Update "Ground Breaking"

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Revision as of 12:11, 7 December 2021 by MiniMe943 (talk | contribs) (Smaller updates that came afterwards)

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Update "Ground Breaking" (changelog) was introduced on 28 October 2021. This update is notable for the introduction of physically deformable terrain and the first Israeli aircraft.

Msg-info.png Though the update numbering has been dropped since Update "Starfighters", the game version is still present in-game to indicate the update as 2.11


New vehicles










Ground vehicles









Naval fleet



Great Britain




New locations and missions

  • New location for naval battles "Vyborg Bay".
  • New location for air battles "Bourbon Island", including two missions: "Ground Strike" and "Operation".
  • New location ‘Aral Sea' for ground vehicle battles.
  • New missions "Operation: Afghanistan" and "Operation: Vietnam", based on the Enduring Confrontation logic. The missions' size are 128x128 km.

Location and mission updates

  • Models of buildings in the aircraft locations "Ruhr", "Berlin" and "Stalingrad" have been improved.
  • Models of buildings on airfields have been improved.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • BMP-3 — sight magnification after researching the "Sodema" module has been corrected.
  • IS-7 — turret armour has been converted to volumetric armour.
  • Tiger II (H), Tiger II (H) Sla. 16, Tiger II (10.5 cm KwK) — gun mantlet and the turret front have been converted to the volumetric armour.
  • Type-16 — magnification of the gunner and commander sights have been specified.
  • Type-62, Type-62(USSR) — smoke grenades have been added.
  • 2C25 — Lower frontal armour plate has been divided into lower and middle parts. THe thicknesses have been clarified - 30mm->23mm and 30mm->40mm for lower and middle parts respectively.
  • "Dozer blade" modification has been added for the following vehicles:
    • Type 74 E
    • Type 90
    • Chieftain Mk.3
    • M1A1 HC
    • Leopard 2A4
    • Strv 121
    • Leopard 1A5
    • Leopard 1A5 (Italy)
    • Centurion Mk.5 AVRE
    • T-72A, Т-72AV (TURMS-T), T72B, T-72B (1989), T-72B3 (2011)
    • T-90A
    • T-64B
    • T-80B, T-80U, T-80BVM
    • BMP-3
    • 9P157
    • AMX-40
    • PTZ-89
    • Strv 103C
  • Priming of the HESH fuse has been corrected to an equivalent of 4mm armour (report).
  • Physically correct tracks have been added for:
    • USSR
      • PT-76B
      • PT-76-57
      • Т-60
      • Т-70
      • T-80
      • ZUT-37
      • BМ-8-24
      • ASU-85
    • China
      • PT-76
      • Type 63-I

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:


  • AV-8A, AV-8C, Harrier GR.1, harrier GR.3 — ammo capacity of the 30mm ADEN Mk.4 guns has been reduced from 200 to 130 rounds (report).
  • F7F-1, F7F-3 — .50 Browning M2 belt combinations have been changed from early to late variants (report).
  • P-38J, P-38L, P-38K — .50 Browning M2 belt combinations have been changed from early to late variants.
  • I-185(М-82), I-185(М-71) — separate bomb drop for 100kg bombs, and separate rocket launch for RS-82 and RBS-82 rockets have been introduced .
  • 30mm NR-30 gun — belt combinations have been changed from early to 1974 variants.
  • F-4E - AGM-62A Walleye I guided bomb has been added. Mk.82 modification has been removed, now weapon presets containing Mk.82 bombs require modification Mk.117. Modifications Mk.117/83/84 have been moved one tier up, to tiers I, II, and III respectively.
  • F-8E(FN) — added modifications required for presets containing R530 and R530E missiles.
  • A-4E Early — AGM-62A Walleye I guided bomb has been added.
  • MiG-23M — flares and chaff have been changed to larger calibre, with increased brightness and chaff dispersion.
  • МiG-27М — flares and chaff have been changed to a larger calibre, with increased brightness and chaff dispersion.
  • Jaguar A — AS-30L missile and the pods with guided bombs BGL-400 and BGL-1000 have been added, with corresponding modifications to research. "Framework" module has been moved to tier I. ATLIS II laser/electro-optical targeting pod has been introduced to weapon presets.
  • Optical seekers on air-to-surface missiles and guided bombs are now able to lock on to both ground units, and an area on the surface.
  • AGM-65A, AGM-65B — lock on distance has been specified. For tanks like the M60, the distance is now ~3 and ~6 km respectively.
  • AGM-114B, AGM-114K - launch from 3rd person view without target designation is now possible. The missiles will begin tracking the target only after designation by laser.
  • Kh-29T — now able to lock on to ground targets.
  • AIM-9B, R-3S, PL-2, Rb.24 - seekers are now 2.5 times more sensitive to flares.
  • AIM-9D/E/J/P, R-13M/M1, R-60, Magic-1, PL-5B, Firestreak, Red Top, R.530, Rb.24J - seekers are now 2 times more sensitive to flares.
  • AIM-9L, R-60М, R-23Т, AIM-92, Mistral, Type 91, Igla - seekers are now slightly more sensitive to flares.
  • AIM-7C/D, R.530 - missile autopilot increases its lateral capability slowly after the launch so it finally reaches 15G
  • AIM-7E - missile autopilot increases its lateral capability slowly after the launch so it finally reaches 25G
  • R-23R - missile autopilot increases its lateral capability slowly after the launch so it finally reaches 20G
  • AH-64D — the preset of 4хAGM-114K Hellfire II and 38хHydra-70 M247 no longer require modification research and are available from stock.
  • AH-1Z — the preset of 4хAGM-114K Hellfire II and 38хHydra-70 M247 no longer require modification research and are available from stock.
  • EC-665 Tiger UHT — new stock preset of 4хHOT-3 missiles has been added.
  • Мi-28N — new stock preset of 4х9M120-1 Ataka missiles and 40xS-8KO rockets has been added.
  • Kа-52 — new stock preset of 4х9M120-1 Ataka missiles and 40xS-8KO rockets has been added.
  • AH Mk.1 Apache — the preset of 4хAGM-114K Hellfire II and 38хHydra-70 M247 no longer require modifications research and are available from stock.
  • AH-64DJP — the preset of 4хAGM-114K Hellfire II and 38хHydra-70 M247 no longer require modification research and are available from stock.
  • A129CBT — the preset of 4хBGM-71C ITOW and 14х FFAR Mighty Mouse no longer require modification research and are available from stock.
  • EC-665 Tiger HAD — new stock preset of 4х HOT-3 missiles and 12х SNEB type 23 rockets has been added.
  • F-100D (all series) — radar warning system modification has been added.
  • F8U-2 — radar warning system modification has been added.
  • AS-30 — smoke trail has been changed.
  • AN-M65A 1,000lbs bomb - explosives weight and type have been changed from 240 kg of amatol to 269 kg of tritonal.
  • J28B — Naming has been changed to A28B.


  • B-48 Firecrest, B18A, B18B, T18B-1, T18B-2 — a bug has been fixed where parts of the flaps may remain when the flaps are detached.
  • MiG-15bis ISh — a bug has been where parts of the pylons may remain when the wings are detached.
  • NVD has been removed from the helicopter night vision sight selector, it now only incorporates the thermal imager. Night vision mode is inferior to thermal imagers in terms of quality of picture and affects the visibility in daytime battle for a short period of time.

Flight Model changes

  • F-82E — A bug that caused the engines to stop at speeds close to maximum allowable has been fixed.
  • Boomerang M.k.I/II — Flight model has been updated. Engine working modes have been clarified. Fuel distribution by fuel tanks has been corrected. Polars of wings, fuselage, fin and propeller blades have been recalculated and refined. Aircraft behavior when mechanization or landing gear are released has been improved. Behavior during dive at high angles has been improved.
  • V-11g — Flight model has been updated. Roll control for all control types have been improved. Aircraft behavior depending on refueling and bomb load has been improved.
  • Ki-100-2 — Fuel distribution system by tanks has been implemented.
  • Super Mystere B2 — A bug causing the brake parachute to deploy incorrectly has been fixed.
  • Mitsubishi T2 / F1 — Aircraft stabilization systems have been added (SAS mode).
  • F-4C, F-4K (FGR.1), F-4M (FGR.2) — Weight of the suspended cannon is no longer included in the weight of an empty aircraft.
  • Mi-28N — Engine throttle response has been increased. The operation of the throttle device as well as the high and slide adjusters in hovering mode have been improved.
  • F-8E,F-8E(FN) — Sticking in gliding during turns in the AB with mouse control has been fixed.
  • Jaguar GR.1, Jaguar A — Insufficient engine thrust has been fixed.
  • CW-21 - Aircraft weight has been adjusted. Aileron control at very low speeds has been improved. Influence of engine thrust on aircraft balancing (instability on full thrust will be insignificantly increased) has been implemented.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

  • PT-200, PT-314, PT-656, PT-556 — ammo capacity of the 12.7mm Browning and 20mm Oerlikon guns has been increased.
  • RBU-1200, RBU-2500, RBU-6000 — Flight speed of the depth bombs has been specified.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

  • Damage from fires and fire damage model have been fixed — conditions of occurrence, damage and spreading of fires have been reworked and corrected:
    • Fires with main calibre turrets, elevators and shell rooms — dynamics and damage from fire when it spreads down from turrets and elevators to the shell rooms. Now the player has time to quickly extinguish it before the fire begins to damage the elevator or shell room. If the fire is not extinguished, it will go out on its own after 30-45 seconds, but at the end of the burning time, with a certain probability, it can cause detonation of the cellars.
    • Internal fires — spread of fires to the adjacent rooms has been fixed. Now, if a module with a crew is separated from the neighbouring modules by armour or ship structure. The fire won't spread. The fire will cease over time, inflicting some damage to the module.
    • Effect of fire on torpedoes, sea mines, and depth charges — chance of detonation when affected by fire has been corrected. Every second of the inflicted damage, the chance of detonation now equals 1-3%.
  • Water surface detonation of HE shells with direct fuzes has been fixed — all HE shells with direct action fuzes now detonate when hitting the water's surface.
  • USS Wyoming — thickness of the stern traverse has been increased.
  • HMS Invincible —thickness of the rear armour plate of the main bridge has been fixed.
  • USS Trenton, USS Raleigh, USS Detroit — model of fuel tanks and elevators have been corrected. The position of the main calibre ammo stowage has been corrected.
  • USS Aylwin — position of the elevators has been fixed in the damage model.
  • HMS York — armouring of the shell rooms, tiller compartment and traverses has been fixed. The shell room of the auxiliary calibre and the central artillery post have been repositioned.
  • IJN Suzuya — seaplanes and their positions have been changed. They have been removed from catapults and mounted on the deck storage. One Kawanishi E7K remains. Three Nakajima E8N have been added.
  • IJN Mogami — seaplanes and their positions have been changed. They have been removed from catapults mounted on the deck storage. One of three Aichi E13A has been changed to the Kawanishi E7K.
  • Emden, K2, Z15 Erich Steinbrink, Z20 Karl Galster — armour shields on the 20-40mm turrets have been separated from guns to become independent parts.
  • HMS Norfolk — size of the shell room armour has been corrected. Armouring of elevators for the main calibre guns has been added in the area of top armour plates of the shell rooms.
  • HMS Dreadnought - roof and deck armouring in the conning towers have been increased. Deck armouring has been increased in the areas of the 1st and 4th main calibre turrets
  • HMS Colossus — armouring on the ship's funnels and bow traverse have been fixed. The thickness of the bow armoured deck and bow armoured belt has been corrected. The armoured conning tower communication tube has been added. Armour thickness on the conning room has been corrected

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

  • HMS Hawkins — armour plates for the second main calibre turret have been corrected in accordance to the model.
  • IJN Sendai — position of the fire control tower has been fixed in xray mode.
  • IJN Furutaka — graphic artefact has been removed from the upper part of the stern fuel tank.
  • HMS Mohawk, HMS Eskimo, HMCS Haida — a bug with the missing effect of smoke funnel destruction has been fixed.
  • Kirov, Maxim Gorky, Voroshilov - boats mounted near the aft main calibre turret are now removed during battle, consequently, aiming angles in the main caliber turrets have been increased.
  • USS Helena — The animation for the fire control tower array rotation has been fixed.


  • Tooltips in X-Ray view for a cannon's fire rate will now be displayed without rounding to whole numbers. For example 3.8 rounds/min instead of 4 rounds/min.

Economy and research

  • The difference in rewards in SL and RP for the destruction of ground vehicles of different classes - light/medium tank, heavy tank, SPG, Anti-Aircraft (for other types of vehicles, the division of rewards by class will not be used) has been removed.
  • Type 93 - BR in all gaming modes has been reduced from 9.7 to 9.0
  • Pbil m/40 - BR in all gaming modes has been increased from 1.3 to 1.7.
  • Crusader AA Mk.I - BR in the Arcade mode has been reduced from 4.7 to 4.3. The vehicle has been moved from rank IV to rank III
  • S.O.4050 Vautour IIB — BR in AB has been changed from 9.7 to 10.0.
  • B-17G-60-VE — BR in SB has been changed from 6.7 to 6.3.
  • G8N1 — BR in SB has been changed from 6.7 to 6.3.
  • F6F-5 (France) — BR in RB has been changed from 3.7 to 3.3, similar to the BR of the F6F-5 in the US research tree.
  • The terms of the referral program have been changed, now the reward is not given "for the invitee who has reached rank N", but "for the invitee who has acquired one unit of equipment at rank N (including premium)".


  • M247 — Standard camouflage has been corrected to the late camouflage.


  • Detailed information about the amount of score awarded for each type of action in battle has been added to the game statistics. Information is displayed in the tooltip for a total score in the statistics and is available for each player during battle, in the after battle statistics window and in replay.
  • In test drives for Premium vehicles, the vehicle modifications are now set to "Reference" by default.

Game mechanics

Terramorphing mechanics has been added. Terrains and soils now interact with caterpillars and dozer blades of tanks, bombs and rockets explosions leave craters of the terrain surfaces.

  • Rules for aircraft respawn costs in SP (spawn points) have been recalculated for ground RB mode. The below mentioned changes affect all aircraft and all mounted weaponry available, but the minimal (with no secondary armament at the lower limit of the session's BR) and maximal (with the most devastating preset available) spawn costs remain pretty much the same. For example, La-7 (BR 4.7) without secondary armament previously required 480 SP, now it take the same 480 SP; MiG-27M (BR 11.0) with 7xFAB-500M-62 bombs in BR 11.0 session previously required 750 SP (600 SP for the aircraft + 150 SP for the armament), and now it requires 739 SP (540 SP for the aircraft + 199 SP for the armament). Detailed description of the changes are below:
    • The influence of the session's Battle Rating has been reduced for basic aircraft costs (without mounted weapons) from 20% to 10% while maintaining the same minimum cost. For example, for fighters, the base cost is now 480-540, instead of 480-600 RP;
    • The parameters in the influence of devastation power of selected secondary weaponry on its cost have been changed. In general, more powerful weapons have received a higher cost, and vice versa. For example, for a 500 kg bomb the cost will be 9% of the host's cost instead of the previous 13%, and for a 2,000 kg bomb - 37% instead of 25%;
    • Mounted weaponry costs have been introduced, instead of fixed costs for spawning into battle. Basic cost is now 520-580 RP (depending on the session's BR), and the mounted weapons costs are between 3-37% of the host's costs;
    • The above mentioned changes afftect all aircraft and all mounted weaponry available, but the minimal (with no secondary armament at the lower limit of the session's BR) and maximal (with the most devaststing preset available) spawn costs remain pretty much the same.
  • Rules for aircraft respawn costs in SP (spawn points) have been recalculated for ground SB mode:
    • Mounted weaponry costs have been introduced for bombers, instead of fixed costs for spawning into battle. Basic cost is now 300 SP instead of 450 SP as with fighters and strike aircraft, and the mounted weapons costs are between 9-111 SP.
    • The parameters in the influence of devastation power of selected secondary weapons on its cost have been changed. In general, more powerful weapons have received a higher cost, and vice versa. For example, for a 500 kg bomb the cost will be 39 SP instead of previous 27, and for a 2,000 kg bomb - 111 SP instead of 75;
    • SP costs for armour-piercing ammo belts and mounted ATGM weapons have been increased.

Please note! The changes listed below relate to the stat points where players are sorted in the respective in-game menus, and do not affect Silver Lions and / or Research Points earnings for the mentioned actions.

  • Dependence on score awarded in the difference between the player's Battle Rating and the target in case of critical damage, destruction and assistance in the destruction of the enemy has been added. The multiplier will be calculated by the quadratic dependence (1 - 0.014 * (difference of BR) ^ 2) and can not be more than 1.0 and less than 0.1. For example if you destroy a vehicle with a BR of 8.7 using a vehicle of BR 9.7 (3 BR steps difference) the multiplier will be (1 - 0.014 * 3 ^ 2) = 0.874.
  • The accrual of score for a loss of vehicles in the amount of 30% of the points awarded to the enemy for destruction (for all types of vehicles) has been added. At the same time the number of points awarded upon receiving damage has been changed: for ground vehicles from 30 to 5, for fleet from 5 to 1. This mechanic hasn't been used for aircraft.
  • The basic number of score (with zero difference in BR) accrued for the destruction of ground vehicles has been changed and now doesn't depend on the type of target:
    • Light and medium tank: 126 → 150;
    • Heavy tank: 180 → 150;
    • Anti-aircraft: 90 → 150;
    • SPG: 144 → 150.
  • In Naval Battles, score coefficients for damaging or destroying enemies, hits to enemies and destruction assistance have been recalculated, so that the greater contribution to the destruction of the enemy (more damage done) brings more score. The number of score awarded for damaging enemy ships has been increased from 0.1 to 0.15 for each unit of damage. At the same time, points for destruction of the enemy have been reduced from 75 to 40, for assistance in the destruction of the enemy from 20 to 15 and for hitting the enemy from 3 to 2.
  • The accrual of score when being close to the enemy (relevant for all types of vehicles) has been removed.
  • The accrual of points when playing in ground vehicles while being in line of sight of enemy players has been removed.
  • A mounted armament reward multiplier (in Silver Lions) has been introduced for the scored points when damaging or destroying enemy bases, in order to reduce the difference of the statistics points between aircraft of the same rank with different bomb load. This multiplier was previously used only in the economy to calculate the total award, which made it possible to equalize the earnings of these aircraft, but at the same time they still received a very different number of points in statistics.
  • The number of points earned for damaging and destroying enemy bases has been increased by 10% to 70% for aircraft of ranks I-III.
  • The number of points earned for destroying AI-controlled ground vehicles and ships in air RB mode has been reduced by 40%.
  • Using radars no longer allows players to visually see enemy aircraft when out of visual range.
  • Automatic laser designation and automatic target lock before ATGM launch can be disabled in game options. This helps using laser-guided missiles in locking-on after launch mode, when the laser designator is activated after launch.


  • Fire effects and explosions on ground vehicles have been reworked. The muzzle fire effect with an open breech has been added.


  • Sound events for shell bursts on different surfaces have been separated for HE shells and shells without explosive mass (or with a small amount of explosive mass). New corresponding sound events have been created.
  • New sound events for shell bursts of a calibre of 205mm and above have been added.
  • For ships weighing 6,000 tonnes or above, new power plant sounds have been introduced, as well as for the water displaced by the ship's hull while in motion.

Smaller updates that came afterwards

29.10.2021 (Server update)

  • A bug has been fixed where an aircraft respawn point in tank RB was distanced 15 km away from the battlefield at all Battle Ratings. Distanced respawns will be only used for high rank battles with a BR of 7.7 or above with distanced airfields. Previously, these airfields were used for battles at BR 6.7 or above. Please note, a session's BR is the highest available BR for players in the current session.


  • AH-1S - a bug has been fixed with the gunner sight being obstructed by a texture.
  • Jaguar A - icons of the BGL-400 guided bombs have been corrected on the secondary armament menu.
  • A-4E Early — a bug has been fixed with replacing the forward-firing guns with 30mm guns when installing the flares/chaff module.
  • A-4E (all versions) — search radar has been removed, in accordance with the Flight Manual Navy Model A-4E Aircraft.
  • A-7D/E — the lead marker has been removed when locking on target with the radar.

02.11.2021 (

  • On consoles a "protection map" has been added to the protection analysis menu. It creates and displays a projection of the protection by analyzing and highlighting the armour of the selected vehicle in different colours. The specified shells, distances and player's camera angle are taken into account.
  • A bug has been fixed where in the "Front Line" missions in AB aviation may lack some AI vehicles, bunkers, and machine guns.
  • A bug has been fixed where the selection of ammo belts in test flight for premium non-purchased aircraft, the "reference" modification can not be applied.
  • Yak-28B — the drag chute no longer released too early at high speed.
  • ASRAD-R — a bug with a shifted horizontal scan indicator has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed where at certain angles of view, vegetation type decorations and armour screens could not be displayed.

03.11.2021 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation 5))

Ground vehicles

  • A bug on several vehicles where a tank sight couldn't be used in SB game mode because it was covered with textures has been fixed.
  • A bug with the possible re-appearance of grass with repeated entrenchment has been fixed.
  • A bug where after entrenching, some objects in the location design like stones, boards etc might remain hanging in the air has been fixed.
  • Strv 103С — the possibility of entrenching with a blade not connecting to the ground has been fixed.
  • ZLT-11 - the gun depression angle has been increased from -4.5 to -5 degrees. Armour penetration has been increased and the ballistics have been recalculated for the DTW-2-105 round (previously it used the values of the DM63 shell). The modification ‘Laser rangefinder" has been updated to "LWS/LR", since this vehicle had a laser warning system.
  • T26E5 - magnification of the gunner sight has been changed from the fixed multiplier x5 to a variable multiplier 4x-8x. Source. The thickness of the central bulge on the upper front plate has been increased from 162 to 242mm. Source. The "Artillery strike" modification has been removed, since the vehicle is classified as a heavy tank.
  • The ability to use the night vision channel from the gunner view with the AA machine gun sight has been revoked for all vehicles, except for those with NVD for an AA machine gun: XM-803, MBT-70, KPz-70, Leopard-2K, 2S25M, Challenger 2 (2F).


  • A bug that caused the RWR (radar warning system) on aircraft to not respond to radar detection has been fixed.
  • A bug with the disappearance of the HUD on helicopters in some instances has been fixed.
  • The night vision mode toggle has been fixed for seeker cameras on guided bombs when used with surveillance and targeting pods.
  • Harrier GR.3 — ammo capacity of the 30mm ADEN cannons in the preset with the chaff/flares pod has been corrected.
  • F4U-4 — separate bomb drop has been added for the 2x1,000 lbs preset.
  • Hunter F.6 — a bug with the display of the SRAAM rocket protective caps in the preset with no secondary armament has been corrected.
  • F7F-1 / 3— separate bomb drop has been added.
  • AIM-9L - explosive weight and type have been specified from 3.54kg of HBX to 3.175 kg of the PBXN-102 (report)
  • R-23T - the cyclogram of the missile reaching maximum overload has been specified.
  • A bug where defensive turrets on some aircraft were not able to rotate has been fixed.


  • Thunderbolt (PT-556) - the ability to toggle ammo types on the auxiliary calibre (37 mm) has been introduced.
  • USS Mitscher - flooding dynamics have been corrected. A bug where masts were seen above the water surface after the ship was sunk has been fixed.


  • A bug where some textures might disappear has been fixed.


First update ( ( — Xbox, Playstation 5))

  • A bug has been fixed where a nearby bomb might fall below ground level during tank self-entrenching.
  • The incorrect display of broken tracks on AI vehicles has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed where a ground vehicle may catch fire after drowning.

Ground vehicles

  • Т26Е5 - armouring has been specified:
    • Hull top and bottom;
    • Lower front armour plate - angle has been changed in the damage model. Visual correction will be implemented later.
    • Central area of the upper front plate has become voluminous.
    • Gun mantlet has become voluminous, with thickness values specified.
  • MGM-51B/C - a bug has been fixed that prevented overpressure damage. (report)


  • Me 410 B-6/R3 - The FuG-202 radar has been changed to FuG-200 (report)
  • Su-6 (all series) - separate bomb drop and rocket launch has been introduced.
  • A-7D, A-7E, F-8E - test flight is now from a carrier's deck
  • A-7D - 250lbs Mk 81 bombs have been added to the default armament.
  • B3C — rear turret armament suspended in the air near the tail has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed where destroyed vehicles at the bottom of a bomb crater might be displayed with artefacts when observed from a gunner's sight.


  • USS Mitscher - the display of detonation in the stern gun shell rooms has been fixed.

Second update (Server update)

Changes to the scoring with statistics points

  • In the "Ground Breaking" update we seriously reworked many mechanics for the mission scoring, as well as rebalancing values and multipliers for actions in different vehicles in different game modes. Now, based on the statistics gathered,we're ready to change certain values and multipliers to bring the accrual of mission score to the target indicators that will help bring activity to the desired level (already present for most of the vehicle types before the "Ground Breaking" update released).
  • Ground vehicles, in all ground vehicle gaming modes:
    • Basic mission score for destruction of an enemy ground vehicle (with zero difference in BR) has been increased: 150 → 180
    • The mission score added in the score pool for capturing points for each additional capturer has been increased: 100 → 200 (i.e. the full capture of the enemy point by two players previously granted by (300 + 100) / 2 = 200 points for each, now increased to (300 + 200) / 2 = 250 points for each).
    • The mission score awarded for successful active scouting: 3 → 5
    • The mission score awarded to a scout vehicle for critical hit of a scouted enemy vehicle has been increased: 15 → 20
    • The mission score awarded to a scout vehicle for the destruction of a scouted enemy vehicle has been increased: 45 → 60
    • The mission score awarded to a scout vehicle for the destruction of an enemy vehicle after another scout's intelligence has been increased: 15 → 20
  • Ships and boats, in all naval gaming modes:
    • The mission score awarded for every point of damage inflicted to the enemy has been increased: 0.15 → 0.18 (i.e., destruction of a boat is now awarded with 216 points instead of 180, and the destruction of a destroyer — 396 instead of 330)
    • The mission score awarded for a captured point has been increased: 175 → 200
    • The mission score added to the score pool for capturing points for each additional capturer has been increased: 58 → 67 (i.e. the full capture of the enemy point by two players previously granted by (175+58)/2 points to each, now increased to (200+67)/2 points)
    • The minimum mission score awarded for a captured point has been increased: 58 → 67
    • The mission score awarded for destruction of an enemy has been reduced: 40 → 30
    • The mission score awarded for assist has been reducedу: 15 → 10
  • For aircraft in air AB:
    • Mission score multipliers for damage and base destruction depending on vehicle rank have been changed:
      • Rank I: 1.7 → 2.5
      • Rank II: 1.6 → 2.1
      • Rank III: 1.2 → 1.4
      • Rank IV: 1.0 → 0.85
      • Rank V: 1.0 → 0.7
      • Rank VI: 1.0 → 0.65
      • Rank VII: 1.0 → 0.6
  • For aircraft in air RB:
    • Mission score multipliers for damage and base destruction depending on vehicle rank have been changed:
      • Rank I: 1.3 → 1.7
      • Rank II: 1.1 → 1.2
      • Rank III: 1.0 → 1.1
      • Rank IV: 1.0 → 1.0
      • Rank V: 1.0 → 0.85
      • Rank VI: 1.0 → 0.75
      • Rank VII: 1.0 → 0.65
    • The mission score awarded for the destruction of ground vehicles and fleet under AI control has been reduced by 25%.
  • For aircraft in air SB:
    • Mission score multipliers for damage and base destruction depending on vehicle rank have been changed:
      • Rank I: 1.7 → 2.2
      • Rank II: 1.4 → 1.6
      • Rank III: 1.0 → 1.3
      • Rank IV: 1.0 → 1.0
      • Rank V: 1.0 → 0.9
      • Rank VI: 1.0 → 0.85
      • Rank VII: 1.0 → 0.8
    • Base (at zero BR difference) mission score awarded for enemy destruction has been increased: 360 → 450
    • Base (at zero BR difference) mission score awarded for assisting in enemy destruction has been increased: 240 → 300
    • Base (at zero BR difference) mission score awarded for critical enemy damage has been increased: 120 → 150
    • The mission score awarded for the destruction of ground vehicles and fleet under AI control has been reduced by 25%.
    • A bug that caused helicopters to receive 2.5 times more mission score for actions against AI controlled vehicles with the release of the "Ground Breaking" update has been corrected.


  • The respawn cost for each of the two Beaufighter Mk 1 (40mm) armour piercing belts has been halved.
  • A bug that caused some belts with armour piercing less than 40mm at 500m for the Type 99 Model 1 cannon to require respawn points similar to armour piercing belts has been fixed.
  • A bug where some belts with armour piercing 40mm and at greater than 500m for some cannons (NR-30, GSh-6-30, Type 30-1, MK 103, GAU-13/A) didn't require additional respawn points has been fixed.

15.11.2021 (

  • A bug which caused a player's crosshair to twitch while self-entrenching in tanks has been fixed.
  • A bug which would cause ground vehicles to twitch while on the edge of a bomb crater has been fixed.

17.11.2021 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))

Ground vehicles

  • A bug that allowed the thermal imager to operate from 3rd person view has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed where the operation of a third-person view thermal imager in client and server replays didn't correspond to enabling/disabling in any current battle.
  • TOW-2B missile and RB 56 BILL II round — the incorrect damage effect on armour penetration or explosion over the vehicle's turret in the hit camera have been fixed.
  • Strv 103-0, Strv 103A, Strv 103C — the erroneous interruption of the reloading by the auto loader during fire has been fixed.
  • BMP-3 — a display of the gunner's optics in xray mode without the "Sodema" modification has been corrected.
  • Ystervark — a bug has been fixed with reduced speed of manual aiming drives when the batteries are discharged.
  • Vickers Mk.7 — a bug with overestimated durability of the upper front armour plate has been fixed. Armour durability has been set in accordance with the data of the MBT combined protection spreadsheet.
  • Strv 103A, Chieftain Mk.5, M60A1 Ariete — a bug has been fixed where it was possible to enable the NVD in the AA machine-gun sight.


  • GSh-23L gun - a bug has been fixed with a tracer round in the stealth ammo belt.
  • G.91 R/3 - a bug has been fixed where after mounting the 4х AS-20 Nord preset, 30mm DEFA 552 guns were displayed in the xray mode.
  • He 219 A-7 - armouring of the radiators and engine has been corrected. armouring of the radiators increased from 8 to 15 mm, armouring of the engine increased from 8 to 10 mm.
  • DEFA, ADEN, AKAN guns - explosive weight and type for the HE round has been changed from 27g of RDX to 56g of Torpex (report).
  • V-12D - gunner crosshair position has been corrected.
  • UH-1B - display of ammo has been corrected for the 7.62m М134 Minigun.
  • A bug which deactivated the radar warning system on the player's aircraft when changing the countermeasures type has been fixed.


  • Freccia P-493, Saetta P-494 - the ability of locking on surface targets has been disabled.

Changes in the calculation of the statistic points

  • Ground vehicles in all ground gaming modes:
    • The number of points for hitting the enemy has been increased: 10 → 15;
    • The number of points for taking damage has been increased: 5 → 7.
  • Ships and boats in all naval gaming modes:
    • The number of statistic points for every damage point inflicted on enemies has been increased: 0.18 → 0.2.


  • Airfield AA guns have been standardized for ground missions. Now, each airfield has 4 large-calibre and 6 mid-calibre AA guns.
  • Settings for AA guns on helipads have been corrected, now they have an equalized rate of fire, instead of short bursts, which were able to deal heavy damage in a short period of time. Warning fire has been added for distances twice as distant as effective firing range. Target refresh rate has been increased to reduce fire time on a target that has left the firing area.
  • A bug has been fixed where there was FPS drop on PS5 consoles when the grass display option was turned on.
  • Game crash while watching a replay has been fixed.
  • Collision with concrete obstacles has been corrected in certain ground locations.

24.11.2021 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))

Ground vehicles

  • Strv 103A, Strv 103С — a bug has been fixed with incorrect display for the commander’s camera while hull aiming.
  • Self-entrenching equipment parameters have been changed. Activation of a dozer blade now takes 3 seconds instead of 5; max reverse speed (within vehicle limits) with an activated blade has been increased from 7 to 12 km/h; the thickness of a soil layer cut on each pass has been increased from 20 to 25 cm.


  • 12.7mm Breda-SAFAT, 12.7mm Ho-103 and 13.2mm Type 3 machine guns — a bug has been fixed with missing explosives in the HE rounds. 0.8g of PETN explosives has been added (report)
  • 20mm MG 151 cannon - explosive type of the HE-I round has been changed to HA 41 (report)
  • AGM-114B, AGM-114K, PARS 3 LR missiles - “Launch distance” and “Guaranteed launch distance” parameters have been added to the info card.
  • 1,600 lbs AP AN MK1 bomb - explosive type has been changed to Dunnite (Explosive D) (report)
  • A28B - a bug has been fixed where the lod at distance on aircraft was displayed with the old name J28B.


  • USS Pittsburgh — modification of the 127mm semi AP round has been added.
  • PT-658, PT-200 - 114mm M8 rockets have been changed to 127mm M7.
  • PT-658, PT-200 - a bug has been fixed where rockets flew over the target.
  • PT-658 - a bug has been fixed where the boat was unable to reload rockets in Arcade battles.
  • PT-658 - a bug has been fixed that resulted in torpedo launch while firing artillery.


  • A bug has been fixed where available aircraft from a player’s setup were coloured red in the mission editor.
  • A bug has been fixed where the name of a player in a squad was not marked with the corresponding colour in the statistics tab and on the player vehicle marker.
  • A bug has been fixed where a squadron mate in the enemy team was displayed as an ally (green, in the default color scheme) in Custom battles.
  • A bug has been fixed where two players might be selected at once in the team list while watching a replay.
  • The respawn delay from the moment of losing the previous vehicle in RB and SB has been reduced. The delay is now 5 seconds, as in AB mode, instead of 15 seconds.
  • The operation of radio fuzes has been specified. The radio fuze now explodes at a distance equal to collision with target. Radio fuze explosion distance has been specified for the following rounds:
    • 40mm kulsgr m/90 (15 m → 4 m);
    • 40mm slsgr m/484 (15 m → 4 m);
    • 40mm M822 (15 m → 4 m);
    • 57mm DKY-1 (15 m → 6 m);
    • 57mm HE-VT (15 m → 6 m);
    • 76mm MOM-HE (15 m → 8 m).

29.11.2021 (

  • A bug which would occur when activating “Target lock” or “Sight stabilization” on aircraft, which could then lead to the display of distant ground vehicles for a short period of time, has been fixed.
  • A bug which would cause naval AI gunners to potentially shoot at vehicle compartments which were already destroyed has been fixed.
  • A rare client crash which would occur in air Arcade battles when selecting a vehicle after the player's aircraft was lost has been fixed.

01.12.2021 ( ( — Xbox, Playstation))

Ground vehicles

  • M901, FlaRakPz 1, FlaRakRad, Roland 1 — a bug has been fixed where the turret automatically moved to the reload position after launching the last missile (despite the fact that there was nothing to load).
  • ZPRK 2S6 — incorrect ammo capacity on 30mm guns after installing the 2S6M1 modification has been fixed.


  • A-4E Early — cockpit view on the seeker camera and the sight camera have been changed from colour to monochrome.
  • A32A — a bug has been fixed that permitted disabling the “Chaff” modification resulting in a disabling of the presets containing chaff. The number of bombs in the presets containing chaff has been corrected for the secondary weapon menu.
  • Ka-29 — the number of displayed ammunition has been corrected for the 8x9M114 Sturm preset .
  • AH-1G — zooming in the third-person view camera has been corrected for better aiming.
  • AH Mk.1 — preliminary self-destruction of the HVM Starstreak missiles have been fixed (report).


  • MPK Pr.201M — minimum vertical aiming limits of the RBU-1200 launcher have been reduced in the preset including mines.
  • HMS Blackpool camera angle required to fire the Limbo mortar has been changed.

Changes to the calculation of the statistics points

  • Ground vehicles in all ground gaming modes:
    • The basic (with zero BR difference) number of points for destruction of the enemy has been increased: 180 → 200;
    • The number of point for hitting the enemy has been increased: 15 → 20;
    • The number of points for taking damage has been increased: 7 → 10;
    • The minimum value of the multiplier of accrued points from the difference of BR of the player and the target by making critical damage, assist in the destruction and the destruction of the aircraft by using ground vehicles has been increased:
      • For aircraft: 0.1 → 0.5;
      • For helicopters: 0.1 → 0.3.


  • Spawn points in ground battles now have sorting of player position by distance to nearest capture point. Positions will be assigned to players in accordance with the order they clicked the “To Battle!” button in the respawn window: first consecutively to last who will spawn behind them.
  • The mechanics of counting active players that will be used to complete the mission when there are no players in one or both teams has been changed. Now players in aircraft that are not in the air will not be counted as active. It means that if there is only one player in the team in aircraft or helicopters that isn’t in the air so the timer will start after which their team loses due to lack of active players. At the same time the waiting time (timer) for active players in other modes has been increased:
    • Air RB: 20 → 90 sec;
    • Air SB: 20 → 300 sec;
    • Helicopter battles: 20 → 120 sec.
  • Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be getting a monthly +40% RP booster for 10 battles, +75% SL booster for 10 battles, and 5 universal backups.
  • An issue with artifacts in aircraft battles on the Xbox Series has been fixed.
  • A bug that might cause texture quality to drop on Xbox after a few battles has been fixed.
  • A bug that might cause vehicle decals to shift on Xbox after a few battles has been fixed.
  • Noticeable FPS drops or game crashes during battle on some maps ([Front Line] Mozdok, [Front Line] Ladoga and Drowned City) on the PlayStation 5 have been fixed.
  • The critical game crash caused by selecting the wrong drivers in the system when running on Linux has been fixed.

02.12.2021 (Server update)

We raise the BR bar to 11.3 for the extremely effective MiG-23MLD and F-4EJ Kai aircraft to avoid or reduce the possibility of encountering aircraft of the lower BRs.

We also are considering a BR rise to 11.3 for certain combat helicopters, such as the Ka-52, Mi-28NM, and EC-665 Tiger UHT to exclude them from BR 10.0 battles.

Other changes

Balance changes in the fire rate (shots per minute)

  • Ikv 103: 6 → 7.5
  • SU-57B: 12 → 14
  • ASU-85: 7 → 8.4
  • Sturmpanzer II: 4 → 4.5
  • Marder III: 8,4 → 10
  • SU-5-1: 12 → 14
  • Ho-Ro: 3 → 4.5
  • Chi-Nu II: 7.8 → 10.2

New ammunition added

  • T-90A — 3BМ60
  • M1A2 — M829A2
  • Leopard 2A5 — DM53
  • Strf 90B — kulsgr m/90

06.12.2021 (Server update)


  • Display range has been doubled with ground targets when using targeting pods, as well as other aviation electro-optical means.

Other changes

  • Flight physics of the SACLOS/MCLOS missiles has been specified in accordance with the announced changes (link).

07.12.2021 (

  • A bug has been fixed that resulted in the crosshair shifting while leaving the sniper mode with the zoom enabled.
  • Damage from the explosions of the destructible objects on the locations has been specified.
  • The ability to free all the vehicle slots has been added for gaming nations that do not have reserve vehicles. Now you’re able to put a vehicle in another slot to train the crew.


  • A sound of tracks from the tanks standing on the fire range or passing by in the hangar has been removed.
  • Sounds of knocks and other impacts on ground vehicle’s suspension have been added.

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons · Firebirds