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(List of IR AGMs)
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== Overview ==
Air-to-ground missiles (AGMs) were added to the game in [[Update 1.79 "Project X"]] with the [[AGM-12B Bullpup]]. The first of this type of weapon were used in the Vietnam War. In-game, they are a potent weapon to have at your disposal, allowing you to destroy enemy ground or naval targets from several kilometres away. They allow the ability to steer the projectile to engage even moving targets.
Several different types of AGMs exist: ''Manual Command to Line of Sight'' (MCLOS) also known as ''command guided'', ''Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight'' (SACLOS), ''Television guided'' (TV), ''Infrared guided'' (IR), ''Laser guided'', and ''Beam riding''. Note that in-game these guidance systems might work differently than their respective real counterparts or the missiles might use a different guidance system than in reality.
Air-to-ground missiles (AGMs) were added to the game in [[Update ??]]. The first of these type of weapon were available in Vietnam war. In-game they are a potent weapon to have at your disposal, allowing you to destroy enemy ground or naval targets from several km away. They add the ability to steer the rocket to engange even moving target.
In War Thunder several different types of AGMs exist: ''Manual Command Line of Sight'' (MCLOS) also known as ''command guided'', ''Semi Automatic Command Line of Sight'' (SACLOS), ''Television guided'' (TV), ''Infrared guided'' (IR), ''Laser guided'' and ''Beam riding''. Note that in game these guidance systems might work differently than their respective real counterparts or the missiles might use a different guidance system than in reality.
=== Helicopter guidance ===
MCLOS guided missiles are either connected by a wire towards the aircraft or by radiowaves. In case of wire-guided missiles the wire is unspun from the missile as its flying towards the target. After a missile of this type is fired the gunner or pilot has to watch it with his eyes and send correcting guidance commands. You have to set up keys for steering the missile, else it will behave like a simple rocket flying straight. It is the hardest to use missile because if you steer away your plane you will have to guide the missile from a different view point. Whereas keeping the plane in line with missile and target brings you dangerously close to the enemy.
[[File:Helicopter laser rangefinder.jpg|thumb|350px|The gunner view of a helicopter, displaying sight stabilization (the diagonal lines around the crosshair) and the range to the point around which it is stabilized.]]
With the exception of self-guiding missiles, all helicopter-launched air-to-ground missiles are guided by the cursor (much like aircraft SACLOS missiles). Most helicopters also feature a gunner view, in which the missile can be directed separately to the helicopter. This can also often be set to centre automatically on a designated point on the ground (the "sight stabilization" keybind), which accounts for the relative motion of the helicopter and maintains the image in the gunner view, thus allowing for smooth guidance of the missile even when the helicopter is performing extreme manoeuvres. Enabling sight stabilization will also display the range to the target in the gunner view. Some more advanced helicopters have the additional option of locking the stabilized sight to a moving target, thus allowing semi-autonomous guidance of the missile.
===MCLOS controls===
Attack drones feature a similar view. The maximum range of the missile can be seen in the lower part of the view, in the example it is 3,500 m, and the bigger bar below it shows the range of the currently aimed point.
Please refer to [[Air-to-air_missiles#Command_guided_missile_controls|AAM MCLOS controls]].
== Manual Command to Line of Sight (MCLOS) ==
MCLOS guided missiles are typically guided either by physical connection to the launch platform by a wire, or by radio waves. In the case of wire-guided missiles, the wire is unspun from the missile as it flies towards the target. After a missile of this type is launched, the gunner or pilot watches the motor or tracer components of the missile and sends correcting guidance commands to keep the projectile on target.
=== MCLOS controls ===
{{main|Air-to-air missiles#Command guided missile controls}}
Without steering input from the player, the missile will behave like a simple unguided rocket. It is recommended to check your surroundings and ensure that there are no enemies in the vicinity, as it can be significantly more difficult to attempt to control both missile and aircraft at the same time. The default keybinds for manual missile guidance will prevent you from manoeuvring your aircraft with the keyboard at the same time.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | Command guided missile controls
! Control name
! Default Keybind <br> (PC keyboard & mouse)
! Description
| Yaw axis for aim weapons || {{key press|Shift|A}} / {{key press|Shift|D}} || Keys to control the yaw (side to side) movement of the missile
| Pitch axis for aim weapons || {{key press|Shift|W}} / {{key press|Shift|S}} ||Keys to control the pitch (up and down) movement of the missile
| Fire air-to-ground missile || {{key press|Space}} || Fire the command guided missile
=== List of MCLOS AGMs ===
=== List of MCLOS AGMs ===
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| [[Kh-23M]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[Kh-23M]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[Ki-148 I-Go Model 1B]] || [[File:Japan_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 12 km
| [[Rb05A]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
| [[Rb05A]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
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== Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight (SACLOS) ==
Semi Automatic Command Line of Sight guidance system improves the MCLOS by having a device that calculates correction commands such that the gunner has to point the sight of the targeting device onto the target and the appropiate correction commands are done by the device. Connection to the missile can be by wire or radiowaves. The targeting device often features a significant zoom view which makes target aquisition a lot easier. All this makes targeting much easier and even allows for moderate changes of aircraft movement.  
The SACLOS guidance system improves on MCLOS by having a device that calculates correction commands such that the gunner only has to point the sight of the targeting device at the target, and the appropriate correction commands will be performed by the device. Connection to the missile can be by wire or radio waves. The targeting device often features a significantly zoomed-in view which makes target acquisition easier. All this makes targeting and guidance much easier and even allows for moderate changes of aircraft movement at the same time.
===SACLOS controls===
=== SACLOS controls ===
To use a SACLOS guided missile point your aircrafts nose as good as possible towards the target and best switch into the gunners view so you can use the zoom function. Now you can fine control the targetting pointer and fire the missile by pressing ''space''. In war thunder for Helicopters the point will be now tracked automatically regarding to aircraft movement which is not the case in reality for early models. Only moving target have to be corrected by using your mouse to track the target manually. Make sure you watch the missiles exhaust flare as it might differ from your cursor position. You can also aquire target from 3rd person view by pressing ''F'' but it will not be a fine tuned and the rocket will probably miss. But for big targets it might be suffient to aquire target this way.
When launched from an aircraft, the SACLOS guided missile will fly towards the direction in which the aircraft's nose is pointing. This can allow for much easier and more accurate targeting than MCLOS missiles with fine adjustments using the mouse, but means that ample time should be given to allow the aircraft to pull up after the missile has struck.
=== List of SACLOS AGMs ===
=== List of SACLOS AGMs ===
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| [[9M14-2 Malyutka-2]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3 km
| [[9M14-2 Malyutka-2]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3 km
| [[9M14M Malyutka]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3 km
| [[9M17M Falanga]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[9M17M Falanga]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[9M17P Falanga-PV]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[9M114 Shturm]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 5 km
| [[9M114 Shturm]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 5 km
| [[9M120 Ataka]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[9M120 Ataka]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[AGM-12B Bullpup]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 11 km
| [[AGM-22]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.5 km
| [[AGM-22]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.5 km
| [[AS.11]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.5 km
| [[AS.11]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.5 km
| [[AS.12]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 7 km
| [[BGM-71C Improved TOW]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.75 km
| [[BGM-71C Improved TOW]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.75 km
| [[BGM-71D TOW-2]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.75 km
| [[BGM-71D TOW-2]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.75 km
| [[HJ-8A]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3 km
| [[HJ-8C]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3 km
| [[HJ-8E]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[HJ-8H]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[HOT-1]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[HOT-1]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
Line 65: Line 100:
| [[HOT-2 TOW]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[HOT-2 TOW]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[HOT-3]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4.3 km
| [[HOT-3]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 4 km
| [[Kh-66]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[Kh-66]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[RB 52]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.5 km
| [[RB 52 A]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 3.5 km
| [[RB 53 Bantam]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 2 km
| [[RB 53 Bantam]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 2 km
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== Television ==
Television guided missiles have a camera sitting in their nose and transmit the image towards the aircraft so the gunner can steer it into target. Communication is usually by radiowaves. In war thunder some TV guided missiles feature a automatic tracking function so you can switch to pilot view and continue to fly your aircraft. Sometimes you still need to keep the aircraft pointed in the direction of the target to not lose communication to the missile (else it will explode mid-air).
In War Thunder, television-guided missiles refer to a class of missile guided by "optical contrast seekers". These missiles have a camera in the nose that transmits a greyscale image to the pilot, allowing them to select and lock onto a high contrast static or moving target. The missile will guide itself towards the target, leaving the pilot free to manoeuvre the aircraft and evade any anti-air defences. As the camera does not provide any infrared information, it may sometimes be accidentally locked onto high contrast objects in the vicinity of the intended target instead, which can cause a miss if the target subsequently moves away from the area. Television guided missiles are also unable to be used at night and in other low visibility conditions such as adverse weather. Some planes and AGMs however have IR or thermal imaging and can be used at night and have better targeting quality. Often an additional targeting pod is needed for this, which will take up one pylon.
===TV controls===
<!-- === TV controls === -->
Switch into the gunners view and aquire the target by pressing ''space''. To fire the missile you have to switch back to pilot view and use ''space'' again to fire the missile. From 3rd person view you can get automatic target aquisition on some aircraft for close targets, when a green dot appears.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | TV guided missile controls
! Control name
! Default Keybind <br> (PC keyboard & mouse)
! Description
| Optical Seeker View || ? || Switch to the TV targeting view. It is not necessary to use this, but it has better zoom usually than 3rd person view.
| Weapon lock (air-to-ground) || ? || First press: Turn Seeker on. Second press: Try to lock on target.
| Fire air-to-ground missile || ? || Fire missile. If no lock is activated it will first turn the seeker and target locking mode on.
| Activate Target point || ? || Lock TV camera to a point in world space. It is not a weapon lock! It will always try to look at it. You can use it to lock a area from 3rd person view look around so it will later be easier to fine tune your target lock.
| Deactivate Target point || ? || If target point is not used always deactivate it to not have the TV camera point there.
TV seeker view.jpg|thumb|Seeker view from the AGM-65A. No target is locked.
TV seeker locked.jpg|thumb|TV seeker view from the AGM-65A with a locked target. Fire your weapon now.
TV 3rd person target aquisition.jpg|thumb|You can also acquire a target from 3rd person view, see the orange rectangle (Not the red one). But its much harder to acquire the wanted target. The seeker will easily lock on some high contrast object near the target.
Active target point.jpg|thumb|The red rectangle is the activated target point. If you go into TV seeker view now it will try to look there automatically and makes target acquisition easier if you set it up from a distance.
=== List of TV guided missiles ===
=== List of TV guided missiles ===
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| [[AGM-65B]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[AGM-65B]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[AGM-65H]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[AJ.168]] || [[File:Britain_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 45 km
| [[Flz Lwf LB 82]] || [[File:Switzerland_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[Kh-29T]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 13 km
| [[Kh-29T]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 13 km
| [[Kh-29TD]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 35 km
| [[Kh-29TE]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 30 km
| [[RB 75]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[RB 75]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[RB 75T]] || [[File:Sweden_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
Infrared guided missiles have seeker head that locks onto sources of infrared radiation and tracks it automatically. It's a fire and forget weapon, so you can turn away your aircraft and don't have to risk coming to close towards the enemy.
Infrared homing missiles are similar in use to TV guided missiles, but feature an infrared imaging system instead of the optical camera, allowing heat sources (such as tanks) to be more easily differentiated and locked onto in cluttered environments and under low optical visibility conditions such as night-time.
[[File:IR TV AGM-65D.jpg|thumb|The IR targeting view makes it very easy to see the hot targets.]]
===IR controls===
<!-- ===IR controls=== -->
''Add information about how to use this weapon''
=== List of IR guided AGMs ===
=== List of IR guided AGMs ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | ir guided missiles
! colspan="3" | IR guided missiles
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
| [[AGM-65D]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[AGM-65D]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[AGM-65G]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[Kh-38MT]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 40 km
| [[PARS 3 LR]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 7 km
| [[PARS 3 LR]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]]&nbsp;[[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 7 km
| [[Spike ER]] || [[File:Israel_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
== Laser ==
The aircraft points a target illuminating laser onto the desired target and when the missiles is fired it will fly automatically into the laser point on the target. Advanced laser guided missiles can operate even when the laser illumination is stopped and will continue its flight path on inertial guidance. If the laser illumination lights up again they will proceede to follow the laser light.
The aircraft points a target-illuminating laser onto the desired target and when the missiles is fired it will fly automatically towards the laser point on the target. Advanced laser guided missiles can operate even when the laser illumination is stopped and will continue its flight path on inertial guidance. If the laser illumination lights up again they will proceed to follow the laser light.
<!-- === Laser controls === -->
===Laser controls===
=== List of laser guided AGMs ===
Please refer to the article about [[AGM-114B_Hellfire#General_info|Hellfire missile]] on how to use laser guided missiles.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | Laser guided missiles
===List of Laser AGMs===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="6" | Laser AGM
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
| [[AGM-65L]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 23 km
| [[AGM-114B Hellfire]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
| [[AGM-114B Hellfire]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
Line 135: Line 211:
| [[AGM-114K Hellfire II]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
| [[AGM-114K Hellfire II]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
| [[AS-30L Nord]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]] || ?? km
| [[AGM-123 Skipper]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 20 km
| [[AKD-9]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[AKD-10]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[APKWS II (M151)]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 11 km
| [[APKWS II (M282)]] || [[File:USA_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 11 km
| [[AS-30L Nord]] || [[File:France_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 12 km
| [[Blue Arrow 9]] || [[File:China_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[CIRIT]] || [[File:Turkey_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[GATR]] || [[File:Israel_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[Kh-25]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 7 km
| [[Kh-25ML]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[Kh-29L]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[Kh-38ML]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 40 km
| [[L-UMTAS]] || [[File:Turkey_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 8 km
| [[S-25L]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[ZT-6 Mokopa]] || [[File:South_Africa_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
==Beam riding==
== Beam riding ==
Please refer to [[Air-to-air_missiles#Beam_riding_missiles|Air-to-air missiles]] on information about beam riding missiles.
Beam riding missiles are operated using a radar or laser beam to guide them to the target. Once launched, the missile will attempt to keep itself in the centre of the beam that is projected out from the launch platform.
This differs from other laser-guided missiles, in that the missile is guided by the laser beam itself rather than guiding towards the reflection of the laser on the target.
===List of Beam riding AGMs===
=== List of beam riding AGMs ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="6" | Laser AGM
! colspan="3" | Beam riding missiles
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
| [[9K127 Vikhr]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[9M120-1 Ataka]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[9M120-1 Ataka]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[9K127 Vikhr]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 10 km
| [[9M123 Khrizantema]] || [[File:USSR_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 6 km
| [[Starstreak]] || [[File:Britain_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 7 km
==Active Radar Homing ==
Active radar homing (ARH) missiles have a radar emitter built in so that they don't have to rely on target illumination by the aircraft that fired it, making them fire-and-forget weapons. Unfortunately, this is only true to an extent: ARH mode is only available when the missile is coming close to the target, as the range of the built-in radar is limited by its size, which needs to fit inside the compact missile. During the first stage of the flight, the missile has to either rely on inertial guidance, act like a SARH missile, or be course-corrected by Datalink from the aircraft.
=== List of active radar homing AGMs ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | ARH missiles
! Missile || Country || Max guidance range
| [[AS.34 Kormoran]] || [[File:Germany_flag.png|40px|link=]] || 32 km
== Media ==
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
{{Youtube-gallery|iaDMyKEW5Vc|'''Air To Ground Weapons: The Complete Guide''' - ''Tims Variety'' (AGM section starts at 13:49).|y1jSd1RLCnI|'''The Shooting Range #323''' - ''Tactics & Strategy'' section at 06:42 discusses air-to-surface guided munitions.|gSun_ErSSJA|'''The Shooting Range #304''' - ''Triathlon'' section at 07:37 compares early guided air-to-ground missiles.}}
== See also ==
== See also ==
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* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* [[Air-to-air missiles]]
* [[Anti-tank guided missiles]]
* [[Template:Missiles|Missiles]]
* [[Template:Missiles|Missiles]]
* [[Anti-tank guided missiles]]
* [[Mortars]]
* [[Air-to-air missiles]]
== External links ==
== External links ==
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''add dev-blogs regarding AGMs here''
* [[wt:en/news/8311-development-missile-duels-fair-play-en|[Devblog] Missile duels: fair play]]
* [[wt:en/news/7084-development-new-features-upcoming-with-the-ixwa-strike-update-en|[Devblog] New features upcoming with the "Ixwa Strike" update - Tactical air-to-surface missiles]]
* [[wt:en/news/5722-development-agm-12b-bullpup-they-can-t-dodge-en|[Devblog] AGM-12B Bullpup: They can't dodge]]

Latest revision as of 15:16, 13 November 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0


Air-to-ground missiles (AGMs) were added to the game in Update 1.79 "Project X" with the AGM-12B Bullpup. The first of this type of weapon were used in the Vietnam War. In-game, they are a potent weapon to have at your disposal, allowing you to destroy enemy ground or naval targets from several kilometres away. They allow the ability to steer the projectile to engage even moving targets.

Several different types of AGMs exist: Manual Command to Line of Sight (MCLOS) also known as command guided, Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight (SACLOS), Television guided (TV), Infrared guided (IR), Laser guided, and Beam riding. Note that in-game these guidance systems might work differently than their respective real counterparts or the missiles might use a different guidance system than in reality.

Helicopter guidance

The gunner view of a helicopter, displaying sight stabilization (the diagonal lines around the crosshair) and the range to the point around which it is stabilized.

With the exception of self-guiding missiles, all helicopter-launched air-to-ground missiles are guided by the cursor (much like aircraft SACLOS missiles). Most helicopters also feature a gunner view, in which the missile can be directed separately to the helicopter. This can also often be set to centre automatically on a designated point on the ground (the "sight stabilization" keybind), which accounts for the relative motion of the helicopter and maintains the image in the gunner view, thus allowing for smooth guidance of the missile even when the helicopter is performing extreme manoeuvres. Enabling sight stabilization will also display the range to the target in the gunner view. Some more advanced helicopters have the additional option of locking the stabilized sight to a moving target, thus allowing semi-autonomous guidance of the missile.

Attack drones feature a similar view. The maximum range of the missile can be seen in the lower part of the view, in the example it is 3,500 m, and the bigger bar below it shows the range of the currently aimed point.

Manual Command to Line of Sight (MCLOS)

MCLOS guided missiles are typically guided either by physical connection to the launch platform by a wire, or by radio waves. In the case of wire-guided missiles, the wire is unspun from the missile as it flies towards the target. After a missile of this type is launched, the gunner or pilot watches the motor or tracer components of the missile and sends correcting guidance commands to keep the projectile on target.

MCLOS controls

Without steering input from the player, the missile will behave like a simple unguided rocket. It is recommended to check your surroundings and ensure that there are no enemies in the vicinity, as it can be significantly more difficult to attempt to control both missile and aircraft at the same time. The default keybinds for manual missile guidance will prevent you from manoeuvring your aircraft with the keyboard at the same time.

Command guided missile controls
Control name Default Keybind
(PC keyboard & mouse)
Yaw axis for aim weapons ⇧ Shift+A / ⇧ Shift+D Keys to control the yaw (side to side) movement of the missile
Pitch axis for aim weapons ⇧ Shift+W / ⇧ Shift+S Keys to control the pitch (up and down) movement of the missile
Fire air-to-ground missile Space Fire the command guided missile

List of MCLOS AGMs

Command guided missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
AGM-12B Bullpup USA flag.png 8 km
AGM-12C Bullpup USA flag.png 16 km
AS-20 Nord France flag.png 8 km
AS-30 Nord France flag.png 10 km
Kh-23M USSR flag.png 10 km
Ki-148 I-Go Model 1B Japan flag.png 12 km
Rb05A Sweden flag.png 8 km

Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight (SACLOS)

The SACLOS guidance system improves on MCLOS by having a device that calculates correction commands such that the gunner only has to point the sight of the targeting device at the target, and the appropriate correction commands will be performed by the device. Connection to the missile can be by wire or radio waves. The targeting device often features a significantly zoomed-in view which makes target acquisition easier. All this makes targeting and guidance much easier and even allows for moderate changes of aircraft movement at the same time.

SACLOS controls

When launched from an aircraft, the SACLOS guided missile will fly towards the direction in which the aircraft's nose is pointing. This can allow for much easier and more accurate targeting than MCLOS missiles with fine adjustments using the mouse, but means that ample time should be given to allow the aircraft to pull up after the missile has struck.


SACLOS guided missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
9M14-2 Malyutka-2 USSR flag.png 3 km
9M14M Malyutka USSR flag.png 3 km
9M17M Falanga USSR flag.png 4 km
9M114 Shturm USSR flag.png 5 km
9M120 Ataka USSR flag.png 6 km
AGM-12B Bullpup USA flag.png 11 km
AGM-22 USA flag.png 3.5 km
AS.11 France flag.png 3.5 km
AS.12 France flag.png 7 km
BGM-71C Improved TOW USA flag.png 3.75 km
BGM-71D TOW-2 USA flag.png 3.75 km
HJ-8A China flag.png 3 km
HJ-8C China flag.png 3 km
HJ-8E China flag.png 4 km
HJ-8H China flag.png 4 km
HOT-1 France flag.png Germany flag.png 4 km
HOT-2 TOW France flag.png Germany flag.png 4 km
HOT-3 France flag.png Germany flag.png 4 km
Kh-66 USSR flag.png 10 km
RB 52 A Sweden flag.png 3.5 km
RB 53 Bantam Sweden flag.png 2 km
RB 55B Heli TOW Sweden flag.png 3.75 km
RB 55C Heli TOW Sweden flag.png 3.75 km


In War Thunder, television-guided missiles refer to a class of missile guided by "optical contrast seekers". These missiles have a camera in the nose that transmits a greyscale image to the pilot, allowing them to select and lock onto a high contrast static or moving target. The missile will guide itself towards the target, leaving the pilot free to manoeuvre the aircraft and evade any anti-air defences. As the camera does not provide any infrared information, it may sometimes be accidentally locked onto high contrast objects in the vicinity of the intended target instead, which can cause a miss if the target subsequently moves away from the area. Television guided missiles are also unable to be used at night and in other low visibility conditions such as adverse weather. Some planes and AGMs however have IR or thermal imaging and can be used at night and have better targeting quality. Often an additional targeting pod is needed for this, which will take up one pylon.

TV guided missile controls
Control name Default Keybind
(PC keyboard & mouse)
Optical Seeker View  ? Switch to the TV targeting view. It is not necessary to use this, but it has better zoom usually than 3rd person view.
Weapon lock (air-to-ground)  ? First press: Turn Seeker on. Second press: Try to lock on target.
Fire air-to-ground missile  ? Fire missile. If no lock is activated it will first turn the seeker and target locking mode on.
Activate Target point  ? Lock TV camera to a point in world space. It is not a weapon lock! It will always try to look at it. You can use it to lock a area from 3rd person view look around so it will later be easier to fine tune your target lock.
Deactivate Target point  ? If target point is not used always deactivate it to not have the TV camera point there.

List of TV guided missiles

TV guided missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
AGM-65A USA flag.png 23 km
AGM-65B USA flag.png 23 km
AGM-65H USA flag.png 23 km
AJ.168 Britain flag.png 45 km
Flz Lwf LB 82 Switzerland flag.png 23 km
Kh-29T USSR flag.png 13 km
Kh-29TD USSR flag.png 35 km
Kh-29TE USSR flag.png 30 km
RB 75 Sweden flag.png 23 km
RB 75T Sweden flag.png 23 km


Infrared homing missiles are similar in use to TV guided missiles, but feature an infrared imaging system instead of the optical camera, allowing heat sources (such as tanks) to be more easily differentiated and locked onto in cluttered environments and under low optical visibility conditions such as night-time.

The IR targeting view makes it very easy to see the hot targets.

List of IR guided AGMs

IR guided missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
AGM-65D USA flag.png 23 km
AGM-65G USA flag.png 23 km
Kh-38MT USSR flag.png 40 km
PARS 3 LR France flag.png Germany flag.png 7 km
Spike ER Israel flag.png 8 km


The aircraft points a target-illuminating laser onto the desired target and when the missiles is fired it will fly automatically towards the laser point on the target. Advanced laser guided missiles can operate even when the laser illumination is stopped and will continue its flight path on inertial guidance. If the laser illumination lights up again they will proceed to follow the laser light.

List of laser guided AGMs

Laser guided missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
AGM-65L USA flag.png 23 km
AGM-114B Hellfire USA flag.png 8 km
AGM-114K Hellfire II USA flag.png 8 km
AGM-123 Skipper USA flag.png 20 km
AKD-9 China flag.png 6 km
AKD-10 China flag.png 10 km
APKWS II (M151) USA flag.png 11 km
APKWS II (M282) USA flag.png 11 km
AS-30L Nord France flag.png 12 km
Blue Arrow 9 China flag.png 6 km
CIRIT Turkey flag.png 10 km
GATR Israel flag.png 10 km
Kh-25 USSR flag.png 7 km
Kh-25ML USSR flag.png 10 km
Kh-29L USSR flag.png 10 km
Kh-38ML USSR flag.png 40 km
L-UMTAS Turkey flag.png 8 km
S-25L USSR flag.png 10 km
ZT-6 Mokopa South Africa flag.png 10 km

Beam riding

Beam riding missiles are operated using a radar or laser beam to guide them to the target. Once launched, the missile will attempt to keep itself in the centre of the beam that is projected out from the launch platform.

This differs from other laser-guided missiles, in that the missile is guided by the laser beam itself rather than guiding towards the reflection of the laser on the target.

List of beam riding AGMs

Beam riding missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
9K127 Vikhr USSR flag.png 10 km
9M120-1 Ataka USSR flag.png 6 km
9M123 Khrizantema USSR flag.png 6 km
Starstreak Britain flag.png 7 km

Active Radar Homing

Active radar homing (ARH) missiles have a radar emitter built in so that they don't have to rely on target illumination by the aircraft that fired it, making them fire-and-forget weapons. Unfortunately, this is only true to an extent: ARH mode is only available when the missile is coming close to the target, as the range of the built-in radar is limited by its size, which needs to fit inside the compact missile. During the first stage of the flight, the missile has to either rely on inertial guidance, act like a SARH missile, or be course-corrected by Datalink from the aircraft.

List of active radar homing AGMs

ARH missiles
Missile Country Max guidance range
AS.34 Kormoran Germany flag.png 32 km



See also

External links
