL camera by using WASD has been restored (report).
- VR — A bug that caused some objects like branches, trash and bricks in ground battles to be displayed only in the left eyepiece has been fixed.
04.05.2023 (
- A bug that caused trees and bushes not to fall when they were hit by shells, bullets and rockets has been fixed.
- A bug that would randomly reset control settings has been fixed.
Improved camera in replays
- New camera "Two plane camera" for use in replays and arbiter mode has been added. The cinematic camera allows you to track other aircraft while keeping the selected player's aircraft in the frame. You can seamlessly switch to the next aircraft in the range. To control the new camera you need to go to "Controls" under "Spectator camera".
- The ability to fix the direction of the free camera movement independent of the direction of view has been added.
- You can move and rotate now the camera that follows the aircraft.
- The ability to disable and enable shaking of the aircraft tracking camera has been added.
- Blocking the direction of view in the horizontal plane has been added.
- Free camera speed blocking (current and according to aircraft speed) has been added.
- Zoom speed adjustment has been added for all cameras.
- "Field of view" setting has been added for cameras in replays. You can set the desired value in the menu "Session Settings" -> "Main parameters" -> "Replays and Spectator Mode".
10.05.2023 (
Armoured vehicles
- Strela-10M2 — the autopilot of the 9M37M missile has been improved.
- M163, Machbet — sight magnification has been adjusted from х1.9-3.5 to х6 (report).
- M163, M901, ADATS(M113), SUB-I-II, CM25, M113A1 (TOW), SIDAM 25, SIDAM 25 (Mistral), ASRAD-R, Machbet — material of the bulkhead in xray mode has been changed to aluminium.
- Gal Batash, Magach 7C — commander's camera position has been shifted towards the commander's cupola (report).
- Olifant Mk.2 — a bug has been fixed where the thickness and material of the bulkhead differed from other Centurion tanks.
- A bug has been fixed that caused enabling of the night vision in 3rd person view on vehicles without NVD modification on re-spawning.
- AIM-54A — calculation of the maximum range has been updated.
- A bug has been fixed in the "Take-off and landing" tutorial, where in a "relative controls" setting in SB mode it was unable to proceed the tutorial after taking off .
16.05.2023 (Server update - Reverted)
We have heard You!
Dear players!
The recently proposed economy changes, according to calculations, were on average helpful to players as they reduced the repair costs, and the total amount of Research Points for most vehicles. We wrote more about this in our answers to your questions on the 12th of May and the overall picture is clearly visible in the table sheet with changes. We have been following the feedback closely and we see that whilst some players generally agree with us, we also see that there are players who feel that these changes are not helpful to them. For this reason, we have decided not to implement the economy changes from the 16th of May.
We believe that the game and its changes should create positive emotions and that players' emotions are more important to us than calculations and numbers. In the future we will try to better explain our actions, and their benefits for players and also encourage you to leave constructive requests and questions in the special form. Previously announced economic changes have been rolled back:
The previously announced economic changes have been implemented. -
Free repair time in the hangar has been changed. The minimum time of free repair now depends on the economic rank (vehicle rank and its position in the tech tree). Previously, it was dependent on repair cost in Silver Lions. -
Cost of the "Crew replenishment" modification now depends on the economic rank (vehicle rank and its position in the tech tree). Previously it was dependent on the vehicle's rank. Repair costs of reserve vehicles have been reduced from 100 to 10 SL; other rank I vehicles have had their repair costs reduced from 100 to 40-70 SL. Repair costs of the rank VII vehicles increased from 700 to 1,000-1,100 SL. -
Research and purchase costs of some squadron vehicles have been changed (table). -
Purchase costs and RP multipliers of some Premium vehicles have been changed (table). -
Research, purchase costs, as well as other auxiliary parameters of some researchable vehicles have been changed (table) . -
The following position changes have been implemented for the research trees:-
M3A1 Stuart — taken out of the M3/M3A1 Stuart research group. -
Pz.III J — taken out of the Pz.III F/J group. -
Pz.IV C — moved to the position before Pz.II C. -
Pz.II F — taken out of the Pz.II C/F group. -
Pz.35(t) — moved to the position before Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41). -
Pz.38(t) A, Pz.38(t) F — moved to the position after Sd.Kfz.221 (s.Pz.B.41). -
Pz.38(t) F — taken out of the Pz.38(t) A/F group. -
15cm sIG 33 B Sfl, Panzerjäger I, Sd.Kfz.251/9 — moved to the position before StuG III A. -
Т-28 — taken out of the Т-28/Т-28E group and moved to rank I. -
Ratel 20 — moved to rank IV to a position after Ratel 90. -
G6 — moved to rank V to a position after Eland 90 Mk.7. -
Spj fm/43-44 and Sav m/43 (1944) — switched places. -
PTL02 — moved to rank VI to a position after CM25. -
Ki-109 — moved to rank I to a position after Ki-45 tei. -
Ki-45 hei — taken out of the Ki-45 group. -
J1N1 — moved to rank II to a position after Ki-45 hei. -
Ki-45 otsu — moved to a position after J1N1. -
B6N1 Model 11 — taken out of the B6N group and moved to rank I. -
D4Y3 Ko — taken out of the D4Y group. -
P1Y1 mod. 11 — moved to rank III to a position before B7A2. -
H8K2 — moved to a position after Ki-49-IIa. -
T18B and T18B (57) — switched places and moved to rank III; the requirement to open ranks IV and V have been adjusted.
R3 T20 FA-HS — BR (in RB and SB mode) has been changed from 5.0 to 5.7. -
The following changes to be implemented with the upcoming major update:-
Begleitpanzer 57 — moved to a position after the Radkampfwagen 90. -
PUMA — moved to a position after the Begleitpanzer 57. -
SIDAM 25 — moved to rank VI.
17.05.2023 (
- SAAB J-35XS — asymmetrical layout of secondary armament has been corrected.
- A-4E, A-4N Skyhawk II (Ayit) — incorrect icon of the 6x 500lb LDGP Mk 82 setup in the secondary weapon menu has been corrected.
- Blenheim Mk.IV — a bug has been fixed where the upper turret was able to fire through the fuselage.
- Mi-28 — a bug has been fixed that prevented copying of the weapon setup.
- AH-6M — max payload weight has been corrected.
- A bug has been fixed where canopy hatches remained wide open after respawn or landing for repair).
- A bug has been fixed that prevented repair of the transmission and rotary wing while the collective pitch control lever is set to a position over 80%.
- 356mm Type 91 APC and 356mm Common Type 0 shells - explosives type has been changed from shimose to Type 91.
- Ryany — a bug has been fixed that allowed the first main gun to elevate through the overhead screen.
- Raimondo Montecuccoli — a bug has been fixed where the mortar was firing together with the main guns.
- The ability to save and view the progress of a favourite achievement from the last point of reference has been added.
- The ability to view personal tasks (battle tasks, battle pass tasks, favourite achievements) in battle has been added.
- The name of the missile trajectory straightening mode has been added to the tooltip that appears when you hover the mouse over the lower panel.
- A bug where only one turret icon was displayed in the window for suspended weaponry when installing turret weapons in pairs has been fixed.
- A bug where the last selected preset of vehicles after restarting the game could be copied to another preset has been fixed.
24.05.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- Pantsir-S — incorrect animation of the folded radar has been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed that caused incorrect data display after switching off the HUD interface (rеport).
- PT-658 — 3rd person view zoom camera position has been fixed.
- Dynamic water line has been added to the naval hit camera to show current depth, trim and heel of the ship.
- A bug has been fixed where the helicopter vortex effect on the ground or over the ground surface was not visible to others.
- A bug has been fixed where rapid toggling through nations might cause vehicles on the Premium vehicle pad to remain from the previously selected nation instead of the current.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented a refresh of the countermeasure selection after editing of the user weapon setups.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented help with the repairing indication on squad member vehicles.
- Shortcut conflict has been fixed while opening personal tasks with a gamepad in the spectator's mode.
- Players are now able to open personal tasks from the statistics window.
- A bug has been fixed where the system cursor was visible in the game.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented multifunction menu selection with a gamepad on PS4 and PS5.
- A bug has been fixed where there was a SL icon in the store instead of a EUR icon.
25.05.2023 (Server update)
Aircraft SB [Enduring Confrontation]
- The accuracy of SPAA vehicles in vehicle convoys and in the fields of ground battles has been reduced.
29.05.2023 (
- In the "Main Parameters" menu in the "Privacy and Confidentiality" tab, a new setting "Hide player nicknames" has been added. This setting allows to hide nicknames of players in battle or change nicknames to numeric UserID values. This option is helpful for streamers who may meet players in battle with nicknames from other platforms (Steam, PSN, Xbox etc.), which in accordance to their rules may contain inappropriate symbols or words, and therefore may in rare cases, cause blocking on streaming services.
- Tornado IDS (1995) (Italy) — a bug has been fixed which prevented countermeasures from being selected in the custom secondary armament set if it initially did not include countermeasures when creating the set.
- The "Activate" button has been removed from the "Battle tasks" window, since the tasks are activated upon being received or purchased.
- When played from a gamepad, the "Personal Tasks" button in spectator mode duplicated the "Forward" button, therefore, in the default layout, it was changed from "R1" to "LT".
- The "Personal tasks" button has been added to the statistics window in battle.
- Now, the "Personal tasks" button is not displayed in battles with disabled achievements, such as "Custom battles".
- The store progression bar has been removed from the "Battle tasks" section in the right side of the hangar interface, since store progression depends on the Battle Pass level.
- A bug has been fixed where a special task was displayed in the "Personal tasks" window, although the player has not yet completed the required Medium Task.
31.05.2023 (
Ground vehicles
- Incorrect animation of the scout UAV reloading in RB mode has been fixed.
- Incorrect displaying of the visual model of fired shells in replays has been fixed.
- Absence of animation of the digging icon when raising/lowering the blade in online battles has been fixed.
- Automatic firing of the AI-controlled main calibre turrets on blue water ships has been disabled. When switching to the second and third cannon group the main cannons remain aimed wherever the player was aiming when changing.
- A bug in replays that caused shots from blue water ships to be displayed with a delay has been fixed (report).
- Missing depth bomb replenishment animation has been fixed.
- HMS Enterprise — A bug that caused the actual amount of ammunition of the main calibre turret to be less than the player selected before battle has been fixed. The ammunition of the 152 mm single-shot cannons have been increased to 240 shots.
- Gun Vertical guidance speed for the 36 cm/45 Type 41 cannon has been increased to 8 degrees per second.
- Display of the required level for the Battle Pass has been added to the description of the challenges.
- A bug where when editing selected suspended weaponry when adding/removing a Flares/Chaff block in the modification window, the availability of the choice of Flares/Chaff wasn't updated has been fixed.
- A bug where the progress of the selected achievement relative to the previously selected mark wasn't displayed in a battle has been fixed.
- A bug where battle tasks for RB were displayed in battle in the "Personal Tasks" window in SB mode has been fixed.
- The battle task window no longer shows medium battle tasks until the reward for the easier one has been taken. Medium battle tasks can not be performed without getting reward for an easy task.
Other changes
- A bug where there were no armoured vehicles in the hangar on the special transportation trailer has been fixed.
07.06.2023 (
- Display of destroyed wrecks of ground vehicles which in rare cases might look like serviceable vehicles has been fixed.
- A bug where the effect of flying dirt might appear in the air in ground battles in different locations has been fixed (report).
- A bug which caused the aircraft icon to remain dark and not highlighted when activating an air event in ground AB although the player was waiting for the start of the air event has been fixed.
- A bug that caused event icons to me mistakenly displayed active at the beginning of the game session has been fixed
- A bug that caused the reload time not to be displayed when hovering over the icon during the initial preparation of the UAV has been fixed.
- HMS Glorious — torpedo firing order has been changed. In manual control, torpedoes are fired from one side in order rather than from the other.
- IJN Hatsuharu — "Torpedo Mode" modification has been added.
- A bug has been fixed in the boat tutorial where the frame over the furthest target was shown black.
Updates | |
Closed Beta | 1.17 · 1.25 |
Open Beta | 1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63 |
Release | 1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire |
Update 2.0 | New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age |
Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy | |
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