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Write an introduction to the article in 2-3 small paragraphs. Briefly tell us about the history of the development and combat using the weaponry and also about its features. Compile a list of air, ground, or naval vehicles that feature this weapon system in the game.

Vehicles equipped with this weapon

General info

Tell us about the tactical and technical characteristics of the missile.

Effective damage

Describe the type of damage produced by this type of missile (high explosive, splash damage, etc)

Comparison with analogues

Give a comparative description of missiles that have firepower equal to this weapon.

Usage in battles

Describe situations when you would utilise this missile in-game (vehicle, pillbox, base, etc)

Pros and cons

Summarise and briefly evaluate the weaponry in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark pros and cons as a list.




After seeing advances in western development of short-range IR missiles during the early 1970s, such as the AIM-9L (and later the AIM-9M, which entered service one year before the R-73) and their success in combat, primarily the Sidewinder in Middle Eastern conflicts arming Israeli aircraft, and also seeing the shortcomings (primarily range and flare resistance) of their own "Dogfight missiles" in the form of the R-60 and R-60M, the Soviet Union set out to develop and deploy a new class of missile, which would combine the advantages of both the Dogfight missiles such as the SRAAM and R-60s, while maintaining the advantageous capabilities of contemporary short-range missiles, such as the AIM-9 Sidewinder and R-13M.

Under a directive from the Soviet government, development began in 1973 by Vympel OKB to create a new generation of all-aspect "Kill on sight" missile, called Izdeliye 730 (Project 730). The "Kill on sight" missile was to incorporate the best of both worlds of missile designs, such as the high manoeuvrability and instantaneous "off the rail" tracking of the older dogfight missiles such as the R-60 and R-60M, while also including the reliable range and tracking of short range missile designs like the R-13M and the prototype all-aspect R-14 missile (which would be later cancelled in favour of the R-73). Unfortunately, by design principle, the missile either had to be large with a long burning motor to attain acceptable ranges, or small and lightweight to be manoeuvrable like a dogfight missile at the cost of range. The R-73 would be the first air-to-air missile to use a hybrid control system, utilizing not only thrust vectoring capability to attain high angles of attack and instantaneous manoeuvring, similar to older western projects (AIM-95 and SRAAM, both of which failed), but also utilized more conventional aerodynamic controls through fins and destabilizers to retain control even after the motor shuts down. This design allowed the missile to not only retain its "Dogfight missile" manoeuvrability (even improving it over older designs like the R-60M), but also allowed it to be larger in size, enough to fit more fuel and a stronger motor to attain similar ranges to contemporary missiles of the time, such as the AIM-9L. The second aspect of the "Kill on sight" missile doctrine was the helmet-mounted targeting system, which was developed in parallel to the R-73. This system would allow the missile's seeker to be targeted at "High off-boresight" without having to manoeuvre the aircraft to position the target inside the missile's seeker, providing a massive advantage in a dogfight over contemporary missiles. Almost an entire decade of development later, Project 730 would finally be completed in 1982, entering trials almost immediately as the R-73 missile.[1]

Close-up image of an R-73 missile mounted on the outer pylon (Station 4) of a upgraded MiG-21 prototype demonstrator, on static ground display during the 1999 MAKS airshow. There is a R-77 visible on the inner pylon (Station 3)
R-73 Missile on display at MAKS 1999

After trials, the missile would enter service in 1984, and receive the NATO reporting name AA-11 Archer, and shortly after, a export variant (R-73E) would be produced and sold to most allies of the USSR operating their new MiG-29 fighters. The R-73 would go on to become a staple of Soviet (and later Russian) missile design, with the USSR and later the Russian Federation upgrading it into many new variants to modify and/or improve its performance, starting with the R-73L and ending most recently with the R-74M1.

In 1990, when Germany was re-unified, the Luftwaffe found itself with a lot of leftover ex-East German MiG-29 aircraft, and alongside them, their stockpiles of R-73 missiles. In 1994, a dissimilar air combat training between USAF F-16As of the 510th Fighter Squadron and Luftwaffe MiG-29s took place in a NATO airbase in Aviano, Italy. After an overwhelming victory from the German MiG-29s, utilizing the R-73 and their helmet-cued targeting, the USA and the rest of the NATO countries realized that they had underestimated the R-73's capabilities, and found that it had better manoeuvrability, tracking, and seeker acquisition than the contemporary NATO missiles at the time (AIM-9L and AIM-9M)[2], which prompted the US and NATO countries to develop their own advanced contemporaries, namely the AIM-9X, AIM-132 ASRAAM, IRIS-T, and the MICA Infrarouge.


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the article about the variant of the weapon;
  • references to approximate analogues by other nations and research trees.

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • other literature.

AAM  AIM-54A Phoenix · AIM-54C Phoenix · ATAS (AIM-92) · AIM-120A · AIM-120B · Fakour-90 · Sedjeel
Sparrow  AIM-7C · AIM-7D · AIM-7E · AIM-7E-2 · AIM-7F · AIM-7M
Sidewinder  AIM-9B · AIM-9C · AIM-9D · AIM-9E · AIM-9G · AIM-9H · AIM-9J · AIM-9L · AIM-9M · AIM-9P
AGM  AGM-22 · APKWS II (M151) · APKWS II (M282) · BGM-71D TOW-2
Bullpup  AGM-12B Bullpup · AGM-12C Bullpup
Hellfire  AGM-114B Hellfire · AGM-114K Hellfire II
Maverick  AGM-65A · AGM-65B · AGM-65D · AGM-65E2 · AGM-65G · AGM-65L
TOW  BGM-71 · BGM-71A · BGM-71B · BGM-71C
SAM  FIM-92 Stinger · MIM-72 · MIM146
Naval SAM  RIM-24A
AAM  AIM-9B FGW.2 Sidewinder · AIM-9L/I Sidewinder · Flz Lwf 63 · Flz Lwf 63/80
AGM  9M14M Malyutka · Flz Lwf LB 82 · HOT-1 · HOT-2 TOW · HOT-3 · PARS 3 LR
AShM  AS.34 Kormoran
SAM  Roland
Naval SAM  Strela-2M
AAM  9M39 Igla · R-3R · R-3S · R-13M1 · R-23R · R-23T · R-24R · R-24T · R-27ER(1) · R-27ET(1) · R-27R(1) · R-27T(1) · R-60 · R-60M · R-60MK · R-73(E) · R-77
AGM  9K127 Vikhr · 9M17M Falanga · 9M120 Ataka · 9M120-1 Ataka
  Kh-23M · Kh-25 · Kh-25ML · Kh-29L · Kh-29T · Kh-29TE · Kh-29TD · Kh-66 · S-25L · S-25LD
ATGM  3M7 · 9M14 · 9M113 Konkurs · 9M114 Shturm · 9M123 Khrizantema · 9M133 · 9M133FM3 · 9M133M-2
SAM  95Ya6 · 9M311 · 9M311-1M · 9M331 · 9M37M
Naval SAM  Volna-M
AAM  Fireflash · Firestreak · Red Top · Skyflash · Skyflash SuperTEMP · SRAAM · R-Darter
AGM  AGM-65E · AS.12 · ZT-6 Mokopa
AShM  AJ.168
ATGM  BAe Swingfire · MILAN · MILAN 2 · ZT3
SAM  Starstreak
AAM  AAM-3 · AAM-4
AGM  Ki-148 I-Go Model 1B
ATGM  Type 64 MAT · Type 79 Jyu-MAT
SAM  Type 81 SAM-1C · Type 91
AAM  PL-2 · PL-5B · PL-5C · PL-5EII · PL-7 · PL-8 · PL-12 · SD-10(A) · TY-90
AGM  AKD-9 · AKD-10 · Fire Snake 90A · HJ-8A · HJ-8C · HJ-8E · HJ-8H
ATGM  302 · HJ-73 · HJ-73E · HJ-9 · QN201DD · QN502CDD
AAM  Aspide-1A · MAA-1 Piranha
Naval AShM  Nettuno
SAM  Mistral SATCP
AAM  AA-20 Nord · Matra R511 · Matra R530 · Matra R530E · Matra Super 530D · Matra Super 530F · Matra R550 Magic 1 · Matra R550 Magic 2 · Mistral · MICA-EM
AGM  9M14-2 Malyutka-2 · AS-20 Nord · AS-30 Nord · AS-30L Nord · HOT-1 · HOT-2 TOW · HOT-3 · Spike ER
SAM  Roland · VT1
AAM  RB24 · RB24J · RB71 · RB 74 · RB 74(M) · RB 99
AGM  Rb05A · RB 53 Bantam · RB 55B Heli TOW · RB 55C Heli TOW · RB 75 · RB 75T
ATGM  Rbs 55 · Rbs 56
SAM  Rbs 70
AAM  Shafrir · Shafrir 2 · Python 3 · Derby
  AAM = Air-to-Air Missile   AGM = Air-to-Ground Missile   AShM = Anti-Ship Missile   ATGM = Anti-Tank Guided Missile (Ground mounts)   SAM = Surface-to-Air Missile

  1. Jump up Gordon, Yefim. Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons Since World War Two, Midland Publishing, 2004.
  2. Jump up Menon, KB., Evolution of the Air-To-Air Missiles: Options for the IAF", IDR Publishing, 2012