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Introducing Wiki 3.0



What is the wiki share program (WSP)

Let's talk about the share program

The War Thunder: Wiki is launching the "Wiki Share Program" (WSP). What is WSP you may ask?

WSP is an opportunity for you to be part of a team adding content to the War Thunder: Wiki and you will be rewarded with Golden Eagles for your hard work by providing information to vehicle pages. Beta testing of this project as completed and was successful and as such we are now ready for you to participate!

The beta project called "The Wiki Freelance Project" (TWFP), provided a way where we created and helped talented individuals, several of which became part of the Wiki team. During this time, the TWFP filled 141 pages with important and helpful content which resulted in total payouts of 34,685 Golden Eagles.

As part of the WSP team as a "Wiki Helper", you will not be required to sign a non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) as part of the project. The role of "Wiki Helper" will consist of creating and adding vehicle content to War Thunder wiki pages which need improvement. The War Thunder Wiki Team will be available to help mentor and work with you. Along the way to help you achieve the best which you can do, when it comes to writing content for the wiki.

Based upon suggestions and improvements collected from feedback provided by users of the previous tests, rewards for written articles have been substantially increased along with providing direct access to the wiki team for support and help. As a Wiki Helper, you will be provided with information, examples and support from the Wiki Team to help you write quality pages of information which both new and experienced War Thunder vehicle operators will want to read and reread as they glean the articles for information to boost their gameplay and knowledge.

Our vision

Our vision for the Wiki Share Program, is to provide information which will benefit everyone who plays our game. The main objective here is to pool together the best information for all our vehicles from: Aviation, Ground and Naval Forces.



How does this work

Edits which were made until 23:59 of the last day of the month will be recorded as the previous month (Submissions made at 23:59 on 31 August will be counted towards the month of August, where as submissions made at 00:00 on 01 September will be counted towards the month of September). At the start of the next month, i.e 1st that is called a new month, this month will last until 23:59 on the last day of that month.

Once the month has ended, your contribution points will be tabulated and your earned. GE's will be paid into your war thunder account - This transaction process can take up to 7 working days.

Msg-info.png Important: Greenwich mean time will be used Please click here for latest GMT time

Apply here

Wsp logo apply here button 2 Snail vF.jpg

Questions & Answers

Q: How can you become part of the Wiki Share Program?

A: There are several ways in which you can become part of the Wiki Share Program which can include participating in and completing competitions, regularly working on adding, editing and updating content to the War Thunder: Wiki, most notably by filling content on the vehicle pages and weapon pages. To participate in this program you will either be invited to join or you can complete an application form to apply to join - Remember, Completing the application for the War Thunder Wiki Share Program does not guarantee you will be automatically accepted into the WSP.

If you would like to be considered for the WSP, but you have never contributed to the War Thunder: Wiki, don't worry! We have some plans in the works to help show you the way and get you started so that you can submit with confidence ; we will have more information about this soon.

Q: I can earn Golden Eagles for writing articles? How will this work?

A: During the month as you work on and submit final articles, your work will be assessed and given a grade (excellent, good, okay, bad) and will be given a monetary value in Golden Eagles which the War Thunder Wiki Team feels appropriately reflects the final work presented. At the beginning of the next month and within 7 working days of the start of new month, the golden eagles will be paid into your War Thunder game account.

Q: How much will you get?

A: WSP payment will not exceed 50,000 GE with a possible choice of a single vehicle per month, if the condition for a vehicle reward is met.

  • The condition to receive a vehicle on top of the GE, is only provided if you earn over 50,000+ GE in that month.

Q: Will wiki helpers (you) have direct access & communication with the wiki team?

A: Yes, wiki helpers (you) will have direct access and communication with the wiki leads and moderators. Why is this being made possible? It will allow you to ask questions, gain clarity and any work through any or challenges, you may be experiencing while working on you articles. Our aim is to help you succeed with your writing, because it: 1) Helps you feel a sense of accomplishment for writing a published article, 2) Earns you Golden Eagles to spend in-game, and 3) Adds to the larger contribution of the entire War Thunder Wiki making it a wealth of knowledge for those learning more about the vehicles in the game along with the history surrounding the vehicles and the role they played in world history!

Q: What benefits can I get and achieve by being in the wiki share program?

A: Participating in the War Thunder Wiki Share Program will help you to develop and advance skill sets on different levels. Whether you are a student, work full-time or are even retired, research and writing skills invoked for this program will help you become more proficient and thus turning in higher quality work, earning you more Golden Eagles. Those who will evaluate your work will be able to identify strengths and can help guide you to articles for you to work on which may play off those strengths. It may be possible through your work to be identified as a potential Wiki editor giving you more responsibility and the ability to mentor others who are participating in the program.

Important information about the information below

Msg-warning.png Please note the examples are here to help and guide you. We understand that everyone has a unique way of writing, and we want to keep that; as we believe it creates a personal approach for each writer. However, it is critically important that you understand what is wanted and not wanted for each grade so you can focus on adding content which aims for excellent status and avoid submitting content which qualifies for less. These situations have been explained with examples which will help you and overtime guide you in your effort to achieve the highest possible grade of excellent.

The grade of excellent

In this grade, called excellent. this is the highest grade which is possible. This is what we are aiming for you to achieve.
WSP Banner A.jpg

Let's start with the grade of excellent: In the article below, you will read and learn what is expected to achieve this grade.

  • What is and makes an excellent playstyle.
  • What is expected to achieve the grade of excellent.
  • The main difference between Excellent and good grades.
  • Recommendations to help you achieve the grade of excellent.

Lets talk about the grade of excellent

What is and makes an excellent playstyle

The AH-1Z is featured in an example below of what is considered to be an excellent grade article. It is essential in this level of write-up that the playstyle and the information portrayed is written very clear, to the point and flows from subject to subject. Also important is identifying the operational environment of the vehicle can be found in and provide clear oversight of how to play the vehicle to its full potential in battle while drawing the reader in to absorb every detail. In general, the focus of the article needs to detail how the vehicle can be played, how it can be used in specific game modes such as combined battles, what can be expected to do and how to make it do it.

It is important to also include a general guide on how the vehicle plays in conventional battles, a delicate balance must be struck help a new player quickly come up to speed, but also offer important details to help the skills of veteran players too.

What is expected to achieve the grade of excellent

One of the prerequisites to achieve this grade requires you to be clear, direct, and non-bias in the descriptions and details of the writing. It is essential to produce an article which is neutral in its tone along with clearly and objectively laying out what the vehicle can and cannot do.

Msg-important.png When writing in the third person, avoid using first-person pronouns such as I and me or second-person pronouns such as you or your, instead use third-person pronouns like he, she, it, they, him, her, them, his, her, its, their and theirs.

The ideal mindset when writing the WSP article is to think along the lines of: If you wanted to get your friend to play a specific vehicle, how would recommend them to play it, in what order or steps would you follow to accomplish the specific tasks that vehicle was built for?

It is important to write from experience from playing the vehicles in-game; just reading historical articles will not cut it in writing an excellent level WSP article. It is imperative you find out what the vehicle can and cannot do through playing it, recall what happens, its limitations and how it differentiates between each game mode (arcade, realistic and simulator) such as, handling, reloading, ammunition choices, etc…

The article is also expected to include additional important elements such as, Pros & Cons, weapon loadout options and pertinent performance information which is critical for proper usage of the vehicle.

Recommendations to help you achieve the grade of excellent
  • Familiarise yourself with other vehicles with the BR brackets of which it can face.
  • Familiarise yourself with the vehicle itself (Learn what it can and cannot do).
  • Break down the tasks into groups such as shown in the examples below.
  • How can you do this by creating a strategy, a plan.

Examples of an "Excellent Grade: playstyle"

In this area examples of excellent playstyles are provided for each class.

Msg-warning.png Important: Please note a naval example is coming very soon.
Aircraft vehicle Example

Click Expand to show

Ground vehicle Example

Click Expand to show

Naval vehicle Example

Click Expand to show

Grade of excellent: Pros and Cons

What makes an excellent pro or con

Simply put, pro and con statements are simple, to the point and highlight important aspects or flaws of that vehicle.

What is meant by this?

  • For a pro it is the competitive advantage of that vehicle.
Msg-warning.png What is a competitive advantage: A competitive advantage is something, that the vehicle has or does which the competition does not offer.

An example of a Pro statement and its explanation based upon the F-100D could be:

  • Fast and out-accelerates both MiG-15s and MiG-17s - Competitive advantages are:
    • Fast in comparison to other aircraft it will generally face.
    • Out-accelerate and specifically notes the MiG-15 and MiG-17 as having poor acceleration in comparison.
    • From this the general knowledge is that this aircraft is fast and is capable of outpacing competitor aircraft if needed.
  • For a con it is the competitive disadvantage of that vehicle.
Msg-warning.png What is a competitive disadvantage: A competitive disadvantage is something that the vehicle does not have or do, which unlike its competition offers.

An example of a Con statement and its explanation based again upon the F-100D could be:

  • While fast, it still accelerates a lot slower than MiG-19PT - Competitive disadvantages are:
    • While fast, reinforces one of the strengths of the F-100D...but...
    • accelerates a lot slower than the MiG-19PT makes specific note of a vehicle which has a distinct advantage over the F-100D, noting the F-100D's speed against the MiG-19PT is a con or disadvantage.
Msg-info.png Ideally the pros and cons should be between 4 and 8 points for each.
Example of an excellent grade - pros and cons

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The grade of good

Let's talk about the grade of good

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What is and makes and makes a good playstyle

A good playstyle takes into account the previous grade called okay and further capitalises on it. By further by expanding & documenting the information provided in a good amount of detail: such as the playstyle, foes and highlighting the key and critical differences. It is also important to give tips and recommendations on how to play it well and what not to do.

It's very important to be clear and do it in a way which is simple and brings the reader in.

Recommendations to help you achieve the grade of excellent

  • Start to familiarise yourself with other vehicles with the BR brackets of which it can face.
  • Start to familiarise yourself with the vehicle itself (Learn what it can and cannot do).
  • Explain how to play it.
  • Explain What it can and cannot do.
  • Bring everything together and try to make it interesting for the reader, try to make the reader go "WOW!"
  • Try to do it in way which is simple and to the point but be interesting

Let's talk about the key differences between the two grades of Good and excellent

The main difference between excellent and good is that excellent, contains far more specific information, which is specific about that vehicle. Such how vehicle X can be played in certain game modes, realistic battles and which also contains a general guide of how to play it in arcade. How does specific choices about the vehicle impact it. Let's take the Ground Forces excellent example: in this example, it talks and describes critical information such how to play it. What and how are its weakness and how to overcome them. It also talks about the other vehicles which are it;s biggest threats and provides specific tactics and game-styles for each point.

Whereas in the grade of good, specific information is mostly missing, not provided but provides an overview of vehicle x only.

Example of an "Good Grade: Playstyle"


Click Expand to show

Grade of Good: Pros and Cons

What makes a good pro and con

What is a good pro or a good con, it is a step just below of excellent grade. Let's explore these pros and cons which where once stated on the AH-1Z page. Some of these pros and cons would be equal to a grade of excellent. However, they lack in some of detail which would be required for that grade of excellence. Okay, now you are thinking, great!

Lets explore the pros segment.

The first, third, fourth and fifth bullet points are great. They are to the point and highlight some of the competitive advantages. However, they lack the full information on why. For example lets take "Excellent ground attack capabilities." If it was listed as "Excellent ground attack capabilities, due to the Hellfire missiles which provide pin-point accuracy and great penetration" it would be classed in the grade of excellent. Since it lacks that specific information, it would be classed as a good. In addition, with bullet point two: just inserting "Flares" does not mean anything, if it was explained with its competitive advantage in mind and reason behind it being listed then it would good.

However, just listing something whereas all vehicles in that tier has it, is not a good pro. Sometimes, it is worth grouping two or three pros or cons like that together in some way to make it better. To learn what is meant to be a pro and con please click here to learn more

Example of a good grade - pros and cons

Msg-warning.png Important: This applicability also applies to cons as well.

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The grade of okay

Let's talk about the grade of okay

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What is and makes and makes an okay playstyle

A grade of okay is only achieved by creating an okay playstyle. What should an okay playstyle consist of? It should cover and focus on the basics of the vehicle in question. It only includes one game mode such as realistic or arcade and does not present and fails to admit highly detailed information as found in the grades above.

Recommendations to help you achieve the grade of okay

To achieve the grade of okay, it is essential to study and only focus on the vehicle. Just like previously it is essential to understand why did you write it like this and what could you do improve it, However, to boost it to a grade of good you need to start exploring and adding additional focus on the game: playstyles, modes, and competitors.

To achieve the grade of okay: make sure it covers these areas:

  1. Focus only on the vehicle itself.
  2. How to play it, exploring what it can and cannot do in battle.
  3. Start Identifying its game playstyles and additional information relating to them.

Let's talk about the critical differences between the two grades of okay and bad

The critical differences between okay and bad are: Okay focuses on the three points as listed above. It centres around a neutral point of view which may sometimes rarely use terms which reflects something, which also hinders the playstyle. Such as in the example it is listed as "Glass cannon" It is better to use terms such as a "weak cannon".

The main difference between this and the grade of bad: is that bad does not contain any useful information, poorly written, phrases and comments which are not correct or contain biases, incorrect facts and so on.

Example of an "Okay Grade: Playstyle"


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Grade of okay: Pros and Cons

What makes the grade of an okay - pro and con

An okay pro and con talks briefly about the vehicle, such as listing facts about it which contains none to very little use in battle.

Lets take a con from the example below: "Placement of engine allows it to catch on fire when it." This example, is a great example of an okay con. It doesn't clearly state, explain and assumptions are made when reading it.

Another example is this from the example pro: "Tank has ERA all around it" It implies that the vehicle has ERA covering all the tank, whereas ERA only covers the critical areas.

These two examples represent why these are classed as okay. They are on the right direction but lack critical clarity and information. It is assumed and not supported by facts (Evidence). For example if the con was listed as "Placement of engine at the front, allows it to catch on fire when penetrated by an enemy around" This would actually be classed as good. But since it lacks that information and is stated as "Placement of engine allows it to catch on fire when it." it is listed as okay.

Example of an okay grade - pros and cons


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The grade of bad

Let's talk about the grade of bad

WSP Banner D.jpg
What is and makes and makes a bad playstyle

In the example below, we shall explore an example, the first paragraph isn't bad, but okay. However, let's skip this and jump to the second paragraph In this paragraph. Phrases and comments where used, which would result in the edit immediately being undone and recorded as a bad edit.

Examples are listed here:

  • "However inaccurate and jammy the AN/M3s are, they are still far superior to the 4 "baby flamers" on the F8F-1"
  • "Is the WEP awesomeness and the Spas-12 20mms"

Let's explore these two points, the use of these phrases are unwanted and unfactual, they make no sense, provides no clarity, provides no critical information, any actual and factual useful information. An example highlighted is "Spas-12 20mms".

Please remember this that: the War Thunder Wiki helps users learn how to play their vehicles.

Recommendations to help you avoid the grade of bad

Write down, the information you are recording, and instead of using phrases like "spas-12", "Baby Flamers" use terms like authoritative, influential, dominative etc. If you are unsure of a word you want to use but don't know it, ask an online thesaurus and explore a dictionary. An online thesaurus will be able to provide you with fruitful information, and an online dictionary will be able to help you become the zenith for words.

Another recommendation is to read what you have written once you have done it. Question yourself, on why did you do it like this. Look at other pages which are complete on the war thunder wiki and learn from those. Also study the different grades which are listed on this page which highlight the differences between the various grades.

Example of a "Bad Grade: Playstyle"


Click Expand to show

Grade of Bad: Pros and Cons

What makes a bad pro and con

Lets explore this, these are the types of pros and cons which are unwanted. They are ineffective or variables.

For example in the pros a pro was listed a "Has a low BR". Battle ratings are a variable, variables change they are not fixed, they can go up or down. Another one which was listed was British bias and thus is subjective. In order to do these of an okay standard it is important to put aside how you feel and think neutrally about it.

Example of a bad grade - pros and cons


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