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(Usage in battles)
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|about=medium tank '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
|about= Italian medium tank '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
|usage=other uses
|usage= other versions
|link=M26 (Family)
|link= M26 (Family)
== Description ==
== Description ==
<!--In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.-->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a rank {{Specs|rank}} Italian medium tank {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update 1.85 "Supersonic"]].
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a rank {{Specs|rank}} Italian medium tank {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update 1.85 "Supersonic"]].
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
'''''Armour type:'''''
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
*''Cast homogeneous armour (Front, turret)''
'''Armour type:'''
*''Rolled homogeneous armour (Side, Rear, Roof)''
* Cast homogeneous armour (Front, turret)
* Rolled homogeneous armour (Side, Rear, Roof)
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!''Armour''!!''Front (Slope angle)''!!''Sides''!!''Rear''!!''Roof''
! Armour !! Front (Slope angle) !! Sides !! Rear !! Roof
|''Hull''||''101.6 mm (42-46°) Front Glacis''
| Hull || 101.6 mm (42-46°) ''Front Glacis''
''162.5 mm (25-60°) Upper front glacis''
162.5 mm (25-60°) ''Upper front glacis''
''76.2 mm (28-53°) Lower Glacis''
76.2 mm (28-53°) ''Lower Glacis''
|''76.2 mm (0-1°) Front''
| 76.2 mm (0-1°) ''Front''
''50.8 mm (0-3°) Rear''
50.8 mm (0-3°) ''Rear''
|''50.8 mm (7°) Top''
| 50.8 mm (7°) ''Top''
''22.2 mm (71°) Bottom''
22.2 mm (71°) ''Bottom''
|''22.2 mm''
| 22.2 mm
|''Turret''||''101.6 mm (1-55°) Turret front''
| Turret || 101.6 mm (1-55°) ''Turret front''
''114.3 mm (1-84°) Gun mantlet''
114.3 mm (1-84°) ''Gun mantlet''
|''76.2 mm (2-54°)''||''76.2 mm (0-79°)''||''25.4 mm''
| 76.2 mm (2-54°) || 76.2 mm (0-79°) || 25.4 mm
! Armour !! Sides !! Roof
|''Cupola''||''76.2 mm''||''25.4 mm''
| Cupola || 76.2 mm || 25.4 mm
*''Suspension wheels and tracks are 20 mm thick.''
* Suspension wheels and tracks are 20 mm thick.
*''Belly armour is 25.4 mm thick.''
* Belly armour is 25.4 mm thick.
=== Mobility ===
=== Mobility ===
Line 53: Line 57:
== Armaments ==
== Armaments ==
=== Main armament ===
=== Main armament ===
<!--''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.''-->
<!-- ''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.'' -->
''Main article'': '''''[[M3A1 (90 mm)]]'''''
{{main|Cannone da 90/50 M3A1 (90 mm)}}
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="6" |Cannone da 90/50 [[M3A1 (90 mm)|M3A1]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="3" |Capacity
! colspan="5" | [[Cannone da 90/50 M3A1 (90 mm)|90 mm Cannone da 90/50 M3A1]] || colspan="5" | Turret rotation speed (°/s) || colspan="4" | Reloading rate (seconds)
| colspan="3" |70
! Mode !! Capacity !! Vertical !! Horizontal !! Stabilizer
| -10°/+20°
! Stock !! Upgraded !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! Stock !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! colspan="6" |Turret rotation speed (°/s)
! ''Arcade''
| rowspan="2" | 70 || rowspan="2" | -10°/+20° || rowspan="2" | ±180° || rowspan="2" | N/A || __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || rowspan="2" | 9.75 || rowspan="2" | 8.63 || rowspan="2" | 7.95 || rowspan="2" | 7.50
! ''Realistic''
| 14.28 || 16.80 || 20.40 || 22.60 || 24.00
!Prior +
Full crew
!Prior +
Expert qualif.
!Prior +
Ace qualif.
==== Ammunition ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="8" | Penetration statistics
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type="text" | Ammunition
! rowspan="2" | Type of<br>warhead
! colspan="6" | '''Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)'''
! colspan="4" |Reload rate (seconds)
! 10 m !! 100 m !! 500 m !! 1,000 m !! 1,500 m !! 2,000 m
! colspan="1" |Stock
| M77 da 90/50 || AP || 162 || 160 || 148 || 135 || 123 || 113
! colspan="1" |Prior +
Full crew
! colspan="1" |Prior +
Expert qualif.
! colspan="1" |Prior +
Ace qualif.
| M82 da 90/50 || APCBC || 185 || 182 || 170 || 155 || 142 || 130
| M304 da 90/50 || APCR || 287 || 281 || 259 || 234 || 211 || 191
===== Ammunition =====
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! colspan="8" |Penetration statistics
! rowspan="2" |Ammunition
| M332 da 90/50 || APCR || 291 || 286 || 264 || 240 || 217 || 197
! rowspan="2" |Type of
! colspan="6" |'''Penetration''' '''''in mm''''' '''@ 90°'''
| M71 da 90/50 || HE || 13 || 13 || 13 || 13 || 13 || 13
|M77 da 90/50
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="10" | Shell details
|M71 da 90/50
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type="text" | Ammunition
! rowspan="2" | Type of<br>warhead
! rowspan="2" | Velocity<br>(m/s)
! rowspan="2" | Projectile<br>Mass (kg)
! rowspan="2" | Fuse delay<br>(m)
! rowspan="2" | Fuse sensitivity<br>(mm)
! rowspan="2" | Explosive Mass<br>(TNT equivalent) (g)
! colspan="3" | Ricochet
|M82 da 90/50
! 0% !! 50% !! 100%
|M304 da 90/50
| M77 da 90/50 || AP || 822 || 10.61 || N/A || N/A || N/A || 47° || 60° || 65°
|M332 da 90/50
| M82 da 90/50 || APCBC || 853 || 10.94 || 1.2 || 14.0 || 137.2 || 48° || 63° || 71°
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! colspan="10" |Shell details
! rowspan="2" |Ammunition
| M304 da 90/50 || APCR || 1,021 || 7.62 || N/A || N/A || N/A || 66° || 70° || 72°
! rowspan="2" |Velocity
in m/s
! rowspan="2" |Projectile
Mass in kg
! rowspan="2" |Fuse delay
in m
! rowspan="2" |Fuse sensitivity
in mm
! rowspan="2" |Explosive Mass in g
(TNT equivalent)
! rowspan="2" |Normalization at 30°
from horizontal
! colspan="3" |Ricochet
| M332 da 90/50 || APCR || 1,165 || 5.7 || N/A || N/A || N/A || 66° || 70° || 72°
|M77 da 90/50
| M71 da 90/50 || HE || 823 || 10.55 || 0.1 || 0.5 || 925 || 79° || 80° || 81°
| -1°
|M71 da 90/50
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" | Smoke shell characteristics
| +0°
|M82 da 90/50
! Ammunition
! Velocity<br>(m/s)
! Projectile<br>Mass (kg)
! Screen radius<br>(m)
! Screen deploy time<br>(s)
! Screen hold time<br>(s)
| +4°
! Explosive Mass<br>(TNT equivalent) (g)
|M304 da 90/50
| M313 da 90/50 || 821 || 10.7 || 13 || 5 || 20 || 50
| +1.5°
|M332 da 90/50
| +1.5
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" |Smoke characteristic
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
<!-- [[File:Ammoracks_{{PAGENAME}}.png|right|thumb|x250px|[[Ammo racks]] of the {{PAGENAME}}]] -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! Full<br>ammo
! 1st<br>rack empty
! 2nd<br>rack empty
! 3rd<br>rack empty
! 4th<br>rack empty
! 5th<br>rack empty
! 6th<br>rack empty
! Visual<br>discrepancy
| '''70''' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __
in m/s
Mass in kg
!Screen radius
in m
!Screen time
in s
!Screen hold time
in s:
!Explosive Mass in g (TNT equivalent):
=== Machine guns ===
=== Machine guns ===
''Main articles: '''[[Browning M2HB (12.7 mm)]]''', '''[[M1919A4 (7.62 mm)]]'''''
<!-- ''Offensive and anti-aircraft machine guns not only allow you to fight some aircraft but also are effective against lightly armoured vehicles. Evaluate machine guns and give recommendations on its use.'' -->
{| class="wikitable"
{{main|M2HB (12.7 mm)|M1919A4 (7.62 mm)}}
! colspan="7" |[[Browning M2HB (12.7 mm)|12.7 mm M2HB]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="5" | [[M2HB (12.7 mm)|12.7 mm M2HB]]
! colspan="7" |Pintle mount
! Mount
! Capacity<br>(Belt capacity)
! Rate of fire<br>(shots/minute)
! Vertical<br>guidance
! Horizontal<br>guidance
! colspan="4" rowspan="1" |Capacity (Belt capacity)
| Pintle || 1,000 (200) || 576 || -10°/+50° || ±120°
! rowspan="1" |Fire rate
! rowspan="1" |Vertical
! rowspan="1" |Horizontal
| colspan="4" |1,000 (200)
| -10°/+50°
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" |[[M1919A4 (7.62 mm)|7.62 mm M1919A4]]
! colspan="5" | [[M1919A4 (7.62 mm)|7.62 mm M1919A4]]
! colspan="7" |Coaxial mount
! Mount
! Capacity<br>(Belt capacity)
! Rate of fire<br>(shots/minute)
! Vertical<br>guidance
! Horizontal<br>guidance
! colspan="4" rowspan="1" |Capacity (Belt capacity)
| Coaxial || 5,250 (250) || 500 || N/A || N/A
! rowspan="1" |Fire rate
! rowspan="1" |Vertical
! rowspan="1" |Horizontal
| colspan="4" |5,250 (250)
|    ''N/A''
|      ''N/A''
== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
The M26A1 is played in a very similar way to the normal M26, but it has more firepower and a better APCR. One of the biggest differences is that you will be facing Allied forces instead of Axis forces.
The M26A1 is played in a very similar way to the normal M26, but it has more firepower and a better APCR. One of the biggest differences is that you will be facing Allied forces instead of Axis forces.
It's as versatile as the original Pershing but with a better gun, maybe not for a support role, but for sniping or doing flank manoeuvres if you are brave enough
It's as versatile as the original Pershing but with a better gun, maybe not for a support role, but for sniping or doing flank manoeuvres if you are brave enough.
If you decide to snipe, use to your favor the good depression of your gun (-10°) and your relative low shape
If you decide to snipe, use the good depression of your gun (-10°) and your relatively short silhouette to your favour.
To flank, take advantage of your decent mobility to take out unaware enemies
To flank, take advantage of your decent mobility to take out unaware enemies.
=== Modules ===
=== Modules ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Tier
! colspan="2" |Mobility
! colspan="2" | Mobility
! Protection
! colspan="2" |Firepower
! colspan="2" | Firepower
| I
| Tracks
| Parts
|M82 da 90/50
| M82 da 90/50
|Horizontal Drive
| Horizontal Drive
| II
| Suspension
|Brake System
| Brake System
|M304 da 90/50
| M304 da 90/50
|Adjustment of Fire
| Adjustment of Fire
| Filters
|Crew Replenishment
| Crew Replenishment
|M332 da 90/50
| M332 da 90/50
|Elevation Mechanism
| Elevation Mechanism
| IV
| Transmission
| Engine
| Artillery Support
|M313 da 90/50
| M313 da 90/50
* ''To unlock the M332 shot first you need to recsearch the M304 shot''
* To unlock the M332 shot first you need to research the M304 shot
* ''It's recommendable unlocking Parts and FPE first, then the M82 and APCR shots, and after that focus on mobility.'' ''Like the normal M26''
* It's recommended to unlock Parts and FPE first, then the M82 and APCR shots, and after that focus on mobility.
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
<!--Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in a bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".-->
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in a bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
* Uses the same gun as the M46 Patton = slightly better penetration compared to the original M26 Pershing
* Uses the same gun as the M46 Patton = slightly better penetration compared to the original M26 Pershing
* M82 shot has great post-penetration damage; can easily one-shot enemy tanks  
* M82 shot has great post-penetration damage; can easily one-shot enemy tanks
* Decent frontal armour overall
* Decent frontal armour overall
* Respectable mobility
* Respectable mobility
Line 374: Line 252:
* Armour can still be penetrated by most guns encountered at its rank
* Armour can still be penetrated by most guns encountered at its rank
* Stock ammunition will have some difficulty destroying other tanks effectively
* Stock ammunition will have some difficulty destroying other tanks effectively
Line 381: Line 258:
== History ==
== History ==
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the ground vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).''
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).''
== Media ==
== Media ==
Line 388: Line 265:
== See also ==
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
Line 394: Line 270:
== External links ==
== External links ==
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''encyclopedia page on the tank;''
* ''encyclopedia page on the tank;''

Revision as of 18:23, 22 April 2020

Introducing Wiki 3.0
6.7 6.7 6.7
Research:63 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:200 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png
This page is about the Italian medium tank M26A1. For other versions, see M26 (Family).


GarageImage M26A1.jpg

The Carro Armato M26A1 is a rank IV Italian medium tank with a battle rating of 6.7 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.85 "Supersonic".

General info

Survivability and armour

Armour type:

  • Cast homogeneous armour (Front, turret)
  • Rolled homogeneous armour (Side, Rear, Roof)
Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 101.6 mm (42-46°) Front Glacis

162.5 mm (25-60°) Upper front glacis

76.2 mm (28-53°) Lower Glacis

76.2 mm (0-1°) Front

50.8 mm (0-3°) Rear

50.8 mm (7°) Top

22.2 mm (71°) Bottom

22.2 mm
Turret 101.6 mm (1-55°) Turret front

114.3 mm (1-84°) Gun mantlet

76.2 mm (2-54°) 76.2 mm (0-79°) 25.4 mm
Armour Sides Roof
Cupola 76.2 mm 25.4 mm


  • Suspension wheels and tracks are 20 mm thick.
  • Belly armour is 25.4 mm thick.


Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 54 18 42 775 954 18.45 22.71
Realistic 49 16 442 500 10.52 11.9


Main armament

90 mm Cannone da 90/50 M3A1 Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Stock Full Expert Aced
Arcade 70 -10°/+20° ±180° N/A __.__ __.__ __.__ __.__ __.__ 9.75 8.63 7.95 7.50
Realistic 14.28 16.80 20.40 22.60 24.00


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
M77 da 90/50 AP 162 160 148 135 123 113
M82 da 90/50 APCBC 185 182 170 155 142 130
M304 da 90/50 APCR 287 281 259 234 211 191
M332 da 90/50 APCR 291 286 264 240 217 197
M71 da 90/50 HE 13 13 13 13 13 13
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
Mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
M77 da 90/50 AP 822 10.61 N/A N/A N/A 47° 60° 65°
M82 da 90/50 APCBC 853 10.94 1.2 14.0 137.2 48° 63° 71°
M304 da 90/50 APCR 1,021 7.62 N/A N/A N/A 66° 70° 72°
M332 da 90/50 APCR 1,165 5.7 N/A N/A N/A 66° 70° 72°
M71 da 90/50 HE 823 10.55 0.1 0.5 925 79° 80° 81°
Smoke shell characteristics
Ammunition Velocity
Mass (kg)
Screen radius
Screen deploy time
Screen hold time
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
M313 da 90/50 821 10.7 13 5 20 50

Ammo racks

rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
70 __ (+__) __ (+__) __ (+__) __ (+__) __ (+__) __ (+__) __

Machine guns

12.7 mm M2HB
Mount Capacity
(Belt capacity)
Rate of fire
Pintle 1,000 (200) 576 -10°/+50° ±120°
7.62 mm M1919A4
Mount Capacity
(Belt capacity)
Rate of fire
Coaxial 5,250 (250) 500 N/A N/A

Usage in battles

The M26A1 is played in a very similar way to the normal M26, but it has more firepower and a better APCR. One of the biggest differences is that you will be facing Allied forces instead of Axis forces.

It's as versatile as the original Pershing but with a better gun, maybe not for a support role, but for sniping or doing flank manoeuvres if you are brave enough.

If you decide to snipe, use the good depression of your gun (-10°) and your relatively short silhouette to your favour.

To flank, take advantage of your decent mobility to take out unaware enemies.


Tier Mobility Protection Firepower
I Tracks Parts M82 da 90/50 Horizontal Drive
II Suspension Brake System FPE M304 da 90/50 Adjustment of Fire
III Filters Crew Replenishment M332 da 90/50 Elevation Mechanism
IV Transmission Engine Artillery Support M313 da 90/50


  • To unlock the M332 shot first you need to research the M304 shot
  • It's recommended to unlock Parts and FPE first, then the M82 and APCR shots, and after that focus on mobility.

Pros and cons


  • Uses the same gun as the M46 Patton = slightly better penetration compared to the original M26 Pershing
  • M82 shot has great post-penetration damage; can easily one-shot enemy tanks
  • Decent frontal armour overall
  • Respectable mobility
  • Great reverse speed
  • Good accuracy on the move thanks to its stable suspension
  • Good gun depression enables it to use hull-down tactics
  • Fast turret rotation speed
  • 76 mm of side armour allows the M26A1 some degree of angling


  • Armour can still be penetrated by most guns encountered at its rank
  • Stock ammunition will have some difficulty destroying other tanks effectively
  • Mediocre acceleration
  • Turret ring can get damaged easily


Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref></ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <references />. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under === In-game description ===, also if applicable).


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the vehicles;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • encyclopedia page on the tank;
  • other literature.

Italy medium tanks
M13/40  M13/40 (I) · M13/40 (II) · M13/40 (III)
M14/41  M14/41 · M14/41 (47/40)
M15/42  M15/42
M16/43  Celere Sahariano
P26/40  P40 · P40 "G.C. Leoncello"
OF-40  OF-40 · OF-40 Mk.2A · OF-40 (MTCA)
Ariete  Ariete (P) · Ariete · Ariete PSO · Ariete AMV
Germany  ▄Pz.III N · ▄Pz.IV G · ▄Leopard 1A5
Allied powers  ▄Sherman I Composito · Sherman Ic · ▄Sherman Vc · ▄Sherman V · M26 "D.C.Ariete" · M26A1 · M47 (105/55) · M60A1 "D.C.Ariete"
Turán  Turan I · Turan II · Turan III
Germany  ◔Leopard 2A4 · Leopard 2A7HU
USSR  ◔T-72M1