If your page had something important for you, you can always try to ask Inceptor57 or other moderator to pull it out of oblivion. At least, that's what i did on wiki shift.
If to be super official about it, you can ask for it here, though I don't think it is super necessary, lol. --bangerland (talk) 06:07, 19 July 2019 (UTC)
[hide]Quick Bio
- I live in the United States (this is as much as I am willing to say)
- I joined War Thunder on October 22, 2015. This means that, since I was unaware, I missed Thunder League Season 1, the Third Anniversary, all the associated event vehicles (LaGG-3-23, T-V, etc.), and much more. All I did get was the "--III--" title. (I also missed the 70th VE Day celebration in May)
- My first nation was USSR Ground Forces, and my first ever researched vehicle was the BT-7, followed by the T-60.
- My first premium (other than the T-26 (1st Gv.T.Br.) that I received for joining the game) was the Pz.Kpfw. II C (DAK).
- Currently, I primarily play Realistic Battles. In particular, Ground Forces.
- I am very into WWII history, and War Thunder sparked that interest.
- I enjoy playing the T-44, T-44-100, any Panther, the KV-2 (ZiS-6), any Stuart, and any 76mm Sherman.
General Stats
- HugoTroop
- Level 71
- Domino Squad (=DMSQ=)
- Impetuous
Vehicles Owned
- USA GF: Light Tank: M5A1, Medium Tank: T25, Heavy Tank: M4A3E2, SPAA: M19A1 GMC, TD: M36 GMC
- USA Heli: N/A
- USA Air: Fighters: P-63A-5, Naval Fighters: F4U-1C, Attackers/Dive Bombers: A-20G-25, Bombers: B-25J-1
- USA Navy:PT-6
- Germ GF: Unarmored SPG: Dicker Max, Heavy Tank: Tiger II (KwK L/46), Medium Tank: Panther II, SPAA: Ostwind, TD: Ferdinand
- Germ Heli: N/A
- Germ Air: Messerschmitt Fighters: Bf 109 G-6, Focke-Wulf Fighters: Fw 190 D-9, Heavy Fighters: N/A, Attackers: Ju 87 D-5, Bombers: He 111 H-3
- Germ Navy: S-38, R-41
- USSR GF: Medium Tank: T-54 1946, Heavy Tank: IS-3, Light Tank: Ob'yekt 906, TD/SPG: SU-100, SPAA: ZSU-37
- USSR Heli: Mi-4AV
- USSR Air: Yakovlev Fighters: Yak-9P, MiG/Polikarpov Fighters: I-185 (M-82), Lavochkin Fighters: La-7 (B-20), Attackers: IL-28, Bombers: Pe-2-110
- USSR Navy: G-5, OD-200
- UK GF: Medium Tank: Challenger I, Heavy Tank: Churchill III, TD: SP A30 Avenger, SPAA: Crusader AA II
- UK Air: Hawker Fighters: Typhoon Ib (L), Supermarine/Gloster Fighters: N/A, Naval Fighters: Firefly F. I, Attackers: N/A, Bombers: Halifax B. IIIa
- Jap GF: Light Tank: M4A3 (76) W HVSS, Medium Tank: Chi-To Ko, TD: Na-To II, SPAA: 95-Shiki TKS
- Jap Air: Naval Fighters: A6M2-N, Army Fighters: Ki-43-III Otsu, Heavy Fighters: Ki-102 Otsu, Attackers: B7A2, Bombers: H6K4
- Italy GF: N/A
- Italy Air: Reggiane Fighters: N/A, Fighters: C.205 serie I, Attackers: Ba.65, Bombers: SM.79 B
- France GF: Light Tank: AMC 35, Medium Tank: S 35, Heavy Tank: B1 bis, SPAA: P7T, TD: AMR 35 ZT 3
- France Air: Fighters: VG-33C-1, Attackers: Potez 631, Bombers: M.B.174A-3
- 63 Owned
- 25 "Spaded"
- 91 Owned
- 45 "Spaded"
- 138 Owned
- 80 "Spaded"
Great Britain
- 41 Owned
- 15 "Spaded"
- 49 Owned
- 13 "Spaded"
- 18 Owned
- 4 "Spaded"
- 28 Owned
- 6 "Spaded"
WWII Stuff
US Tank Nicknames
- The United States did *not* name their tanks "Sherman", "Lee", etc., the British did. Afterwards (1944-45), the US named them "General Sherman", "General Lee", etc..
- The United States *did* (likely) name the M36, as it was never used by the British. It was more likely to be "General Jackson", if anything.
- The M10 was never called the "Wolverine". In January 1945 designation "Achilles" was used, for both the 3-inch and 17 pdr version (For the British, Achilles Mk. I / II vs Achilles Mk. IC / IIC, likewise to the Sherman IC/VC)
- The Stuart was not called the "Honey". Nobody called it that.
The "Hetzer"
- The name was likely never used during wartime (at least with the Jagdpanzer 38(t)). It likely came from the E-10, a similar vehicle that probably bore that name.
US Tank Myths
- The nickname "Ronson" was (likely) never used to refer to a Sherman, nor the phrase "lights first, every time" (most GIs used Zippos, and that slogan was from the 50s).
- Shermans were not Death Traps. Belton Cooper could only see the bad end of the stick, since he only saw destroyed Shermans. They were the easiest to escape, by far, of any main battle tank of the era, having some of the best surviability rates.
- Their armor was good, outclassing the Pz. III and IV.
- The Sherman IC/VC was not better than the 76mm Shermans (in terms of real-life performance). The cramped interior (especially the turret) made for a very uncomfortable crew, and the worse engine of the M4A4 (VC) made it sluggish overall.
- Tanks could engage tanks; they were supposed to support the infantry, meaning killing tanks that attacked the infantry
- Tank destroyers were ambush vehicles only (under US doctrine)
British Nomenclature of US tanks
Sherman -A = 105mm -B= 76mm -C= 17pdr -Y= HVSS -Hybrid = Composite Hull (Front cast, rear weld)
- M4 - Sherman I
- M4 Composite - Sherman I Hybrid
- M4 (105) W - Sherman IB
- M4 (105) W HVSS - Sherman IBY
- M4 w/ 17 pdr - Sherman IC
- M4 Composite w/ 17pdr - SHerman IC Hybrid
- M4A1 - Sherman II
- M4A1 (76) W - Sherman IIA
- M4A1 (76) W HVSS - Sherman IIAY
- M4A2 - Sherman III
- M4A2 (76) W - Sherman IIIA
- M4A2 (76) W HVSS - Sherman IIIAY
- M4A3 - Sherman IV
- M4A3 (76) W - Sherman IVA
- M4A3 (76) W HVSS - Sherman IVAY
- M4A3 (105) W - Sherman IVB
- M4A3 (105) W HVSS - Sherman IVBY
- M4A4 - Sherman V
- M4A6 - Sherman VII
- M3 - Lee I
- M3A1 - Lee II
- M3A2 - Lee III
- M3A3 - Lee IV (Lee V)
- M3A4 - Lee VI
- M3A5 - Lee VII (?)
- M3 (Grant Turret) - Grant I
- M3A5 (Grant Turret) - Grant II
- M3 - Stuart I
- M3 w/ diesel engine - Stuart II
- M3A1 - Stuart III
- M3A1 w/ diesel engine - Stuart IV
- M3A3 - Stuart V
- M5 - Stuart VI
- M5A1 -Stuart VI
- M10 - Achilles I
- M10A1 - Achilles II
- 17 pdr M10 - Achilles IC
- 17 pdr M10A1 - Achilles IIC
Note: The UK never operationally used M4A3s, M4A6s, and (probably) M4A2 (76) Ws Note 2: The UK didn't have a recorded distinction between Wet-stowage and Dry-stowage
Japanese Tank Naming Convention
There were two naming conventions, an early one, and a common one (used from 1936/7 onwards)
1- I (Yi) 2 - Ro 3 - Ha 4 - Ni 5 - Ho 6 - He 7 - To 8 - Chi 9 - Ri 10 - Nu 11 - Ru 12 - O or Wo
Ke (Kei) - Light Chi (Chiu) - Medium Ho - Gun/SPG Ka - Amphibious
Note that these are not direct translations, and are just what they mean in the context of Japanese tank names.
Early naming convention Number - Go
Ha-Go - 3rd "car" I-Go - 1st "car" Common naming convention Tank Type - Number
Chi-Ha - Medium 3 Ke - Ne - Light 4 Ho-Ro - SPG 2
Italian Tank naming convention
CV - Carro Veloce - Fast Car Semovente - Self-Propelled L - Leggero - Light M - Medio - Medium P - Pesante - Heavy
Using L, M, and P Type Weight/Year L3/33 - Light 3-ton 1933 M13/40 - Medium 13-ton 1940 P26/40 - Heavy 26-ton 1940
Using Semovente Semovente da Caliber/Length in Calibers Semovente da 90/53 - SPG "with" ("of") 90mm, 53-caliber
Using CV CV-Year CV-33 - Fast Car (Tankette) 1933
Performance: Paper vs Actuality
Many tanks, such as the T-34 (in 1941), or the Tiger II, on paper should be far superior to the common tanks of the enemy. However, their performance in real life differed greatly from expected. In a game such as War Thunder, in a fight between Panther vs a 76mm Sherman, or a Tiger II (H) vs IS-2 (1944), or T-34 (1941) vs Pz.Kpfw. IV F1, etc., the first of the two would win the majority of the time. However, real life performance does not always perfectly match what is on paper. Do not forget that, there is almost never a situation where it is just "Tank A vs Tank B". It is "Tanks, Supply Trucks, Infantry, Artillery, Aircraft, and Maintenance Crews A vs Tanks, Supply Trucks, Infantry, Artillery, Aircraft, and Maintenance Crews B". As such, tanks such as the T-34 and KV-1 (in 1941), while they should have been able to absolutely destroy the German army, the poorly trained crews and terrible logistics supporting them left many of them to be abandoned or self-destroyed. The Panther, while superior to the M4 Sherman (even the 76mm) in virtually every aspect, had inferior performance due to a lack of spare parts and the situation of the war in 1944/45. Even a slight malfunction would usually force a Panther's crew to abandon the tank, whereas the Shermans had literal tons of spare parts available for repairs. The retreating German Army couldn't recover the lost Panthers (among other vehicles), whereas the advancing Allied armies could. Also, the IS-2 was far superior to the Tiger II in areas such as armor quality, anti-infantry capability, and sheer numbers. It didn't matter that its gun had less penetration than a Tiger II's, if the most common armor thickness it would face was the 80mm on a Pz.Kpfw. IV or StuG (granted the reverse was true as well). Another thought is crew survivability. As some may be aware, (get ready for "The Chieftain" references) once a tank crew suffers a significant emotional event, they must perform the real life equivalent of the "oh my god the tank is on fire" test. On average, the M4 Sherman had the best crew survivability (except for the poor loader on early 75mm models, explained somewhere in here) in such situations, compared to any other main tank of its era.
What if Germany had been in the war longer? (A.k.a. Was the Wunderwaffe possible?)
To put it bluntly, German development in terms of weaponry would have to slow or halt at what it was in April 1945. The Panther II program? Cancelled. The Maus? Cancelled. The E-series? Cancelled. Albert Speer made a decision, and an arguably wise one at that, to continue producing what they could and not waste time trying to create new tanks when they simply didn't have the resources. If Germany had been able to stretch the war on into 1946, maintaining production levels of 1944, you would only see more and more Tiger IIs and Panther Gs, as the number of StuG IIIs and Pz.Kpfw. IVs declined as they became obsolete. There were many experiments with night vision equipment, and that would probably find its way onto late 1945-production German tanks. Also, stereoscopic rangefinders, such as those seen on the Panther F, would also become more common. Perhaps the Tiger II would receive the Maybach HL 234 as an upgrade to the HL 230, or the Panther's road wheels swapped for the same on the Tiger II's. Regardless, such changes would only be minor, and would not keep pace with tank development of the USSR and Western Allies. What about aviation? The Me 262 was filled with problems, as using jet engines was still in its infancy. Perhaps late-model Bf 109 Ks or Bf 109 L, or Fw 190 E may come out, with better engines, better armament, and improved flight characteristics. However, these are all just proposals. But the overwhelming amount of problems with aircraft like the Me 262, and the poor performance and high maintenance of rocket aircraft would eventually phase the Me 163 and He 162 out of production. The Ar 234 could possibly see further development, but the German war situation at the time had little use for a jet bomber; it needed ground attackers, interceptors, and fighters, to fend off against the enemy ground forces and strategic bombers.
Vehicles I hope are added to the game
- Pz.Kpfw. T-26 740(r) mit PaK 97/38
- Various German mountings of Anti-Tank guns on captured tanks (such as PaK 38 on Matilda II, PaK 36 on T-20 Komsomolets, etc.)
- sIG 33B
- Sd.Kfz. 10/5
- SU-76i
- Marder I, II
- BT-5A, 7A, 7M
- T-90 (SPAA on T-70 chassis)
- Vickers Model E Type B
- A38 Valiant
- Flakpanzer T-34(r) Flakvierling 38, drilling MG 151/20
- A-20 (BT-20)
- T-34 mod. 1941/1942 (1942 hull, 1941 turret), mod. 1943 (1942 with cupola)
- T-34-85 mod. 1945 (with smoke), T-34-85 mod. 1960
- T-100
- KV-1 mod. 1940, mod. 1942 (cast turret)
- KV-13
- KV-100
- IS-100
- Object 244
- Object 245
- T-26 mod. 1933
- T-28 mod. 1934
- T-40
- T-45
- T-46-5 (T-111)
- SG-122 (122mm howitzer on Pz.III chassis)
- SU-101, -102, -122-44
- ISU-122-1, -2, -3
- ISU-130
- IS-7
- Sd.Kfz. 234
- Sd.Kfz. 222
- BA-3, 6, 10, 11
- T17E1
- AEC Mk. I
- M3A3 "Stuart"
- M3A1 "Lee"
- More Sherman variants
- M7 Medium Tank
- T22, T23
- T30
- M36B1
- LVT(A)-4
- M38 "Wolfhound"
- M15 Special
- M3 Stuart with Maxson (M16) Turret
- T69 MGMC
- A9, A10 Cruiser Tanks
- Covenanter
- A24 Cavalier
- Sherman Mk IC Hybrid
- Ram Mk I, Mk II late
- Aus. Crus. Mk I Sentinel, Mk III Scorpion
- Centaur AA Mk I, Mk II
- Skink
- T77 MGMC
- Char G1
- Pz.Kpfw. II D, G, L, mit Schwimmkörper
- Pz.Kpfw. III A, G, H, K, Tauchpanzer
- Pz.Kpfw. IV A, D, Tauchpanzer
- Tiger I (mid-production, like Heavy Tank No.6 (Japan))
- StuG III C, F/8, IV
- Marder III M
- Elefant
- Jagdpanzer IV 0-serie
- Jagdpanzer 38(t) mit PaK 42 L/70
- 8,8cm FlaK 37 auf Pz.Kpfw. IV
- Sd.Kfz. 251
- Sd.Kfz. 221
- Zerstörer 45
- Type 92 light tank
- Type 94 light tank
- Te-Ke
- Ke-To
- Ke-Nu
- Ki-Ri
- I-Go Otsu
- long-barreled 120mm Chi-Ha
- O-I
- Ka-Chi
- To-Ku
- Ho-Ni II
- Ho-To
Other Info
War Thunder Live I generally (but rarely) post interesting/funny screenshots, as well as historically-relevant questions, and (very) occasionally some pencil drawings
War Thunder Forums I love modifying User Missions and Custom Hangars, so I appeal to this thread for help with vehicle names in the BLK file I also wrote an unofficial historical article regarding the variants of the M4 Sherman. I also have a lot of questions for the development team, as seen here
Youtube I upload scarcely, and the videos are of low quality