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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Optics - Target Magnification}}
== What are optics and where to look for them ==
== What are optics and where to look for them ==
Optics are used by your crew to look at enemy. For you, they are used whenever you use sniper (gunner) scope.  
Optics are a device used by vehicle crews to increase the magnification of the enemy being targeted for a more reliable targeting solution. Typically used in specific modes, optics come into play whenever using the sniper scope (gunner position), the commander's binoculars (from commander's cupola) or scope (from wherever the commander might reside).
When operating the Gunner scope (typically activated by using "sniper aim" via pressing shift button), objects are initially seen with the scope set to the minimum zoom setting. To toggle between the minimum and maximum zoom settings, this can be achieved utilising the scrolling mouse wheel, pressing the default "zoom in" key Z or through any other key mapped specifically for this function on a keyboard, mouse or joystick/throttle controller. Any gunner scope will contain a crosshair and a compass, with most tanks having a firing application for their current ammunition, like here:
[[File:Gunner scope with descriptions.jpg|thumb|none|Click to see UI explanations in more detail]]
After Rank V the commander scope is available for most (but not all) tanks and are used by pressing "commander scope sight" hotkey. Unfortunately, this button is not set by default. Zoom controls are identical to the gunner scope. This scope does not have a proper ballistic application and at first is only used for advanced scouting and rangefinding, but on more advanced tanks you can also bind and activate "use commander sight to aim" hotkey to attack while using it ("aim mode" letters will appear on the top-left corner of your screen, signifying that the commander is currently in control) and to also receive an approximation from your gunner in Arcade battles. Commander will remember this and take over the weapons control every time the commander sight is used from that point onward until told otherwise via the same hotkey:
[[File:Commander scope with descriptions.jpg|thumb|none]]
If such function is present on your tank, then if your gunner is knocked out, the commander will quickly take over and fire weapons instead of him. In most cases (but not always), if the tank can fire anti-tank guided missiles and the commander can take over the weapons, then switching to the commander optics aim will also move ATGM controls and line-of-sight directly to the commander optics as opposed to the weapon itself (in AB/RB) or gunner optics (in SB), but only for as long as the player is sitting in the commander optics. This is very important for some tanks, particularly the ones that can fire ATGM from their cannons, as the "gun" camera itself might violently shake and wobble while the tank is moving (therefore, guiding the missile into the ground by accident), while the commander sight does not shake. When commander is incapacitated, the commander sight cannot be used and all advantages gained with it are lost.
It is also possible to use driver sight as well by binding "driver camera" hotkey. This will put you directly into a driver seat, which may or may not be useful to check if the tank is in a proper hull-down position or not. In some rare case when the gunner and commander are completely blinded by the smoke screens and the third-person view does not provide any information at all, this may save the tank by providing it with at least some vision in the immediate vicinity. Be aware, that using it will also disable all tank controls besides those directly related to driving.
You can always see them when you use X-ray in vehicle preview, though they often come without proper description and don't say their magnification levels. Generally, only one of them tells zoom levels.
[[File:Driver sight inside smoke.jpg|thumb|none]]
[[File:Optics tooltip example.jpg|none|thumb|Optics on AMX-30. They may be even harder to find sometimes.]]
When looking at a vehicle in the vehicle garage of War Thunder, vehicles with optics will show their location when looking at the vehicle in X-ray mode. Using the cursor to hover over the optic a pop-up bubble will appear annotating the device as an "optic", some will even have additional information listed in the pop-up bubble. Generally, if the vehicle has more than one set of optics, only one of them will list the zoom levels, field of view and other options and typically this will appear when hovering over the gunner's optics, however, this is not always the case and all optics may have to be checked for more information.
Some vehicles are half-filled, and only say one zoom level (presumably, it always means maximal zoom):
[[File:Optics tooltip example.jpg|none|thumb|Optics on [[AMX-30]]. Due to the vehicle modules, the optics may be difficult to find and will require rotating the vehicle for a better view.]]
[[File:Optics tooltip not properly filled example.jpg|none|thumb]]
Some vehicles do not contain as much information as others and when the optic pop-up bubble only lists one zoom level, it is assumed that this is the maximum zoom available for the optics on this vehicle as in the [[Ho-Ri Production]] Japanese tank destroyer. Sometimes, the pop-up will provide incomplete information or simply change, so testing things personally is still the best option.
Optics and viewports are also sometimes a weakspot of super heavy tanks, such as [[IS-7]], though they are '''extremely''' hard to target, as they are very small.  
[[File:Optics tooltip not properly filled example.jpg|none|thumb|Optic pop-up only states '''Zoom:6.0x''' which is expected to be the maximum zoom capability for this unit. It didn't display the sight FoV which was later revealed to be 12°]]
Just damaging the optics does nothing to the tank or player's effectiveness in game so far.
Several vehicles may not have a zoom range specified, when it comes to these, it is best to take the vehicle out on a training run and choose a fixed object in which to compare the zoom rate in comparison to other vehicles with known zoom rates. This will provide a general range in which to have a better idea of what the optics are capable of during combat manoeuvres.  
== Zoom levels in the game ==
Optics themselves can be pivotal in the ability to disable an enemy tank or it can also be an Achilles' heel, especially for super-heavy tanks such as [[IS-7]], in which the viewports where the optics are at providing a very weak point in the armour structure. Although they are extremely hard to target due to their extremely small size, nonetheless they can be hit. Optics are also very easy to hit on particular light SPG and tanks (for example, [[Striker]]) and often have less than 10 mm of RHA protection behind them, making them incredibly easy to attack with ammunition that has a high amount of Explosive mass, causing fatal overpressure damage to a tank in question.
Optics zoom levels are no joke and one should keep in mind what they're using. Fighting dedicated sniper tanks with X12+ scopes, while you have only X4 is '''extremely''' dangerous.
Damage to the optics generally will not affect vehicle or crew gameplay at all, however, the optics will become unusable until they are manually repaired, which can affect certain vehicles (As an example, [[Warrior]] cannot launch ATGM if commander's optics were destroyed).
Commander's binoculars always have about X6 zoom.
== Differences between various optics in game ==
Here are the examples of zoom levels for different confirmed vehicles.  
Optics zoom levels are an important indicator as to what type of tank is being used. Typically brawler tanks meant to be used on the front lines will not have much zoom capabilities beyond X4 as they are meant for up-close fighting and not long-range sniping. Tanks with zoom ranges of +X12 are meant for more reserve positions where they can maximize the zoom capabilities at disabling vehicles from a long distance. Those who are comfortable with the different vehicles and the optics located there can sometimes effectively push the limits of the optics and make the long-range shots with weaker optics or utilise a sniper-tank in close quarters battle.  
Screenshots are made in test drive, always from a certain position (seen on minimap), hull front is always aligned towards the target to minimize collision.
An important note to remember in arcade mode is that it is easier to fine-tune gun aim with stronger magnification, especially if an enemy tank has only one small weak spot and you are limited on time. Also, the stronger the zoom is, the further apart the shell drop marks become making it slightly less confusing when estimating the shooting angle targeting solution.
Weather settings : 16:00, overcast. (It surely will be easier to spot enemy at good weather, but in RB they have camouflage, so it's only fair if we make target a bit harder to see.)
Also worth noting, the optics of certain nations and/or vehicles may show vignetting or dark areas around the view area from a scope which limit the amount of area which can be viewed through the scope. As optics developed the vignetting lessened or virtually disappeared allowing for a larger viewing area. The FoV stat mentioned on optics '''does not''' take vingetti in consideration and merely mirrors the zoom level as a reminder of the default screen resolutions for that exact magnification - the X10 scope will almost always have FoV of 7° stated, even if the last 2° are not visible due to the vingetti. The only way to find out the truth is to test drive the tanks yourself.
The target is at a distance of exactly 1km on these screenshots, as should be seen by indicators.
When the tank has an ability to lock-on and track enemy aircraft with optics (generally mentioned as [[SPAA_radars#Passive_Infrared_and_Optronic_Systems|IRST]]), but doesn't have a separate camera for this specific purpose, then gunner optics will also have the description of the tracker. This option is not always listed in the pop-up, so manually checking for it is highly recommended past rank VI.
It is also worth noting, that certain nations and/or vehicles have much cleaner scopes (As in, your vision is not blacked out all the time, even if zoom level itself is atrocious).
Commander's sight is different from Gunner's sight and might have different zoom and field of view. Generally, it isn't stronger than gunner's sight, but there are exceptions. On older tanks, commander sight can only have normal night vision, while on most modern tanks, the commander might have the thermal sight as well, just like the gunner. Information on available night vision types for each crew member is listed in the NVD/TVD modification itself (in tank "modifications" menu). If commander optics can control and guide the weapons, then the commander himself will have a pop-up telling that he can control the main armament (which isn't always the case).
Click on first image and browse them with arrow keys/buttons on screenshot sides to make it easier.)
Commander's binoculars always have about X6 zoom and same lenses across all vehicles.
<!--Very important! Apply screenshot of each and every zoom level if you find new one, even small deviations like X8.8, X10.3, ETC, as their lenses may be different. It is recommended to ONLY apply screenshots of confirmed magnification (As it says so in X-ray), as scopes may deviate even by X0.3 and are purely subjective otherwise.
=== Examples of zoom levels for different confirmed vehicles ===
When making a screenshot, make sure that you point scope exactly at target husk and indicator says 1000m away. Screenshot should also contain the big tree on the left and whatever vehicle test-drive spawns for you on a hill further away. Remove the other trees and bushes if they get in the way.
The below screenshots were taken from the old test drive map, always from a specific position on the edge between E-4 and D-4 (seen on the minimap) to allow for accurate comparison between vehicle optics being tested, especially with vehicles where the optic value was not known. The testing vehicle's hull front is always aligned towards the target to minimize a collision.
Also very important! Apply screenshots in proper order, I.E. X4 goes after X3 but before X5, to make it easier to browse the gallery. Name them accordingly (as example "screenshot of zoom magnification X2", if possible. In comment below image, mention zoom and used vehicle.  
Weather settings for this test are at 16:00 and overcast. It surely would be easier to spot enemy at good weather, but when fighting in realistic battles tanks have camouflage and often begin engagements at the 2 km range. The potential of fog and other weather effects can make targets more difficult to see, therefore these testing purposes will use less than ideal circumstances to compare the different optics results.
In the screenshots, the target is always located exactly 1 km to ensure a more accurate comparison. The enemy tank which spawns at the back of the practice map is always different depending on the vehicle chosen for test-drive, however, it is generally standing exactly 1.2 km away from the testing spot.
When having problems coordinating the zoom level visually, utilising the compass at the top of the screen may help with the correlation - its size changes accordingly with the zoom level.
{{Notice| Be aware, that sometimes the zoom and even FoV are a subject to sudden change and may not be same as in the gallery after years. The gallery is only here to help you understand the difference between zoom levels.|!}}
''Click on an image and browse them with arrow keys/buttons on screenshot sides to make them easier to compare.''
<!--Very important! Apply screenshot of each and every zoom level if you find a new one, even small deviations like X8.8, X10.3, ETC, as their lenses may be different. It is recommended to ONLY apply screenshots of confirmed magnification (As it says so in X-ray), as scopes may deviate even by X0.3 and are purely subjective otherwise.
When making a screenshot, make sure that you point scope exactly at target husk and the indicator says 1000 m away. The screenshot should also contain the big tree on the left and whatever vehicle test-drive spawns for you on a hill further away. Remove the other trees and bushes if they get in the way.
Also very important! Apply screenshots in proper order, I.E. X4 goes after X3 but before X5, to make it easier to browse the gallery. Name them accordingly (as an example "screenshot of zoom magnification X2", if possible. In the comment below image, mention zoom and used vehicle.  
All of that is so we can use these screenshots to compare them to actual zooms of vehicle, and then place them on the vehicle's page as example of their zoom levels (just in case if only mentioning "default zoom X4, maximum zoom X6" doesn't tell much to the player of optics performance.)-->
All of that is so we can use these screenshots to compare them to actual zooms of vehicle, and then place them on the vehicle's page as example of their zoom levels (just in case if only mentioning "default zoom X4, maximum zoom X6" doesn't tell much to the player of optics performance.)-->
[[File:X1 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X1 - no zoom, 3PV infront of the gun. Ho-Ri Production.]]
[[File:X2.5 Zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X2.5 zoom. Made with Tiger II Sla.16.]]
<gallery mode="packed">
[[File:X3 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X3 zoom. Made with Calliope.]]
File:X1 zoom example.jpg|X1 - No zoom, 3PV in front of gun. View from a [[Ho-Ri Production]].
[[File:X3,5 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X3.5 zoom. Made with object 120]]
File:X2.5 zoom example.jpg|X2.5 zoom. View from [[Tiger II (H) Sla.16]] optics.
[[File:X4 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X4 zoom example. Made with M46 tiger. The lenses on this one are cleaner than average.]]
File:X3 zoom example.jpg|X3 zoom. Made with [[Calliope]].
[[File:X5 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X5 zoom example. Made with T20.]]
File:X3.5 zoom example.jpg|X3.5 zoom. Made with [[Object 120]].
[[File:X6 Zoom example Binoculars.jpg|none|thumb|X6 zoom example. Made with binoculars (same for everyone).]]
File:X4 zoom example.jpg|X4 zoom. Made with [[M46 “Tiger”]]. Notice the lack of vignetting compared to other images.
[[File:X6 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X6 zoom example. Made with Ho-Ri production.]]
File:X5 zoom example.jpg|X5 zoom. Made with [[T20]].
[[File:X6,8 zoom example..jpg|none|thumb|X6,8 zoom example. Made with AMX30.]]
File:X6 zoom example binoculars.jpg|X6 zoom. Made with Binoculars (same for all vehicles).
[[File:X7 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X7 zoom example. Made with Object 120.]]
File:X6 zoom example.jpg|X6 zoom. Made with [[Ho-Ri Production]].
[[File:X7,5 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X7,5 zoom example. Made with AMX13 (SS11)]]
File:X6.8 zoom example.jpg|X6.8 zoom. Made with [[AMX-30]].
[[File:X8 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X8 zoom example. Made with AMX30.]]
File:X7 zoom example.jpg|X7 zoom. Made with [[Object 120]].
[[File:X8 zoom example, better lenses .jpg|none|thumb|X8 zoom example. This variant is with better lenses. Made with T-55AM-1.]]
File:X7.5 zoom example.jpg|X7.5 zoom. Made with [[AMX-13 (SS.11)]].
[[File:X9,2 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X9,2 zoom example. Made with Panzer IV 70(A).]]
File:X8 zoom example.jpg|X8 zoom. Made with [[AMX-30]].
[[File:X10 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X10 zoom example. Made with Challenger tank line.]]
File:X8 zoom example better lenses.jpg|X8 zoom. Made with [[T-55AM-1]]. Less vingetti when compared to [[AMX-30]].
[[File:X10.3 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X10.3 zoom example. Made with leopard A1A1 (L44). (do not mistake it with "normal" leopard A1A1.)]]
File:X9.2 zoom example.jpg|X9.2 zoom. Made with [[Panzer IV/70(A)]].
[[File:X12 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X12 zoom example. Made with leopard A1A1 (L44) (not to be mistaken with normal Leopard A1A1).]]
File:X10 zoom example.jpg|X10 zoom. Made with [[Challenger Mk.2|Challenger]] tank line.
[[File:X16,1 zoom example.jpg|none|thumb|X16,1 zoom example. Made with ST-A1. So far, the strongest scope a tank can have.]]
File:X10.3 zoom example.jpg|X10.3 zoom. Made with [[Leopard A1A1 (L/44)]]. (Not to be mistaken with the "normal" [[Leopard A1A1]]).
File:X12 zoom example.jpg|X12 zoom. Made with [[Leopard A1A1 (L/44)]]. (Not to be mistaken with the "normal" [[Leopard A1A1]]).
File:X13 zoom example better lenses.jpg|X13 zoom. Made with [[M901]]. Superior lenses quality for that magnification.
File:X16.1 zoom example.jpg|X16.1 zoom. Made with [[ST-A1]]. So far, the strongest optics a non-specialized medium tank can have.
File:X40 zoom example.jpg|X40 zoom. Made with [[Stormer HVM]], which is the only vehicle that uses it. So far, the strongest optics an in-game tank can have.
<!--Gallery is still missing potential X14 zoom screenshot from KPZ/MBT 70 and a lot of low-quality scope variations. Could also use commander sight as an example, probably X20 one from leopards.-->
==Work-around methods for improper zoom levels and scopes==
Sometimes tanks have extremely powerful X16 zoom while utilizing demolition cannon with low-velocity shells or extremely weak zoom (and very bad lenses at that) while utilizing high-velocity APDS or APFSDS. It makes ballistic marks on scope way too cramped or spaced out for comfortable use and in case of early HEAT, shells may make sniper scope unusable. Some, like rocket tanks, do not have ballistic marks at all and leave you all alone with your muscle memory.
[[File:Centurion AVRE cannot aim at the tank.jpg|thumb|left|Clearly, this isn't going to work, and we don't want to fire blindly.]]
There are some ways to work around these problems:
===Zero-in the gun===
To work around the problem, you can "zero in" the gun for a chosen shell to a certain distance, so that you can aim at targets directly. Also, some tanks like [[AMX-50 Foch]] have abysmal scope quality, but their rangefinder works faster than one of the others, making this method more viable than aiming yourself.
To activate this function, go to Controls->Tank->Miscellaneous->Sight distance control and enable "relative control", then assign buttons for "increase value" and "decrease value". Minimalistic settings look like this:
[[File:Settings for gun adjustment.jpg|thumb|left|Minimal settings to set up the scope adjustment]]
Now, to pull the gun up (to shoot further by default) use "increase value" and to pull the gun back down use "decrease value" like on this screenshot:
[[File:Centurion AVRE gun zero in for Realistic mode.jpg|thumb|left|It works!]]
{{Notice| Zeroing only considers your current shell for a set distance. When you shift the shell to one with different velocity, it will be zeroed to a different distance. For example, if you set gun for HE to 450 meters, the APFSDS at these settings might get launched 2,100 meters away. Keep this in mind for APDS tanks or assign the reset button as well.|!}}
How to guess how far you need to "adjust" the gun?
In realistic mode, use "rangefinding" (key not assigned by default, can be found in Controls->Tank->Miscellaneous next to sight controls.) to find out the distance towards the hostile tank, or estimate it yourself, then set the gun to that number. Having an actual rangefinder modification and high "rangefinding" crew skill speeds the process up, increases the accuracy and maximum range of estimation.
{{Notice| Low-velocity shell chemical shells (550 m/s and below) have a tendency to have double the falloff past 1,000 m range, in some cases they start falling off even at 800 m range, so even if you do zero-in the gun, the scope may still fail to tell you where the shell is going to actually land.|!}}
Try to not set gun adjustment sensitivity too high or too low, or you may end up needing to aim in reverse. Remember, since your gun aims at a distance you set yourself, if someone drives too close to you, you now have to aim below them:
[[File:Centurion AVRE Compensating for excessive gun zero-in.jpg|frameless|left]]
In Arcade mode gunner always tells you the distance towards the target you are pointing the crosshairs at and with no failure at that, which means you can just zero-in the scope to that exact number and your shell will almost always hit the mark, assuming you researched all the accuracy upgrades. Sometimes, it is much easier, than trying to make out the marks on your sight. For example, on X10 scopes the APFSDS scope does not have a reference number for 1.6 km distance, only the big "mark" representing it, which may be confusing to some players.
[[File:Challenger 2 scope zero in for arcade mode.jpg|thumb|left|This may seem unnecessary, but when the enemy is behind a forest, a house and is very far away, it may actually save your tank.]]
===User-made scopes===
One option in War Thunder is the ability for users to create their own version of crosshairs found within the optics which may better fit with their gameplay style, streamline information presented or recreate a historically accurate representation. As such, default optics can be replaced with custom created systems. Each tank can be modified personally without affecting the rest.
The User-made optics quality heavily depends on the diligence of the creator. They share a common trait of being static (being unable to adjust to the changes of ammunition or the gun elevation) and often force the players to use manual gun adjustment at longer range, especially when utilising the default HEAT rounds, so use them at your own risk.
These changes do not affect zoom levels, gun characteristics or users abilities, they just change out the crosshair targeting application. However, even that much can make a huge difference to your life quality:
[[File:Type 75 MLRS custom scope in work.jpg|thumb|left|Rocket tank now has a scope and not only it kind of works, but the creator actually cared to add an ability to visibly zero-in the rockets, which makes it very easy to use for the player.]]
[[File:Screenshot of an MBT mockup custom scope.JPG|thumb|left|An example of a custom scope being simply used for immersion reasons (Do note, that the status text on the scope is fake and does not really represent the real state of a tank.)]]
For more details about creation and use of custom scopes relate to this [[User-made_sighting_reticles|specialized article]].
== For use around Wiki ==
Several tanks do not have specified zoom levels listed, however, after being checked and compared to the gallery in a test-drive map, that information can be listed in the "main armament" section of the chosen vehicle, either by simply noting the minimum and maximum zoom levels or by filling it with a small table much like below:
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="3" | <nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki> [[Optics]]
! Which ones
! Default magnification
! Maximum magnification
! Main Gun optics
| X8 || X12 <!--Sometimes the actual value may not be known and where it should be referenced if the optic values are an estimate such as with a "X8.3 (estimated)" notation or something else that way the user will then be able to look to the comparable optics section and see a referenced optic which will have actual in-game data to back up the claim.-->
! Comparable optics
| colspan="2;" style="text-align:center;" | [[XM-1 (GM)]]
In the case where magnification values are not known, values can be listed as "'''X8.3 (estimated)'''" and then a vehicle can be linked in the "Comparable optics" area which has optics of a known value which accurately compare to the unknown value optics being tested.
In the case if tank has [[Night Vision Devices]] it is far more reasonable to use expanded table such as this:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" | <nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki> [[Optics]]
! rowspan="3" |Type of optic
! rowspan="3" |Magnification
! colspan="5" |[[Night Vision Devices]]
! colspan="3" |Image Intensifier
! rowspan="2" |{{Annotation|Thermal Imager<br>Resolution|The higher the resolution the clearer and more detailed the image is}}
! rowspan="2" |Notes
! {{Annotation|Resolution|The higher the resolution the clearer and more detailed the image is}}
! {{Annotation|Light Mult|By how much the image intensifier amplifies the existing light, primarily useful for comparing image intensifiers}}
! {{Annotation|Noise Level|How much noise is present in the image (how grainy the image is)}}
! Gunner's Sight
| X3.6 - X12 || 1600 x 1200 || 9.0 || High || 500 x 300 || Thermal imager unlocked by "NVD Upgrade" mod (tier 4), replaces image intensifier.
! Commander's Sight
| X4 - X12  || 1600 x 1200 || 9.0 || High || Not Fitted || Image intensifier unlocked by "NVD" mod (tier 3)
! Driver's View
| X1 / 3PV || 1600 x 1200 || 5.0 || High || Not Fitted || Image intensifier unlocked by "NVD" mod (tier 3)
If you were comparing optics of a tank to the gallery and are unsure of your measurements, you can specify that below the table.
Every NVD can only be used from their designated areas: The gunner NVD can only be used from sniper view, the commander NVD can be used in commander sight, the driver NVD can only be used in third-person view and driver view.
Do note, that "commander view" for tanks represents binoculars (X6) and is same across all tanks as of patch 1.91.
Sometimes tanks are also fitted with Infrared spotlight. While it's not an optic device itself, it is only visible through night vision tools and can be used to find hostile tanks, thus it should be noted as well since it's a supplementary tool. Information about it can be filled in a small table as such:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | <nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki> [[Night_Vision_Devices#Infrared_Spotlights|IR Searchlight]]
! Max Range
! Beam Width
! Location / Notes
| 1,400 m || 8.2° || Searchlight mounted on the turret front, just right of the gun. Light moves up and down with main gun.
To find out the difference between night vision tools and their qualities refer to examples in [[Night Vision Devices|specific article]]
== Media ==
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
{{Youtube-gallery|4NPt7dr-fKo|'''The Shooting Range #256''' - ''Tactics & Strategy'' section at 8:04 discusses commander sights.}}
== See also ==
<!--''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the type of technology;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''-->
* [[Night Vision Devices]]
* [[User-made sighting reticles]]
== External links ==
<!--''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''other literature.''-->
* [[wt:en/news/7175-development-commander-sights-for-ground-vehicles-en|[Devblog] Commander sights for ground vehicles]]
* [[wt:en/game/changelog/current/1229|[Changelog] Update 09.04.2021 ( - Sights for rocket launchers]]
* [[wt:en/news/3781-development-parallax-and-updated-sights-for-ground-vehicles-en|[Devblog] Parallax and Updated Sights for Ground Vehicles]]
[[Category:Game mechanics]]
[[Category:Custom articles]]

Latest revision as of 19:00, 4 June 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0

What are optics and where to look for them

Optics are a device used by vehicle crews to increase the magnification of the enemy being targeted for a more reliable targeting solution. Typically used in specific modes, optics come into play whenever using the sniper scope (gunner position), the commander's binoculars (from commander's cupola) or scope (from wherever the commander might reside).

When operating the Gunner scope (typically activated by using "sniper aim" via pressing shift button), objects are initially seen with the scope set to the minimum zoom setting. To toggle between the minimum and maximum zoom settings, this can be achieved utilising the scrolling mouse wheel, pressing the default "zoom in" key Z or through any other key mapped specifically for this function on a keyboard, mouse or joystick/throttle controller. Any gunner scope will contain a crosshair and a compass, with most tanks having a firing application for their current ammunition, like here:

Click to see UI explanations in more detail

After Rank V the commander scope is available for most (but not all) tanks and are used by pressing "commander scope sight" hotkey. Unfortunately, this button is not set by default. Zoom controls are identical to the gunner scope. This scope does not have a proper ballistic application and at first is only used for advanced scouting and rangefinding, but on more advanced tanks you can also bind and activate "use commander sight to aim" hotkey to attack while using it ("aim mode" letters will appear on the top-left corner of your screen, signifying that the commander is currently in control) and to also receive an approximation from your gunner in Arcade battles. Commander will remember this and take over the weapons control every time the commander sight is used from that point onward until told otherwise via the same hotkey:

Commander scope with descriptions.jpg

If such function is present on your tank, then if your gunner is knocked out, the commander will quickly take over and fire weapons instead of him. In most cases (but not always), if the tank can fire anti-tank guided missiles and the commander can take over the weapons, then switching to the commander optics aim will also move ATGM controls and line-of-sight directly to the commander optics as opposed to the weapon itself (in AB/RB) or gunner optics (in SB), but only for as long as the player is sitting in the commander optics. This is very important for some tanks, particularly the ones that can fire ATGM from their cannons, as the "gun" camera itself might violently shake and wobble while the tank is moving (therefore, guiding the missile into the ground by accident), while the commander sight does not shake. When commander is incapacitated, the commander sight cannot be used and all advantages gained with it are lost.

It is also possible to use driver sight as well by binding "driver camera" hotkey. This will put you directly into a driver seat, which may or may not be useful to check if the tank is in a proper hull-down position or not. In some rare case when the gunner and commander are completely blinded by the smoke screens and the third-person view does not provide any information at all, this may save the tank by providing it with at least some vision in the immediate vicinity. Be aware, that using it will also disable all tank controls besides those directly related to driving.

Driver sight inside smoke.jpg

When looking at a vehicle in the vehicle garage of War Thunder, vehicles with optics will show their location when looking at the vehicle in X-ray mode. Using the cursor to hover over the optic a pop-up bubble will appear annotating the device as an "optic", some will even have additional information listed in the pop-up bubble. Generally, if the vehicle has more than one set of optics, only one of them will list the zoom levels, field of view and other options and typically this will appear when hovering over the gunner's optics, however, this is not always the case and all optics may have to be checked for more information.

Optics on AMX-30. Due to the vehicle modules, the optics may be difficult to find and will require rotating the vehicle for a better view.

Some vehicles do not contain as much information as others and when the optic pop-up bubble only lists one zoom level, it is assumed that this is the maximum zoom available for the optics on this vehicle as in the Ho-Ri Production Japanese tank destroyer. Sometimes, the pop-up will provide incomplete information or simply change, so testing things personally is still the best option.

Optic pop-up only states Zoom:6.0x which is expected to be the maximum zoom capability for this unit. It didn't display the sight FoV which was later revealed to be 12°

Several vehicles may not have a zoom range specified, when it comes to these, it is best to take the vehicle out on a training run and choose a fixed object in which to compare the zoom rate in comparison to other vehicles with known zoom rates. This will provide a general range in which to have a better idea of what the optics are capable of during combat manoeuvres.

Optics themselves can be pivotal in the ability to disable an enemy tank or it can also be an Achilles' heel, especially for super-heavy tanks such as IS-7, in which the viewports where the optics are at providing a very weak point in the armour structure. Although they are extremely hard to target due to their extremely small size, nonetheless they can be hit. Optics are also very easy to hit on particular light SPG and tanks (for example, Striker) and often have less than 10 mm of RHA protection behind them, making them incredibly easy to attack with ammunition that has a high amount of Explosive mass, causing fatal overpressure damage to a tank in question.

Damage to the optics generally will not affect vehicle or crew gameplay at all, however, the optics will become unusable until they are manually repaired, which can affect certain vehicles (As an example, Warrior cannot launch ATGM if commander's optics were destroyed).

Differences between various optics in game

Optics zoom levels are an important indicator as to what type of tank is being used. Typically brawler tanks meant to be used on the front lines will not have much zoom capabilities beyond X4 as they are meant for up-close fighting and not long-range sniping. Tanks with zoom ranges of +X12 are meant for more reserve positions where they can maximize the zoom capabilities at disabling vehicles from a long distance. Those who are comfortable with the different vehicles and the optics located there can sometimes effectively push the limits of the optics and make the long-range shots with weaker optics or utilise a sniper-tank in close quarters battle.

An important note to remember in arcade mode is that it is easier to fine-tune gun aim with stronger magnification, especially if an enemy tank has only one small weak spot and you are limited on time. Also, the stronger the zoom is, the further apart the shell drop marks become making it slightly less confusing when estimating the shooting angle targeting solution.

Also worth noting, the optics of certain nations and/or vehicles may show vignetting or dark areas around the view area from a scope which limit the amount of area which can be viewed through the scope. As optics developed the vignetting lessened or virtually disappeared allowing for a larger viewing area. The FoV stat mentioned on optics does not take vingetti in consideration and merely mirrors the zoom level as a reminder of the default screen resolutions for that exact magnification - the X10 scope will almost always have FoV of 7° stated, even if the last 2° are not visible due to the vingetti. The only way to find out the truth is to test drive the tanks yourself.

When the tank has an ability to lock-on and track enemy aircraft with optics (generally mentioned as IRST), but doesn't have a separate camera for this specific purpose, then gunner optics will also have the description of the tracker. This option is not always listed in the pop-up, so manually checking for it is highly recommended past rank VI.

Commander's sight is different from Gunner's sight and might have different zoom and field of view. Generally, it isn't stronger than gunner's sight, but there are exceptions. On older tanks, commander sight can only have normal night vision, while on most modern tanks, the commander might have the thermal sight as well, just like the gunner. Information on available night vision types for each crew member is listed in the NVD/TVD modification itself (in tank "modifications" menu). If commander optics can control and guide the weapons, then the commander himself will have a pop-up telling that he can control the main armament (which isn't always the case).

Commander's binoculars always have about X6 zoom and same lenses across all vehicles.

Examples of zoom levels for different confirmed vehicles

The below screenshots were taken from the old test drive map, always from a specific position on the edge between E-4 and D-4 (seen on the minimap) to allow for accurate comparison between vehicle optics being tested, especially with vehicles where the optic value was not known. The testing vehicle's hull front is always aligned towards the target to minimize a collision.

Weather settings for this test are at 16:00 and overcast. It surely would be easier to spot enemy at good weather, but when fighting in realistic battles tanks have camouflage and often begin engagements at the 2 km range. The potential of fog and other weather effects can make targets more difficult to see, therefore these testing purposes will use less than ideal circumstances to compare the different optics results.

In the screenshots, the target is always located exactly 1 km to ensure a more accurate comparison. The enemy tank which spawns at the back of the practice map is always different depending on the vehicle chosen for test-drive, however, it is generally standing exactly 1.2 km away from the testing spot.

When having problems coordinating the zoom level visually, utilising the compass at the top of the screen may help with the correlation - its size changes accordingly with the zoom level.

Msg-important.png Be aware, that sometimes the zoom and even FoV are a subject to sudden change and may not be same as in the gallery after years. The gallery is only here to help you understand the difference between zoom levels.

Click on an image and browse them with arrow keys/buttons on screenshot sides to make them easier to compare.

Work-around methods for improper zoom levels and scopes

Sometimes tanks have extremely powerful X16 zoom while utilizing demolition cannon with low-velocity shells or extremely weak zoom (and very bad lenses at that) while utilizing high-velocity APDS or APFSDS. It makes ballistic marks on scope way too cramped or spaced out for comfortable use and in case of early HEAT, shells may make sniper scope unusable. Some, like rocket tanks, do not have ballistic marks at all and leave you all alone with your muscle memory.

Clearly, this isn't going to work, and we don't want to fire blindly.

There are some ways to work around these problems:

Zero-in the gun

To work around the problem, you can "zero in" the gun for a chosen shell to a certain distance, so that you can aim at targets directly. Also, some tanks like AMX-50 Foch have abysmal scope quality, but their rangefinder works faster than one of the others, making this method more viable than aiming yourself.

To activate this function, go to Controls->Tank->Miscellaneous->Sight distance control and enable "relative control", then assign buttons for "increase value" and "decrease value". Minimalistic settings look like this:

Minimal settings to set up the scope adjustment

Now, to pull the gun up (to shoot further by default) use "increase value" and to pull the gun back down use "decrease value" like on this screenshot:

It works!

Msg-important.png Zeroing only considers your current shell for a set distance. When you shift the shell to one with different velocity, it will be zeroed to a different distance. For example, if you set gun for HE to 450 meters, the APFSDS at these settings might get launched 2,100 meters away. Keep this in mind for APDS tanks or assign the reset button as well.

How to guess how far you need to "adjust" the gun?

In realistic mode, use "rangefinding" (key not assigned by default, can be found in Controls->Tank->Miscellaneous next to sight controls.) to find out the distance towards the hostile tank, or estimate it yourself, then set the gun to that number. Having an actual rangefinder modification and high "rangefinding" crew skill speeds the process up, increases the accuracy and maximum range of estimation.

Msg-important.png Low-velocity shell chemical shells (550 m/s and below) have a tendency to have double the falloff past 1,000 m range, in some cases they start falling off even at 800 m range, so even if you do zero-in the gun, the scope may still fail to tell you where the shell is going to actually land.

Try to not set gun adjustment sensitivity too high or too low, or you may end up needing to aim in reverse. Remember, since your gun aims at a distance you set yourself, if someone drives too close to you, you now have to aim below them:

Centurion AVRE Compensating for excessive gun zero-in.jpg

In Arcade mode gunner always tells you the distance towards the target you are pointing the crosshairs at and with no failure at that, which means you can just zero-in the scope to that exact number and your shell will almost always hit the mark, assuming you researched all the accuracy upgrades. Sometimes, it is much easier, than trying to make out the marks on your sight. For example, on X10 scopes the APFSDS scope does not have a reference number for 1.6 km distance, only the big "mark" representing it, which may be confusing to some players.

This may seem unnecessary, but when the enemy is behind a forest, a house and is very far away, it may actually save your tank.

User-made scopes

One option in War Thunder is the ability for users to create their own version of crosshairs found within the optics which may better fit with their gameplay style, streamline information presented or recreate a historically accurate representation. As such, default optics can be replaced with custom created systems. Each tank can be modified personally without affecting the rest.

The User-made optics quality heavily depends on the diligence of the creator. They share a common trait of being static (being unable to adjust to the changes of ammunition or the gun elevation) and often force the players to use manual gun adjustment at longer range, especially when utilising the default HEAT rounds, so use them at your own risk.

These changes do not affect zoom levels, gun characteristics or users abilities, they just change out the crosshair targeting application. However, even that much can make a huge difference to your life quality:

Rocket tank now has a scope and not only it kind of works, but the creator actually cared to add an ability to visibly zero-in the rockets, which makes it very easy to use for the player.

An example of a custom scope being simply used for immersion reasons (Do note, that the status text on the scope is fake and does not really represent the real state of a tank.)

For more details about creation and use of custom scopes relate to this specialized article.

For use around Wiki

Several tanks do not have specified zoom levels listed, however, after being checked and compared to the gallery in a test-drive map, that information can be listed in the "main armament" section of the chosen vehicle, either by simply noting the minimum and maximum zoom levels or by filling it with a small table much like below:

{{PAGENAME}} Optics
Which ones Default magnification Maximum magnification
Main Gun optics X8 X12
Comparable optics XM-1 (GM)

In the case where magnification values are not known, values can be listed as "X8.3 (estimated)" and then a vehicle can be linked in the "Comparable optics" area which has optics of a known value which accurately compare to the unknown value optics being tested.

In the case if tank has Night Vision Devices it is far more reasonable to use expanded table such as this:

{{PAGENAME}} Optics
Type of optic Magnification Night Vision Devices
Image Intensifier Thermal Imager
Resolution Light Mult Noise Level
Gunner's Sight X3.6 - X12 1600 x 1200 9.0 High 500 x 300 Thermal imager unlocked by "NVD Upgrade" mod (tier 4), replaces image intensifier.
Commander's Sight X4 - X12 1600 x 1200 9.0 High Not Fitted Image intensifier unlocked by "NVD" mod (tier 3)
Driver's View X1 / 3PV 1600 x 1200 5.0 High Not Fitted Image intensifier unlocked by "NVD" mod (tier 3)

If you were comparing optics of a tank to the gallery and are unsure of your measurements, you can specify that below the table.

Every NVD can only be used from their designated areas: The gunner NVD can only be used from sniper view, the commander NVD can be used in commander sight, the driver NVD can only be used in third-person view and driver view.

Do note, that "commander view" for tanks represents binoculars (X6) and is same across all tanks as of patch 1.91.

Sometimes tanks are also fitted with Infrared spotlight. While it's not an optic device itself, it is only visible through night vision tools and can be used to find hostile tanks, thus it should be noted as well since it's a supplementary tool. Information about it can be filled in a small table as such:

{{PAGENAME}} IR Searchlight
Max Range Beam Width Location / Notes
1,400 m 8.2° Searchlight mounted on the turret front, just right of the gun. Light moves up and down with main gun.

To find out the difference between night vision tools and their qualities refer to examples in specific article



See also

External links