Awards and Achievements

- 1 Overview
- 2 Achievements
- 3 Titles
- 3.1 Achievement Titles
- 3.2 Event Titles
- 3.3 Promo Titles
- 3.3.1 General
- 3.3.2 Ground Forces Beta Pre-Order
- 3.3.3 Naval Forces Beta Pre-Order
- 3.3.4 Italian Air Forces Pre-Order
- 3.3.5 French Air Forces Pre-Order
- 3.3.6 French Ground Forces Pre-Order
- 3.3.7 "Advancing Storm" Pre-Order
- 3.3.8 April Fool's - 2016
- 3.3.9 Thunder League - 2016
- 3.3.10 Summer Sale - 2017
- 3.3.11 Summer Sale - 2018
- 3.4 Staff and Team Titles
- 4 Challenges
- 5 Awards and Streaks
- 6 Player ranks
Achievements are in-game challenges that players unlock, and complete while playing the game. A player does not have to activate an achievement to start it. All a player has to do is sign into the game for the first time, and the player will have already started their achievement progress. However, some achievements are tiered, so the previous level must be completed to start on the next level.
Titles are tags that players can unlock after doing specific tasks. They are similar to achievements by the fact that a player has them unlocked to begin with and works on them. But unlike achievements, after a title challenge has been completed the player can go display it to the public. Once a player has a title unlocked, the player can go to their player card and from a drop-box select which title the player would like people to see. Once the title is selected, other players will see said title below the players name while in battle.
Medals are given at the end of games for completing specific challenges while in battle. Medals will also give the player a reward in Silver Lions for getting said medals. Medals can be given for a multitude of tasks, but are only given to the people that did the best at that task on each team. If there is a tie, the player with the highest score is given the medal.
Challenges are similar to achievements, they can be completed at any time during the game and are divided into levels. Where they differ is that challenges are divided by nation and require you to perform various tasks within the game.
Match awards are like mini-achievements, resetting at the end of each game and can be earned a new in the next match. Each one of these will provide a silver lions 15px reward after the match ends.
Streaks are earned for continuous, successive acts during a match. The player is rewarded for his ongoing efforts with silver lions 15px.
- Get To Know Us!: Watch the Credits to the end.
- In Disguise: Perform a sortie in an aircraft with a non-standard camouflage pattern
- Decoration: Put a sticker on your aircraft.
- Knowledge Is Power: Enter the encyclopedia.
- Amateur Film Maker: Save and watch a Replay.
- Where am I?: Visit the Record Tables.
- Facebook: Login into Facebook and press Like!
Evolvement achievements
- Only the Stars are Higher: Reach a new level.
- From Spain to Korea: Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the Soviet Air Force.
- From Pearl Harbor To Korea: Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the US Air Force.
- From Pearl Harbor To Okinawa: Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the Japanese Air Force.
- From Spain To Berlin: Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the German Air Force.
- From Great Britain To Berlin: Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the German Air Force.
- Steel March (USSR): Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the Soviet ground forces.
- Steel March (Germany): Obtain some ranks in the development branch of the German ground forces.
- Worldwide Fame: Obtain access to the maximal rank in the development branches of all countries' air forces.
- Worldwide Fame (Ground Forces): Obtain access to the maximum rank in the development branches of all countries' ground forces.
Mission Achievements
- Just the Beginning: Play a Dynamic Campaign mission.
- Free Swinging: Win all types of missions in a Dynamic Campaign.
- Fun with Friends: Play at least one Dynamic Campaign mission in the 4-player co-op mode.
- Not the End Yet: Complete one of Dynamic Campaigns.
- Making History: Win a Dynamic Campaign.
- Unidentified Heights: Win a Dynamic Campaign by capturing all sectors.
- Small Stories: Complete several Single Missions.
- Spirit of the Age Complete several Single Missions on the Simulator difficulty level.
- Teamwork: Complete 20 Single Missions in co-op mode.
- Battle-Tried: Participate in several fights against other players, with a battle activity of 50 percent.
- Champion: Win several fights against other players, with a battle activity of 50 percent.
Tank Achievements
- Soviet Ace Tanker: Master Soviet tanks to perfection.
- German Ace Tanker: Master German tanks to perfection.
- Tanker-Multitasker: Master 50 tanks to perfection
- Victory Machine: Obtain a rank V tank.
- Steel Legion: Obtain several tanks.
Aircraft Achievements
- Master (USSR): Master Soviet aircraft to perfection.
- Master (USA): Master American aircraft to perfection.
- Master (Japan): Master Japanese aircraft to perfection.
- Master (Germany): Master German aircraft to perfection.
- Master (Great Britain): Master British aircraft to perfection.
- Multitasker: Master 100 aircraft to perfection.
- Real Pilot: Master 200 aircraft to perfection
- Can't Catch Me!: Obtain a rank V aircraft.
- Collector: Obtain several aircraft.
Crew Achievements
- Experienced Crew (USSR): Reach some new levels for one of the Soviet crews
- Experienced Crew (US): Reach some new levels for one of the American crews.
- Experienced Crew (Japan): Reach some new levels for one of the Japanese crews.
- Experienced Crew (Germany): Reach some new levels for one of the German crews.
- Experienced Crew (Great Britain): Reach some new levels for one of the British crews.
- Jack of All Trades (USSR): Reach the maximum level for several Soviet crews.
- Jack of All Trades (US): Reach the maximum level for several American crews.
- Jack of All Trades (Japan): Reach the maximum level for several Japanese crews.
- Jack of All Trades (Germany): Reach the maximum level for several German crews.
- Jack of All Trades (Great Britain): Reach the maximum level for several British crews.
- Elite Squadron: Reach the maximum level for 25 crews.
- They'll repair Everything!: Reach the maximum level of repair speed and Repair Rank skills.
- Squadron Commander: Obtain several crews
Miscellaneous Achievements
- It's Only Smoke!: Spend over 30,000 Lions at once on auto-repair.
- Maintenance! Rise and Shine!: The aircraft standing in the slot has been repaired in time.
- It Will Heal Itself: The aircraft in the hanger has been repaired in time.
- Proper Maintenance: Repair an aircraft on your own (without auto-repair).
- Rearmament: Obtain new weapons.
- Proved as Improved: Obtain a modification for any aircraft.
- Custom-Built: Obtain designated types of tank modifications.
- Additional Stuff: Add a new aircraft to your fleet.
- Enough for Everything: Save up 5,000,000 Lions.
Steam Achievements
PS4 Achievements
- War Hero: Destroy 3,000 player vehicles in Random Battles 🏆
- Super Soldier: In Random Battles, get these five battle achievements: Mission Maker, Hero of the Sky, Thunderer, Heavy Metal Hero and Wing Breaker. 🏆
- Destructive Precision: In Random Battles, destroy a player airplane with a rocket. Complete the Mission. 🏆
- Leader: In Random Battles, win a battle at rank five with first place in the match statistics (battle activity: 50%). 🏆
- Heavenly Judgement: In Random Battles, destroy 500 vehicles while in an airplane using bombs. 🏆
- Bird of Prey: In Random Battles, destroy 100 player units while in an airplane. 🏆
- Steel Hunter: In Random Battles, destroy 100 player units while in a tank. 🏆
- Bird Catcher: In Random Battles, destroy 50 airplanes in an anti-air gun. 🏆
- Leader: In Random Battles, win 10 battles at rank four for the USSR (battle activity: 50%). 🏆
- US Patriot: In Random Battles, win 10 battles at rank four for the USA (battle activity: 50%). 🏆
- British Patriot: In Random Battles, win 10 battles at rank four for Britain (battle activity: 50%). 🏆
- German Patriot: In Random Battles, win 10 battles at rank four for Germany (battle activity: 50%). 🏆
- Japanese Patriot: In Random Battles, win 10 battles at rank four for Japan (battle activity: 50%). 🏆
Special Achievements
When an in-game event occurs, it usually has achievements tied to it. It can vary from kills in aircraft or ground vehicles or playing a certain amount of missions(and even winning them) in all game modes. Whenever you have received an achievement, you are given a reward, typically it's a large Lion reward or even a Premium aircraft.
Achievement Titles
Air Forces
- Pilot: Destroy 100 air vehicles in any fighter.
- Fighter: Destroy 5,000 air vehicles in any fighter.
- Ace: Destroy 10,000 air vehicles in any fighter.
- Demolition Man: Bomb 1,000 ground targets in any bomber or assault plane.
- Destroyer: Bomb 4,000 ground targets in any bomber or assault plane.
- Thunderer: Bomb 7,000 ground targets in any bomber or assault plane.
- Sea Hunter: Destroy 500 ships, using a torpedo.
- Sea Dog: Destroy 3000 ships, using a torpedo.
- Blaster: Destroy 100 air vehicles with rockets.
- Unapproachable: Shot down 1,000 enemy aircraft with gunners.
- Nine Lives: Land and repair a critically damaged plane a total of 9 times.
- Jet Powered: Own a jet powered aircraft.
- Virtual Pilot: Win 200 Simulator battles with a battle activity of 50% or higher.
- Virtual Ace: Win 2,000 Simulator battles with a battle activity of 50% or higher.
- Hero of Dover: While in Britain, win 200 missions with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- Hero of Midway: While in Midway, win 200 missions with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- Hero of Stalingrad: While in Stalingrad, win 200 missions with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- Rammer: Get 66 air collisions.
- Cannon Fodder: Crashes from being shot down by other players 666 times.
Ground Forces
- Tankman: While in a ground vehicle, destroy 100 ground vehicles.
- Armored Officer: While in a ground vehicle, destroy 5,000 ground vehicles.
- Tanks Destroyer: While in a ground vehicle, destroy 10,000 ground vehicles.
- Anti-Aircraft: While in a ground vehicle, destroy 100 air vehicles.
- Greasemonkey: While in a ground vehicle, win 500 missions in Simulator mode with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- Hero of Kursk While in Kursk, win 200 missions in a ground vehicle with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- Pyromaniac: While in a ground vehicle, set on fire 1,000 ground vehicles.
- Elite Commander: Obtain the "Elite Squadron" achievement.
- Fine Art Expert: Earn 150 decals.
- Master of Disguise: Unlock 100 camouflages.
- Superhero: Obtain the "Hero of the Sky", "Survivor", "Wingman", "Thunderer" and "Punisher" achievements all in one game.
- Champion: Win 1,000 missions with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- Conqueror: Win 4,000 missions with a battle activity of 50% or greater.
- God of War: Defeat 100,000 players in any game mode.
- Superior: While leading your team in score, win 200 missions while having a battle activity of 50% or greater.
Event Titles
- 1v1 Duelist
- 1v1 Master-Duelist
- Duelist-Hero
- 2v2 Duelist
- 2v2 Master-Duelist
- Gladiators 4v4
- Gladiators 2v2
- Combat Master 4v4
- Top Racer: Received by winners of Air Race contests.
War Thunder 3rd Anniversary - 2015
- ---III---: Log in during the 3 year anniversary (Oct 30th - Nov 2nd, 2015).
- Cowboy: Own any Rank V aircraft or ground vehicle of the US.
- Eagle: Own any Rank V aircraft or ground vehicle of Germany.
- Knight: Own any Rank V aircraft or ground vehicle of Britain.
- Samurai: Own any Rank V aircraft or ground vehicle of Japan.
- Falcon: Own any Rank V aircraft or ground vehicle of the USSR.
War Thunder 4th Anniversary - 2016
- The Old Guard: Obtain achievement "Joined the game in 2013 or earlier".
- Faithful Warrior: Obtain achievement "Joined the game in 2014 or earlier".
- Combat Proven: Obtain achievement "Joined the game in 2015 or earlier".
- Brother in Arms: Obtain achievement "Joined the game in 2016 or earlier".
April Fool's - 2016
- Master of Russian Bias: Own T-34-100, T-44-122 and Yak-3 (VK-107). Destroy 50 player vehicles using any Soviet vehicle of Ranks IV to V.
Throwing a Boomerang - 2015
- True Australian: For obtaining all achievements in the "Throwing a Boomerang" event.
Friday the 13th - 2017
- Slasher: For obtaining all achievements in the "Friday the 13th" event.
Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. - 2017
- Follow me, Comrades!: For achieving 2 Marks of Distinction in the "Operation S.U.M.M.E.R" event.
Victory Day - 2017
- Incinerator: Participate in the "Rocket Launch" event.
Promo Titles
- Soviet Hammer: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("IS-6 Advanced Pack").
- Victorious: Purchase a special bundle from the store.
- Battering Ram: Purchase a special bundle from the store.
Ground Forces Beta Pre-Order
- First on the Track: For participation in War Thunder Ground Forces CBT.
- Tank Pioneer: Purchase a special Ground Forces CBT bundle from the store.
- T-34 Test Engineer: Purchase a special Ground Forces CBT bundle from the store ("T-34 Prototype Starter Pack").
- Sherman Hunter: Purchase a special Ground Forces CBT bundle from the store ("Pz.Kpfw. M4 748(a) Sherman Starter Pack").
- Lookout: Purchase a special Naval Forces CBT bundle from the store.
Italian Air Forces Pre-Order
- Legionnaire: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Fiat CR.32 bis Starter Pack").
- Centurion: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Fiat G.55S Advanced Pack").
French Air Forces Pre-Order
- Beyond Reproach: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Dewoitine D.371 (HS.9) Starter Pack").
- Hot Shot: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("SO.8000 Narval Advanced Pack").
French Ground Forces Pre-Order
- Musketeer: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("B1 ter Starter Pack").
- Desert Wolf: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("M4/FL-10 Starter Pack").
- Bite Hard: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("AMX-13 (SS.11) Starter Pack").
"Advancing Storm" Pre-Order
- Rattlesnake: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Magach 3 Pack").
- Fire-breathing: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("AMX-30 Pack").
- Griffin: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("M.B.5 Pack").
April Fool's - 2016
- Master of Russian Bias: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Яussian Bias Advanced Pack").
Thunder League - 2016
- Thunder League: Given to players, who bought dog tags. For successfully hitting the $10,000 thunder league milestone.
- Stormer: Given to players, who bought dog tags. For successfully hitting the $10,000 thunder league milestone.
Summer Sale - 2017
- Thicked-Skinned: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Thick-Skinned Bundle").
- Vengeance from Above: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Vengeance from Above Bundle").
- Baptized by Fire: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Thirty-Four Bundle").
- Daredevil: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Daredevil Bundle").
- Horrendous: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Horrendous Bundle").
- Die Hard: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Die Hard Bundle").
- Fangs of Steel: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Fangs of Steel Bundle").
- Stiff Upperlipped: Purchase a special bundle from the store ("Stiff Upperlipped").
Summer Sale - 2018
- Revolutionary: Purchase one of three special bundles from the store ("Revolutionary Air Bundle", "Revolutionary Armored Bundle", "Fiery Revolutionary Bundle").
Staff and Team Titles
- Research Pilot
- Senior Research Pilot
- Flight Model Designer
- Senior Flight Model Designer
- Community Helper
- Suggestion Helper
- Council Member
- Game Master
- Forum Moderator
- Technical Moderator
- Chat Moderator
- Live Moderator
- Wiki Editor
- Wiki Team
- Steam Moderator
- Community Manager
- National Coordinator
- Gaijin Administrator
- Developer
(Note: All challengers below have multipliers which will affect the reward, if your reward is 100 lions, it will be 100 if challenge is accomplished in Arcade battles, doubled if accomplished in Realistic Battle and tripled, and in some cases multiplied by 6, if accomplished in Simulator Battles .)
- Carrier Landings: Requires 2, 20, and 100 carrier landings.
- Ships Bombed: Requires 3, 30, and 90 ships destroyed.
- Bomber: Requires 100, 500, and 10,000 targets damaged
- Torpedo Bomber: Requires 50, 1000 and 3000 targets damaged
- Rocketman: Requires 3, 30, and 90 planes destroyed with rockets.
- Gunner: Requires 100, 2,000, and 5,000 planes manually destroyed with tailgunners.
- German Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 German aircraft destroyed.
- Soviet Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 Soviet aircraft destroyed.
- British Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 British aircraft destroyed.
- Australian Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 Australian aircraft destroyed.
- Italian Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 Italian aircraft destroyed.
- Japanese Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 Japanese aircraft destroyed.
- USA Plane Destroyer: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 United States aircraft destroyed.
- Pacific Hero: Requires 100, 3,000, and 10,000 wins with 50% activity on the maps Oahu, Midway, Guadalcanal, Port Moresby, Wake Island, and Pacific Ocean.
- Europe Hero: Requires 100, 1,500, and 5,000 wins with 50% activity on the maps Ruhr, Kuban, and Malta.
- Pearl Harbor Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map Oahu.
- Midway Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map Midway.
- Coral Sea Hero: Requires 50% 10, 50, and 200 wins with activity on the map of Pacific Ocean.
- Wake Island Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map of Wake Island.
- Guadalcanal Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map of Guadalcanal.
- Malta Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map of Malta.
- Ruhr Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map of Ruhr.
- Kuban Hero: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity on the map of Kuban.
- Veteran: Requires 3, 30, and 100 hours played against other players.
British Challenges
- British Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any British plane.
- Spitfire Ace: Requires 5, 15, and 30 aircraft destroyed while using a Spitfire Mk. I.
- Invincible Spitfire Pilot: Requires 5, 15, and 30 Missions won while using any spitfire in the British tree, as well as the American ☆Spitfire Mk. IX☆
Australian Challenges
- Australian Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any Australian plane.
Italian Challenges
- Italian Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any Italian plane.
Soviet Challenges
- Soviet Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any Soviet plane.
- IL Gunner: Requires 5, 15, and 30 players shot down using IL-2, IL-2M, or an IL-10.
- IL Gunner: Requires 5, 15, and 30 ground targets destroyed using IL-2, IL-2M, or an IL-10.
- Lavochkin Ace: Requires that you kill 5, 15, and 30 people with any aircraft made by Lavochkin (LaGG, La-5, La-7). The German Captured La-5 also counts.
- Invincible LaGG Pilot: Requires 10, 50, and 200 wins with 50% activity using any LaGG.
- Yak-1B Ace: Requires that you kill 5, 15, and 30 people with a Yak-1B.
- Invincible Yak Pilot: Requires 10, 15, and 30 wins with 50% using any Yakovlev aircraft.
Japanese Challenges
- Japanese Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any Japanese plane.
- A6M Ace: Requires that you kill 5, 15, and 30 people with any A6M, including the American ☆A6M2☆.
- Invincible A6M2 Pilot: Requires 5, 15, and 30 wins with 50% using an A6M2 (American A6M does NOT count.)
USAF Challenges
- USAF Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any American plane.
- F4F-3 Ace: Requires that you kill 5, 15, and 30 people with the F4F-3
- Invincible Cat Pilot: Requires 5, 15, and 30 wins with 50% using any “Cat” airplane (Including the Wildcat, Hellcat(Including Hellcat Mk. F), and Bearcat.)
- P-39 Ace: Requires that you kill 5, 15, and 30 people with P-39 N-0, P-39 Q-5, P-39 Q-15, P-39 K-1, and P-39 N-0 (SU).
- Invincible P-39 Pilot: Requires 5, 15, and 30 wins with 50% using P-39 N-0, P-39 Q-5, P-39 Q-15, P-39 K-1, and P-39 N-0 (SU).
German Challenges
- German Aviator: Requires 50, 500, and 2,000 aircraft destroyed, while using any German plane.
- Bf Ace: Requires 5, 15, and 30 aircraft destroyed while using a Bf109 E-1 through K-4
- Invincible Bf Pilot: Requires 5, 15, and 30 Missions won while using Bf109 E-3 in the German tree.
- He111 Gunner: Requires 5, 15, and 30 players shot down using He111 H3 through H-16.
- He111 Bomber: Destroy 5-30 ground targets and naval units with any He111 Bomber
- FW Ace: Requires 5, 15, and 30 aircraft destroyed while using a FW190 A-5 through D-12/D-13
- Invincible FW190A-5 Pilot: Requires 5, 15, and 30 Missions won while using the FW190 A-5 and A-5/U2 in the German tree.
- Ju-87 Gunner: Requires 5, 15, and 30 players shot down using Ju-87 B-2 through G-2
- Ju-87 Bomber: Destroy 5, 15 and 30 ground targets with any Ju-87 with the exception the G-1 and G-2
Awards and Streaks
Match Awards
Can be obtained several times per match.
- Double strike! Shot down two planes in a row.
- Triple strike! Shot down three planes in a row.
- Multi strike x4! Shot down four planes in a row.
- Multi strike: x Destroyed vehicles of %d players in a row.
- Double strike! Wrecked two ships in a row.
- Triple strike! Wrecked three ships in a row.
- Multi strike x4! Wrecked four ships in a row.
- Multi strike x Wrecked %d ships in a row.
- Double strike! Destroyed two ground units in a row.
- Triple strike! Destroyed three ground units in a row.
- Multi strike x4! Destroyed four ground units in a row.
- Multi strike x Destroyed X ground units in a row.
- Win streak: x Destroyed X air targets in a row.
- Air assists streak: xN !
Assisted allies to destroy air targets N times in a row. - Ground win streak: x Destroyed X ground targets in a row.
- Water win streak: x Destroyed several water targets in a row.
- Base capturer streak: xN !
N base captures in a row. - Base defender streak: xN !
N base capture interrupts in a row. - Shadow strike streak: xN !
Reward for destroying an enemy vehicle without getting yourself hit.
Player ranks
Title | Rank | Total XP | Required XP to Next Level |
File:Rank-0.png None | |||
Rank 0 | 0 | 500 | |
Rank 1 | 500 | 1,300 | |
Rank 2 | 1,800 | 3,200 | |
Rank 3 | 5,000 | 6,600 | |
Rank 4 | 11,600 | 11,900 | |
Rank 5 | 23,500 | 19,200 | |
Rank 6 | 42,700 | 29,000 | |
Rank 7 | 71,700 | 41,500 | |
Rank 8 | 113,200 | 56,900 | |
Rank 9 | 170,100 | 75,500 | |
Rank 10 | 245,600 | 77,000 | |
Rank 11 | 322,600 | 78,800 | |
File:Rank-2.png Lieutenant | |||
Rank 12 | 401,400 | 80,700 | |
Rank 13 | 482,100 | 82,500 | |
Rank 14 | 564,600 | 84,300 | |
Rank 15 | 648,900 | 86,100 | |
Rank 16 | 735,000 | 87,900 | |
Rank 17 | 822,900 | 89,800 | |
Rank 18 | 912,700 | 91,600 | |
Rank 19 | 1,004,300 | 93,400 | |
Rank 20 | 1,097,700 | 95,200 | |
Rank 21 | 1,192,900 | 97,100 | |
Rank 22 | 1,290,000 | 98,900 | |
Rank 23 | 1,388,900 | 100,700 | |
File:Rank-3.png Captain |
Rank 24 | 1,489,600 | 102,500 |
Rank 25 | 1,592,100 | 104,400 | |
Rank 26 | 1,696,500 | 106,200 | |
Rank 27 | 1,802,700 | 108,000 | |
Rank 28 | 1,910,700 | 109,800 | |
Rank 29 | 2,020,500 | 111,700 | |
Rank 30 | 2,132,200 | 113,500 | |
Rank 31 | 2,245,700 | 115,300 | |
Rank 32 | 2,361,000 | 117,100 | |
Rank 33 | 2,478,100 | 119,000 | |
Rank 34 | 2,597,100 | 120,800 | |
Rank 35 | 2,717,900 | 122,600 | |
File:Rank-4.png Major |
Rank 36 | 2,840,500 | 124,400 |
Rank 37 | 2,964,900 | 126,300 | |
Rank 38 | 3,091,200 | 128,100 | |
Rank 39 | 3,219,300 | 129,900 | |
Rank 40 | 3,349,200 | 131,700 | |
Rank 41 | 3,480,900 | 133,600 | |
Rank 42 | 3,614,500 | 135,400 | |
Rank 43 | 3,749,900 | 137,200 | |
Rank 44 | 3,887,100 | 139,000 | |
Rank 45 | 4,026,100 | 140,900 | |
Rank 46 | 4,167,000 | 142,700 | |
Rank 47 | 4,309,700 | 144,500 | |
File:Rank-5.png Colonel |
Rank 48 | 4,454,200 | 146,300 |
Rank 49 | 4,600,500 | 148,200 | |
Rank 50 | 4,748,700 | 150,000 | |
Rank 51 | 4,898,700 | 151,800 | |
Rank 52 | 5,050,500 | 153,600 | |
Rank 53 | 5,204,100 | 155,500 | |
Rank 54 | 5,359,600 | 157,300 | |
Rank 55 | 5,516,900 | 159,100 | |
Rank 56 | 5,676,000 | 160,900 | |
Rank 57 | 5,836,900 | 162,700 | |
Rank 58 | 5,999,600 | 164,600 | |
Rank 59 | 6,164,200 | 166,400 | |
File:Rank-6.png Commander |
Rank 60 | 6,330,600 | 168,200 |
Rank 61 | 6,498,800 | 170,000 | |
Rank 62 | 6,668,800 | 171,900 | |
Rank 63 | 6,840,700 | 173,700 | |
Rank 64 | 7,014,400 | 175,500 | |
Rank 65 | 7,189,900 | 177,300 | |
Rank 66 | 7,367,200 | 179,200 | |
Rank 67 | 7,546,400 | 181,000 | |
Rank 68 | 7,727,400 | 182,800 | |
Rank 69 | 7,910,200 | 184,600 | |
Rank 70 | 8,094,800 | 186,500 | |
Rank 71 | 8,281,300 | 188,300 | |
File:Rank-7.png Commodore |
Rank 72 | 8,469,600 | 190,100 |
Rank 73 | 8,659,700 | 191,900 | |
Rank 74 | 8,851,600 | 193,800 | |
Rank 75 | 9,045,400 | 195,600 | |
Rank 76 | 9,241,000 | 197,400 | |
Rank 77 | 9,438,400 | 199,200 | |
Rank 78 | 9,637,600 | 201,100 | |
Rank 79 | 9,838,700 | 202,900 | |
Rank 80 | 10,041,600 | 204,700 | |
Rank 81 | 10,246,300 | 206,500 | |
Rank 82 | 10,452,800 | 208,400 | |
Rank 83 | 10,661,200 | 210,200 | |
File:Rank-8.png General |
Rank 84 | 10,871,400 | 212,000 |
Rank 85 | 11,083,400 | 213,800 | |
Rank 86 | 11,297,200 | 215,700 | |
Rank 87 | 11,512,900 | 217,500 | |
Rank 88 | 11,730,400 | 219,300 | |
Rank 89 | 11,949,700 | 221,100 | |
Rank 90 | 12,170,800 | 223,000 | |
Rank 91 | 12,393,800 | 224,800 | |
Rank 92 | 12,618,600 | 226,600 | |
Rank 93 | 12,845,200 | 228,400 | |
Rank 94 | 13,073,600 | 230,300 | |
Rank 95 | 13,303,900 | 232,100 | |
Rank 96 | 13,536,000 | 233,900 | |
Rank 97 | 13,769,900 | 235,700 | |
Rank 98 | 14,005,600 | 237,500 | |
Rank 99 | 14,243,100 | 239,400 | |
File:Rank-9.png Marshal |
Rank 100 | 14,482,500 | N/A |
Pages in category "Achievements"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.