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This template inserts a standardised naval vessel mobility table using values from Template:Specs. Additional values have to be measured, it's recommended to always use the fully-featured table. Note that all measured values should be done in Test Sail, with Secondary weapons set to No offensive armament.


  • SpeedForwardStockAB - Measured sustained speed flanking ahead (FLK AHEAD) in Arcade mode. If the speed flickers between two values in-game - pick the one that shows most of the time, if both show about as often - the higher one.
  • SpeedBackStockAB - Same as above, only at full reverse. Do not add minus before the value (eg. instead of -20 just write 20).
  • TurnTimeStockAB - Measured average time in seconds after at least 2 full 360° turns at constant speed (recommended average of 3 turns after the speed stabilizes). Table template will automatically round the displayed value if needed, but the template will still use a number in a provided precision for the calculations (eg. providing 18.433 over 18.43 is fine). Step-by-step guide:
  1. Open the game, select the vessel, edit modifications to uncheck all of them for stock (or select all for Upgraded - if you don't have all modifications researched yet, you cannot measure the Upgraded value)
  2. Right-click on the boat, choose Test Sail.
  3. Remove all additional weaponry (torpedoes, depth charges, etc. - Secondary weapons selected to No offensive armament)
  4. Select Difficulty to appropriate mode - either Arcade Battles or Realistic Battles - select Vehicle Modification to Current, Time of Day 12:00, Weather: Clear.
  5. Enter a full rudder deflection turn (either starboard or port, shouldn't matter) at flank speed (FLK AHEAD)
  6. Wait for the speed to stabilize (turns should be completed at constant speeds), note the speed here - it's inputted in the TurnSpeed (eg. TurnSpeedStockAB) parameter.
  7. Complete several turns (>2; the more, the better), stop-watch the times to complete each turn
  8. Take the average of the times
Alternatively you can use a video recorder, then measure time in a video-editing tool. 60 FPS video is recommended
  • TurnSpeedStockAB - Measured average sustained speed when turning. If the speed flickers between two values in-game - pick the one that shows most of the time, if both show about as often - the higher one.
  • TurnTimeSpadedAB - As above, only with all modifications installed.
  • TurnSpeedSpadedAB - As above, only with all modifications installed.
  • SpeedForwardStockRB - As above, only in Realistic Battles.
  • SpeedBackStockRB - As above.
  • TurnTimeStockRB - As above.
  • TurnSpeedStockRB - As above.
  • TurnTimeSpadedRB - As above.
  • TurnSpeedSpadedRB - As above.
  • (automatic) SpeedForwardSpadedAB - Measured sustained speed flanking ahead (FLK AHEAD) in Arcade mode, with all modifications installed. Do not use unless the default value is incorrect.
  • (automatic) SpeedBackSpadedAB - As above, but when reversing.
  • (automatic) SpeedForwardSpadedRB - As above, in Realistic mode.
  • (automatic) SpeedBackSpadedRB - As above.

Examples of use

The default table filled automatically from data of the Type T-14
Mobility Characteristics
Game Mode Upgrade Status Maximum Speed (km/h) Turn Time (s) Turn Radius (m)
Forward Reverse
AB Stock ___ ___
Upgraded 86 28
RB/SB Stock ___ ___
Upgraded 61 20
Version with only the stock speed measured
Mobility Characteristics
Game Mode Upgrade Status Maximum Speed (km/h) Turn Time (s) Turn Radius (m)
Forward Reverse
AB Stock 83 20
Upgraded 86 28
RB/SB Stock 53 17
Upgraded 61 20
|SpeedForwardStockAB = 83
|SpeedBackStockAB = 20
|SpeedForwardStockRB = 53
|SpeedBackStockRB = 17
Recommended, fully-featured example. Note that turn time of 18.433 was rounded to 18.43.
Mobility Characteristics
Game Mode Upgrade Status Maximum Speed (km/h) Turn Time (s) Turn Radius (m)
Forward Reverse
AB Stock 83 20 ~16.43 ~25.42
Upgraded 86 28 ~11.1 ~16.19
RB/SB Stock 53 17 ~18.43 ~28.52
Upgraded 61 20 ~16.6 ~25.69
|SpeedForwardStockAB = 83
|SpeedBackStockAB = 20
|TurnTimeStockAB = 16.43
|TurnSpeedStockAB = 35
|TurnTimeSpadedAB = 11.1
|TurnSpeedSpadedAB = 33

|SpeedForwardStockRB = 53
|SpeedBackStockRB = 17
|TurnTimeStockRB = 18.433
|TurnSpeedStockRB = 35
|TurnTimeSpadedRB = 16.6
|TurnSpeedSpadedRB = 35
Version with only partial measurements. Note that the table can accept just speed, or just turn speed, or just turn speed and time, without maximum speed. However, it is still highly recommended to provide all missing values.
Mobility Characteristics
Game Mode Upgrade Status Maximum Speed (km/h) Turn Time (s) Turn Radius (m)
Forward Reverse
AB Stock 83 20 ___ ___
Upgraded 86 28 ~11.1 ___
RB/SB Stock ___ ___ ~18.43 ~28.52
Upgraded 61 20 ~16.6 ~25.69
|SpeedForwardStockAB = 83
|SpeedBackStockAB = 20
|TurnSpeedStockAB = 35
|TurnTimeSpadedAB = 11.1

|TurnTimeStockRB = 18.433
|TurnSpeedStockRB = 35
|TurnTimeSpadedRB = 16.6
|TurnSpeedSpadedRB = 35