MG 151 (20 mm)

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Write an introduction to the article in 2-3 small paragraphs. Briefly tell us about the history of the development and combat using the weaponry and also about its features. Compile a list of air, ground, or naval vehicles that feature this weapon system in the game.

Vehicles equipped with this weapon

Vehicles equipped with this weapon
Fighters  Bf 109 F: Bf 109 F-4 · Bf 109 F-4/trop · ▃Bf 109 F-4
  Bf 109 G: Bf 109 G-2/trop · Bf 109 G-2 · Bf 109 G-6 · Bf 109 G-10 · Bf 109 G-14 · ▄Bf 109 G-14/AS
  Bf 109 K: Bf 109 K-4
  C.205: C. 205N2 · C. 205 serie 3
  Fw 190 A: Fw 190 A-4 · Fw 190 A-5 · Fw 190 A-5 · ▅Fw 190 A-5 · Fw 190 A-5/U2 · Fw 190 A-8 · ▃Fw 190 A-8 · NC.900
  Fw 190 C: Fw 190 C
  Fw 190 D: Fw 190 D-9 · ▂Fw 190 D-9 · Fw 190 D-12 · Fw 190 D-13
  Fw 190 F: Fw 190 F-8
  G.55: G.55 serie 1 · G.55 sottoserie 0 · G.55S
  Ta 152: Ta 152 C-3 · Ta 152 H-1
  Other: C. 202EC · G.56 · IAR-81C · Ki-61-I hei · Re.2001 CN · S.O.8000 Narval
Twin-engine fighters  Bf 110: Bf 110 F-2 (Suspended) · Bf 110 G-2 (Suspended)
  Do 217: Do 217 N-1 · Do 217 N-2
  Do 335: Do 335 A-0 · Do 335 B-2
  Me 410 A: Me 410 A-1 · Me 410 A-1/U2 · Me 410 A-1/U4
  Me 410 B: Me 410 B-1 · Me 410 B-1/U2 · Me 410 B-2/U4 · Me 410 B-6/R3
  Others: Do 17 Z-7 · Ta 154 A-1 · He 219 A-7
Jet fighters  He 162 A-2 · Me 163 B-0
Attackers  Hs 129 B-2 · Hs 129 B-2 (Romania) · Hs 129 B-2 (Romania) (Italy) · SM.91 · SM.92
Bombers  BV 238 (Defensive) · Do 217 E-2 · Do 217 E-4 · He 177 A-5 (Defensive) · Ju 87 D-5 · Ju 288 C (Defensive) · M.B.175T
Jet bombers  Ar 234 C-3
Tanks  Lorraine 155 Mle.50
Ships  LS 4 Esau

General info

Tell us about the tactical and technical characteristics of the cannon or machine gun.

Available shells

Describe the shells that are available for the cannon and their features and purpose. If it concerns autocannons or machine guns, write about different ammo belts and what is inside (which types of shells).

Comparison with analogues

Give a comparative description of cannons/machine guns, that have firepower equal to these type of weapons.

Usage in battles

This weapon is very dangerous to air targets due to the minengeschoß shell, which makes the MG 151/20 arguably the best 20 mm cannon against air targets. Unless other ammunition is needed for a specific reason, always choose the ammo belt with most minengeschoß available.

Pros and cons


  • Minengeschoß shell (an improved HEI shell) provides a lot of hitting power against aircraft
  • Larger ammo count than the other German 20 mm cannon
  • Higher muzzle velocity than the other German 20 mm cannon


  • Still lower muzzle velocity compare to most machine gun
  • Ineffective against armoured ground targets
  • Tracer and HEI (minengeschoß) have slightly different trajectories which reiterate knowing your ammunition


Examine the history of the creation and combat usage of this weapon. If the historical reference turns out to be too big, take it to a separate article, taking a link to an article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ History" (example: and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article.


An excellent addition to the article would be a video guide, as well as screenshots from the game and photos.

See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the article about the variant of the cannon/machine gun;
  • references to approximate analogues by other nations and research trees.

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • encyclopedia page on the weapon;
  • other literature.

Germany aircraft cannons
15 mm  MG 151
20 mm  MG 151 · MG C/30L · MG FF · MG FF/M
27 mm  Mauser BK27
30 mm  Hispano HS 825 · MK 101 · MK 103 · MK 108
37 mm  BK 3.7
50 mm  BK 5 · Mk.214a
75 mm  BK 7.5
20 mm  Hispano Mk.V (Britain) · M24A1 (USA) · M61A1 (USA) · ShVAK (USSR)
23 mm  GSh-23L (USSR) · NR-23 (USSR) · VYa-23 (USSR)
30 mm  DEFA 552 (France) · GSh-30-1 (USSR) · GSh-30-2K (USSR) · NR-30 (USSR)
37 mm  N-37D (USSR)

Italy aircraft cannons
20 mm  TM197B
30 mm  Hispano HS 825
37 mm  Breda Model 39 37/54
102 mm  102/35 mod 14
20 mm  B-20E (USSR) · B-20M (USSR) · B-20S (USSR) · Hispano 404 (France) · Hispano Mk.II (Britain) · Hispano Mk.V (Britain) · M24A1 (USA) · M61A1 (USA) · MG 151 (Germany) · MG FF (Germany) · MG FF/M (Germany) · ShVAK (USSR)
23 mm  GSh-23L (USSR) · NR-23 (USSR) · NS-23 (USSR)
27 mm  Akan m/85 (Sweden) · Mauser BK27 (Germany)
30 mm  DEFA 552 (France) · GSh-30-1 (USSR) · GSh-30-2K (USSR) · MK 103 (Germany) · MK 108 (Germany) · NR-30 (USSR)
37 mm  BK 3.7 (Germany) · N-37 (USSR) · N-37D (USSR)

USSR aircraft cannons
20 mm  B-20E · B-20M · B-20S · ShVAK
23 mm  GSh-6-23M · GSh-23L · NR-23 · NS-23 · NS-23K · PTB-23 · VYa-23
30 mm  2A42 · GSh-6-30 · GSh-30-1 · GSh-30-2 · GSh-30-2K · NR-30
37 mm  N-37 · N-37D · NS-37 · SH-37
45 mm  NS-45
20 mm  Hispano Mk.II (Britain) · MG 151 (Germany)
37 mm  M4 (USA) · M10 (USA)

USA aircraft cannons
20 mm  AN/M2 · Browning-Colt Mk12 Mod 0 · Browning-Colt Mk12 Mod 3 · FMC T-160
  M3 · M24A1 · M39 · M39A1 · M39A2 · M39A3 · M61A1 · M195 · M197 · Mk 11 · Mk 11 mod 5 · T31
30 mm  M230E-1 · XM140 · GAU-8/A · GAU-13/A · LR30
37 mm  M4 · M9 · M10
40 mm  M75 · M129
75 mm  M10 · T13E1
20 mm  Hispano 404 (France) · Hispano Mk.II (Britain) · MG 151 (Germany) · Type 99 Model 1 (Japan)
30 mm  ADEN Mk.4 (Britain)

France aircraft cannons
20 mm  GIAT M.621 · Hispano 404 · Hispano HS.9 · M50
30 mm  DEFA 541 · DEFA 551 · DEFA 552 · DEFA 552A · DEFA 553 · DEFA 554 · GIAT M781
20 mm  AN/M2 (USA) · Browning-Colt Mk12 Mod 3 (USA) · Hispano Mk.II (Britain) · Hispano Mk.V (Britain) · M3 (USA) · M24A1 (USA) · M39A1 (USA) · M61A1 (USA) · MG 151 (Germany) · ShVAK (USSR)
30 mm  ADEN (Britain)
37 mm  M4 (USA) · M10 (USA) · NS-37 (USSR)

France tank cannons
20 mm  20F2
25 mm  SA35 L/72
37 mm  SA18 L/21 · SA38 L/33
47 mm  SA34 L/30 · SA35 L/32 · SA37
75 mm  APX · APX Canon de 75 mm modèle 1897 · SA35 L/17 · SA44 · SA49 · SA50 L/57
90 mm  D.911 APX · CN90 F2 · CN90 F3 · CN90 F4 · D915 · DEFA F1 · SA45 · SA47
100 mm  SA47 L/58
105 mm  CN-105-F1 · Giat 105 G2 · Modele F2 · PzK M57
120 mm  GIAT CN120-25 G1 · GIAT CN120-26 F1 · SA46
142 mm  ACRA
155 mm  GCT F1 · Schneider 155 C · L'Obusier de 155 Modèle 1950
15 mm  MG 151 (Germany)
20 mm  MG 151 (Germany)
30 mm  Bushmaster 2 Mk.44 (USA)
37 mm  M6 (USA)
40 mm  Bofors L/60 · QF 2-pounder (Britain)
75 mm  KwK42 (Germany) · M3 (USA) · M6 (USA)
76 mm  M7 (USA)
90 mm  M3 (USA)
105 mm  M4 (USA)

Germany naval cannons
15 mm  MG 151
20 mm  2 cm/65 C/30 · 2 cm/65 C/38 · 2 cm/65 Flakzwilling 38 · 2 cm/65 Flakvierling 38 · MG 151/20
30 mm  MK103/38
37 mm  FlaK-Lafette C/36 · 3.7 cm FlaK-Lafette LM/42 · SK C/30 · FlaK.36 · FlaK43
40 mm  40 mm/70 MEL58 · Bofors Flak 28 · Bofors L/70 model 1948
52 mm  52 mm/55 SK L/55
88 mm  8.8 cm/76 SK C/32 · S.K.C/35 · FlaK.18 · Flak.36 · 88 mm/45 AA SK L/45 · 88 mm/45 casemate SK L/45
100 mm  100 mm/55 MLE model 53
105 mm  SK C/32 · SK C/33 AA
120 mm  L45
128 mm  12.8 cm/45 SK C/34 · 12.8 cm SK C/41
150 mm  150 mm/45 SK L/45 · 15 cm/48 KC/36 · 15 cm/55 SK C/28 · 15 cm/60 SK C/25
203 mm  20.3 cm/60 SK C/34
283 mm  283 mm/45 SK L/45 · 283 mm/52 SK C/28 · 283 mm/54,5 SK C/34
305 mm  305 mm/50 SK L/50
380 mm  38 cm SK L/45
23 mm  ZU-23 (USSR)
25 mm  2M-3 (USSR)
30 mm  AK-230 (USSR)
37 mm  V-11 (USSR)
76 mm  76 mm/62 OTO-Melara Compact (Italy)
100 mm  100 mm/56 B-34 (USSR)