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* '''LT – Lehký tank:''' Light tank
** LT vz. 38
* '''ST – Střední tank:''' Medium tank
** ST vz. 39
* '''OA – Obrněný automobil:''' Armoured car
* '''vz. – vzor:''' Version
* '''ČKD – Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk'''
* '''ZB – Zbrojovka Brno'''
==Vehicle (US)==
* '''Pz. Panzer:''' Tank (literally: Armour)
* '''M Model'''
** [[Pz.IV F2]]
** [[M4|Medium Tank, M4 Sherman]]: Model 4 medium tank
* '''Pz.Kpfw. Panzerkampfwagen:''' Tank (literally: Armour combat vehicle)
* '''T Trial''' (model)
** [[Pz.Kpfw. Churchill (Germany)]]
** [[T26E1-1|Heavy Tank T26E1-1 "Super Pershing"]]: Trial model 26 medium tank
* '''Sd.Kfz. Sonderkraftfahrzeug:''' Special purpose vehicle (index number assigned to all armed forces vehicles)
* '''A Advancement'''
** [[Sd.Kfz. 6/2]]
** [[M4A1|Medium Tank, M4A1 Sherman]]: Model 4, Advancement 1 medium tank
* '''Pz.Sp.Wg. Panzerspähwagen:''' Armoured scout vehicle
* '''E Experimental'''
** s.Pz.Sp.Wg. (5 cm 39/1 L60) ([[Sd.Kfz.234/2]])
** [[M4A3E2|Assault Tank M4A3E2 Jumbo]]: Model 4, Advancement 3, Experimental 2 assault tank
* '''KPz Kampfpanzer:''' Battle tank (modern designation)
* '''LVT Landing Vehicle, Tracked'''
** [[KPz-70]]
** [[LVT(A)(1)]]
* '''FlaKPz Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer:''' Anti-air cannon tank
* '''LST Landing Ship, Tank'''
** [[Wirbelwind|FlaKPz IV Wirbelwind]]
* '''(A) Amphibious'''
* '''StuG Sturmgeschütz:''' Assault gun
** [[LVT(A)(1)]]
** [[StuG III A]]
* '''HMC Howitzer Motor Carriage'''
* '''StuH Sturmhaubitze:''' Assault howitzer
** [[M8 Scott|75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8]]
** [[StuH 42 G]]
* '''GMC Gun Motor Carriage'''
* '''Bfw. Befehlswagen:''' Command vehicle
** [[M18 GMC]]
** [[Bfw. Jagdpanther]]
* '''CGMC Combination Gun Motor Carriage'''
* '''Pz.Bfw./Pz.Bef.Wg. Panzerbefehlswagen:''' Command tank
** [[M15A1 CGMC]]
** [[Pz.Bfw.IV]]
* '''MGMC Multiple Gun Motor Carriage'''
** [[Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P]]
** [[M16 MGMC]]
* '''JPz/JgPz/JgdPz Jagdpanzer:''' (Tank based) tank destroyer (literally: Hunting tank)
* '''SPG Self-Propelled Gun'''
** [[JPz 4-5]]
* '''SPH Self-Propelled Howitzer'''
* '''RakJPz Raketenjagdpanzer:''' (Missile-carrier based) tank destroyer (literally: Missile hunting tank)
** [[Type 75 SPH]]
** [[RakJPz 2]]
* '''SPRG Self-Propelled Recoilless Gun'''
* '''PzJg Panzerjäger:''' (SPG based) tank destroyer (literally: Tank hunter)
** [[Type 60 SPRG (C)]]
** [[Panzerjager I|PzJg I]]
* '''SPAA Self-Propelled Anti-Air'''
* '''Pz.W./Pz.Wfr. Panzerwerfer:''' Anti-tank rocket launcher (literally: Tank thrower)
* '''MRLS Multiple Rocket Launcher System'''
** [[15 cm Pz.W.42]]
** [[Type 75 MLRS]]
* '''SpPz Spähpanzer:''' Scout tank
* '''ATM Anti-Tank Missile'''
** [[Ru 251|SpPz Ru 251]]
** [[Type 60 ATM]]
* '''SPz Schützenpanzer:''' Infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Protective tank)
* '''MBT – Main Battle Tank'''
** [[SPz BMP-1]]
** [[MBT-70]]
* '''VK Versuchskonstruktion:''' Trial design (literally: Experimental construction)
* '''(RISE) Reliability Improved Selected Equipment'''
** [[VK 45.01 (P)]]
** [[M60A1 RISE (P)]]
* '''VT - Versuchsträger:''' Test-bed (literally: Experiment carrier)
* '''(AOS) Add-On Stabilization'''
** [[VT1-2]]
** [[M60A1 (AOS)]]
* '''WT Waffenträger:''' Self-propelled gun (literally: Weapon carrier)
* '''W – Wet munition storage'''
** [[Waffentrager]]
** [[M4A2 (76) W]]
* '''Ausf. Ausführung:''' Model
* '''HVSS – Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension'''
* '''E – Entwicklung:''' Development (refers to the proposed standardised tank development projects)
** [[M4A3 (105)|Medium Tank M4A3 (105) HVSS Sherman]]
** [[E-100]]
* '''CCKW – General Motors designation:''' C – designed in 1941, C – conventional cab, K – all-wheel drive, W – dual rear axles
* '''Fgst. - Fahrgestell:''' Chassis
** [[CCKW 353 AA]]
** [[Flakpanzer 38|Flakpanzer 38, 2 cm, Pz.Fgst.38 (t) Sf.]]
* '''Sfl. - Sonderfahrgestell:''' Special chassis
** [[Pz.Sfl.Ic]]
* '''Sf. - Selbstfahrend:''' Self-propelled
** [[Nashorn|8,8 Pak 43/1 Sf. "Nashorn"]]
* '''GW – Geschützwagen:''' (Heavy) self-propelled gun (literally: Heavy gun vehicle)
* '''ZgKw – Zugkraftwagen:''' Truck
* '''Zug - Zugkraftwagen:''' Truck
====Army (pre-1962)====
* '''StuKa Sturzkampfflugzeug:''' Dive bomber (literally: Dive attack airplane)
* '''A Attack'''
* '''PAH Panzerabwehrhubschrauber:''' Anti-tank helicopter
** [[A-36]]
** [[BO 105 PAH-1]]
* '''P – Pursuit'''
** [[P-38E]]
* '''B – Bomber'''
** [[B-25J-1]]
* '''F – Fighter'''
** [[F-80A-5]]
* '''H - Helicopter'''
** [[H-34]]
* '''X Experimental'''
** [[XA-38]]: Experimental Attacker 38
* '''Y – Pre-production test'''
** [[YP-38]]
====Navy (pre-1962)====
* '''Z – Zerstörer:''' Destroyer
* '''A - Attacker'''
** [[Z20 Karl Galster]]
** [[AD-4]]
* '''K – Kanonenboot:''' Gun boat
* '''F - Fighter'''
** [[Kanonenboot K-2]]
** [[F4F-3]]
* '''T – Torpedoboot:''' Torpedo boat
* '''BT - Bomber (torpedo)'''
** [[Type 1939 (T31)]]
** [[BTD-1]]
* '''R – Räumboot:''' Mine sweeper
* '''P - Patrol'''
** [[R-boot R-41]]
** [[PV-2D]]
* '''S – Schnellboot:''' Fast attack craft
* '''PB Patrol Bomber'''
** [[S-100 (1945)]]
** [[PBY-5a Catalina]]
* '''LS Leichte-Schnellboot:''' Light fast attack craft
* '''SB Scout Bomber (Dive bomber):'''
** [[LS 3]]
** [[SB2U-2]]
* '''VS Versuchs-Schnellboot:''' Experimental fast attack craft
* '''TB Torpedo Bomber'''
** [[VS-10]]
** [[TBD-1]]
* '''SF Siebelfähre:''' Siebel ferry (named after Friedrich Siebel)
* '''OS Observation Scout'''
** [[SF40 Leichte]]
** [[OS2U-1]]: Navy Observation Scout 2, Vought No.1
* '''AF/AFP Artilleriefährprahm:''' Artillery ferry barge
** [[AF D1]]
* '''MZ - Mehrzweckboot:''' Multi-purpose boat
** [[MZ1]]
* '''U – Unterseeboot:''' Submarine
==Weaponry (DE)==
====Post 1962====
* '''FH – Feldhaubitze:''' Field howitzer
* '''AH - Attack Helicopter'''
* '''IG – Infanteriegeschütz:''' Infantry gun
** [[AH-1Z]]
** [[s.I.G.33 (150 mm)]]
* '''UH - Utility Helicopter'''
* '''Sfl – Selbsfahrlafette:''' Self-propelled gun (literally: Self-propelled mount/chassis/underlayer)
** [[UH-1B]]
* '''KwK Kampfwagenkanone:''' Tank gun (literally: Combat vehicle cannon)
** [[KwK42 (75 mm)]]
* '''PaK Panzerabwehrkanone:''' Anti-tank gun (literally: Armour-defense cannon)
** [[PaK39 L48 (75 mm)]]
* '''USS United States Ship:''' Honorific styling
* '''FlaK Flugabwehrkanone:''' Anti-air gun (literally: Air-defense cannon)
** [[USS Pensacola (CA-24)]]
** [[FlaK43 (37 mm)]]
* '''DD Destroyer'''
* '''MG Maschinengewehr:''' Machine gun (literally: Machine rifle)
** [[Fletcher (DD-445)]]
** [[MG34 (7.92 mm)]]
* '''DE Destroyer, Escort'''
* '''MG FF Maschinengewehr Flügel-Fest:''' Machine gun wing-fixed
* '''CL Cruiser, Light:''' Light cruiser
** [[MG FF (20 mm)]]
** [[USS Brooklyn (CL-40)]]
* '''MG FF/M Maschinengewehr Flügel-Fest/Minengeschoß:''' Machine gun wing-fixed/mineshot
* '''CA Cruiser, Armoured:''' Heavy cruiser
** [[MG FF/M (20 mm)]]
** [[USS Pensacola (CA-24)]]
* '''MK Maschinenkanone:''' Auto-cannon (literally: Machine cannon), occasionally '''Motorkanone''', cannon firing through engine
* '''CV Cruiser, Voler:''' Aircraft carrier (historically based on aviation cruisers)
** [[MK 108 (30 mm)]]
** USS Lexington (CV-2)
* '''SK Schiffskanone:''' Ship cannon (originally used as Schnellfeuerkanone: Quick-firing cannon during WWI)
* '''CB Cruiser, Battle:''' Battlecruiser
** [[10.5 cm SK C/32 (105 mm)]]
* '''BB – Battleship'''
* '''TbtK – Torpedobootskanone:''' Torpedo boat cannon (also used for some destroyer turrets/guns)
** [[USS North Dakota (BB-29)]]
* '''BK Bordkanone:''' Board cannon (large calibre guns equipped to aircraft)
* '''PG Patrol Gunboat'''
** [[BK 3.7 (37 mm)]]
** [[PG 02]]
* '''BR Bordrakete:''' Board rocket (rockets equipped to aircraft)
* '''PGH - Patrol Gunboat Hydrofoil'''
* '''K Kanone:''' Cannon
** [[PGH-2]]
* '''T – Torpedo'''
* '''PT Patrol Torpedo boat'''
* '''LT – Lufttorpedo:''' Aerial torpedo (torpedoes used by aircraft)
** [[Elco 77 ft PT-20]]
* '''L/ – Länge:''' Length (refers to calibre-length of gun barrels)
* '''PTF Patrol Torpedo boat, Fast'''
** [[KwK36 (88 mm)|8.8 cm L/56 KwK 36]] (barrel length of 56 x 88 mm = 4.928 m)
** [[80 ft Nasty|80 ft Nasty (PTF-7)]]
* '''C/ – Construktionsjahr:''' Year of construction (archaic spelling of Konstruktion)
* '''PC Patrol Chaser'''
** [[2 cm/65 C/38 (20 mm)]] (<odel of 1938)
** [[165 ft PC-451]]
* '''L Lafette:''' Gun mount
* '''SC - Submarine Chaser'''
* '''DopL Doppellafette:''' Twin gun mount (literally: Double mount)
** [[110 ft SC-497]]
* '''DrhL Drehturmlafette:''' Turret gun mount (literally: Turntable turret mount)
* '''LCS - Landing Craft Support'''
* '''Pz.B. – Panzerbüchse:''' Anti-tank rifle
** [[LCS(L)(3)]]
** [[s.Pz.B.41 (28/20 mm)]]
* '''SS Submarine'''
* '''SSN Submarine, Nuclear-powered'''
* '''SSBN Ballistic Missile Submarine, Nuclear-powered'''
==Weaponry (CH)==
==Vehicle (UK)==
* '''KDA''' – '''K'''anone, Kalibergruppe '''D''', Ausführung '''A''': Cannon, calibre group D (30 mm+), variant A (belt-fed)
* '''A Armour Index of the General Staff''' (historical index number)
** [[Oerlikon KDA (35 mm)]]
** [[Churchill Mk I|Infantry Tank Mk IV A22 "Churchill" Mk I]]
* '''KAD''' – '''K'''anone, Kalibergruppe '''A''', Ausführung '''D''': Cannon, calibre group A (20 mm), variant D
* '''FV Fighting Vehicle''' (modern index number)
** [[Oerlikon KAD (20 mm)]]
** [[FV4202]]
* '''F Fighter'''
** [[Spitfire F Mk 24]]
* '''FR Fighter-Reconnaissance'''
* '''Gr Granate:''' Grenade (synonymous with shell)
** [[Firefly FR Mk V]]
* '''Br Brandkörper:''' Incendiary charge (literally: Blaze body)
* '''FAW Fighter All-Weather'''
* '''KGr Kanonengranate:''' Cannon shell (literally: Cannon grenade)
** [[Sea Venom FAW 20]]
* '''PzGr Panzergranate:''' Armour-piercing shell (literally: Armour grenade)
* '''FG Fighter/Ground attack'''
* '''BrGr – Brandgranate:''' Incendiary shell (literally: Burn grenade)
** [[Phantom FG.1]]
* '''PzBrGr Panzerbrandgranate:''' Armour-piercing incendiary shell (literally: Armour burn grenade)
* '''FGA Fighter/Ground Attack'''
* '''SpGr – Sprenggranate:''' High-explosive fragmentation shell (literally: Burst grenade). Sometimes spelled Sprgr.
** [[Sea Hawk FGA.6]]
* '''PzSpGr Panzersprenggranate:''' Armour-piercing high-explosive shell (literally: Armour burst grenade)
* '''FGR Fighter/Ground attack/Reconnaissance'''
* '''HlGr – Hohlladungsgranate:''' High-explosive anti-tank shell (literally: Hollow-charge grenade)
** [[Phantom FGR.2]]
* '''Patr Patrone:''' Bullet
* '''LF Long-range Fighter'''
* '''GrPatr Granatpatrone:''' Shell (for 15 and 20 mm munition)
* '''SC – Sprengbombe Cylindrisch:''' General-purpose bomb (archaic spelling of zylindrisch, literally: Burst bomb, cylindrical)
* '''SD Sprengbombe Dickwandig:''' Semi-armour-piercing bomb (literally: Burst bomb, thick-walled)
* '''PC – Panzersprengbombe Cylindrisch:''' Armour-piercing high-explosive bomb (literally: Armour-bursting bomb, cylindrical)
* '''LF Low-altitute Fighter'''
* '''PD Panzersprengbombe Dickwandig:''' Heavy armour-piercing bomb (literally: Armour-bursting bomb, thick-walled)
** [[Spitfire LF Mk IX]]
* '''LFK – Lenkflugkörper:''' (Anti-tank) guided missile (literally: Guided flight body)
* '''FB Fighter-Bomber'''
* '''F5W – Torpedo designation:''' F – 17.7 inch (450 mm) calibre, 5 – roughly 5 meter length, W whitehead (German designation of Italian F200/450 torpedo)
** [[Sea Fury FB 11]]
* '''G7a/T 1 – Torpedo designation:''' G – 21 inch (533 mm) calibre, 7 – roughly 7 meter length, a – steam propulsion, T 1 – Torpedo model number 1
* '''B Bomber'''
* '''L'spur Leuchtspur:''' Tracer
** [[Lancaster B Mk III]]
* '''Zerl. – Zerleger:''' Self-destroying (literally: Disassambler)
* '''B(I) – Bomber (Interdictor)'''
* '''Fp Füllpulver:''' Explosive filling (literally: Filling powder)
** [[Canberra B (I) Mk 6]]
* '''DM – Deutsches Modell:''' German Model (modern designation to differentiate between American M munition)
* '''TB Torpedo Bomber'''
* '''Zt.Z Zeitzünder:''' Time fuze
** [[Hampden TB Mk I]]
* '''Lh – Lichtspurhülse:''' Base tracer
* '''TF Torpedo-Fighter'''
* '''Bd.Z Bodenzünder:''' Base fuze. Sometimes spelled Bdz
** [[Firebrand TF Mk IV]]
* '''m.Hb – mit Haube:''' Capped
* '''HMS His/Her Majesty's Ship:''' Honorific styling
** [[HMS Southampton]]
* '''HMT His/Her Majesty's Trawler:''' Honorific styling
** [[Isles class (T-285)|HMT Liscomb]]
==Vehicle (other)==
* '''le leicht:''' Light
* '''HMAS His/Her Majesty's Australian Ship:''' Honorific styling
* '''s – schwer:''' Heavy
** [[Battle (D37)|HMAS Tobruk]]
* '''gp – gepanzert:''' Armoured
* '''HMCS His/Her Majesty's Canadian Ship:''' Honorific styling
* '''nA – neuer Art:''' Modernized (literally: New type)
** [[Haida (G63)|HMCS Haida]]
* '''(r) – russisch:''' Russian captured vehicle
* '''HMNZS His/Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship:''' Honorific styling
** [[T 34 747 (r) (Germany)]]
** [[HMNZS Leander]]
* '''(e) englisch:''' British captured vehicle
* '''ORP Okręt Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej:''' Warship of the Republic of Poland (honorific styling)
* '''(t) – tschechisch:''' Czech captured vehicle
** [[Garland (H37)|ORP Garland]]
** [[Pz.35(t)]]
* '''(a) – amerikanisch:''' American captured vehicle
** [[M4 748 (a) (Germany)]]
* '''(f) – französisch:''' French captured vehicle
* '''U – Umbau:''' Conversion (kit)
** [[Me 410 A-1/U2]]
* '''R Rüstsatz:''' Upgrade (kit)
** [[Me 410 B-6/R3]]
* '''/Trop – Tropen:''' Tropic (variant with air filters)
** [[Bf 109 G-2/trop]]
* '''(Mob) Mobilmachung:''' Mobilization (design modification aimed at simplified and thus faster construction)
** [[Type 1936A (Mob)]]
==Manufacturer/Designer (US)==
* '''Ar Arado'''
* '''GMC General Motors Company''' (not to be confused with Gun Motor Carriage)
** [[Ar 234 B-2]]
* '''Bf Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW):''' Bavarian Airplane Factory (renamed to Messerschmitt in 1938)
===(Army) Air Force===
** [[Bf 109 K-4]]
* '''BMW – Bayerische Motorenwerke:''' Bavarian Motor Factory
* '''BN Boeing''' (Renton plant, Washington)
* '''Bo Bölkow''' (from the alternative spelling Boelkow)
** [[B-29A-BN]]
** [[BO 105 PAH-1]]
* '''CO Consolidated''' (San Diego plant, California)
* '''BV Blohm & Voss'''
** [[B-24D-25-CO]]
** [[BV 238]]
* '''DT Douglas''' (Tulsa plant, Oklahoma)
* '''DB – Daimler-Benz'''
** [[A-26C-45DT]]
** DB 601
* '''DB – Douglas Bomber''' (company designation)
* '''Do Dornier'''
** [[DB-7 (Great Britain)]]
** [[Do 217 E-2]]
* '''LO Lockheed''' (Burbank plant, California)
* '''Fw Focke-Wulf'''
** [[P-38L-5-LO]]
** [[Fw 190 A-5]]
* '''NA North American''' (Inglewood plant, California)
* '''Ha Hamburger Flugzeugbau'''
** [[P-51H-5-NA]]
* '''He – Heinkel'''
* '''RE Republic''' (Farmingdale plant, New York)
** [[He 111 H-3]]
** [[F-84G-21-RE]]
* '''Ho Horten'''
* '''VE Vega''' (Burbank plant, California)
** [[Ho 229 V3]]
** [[B-17G-60-VE]]
* '''Hs Henschel'''
** [[Hs 129 B-3]]
* '''Ju Junkers'''
** [[Ju 87 D-5]]
* '''A Brewster'''
* '''Me Messerschmitt'''
** [[F2A-1]] Buffalo: Navy Fighter 2, Brewster No. 1
** [[Me 410 A-1]]
* '''C Curtiss'''
* '''Ta Focke-Wulf''' (named after Kurt Tank)
** [[SB2C-4]] Helldiver: Navy Scout Bomber 2, Curtiss No. 4
** [[Ta 152 C-3]]
* '''D Douglas'''
* '''Rh Rheinmetall'''
** [[SBD-3]] Dauntless: Navy Scout Bomber, Douglas No. 3
** [[Rh202 (20 mm)]]
* '''F Grumman'''
* '''Ru Ruhrstahl'''
** [[F6F-5]] Hellcat: Navy Fighter 6, Grumman No. 5
** [[Ru 251]]
* '''H McDonnell'''
* '''(P) Porsche'''
** [[F2H-2]] Banshee: Navy (Jet) Fighter 2, McDonnell No. 2
** [[Tiger II (P)]]
* '''J North American'''
* '''(H) Henschel'''
** [[PBJ-1H]] Mitchell: Navy Patrol Bomber, North American No. 1
** [[Tiger II (H)]]
* '''M Martin'''
* '''(A) Alkett''' (Altmärkische Kettenwerk GmbH)
** [[PBM-3]] Mariner: Navy Patrol Bomber, Martin No. 3
** [[Panzer IV/70(A)]]
* '''U Vought''' (military designation)
* '''(V) VOMAG''' (Vogtländische Maschinenfabrik Aktiengesellschaft)
** [[OS2U-1]] Kingfisher: Navy Observation Scout 2, Vought No.1
** [[Panzer IV/70(V)]]
* '''V Vought''' (company designation)
** [[V-156-B1]]
* '''Y Consolidated'''
** [[PBY-5 Catalina]]: Navy Patrol Bomber, Consolidated No. 5
==Manufacturer/Designer (UK)==
* '''KM Kriegsmarine:''' German navy (literally: War navy)
* '''AEC Associated Equipment Company'''
* '''LW – Luftwaffe:''' German air force (literally: Air weapon)
** [[AEC Mk.II]]
* '''BW Bundeswehr:''' (Modern) German army (literally: Federation defense)
* '''BAe British Aerospace'''
* '''RLM Reichsluftfahrtministerium:''' Ministry of national aviation
* '''G Gloster'''
* '''OKW – Oberkommando der Wehrmacht:''' High command of the armed forces
** [[Meteor F Mk 8 G.41K]]
* '''JG – Jagdgeschwader:''' Fighter division (literally: hunting division)
* '''MB Martin-Baker'''
* '''NJG Nachtjagdgeschwader:''' Night fighter division (literally: night hunting division)
** [[MB.5]]
* '''ZG – Zerstörergeschwader:''' Heavy fighter division (literally: destroyer division)
* '''KG – Kampfgeschwader:''' Bomber division (literally: attack division)
==Manufacturer/Designer (other)==
* '''SKG – Schnellkampfgeschwader:''' Fast bomber division (literally: fast attack division)
* '''StG – Sturzkampfgeschwader:''' Dive bomber division (literally: dive attack division)
* '''CAC – Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation'''
** [[Boomerang Mk I (Great Britain)|CAC Boomerang Mk I]]
* '''DAP – Department of Aircraft Production'''
** [[Beaufort Mk VIII|DAP Beaufort Mk VIII]]
* '''T – Tank'''
==Weaponry (US)==
** [[T-34]]
* '''SU – Samokhodnaya Ustanovka:''' Self-propelled mount
** [[SU-122]]
* '''ISU:''' Self-propelled mount based on IS heavy tank
** [[ISU-122]]
* '''ZSU – Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka:''' Anti-aircraft self-propelled mount
** [[ZSU-37]]
* '''ZRPK – Zenitny Raketno-Pushechny Kompleks:''' Anti-aircraft missile-gun system
** [[ZPRK 2S6]]
* '''ASU – Aviadesantnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka:''' Airborne self-propelled mount
** [[ASU-85]]
* '''BT – Bystrokhodny Tank:''' Light tank (literally: Fast-moving tank)
** [[BT-7]]
* '''BTR – Bronev Transporter:''' Armoured personnel carrier (literally: Armoured transport)
** [[BTR-152A]]
* '''RBT – Raketny Bystrokhodny Tank:''' Rocket tank (literally: Fast-moving rocket tank)
** [[RBT-5]]
* '''BA – Bronev Avtomobil:''' Armoured car
** [[BA-11]]
* '''BM – Boyevaya Mashina:''' Rocket launcher vehicle (literally: Combat machine)
** [[BM-8-24]]
* '''BMP – Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty:''' Infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Infantry combat machine)
** [[BMP-1]]
* '''PT – Plavayushchy Tank:''' Amphibious tank (literally: Floating tank)
** [[PT-76B]]
* '''IT – Istrebitel Tankov:''' (Missile) tank destroyer (literally: Tank fighter)
** [[IT-1]]
* '''MCLOS Manual Command to Line of Sight'''
* '''SACLOS – Semi-Automatic Command to Line of Sight'''
* '''I Istrebitel:''' Fighter (airplane)
* '''TOW Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided'''
** Polikarpov [[I-15 M-22]]
** [[BGM-71 TOW]]
* '''DB Dalny Bombardirovschik:''' Long-range bomber
* '''AGM Air-launched, Ground-attack, Missile'''
** Ilyushin [[DB-3B]]
** [[AGM-12B Bullpup]]
* '''BB Blizhny Bombardirovschik:''' Short-range bomber
* '''AIM Air-launched, Interception, Missile'''
** Sukhoi [[BB-1]]
** [[AIM-9B Sidewinder]]
* '''SB Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik:''' Fast bomber
* '''BGM Multi-launched, Ground-attack, Missile'''
** Tupolev [[SB 2M-100]]
* '''VADS – Vulcan Air Defense System'''
* '''TB Tyazholy Bombardirovschik:''' Heavy bomber
* '''AN Army/Navy'''
** Tupolev [[TB-3M-17-32]]
** [[AN/M2 (20 mm)]]
* '''MBR Morskoi Blizhny Razvedchik:''' Naval short-range reconnaissance (airplane)
* '''HB Heavy Barrel'''
** Beriev [[MBR-2-M-34]]
** [[M2HB (12.7 mm)]]
* '''U Uchebny:''' Trainer (airplane)
** Polikarpov [[Po-2|U-2]] (original designation of the Po-2)
==Weaponry (UK)==
* '''MO Malyi Okhotnik:''' Small submarine chaser (literally: Small hunter)
* '''BL Breech-loading''' (cannon): Usually for (naval) guns of 5 inch calibre and upwards.
** [[MO-4]]
** [[6 inch/45 BL Mark XII (152 mm)]]
* '''BMO Bronirovanny Malyi Okhotnik: ''' Armoured small submarine chaser (literally: Armed small hunter)
* '''QF Quick-firing''' (cannon): Usually for (naval) guns of up to 5 inch calibre.
** [[BMO]]
** [[6 inch/50 QF Mark N5 (152 mm)]]
* '''MPK Malyi Protivolodochnoi Korabl:''' Small anti-submarine ship
* '''RP – Remote-powered''' (control): System of direct unified control of turrets (RP.10: Hydraulic, RP.50: Electric)
** [[MPK pr. 122A]]
* '''HA – High-angle''' (mount): Mounting for large-calibre AA guns.
* '''MBK Morskoi Bronekater:''' Armoured gunboat (literally: Naval combat cutter)
* '''CP Central-pivot''' (mount): Mounting for naval guns.
** [[MBK pr.186]]
* '''BD – Between decks''' (mount): Low profile mountings, noticeably for being flush with the flight decks on carriers
* '''SKR Storozhevoi Korabl:''' Observation ship
* '''STAAG – Stabilized tachymetric anti-aircraft gun''' (mount)
** [[Groza|SKR Groza, Uragan type (1943)]]
** [[QF STAAG Mark II (40 mm)]]
* '''ADEN – Armament Development Establishment, Enfield'''
** [[ADEN (30 mm)]]
* '''RARDEN – Royal Armament, Research and Development Establishment, Enfield'''
** [[L21A1 (30 mm)|L21A1 RARDEN (30 mm)]]
* '''pdr Pounder:''' Gun designations based on the pound (lb) weight of their projectiles.
** [[20pdr OQF Mk.I (84 mm)]]
* '''cwt Hundredweight (centum weight):''' Gun designations based on weight (barrel and breech) in cwt (1 cwt = 112 lb)
** [[OQF 3in 20cwt (76 mm)]] (20 cwt = 2,250 lb)
* '''GO – Gas Operated'''
* '''UB Universalniy Berezina:''' Berezin universal (MG)
* '''B Ball-Point'''
** [[Berezin UB (12.7 mm)]]
* '''I – Incendiary'''
* '''DP Degtyarov Pulemyot:''' Degtyarov MG
* '''I-T Incendiary Tracer'''
* '''DT Degtyarov Tankovy:''' Degtyarov tank (MG)
* '''IAI Immediate Action Incendiary'''
** [[DT (7.62 mm)]]
* '''FI – Fragmentation Incendiary'''
* '''DA Degtyarov Aviatsonny:''' Degtyarov airplane (MG)
* '''FI-T Fragmentation Incendiary Tracer'''
** [[DA (7.62 mm)]]
* '''T – Tracer'''
* '''PV Pulemet Vozdushny:''' Airborne MG
* '''P Practice'''
** [[PV-1 (7.62 mm)]]
* '''PT – Practice Tracer'''
* '''ShKAS Shpitalny-Komaritski Aviatsionny Skorostrelny:''' Shpitalny-Komaritsky airplane rapid-fire (MG)
* '''SAP Semi-Armour-Piercing'''
** [[ShKAS (7.62 mm)]]
* '''SAPI Semi-Armour-Piercing Incendiary'''
* '''DShK Degtyaryova-Shpagina Krupnokaliberny:''' Degtyarov-Shpagin large-calibre (MG)
* '''AP Armour-Piercing'''
** [[DShK (12.7 mm)]]
* '''API Armour-Piercing Incendiary'''
* '''A Afanasev''' (MG)
* '''AP-T – Armour-Piercing Tracer'''
** [[A-12.7 (12.7 mm)]]
* '''API-T Armour-Piercing Incendiary Tracer'''
* '''B Berezin''' (auto-cannon)
* '''APC – Armour-Piercing Capped'''
** [[B-20 (20 mm) (Family)|B-20 (20 mm)]]
* '''APCBC Armour-Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped'''
* '''Yak-B Yakushev-Borzov''' (MG)
* '''APCR Armour-Piercing Composite Rigid'''
** [[YaK-B (12.7 mm)]]
* '''APHE Armour-Piercing High-Explosive'''
* '''ShVAK Shpitalny-Vladimirov Aviatsionny Krupnokaliberny:''' Shpitalny-Vladimirov airplane large-calibre (auto-cannon)
* '''APDS – Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot'''
** [[ShVAK (20 mm)]]
* '''APFSDS Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot'''
* '''TNSh Tankovy Nudelman-Shpitalny:''' Nudelman-Shpitalny tank (auto-cannon)
* '''HVAP – High-Velocity Armour-Piercing'''
** [[TNSh (20 mm)]]
* '''HVAP-T High-Velocity Armour-Piercing Tracer'''
* '''PTB Pushka Taubin-Baburin:''' Taubin-Baburin cannon
* '''HE – High-Explosive'''
** [[PTB-23 (23 mm)]]
* '''HEF High-Explosive Fragmentation'''
* '''VYa Volkov-Yartsev''' (auto-cannon)
* '''HE-I – High-Explosive Incendiary'''
** [[VYa-23 (23 mm)]]
* '''HEFI High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary'''
* '''NS Nudelman-Suranov''' (auto-cannon)
* '''HEF-T – High-Explosive Fragmentation Tracer'''
** [[NS-23 (23 mm)]]
* '''HEFI-T High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary Tracer'''
* '''NR Nudelman-Rikhter''' (auto-cannon)
* '''HESH High-Explosive Squash-Head'''
** [[NR-30 (30 mm)]]
* '''HEAT High-Explosive Anti-Tank'''
* '''GSh Gryazev-Shipunov''' (auto-cannon)
* '''HEAT-FS High-Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilized'''
** [[GSh-23-2 (23 mm)]]
* '''ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Missile'''
* '''N-37D Nudelman 37 mm Dulny tormoz:''' Nudelman 37 mm (auto-cannon with) muzzle brake
* '''GP General Purpose''' (bomb)
** [[N-37D (37 mm)]]
* '''MC Medium Capacity''' (bomb)
* '''KPVT Krupnokaliberniy Pulemyot Vladimirova Tankovy:''' Vladimirov large-calibre tank MG
* '''HC High Capacity''' (bomb)
** [[KPVT (14.5 mm)]]
* '''ZPU Zenitnaya Pulemotnaya Ustanovka:''' Anti-aircraft MG mount
* '''NSVT Nikitina-Sokolova-Volkova Tankovy:''' Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov tank (MG)
** [[NSVT (12.7 mm)]]
* '''PKT Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankovy:''' Kalashnikov tank MG
** [[PKT (7.62 mm)]]
* '''SGMT Stankovy Goryunova Modernizirovany Tankovy:''' Goryunov modernized mounted tank (MG)
** [[SGMT (7.62 mm)]]
* '''20-K Gun No. 20 of the Korolyov factory'''
** [[20-K (45 mm)]]
* '''L-11 Gun No. 11 of the Leningrad factory'''
** [[L-11 (76 mm)]]
==Munition (UK)==
* '''BR Broneboynye:''' Armour-piercing (shell)
* '''RP Rocket Projectile'''
* '''BZ – Broneboyny Zazhigatelny:''' Armour-piercing incendiary (shell)
** [[RP-3]]
* '''BZT – Broneboyny Zazhigatelny Trassiruyushchy:''' Armour-piercing incendiary tracer (shell)
* '''PB – Polu Broneboynye:''' Semi armour-piercing (shell)
* '''O – Oskolochno:''' Fragmentation (shell)
* '''OZ – Oskolochno Zazhigatelny:''' Fragmentation incendiary (shell)
* '''OZT – Oskolochno Zazhigatelny Trassiruyushchy:''' Fragmentation incendiary tracer (shell)
* '''OF – Oskolochno Fugasny:''' High-explosive fragmentation (shell)
* '''Sh – Shrapnel''' (shell)
* '''FAB – Fugasnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba:''' High-explosive aircraft bomb
* '''OFAB – Oskolochno Fugasnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba:''' High-explosive fragmentation aircraft bomb
* '''RS – Reaktivny Snaryad:''' Rocket (literally: Rocket-powered projectile)
* '''RBS – Reaktivny Broneboyny Snaryad:''' Armour-piercing rocket (literally: Rocket-powered armour-piercing projectile)
==Military (US)==
* '''Oby. Obyekt:''' Object (tank prototype)
* '''USAAF United States Army Air Force'''
* '''Pr. Proyekt:''' Project (ship design program)
* '''USAF United States Air Force'''
** [[Pr.1124 (1940)]]
* '''USMC United States Marine Corps'''
* '''E Ekranami:''' Up-armoured (literally: With screens)
** [[M3A1 (USMC)]]
** [[KV-1E]]
* '''USN United States Navy'''
* '''M Modernizirovany:''' Modernized
* '''VMF Marine Fighter Squadron:''' V – Fixed-wing aircraft, M – Marine Corps, F Fighter
** [[IS-4M]]
** [[F4U-4B VMF-214]]: Marine Fighter Squadron No. 214
* '''S Skorokhodnuyu:''' Lightened (literally: Fast)
* '''VMA Marine Attacker Squadron:''' V – Fixed-wing aircraft, M – Marine Corps, A – Attacker
** [[KV-1S]]
* '''SP Soprovzhdeniya Pekhoty:''' Infantry support
==Military (UK)==
** [[T-126|T-126(SP)]]
* '''U Uluchshenny:''' Improved
** [[Pr. 7U]]
* '''V – Vzryvnoy:''' Explosive (Reactive Armour)
** [[T-64B|T-64BV]]
* '''T – Torpedonosets:''' Torpedo bomber
==Historical Name==
* '''RAF – Royal Air Force'''
* '''RN – Royal Navy'''
* '''FAA – Fleet Air Arm:''' Royal Navy Air Force
* '''IS – Iosef Stalin''' (tank)
==Military (other)==
** [[IS-1]]
* '''KV – Kliment Voroshilov''' (tank)
** [[KV-2 (1939)]]
* '''SMK – Sergey Mironovich Kirov''' (tank)
** [[SMK]]
* '''RAAF – Royal Australian Air Force'''
* '''RCAF – Royal Canadian Air Force'''
* '''RNZAF – Royal New Zealand Air Force          [[Category:Custom articles]]'''
* '''ACh Aleksei Charomsky'''
** [[Yer-2 (ACh-30B) (e)]]: Yermolayev Yer-2 with 2 Charomsky ACh-30B diesel engines
* '''AM Aleksandr Mikulin'''
** [[Su-6 (AM-42)]]: Su-6 with Mikulin AM-42 V-12 engine
* '''ItO Ilmaturjuntaohjus:''' Anti-air missile (literally: Air protection missile)
* '''ANT Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev'''
** [[Ito 90M]] (vehicles named after its weapon system)
* '''Ar – Arkhangelsky'''
** Arkhangelsky [[Ar-2]]
* '''GAZ Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod:''' Gorky Automobile Factory
** [[GAZ-AAA (4M)]]
* '''Il Ilyushin'''
* '''Char Char de bataille:''' Battle tank
** Ilyushin [[IL-2M (1943)]]
** [[Char 25t]]
* '''KS Krasnoye Sormovo'''
* '''AMC Automitrailleuse de Combat:''' Combat machine gun (vehicle)
* '''La – Lavochkin'''
** [[AMC.34 YR]]
** Lavochkin [[La-5]]
* '''AMD Automitrailleuse de Découverte:''' Scout machine gun (vehicle)
* '''LaGG Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov'''
** [[AMD.35]]
** Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov [[LaGG-3-66]]
* '''AMR Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance:''' Scout machine gun (vehicle)
* '''M Myasishchev'''
** [[AMR.35 ZT3]]
* '''MAI Moskovsky Avyatsyonny Instytut''' Moscow Aviation Institute
* '''AML Automitrailleuse Légère:''' Light machine gun (vehicle)
** [[Tandem MAI]]
** [[AML-90]]
* '''Mi Mil'''
* '''DCA Défense contre avions:''' Anti-air defense
** Mil [[Mi-24A]]
** [[AMX-30 DCA]]
* '''MiG Mikoyan-Gurevich'''
* '''EBR Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance:''' Armoured reconnaissance vehicle
** Mikoyan-Gurevich [[MiG-15]]
* '''VTT Véhicule de transport de troupe:''' Armoured personnel carrier (literally: Troop transport vehicle)
* '''OKB Opytno-Konstruktorskoye Buro:''' Experimental Design Bureau
* '''CA Canon d'assaut:''' Tank destroyer (literally: Assault cannon)
* '''Pe Petlyakov'''
** [[CA Lorraine]]
** Petlyakov [[Pe-2-1]]
* '''CAu Canon automoteur:''' Self-propelled gun
* '''Po Polikarpov'''
** [[SAu 40|CAu SAu 40]]
** Polikarpov [[Po-2]]
* '''TRC Tracteur de ravitaillement pour chars:''' Tank supply tractor
* '''STZ Stalingradsky Traktoriy Zavod:''' Stalingrad Tractor Factory
* '''RC Roues-Canon:''' Wheeled gun (carrier)
** [[T-34E STZ]]
** [[AMX-10RC]]
* '''Su Sukhoi'''
* '''Mle Modèle:''' Model
** Sukhoi [[Su-2 MV-5]]
** [[Mle 1923 (7.5 mm)]]
* '''Tu Tupolev'''
** Tupolev [[Tu-2S-44]]
* '''VK Vladimir Klimov'''
** [[Yak-3 (VK-107)]]: Yakovlev Yak-3 with Klimov VK-107 V-12 engine
* '''AAT Arme Automatique Transformable:''' general-purpose machine gun
* '''Yak Yakovlev'''
* '''SA Semi-automatique:''' Semi-automatic (cannon)
** Yakovlev [[Yak-1]]
** [[SA35 L/32 (47 mm)]]
* '''Yer Yermolayev'''
* '''CA Canon antiaérien:''' Anti-aircraft cannon
** Yermolayev [[Yer-2 (M-105)]]
* '''CN Canon:''' cannon (tank)
* '''ZiS Zavod imeni Stalina:''' Factory named after Stalin
** [[CN-105-F1 (105 mm)]]
** [[ZiS-30]]
* '''CAD Canon antiaérien double:''' Twin (mount) anti-aircraft cannon
* '''CAQ Canon antiaérien quadruple:''' Quad (mount) anti-aircraft cannon
* '''T Tourelle:''' turret-mounted (aircraft)
** [[MAC 1934T (7.5 mm)]]
* '''VVS Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily:''' Soviet air force (literally: Military air force)
* '''ACRA Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé:'''Anti-Tank Quick Self-propelled (missile)
* '''VMF Voyenno-Morskoy Flot:''' Soviet Navy (literally: Military maritime fleet)
** [[ACRA (142 mm)]]
* '''SA Sovetskaya Armiya:''' Soviet army
* '''Ch.F – Charge Forte:''' (literally: Strong charge) Designates a shell whose propellant charge is bigger than usual shells. Effects are a higher initial speed, increased penetration but more stress and heating for the cannon.
* '''IAP Istrebitelny Aviatsionny Polk:''' Fighter air regiment
* '''HOT – Haut Subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé:''' High Subsonic, Optical Remote-Guided, Tube-Launched (missile)
* '''GvIAP Gvardeysky Istrebitelny Aviatsionny Polk:''' Guards fighter air regiment
** [[HOT]]
* '''ShAP Shturmovoy Aviatsionny Polk:''' Ground attack air regiment
* '''OE – Obus Explosif:''' High-explosive shell
* '''OEA – Obus Explosif Acier:''' High-explosive fuzed (AA) shell
* '''OEcl – Obus Eclairant:''' Illumination shell
* '''OPf – Obus Perforant:''' Armour-piercing shell
* '''OPfK Obus Perforant (avec colorant) K:''' Armour-piercing naval shell (with type K spotting dye)
* '''OFl – Obus Flèche:''' APDS shell (literally: Dart shell)
* '''OCC Obus Charge Creuse:''' HEAT shell (literally: Hollow charge shell)
* '''PCOT Perforant Coiffé Ogive Traceur:''' Armour-piercing Capped Tracer shell
* '''POT – Perforant Ogive Traceur:''' Armour-piercing Tracer shell
* '''AA – Air-Air:''' Air-to-air (missile)
** [[AA-20 Nord]]
* '''AS Air-Sol:''' Air-to-ground (missile)
** [[AS-20 Nord]]
* '''SS Sol-Sol:''' Ground-to-ground (missile)
** [[SS.11]]
* '''TP – Traceuse Perforante:''' Armour-piercing Tracer shell
* '''Char – Char de bataille:''' Battle tank
* '''bis:''' Second (iteration)
** [[Char 25t]]
** [[B1 bis]]
* '''AMC – Automitrailleuse de Combat:''' Combat machine gun (vehicle)
* '''ter:''' Third (iteration)
** [[AMC.34 YR]]
** [[B1 ter]]
* '''AMD – Automitrailleuse de Découverte:''' Scout machine gun (vehicle)
** [[AMD.35]]
* '''AMR – Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance:''' Scout machine gun (vehicle)
** [[AMR.35 ZT3]]
* '''AML – Automitrailleuse Légère:''' Light machine gun (vehicle)
** [[AML-90]]
* '''DCA – Défense contre avions:''' Anti-air defense
** [[AMX-30 DCA]]
* '''EBR – Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance:''' Armoured reconnaissance vehicle
* '''VTT – Véhicule de transport de troupe:''' Armoured personnel carrier (literally: Troop transport vehicle)
* '''CA – Canon d'assaut:''' Tank destroyer (literally: Assault cannon)
** [[CA Lorraine]]
* '''CAu – Canon automoteur:''' Self-propelled gun
** [[SAu 40|CAu SAu 40]]
* '''TRC – Tracteur de ravitaillement pour chars:''' Tank supply tractor
* '''RC – Roues-Canon:''' Wheeled gun (carrier)
** [[AMX-10RC]]
* '''Mle – Modèle:''' Model
** [[Mle 1923 (7.5 mm)]]
* '''AAT Arme Automatique Transformable:''' general-purpose machine gun
* '''AMX Atelier de Construction d'Issy-Les-Moulineaux:''' Issy-Les-Moulineaux construction workshop
* '''SA Semi-automatique:''' Semi-automatic (cannon)
** [[AMX-13]]
** [[SA35 L/32 (47 mm)]]
* '''APX – Atelier de Puteaux'''
* '''CA Canon antiaérien:''' Anti-aircraft cannon
* '''ACL Atelier et Chantiers de la Loire'''
* '''CN Canon:''' cannon (tank)
** [[ARL-44 (ACL-1)]]
** [[CN-105-F1 (105 mm)]]
* '''ARL Atelier de Construction de Rueil:''' Rueil construction workshop
* '''CAD Canon antiaérien double:''' Twin (mount) anti-aircraft cannon
** [[ARL-44]]
* '''CAQ Canon antiaérien quadruple:''' Quad (mount) anti-aircraft cannon
* '''GIAT Groupement Industriel de l’Armement Terrestre''' Industrial group for land weapon systems
* '''T Tourelle:''' turret-mounted (aircraft)
** [[GIAT M781 (30 mm)]]
** [[MAC 1934T (7.5 mm)]]
* '''S/SOMUA Société d'outillage mécanique et d'usinage d'artillerie:''' Mechanical tooling and artillery machining company
** Char de cavalerie SOMUA 1935 S ([[S.35]])
* '''NC/SNCAC Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Centre'''
** [[NC.900]]
* '''ACRA Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé:'''Anti-Tank Quick Self-propelled (missile)
* '''SA/SNCASE – Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Est'''
** [[ACRA (142 mm)]]
** [[SA.313B Alouette II]]
* '''Ch.F Charge Forte:''' (literally: Strong charge) Designates a shell whose propellant charge is bigger than usual shells. Effects are a higher initial speed, increased penetration but more stress and heating for the cannon.
* '''SO/SNCASO Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Ouest'''
* '''HOT Haut Subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé:''' High Subsonic, Optical Remote-Guided, Tube-Launched (missile)
** [[S.O.8000 Narval]]
** [[HOT]]
* '''FCM – Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée'''
* '''OE Obus Explosif:''' High-explosive shell
** [[FCM.36]]
* '''OEA Obus Explosif Acier:''' High-explosive fuzed (AA) shell
* '''DEFA Direction des Études et Fabrications d'Armes'''
* '''OEcl Obus Eclairant:''' Illumination shell
** [[DEFA 551 (30 mm)]]
* '''OPf Obus Perforant:''' Armour-piercing shell
* '''MAC Manufacture d'Armes de Châtellerault:''' Châtellerault weapons manufacturer
* '''OPfK Obus Perforant (avec colorant) K:''' Armour-piercing naval shell (with type K spotting dye)
** [[MAC 1934 (7.5 mm)]]
* '''OFl Obus Flèche:''' APDS shell (literally: Dart shell)
* '''FN Fabrique Nationale'''
* '''OCC Obus Charge Creuse:''' HEAT shell (literally: Hollow charge shell)
** [[FN M3P (12.7 mm)]]
* '''PCOT Perforant Coiffé Ogive Traceur:''' Armour-piercing Capped Tracer shell
* '''FL Fives-Lille'''
* '''POT Perforant Ogive Traceur:''' Armour-piercing Tracer shell
** [[M4A1 (FL10)]]
* '''AA Air-Air:''' Air-to-air (missile)
* '''R Renault'''
** [[AA-20 Nord]]
** [[R.35 (SA38)]]
* '''AS Air-Sol:''' Air-to-ground (missile)
* '''H Hotchkiss'''
** [[AS-20 Nord]]
** [[H.35]]
* '''SS Sol-Sol:''' Ground-to-ground (missile)
* '''L Lorraine'''
** [[SS.11]]
* '''D Dewoitine'''
* '''TP Traceuse Perforante:''' Armour-piercing Tracer shell
** Dewoitine [[D.520]]
* '''C/CR - Caudron(-Renault)'''
** Caudron [[C.R.714]]
* '''MS Morane-Saulnier'''
** Morane-Saulnier [[M.S.405C1]]
* '''F Farman'''
** Farman [[F.222.2]]
* '''MB Marcel Bloch''' (renamed to Dassault in 1949)
** Bloch [[M.B.174A-3]]
* '''MD Marcel Dassault'''
** Dassault [[M.D.452 IIA]]
* '''LeO Lioré-et-Olivier'''
** Lioré-et-Olivier [[LeO 451 early]]
* '''VG Arsenal''' (named after Michel Vernisse and Jean Galtier)
** Arsenal [[V.G.33C-1]]
* '''VB Arsenal''' (named after Michel Vernisse and Michel Badie)
** Arsenal [[VB.10C-1]]
* '''HS Hispano-Suiza'''
** [[Hispano HS.9 (20 mm)]]
* '''bis:''' Second (iteration)
* '''BCC – Battalion de Chars de Combat:''' Battle tank battalion
** [[B1 bis]]
* '''RCC – Régiment de Chars de Combat:''' Battle tank regiment
* '''ter:''' Third (iteration)
* '''DCr – Division Cuirassée:''' Armoured division
** [[B1 ter]]
* '''MN – Marine Nationale:''' French navy (literally: National navy)
* '''FNFL – Forces Navales Françaises Libres:''' Free French naval forces
* '''FAFL – Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres:''' Free French air forces
* '''AMX Atelier de Construction d'Issy-Les-Moulineaux:''' Issy-Les-Moulineaux construction workshop
* '''Pz. Panzer:''' Tank (literally: Armour)
** [[AMX-13]]
** [[Pz.IV F2]]
* '''APX Atelier de Puteaux'''
* '''Pz.Kpfw. Panzerkampfwagen:''' Tank (literally: Armour combat vehicle)
* '''ACL – Atelier et Chantiers de la Loire'''
** [[Pz.Kpfw. Churchill (Germany)]]
** [[ARL-44 (ACL-1)]]
* '''Sd.Kfz. Sonderkraftfahrzeug:''' Special purpose vehicle (index number assigned to all armed forces vehicles)
* '''ARL Atelier de Construction de Rueil:''' Rueil construction workshop
** [[Sd.Kfz. 6/2]]
** [[ARL-44]]
* '''Pz.Sp.Wg. Panzerspähwagen:''' Armoured scout vehicle
* '''GIAT Groupement Industriel de l’Armement Terrestre''' Industrial group for land weapon systems
** s.Pz.Sp.Wg. (5 cm 39/1 L60) ([[Sd.Kfz.234/2]])
** [[GIAT M781 (30 mm)]]
* '''KPz Kampfpanzer:''' Battle tank (modern designation)
* '''S/SOMUA Société d'outillage mécanique et d'usinage d'artillerie:''' Mechanical tooling and artillery machining company
** [[KPz-70]]
** Char de cavalerie SOMUA 1935 S ([[S.35]])
* '''FlaKPz Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer:''' Anti-air cannon tank
* '''NC/SNCAC Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Centre'''
** [[Wirbelwind|FlaKPz IV Wirbelwind]]
** [[NC.900]]
* '''StuG Sturmgeschütz:''' Assault gun
* '''SA/SNCASE Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Est'''
** [[StuG III A]]
** [[SA.313B Alouette II]]
* '''StuH Sturmhaubitze:''' Assault howitzer
* '''SO/SNCASO Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Ouest'''
** [[StuH 42 G]]
** [[S.O.8000 Narval]]
* '''Bfw. Befehlswagen:''' Command vehicle
* '''FCM Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée'''
** [[Bfw. Jagdpanther]]
** [[FCM.36]]
* '''Pz.Bfw./Pz.Bef.Wg. Panzerbefehlswagen:''' Command tank
* '''DEFA Direction des Études et Fabrications d'Armes'''
** [[Pz.Bfw.IV]]
** [[DEFA 551 (30 mm)]]
** [[Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P]]
* '''MAC Manufacture d'Armes de Châtellerault:''' Châtellerault weapons manufacturer
* '''JPz/JgPz/JgdPz Jagdpanzer:''' (Tank based) tank destroyer (literally: Hunting tank)
** [[MAC 1934 (7.5 mm)]]
** [[JPz 4-5]]
* '''FN Fabrique Nationale'''
* '''RakJPz Raketenjagdpanzer:''' (Missile-carrier based) tank destroyer (literally: Missile hunting tank)
** [[FN M3P (12.7 mm)]]
** [[RakJPz 2]]
* '''FL Fives-Lille'''
* '''PzJg Panzerjäger:''' (SPG based) tank destroyer (literally: Tank hunter)
** [[M4A1 (FL10)]]
** [[Panzerjager I|PzJg I]]
* '''R Renault'''
* '''Pz.W./Pz.Wfr. Panzerwerfer:''' Anti-tank rocket launcher (literally: Tank thrower)
** [[R.35 (SA38)]]
** [[15 cm Pz.W.42]]
* '''H Hotchkiss'''
* '''SpPz Spähpanzer:''' Scout tank
** [[H.35]]
** [[Ru 251|SpPz Ru 251]]
* '''L Lorraine'''
* '''SPz Schützenpanzer:''' Infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Protective tank)
* '''D Dewoitine'''
** [[SPz BMP-1]]
** Dewoitine [[D.520]]
* '''VK Versuchskonstruktion:''' Trial design (literally: Experimental construction)
* '''C/CR - Caudron(-Renault)'''
** [[VK 45.01 (P)]]
** Caudron [[C.R.714]]
* '''VT - Versuchsträger:''' Test-bed (literally: Experiment carrier)
* '''MS Morane-Saulnier'''
** [[VT1-2]]
** Morane-Saulnier [[M.S.405C1]]
* '''WT Waffenträger:''' Self-propelled gun (literally: Weapon carrier)
* '''F Farman'''
** [[Waffentrager]]
** Farman [[F.222.2]]
* '''Ausf. Ausführung:''' Model
* '''MB Marcel Bloch''' (renamed to Dassault in 1949)
* '''E Entwicklung:''' Development (refers to the proposed standardised tank development projects)
** Bloch [[M.B.174A-3]]
** [[E-100]]
* '''MD – Marcel Dassault'''
* '''Fgst. - Fahrgestell:''' Chassis
** Dassault [[M.D.452 IIA]]
** [[Flakpanzer 38|Flakpanzer 38, 2 cm, Pz.Fgst.38 (t) Sf.]]
* '''LeO – Lioré-et-Olivier'''
* '''Sfl. - Sonderfahrgestell:''' Special chassis
** Lioré-et-Olivier [[LeO 451 early]]
** [[Pz.Sfl.Ic]]
* '''VG – Arsenal''' (named after Michel Vernisse and Jean Galtier)
* '''Sf. - Selbstfahrend:''' Self-propelled
** Arsenal [[V.G.33C-1]]
** [[Nashorn|8,8 Pak 43/1 Sf. "Nashorn"]]
* '''VB Arsenal''' (named after Michel Vernisse and Michel Badie)
* '''GW Geschützwagen:''' (Heavy) self-propelled gun (literally: Heavy gun vehicle)
** Arsenal [[VB.10C-1]]
* '''ZgKw Zugkraftwagen:''' Truck
* '''HS Hispano-Suiza'''
* '''Zug - Zugkraftwagen:''' Truck
** [[Hispano HS.9 (20 mm)]]
* '''BCC Battalion de Chars de Combat:''' Battle tank battalion
* '''StuKa Sturzkampfflugzeug:''' Dive bomber (literally: Dive attack airplane)
* '''RCC – Régiment de Chars de Combat:''' Battle tank regiment
* '''PAH Panzerabwehrhubschrauber:''' Anti-tank helicopter
* '''DCr – Division Cuirassée:''' Armoured division
** [[BO 105 PAH-1]]
* '''MN – Marine Nationale:''' French navy (literally: National navy)
* '''FNFL Forces Navales Françaises Libres:''' Free French naval forces
* '''FAFL – Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres:''' Free French air forces
* '''P Pesante:''' Heavy (tank)
* '''Z Zerstörer:''' Destroyer
** [[P40|P26/40]]: Heavy tank, 26 tons, model 1940
** [[Z20 Karl Galster]]
* '''M Medio:''' Medium (tank)
* '''K – Kanonenboot:''' Gun boat
** [[M15/42]]: Medium tank, 15 tons, model 1942
** [[Kanonenboot K-2]]
* '''L Leggero:''' Light (tank)
* '''T Torpedoboot:''' Torpedo boat
** [[L6/40]]: Light tank, 6 tons, model 1930
** [[Type 1939 (T31)]]
* '''AB Autoblinda:''' Armoured car
* '''R – Räumboot:''' Mine sweeper
** [[AB 41]]: Armoured car, model 1941
** [[R-boot R-41]]
* '''R Ricognizione:''' Reconnaisance (vehicle)
* '''S – Schnellboot:''' Fast attack craft
** [[R3 T106 FA]]
** [[S-100 (1945)]]
* '''SIDAM Sistema Italiano di Difesa Aerea Mobile:''' Italian system for mobile air-defense
* '''LS Leichte-Schnellboot:''' Light fast attack craft
** [[SIDAM 25]]
** [[LS 3]]
* '''VS Versuchs-Schnellboot:''' Experimental fast attack craft
** [[VS-10]]
* '''SF Siebelfähre:''' Siebel ferry (named after Friedrich Siebel)
** [[SF40 Leichte]]
* '''AF/AFP Artilleriefährprahm:''' Artillery ferry barge
** [[AF D1]]
* '''MZ - Mehrzweckboot:''' Multi-purpose boat
** [[MZ1]]
* '''U – Unterseeboot:''' Submarine
==Weaponry (DE)==
{| class="wikitable"
* '''FH – Feldhaubitze:''' Field howitzer
! Abbreviation
* '''IG – Infanteriegeschütz:''' Infantry gun
! Company
** [[s.I.G.33 (150 mm)]]
! Note / Translation
* '''Sfl – Selbsfahrlafette:''' Self-propelled gun (literally: Self-propelled mount/chassis/underlayer)
! Example
* '''KwK – Kampfwagenkanone:''' Tank gun (literally: Combat vehicle cannon)
** [[KwK42 (75 mm)]]
! colspan="4" | Air vehicles
* '''PaK – Panzerabwehrkanone:''' Anti-tank gun (literally: Armour-defense cannon)
** [[PaK39 L48 (75 mm)]]
| C.R.
* '''FlaK – Flugabwehrkanone:''' Anti-air gun (literally: Air-defense cannon)
| Caccia Rosatelli
** [[FlaK43 (37 mm)]]
| (Fighter) named after Celestino Rosatelli
* '''MG – Maschinengewehr:''' Machine gun (literally: Machine rifle)
| FIAT [[C.R.42 (Family)|C.R.42]]
** [[MG34 (7.92 mm)]]
* '''MG FF – Maschinengewehr Flügel-Fest:''' Machine gun wing-fixed
| B.R.
** [[MG FF (20 mm)]]
| Bombardiere Rosatelli
* '''MG FF/M – Maschinengewehr Flügel-Fest/Minengeschoß:''' Machine gun wing-fixed/mineshot
| (Bomber) named after Celestino Rosatelli
** [[MG FF/M (20 mm)]]
| FIAT [[B.R.20 (Family)|B.R.20]]
* '''MK – Maschinenkanone:''' Auto-cannon (literally: Machine cannon), occasionally '''Motorkanone''', cannon firing through engine
** [[MK 108 (30 mm)]]
| G.
* '''SK – Schiffskanone:''' Ship cannon (originally used as Schnellfeuerkanone: Quick-firing cannon during WWI)
** [[10.5 cm SK C/32 (105 mm)]]
| named after Giuseppe Gabrielli
* '''TbtK – Torpedobootskanone:''' Torpedo boat cannon (also used for some destroyer turrets/guns)
| FIAT [[G.50 (Family)|G.50]]
* '''BK – Bordkanone:''' Board cannon (large calibre guns equipped to aircraft)
** [[BK 3.7 (37 mm)]]
| rowspan="2" | S. <br> S.M.
* '''BR – Bordrakete:''' Board rocket (rockets equipped to aircraft)
| Società Anonima Costruzioni Aeronautiche Savoia
* '''K – Kanone:''' Cannon
| Savoy Aeronautical Constructions Company
* '''T – Torpedo'''
| Savoia [[S.81]]
* '''LT – Lufttorpedo:''' Aerial torpedo (torpedoes used by aircraft)
* '''L/ – Länge:''' Length (refers to calibre-length of gun barrels)
| Marchetti
** [[KwK36 (88 mm)|8.8 cm L/56 KwK 36]] (barrel length of 56 x 88 mm = 4.928 m)
| named after Alessandro Marchetti
* '''C/ – Construktionsjahr:''' Year of construction (archaic spelling of Konstruktion)
| Savoia-Marchetti [[S.M.79 (Family)|S.M.79]]
** [[2 cm/65 C/38 (20 mm)]] (<odel of 1938)
* '''L – Lafette:''' Gun mount
| P.
* '''DopL – Doppellafette:''' Twin gun mount (literally: Double mount)
| Piaggio
* '''DrhL – Drehturmlafette:''' Turret gun mount (literally: Turntable turret mount)
* '''Pz.B. – Panzerbüchse:''' Anti-tank rifle
| Piaggio [[P.108 (Family)|P.108]]
** [[s.Pz.B.41 (28/20 mm)]]
| rowspan="2" | M.C.
==Weaponry (CH)==
| (Aeronautica) Macchi
| Aeronautics Machi
* '''KDA''' – '''K'''anone, Kalibergruppe '''D''', Ausführung '''A''': Cannon, calibre group D (30 mm+), variant A (belt-fed)
| rowspan="2" | Macchi [[C.200 (Family)|M.C.200]]
** [[Oerlikon KDA (35 mm)]]
* '''KAD''' – '''K'''anone, Kalibergruppe '''A''', Ausführung '''D''': Cannon, calibre group A (20 mm), variant D
| Castoldi
** [[Oerlikon KAD (20 mm)]]
| named after Mario Castoldi
| Ba.
| Società Italiana Ernesto Breda
* '''Gr – Granate:''' Grenade (synonymous with shell)
| Italian Company Ernesto Breda
* '''Br – Brandkörper:''' Incendiary charge (literally: Blaze body)
| Breda [[Ba.65 (K.14) L|Ba.65]]
* '''KGr – Kanonengranate:''' Cannon shell (literally: Cannon grenade)
* '''PzGr – Panzergranate:''' Armour-piercing shell (literally: Armour grenade)
| Re.
* '''BrGr – Brandgranate:''' Incendiary shell (literally: Burn grenade)
| Officine Meccaniche Reggiane SpA
* '''PzBrGr – Panzerbrandgranate:''' Armour-piercing incendiary shell (literally: Armour burn grenade)
| Technical Bureau Reggiane Subsidiary
* '''SpGr – Sprenggranate:''' High-explosive fragmentation shell (literally: Burst grenade). Sometimes spelled Sprgr.
| Reggiane [[Re.2000 (Family)|Re.2000]]
* '''PzSpGr – Panzersprenggranate:''' Armour-piercing high-explosive shell (literally: Armour burst grenade)
* '''HlGr – Hohlladungsgranate:''' High-explosive anti-tank shell (literally: Hollow-charge grenade)
| rowspan="2" | CANT Z.
* '''Patr – Patrone:''' Bullet
| Cantieri Aeronautici e Navali Triestini
* '''GrPatr – Granatpatrone:''' Shell (for 15 and 20 mm munition)
| Aeronautical and naval yard Trieste
* '''SC – Sprengbombe Cylindrisch:''' General-purpose bomb (archaic spelling of zylindrisch, literally: Burst bomb, cylindrical)
| rowspan="2" |CANT [[Z.1007 (Family)|Z.1007]]
* '''SD – Sprengbombe Dickwandig:''' Semi-armour-piercing bomb (literally: Burst bomb, thick-walled)
* '''PC – Panzersprengbombe Cylindrisch:''' Armour-piercing high-explosive bomb (literally: Armour-bursting bomb, cylindrical)
| Zappata
* '''PD – Panzersprengbombe Dickwandig:''' Heavy armour-piercing bomb (literally: Armour-bursting bomb, thick-walled)
| named after Filippo Zappata
* '''LFK – Lenkflugkörper:''' (Anti-tank) guided missile (literally: Guided flight body)
* '''F5W – Torpedo designation:''' F – 17.7 inch (450 mm) calibre, 5 – roughly 5 meter length, W – whitehead (German designation of Italian F200/450 torpedo)
! colspan="4" | Ground vehicles
* '''G7a/T 1 – Torpedo designation:''' G – 21 inch (533 mm) calibre, 7 – roughly 7 meter length, a – steam propulsion, T 1 – Torpedo model number 1
* '''L'spur – Leuchtspur:''' Tracer
* '''Zerl. – Zerleger:''' Self-destroying (literally: Disassambler)
| Odero-Terni-Orlando
* '''Fp – Füllpulver:''' Explosive filling (literally: Filling powder)
* '''DM – Deutsches Modell:''' German Model (modern designation to differentiate between American M munition)
* '''Zt.Z – Zeitzünder:''' Time fuze
* '''Lh – Lichtspurhülse:''' Base tracer
* '''Bd.Z – Bodenzünder:''' Base fuze. Sometimes spelled Bdz
| Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
* '''m.Hb – mit Haube:''' Capped
| Italian automobile factory Turin
| [[FIAT 6614]]
| OF
* '''le – leicht:''' Light
* '''s – schwer:''' Heavy
* '''gp – gepanzert:''' Armoured
| [[OF-40 (Family)|OF-40]]
* '''nA – neuer Art:''' Modernized (literally: New type)
* '''(r) – russisch:''' Russian captured vehicle
! colspan="4" | Armament
** [[T 34 747 (r) (Germany)]]
* '''(e) – englisch:''' British captured vehicle
* '''(t) – tschechisch:''' Czech captured vehicle
| Società Anonima Fabbrica Armi Torino
** [[Pz.35(t)]]
| Turin arms factory incorporated company
* '''(a) – amerikanisch:''' American captured vehicle
| [[Breda-SAFAT (12.7 mm)]]
** [[M4 748 (a) (Germany)]]
* '''(f) – französisch:''' French captured vehicle
* '''U – Umbau:''' Conversion (kit)
** [[Me 410 A-1/U2]]
* '''R – Rüstsatz:''' Upgrade (kit)
** [[Me 410 B-6/R3]]
* '''/Trop – Tropen:''' Tropic (variant with air filters)
** [[Bf 109 G-2/trop]]
* '''(Mob) – Mobilmachung:''' Mobilization (design modification aimed at simplified and thus faster construction)
** [[Type 1936A (Mob)]]
* '''SR Senza Rinculo:''' Recoilless (gun)
* '''Ar Arado'''
** [[Ar 234 B-2]]
* '''Bf – Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW):''' Bavarian Airplane Factory (renamed to Messerschmitt in 1938)
** [[Bf 109 K-4]]
{| class="wikitable"
* '''BMW – Bayerische Motorenwerke:''' Bavarian Motor Factory
* '''Bo – Bölkow''' (from the alternative spelling Boelkow)
** [[BO 105 PAH-1]]
* '''BV – Blohm & Voss'''
** [[BV 238]]
* '''DB – Daimler-Benz'''
** DB 601
* '''Do – Dornier'''
** [[Do 217 E-2]]
|[[P.108A serie 2|P.108A]]
* '''Fw – Focke-Wulf'''
** [[Fw 190 A-5]]
| rowspan="2" |AS
* '''Ha – Hamburger Flugzeugbau'''
* '''He – Heinkel'''
|Air torpedo
** [[He 111 H-3]]
* '''Ho – Horten'''
** [[Ho 229 V3]]
|Africa Settentrionale
* '''Hs – Henschel'''
|North Africa (trop. Filter)
** [[Hs 129 B-3]]
|[[Bf 109 G-14/AS (Italy)|Bf 109 G-14/AS]]
* '''Ju – Junkers'''
** [[Ju 87 D-5]]
* '''Me – Messerschmitt'''
** [[Me 410 A-1]]
* '''Ta – Focke-Wulf''' (named after Kurt Tank)
|[[P.108 (Family)|P.108B]]
** [[Ta 152 C-3]]
* '''Rh – Rheinmetall'''
** [[Rh202 (20 mm)]]
|Caccia Bombardiere
* '''Ru – Ruhrstahl'''
** [[Ru 251]]
|[[Re.2001 CB]]
* '''(P) – Porsche'''
** [[Tiger II (P)]]
* '''(H) – Henschel'''
|Contro Carro
** [[Tiger II (H)]]
|Anti-Tank (rifle)
* '''(A) – Alkett''' (Altmärkische Kettenwerk GmbH)
|[[L3/33 CC]]
** [[Panzer IV/70(A)]]
* '''(V) – VOMAG''' (Vogtländische Maschinenfabrik Aktiengesellschaft)
** [[Panzer IV/70(V)]]
|Caccia Notturno
|[[Re.2001 CN]]
* '''KM – Kriegsmarine:''' German navy (literally: War navy)
* '''LW – Luftwaffe:''' German air force (literally: Air weapon)
|Esperimento Cannoni
* '''BW – Bundeswehr:''' (Modern) German army (literally: Federation defense)
|Experimental Cannons
* '''RLM – Reichsluftfahrtministerium:''' Ministry of national aviation
* '''OKW – Oberkommando der Wehrmacht:''' High command of the armed forces
* '''JG – Jagdgeschwader:''' Fighter division (literally: hunting division)
| rowspan="2" |N
* '''NJG – Nachtjagdgeschwader:''' Night fighter division (literally: night hunting division)
* '''ZG – Zerstörergeschwader:''' Heavy fighter division (literally: destroyer division)
* '''KG – Kampfgeschwader:''' Bomber division (literally: attack division)
|[[S.M.79 bis/N (Germany)|S.M.79 bis/N]]
* '''SKG – Schnellkampfgeschwader:''' Fast bomber division (literally: fast attack division)
* '''StG – Sturzkampfgeschwader:''' Dive bomber division (literally: dive attack division)
* '''P – Pesante:''' Heavy (tank)
|Totalmente Modificato
** [[P40|P26/40]]: Heavy tank, 26 tons, model 1940
|Completly Modified
* '''M – Medio:''' Medium (tank)
|[[S.M.79 bis/T.M]]
** [[M15/42]]: Medium tank, 15 tons, model 1942
* '''L – Leggero:''' Light (tank)
** [[L6/40]]: Light tank, 6 tons, model 1930
* '''AB – Autoblinda:''' Armoured car
** [[AB 41]]: Armoured car, model 1941
* '''R – Ricognizione:''' Reconnaisance (vehicle)
** [[R3 T106 FA]]
* '''SIDAM – Sistema Italiano di Difesa Aerea Mobile:''' Italian system for mobile air-defense
** [[SIDAM 25]]
* '''IAR – Industria Aeronautică Română:''' Romanian Aeronautic Industry
{| class="wikitable"
** [[IAR-81C]]
! Abbreviation
! Company
! Note / Translation
! Example
=== Variants (small-scale modifications) ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! rowspan="2" |
! rowspan="2" |Heavenly
! colspan="2" |Japanese
! colspan="4" | Air vehicles
| C.R.
| Caccia Rosatelli
| (Fighter) named after Celestino Rosatelli
| FIAT [[C.R.42 (Family)|C.R.42]]
| B.R.
| Bombardiere Rosatelli
| (Bomber) named after Celestino Rosatelli
| FIAT [[B.R.20 (Family)|B.R.20]]
| G.
| named after Giuseppe Gabrielli
| FIAT [[G.50 (Family)|G.50]]
| rowspan="2" | S. <br> S.M.
| Società Anonima Costruzioni Aeronautiche Savoia
| Savoy Aeronautical Constructions Company
| Savoia [[S.81]]
! colspan="4" |Not used in practice
| Marchetti
| named after Alessandro Marchetti
| Savoia-Marchetti [[S.M.79 (Family)|S.M.79]]
| P.
| Piaggio
| Piaggio [[P.108 (Family)|P.108]]
| rowspan="2" | M.C.
| (Aeronautica) Macchi
| Aeronautics Machi
| rowspan="2" | Macchi [[C.200 (Family)|M.C.200]]
| Castoldi
| named after Mario Castoldi
| Ba.
| Società Italiana Ernesto Breda
| Italian Company Ernesto Breda
| Breda [[Ba.65 (K.14) L|Ba.65]]
| Re.
| Officine Meccaniche Reggiane SpA
| Technical Bureau Reggiane Subsidiary
| Reggiane [[Re.2000 (Family)|Re.2000]]
| rowspan="2" | CANT Z.
| Cantieri Aeronautici e Navali Triestini
| Aeronautical and naval yard Trieste
| rowspan="2" |CANT [[Z.1007 (Family)|Z.1007]]
! colspan="4" |Other
| Zappata
| named after Filippo Zappata
| colspan="2" |Improved
! colspan="4" | Ground vehicles
=== Calendar and Type Numbers ===
{| class="wikitable"
| Odero-Terni-Orlando
|'''Meiji 1'''<br>⋮<br>'''Meiji 44'''
|'''Type 1'''<br>⋮<br>'''Type 44'''
| Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
|'''Taishō 1'''
| Italian automobile factory Turin
|'''Type 1'''
| [[FIAT 6614]]
| OF
|'''Taishō 2'''
|'''Type 2'''
| [[OF-40 (Family)|OF-40]]
! colspan="4" | Armament
|'''Taishō 3'''
|[[Type 3 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 3''']]
| Società Anonima Fabbrica Armi Torino
|'''Taishō 4'''
| Turin arms factory incorporated company
|'''Type 4'''
| [[Breda-SAFAT (12.7 mm)]]
* '''SR – Senza Rinculo:''' Recoilless (gun)
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Taishō 5'''
|'''Type 5'''
|[[P.108A serie 2|P.108A]]
| rowspan="2" |AS
|'''Taishō 6'''
|Air torpedo
|'''Type 6'''
|Africa Settentrionale
|North Africa (trop. Filter)
|'''Taishō 7'''
|[[Bf 109 G-14/AS (Italy)|Bf 109 G-14/AS]]
|'''Type 7'''
|'''Taishō 8'''
|'''Type 8'''
|[[P.108 (Family)|P.108B]]
|Caccia Bombardiere
|'''Taishō 9'''
|'''Type 9'''
|[[Re.2001 CB]]
|Contro Carro
|'''Taishō 10'''
|Anti-Tank (rifle)
|'''Type 10'''
|[[L3/33 CC]]
|Caccia Notturno
|'''Taishō 11'''
|'''Type 11'''
|[[Re.2001 CN]]
|Esperimento Cannoni
|'''Taishō 12'''
|Experimental Cannons
|'''Type 12'''
| rowspan="2" |N
|'''Taishō 13'''
|'''Type 13'''
|[[S.M.79 bis/N (Germany)|S.M.79 bis/N]]
|'''Taishō 14'''
|'''Type 14'''
|Totalmente Modificato
|'''Taishō 15'''<br>Shōwa 1
|Completly Modified
|'''Type 15'''
|[[S.M.79 bis/T.M]]
|Shōwa 2
=== Variants (small-scale modifications) ===
|'''Type 87'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! rowspan="2" |
! rowspan="2" |Heavenly
! colspan="2" |Japanese
|Shōwa 3
|'''Type 88'''
|Shōwa 4
|[[Type 89 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 89''']]
|Shōwa 5
|[[Type 90 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 90''']]
|''Shōwa 6''
|[[Type 91 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 91''']]
! colspan="4" |Not used in practice
|''Shōwa 7''
|[[Type 92 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 92''']]
|''Shōwa 8''
|[[Type 93 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 93''']]
|''Shōwa 9''
|'''Type 94'''
|''Shōwa 10''
|[[Type 95 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 95''']]
|''Shōwa 11''
|'''Type 96'''
|''Shōwa 12''
|[[Type 97 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 97''']]
! colspan="4" |Other
|''Shōwa 13''
|'''Type 98'''
| colspan="2" |Improved
|''Shōwa 14''
|'''Type 99'''
=== Calendar and Type Numbers ===
{| class="wikitable"
|''Shōwa 15''
|'''Meiji 1'''<br>⋮<br>'''Meiji 44'''
|'''Type 100'''<br>'''Type 0'''
|'''Type 1'''<br>⋮<br>'''Type 44'''
|''Shōwa 16''
|'''Taishō 1'''
|[[Type 1 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 1''']]
|'''Type 1'''
|''Shōwa 17''
|'''Taishō 2'''
|[[Type 2 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 2''']]
|'''Type 2'''
|''Shōwa 18''
|'''Taishō 3'''
|[[Type 3 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 3''']]
|[[Type 3 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 3''']]
|''Shōwa 19''
|'''Taishō 4'''
|'''Type 4'''
|'''Type 4'''
|''Shōwa 20''
|'''Taishō 5'''
|[[Type 5 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 5''']]
|'''Type 5'''
! colspan="5" |Post-War
|'''Taishō 6'''
|'''Type 6'''
|'''Taishō 7'''
|'''Type 46'''<br>⋮<br>[[Type 60 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 60''']]<br>⋮<br>[[Type 89 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 89''']]
|'''Type 7'''
|'''Taishō 8'''
|[[Type 89 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 89''']]<br>[[Type 90 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 90''']]<br>⋮<br>[[Type 93 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 93''']]<br>⋮<br>'''Type 19'''
|'''Type 8'''
|'''Taishō 9'''
|'''Type 9'''
|'''Taishō 10'''
|'''Type 19'''<br>⋮<br>'''Present'''
|'''Type 10'''
|'''Taishō 11'''
|'''Type 11'''
|'''Taishō 12'''
|'''Type 12'''
|'''Taishō 13'''
|'''Type 13'''
* Japanese Imperial Year: Starts with the founding of Japan in 660 BC
* Japanese Era Name ({{Annotation|年号|Nengō}}): Literally "year name" are names given to (usually) reign periods of Japanese Emperors.
* Shisaku number: After the shift of using nengō years, the navy re-adopted the use of nengō for their prototype planes to distinguish them from adopted models.
* '''Ki – Kitai:''' Airframe
** [[Ki-10-I]] - Army Type 95 Model 1 Fighter
** [[Ki-43-II]] - Army Type 1 Model 2 Fighter
* Kitai numbering is purely for Airframe/Prototype numbering. Official designation of planes went through [[#Calender_and_Type_Numbers|Type]] designation + role.
* Japanese names for Army planes are popular nicknames for pilots and civilians alike, as they were popularized with Japanese documentaries and propaganda. Unlike Navy planes, these are not part of the official plane designation.
** Other Japanese nicknames for planes are:
* '''[[Ki-43 (Family)|Ki-43]]''' - ''Hayabusa'' (隼, Peregrine falcon)
* '''[[Ki-44 (Family)|Ki-44]]''' - ''Shoki'' (鍾馗, Demon)
* '''[[Ki-45 (Family)|Ki-45]]''' - ''Toryū'' (屠龍, Dragonslayer)
* '''[[Ki-49 (Family)|Ki-49]]''' - ''Donryū'' (呑龍, Storm Dragon)
* '''[[Ki-61 (Family)|Ki-61]]''' - ''Hien'' (飛燕, Flying Swallow)
* '''[[Ki-67 (Family)|Ki-67]]''' - ''Hiryū'' (飛龍, Flying Dragon)
* '''[[Ki-84 (Family)|Ki-84]]''' - ''Hayate'' (疾風, Gale)
* '''[[Ki-200]]''' - ''Shusui'' - (秋水, Sharp Sword)
In the late 1920s, The navy adopted a short designation naming scheme to indicate the role and manufacturer of the plane.
====First letters (role)====
{| class="wikitable"
|Carrier-based fighter plane
|'''Taishō 14'''
|[[A6M (Family)|A6M]]
|'''Type 14'''
|Carrier-based attack bomber
|'''Taishō 15'''<br>Shōwa 1
|'''Type 15'''
|Carrier-based reconnaissance plane
|Shōwa 2
|'''Type 87'''
|艦 上爆撃機
|Carrier-based dive bomber
|Shōwa 3
|[[D4Y (Family)|D4Y]]
|'''Type 88'''
|Ship-based reconnaissance hydroplane
|Shōwa 4
|[[Type 89 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 89''']]
|Ship-based observation hydroplane
|Shōwa 5
|[[Type 90 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 90''']]
|Land-based attack bomber
|''Shōwa 6''
|[[Type 91 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 91''']]
|Flying boat
|''Shōwa 7''
|[[Type 92 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 92''']]
|Land-based fighter plane
|''Shōwa 8''
|[[J2M (Family)|J2M]]
|[[Type 93 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 93''']]
|''Shōwa 9''
|'''Type 94'''
|''Shōwa 10''
|[[Type 95 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 95''']]
|Special purpose
|''Shōwa 11''
|'''Type 96'''
|Fighter hydroplane
|''Shōwa 12''
|[[N1K (Family)|N1K]]
|[[Type 97 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 97''']]
|Land-based bomber
|''Shōwa 13''
|[[P1Y1 mod. 11|P1Y]]
|'''Type 98'''
|Patrol plane
|''Shōwa 14''
|'''Type 99'''
|Land-based reconnaissance plane
|''Shōwa 15''
|[[R2Y (Family)|R2Y]]
|'''Type 100'''<br>'''Type 0'''
|Night fighter
|''Shōwa 16''
|[[Type 1 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 1''']]
|Special purpose (Always after other designations)
|''Shōwa 17''
|[[Fw 190 (Family)|JXFw]]<sup><small>1</small></sup> (Fw 190)
|[[Type 2 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 2''']]
* All (But X) can be added to an already existing plane as a suffix to indicate a role refit
** [[A6M (Family)|A6M-N]]
** [[N1K (Family)|N1K-J]]
** [[G5N1|G5N]]-L
** ...
* <sup>1</sup> - X (Special Purpose) is used as second letter for experimental aircraft or imported technology demonstrators not intended for service
* <sup>2</sup> - Planes that aren't playable in-game
* <sup>3</sup> - Planes that aren't in-game
====Second letters (manufacturers/designers)====
{| class="wikitable"
!Japanese Manufacturer
!Foreign Manufacturer
!Foreign Example
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Aichi|Aichi]]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer NAA|North American]]
|''Shōwa 18''
|KXA (NA-16)
|[[Type 3 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 3''']]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Boeing|Boeing]]
|''Shōwa 19''
|AXB (P-12 / F4B)
|'''Type 4'''
|''Shōwa 20''
|KXBu (Bü 131)
|[[Type 5 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 5''']]
! colspan="5" |Post-War
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Consolidated|Consolidated]]
|HXC (P2Y)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Douglas|Douglas]]
[[Template:AirManufacturer Dewoitine|Dewoitine]]
|'''Type 46'''<br>⋮<br>[[Type 60 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 60''']]<br>⋮<br>[[Type 89 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 89''']]
[[Template:AirManufacturer Northrop|Northrop]]
|LXD (DC-4E)
AXD ([[D.500]])
DXD (Northrop BT)
|LXF (Fairchild 91)
|[[Type 89 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 89''']]<br>[[Type 90 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 90''']]<br>⋮<br>[[Type 93 (Disambiguation)|'''Type 93''']]<br>⋮<br>'''Type 19'''
|[[Fw 190 A-5 (Japan)|JXFw]] ([[Fw 190 (Family)|Fw 190)]]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Grumman|Grumman]]
|AXG (Grumman F)
|'''Type 19'''<br>⋮<br>'''Present'''
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Hawker|Hawker]]
|AXH ([[Nimrod Mk I|Nimrod]])
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Heinkel|Heinkel]]
|AXHe ([[He 100 D-1|He 100]])
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Junkers|Junkers]]
|LXJ ([[B3C|Ju 86]])
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Kawanishi|Kawanishi]]
|LXK (Kinner Envoy)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Mitsubishi|Mitsubishi]]
|LXM (Airspeed Envoy)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Nakajima|Nakajima]]
* Japanese Imperial Year: Starts with the founding of Japan in 660 BC
* Japanese Era Name ({{Annotation|年号|Nengō}}): Literally "year name" are names given to (usually) reign periods of Japanese Emperors.
* Shisaku number: After the shift of using nengō years, the navy re-adopted the use of nengō for their prototype planes to distinguish them from adopted models.
* '''Ki – Kitai:''' Airframe
** [[Ki-10-I]] - Army Type 95 Model 1 Fighter
** [[Ki-43-II]] - Army Type 1 Model 2 Fighter
* Kitai numbering is purely for Airframe/Prototype numbering. Official designation of planes went through [[#Calender_and_Type_Numbers|Type]] designation + role.
* Japanese names for Army planes are popular nicknames for pilots and civilians alike, as they were popularized with Japanese documentaries and propaganda. Unlike Navy planes, these are not part of the official plane designation.
** Other Japanese nicknames for planes are:
* '''[[Ki-43 (Family)|Ki-43]]''' - ''Hayabusa'' (隼, Peregrine falcon)
* '''[[Ki-44 (Family)|Ki-44]]''' - ''Shoki'' (鍾馗, Demon)
* '''[[Ki-45 (Family)|Ki-45]]''' - ''Toryū'' (屠龍, Dragonslayer)
* '''[[Ki-49 (Family)|Ki-49]]''' - ''Donryū'' (呑龍, Storm Dragon)
* '''[[Ki-61 (Family)|Ki-61]]''' - ''Hien'' (飛燕, Flying Swallow)
* '''[[Ki-67 (Family)|Ki-67]]''' - ''Hiryū'' (飛龍, Flying Dragon)
* '''[[Ki-84 (Family)|Ki-84]]''' - ''Hayate'' (疾風, Gale)
* '''[[Ki-200]]''' - ''Shusui'' - (秋水, Sharp Sword)
In the late 1920s, The navy adopted a short designation naming scheme to indicate the role and manufacturer of the plane.
====First letters (role)====
{| class="wikitable"
|Carrier-based fighter plane
|[[A6M (Family)|A6M]]
|Carrier-based attack bomber
|Carrier-based reconnaissance plane
|艦 上爆撃機
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Kawanishi|Vought]]
|Carrier-based dive bomber
|AXV (V-141)
|[[D4Y (Family)|D4Y]]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Kyushu|Wanatabe (Kyushu)]]
|Ship-based reconnaissance hydroplane
|Ship-based observation hydroplane
|Land-based attack bomber
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Yokosuka|Yokosuka]]
|Flying boat
|Land-based fighter plane
|[[J2M (Family)|J2M]]
====Full and Model designation====
After 1929, aircraft of the Japanese navy were designated by [[#Calender_and_Type_Numbers|Type]] designation same as army planes together with model designation to indicate variant information.
* [[A6M3 mod. 22Ko]] - Type 0 Carrier Fighter Model 22A (Kō)
** mod. '''<big>2</big>'''2Ko - 2nd airframe / wing refit
** mod. 2'''<big>2</big>'''Ko - 2nd engine refit
** mod. 22'''<big>Ko</big>''' - 1st small-scale refit (armament) <small>(check [[#Variants (small-scale modifications)|Heavenly stems]])</small>
====Official name designation====
After July 1943, adopted planes got a name instead of a full type and model designation.
* Fighters: Weather and meteorological names
** Naval fighters: Wind names (usually ending with ''pū'' or ''fū''「風」)
|Special purpose
*** [[A7M (Family)|A7M ''Reppū'' (烈風, Strong Wind)]]
*** [[N1K (Family)|N1K ''Kyōfū'' (強風, Strong Wind)]]
*** [[J6K1|J6K ''Jinpū'' (陣風, Squall)]]
** Interceptors: Lightning names (usually ending in ''den''「電」)
*** [[J2M (Family)|J2M ''Raiden'' (雷電, Lightning Bolt)]]
|Fighter hydroplane
*** [[J5N1|J5N ''Tenrai'' (天雷, Heavenly Thunder)]]
|[[N1K (Family)|N1K]]
*** [[J7W1|J7W ''Shinden'' (震電, Magnificent Lightning)]]
*** [[N1K (Family)|N1K ''Shiden'' (紫電, Violet Lightning)]]
** Night fighters: Light names (usually ending in ''ko''「光」)
*** [[J1N1|J1N-S ''Gekkō'' (月光, Moonlight)]] <small>(not in-game variant)</small>
|Land-based bomber
* Bombers: Mountains names (usually ending in ''zan''「山」)
|[[P1Y1 mod. 11|P1Y]]
** [[B6N (Family)|B6N ''Tenzan'' (天山, Heavenly Mountain)]]
** [[G5N1|G5N ''Shinzan'' (深山, Deep Mountain)]]
** [[G8N1|G8N ''Renzan'' (連山, Mountain Range)]]
* Attack planes: Star or constellation names (usually ending in ''sei''「星」)
|Patrol plane
** [[D4Y (Family)|D4Y ''Suisei'' (彗星, Comet)]]
** [[B7A2|B7A ''Ryūsei (''流星, Shooting Star)]]
* Patrol: Sea or ocean names (usually ending in ''kai''「海」or ''yo''「洋」)
* Reconnaissance: Cloud names (usually ending in ''un''「雲」)
** [[R2Y (Family)|R2Y ''Keiun'' (景雲, Cirrus Cloud)]]
|Land-based reconnaissance plane
* Trainers: Trees, plants and flowers
|[[R2Y (Family)|R2Y]]
* Transports: Sky names (usually ending in ''ku''「空」)
* Miscellaneous: Landscape names
* Purpose-built kamikaze aircraft: Flower names (usually ending in ''ka''「花」)
** [[Kikka|Kikka (橘花, Orange Blossom'')'']]
===Vehicle type===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" |Japanese
! colspan="2" |English
|軽 (Kei)
|Night fighter
|Light tank
|Special purpose (Always after other designations)
|[[Fw 190 (Family)|JXFw]]<sup><small>1</small></sup> (Fw 190)
|Medium tank
|大 (Ō)
|Heavy Tank
|砲 ()
<!-- Still have to do further research on this -ShimakazeChan -->Other (Don't follow order system):
* '''Ka:''' Amphibious (tank)
* All (But X) can be added to an already existing plane as a suffix to indicate a role refit
** [[Ka-Mi|Type 2 Ka-Mi]] (Was named after the designer, Kamishi)
** [[A6M (Family)|A6M-N]]
** Type 3 Ka-Chi
** [[N1K (Family)|N1K-J]]
** Type 4 Ka-Tsu
** [[G5N1|G5N]]-L
** ...
* <sup>1</sup> - X (Special Purpose) is used as second letter for experimental aircraft or imported technology demonstrators not intended for service
* <sup>2</sup> - Planes that aren't playable in-game
* <sup>3</sup> - Planes that aren't in-game
*'''Na:''' Testbed
====Second letters (manufacturers/designers)====
**[[Na-To|Type 5 Na-To]]
===Order system===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Japanese Manufacturer
! rowspan="2" |
!Foreign Manufacturer
! colspan="2" |Japanese
!Foreign Example
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Aichi|Aichi]]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer NAA|North American]]
|KXA (NA-16)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Boeing|Boeing]]
|AXB (P-12 / F4B)
|KXBu (Bü 131)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Consolidated|Consolidated]]
|HXC (P2Y)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Douglas|Douglas]]
[[Template:AirManufacturer Dewoitine|Dewoitine]]
[[Template:AirManufacturer Northrop|Northrop]]
|LXD (DC-4E)
AXD ([[D.500]])
DXD (Northrop BT)
|LXF (Fairchild 91)
|[[Fw 190 A-5 (Japan)|JXFw]] ([[Fw 190 (Family)|Fw 190)]]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Grumman|Grumman]]
|AXG (Grumman F)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Hawker|Hawker]]
|AXH ([[Nimrod Mk I|Nimrod]])
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Heinkel|Heinkel]]
|AXHe ([[He 100 D-1|He 100]])
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Junkers|Junkers]]
|LXJ ([[B3C|Ju 86]])
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Kawanishi|Kawanishi]]
|LXK (Kinner Envoy)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Mitsubishi|Mitsubishi]]
|LXM (Airspeed Envoy)
* The chosen order of vehicles was based on the Japanese poem ''[[wikipedia:Iroha|Iroha (いろは)]]'', which contains each character of the Japanese syllabary exactly once. (A total of 47)
* Early Japanese tanks were designated only by order without a role:
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Nakajima|Nakajima]]
** [[I-Go Ko|Type 89 I-Go]] - 1st model of the Imperial Japanese year 2589 (1929)
** [[Ro-Go|Type 95 Ro-Go]] - 2nd model of the Imperial Japanese year 2595 (1935)
** [[Ha-Go|Type 95 Ha-Go]] - 3rd model of the Imperial Japanese year 2595 (1935)
* '''HI:''' Vickers (UK)
** [[40 mm/62 "HI" Type 91 AA (40 mm)]], based on the QF 2pdr Mk VIII
* '''RU:''' Lewis (UK)
** 7.7 mm RU Type 92 MG, based on the .303 in Lewis MG
* '''LT – Lehký tank:''' Light tank
** LT vz. 38
* '''ST – Střední tank:''' Medium tank
** ST vz. 39
* '''OA – Obrněný automobil:''' Armoured car
* '''vz. – vzor:''' Version
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Kawanishi|Vought]]
|AXV (V-141)
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Kyushu|Wanatabe (Kyushu)]]
|[[Template:AirManufacturer Yokosuka|Yokosuka]]
* '''ČKD – Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk'''
====Full and Model designation====
* '''ZB – Zbrojovka Brno'''
After 1929, aircraft of the Japanese navy were designated by [[#Calender_and_Type_Numbers|Type]] designation same as army planes together with model designation to indicate variant information.
* '''Strv – Stridsvagn:''' Tank (literally: Combat vehicle)
* [[A6M3 mod. 22Ko]] - Type 0 Carrier Fighter Model 22A ()
** [[Strv 103-0]]
** mod. '''<big>2</big>'''2Ko - 2nd airframe / wing refit
* '''Ikv – Infanterikanonvagn:''' Assault howitzer (literally: Infantry (support) gun vehicle)
** mod. 2'''<big>2</big>'''Ko - 2nd engine refit
** [[Ikv 72]]
** mod. 22'''<big>Ko</big>''' - 1st small-scale refit (armament) <small>(check [[#Variants (small-scale modifications)|Heavenly stems]])</small>
* '''Sav – Stormartillerivagn:''' Assault gun (literally: Assault artillery vehicle)
** [[SAV 20.12.48]]
* '''Pvkv – Pansarvärnskanonvagn:''' Tank destroyer
** [[Pvkv II]]
* '''Lvkv – Luftvärnskanonvagn:''' Anti-air vehicle
** [[Lvkv 42]]
====Official name designation====
* '''A - Attack'''
After July 1943, adopted planes got a name instead of a full type and model designation.
** [[A21A-3]]
* '''B - Bomb'''
** [[B3C]]
* '''Fpl - Flygplan:''' Aeroplane (used by the Army for fixed-wing aircraft)
* '''Hkp - Helikopter'''
* '''J - Jakt:''' Fighter
** [[J26]]
* '''T - Torped:''' Torpedo Bomber
** [[T18B-1]]
* Fighters: Weather and meteorological names
** Naval fighters: Wind names (usually ending with ''pū'' or ''fū''「風」)
* '''ksp – Kulspruta:''' Machine gun
*** [[A7M (Family)|A7M ''Reppū'' (烈風, Strong Wind)]]
** [[ksp m/22 (8 mm)]]
*** [[N1K (Family)|N1K ''Kyōfū'' (強風, Strong Wind)]]
* '''kan - Kanon:''' Cannon
*** [[J6K1|J6K ''Jinpū'' (陣風, Squall)]]
** [[kan Strv 81 (84 mm)]]
** Interceptors: Lightning names (usually ending in ''den''「電」)
* '''akan – Automatkanon:''' Autocannon
*** [[J2M (Family)|J2M ''Raiden'' (雷電, Lightning Bolt)]]
** [[Akan m/55 (30 mm)]]
*** [[J5N1|J5N ''Tenrai'' (天雷, Heavenly Thunder)]]
* '''pvkan - Pansarvärnskanon:''' Anti-tank gun
*** [[J7W1|J7W ''Shinden'' (震電, Magnificent Lightning)]]
** [[Pvkan m/43 (75 mm)]]
*** [[N1K (Family)|N1K ''Shiden'' (紫電, Violet Lightning)]]
* '''lvkan - Luftvärnskanon:''' Anti-aircraft gun
** Night fighters: Light names (usually ending in ''ko''「光」)
** [[Lvkan m/37 A (75 mm)]]
*** [[J1N1|J1N-S ''Gekkō'' (月光, Moonlight)]] <small>(not in-game variant)</small>
* '''fsthaub - Fästningshaubits:''' Fortress howitzer
* Bombers: Mountains names (usually ending in ''zan''「山」)
** [[Fsthaub m/02 (150 mm)]]
** [[B6N (Family)|B6N ''Tenzan'' (天山, Heavenly Mountain)]]
** [[G5N1|G5N ''Shinzan'' (深山, Deep Mountain)]]
** [[G8N1|G8N ''Renzan'' (連山, Mountain Range)]]
* Attack planes: Star or constellation names (usually ending in ''sei''「星」)
** [[D4Y (Family)|D4Y ''Suisei'' (彗星, Comet)]]
** [[B7A2|B7A ''Ryūsei (''流星, Shooting Star)]]
* Patrol: Sea or ocean names (usually ending in ''kai''「海」or ''yo''「洋」)
* Reconnaissance: Cloud names (usually ending in ''un''「雲」)
** [[R2Y (Family)|R2Y ''Keiun'' (景雲, Cirrus Cloud)]]
* Trainers: Trees, plants and flowers
* Transports: Sky names (usually ending in ''ku''「空」)
* Miscellaneous: Landscape names
* Purpose-built kamikaze aircraft: Flower names (usually ending in ''ka''「花」)
** [[Kikka|Kikka (橘花, Orange Blossom'')'']]
===Vehicle type===
* '''gr - granat:''' Grenade (synonymous with shell)
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
* '''prj - projektil:''' Bullet
! colspan="3" |Japanese
* '''hpgr - halvpansargranat:''' Semi-armour-piercing shell
! colspan="2" |English
* '''slpprj - spårljuspansarprojektil:''' Armour-piercing tracer bullet
* '''slsgr - spårljusspränggranat:''' High-explosive tracer shell
* '''sgr - spränggranat:''' High-explosive shell
* '''rökgr - rökgranat:''' Smoke shell (literally: Smoke grenade)
* '''Rb - Robot:''' Missile
** [[Rb24]]
* '''Rbs - Robotsystem:''' Missile launcher/system (literally: missile system)
** [[Rbs 55]]
* '''srak - Sprängraket:''' Explosive rocket
** [[srak m/51]]
|軽 (Kei)
* '''psrak - Pansarsprängraket:''' Armour-piercing explosive rocket
** [[psrak m/49A]]
|Light tank
* '''hprak - Halvpansarraket''' Semi-armour-piercing rocket (literally: half-armour rocket)
** [[hprak m/49]]
* '''mb - Minbomb''' Medium capacity / General purpose bomb
** [[mb m/50 (600 kg)]]
|中 (Chū)
* '''sb - Sprängbomb''' High-explosive bomb
** [[sb m/61 (120 kg)]]
|Medium tank
|大 (Ō)
|Heavy Tank
|砲 ()
<!-- Still have to do further research on this -ShimakazeChan -->Other (Don't follow order system):
* '''Ka:''' Amphibious (tank)
** [[Ka-Mi|Type 2 Ka-Mi]] (Was named after the designer, Kamishi)
** Type 3 Ka-Chi
** Type 4 Ka-Tsu
*'''Na:''' Testbed
==Vehicle (US)==
**[[Na-To|Type 5 Na-To]]
* '''M – Model'''
===Order system===
** [[M4|Medium Tank, M4 Sherman]]: Model 4 medium tank
* '''T – Trial''' (model)
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
** [[T26E1-1|Heavy Tank T26E1-1 "Super Pershing"]]: Trial model 26 medium tank
! rowspan="2" |
* '''A – Advancement'''
! colspan="2" |Japanese
** [[M4A1|Medium Tank, M4A1 Sherman]]: Model 4, Advancement 1 medium tank
* '''E – Experimental'''
** [[M4A3E2|Assault Tank M4A3E2 Jumbo]]: Model 4, Advancement 3, Experimental 2 assault tank
* '''LVT – Landing Vehicle, Tracked'''
** [[LVT(A)(1)]]
* '''LST – Landing Ship, Tank'''
* '''(A) – Amphibious'''
** [[LVT(A)(1)]]
* '''HMC – Howitzer Motor Carriage'''
** [[M8 Scott|75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8]]
* '''GMC – Gun Motor Carriage'''
** [[M18 GMC]]
* '''CGMC – Combination Gun Motor Carriage'''
** [[M15A1 CGMC]]
* '''MGMC – Multiple Gun Motor Carriage'''
** [[M16 MGMC]]
* '''SPG – Self-Propelled Gun'''
* '''SPH – Self-Propelled Howitzer'''
** [[Type 75 SPH]]
* '''SPRG – Self-Propelled Recoilless Gun'''
** [[Type 60 SPRG (C)]]
* '''SPAA – Self-Propelled Anti-Air'''
* '''MRLS – Multiple Rocket Launcher System'''
** [[Type 75 MLRS]]
* '''ATM – Anti-Tank Missile'''
** [[Type 60 ATM]]
* '''MBT – Main Battle Tank'''
** [[MBT-70]]
* '''(RISE) – Reliability Improved Selected Equipment'''
** [[M60A1 RISE (P)]]
* '''(AOS) – Add-On Stabilization'''
** [[M60A1 (AOS)]]
* '''W – Wet munition storage'''
** [[M4A2 (76) W]]
* '''HVSS – Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension'''
** [[M4A3 (105)|Medium Tank M4A3 (105) HVSS Sherman]]
* '''CCKW – General Motors designation:''' C – designed in 1941, C – conventional cab, K – all-wheel drive, W – dual rear axles
** [[CCKW 353 AA]]
====Army (pre-1962)====
* The chosen order of vehicles was based on the Japanese poem ''[[wikipedia:Iroha|Iroha (いろは)]]'', which contains each character of the Japanese syllabary exactly once. (A total of 47)
* Early Japanese tanks were designated only by order without a role:
** [[I-Go Ko|Type 89 I-Go]] - 1st model of the Imperial Japanese year 2589 (1929)  
** [[Ro-Go|Type 95 Ro-Go]] - 2nd model of the Imperial Japanese year 2595 (1935)
** [[Ha-Go|Type 95 Ha-Go]] -  3rd model of the Imperial Japanese year 2595 (1935)
* '''A – Attack'''
* '''HI:''' Vickers (UK)
** [[A-36]]
** [[40 mm/62 "HI" Type 91 AA (40 mm)]], based on the QF 2pdr Mk VIII
* '''P – Pursuit'''
* '''RU:''' Lewis (UK)
** [[P-38E]]
** 7.7 mm RU Type 92 MG, based on the .303 in Lewis MG
* '''B – Bomber'''
** [[B-25J-1]]
* '''F – Fighter'''
** [[F-80A-5]]
* '''H - Helicopter'''
* '''IAR Industria Aeronautică Română:''' Romanian Aeronautic Industry
** [[H-34]]
** [[IAR-81C]]
* '''X Experimental'''
** [[XA-38]]: Experimental Attacker 38
* '''Y – Pre-production test'''
** [[YP-38]]
====Navy (pre-1962)====
* '''A - Attacker'''
* '''T – Tank'''
** [[AD-4]]
** [[T-34]]
* '''F - Fighter'''
* '''SU – Samokhodnaya Ustanovka:''' Self-propelled mount
** [[F4F-3]]
** [[SU-122]]
* '''BT - Bomber (torpedo)'''
* '''ISU:''' Self-propelled mount based on IS heavy tank
** [[BTD-1]]
** [[ISU-122]]
* '''P - Patrol'''
* '''ZSU – Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka:''' Anti-aircraft self-propelled mount
** [[PV-2D]]
** [[ZSU-37]]
* '''PB Patrol Bomber'''
* '''ZRPK – Zenitny Raketno-Pushechny Kompleks:''' Anti-aircraft missile-gun system
** [[PBY-5a Catalina]]
** [[ZPRK 2S6]]
* '''SB Scout Bomber (Dive bomber):'''
* '''ASU Aviadesantnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka:''' Airborne self-propelled mount
** [[SB2U-2]]
** [[ASU-85]]
* '''TB Torpedo Bomber'''
* '''BT Bystrokhodny Tank:''' Light tank (literally: Fast-moving tank)
** [[TBD-1]]
** [[BT-7]]
* '''OS Observation Scout'''
* '''BTR – Bronev Transporter:''' Armoured personnel carrier (literally: Armoured transport)
** [[OS2U-1]]: Navy Observation Scout 2, Vought No.1
** [[BTR-152A]]
* '''RBT Raketny Bystrokhodny Tank:''' Rocket tank (literally: Fast-moving rocket tank)
====Post 1962====
** [[RBT-5]]
* '''BA Bronev Avtomobil:''' Armoured car
* '''AH - Attack Helicopter'''
** [[BA-11]]
** [[AH-1Z]]
* '''BM – Boyevaya Mashina:''' Rocket launcher vehicle (literally: Combat machine)
* '''UH - Utility Helicopter'''
** [[BM-8-24]]
** [[UH-1B]]
* '''BMP – Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty:''' Infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Infantry combat machine)
** [[BMP-1]]
* '''PT – Plavayushchy Tank:''' Amphibious tank (literally: Floating tank)
** [[PT-76B]]
* '''IT – Istrebitel Tankov:''' (Missile) tank destroyer (literally: Tank fighter)
** [[IT-1]]
* '''USS United States Ship:''' Honorific styling
* '''I Istrebitel:''' Fighter (airplane)
** [[USS Pensacola (CA-24)]]
** Polikarpov [[I-15 M-22]]
* '''DD Destroyer'''
* '''DB Dalny Bombardirovschik:''' Long-range bomber
** [[Fletcher (DD-445)]]
** Ilyushin [[DB-3B]]
* '''DE – Destroyer, Escort'''
* '''BB Blizhny Bombardirovschik:''' Short-range bomber
* '''CL Cruiser, Light:''' Light cruiser
** Sukhoi [[BB-1]]
** [[USS Brooklyn (CL-40)]]
* '''SB Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik:''' Fast bomber
* '''CA Cruiser, Armoured:''' Heavy cruiser
** Tupolev [[SB 2M-100]]
** [[USS Pensacola (CA-24)]]
* '''TB Tyazholy Bombardirovschik:''' Heavy bomber
* '''CV Cruiser, Voler:''' Aircraft carrier (historically based on aviation cruisers)
** Tupolev [[TB-3M-17-32]]
** USS Lexington (CV-2)
* '''MBR Morskoi Blizhny Razvedchik:''' Naval short-range reconnaissance (airplane)
* '''CB Cruiser, Battle:''' Battlecruiser
** Beriev [[MBR-2-M-34]]
* '''BB – Battleship'''
* '''U Uchebny:''' Trainer (airplane)
** [[USS North Dakota (BB-29)]]
** Polikarpov [[Po-2|U-2]] (original designation of the Po-2)
* '''PG Patrol Gunboat'''
** [[PG 02]]
* '''PGH - Patrol Gunboat Hydrofoil'''
** [[PGH-2]]
* '''MO Malyi Okhotnik:''' Small submarine chaser (literally: Small hunter)
* '''PT Patrol Torpedo boat'''
** [[MO-4]]
** [[Elco 77 ft PT-20]]
* '''BMO Bronirovanny Malyi Okhotnik: ''' Armoured small submarine chaser (literally: Armed small hunter)
* '''PTF Patrol Torpedo boat, Fast'''
** [[BMO]]
** [[80 ft Nasty|80 ft Nasty (PTF-7)]]
* '''MPK Malyi Protivolodochnoi Korabl:''' Small anti-submarine ship
* '''PC Patrol Chaser'''
** [[MPK pr. 122A]]
** [[165 ft PC-451]]
* '''MBK – Morskoi Bronekater:''' Armoured gunboat (literally: Naval combat cutter)
* '''SC - Submarine Chaser'''
** [[MBK pr.186]]
** [[110 ft SC-497]]
* '''SKR – Storozhevoi Korabl:''' Observation ship
* '''LCS - Landing Craft Support'''
** [[Groza|SKR Groza, Uragan type (1943)]]
** [[LCS(L)(3)]]
* '''SS – Submarine'''
* '''SSN – Submarine, Nuclear-powered'''
* '''SSBN – Ballistic Missile Submarine, Nuclear-powered'''
==Vehicle (UK)==
* '''A – Armour Index of the General Staff''' (historical index number)
* '''UB – Universalniy Berezina:''' Berezin universal (MG)
** [[Churchill Mk I|Infantry Tank Mk IV A22 "Churchill" Mk I]]
** [[Berezin UB (12.7 mm)]]
* '''FV Fighting Vehicle''' (modern index number)
* '''DP – Degtyarov Pulemyot:''' Degtyarov MG
** [[FV4202]]
* '''DT – Degtyarov Tankovy:''' Degtyarov tank (MG)
* '''F Fighter'''
** [[DT (7.62 mm)]]
** [[Spitfire F Mk 24]]
* '''DA – Degtyarov Aviatsonny:''' Degtyarov airplane (MG)
* '''FR Fighter-Reconnaissance'''
** [[DA (7.62 mm)]]
** [[Firefly FR Mk V]]
* '''PV – Pulemet Vozdushny:''' Airborne MG
* '''FAW Fighter All-Weather'''
** [[PV-1 (7.62 mm)]]
** [[Sea Venom FAW 20]]
* '''ShKAS – Shpitalny-Komaritski Aviatsionny Skorostrelny:''' Shpitalny-Komaritsky airplane rapid-fire (MG)
* '''FG Fighter/Ground attack'''
** [[ShKAS (7.62 mm)]]
** [[Phantom FG.1]]
* '''DShK – Degtyaryova-Shpagina Krupnokaliberny:''' Degtyarov-Shpagin large-calibre (MG)
* '''FGA Fighter/Ground Attack'''
** [[DShK (12.7 mm)]]
** [[Sea Hawk FGA.6]]
* '''A – Afanasev''' (MG)
* '''FGR Fighter/Ground attack/Reconnaissance'''
** [[A-12.7 (12.7 mm)]]
** [[Phantom FGR.2]]
* '''B Berezin''' (auto-cannon)
* '''LF Long-range Fighter'''
** [[B-20 (20 mm) (Family)|B-20 (20 mm)]]
* '''Yak-B Yakushev-Borzov''' (MG)
** [[YaK-B (12.7 mm)]]
* '''ShVAK Shpitalny-Vladimirov Aviatsionny Krupnokaliberny:''' Shpitalny-Vladimirov airplane large-calibre (auto-cannon)
** [[ShVAK (20 mm)]]
* '''TNSh Tankovy Nudelman-Shpitalny:''' Nudelman-Shpitalny tank (auto-cannon)
** [[TNSh (20 mm)]]
* '''PTB Pushka Taubin-Baburin:''' Taubin-Baburin cannon
** [[PTB-23 (23 mm)]]
* '''VYa – Volkov-Yartsev''' (auto-cannon)
** [[VYa-23 (23 mm)]]
* '''NS – Nudelman-Suranov''' (auto-cannon)
** [[NS-23 (23 mm)]]
* '''NR – Nudelman-Rikhter''' (auto-cannon)
** [[NR-30 (30 mm)]]
* '''GSh – Gryazev-Shipunov''' (auto-cannon)
** [[GSh-23-2 (23 mm)]]
* '''N-37D – Nudelman 37 mm Dulny tormoz:''' Nudelman 37 mm (auto-cannon with) muzzle brake
** [[N-37D (37 mm)]]
* '''KPVT Krupnokaliberniy Pulemyot Vladimirova Tankovy:''' Vladimirov large-calibre tank MG
** [[KPVT (14.5 mm)]]
* '''ZPU Zenitnaya Pulemotnaya Ustanovka:''' Anti-aircraft MG mount
* '''NSVT – Nikitina-Sokolova-Volkova Tankovy:''' Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov tank (MG)
** [[NSVT (12.7 mm)]]
* '''PKT Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankovy:''' Kalashnikov tank MG
** [[PKT (7.62 mm)]]
* '''SGMT Stankovy Goryunova Modernizirovany Tankovy:''' Goryunov modernized mounted tank (MG)
** [[SGMT (7.62 mm)]]
* '''20-K – Gun No. 20 of the Korolyov factory'''
** [[20-K (45 mm)]]
* '''L-11 – Gun No. 11 of the Leningrad factory'''
** [[L-11 (76 mm)]]
* '''LF – Low-altitute Fighter'''
** [[Spitfire LF Mk IX]]
* '''FB – Fighter-Bomber'''
** [[Sea Fury FB 11]]
* '''B – Bomber'''
** [[Lancaster B Mk III]]
* '''B(I) – Bomber (Interdictor)'''
** [[Canberra B (I) Mk 6]]
* '''TB – Torpedo Bomber'''
** [[Hampden TB Mk I]]
* '''TF – Torpedo-Fighter'''
** [[Firebrand TF Mk IV]]
* '''HMS – His/Her Majesty's Ship:''' Honorific styling
** [[HMS Southampton]]
* '''HMT – His/Her Majesty's Trawler:''' Honorific styling
** [[Isles class (T-285)|HMT Liscomb]]
==Vehicle (other)==
* '''BR – Broneboynye:''' Armour-piercing (shell)
* '''BZ – Broneboyny Zazhigatelny:''' Armour-piercing incendiary (shell)
* '''BZT – Broneboyny Zazhigatelny Trassiruyushchy:''' Armour-piercing incendiary tracer (shell)
* '''PB – Polu Broneboynye:''' Semi armour-piercing (shell)
* '''O – Oskolochno:''' Fragmentation (shell)
* '''OZ – Oskolochno Zazhigatelny:''' Fragmentation incendiary (shell)
* '''OZT – Oskolochno Zazhigatelny Trassiruyushchy:''' Fragmentation incendiary tracer (shell)
* '''OF – Oskolochno Fugasny:''' High-explosive fragmentation (shell)
* '''Sh – Shrapnel''' (shell)
* '''FAB – Fugasnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba:''' High-explosive aircraft bomb
* '''OFAB – Oskolochno Fugasnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba:''' High-explosive fragmentation aircraft bomb
* '''RS – Reaktivny Snaryad:''' Rocket (literally: Rocket-powered projectile)
* '''RBS – Reaktivny Broneboyny Snaryad:''' Armour-piercing rocket (literally: Rocket-powered armour-piercing projectile)
* '''HMAS – His/Her Majesty's Australian Ship:''' Honorific styling
** [[Battle (D37)|HMAS Tobruk]]
* '''HMCS – His/Her Majesty's Canadian Ship:''' Honorific styling
** [[Haida (G63)|HMCS Haida]]
* '''HMNZS – His/Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship:''' Honorific styling
** [[HMNZS Leander]]
* '''ORP – Okręt Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej:''' Warship of the Republic of Poland (honorific styling)
** [[Garland (H37)|ORP Garland]]
==Manufacturer/Designer (US)==
* '''Oby. – Obyekt:''' Object (tank prototype)
* '''Pr. – Proyekt:''' Project (ship design program)
** [[Pr.1124 (1940)]]
* '''E – Ekranami:''' Up-armoured (literally: With screens)
** [[KV-1E]]
* '''M – Modernizirovany:''' Modernized
** [[IS-4M]]
* '''S – Skorokhodnuyu:''' Lightened (literally: Fast)
** [[KV-1S]]
* '''SP – Soprovzhdeniya Pekhoty:''' Infantry support
** [[T-126|T-126(SP)]]
* '''U – Uluchshenny:''' Improved
** [[Pr. 7U]]
* '''V – Vzryvnoy:''' Explosive (Reactive Armour)
** [[T-64B|T-64BV]]
* '''T – Torpedonosets:''' Torpedo bomber
* '''GMC – General Motors Company''' (not to be confused with Gun Motor Carriage)
==Historical Name==
===(Army) Air Force===
* '''IS – Iosef Stalin''' (tank)
** [[IS-1]]
* '''KV – Kliment Voroshilov''' (tank)
** [[KV-2 (1939)]]
* '''SMK – Sergey Mironovich Kirov''' (tank)
** [[SMK]]
* '''BN – Boeing''' (Renton plant, Washington)
** [[B-29A-BN]]
* '''CO – Consolidated''' (San Diego plant, California)
** [[B-24D-25-CO]]
* '''DT – Douglas''' (Tulsa plant, Oklahoma)
** [[A-26C-45DT]]
* '''DB – Douglas Bomber''' (company designation)
** [[DB-7 (Great Britain)]]
* '''LO – Lockheed''' (Burbank plant, California)
** [[P-38L-5-LO]]
* '''NA – North American''' (Inglewood plant, California)
** [[P-51H-5-NA]]
* '''RE – Republic''' (Farmingdale plant, New York)
** [[F-84G-21-RE]]
* '''VE – Vega''' (Burbank plant, California)
** [[B-17G-60-VE]]
* '''ACh – Aleksei Charomsky'''
** [[Yer-2 (ACh-30B) (e)]]: Yermolayev Yer-2 with 2 Charomsky ACh-30B diesel engines
* '''A Brewster'''
* '''AM Aleksandr Mikulin'''
** [[F2A-1]] Buffalo: Navy Fighter 2, Brewster No. 1
** [[Su-6 (AM-42)]]: Su-6 with Mikulin AM-42 V-12 engine
* '''C Curtiss'''
* '''ANT – Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev'''
** [[SB2C-4]] Helldiver: Navy Scout Bomber 2, Curtiss No. 4
* '''Ar – Arkhangelsky'''
* '''D Douglas'''
** Arkhangelsky [[Ar-2]]
** [[SBD-3]] Dauntless: Navy Scout Bomber, Douglas No. 3
* '''GAZ – Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod:''' Gorky Automobile Factory
* '''F Grumman'''
** [[GAZ-AAA (4M)]]
** [[F6F-5]] Hellcat: Navy Fighter 6, Grumman No. 5
* '''Il – Ilyushin'''
* '''H McDonnell'''
** Ilyushin [[IL-2M (1943)]]
** [[F2H-2]] Banshee: Navy (Jet) Fighter 2, McDonnell No. 2
* '''KS – Krasnoye Sormovo'''
* '''J North American'''
* '''La Lavochkin'''
** [[PBJ-1H]] Mitchell: Navy Patrol Bomber, North American No. 1
** Lavochkin [[La-5]]
* '''M Martin'''
* '''LaGG Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov'''
** [[PBM-3]] Mariner: Navy Patrol Bomber, Martin No. 3
** Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov [[LaGG-3-66]]
* '''U Vought''' (military designation)
* '''M – Myasishchev'''
** [[OS2U-1]] Kingfisher: Navy Observation Scout 2, Vought No.1
* '''MAI – Moskovsky Avyatsyonny Instytut''' Moscow Aviation Institute
* '''V Vought''' (company designation)
** [[Tandem MAI]]
** [[V-156-B1]]
* '''Mi – Mil'''
* '''Y Consolidated'''
** Mil [[Mi-24A]]
** [[PBY-5 Catalina]]: Navy Patrol Bomber, Consolidated No. 5
* '''MiG – Mikoyan-Gurevich'''
** Mikoyan-Gurevich [[MiG-15]]
* '''OKB – Opytno-Konstruktorskoye Buro:''' Experimental Design Bureau
* '''Pe Petlyakov'''
** Petlyakov [[Pe-2-1]]
* '''Po Polikarpov'''
** Polikarpov [[Po-2]]
* '''STZ – Stalingradsky Traktoriy Zavod:''' Stalingrad Tractor Factory
** [[T-34E STZ]]
* '''Su – Sukhoi'''
** Sukhoi [[Su-2 MV-5]]
* '''Tu Tupolev'''
** Tupolev [[Tu-2S-44]]
* '''VK Vladimir Klimov'''
** [[Yak-3 (VK-107)]]: Yakovlev Yak-3 with Klimov VK-107 V-12 engine
* '''Yak Yakovlev'''
** Yakovlev [[Yak-1]]
* '''Yer Yermolayev'''
** Yermolayev [[Yer-2 (M-105)]]
* '''ZiS Zavod imeni Stalina:''' Factory named after Stalin
** [[ZiS-30]]
==Manufacturer/Designer (UK)==
* '''VVS – Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily:''' Soviet air force (literally: Military air force)
* '''VMF – Voyenno-Morskoy Flot:''' Soviet Navy (literally: Military maritime fleet)
* '''SA – Sovetskaya Armiya:''' Soviet army
* '''IAP – Istrebitelny Aviatsionny Polk:''' Fighter air regiment
* '''GvIAP – Gvardeysky Istrebitelny Aviatsionny Polk:''' Guards fighter air regiment
* '''ShAP – Shturmovoy Aviatsionny Polk:''' Ground attack air regiment
* '''AEC – Associated Equipment Company'''
** [[AEC Mk.II]]
* '''BAe – British Aerospace'''
* '''G – Gloster'''
** [[Meteor F Mk 8 G.41K]]
* '''MB – Martin-Baker'''
** [[MB.5]]
==Manufacturer/Designer (other)==
{{Notice|'''Vagn/Wagon''' indicates that the vehicle is "tracked". '''Bil/Car''' indicates that the vehicle is "wheeled".}}
* '''Strv – Stridsvagn:''' Tank (literally: Combat wagon)
** [[Strv m/38]]
* '''Strf – Stridsfordon:''' (Heavy) infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Combat vehicle)
** [[Strf 9040C]]
* '''Tgdb – Terrängdragbild:''' Off-road tractor unit (literally: Terrain pull-car)
** [[Lvtgdb m/40]]
* '''Sav – Stormartillerivagn:''' Assault gun (pre 1950s designation, literally: Assault artillery wagon)
** [[Sav m/43 (1946)]]
* '''Ikv – Infanterikanonvagn:''' Assault gun (post 1950s designation, literally: Infantry cannon wagon)
** [[Ikv 103]]
* '''Pvkv – Pansarvärnskanonvagn:''' Tracked self-propelled anti-tank gun (literally: Armour protection cannon wagon)
** [[Pvkv m/43 (1946)]]
* '''Lvkv – Luftvärnskanonvagn:''' Tracked self-propelled anti-air gun (literally: Air protection cannon wagon)
** [[Lvkv 42]]
* '''Pvrbv – Pansarvärnsrobotvagn:''' Tracked self-propelled anti-tank missile (literally: Armour protection robot wagon)
** [[Pvrbv 551]]
* '''Lvrbv – Luftvärnsrobotvagn:''' Tracked self-propelled anti-air missile (literally: Air protection robot wagon)
** [[Lvrbv 701]]
* '''UDES – Underlagsgrupp Direkt Eld Stridsfordon:''' Support group Direct Fire Combat vehicle (literall)
** [[UDES 33]]
* '''CAC – Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation'''
** [[Boomerang Mk I (Great Britain)|CAC Boomerang Mk I]]
====Vehicles types====
* '''DAP – Department of Aircraft Production'''
* '''Fpl - Flygplan:''' Aeroplane
** [[Beaufort Mk VIII|DAP Beaufort Mk VIII]]
* '''Hkp - Helikopter''' Helicopter
==Weaponry (US)==
====Designation prefixes====
* '''MCLOS – Manual Command to Line of Sight'''
* '''A - Attack''' Strike Aircraft/Attacker
* '''SACLOS – Semi-Automatic Command to Line of Sight'''
** [[A21A-3]]
* '''TOW – Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided'''
* '''B - Bomb''' Bomber
** [[BGM-71 TOW]]
** [[B3C]]
* '''AGM – Air-launched, Ground-attack, Missile'''
* '''J - Jakt:''' Persuit aircraft/Fighter
** [[AGM-12B Bullpup]]
** [[J26]]
* '''AIM – Air-launched, Interception, Missile'''
* '''S - Spaning:''' Reconnaissance Aircraft
** [[AIM-9B Sidewinder]]
* '''SK - Skol:''' Trainer Aircraft
* '''BGM – Multi-launched, Ground-attack, Missile'''
** [[SK60B]]
* '''VADS – Vulcan Air Defense System'''
* '''T - Torped:''' Torpedo Bomber
* '''AN – Army/Navy'''
** [[T18B-1]]
** [[AN/M2 (20 mm)]]
* '''Ö - Övning:''' Advanced Trainer Aircraft
* '''HB – Heavy Barrel'''
** [[M2HB (12.7 mm)]]
==Weaponry (UK)==
* '''BL Breech-loading''' (cannon): Usually for (naval) guns of 5 inch calibre and upwards.
* '''ksp kulspruta:''' Machine gun
** [[6 inch/45 BL Mark XII (152 mm)]]
** [[ksp m/22 (8 mm)]]
* '''QF – Quick-firing''' (cannon): Usually for (naval) guns of up to 5 inch calibre.
* '''kan - kanon:''' Cannon
** [[6 inch/50 QF Mark N5 (152 mm)]]
** [[kan Strv 81 (84 mm)]]
* '''RP – Remote-powered''' (control): System of direct unified control of turrets (RP.10: Hydraulic, RP.50: Electric)
* '''akan automatkanon:''' Autocannon
* '''HA – High-angle''' (mount): Mounting for large-calibre AA guns.
** [[Akan m/55 (30 mm)]]
* '''CP – Central-pivot''' (mount): Mounting for naval guns.
* '''pvkan - pansarvärnskanon:''' Anti-tank gun
* '''BD – Between decks''' (mount): Low profile mountings, noticeably for being flush with the flight decks on carriers
** [[Pvkan m/43 (75 mm)]]
* '''STAAG – Stabilized tachymetric anti-aircraft gun''' (mount)
* '''lvkan - Luftvärnskanon:''' Anti-aircraft gun
** [[QF STAAG Mark II (40 mm)]]
** [[Lvkan m/37 A (75 mm)]]
* '''ADEN Armament Development Establishment, Enfield'''
* '''fsthaub - Fästningshaubits:''' Fortress howitzer
** [[ADEN (30 mm)]]
** [[Fsthaub m/02 (150 mm)]]
* '''RARDEN – Royal Armament, Research and Development Establishment, Enfield'''
** [[L21A1 (30 mm)|L21A1 RARDEN (30 mm)]]
* '''pdr – Pounder:''' Gun designations based on the pound (lb) weight of their projectiles.
** [[20pdr OQF Mk.I (84 mm)]]
* '''cwt – Hundredweight (centum weight):''' Gun designations based on weight (barrel and breech) in cwt (1 cwt = 112 lb)
** [[OQF 3in 20cwt (76 mm)]] (20 cwt = 2,250 lb)
* '''GO – Gas Operated'''
* '''B – Ball-Point'''
* '''gr - granat:''' Grenade (synonymous with shell)
* '''I – Incendiary'''
* '''prj - projektil:''' Bullet
* '''I-T – Incendiary Tracer'''
* '''hpgr - halvpansargranat:''' Semi-armour-piercing shell
* '''IAI – Immediate Action Incendiary'''
* '''slpprj - spårljuspansarprojektil:''' Armour-piercing tracer bullet
* '''FI – Fragmentation Incendiary'''
* '''slsgr - spårljusspränggranat:''' High-explosive tracer shell
* '''FI-T – Fragmentation Incendiary Tracer'''
* '''sgr - spränggranat:''' High-explosive shell
* '''T – Tracer'''
* '''rökgr - rökgranat:''' Smoke shell (literally: Smoke grenade)
* '''P – Practice'''
* '''Rb - Robot:''' Missile
* '''PT – Practice Tracer'''
** [[Rb24]]
* '''SAP – Semi-Armour-Piercing'''
* '''Rbs - Robotsystem:''' Missile launcher/system (literally: missile system)
* '''SAPI – Semi-Armour-Piercing Incendiary'''
** [[Rbs 55]]
* '''AP – Armour-Piercing'''
* '''srak - Sprängraket:''' Explosive rocket
* '''API – Armour-Piercing Incendiary'''
** [[srak m/51]]
* '''AP-T – Armour-Piercing Tracer'''
* '''psrak - Pansarsprängraket:''' Armour-piercing explosive rocket
* '''API-T – Armour-Piercing Incendiary Tracer'''
** [[psrak m/49A]]
* '''APC – Armour-Piercing Capped'''
* '''hprak - Halvpansarraket''' Semi-armour-piercing rocket (literally: half-armour rocket)
* '''APCBC – Armour-Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped'''
** [[hprak m/49]]
* '''APCR – Armour-Piercing Composite Rigid'''
* '''mb - Minbomb''' Medium capacity / General purpose bomb
* '''APHE – Armour-Piercing High-Explosive'''
** [[mb m/50 (600 kg)]]
* '''APDS – Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot'''
* '''sb - Sprängbomb''' High-explosive bomb
* '''APFSDS – Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot'''
** [[sb m/61 (120 kg)]]
* '''HVAP – High-Velocity Armour-Piercing'''
* '''HVAP-T – High-Velocity Armour-Piercing Tracer'''
* '''HE – High-Explosive'''
* '''HEF – High-Explosive Fragmentation'''
* '''HE-I – High-Explosive Incendiary'''
* '''HEFI – High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary'''
* '''HEF-T – High-Explosive Fragmentation Tracer'''
* '''HEFI-T – High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary Tracer'''
* '''HESH – High-Explosive Squash-Head'''
* '''HEAT – High-Explosive Anti-Tank'''
* '''HEAT-FS – High-Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilized'''
* '''ATGM – Anti-Tank Guided Missile'''
* '''GP – General Purpose''' (bomb)
* '''MC – Medium Capacity''' (bomb)
* '''HC – High Capacity''' (bomb)
==Munition (UK)==
* '''RP – Rocket Projectile'''
** [[RP-3]]
==Military (US)==
* '''USAAF – United States Army Air Force'''
* '''USAF – United States Air Force'''
* '''USMC – United States Marine Corps'''
** [[M3A1 (USMC)]]
* '''USN – United States Navy'''
* '''VMF – Marine Fighter Squadron:''' V – Fixed-wing aircraft, M – Marine Corps, F – Fighter
** [[F4U-4B VMF-214]]: Marine Fighter Squadron No. 214
* '''VMA – Marine Attacker Squadron:''' V – Fixed-wing aircraft, M – Marine Corps, A – Attacker
==Military (UK)==
* '''RAF – Royal Air Force'''
* '''RN – Royal Navy'''
* '''FAA – Fleet Air Arm:''' Royal Navy Air Force
==Military (other)==
* '''RAAF – Royal Australian Air Force'''
* '''RCAF – Royal Canadian Air Force'''
* '''RNZAF – Royal New Zealand Air Force          [[Category:Custom articles]]'''

Revision as of 02:50, 21 July 2021

Introducing Wiki 3.0




  • LT – Lehký tank: Light tank
    • LT vz. 38
  • ST – Střední tank: Medium tank
    • ST vz. 39
  • OA – Obrněný automobil: Armoured car
  • vz. – vzor: Version


  • ČKD – Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk
  • ZB – Zbrojovka Brno


Vehicle (US)



Army (pre-1962)

Navy (pre-1962)

  • A - Attacker
  • F - Fighter
  • BT - Bomber (torpedo)
  • P - Patrol
  • PB – Patrol Bomber
  • SB – Scout Bomber (Dive bomber):
  • TB – Torpedo Bomber
  • OS – Observation Scout
    • OS2U-1: Navy Observation Scout 2, Vought No.1

Post 1962

  • AH - Attack Helicopter
  • UH - Utility Helicopter


Vehicle (UK)


Vehicle (other)

  • HMAS – His/Her Majesty's Australian Ship: Honorific styling
  • HMCS – His/Her Majesty's Canadian Ship: Honorific styling
  • HMNZS – His/Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship: Honorific styling
  • ORP – Okręt Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej: Warship of the Republic of Poland (honorific styling)

Manufacturer/Designer (US)

  • GMC – General Motors Company (not to be confused with Gun Motor Carriage)

(Army) Air Force

  • BN – Boeing (Renton plant, Washington)
  • CO – Consolidated (San Diego plant, California)
  • DT – Douglas (Tulsa plant, Oklahoma)
  • DB – Douglas Bomber (company designation)
  • LO – Lockheed (Burbank plant, California)
  • NA – North American (Inglewood plant, California)
  • RE – Republic (Farmingdale plant, New York)
  • VE – Vega (Burbank plant, California)


  • A – Brewster
    • F2A-1 Buffalo: Navy Fighter 2, Brewster No. 1
  • C – Curtiss
    • SB2C-4 Helldiver: Navy Scout Bomber 2, Curtiss No. 4
  • D – Douglas
    • SBD-3 Dauntless: Navy Scout Bomber, Douglas No. 3
  • F – Grumman
    • F6F-5 Hellcat: Navy Fighter 6, Grumman No. 5
  • H – McDonnell
    • F2H-2 Banshee: Navy (Jet) Fighter 2, McDonnell No. 2
  • J – North American
    • PBJ-1H Mitchell: Navy Patrol Bomber, North American No. 1
  • M – Martin
    • PBM-3 Mariner: Navy Patrol Bomber, Martin No. 3
  • U – Vought (military designation)
    • OS2U-1 Kingfisher: Navy Observation Scout 2, Vought No.1
  • V – Vought (company designation)
  • Y – Consolidated

Manufacturer/Designer (UK)

Manufacturer/Designer (other)

Weaponry (US)

  • MCLOS – Manual Command to Line of Sight
  • SACLOS – Semi-Automatic Command to Line of Sight
  • TOW – Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided
  • AGM – Air-launched, Ground-attack, Missile
  • AIM – Air-launched, Interception, Missile
  • BGM – Multi-launched, Ground-attack, Missile
  • VADS – Vulcan Air Defense System
  • AN – Army/Navy
  • HB – Heavy Barrel

Weaponry (UK)

  • BL – Breech-loading (cannon): Usually for (naval) guns of 5 inch calibre and upwards.
  • QF – Quick-firing (cannon): Usually for (naval) guns of up to 5 inch calibre.
  • RP – Remote-powered (control): System of direct unified control of turrets (RP.10: Hydraulic, RP.50: Electric)
  • HA – High-angle (mount): Mounting for large-calibre AA guns.
  • CP – Central-pivot (mount): Mounting for naval guns.
  • BD – Between decks (mount): Low profile mountings, noticeably for being flush with the flight decks on carriers
  • STAAG – Stabilized tachymetric anti-aircraft gun (mount)
  • ADEN – Armament Development Establishment, Enfield
  • RARDEN – Royal Armament, Research and Development Establishment, Enfield
  • pdr – Pounder: Gun designations based on the pound (lb) weight of their projectiles.
  • cwt – Hundredweight (centum weight): Gun designations based on weight (barrel and breech) in cwt (1 cwt = 112 lb)
  • GO – Gas Operated


  • B – Ball-Point
  • I – Incendiary
  • I-T – Incendiary Tracer
  • IAI – Immediate Action Incendiary
  • FI – Fragmentation Incendiary
  • FI-T – Fragmentation Incendiary Tracer
  • T – Tracer
  • P – Practice
  • PT – Practice Tracer
  • SAP – Semi-Armour-Piercing
  • SAPI – Semi-Armour-Piercing Incendiary
  • AP – Armour-Piercing
  • API – Armour-Piercing Incendiary
  • AP-T – Armour-Piercing Tracer
  • API-T – Armour-Piercing Incendiary Tracer
  • APC – Armour-Piercing Capped
  • APCBC – Armour-Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped
  • APCR – Armour-Piercing Composite Rigid
  • APHE – Armour-Piercing High-Explosive
  • APDS – Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot
  • APFSDS – Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot
  • HVAP – High-Velocity Armour-Piercing
  • HVAP-T – High-Velocity Armour-Piercing Tracer
  • HE – High-Explosive
  • HEF – High-Explosive Fragmentation
  • HE-I – High-Explosive Incendiary
  • HEFI – High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary
  • HEF-T – High-Explosive Fragmentation Tracer
  • HEFI-T – High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary Tracer
  • HESH – High-Explosive Squash-Head
  • HEAT – High-Explosive Anti-Tank
  • HEAT-FS – High-Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilized
  • ATGM – Anti-Tank Guided Missile
  • GP – General Purpose (bomb)
  • MC – Medium Capacity (bomb)
  • HC – High Capacity (bomb)

Munition (UK)

  • RP – Rocket Projectile

Military (US)

  • USAAF – United States Army Air Force
  • USAF – United States Air Force
  • USMC – United States Marine Corps
  • USN – United States Navy
  • VMF – Marine Fighter Squadron: V – Fixed-wing aircraft, M – Marine Corps, F – Fighter
  • VMA – Marine Attacker Squadron: V – Fixed-wing aircraft, M – Marine Corps, A – Attacker

Military (UK)

  • RAF – Royal Air Force
  • RN – Royal Navy
  • FAA – Fleet Air Arm: Royal Navy Air Force

Military (other)

  • RAAF – Royal Australian Air Force
  • RCAF – Royal Canadian Air Force
  • RNZAF – Royal New Zealand Air Force



  • ItO – Ilmaturjuntaohjus: Anti-air missile (literally: Air protection missile)
    • Ito 90M (vehicles named after its weapon system)



  • Char – Char de bataille: Battle tank
  • AMC – Automitrailleuse de Combat: Combat machine gun (vehicle)
  • AMD – Automitrailleuse de Découverte: Scout machine gun (vehicle)
  • AMR – Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance: Scout machine gun (vehicle)
  • AML – Automitrailleuse Légère: Light machine gun (vehicle)
  • DCA – Défense contre avions: Anti-air defense
  • EBR – Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance: Armoured reconnaissance vehicle
  • VTT – Véhicule de transport de troupe: Armoured personnel carrier (literally: Troop transport vehicle)
  • CA – Canon d'assaut: Tank destroyer (literally: Assault cannon)
  • CAu – Canon automoteur: Self-propelled gun
  • TRC – Tracteur de ravitaillement pour chars: Tank supply tractor
  • RC – Roues-Canon: Wheeled gun (carrier)
  • Mle – Modèle: Model


  • AAT – Arme Automatique Transformable: general-purpose machine gun
  • SA – Semi-automatique: Semi-automatic (cannon)
  • CA – Canon antiaérien: Anti-aircraft cannon
  • CN – Canon: cannon (tank)
  • CAD – Canon antiaérien double: Twin (mount) anti-aircraft cannon
  • CAQ – Canon antiaérien quadruple: Quad (mount) anti-aircraft cannon
  • T – Tourelle: turret-mounted (aircraft)


  • ACRA – Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé:Anti-Tank Quick Self-propelled (missile)
  • Ch.F – Charge Forte: (literally: Strong charge) Designates a shell whose propellant charge is bigger than usual shells. Effects are a higher initial speed, increased penetration but more stress and heating for the cannon.
  • HOT – Haut Subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé: High Subsonic, Optical Remote-Guided, Tube-Launched (missile)
  • OE – Obus Explosif: High-explosive shell
  • OEA – Obus Explosif Acier: High-explosive fuzed (AA) shell
  • OEcl – Obus Eclairant: Illumination shell
  • OPf – Obus Perforant: Armour-piercing shell
  • OPfK – Obus Perforant (avec colorant) K: Armour-piercing naval shell (with type K spotting dye)
  • OFl – Obus Flèche: APDS shell (literally: Dart shell)
  • OCC – Obus Charge Creuse: HEAT shell (literally: Hollow charge shell)
  • PCOT – Perforant Coiffé Ogive Traceur: Armour-piercing Capped Tracer shell
  • POT – Perforant Ogive Traceur: Armour-piercing Tracer shell
  • AA – Air-Air: Air-to-air (missile)
  • AS – Air-Sol: Air-to-ground (missile)
  • SS – Sol-Sol: Ground-to-ground (missile)
  • TP – Traceuse Perforante: Armour-piercing Tracer shell


  • bis: Second (iteration)
  • ter: Third (iteration)


  • AMX – Atelier de Construction d'Issy-Les-Moulineaux: Issy-Les-Moulineaux construction workshop
  • APX – Atelier de Puteaux
  • ACL – Atelier et Chantiers de la Loire
  • ARL – Atelier de Construction de Rueil: Rueil construction workshop
  • GIAT – Groupement Industriel de l’Armement Terrestre Industrial group for land weapon systems
  • S/SOMUA – Société d'outillage mécanique et d'usinage d'artillerie: Mechanical tooling and artillery machining company
    • Char de cavalerie SOMUA 1935 S (S.35)
  • NC/SNCAC – Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Centre
  • SA/SNCASE – Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Est
  • SO/SNCASO – Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Ouest
  • FCM – Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée
  • DEFA – Direction des Études et Fabrications d'Armes
  • MAC – Manufacture d'Armes de Châtellerault: Châtellerault weapons manufacturer
  • FN – Fabrique Nationale
  • FL – Fives-Lille
  • R – Renault
  • H – Hotchkiss
  • L – Lorraine
  • D – Dewoitine
  • C/CR - Caudron(-Renault)
  • MS – Morane-Saulnier
  • F – Farman
  • MB – Marcel Bloch (renamed to Dassault in 1949)
  • MD – Marcel Dassault
  • LeO – Lioré-et-Olivier
  • VG – Arsenal (named after Michel Vernisse and Jean Galtier)
  • VB – Arsenal (named after Michel Vernisse and Michel Badie)
  • HS – Hispano-Suiza


  • BCC – Battalion de Chars de Combat: Battle tank battalion
  • RCC – Régiment de Chars de Combat: Battle tank regiment
  • DCr – Division Cuirassée: Armoured division
  • MN – Marine Nationale: French navy (literally: National navy)
  • FNFL – Forces Navales Françaises Libres: Free French naval forces
  • FAFL – Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres: Free French air forces




  • Pz. – Panzer: Tank (literally: Armour)
  • Pz.Kpfw. – Panzerkampfwagen: Tank (literally: Armour combat vehicle)
  • Sd.Kfz. – Sonderkraftfahrzeug: Special purpose vehicle (index number assigned to all armed forces vehicles)
  • Pz.Sp.Wg. – Panzerspähwagen: Armoured scout vehicle
  • KPz – Kampfpanzer: Battle tank (modern designation)
  • FlaKPz – Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer: Anti-air cannon tank
  • StuG – Sturmgeschütz: Assault gun
  • StuH – Sturmhaubitze: Assault howitzer
  • Bfw. – Befehlswagen: Command vehicle
  • Pz.Bfw./Pz.Bef.Wg. – Panzerbefehlswagen: Command tank
  • JPz/JgPz/JgdPz – Jagdpanzer: (Tank based) tank destroyer (literally: Hunting tank)
  • RakJPz – Raketenjagdpanzer: (Missile-carrier based) tank destroyer (literally: Missile hunting tank)
  • PzJg – Panzerjäger: (SPG based) tank destroyer (literally: Tank hunter)
  • Pz.W./Pz.Wfr. – Panzerwerfer: Anti-tank rocket launcher (literally: Tank thrower)
  • SpPz – Spähpanzer: Scout tank
  • SPz – Schützenpanzer: Infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Protective tank)
  • VK – Versuchskonstruktion: Trial design (literally: Experimental construction)
  • VT - Versuchsträger: Test-bed (literally: Experiment carrier)
  • WT – Waffenträger: Self-propelled gun (literally: Weapon carrier)
  • Ausf. – Ausführung: Model
  • E – Entwicklung: Development (refers to the proposed standardised tank development projects)
  • Fgst. - Fahrgestell: Chassis
  • Sfl. - Sonderfahrgestell: Special chassis
  • Sf. - Selbstfahrend: Self-propelled
  • GW – Geschützwagen: (Heavy) self-propelled gun (literally: Heavy gun vehicle)
  • ZgKw – Zugkraftwagen: Truck
  • Zug - Zugkraftwagen: Truck


  • StuKa – Sturzkampfflugzeug: Dive bomber (literally: Dive attack airplane)
  • PAH – Panzerabwehrhubschrauber: Anti-tank helicopter


  • Z – Zerstörer: Destroyer
  • K – Kanonenboot: Gun boat
  • T – Torpedoboot: Torpedo boat
  • R – Räumboot: Mine sweeper
  • S – Schnellboot: Fast attack craft
  • LS – Leichte-Schnellboot: Light fast attack craft
  • VS – Versuchs-Schnellboot: Experimental fast attack craft
  • SF – Siebelfähre: Siebel ferry (named after Friedrich Siebel)
  • AF/AFP – Artilleriefährprahm: Artillery ferry barge
  • MZ - Mehrzweckboot: Multi-purpose boat
  • U – Unterseeboot: Submarine

Weaponry (DE)

  • FH – Feldhaubitze: Field howitzer
  • IG – Infanteriegeschütz: Infantry gun
  • Sfl – Selbsfahrlafette: Self-propelled gun (literally: Self-propelled mount/chassis/underlayer)
  • KwK – Kampfwagenkanone: Tank gun (literally: Combat vehicle cannon)
  • PaK – Panzerabwehrkanone: Anti-tank gun (literally: Armour-defense cannon)
  • FlaK – Flugabwehrkanone: Anti-air gun (literally: Air-defense cannon)
  • MG – Maschinengewehr: Machine gun (literally: Machine rifle)
  • MG FF – Maschinengewehr Flügel-Fest: Machine gun wing-fixed
  • MG FF/M – Maschinengewehr Flügel-Fest/Minengeschoß: Machine gun wing-fixed/mineshot
  • MK – Maschinenkanone: Auto-cannon (literally: Machine cannon), occasionally Motorkanone, cannon firing through engine
  • SK – Schiffskanone: Ship cannon (originally used as Schnellfeuerkanone: Quick-firing cannon during WWI)
  • TbtK – Torpedobootskanone: Torpedo boat cannon (also used for some destroyer turrets/guns)
  • BK – Bordkanone: Board cannon (large calibre guns equipped to aircraft)
  • BR – Bordrakete: Board rocket (rockets equipped to aircraft)
  • K – Kanone: Cannon
  • T – Torpedo
  • LT – Lufttorpedo: Aerial torpedo (torpedoes used by aircraft)
  • L/ – Länge: Length (refers to calibre-length of gun barrels)
  • C/ – Construktionsjahr: Year of construction (archaic spelling of Konstruktion)
  • L – Lafette: Gun mount
  • DopL – Doppellafette: Twin gun mount (literally: Double mount)
  • DrhL – Drehturmlafette: Turret gun mount (literally: Turntable turret mount)
  • Pz.B. – Panzerbüchse: Anti-tank rifle

Weaponry (CH)

  • KDAKanone, Kalibergruppe D, Ausführung A: Cannon, calibre group D (30 mm+), variant A (belt-fed)
  • KADKanone, Kalibergruppe A, Ausführung D: Cannon, calibre group A (20 mm), variant D


  • Gr – Granate: Grenade (synonymous with shell)
  • Br – Brandkörper: Incendiary charge (literally: Blaze body)
  • KGr – Kanonengranate: Cannon shell (literally: Cannon grenade)
  • PzGr – Panzergranate: Armour-piercing shell (literally: Armour grenade)
  • BrGr – Brandgranate: Incendiary shell (literally: Burn grenade)
  • PzBrGr – Panzerbrandgranate: Armour-piercing incendiary shell (literally: Armour burn grenade)
  • SpGr – Sprenggranate: High-explosive fragmentation shell (literally: Burst grenade). Sometimes spelled Sprgr.
  • PzSpGr – Panzersprenggranate: Armour-piercing high-explosive shell (literally: Armour burst grenade)
  • HlGr – Hohlladungsgranate: High-explosive anti-tank shell (literally: Hollow-charge grenade)
  • Patr – Patrone: Bullet
  • GrPatr – Granatpatrone: Shell (for 15 and 20 mm munition)
  • SC – Sprengbombe Cylindrisch: General-purpose bomb (archaic spelling of zylindrisch, literally: Burst bomb, cylindrical)
  • SD – Sprengbombe Dickwandig: Semi-armour-piercing bomb (literally: Burst bomb, thick-walled)
  • PC – Panzersprengbombe Cylindrisch: Armour-piercing high-explosive bomb (literally: Armour-bursting bomb, cylindrical)
  • PD – Panzersprengbombe Dickwandig: Heavy armour-piercing bomb (literally: Armour-bursting bomb, thick-walled)
  • LFK – Lenkflugkörper: (Anti-tank) guided missile (literally: Guided flight body)
  • F5W – Torpedo designation: F – 17.7 inch (450 mm) calibre, 5 – roughly 5 meter length, W – whitehead (German designation of Italian F200/450 torpedo)
  • G7a/T 1 – Torpedo designation: G – 21 inch (533 mm) calibre, 7 – roughly 7 meter length, a – steam propulsion, T 1 – Torpedo model number 1
  • L'spur – Leuchtspur: Tracer
  • Zerl. – Zerleger: Self-destroying (literally: Disassambler)
  • Fp – Füllpulver: Explosive filling (literally: Filling powder)
  • DM – Deutsches Modell: German Model (modern designation to differentiate between American M munition)
  • Zt.Z – Zeitzünder: Time fuze
  • Lh – Lichtspurhülse: Base tracer
  • Bd.Z – Bodenzünder: Base fuze. Sometimes spelled Bdz
  • m.Hb – mit Haube: Capped


  • le – leicht: Light
  • s – schwer: Heavy
  • gp – gepanzert: Armoured
  • nA – neuer Art: Modernized (literally: New type)
  • (r) – russisch: Russian captured vehicle
  • (e) – englisch: British captured vehicle
  • (t) – tschechisch: Czech captured vehicle
  • (a) – amerikanisch: American captured vehicle
  • (f) – französisch: French captured vehicle
  • U – Umbau: Conversion (kit)
  • R – Rüstsatz: Upgrade (kit)
  • /Trop – Tropen: Tropic (variant with air filters)
  • (Mob) – Mobilmachung: Mobilization (design modification aimed at simplified and thus faster construction)



  • KM – Kriegsmarine: German navy (literally: War navy)
  • LW – Luftwaffe: German air force (literally: Air weapon)
  • BW – Bundeswehr: (Modern) German army (literally: Federation defense)
  • RLM – Reichsluftfahrtministerium: Ministry of national aviation
  • OKW – Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: High command of the armed forces
  • JG – Jagdgeschwader: Fighter division (literally: hunting division)
  • NJG – Nachtjagdgeschwader: Night fighter division (literally: night hunting division)
  • ZG – Zerstörergeschwader: Heavy fighter division (literally: destroyer division)
  • KG – Kampfgeschwader: Bomber division (literally: attack division)
  • SKG – Schnellkampfgeschwader: Fast bomber division (literally: fast attack division)
  • StG – Sturzkampfgeschwader: Dive bomber division (literally: dive attack division)



  • P – Pesante: Heavy (tank)
    • P26/40: Heavy tank, 26 tons, model 1940
  • M – Medio: Medium (tank)
    • M15/42: Medium tank, 15 tons, model 1942
  • L – Leggero: Light (tank)
    • L6/40: Light tank, 6 tons, model 1930
  • AB – Autoblinda: Armoured car
    • AB 41: Armoured car, model 1941
  • R – Ricognizione: Reconnaisance (vehicle)
  • SIDAM – Sistema Italiano di Difesa Aerea Mobile: Italian system for mobile air-defense


Abbreviation Company Note / Translation Example
Air vehicles
C.R. Caccia Rosatelli (Fighter) named after Celestino Rosatelli FIAT C.R.42
B.R. Bombardiere Rosatelli (Bomber) named after Celestino Rosatelli FIAT B.R.20
G. named after Giuseppe Gabrielli FIAT G.50
Società Anonima Costruzioni Aeronautiche Savoia Savoy Aeronautical Constructions Company Savoia S.81
Marchetti named after Alessandro Marchetti Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79
P. Piaggio Piaggio P.108
M.C. (Aeronautica) Macchi Aeronautics Machi Macchi M.C.200
Castoldi named after Mario Castoldi
Ba. Società Italiana Ernesto Breda Italian Company Ernesto Breda Breda Ba.65
Re. Officine Meccaniche Reggiane SpA Technical Bureau Reggiane Subsidiary Reggiane Re.2000
CANT Z. Cantieri Aeronautici e Navali Triestini Aeronautical and naval yard Trieste CANT Z.1007
Zappata named after Filippo Zappata
Ground vehicles
OTO Odero-Terni-Orlando OTOMATIC
FIAT Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino Italian automobile factory Turin FIAT 6614
SAFAT Società Anonima Fabbrica Armi Torino Turin arms factory incorporated company Breda-SAFAT (12.7 mm)


  • SR – Senza Rinculo: Recoilless (gun)


Affix Meaning Translation Example
A Artigliere Artillery P.108A
AS Aerosilurante Air torpedo G.55S
Africa Settentrionale North Africa (trop. Filter) Bf 109 G-14/AS
B Bombardiere Bomber P.108B
CB Caccia Bombardiere Fighter-Bomber Re.2001 CB
CC Contro Carro Anti-Tank (rifle) L3/33 CC
CN Caccia Notturno Night-Fighter Re.2001 CN
EC Esperimento Cannoni Experimental Cannons C.202EC
N Normale Normal S.M.79 bis/N
Nuovo New C.205N2
TM Totalmente Modificato Completly Modified S.M.79 bis/T.M


Variants (small-scale modifications)



Kanji Romanji
1 コウ
2 オツ Otsu
3 ヘイ Hei
4 テイ Tei
Not used in practice
5 Bo
6 Ki
7 コウ 
8 シン Shin
9 ジン Jin
10 Ki




Calendar and Type Numbers

Year Japanese


Meiji 1

Meiji 44
Type 1

Type 44
1912 2572 Taishō 1 Type 1
1913 2573 Taishō 2 Type 2
1914 2574 Taishō 3 Type 3
1915 2575 Taishō 4 Type 4
1916 2576 Taishō 5 Type 5
1917 2577 Taishō 6 Type 6
1918 2578 Taishō 7 Type 7
1919 2579 Taishō 8 Type 8
1920 2580 Taishō 9 Type 9
1921 2581 Taishō 10 Type 10
1922 2582 Taishō 11 Type 11
1923 2583 Taishō 12 Type 12
1924 2584 Taishō 13 Type 13
1925 2585 Taishō 14 Type 14
1926 2586 Taishō 15
Shōwa 1
Type 15
1927 2587 Shōwa 2 Type 87
1928 2588 Shōwa 3 Type 88
1929 2589 Shōwa 4 Type 89
1930 2590 Shōwa 5 Type 90
1931 2591 Shōwa 6 Type 91 6-Shi
1932 2592 Shōwa 7 Type 92 7-Shi
1933 2593 Shōwa 8 Type 93 8-Shi
1934 2594 Shōwa 9 Type 94 9-Shi
1935 2595 Shōwa 10 Type 95 10-Shi
1936 2596 Shōwa 11 Type 96 11-Shi
1937 2597 Shōwa 12 Type 97 12-Shi
1938 2598 Shōwa 13 Type 98 13-Shi
1939 2599 Shōwa 14 Type 99 14-Shi
1940 2600 Shōwa 15 Type 100
Type 0
1941 2601 Shōwa 16 Type 1 16-Shi
1942 2602 Shōwa 17 Type 2 17-Shi
1943 2603 Shōwa 18 Type 3 18-Shi
1944 2604 Shōwa 19 Type 4 19-Shi
1945 2605 Shōwa 20 Type 5 20-Shi




Shōwa Type 46

Type 60

Type 89




Heisei Type 89
Type 90

Type 93

Type 19


Reiwa Type 19

  • Japanese Imperial Year: Starts with the founding of Japan in 660 BC
  • Japanese Era Name (年号): Literally "year name" are names given to (usually) reign periods of Japanese Emperors.
  • Shisaku number: After the shift of using nengō years, the navy re-adopted the use of nengō for their prototype planes to distinguish them from adopted models.



  • Ki – Kitai: Airframe
    • Ki-10-I - Army Type 95 Model 1 Fighter
    • Ki-43-II - Army Type 1 Model 2 Fighter


  • Kitai numbering is purely for Airframe/Prototype numbering. Official designation of planes went through Type designation + role.
  • Japanese names for Army planes are popular nicknames for pilots and civilians alike, as they were popularized with Japanese documentaries and propaganda. Unlike Navy planes, these are not part of the official plane designation.
    • Other Japanese nicknames for planes are:


  • Ki-43 - Hayabusa (隼, Peregrine falcon)
  • Ki-44 - Shoki (鍾馗, Demon)
  • Ki-45 - Toryū (屠龍, Dragonslayer)
  • Ki-49 - Donryū (呑龍, Storm Dragon)
  • Ki-61 - Hien (飛燕, Flying Swallow)
  • Ki-67 - Hiryū (飛龍, Flying Dragon)
  • Ki-84 - Hayate (疾風, Gale)
  • Ki-200 - Shusui - (秋水, Sharp Sword)


In the late 1920s, The navy adopted a short designation naming scheme to indicate the role and manufacturer of the plane.

First letters (role)

Letter Japanese Role Example
A 艦上戦闘機 Carrier-based fighter plane A6M
B 艦上攻撃機 Carrier-based attack bomber B5N
C 艦上偵察機 Carrier-based reconnaissance plane C6N3
D 艦 上爆撃機 Carrier-based dive bomber D4Y
E 水上偵察機 Ship-based reconnaissance hydroplane E13A2
F 水上観測機 Ship-based observation hydroplane F1M
G 陸上攻撃機 Land-based attack bomber G4M
H 飛行艇 Flying boat H6K
J 陸上戦闘機 Land-based fighter plane J2M
K 練習機 Trainer K10W3
L 輸送機 Transport L2D2
M 特殊機 Special purpose M6A3
N 水上戦闘機 Fighter hydroplane N1K
P 陸上爆撃機 Land-based bomber P1Y
Q 哨戒機 Patrol plane Q1W3
R 陸上偵察機 Land-based reconnaissance plane R2Y
S 夜間戦闘機 Night fighter S1A3
X 実験 Special purpose (Always after other designations) JXFw1 (Fw 190)


  • All (But X) can be added to an already existing plane as a suffix to indicate a role refit
  • 1 - X (Special Purpose) is used as second letter for experimental aircraft or imported technology demonstrators not intended for service
  • 2 - Planes that aren't playable in-game
  • 3 - Planes that aren't in-game

Second letters (manufacturers/designers)

Letter Japanese Manufacturer Foreign Manufacturer Foreign Example
A Aichi North American KXA (NA-16)
B Boeing AXB (P-12 / F4B)
Bu Bücker KXBu (Bü 131)
C Consolidated HXC (P2Y)
D Showa Douglas




AXD (D.500)

DXD (Northrop BT)

F Fairchild LXF (Fairchild 91)
Fw Focke-Wulf JXFw (Fw 190)
G Hitachi Grumman AXG (Grumman F)
H Hiro Hawker AXH (Nimrod)
He Heinkel AXHe (He 100)
J Nihon Junkers LXJ (Ju 86)
K Kawanishi Kinner LXK (Kinner Envoy)
M Mitsubishi Airspeed LXM (Airspeed Envoy)
N Nakajima
P Nihon
S Sasebo
Si Showa
V Vought AXV (V-141)
W Wanatabe (Kyushu)
Y Yokosuka
Z Mizuno

Full and Model designation

After 1929, aircraft of the Japanese navy were designated by Type designation same as army planes together with model designation to indicate variant information.

  • A6M3 mod. 22Ko - Type 0 Carrier Fighter Model 22A (Kō)
    • mod. 22Ko - 2nd airframe / wing refit
    • mod. 22Ko - 2nd engine refit
    • mod. 22Ko - 1st small-scale refit (armament) (check Heavenly stems)

Official name designation

After July 1943, adopted planes got a name instead of a full type and model designation.


Vehicle type

Japanese English
Romanji Katakana Kanji Literal Role
Ke 軽 (Kei) Light Light tank
Chi 中 (Chū) Medium Medium tank
O 大 (Ō) Large Heavy Tank
Ho 砲 (Hō) Gun SPG

Other (Don't follow order system):

  • Ka: Amphibious (tank)
    • Type 2 Ka-Mi (Was named after the designer, Kamishi)
    • Type 3 Ka-Chi
    • Type 4 Ka-Tsu

Order system

Romanji Katakana
1 I
2 Ro
3 Ha
4 Ni
5 Ho
6 He
7 To
8 Chi
9 Ri
10 Nu
11 Ru
12 O
  • The chosen order of vehicles was based on the Japanese poem Iroha (いろは), which contains each character of the Japanese syllabary exactly once. (A total of 47)
  • Early Japanese tanks were designated only by order without a role:
    • Type 89 I-Go - 1st model of the Imperial Japanese year 2589 (1929)
    • Type 95 Ro-Go - 2nd model of the Imperial Japanese year 2595 (1935)
    • Type 95 Ha-Go - 3rd model of the Imperial Japanese year 2595 (1935)




  • IAR – Industria Aeronautică Română: Romanian Aeronautic Industry




  • T – Tank
  • SU – Samokhodnaya Ustanovka: Self-propelled mount
  • ISU: Self-propelled mount based on IS heavy tank
  • ZSU – Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka: Anti-aircraft self-propelled mount
  • ZRPK – Zenitny Raketno-Pushechny Kompleks: Anti-aircraft missile-gun system
  • ASU – Aviadesantnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka: Airborne self-propelled mount
  • BT – Bystrokhodny Tank: Light tank (literally: Fast-moving tank)
  • BTR – Bronev Transporter: Armoured personnel carrier (literally: Armoured transport)
  • RBT – Raketny Bystrokhodny Tank: Rocket tank (literally: Fast-moving rocket tank)
  • BA – Bronev Avtomobil: Armoured car
  • BM – Boyevaya Mashina: Rocket launcher vehicle (literally: Combat machine)
  • BMP – Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty: Infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Infantry combat machine)
  • PT – Plavayushchy Tank: Amphibious tank (literally: Floating tank)
  • IT – Istrebitel Tankov: (Missile) tank destroyer (literally: Tank fighter)


  • I – Istrebitel: Fighter (airplane)
  • DB – Dalny Bombardirovschik: Long-range bomber
  • BB – Blizhny Bombardirovschik: Short-range bomber
  • SB – Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik: Fast bomber
  • TB – Tyazholy Bombardirovschik: Heavy bomber
  • MBR – Morskoi Blizhny Razvedchik: Naval short-range reconnaissance (airplane)
  • U – Uchebny: Trainer (airplane)
    • Polikarpov U-2 (original designation of the Po-2)


  • MO – Malyi Okhotnik: Small submarine chaser (literally: Small hunter)
  • BMO – Bronirovanny Malyi Okhotnik: Armoured small submarine chaser (literally: Armed small hunter)
  • MPK – Malyi Protivolodochnoi Korabl: Small anti-submarine ship
  • MBK – Morskoi Bronekater: Armoured gunboat (literally: Naval combat cutter)
  • SKR – Storozhevoi Korabl: Observation ship


  • UB – Universalniy Berezina: Berezin universal (MG)
  • DP – Degtyarov Pulemyot: Degtyarov MG
  • DT – Degtyarov Tankovy: Degtyarov tank (MG)
  • DA – Degtyarov Aviatsonny: Degtyarov airplane (MG)
  • PV – Pulemet Vozdushny: Airborne MG
  • ShKAS – Shpitalny-Komaritski Aviatsionny Skorostrelny: Shpitalny-Komaritsky airplane rapid-fire (MG)
  • DShK – Degtyaryova-Shpagina Krupnokaliberny: Degtyarov-Shpagin large-calibre (MG)
  • A – Afanasev (MG)
  • B – Berezin (auto-cannon)
  • Yak-B – Yakushev-Borzov (MG)
  • ShVAK – Shpitalny-Vladimirov Aviatsionny Krupnokaliberny: Shpitalny-Vladimirov airplane large-calibre (auto-cannon)
  • TNSh – Tankovy Nudelman-Shpitalny: Nudelman-Shpitalny tank (auto-cannon)
  • PTB – Pushka Taubin-Baburin: Taubin-Baburin cannon
  • VYa – Volkov-Yartsev (auto-cannon)
  • NS – Nudelman-Suranov (auto-cannon)
  • NR – Nudelman-Rikhter (auto-cannon)
  • GSh – Gryazev-Shipunov (auto-cannon)
  • N-37D – Nudelman 37 mm Dulny tormoz: Nudelman 37 mm (auto-cannon with) muzzle brake
  • KPVT – Krupnokaliberniy Pulemyot Vladimirova Tankovy: Vladimirov large-calibre tank MG
  • ZPU – Zenitnaya Pulemotnaya Ustanovka: Anti-aircraft MG mount
  • NSVT – Nikitina-Sokolova-Volkova Tankovy: Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov tank (MG)
  • PKT – Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankovy: Kalashnikov tank MG
  • SGMT – Stankovy Goryunova Modernizirovany Tankovy: Goryunov modernized mounted tank (MG)
  • 20-K – Gun No. 20 of the Korolyov factory
  • L-11 – Gun No. 11 of the Leningrad factory


  • BR – Broneboynye: Armour-piercing (shell)
  • BZ – Broneboyny Zazhigatelny: Armour-piercing incendiary (shell)
  • BZT – Broneboyny Zazhigatelny Trassiruyushchy: Armour-piercing incendiary tracer (shell)
  • PB – Polu Broneboynye: Semi armour-piercing (shell)
  • O – Oskolochno: Fragmentation (shell)
  • OZ – Oskolochno Zazhigatelny: Fragmentation incendiary (shell)
  • OZT – Oskolochno Zazhigatelny Trassiruyushchy: Fragmentation incendiary tracer (shell)
  • OF – Oskolochno Fugasny: High-explosive fragmentation (shell)
  • Sh – Shrapnel (shell)
  • FAB – Fugasnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba: High-explosive aircraft bomb
  • OFAB – Oskolochno Fugasnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba: High-explosive fragmentation aircraft bomb
  • RS – Reaktivny Snaryad: Rocket (literally: Rocket-powered projectile)
  • RBS – Reaktivny Broneboyny Snaryad: Armour-piercing rocket (literally: Rocket-powered armour-piercing projectile)


  • Oby. – Obyekt: Object (tank prototype)
  • Pr. – Proyekt: Project (ship design program)
  • E – Ekranami: Up-armoured (literally: With screens)
  • M – Modernizirovany: Modernized
  • S – Skorokhodnuyu: Lightened (literally: Fast)
  • SP – Soprovzhdeniya Pekhoty: Infantry support
  • U – Uluchshenny: Improved
  • V – Vzryvnoy: Explosive (Reactive Armour)
  • T – Torpedonosets: Torpedo bomber

Historical Name

  • IS – Iosef Stalin (tank)
  • KV – Kliment Voroshilov (tank)
  • SMK – Sergey Mironovich Kirov (tank)


  • ACh – Aleksei Charomsky
  • AM – Aleksandr Mikulin
  • ANT – Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev
  • Ar – Arkhangelsky
  • GAZ – Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod: Gorky Automobile Factory
  • Il – Ilyushin
  • KS – Krasnoye Sormovo
  • La – Lavochkin
  • LaGG – Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov
  • M – Myasishchev
  • MAI – Moskovsky Avyatsyonny Instytut Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Mi – Mil
  • MiG – Mikoyan-Gurevich
  • OKB – Opytno-Konstruktorskoye Buro: Experimental Design Bureau
  • Pe – Petlyakov
  • Po – Polikarpov
  • STZ – Stalingradsky Traktoriy Zavod: Stalingrad Tractor Factory
  • Su – Sukhoi
  • Tu – Tupolev
  • VK – Vladimir Klimov
  • Yak – Yakovlev
  • Yer – Yermolayev
  • ZiS – Zavod imeni Stalina: Factory named after Stalin


  • VVS – Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily: Soviet air force (literally: Military air force)
  • VMF – Voyenno-Morskoy Flot: Soviet Navy (literally: Military maritime fleet)
  • SA – Sovetskaya Armiya: Soviet army
  • IAP – Istrebitelny Aviatsionny Polk: Fighter air regiment
  • GvIAP – Gvardeysky Istrebitelny Aviatsionny Polk: Guards fighter air regiment
  • ShAP – Shturmovoy Aviatsionny Polk: Ground attack air regiment




Msg-info.png Vagn/Wagon indicates that the vehicle is "tracked". Bil/Car indicates that the vehicle is "wheeled".
  • Strv – Stridsvagn: Tank (literally: Combat wagon)
  • Strf – Stridsfordon: (Heavy) infantry fighting vehicle (literally: Combat vehicle)
  • Tgdb – Terrängdragbild: Off-road tractor unit (literally: Terrain pull-car)
  • Sav – Stormartillerivagn: Assault gun (pre 1950s designation, literally: Assault artillery wagon)
  • Ikv – Infanterikanonvagn: Assault gun (post 1950s designation, literally: Infantry cannon wagon)
  • Pvkv – Pansarvärnskanonvagn: Tracked self-propelled anti-tank gun (literally: Armour protection cannon wagon)
  • Lvkv – Luftvärnskanonvagn: Tracked self-propelled anti-air gun (literally: Air protection cannon wagon)
  • Pvrbv – Pansarvärnsrobotvagn: Tracked self-propelled anti-tank missile (literally: Armour protection robot wagon)
  • Lvrbv – Luftvärnsrobotvagn: Tracked self-propelled anti-air missile (literally: Air protection robot wagon)
  • UDES – Underlagsgrupp Direkt Eld Stridsfordon: Support group Direct Fire Combat vehicle (literall)


Vehicles types

  • Fpl - Flygplan: Aeroplane
  • Hkp - Helikopter Helicopter

Designation prefixes

  • A - Attack Strike Aircraft/Attacker
  • B - Bomb Bomber
  • J - Jakt: Persuit aircraft/Fighter
  • S - Spaning: Reconnaissance Aircraft
  • SK - Skol: Trainer Aircraft
  • T - Torped: Torpedo Bomber
  • Ö - Övning: Advanced Trainer Aircraft



  • gr - granat: Grenade (synonymous with shell)
  • prj - projektil: Bullet
  • hpgr - halvpansargranat: Semi-armour-piercing shell
  • slpprj - spårljuspansarprojektil: Armour-piercing tracer bullet
  • slsgr - spårljusspränggranat: High-explosive tracer shell
  • sgr - spränggranat: High-explosive shell
  • rökgr - rökgranat: Smoke shell (literally: Smoke grenade)
  • Rb - Robot: Missile
  • Rbs - Robotsystem: Missile launcher/system (literally: missile system)
  • srak - Sprängraket: Explosive rocket
  • psrak - Pansarsprängraket: Armour-piercing explosive rocket
  • hprak - Halvpansarraket Semi-armour-piercing rocket (literally: half-armour rocket)
  • mb - Minbomb Medium capacity / General purpose bomb
  • sb - Sprängbomb High-explosive bomb