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== Description ==
== Description ==
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a rank {{Specs|rank}} Soviet tank destroyer {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update "Starfighters"]].
A few years after the fall of the USSR, efforts were restarted to develop an anti-tank guided missile with dual-control modes. The program was officially restarted and spearheaded in 1996 by the Konstruktorskoye Byuro Mashynostroyenia Engineering Design Bureau, or KBM for short. The project resulted in the 9M123 Khrizantema missile, which was available in both laser-beam riding and radar-beam riding variants. The design philosophy behind this was for new attack helicopters being designed during the '90s, such as the [[Ka-52]] and the [[Mi-28N]], to be able to launch two separate 9M123 missiles at two separate targets in different locations; one guided by radar while the other is guided with conventional laser optics. However, due to multiple reasons, chiefly delays and budget cuts during development of the Ka-52 and Mi-28N respectively, a new cheaper platform was devised for the 9M123 missile. This cheap platform was envisioned through a heavily modified version of the existing [[BMP-3]] chassis, named the '''9P157-2 Khrizantema-S'''. The Khrizantema-S launcher vehicle was hastily designed with simplicity but effectiveness in mind, touted by the manufacturer with the promise that ''"Only three defending [Khrizantema-S] tank destroyers are able to engage 14 attacking tanks and destroy at least sixty percent of the attacking force".'' The 9P157-2 Khrizantema-S had a few developmental delays and teething issues during testing, which were not ironed out for a few years, allowing it to finally enter service in 2005. Trials for an upgraded "Khrizantema-SM" version with better radar, electronics, and upgraded variants of the Khrizantema missile were officially completed in 2016, although it is not known if a full production order was issued for the upgraded model.
Introduced in [[Update "Starfighters"]], the '''{{Specs|name}}''' is essentially an amphibious ATGM carrier based on the chassis of the familiar [[BMP-3]]. It is the spiritual successor to the previous [[Shturm-S]], which was also an amphibious ATGM carrier based on the chassis of the MT-LB that requires good positioning behind lines to perform well. However, unlike the Shturm, the Khrizantema-S is equipped with a ground-based radar system for its 9M123 "Khrizantema" (Chrysanthemum) missiles, which can be guided by both radar and laser beams. Despite its delicate name, the 9M123 is the most powerful Russian ATGM in War Thunder with a tandem warhead penetrating 1,200 mm of RHA and a fast flight speed of 550 m/s. However the platform also has many drawbacks: the armour protection is very poor and it has no gun armament whatsoever, making it a specialist vehicle that requires caution and relies on teammate support. The Khrizantema-S is best played as a back-line  sniper with its incredible optics and radar to pick off targets with its fast and punchy missiles. Effectiveness of this vehicle will rely on player's knowledge of the terrain along with anticipation of "choke points" and hot-spots on certain maps.
== General info ==
== General info ==
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<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
The {{PAGENAME}} is very lightly armoured and only have 2 crewmembers, so it will barely survive any attack stronger than 7.62 mm MG to the hull. It, however, has some RHA plates on front, which are also angled closer towards 80°, making it capable of deflecting heavy machine gun fire and, at times, autocannon fire, or even non-apfsds shells.
The Khrizantema-S is very lightly armoured and only has 2 crew members, so it will barely survive any attack stronger than 7.62 mm MG to the hull. It, however, has some RHA plates on front, which are also angled closer towards 80°, making it capable of deflecting heavy machine gun fire and, at times, 20 mm autocannon fire. They will not protect from APDS or APFSDS belts of light tanks.
Unlike the [[Shturm-S]], which has a virtual plate of 5 mm RHA covering the launcher hole at all the times, the Khrizantema-S has a huge gaping hole in the middle of the roof with no protection at all, which makes the tank count as open-topped. Due to this and overall bad armour thickness, any HE shell will knock out the vehicle even with an indirect hit. This means that AP-I or even HE-I anti-air belts on planes, light tanks and SPAA are not a joke, but a legitimate lethal threat. Hellfire missiles or rocket salvos will also disintegrate the carrier.
Due to this, the Khrizantema-S requires hulldown positions or flat hills just to be able to fight, and should avoid direct fights and artillery fire at all costs. It is optimal to have 3 firing positions which are at least 60 m apart to rotate through if the Khrizantema-S is within artillery request range, allowing it to dodge artillery fire for as long as possible, but survival is not guaranteed regardless, as sometimes the initial correction shots are lucky enough to land straight on the roof and destroy the carrier.
To retreat from battle or to exploit its weapon system offensively, the Khrizantema-S can also use ESS together with thermal scope, creating a smoke wall behind and around itself. Unfortunately, it will not protect from tanks which also have thermal scope unlocked, which are the majority at the BR.
The weakness of armour is exacerbated by the fact that, even in hulldown, its launcher and radar are still widely exposed and can be hit with HE, HESH, or HEAT projectiles. This means that HE shells can be landed on top of it in such a way that it will destroy the Khrizantema-S via overpressure, allowing any tank and even SAM to defeat it, if their reaction time and aim are better.
Due to armour thickness, almost any big shell at its rank will hull break it on direct hit to the hull, unless slowed down by some internal module. The tank is also very unlikely to survive hellfire missiles or rocket rain.
There is no way to force the carrier to put the launcher down and close the hatch, so the tank is virtually exposed at all the times unlike with the Shturm-S. This is very unfortunate, as the hull is actually very short and could be hidden in the same manner as the predecessor otherwise.
Due to this, it requires hulldown or hills just to be able to fight, and it should avoid direct fights and artillery fire at all costs. To retreat from battle or to exploit it's weapon system it can also use ESS, creating smoke wall behind and around itself.
The "Dozer Blade" upgrade allows the Khrizantema-S to create firing positions for itself anywhere, or to make attacking into its cover incredibly annoying and difficult, but its general weaknesses will remain the same.
The weakness of armour is further prolonged by fact, that even in hulldown its launcher and radar are still exposed and can be hit with HE, HESH or HEAT, and, unlike with the most of other hulldown ATGM tanks, HEAT can be landed on top of it in such a way, that it will destroy {{PAGENAME}} via hullbreak, allowing other ATGM tanks to defeat it, if their reaction and aim is better. It is worth noting that kinetic shells do not hull break tank on radar hit, and it automatically hides itself when being damaged, to increase chances of survival against unexperienced opponents.
'''Armour type:'''
When {{PAGENAME}} is travelling faster than 5 km/h, both its launcher and radar are hidden away, which reduces probability of being hit on move, at a cost of time spent to get launchers out and being unable to quickly fire them out when it matters, which may result in a loss against light tanks.
* Alloy ABT-102 (hull)
* High hardness rolled armour (appliqué armour)
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! Armour !! Front (Slope angle) !! Sides !! Rear !! Roof
! Armour !! Front (Slope angle) !! Sides !! Rear !! Roof
| Hull || ___ mm || ___ mm ''Top'' <br> ___ mm ''Bottom'' || ___ mm || ___ - ___ mm
| Hull || 18 + 10 (81°) ''Upper glacis'' <br> 10 + 12 mm ''Upper plate'' <br> 60 + 10 mm (53°) ''Lower glacis'' || 60 ''Top front'' <br> 43 mm ''Top rear'' <br> 45 mm ''Bottom'' <br> 13 mm ''Engine vent'' || 43 mm ''Upper plate'' <br> 43 mm (22°) ''Lower glacis'' <br> 13 mm (22°) ''Exhaust'' || 18 + 10 (9°) ''Front glacis'' <br> 15 mm ''Fighting compartment'' <br> 18 mm ''Launcher hatch''
| Turret || ___ - ___ mm ''Turret front'' <br> ___ mm ''Gun mantlet'' || ___ - ___ mm || ___ - ___ mm || ___ - ___ mm
| Cupola || ___ mm || ___ mm || ___ mm || ___ mm
'''Notes:''' <!-- Any additional notes which the user needs to be aware of -->
<!-- Example: * Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick, tracks are 30 mm thick, and torsion bars are 60 mm thick. -->
* Suspension wheels and torsion bars are 15 mm thick while tracks are 20 mm thick.
* Mudguards are 4 mm thick.
* There are additional but sporadic 10 mm thick appliqué armour plates on the sides of the hull.
* Belly armour is 10 mm thick.
=== Mobility ===
=== Mobility ===
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
The {{PAGENAME}}'s acceleration and mobility is somewhat closer to track-using light tanks due to it's low weight, but it has rather limited maximum speed, when compared to top rank VI or VII vehicles. In RB, it's offroad forward speed is generally around 45 km/h. It's reverse speed is also limited, but will allow it to back out of a fight with about 15 km/h on demand.
The Khrizantema-S's acceleration and mobility is somewhat closer to tracked light tanks due to its low weight, but it has rather limited maximum speed, when compared to top rank VI or VII vehicles.
The {{PAGENAME}}'s climbing ability is mediocre, but it should be able to climb any hills when spaded.
In RB, its offroad forward speed is generally around 45 km/h. Its reverse speed is also limited, but will allow it to back out of a fight with about 15 km/h on demand. In AB, the acceleration is higher, so it is not impossible to reach 70 km/h with upgrades, but it will not outpace most medium tanks of the other nations at the rank.
The {{PAGENAME}} can swim with greatly reduced movement speed.
The Khrizantema-S's climbing ability is mediocre, but it should be able to climb any hills when spaded. Overall, it's similar to the Shturm-S in that regard. The Khrizantema-S can swim with greatly reduced movement speed.
=== Modifications and economy ===
=== Modifications and economy ===
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<!-- ''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.'' -->
<!-- ''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.'' -->
''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.''
The {{PAGENAME}} has an ATGM handle similarly to [[Shturm-S]]. It reloads two of the missile launchers at once, and only reloads them after both were used. Since it's completely automated, it will always take tank 15 seconds to reload.
The Khrizantema-S has an ATGM handle similarly to the [[Shturm-S]]. It reloads two of the missile launchers at once, and only reloads them after both were used. Since it's completely automated, it will always take 15 seconds to reload.
Sniper optics and laser pointer are located on the very front-right of the hull, separately from the launchers. The optics must be able to point towards the target for semi-automatic (mouse) aim to work.
Since the launcher is very fragile, it is important to avoid being hit until "Parts" are researched, as if the handle or the launcher are critically hit, the field repair will fail to completely fix them and the Khrizantema-S will become useless until it finds a light tank, squadmate, or friendly capture point. This can be debilitating to a point it's easier to just bail out of the carrier rather than to try to repair.
Sniper optics and laser pointer are located on the very front-right of the hull, separately from the launchers. It must see tank's target for semi-automatic aim (mouse aim) to work.
The handle can aim in about a 160 degree sector in front of the tank, but has problems with pointing down and too far up, which makes sniper aim more useful in open, flat terrain, where the tank can fire at targets directly. If it must be used in cluttered streets, it's best to approach targets carefully while being mindful of the fact that the launcher is located behind the sniper scope and not just above it, to avoid misfiring and hitting the tank's own cover.
Handle can aim in about 160 degree sector in front of the tank, but has problems with pointing down and too high up, which makes sniper aim to be more useful in some kind of open, flat territory, where tank can fire at targets directly. If it must be used in some kind of cluttered street, it's best to approach targets carefully while being mindful of the fact, that launcher is located behind sniper scope and not just above it, to avoid misfiring and hitting tank's own cover.
Similar issues follow radar aim as well, due to radar's limited vertical traverse, but it can guide missiles at angles far beyond capability of the laser designator and can easily guide shots behind a hill if the lock was somehow obtained.
Similar issues follow radar aim as well, due to radar's limited vertical traverse, but it can guide missiles at angles far beyond capability of laser pointer.
Both missiles can be controlled at the same time, either both by laser, or the first by radar and then the second by laser.
{{Notice|Missiles can be slaved to radar, therefore first missile launched while radar is locked on will fly straight for it and ignore user's input. It will do so even if {{PAGENAME}} hull is furiously shaking while swimming and manual shot seems impossible to make.|!}}
{{Notice|Missiles can be slaved to radar, therefore the first missile launched while radar is locked on will fly straight for it and ignore user's input. It will do so even if the Khrizantema-S's hull is furiously shaking while swimming and manual shot seems impossible to make. If you let the first missile reach its target before firing again, the next missile will also be guided by a radar.}}
Missiles themselves seem to have high level of horizontal mobility, but significantly lower vertical mobility - they can take sharp turns into sides, but they will refuse to drop down at the last moment, so it is better to keep then on level with intended target, unless they are guided by radar, in which case you have no control over them and they generally go for the turret neck or the centre of the target. They will likely catch any slow flying helicopter, that does not immediately perform a drop straight down to the ground (which is very bad for RB helicopters and may result in unintended crash by itself).
Missiles themselves have high levels of horizontal mobility, but significantly lower vertical mobility - they can take sharp turns to the sides, but they will refuse to drop down at the last moment, so it is better to keep them level with the intended target, unless they are guided by radar, in which case you have no control over them and they generally go for the turret neck or the centre of the target. Radar has far better control over how missiles move, but it is still ill-advised to launch them at too high an angle, as they will just slam into the ground. They, however, will likely catch any slow flying helicopter, that does not immediately perform a drop straight down to the ground (which is very bad for RB helicopters and may result in unintended crash by itself).
Missiles can fly up to 6 km away before running out of fuel. It makes them useful against both ground and air, but it may fail to reach overly cautious rank VII helicopters, due to them being able to fire from 8 km away.
Since the missiles are too bad at vertical manoeuvres, it's near impossible to use them for trick shots and for the same pseudo-hulldown tactics generally employed by the Shturm-S. There is no difference between AB and RB for this tank, so only radar shots can reliably land when launched beyond cover.
9M123 is an extremely powerful tandem missile, which can potentially penetrate any NERA currently in the game on direct hit and will definitely penetrate any ERA due to it's power alone and tandem technology used to specifically breach ERA.
Missiles can fly up to 6 km before running out of fuel. It makes them useful against both ground and air, but it may fail to reach overly cautious rank VII helicopters, due to them being able to fire from 8 km away. They are not very good at catching planes which are evading direct shots, especially when guided by the radar, as it often leads them in a less than optimal way.
9M123F is the same carrier missile, but it is loaded with HE instead. HE missiles have less shrapnelling range than HE shells seen in conventional tanks and are generally used to harass other light vehicles, which sometimes cannot be simply destroyed with HEAT payload.
9M123 is an extremely powerful tandem missile, which can potentially penetrate any NERA currently in the game on direct hit and will definitely penetrate any ERA due to its power alone and tandem technology used to specifically breach ERA. Unlike the missiles of the [[Shturm-S]], it is extremely unlikely that the target will survive, unless it was a glancing hit.
9M123F is the same carrier missile, but it is loaded with HE instead. In terms of penetration, they are equal to the strongest HE shells in the game. These are generally used to harass other light vehicles, which sometimes cannot be simply destroyed with HEAT payload, but, due to their high raw power, they sometimes can be launched at a main battle tank to destroy them if their turret is too thick even for the incredibly powerful default missile or their commanders are being way too paranoid to hit directly with HEAT. Due to the extreme explosive mass, these missiles can actually cause dents in the ground which are not only visible by the eye, but slowly wear down enemy cover over time (though it will still take a very long time to do and is not very viable outside of AB).
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="5" | [[9M123]] missile || colspan="5" | Turret rotation speed (°/s) || colspan="4" | Reloading rate (seconds)
! colspan="5" | [[9M123]] missile || colspan="5" | Turret rotation speed (°/s) || Reloading rate (seconds)
! Mode !! Capacity !! Vertical !! Horizontal !! Stabilizer
! Mode !! Capacity (Belt) !! Vertical !! Horizontal !! Stabilizer
! Stock !! Upgraded !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! Stock !! Upgraded !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! Stock !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! ''Arcade''
! ''Arcade''
| rowspan="2" | 16 || rowspan="2" | -5°/+15° || rowspan="2" | ±85° || rowspan="2" | N/A || __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || rowspan="2" | _.__ || rowspan="2" | _.__ || rowspan="2" | _.__ || rowspan="2" | _.__
| rowspan="2" | 16 (2) || rowspan="2" | -5°/+15° || rowspan="2" | ±85° || rowspan="2" | N/A || 35.2 || 48.8 || 59.2 || 65.5 || 69.7 || rowspan="2" | 15.00
! ''Realistic''
! ''Realistic''
|14.9|| __.__ || __.__ || __.__ || __.__
| 23.8 || 28.0 || 34.0 || 37.6 || 40.0
==== Ammunition ====
==== Ammunition ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
{{:9M123/Ammunition|9M123, 9M123F}}
! colspan="8" | Penetration statistics
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type="text" | Ammunition
! rowspan="2" | Type of<br>warhead
! colspan="6" | '''Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)'''
! 10 m !! 100 m !! 500 m !! 1,000 m !! 1,500 m !! 2,000 m
| 9M123 || ATGM (tandem) || 1,200 || 1,200 || 1,200 || 1,200 || 1,200 || 1,200
| 9M123F || ATGM-HE || 61 || 61 || 61 || 61 || 61 || 61
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="10" | Shell details
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type="text" | Ammunition
! rowspan="2" | Type of<br>warhead
! rowspan="2" | Velocity<br>(m/s)
! rowspan="2" | Projectile<br>Mass (kg)
! rowspan="2" | Fuse delay<br>(m)
! rowspan="2" | Fuse sensitivity<br>(mm)
! rowspan="2" | Explosive Mass<br>(TNT equivalent) (g)
! colspan="3" | Ricochet
! 0% !! 50% !! 100%
| 9M123 || ATGM (tandem) || 550 || 46.0 || 0.2 || 0.01 || 6,160 || 80° || 82° || 90°
| 9M123F || ATGM-HE || ___ || _.__ || __ || _._ || ___ || __° || __° || __°
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
<!-- [[File:Ammoracks_{{PAGENAME}}.png|right|thumb|x250px|[[Ammo racks]] of the {{PAGENAME}}]] -->
[[File:Ammoracks_{{PAGENAME}}.png|right|thumb|x250px|[[Ammo racks]] of the {{PAGENAME}}]]
<!-- '''Last updated:''' -->
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{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! Full<br>ammo
! Full<br>ammo
! 1st<br>rack empty
! 1st<br>rack empty
! 2nd<br>rack empty
! 3rd<br>rack empty
! 4th<br>rack empty
! 5th<br>rack empty
! 6th<br>rack empty
! Visual<br>discrepancy
! Visual<br>discrepancy
| '''8''' || __ ''(+__)'' || __ ''(+__)'' || __ ''(+__)'' || __ ''(+__)'' || __ ''(+__)'' || __ ''(+__)'' || __
| '''8''' || 1&nbsp;''(+7)'' || No
===Optics and night vision===
=== Radars ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" | {{PAGENAME}} [[Optics]]
! rowspan="3" |Type of optic
! rowspan="3" |Magnification
! colspan="5" |[[Night Vision Devices]]
! colspan="3" |Image Intensifier
! rowspan="2" |{{Annotation|Thermal Imager<br>Resolution|The higher the resolution the clearer and more detailed the image is}}
! rowspan="2" |Notes
! {{Annotation|Resolution|The higher the resolution the clearer and more detailed the image is}}
! {{Annotation|Light Mult|By how much the image intensifier amplifies the existing light, primarily useful for comparing image intensifiers}}
! {{Annotation|Noise Level|How much noise is present in the image (how grainy the image is)}}
! Gunner's Sight
| ? || N/A || N/A || N/A || 800X600? || Only useable with tier 4 upgrade
! Commander's View
| X6 || N/A || N/A || N/A || 800X600? || Only useable with tier 4 upgrade
! Driver's View
| X1 / 3PV || 800X600? || ? || High || Not fitted || Only useable with tier 4 upgrade
{{Notice|The Khrizantema-S's radar can not only lock onto aerial targets but also search for and lock onto ground targets, and it can also lock onto targets behind smoke and trees, and in the dark, even if the user cannot see them. Keep both of these facts in mind when using it.}}
{{Notice| {{PAGENAME}} radar can not only lock onto aerial targets but also search for and lock onto ground targets, and it can also lock onto targets behind smoke and trees, even if user cannot see them. Keep both of these facts in mind, when using it |!}}
The Khrizantema-S is equipped with a single search and tracking radar, mounted to the left of missile launchers. The radar dish follows the targeting device and only scans in chosen direction. The radar system is incapable of scanning while tracking, and can only lock on targets within a 20° arc in direction the aiming device is pointed at. This limitation persists after locking on - if the user turns the sight too far away from the target, the lock will automatically break.
The {{PAGENAME}} is equipped with a single search and tracking radar, mounted to the left of missile launchers. The radar system is incapable of scanning while tracking, and generally can only lock on targets within a 20° arc from the front of itself.
It is much easier to lock onto tanks by using binoculars and occasionally pressing "fire", as the tank will temporarily "aim" straight at the tanks through cover, ignoring targeting device limitations (as it can't really guide missiles with laser there and will derail the radar as well), ensuring that the radar tries to scan in that exact direction. When "lock on" is pressed, the radar will attempt to lock onto targets straight in the middle of binocular or sniper view, regardless of their vertical position.
Radar is usually following targeting reticle and only scans in chosen direction, however, once locked, it can automatically turn up to 85° degrees in either direction in front of the tank, continuing tracking its target as long as it didn't go behind {{PAGENAME}}.
Vertically, the radar also has rather limited angles at which it can lock and track, being very similar to limitations of the launcher itself. It also seems to rely more on hull position rather than aiming device when aiming at the sky. For that reason, it is better not to rely on search mode whatsoever and try to lock onto targets manually (by pressing the lock-on button in binocular mode while aiming at the target) to see if the tank needs to be moved, or it's just the radar being picky and the carrier needs to be moved.
Vertically radar also has rather limited angles at which it can lock and track, but exact angles are difficult to measure. It also seems to rely more on hull position, rather than aiming reticle, when aiming at the sky. For that reason, it is better not to rely on search mode whatsoever and try to lock onto targets manually (by pressing lock-on button in sniper mode while aiming at the target) to see if tank needs to be moved, or it's just radar being picky.
The radar will generally refuse to lock if the target is behind a tree or something solid, which means you will not waste a shot by just relying on it. However, it will often fail to lock on to a turret of a tank (which could be hit resulting in target destruction), so radar suggestions are not absolute and manual aim is not to be discarded.
Sometimes it also can lock on and track hostile tank at very long ranges, while aiming at them almost through the ground, allowing missiles to be launched over hills with minimal tank exposure and giving the {{PAGENAME}} an unexpected advantage, particularly noticeable at longer ranges of over 1.8 km.
Sometimes, the radar can lock on and track hostile tanks at very long ranges, while aiming at them almost through the ground, allowing missiles to be launched over hills with minimal tank exposure and giving the Khrizantema-S an unexpected advantage, particularly noticeable at longer ranges of over 1.8 km.
It is also possible to check if enemy tank is dead or alive by locking onto it. Dead tanks generally do not pose any interest for the radar. (Probably unintended feature)
Radar is hidden within vehicle whenever it is powered down or seriously damaged. Since radar is a valid target for explosives, sometimes it is worth turning it off on purpose in RB. Sometimes, it is possible to damage the radar even if it's hidden for some reason.
Radar is hidden within vehicle whenever it is powered down, seriously damaged, or when tank is travelling. Since radar is a valid target for explosives, sometimes it is worth turning it off on purpose.
It is definitely necessary to turn it off sometimes in AB, as it is easy to lock onto "selected" tank from sniper scope within radar scan radius even if it's offline, and the radar will only pop out for a fraction of a second if the lock was unsuccessful, instead of being a liability when under heavy fire. The good time to have it always on is when there are non-ESS smoke screens popped all around, so it is necessary to continuously scan the smoke in order to stay safe and fight.
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{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="5" | ??? - Target Detection Radar
! colspan="5" | 1L32-1 - Target Detection Radar
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Detection<br/>Range|The maximum possible range at which a target can be detected}}
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Detection<br/>Range|The maximum possible range at which a target can be detected}}
Line 200: Line 153:
! {{Annotation|Minimum<br/>relative speed|The minimum speed a target must be moving, relative to the radar, in order to be detectable by the radar}}
! {{Annotation|Minimum<br/>relative speed|The minimum speed a target must be moving, relative to the radar, in order to be detectable by the radar}}
| 8000? m || N/A? || ±20°? || +40°? / -20°? || N/A
| 8,000 m || N/A || ±7° || ±4.5° || N/A
! colspan="5" | ??? - Target Tracking Radar
! colspan="5" | 1L32-1 - Target Tracking Radar
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Tracking<br/>Range|The maximum range at which a target can be tracked}}
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Tracking<br/>Range|The maximum range at which a target can be tracked}}
Line 210: Line 163:
! {{Annotation|Minimum<br/>target speed|The minimum speed a target must be moving, relative to the radar, in order to be tracked by the radar}}
! {{Annotation|Minimum<br/>target speed|The minimum speed a target must be moving, relative to the radar, in order to be tracked by the radar}}
| 8000? m || N/A? || ±85° || /|| N/A
| 8,000 m || N/A || ±15° || -10°/+20° || N/A
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== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
; Arcade mode
Like the Shturm-S, the Khrizantema-S is an extremely flawed tank and is already outclassed by almost everything at its own BR, most noticeably when fighting proximity missile carriers. It also lost its anti-air ability, relying on the sheer speed of the missiles and, sometimes, its radar to hit aircraft. The radar is also quite a liability in AB due to it being a target for explosives in a mode where all cannon-mounted tanks have aim prediction and assistance, and, unlike with the Shturm-S, this carrier will explode if hit by a chemical shell anywhere.
However, the Khrizantema-S still has ATGMs with the highest raw damage in the game, which means that almost any tank hit directly will vaporize immediately. Unfortunately, the missiles also have poor vertical manoeuvrability, so it's impossible to imitate vertical ATGM and use hills like with the Shturm-S and a different strategy is required.
To decide whether to spawn this ATGM carrier or not, a few questions should be answered first:
* Does the enemy team have an excessive amount of [[Dardo]] or [[M3A3 Bradley]]?
* Are there good horizontal hulldown spots on this map that you can use?
* Can you be easily hit to the hull in that hulldown spot (whether by ATGM or aim assisted HE/HESH/HEAT)?
* Can you make it to the hulldown spot before you get sniped?
* Is your team being steamrolled so hard that an enemy team can afford an endless air support?
* Is it necessary to rush something down to win, at least right now? If so, is enemy position vulnerable to the attacks of Khrizantema-S and are you comfortable enough with the weapon controls to do it?
* Are there close air support planes in this round? If so, are you good with hitting them without any help?
[[File:Khrizanetma-s firing over cover.jpg|thumb|right|Although it is clunky, radar can still allow to hit enemy tanks over a hill. Do not expose the hull for it is generally unnecessary.]]
If any of these questions are a concern to you, it is probably better to spawn a different tank. Against proximity missiles, some medium tanks with ERA on the turret might be better. In some general combat situations, even the Shturm-S might be better due to its anti-air capability and lesser vulnerability to HEAT, but it has to use HE to fight NERA tanks and has to reload more often.
It is possible, that the second question puzzled you, as there are almost no sniping spots in this game, which could be normally used by the Khrizantema-S in AB without an immediate threat of being hit by a HEAT projectile (leading to an instant explosion due to a hole in the roof). This is very true due to launcher being exposed all the time, even before it can fire on targets. To avoid being instantly destroyed, it is necessary to use radar lock as much as possible.
At the very start of the match, turn your radar off and drive straight towards some flat spot that can cover carrier's hull completely. You want to hold the line until the very last missile with minimal movement. The line might be the front, which you can observe from behind an unusually big rock or a short flat hill, it could be a plateau, as it might allow you to use the radar to fire down. In general, you want to have as little vegetation in your way as possible. If using a hill, avoid taking positions too close to the enemy tanks, as close range combat is complicated, especially against ERA tanks.
If you have the Dozer Blade modification, you can try to reinforce a firing position in some unusual spot. But, whatever you choose, the launcher must be able to aim straight at the enemy tank (even if you fire from behind cover, the radar cannot lock beyond launcher aiming angles), so you are limited to only flat ground. Ideally, you want to be standing right next to your cover, as otherwise enemy might accidentally hit the hull by flinging shells, ATGM or even SAM over terrain (although radar or launcher hit would be equally fatal, it is slightly more difficult to pull off).
After taking the position and cleaning it up for missile launching, wait for the enemies to appear. It won't take long, since many players around rank VII have fast tanks. After seeing one, enter binoculars mode, press fire button to turn turret towards enemy, adjust aim, then try to lock onto enemy tank. Entering binocular scope is necessary to ensure that the radar is actually aimed at your target and not somewhere else.
Upon locking onto tank, enter sniper scope, aim above your cover and fire. If the tank in question is some sort of ATGM light tank or SPAA, you can immediately double tap them, even if you are generally sure of your aim, as to avoid being shot back into the launcher (which can be fatal if they use default belts or ATGM). Both missiles can be guided at the same time, so the second shot is not entirely wasted and can be redirected into the next tank.
[[File:Khrizantema-S desert hulldown AB.jpg|thumb|right|Zone other ATGM carriers and sniper tanks out, punish any assault onto a capture point, use the radar to finish off tanks behind smoke screens, as they can't see you anyway.]]
If possible, plan a retreat route for yourself, as it is often impossible to stop rank VII tankers from advancing. Many of them either have enough speed and game knowledge to understand that they have to annihilate you and will go full throttle towards you while you reload, or will go full throttle towards you simply because they can. However, if you have a plan B and can retreat behind the next cover, you can avoid being destroyed during the reload and deny enemy access to the area for far longer.
If you won a battle for the capture point of your choice and nobody seems to be interested in attacking it anymore for more than two minutes, you can transition towards different sniping spot to try and blindside enemies somewhere else. It is, however, very likely that there still is at least one more enemy hiding somewhere nearby, so only move out when there are friendly aircraft in the air, to ensure that at least your immediate surroundings are safe, or that you at least know where the enemy tanks are (via radio communication skill). If you'll meet enemy tanks while out of cover and won't manage to fire before they react, you are going to be destroyed instantly.
Unlike with the Shturm-S, there are no anti-air missile on the Khrizantema, and it is even more vulnerable to air raids, so fighting back will be difficult.
If there are helicopters: Use a hill, which allows the radar to lock on to one of them regardless of height, then launch first missile via radar, while you guide the second missile into another one. Remember, radar lock will break if you turn the guiding device too far away from the first target, so if they spawned in a very spread-out formation you can just fire both missiles and guide them yourself immediately. If you see any helicopter ATGMs, use ESS and continue guiding the missiles via thermal scope towards the ATGM helicopter.
If there are planes: Forget about the radar and fire immediately. If you see a bomber spawning, immediately attack it, as they fly slower than the missiles and can't turn too much, so they are a relatively easy target. If you were able to shoot it down before they reached 1.8 km distance towards you, you are probably safe, but you can additionally move to a different cover if you saw any bombs flying off them. If there is a strike aircraft coming, you are pretty much dead, as they can easily dodge missiles and can keep throwing the plane up and down while firing off rockets, which the 9M123 will not be able to keep up with no matter what. Enemy fighters almost always come down to fire at the Khrizantema-S after fighting each other, but they are often spooked when you launch an ATGM straight at them, so when they reach 1 km distance or start directly diving onto you, fire an ATGM back at them and hope it hits or scares them away. Do not just forget about them after they passed you, as they definitely will circle around and try to hit you again.
If the enemy is using smoke grenades, pull the radar out and scan the screen, then lock onto them and fire one missile at the locked target. Scanning and locking on can also be done manually from the sniper seat without activating the radar, but you will have to be more precise about it, and you cant let yourself to be distracted by anything else. Remember that you still can use thermal scope to see through your own ESS if the radar was destroyed.
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
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* Destructive ATGM with an astounding 1200 mm penetration
* Destructive ATGM with an astounding 1,200 mm penetration, can penetrate most NERA screens and will obliterate most tanks on direct hit
* Radar can also lock onto tanks, through smokes, trees, etc.
* Radar can also lock onto tanks, through smokes, bushes, etc.
* Technically can fire and guide both missiles at once, one via radar, one via laser, an effect hard to replicate with any other tank short of [[BMP-2M]]
* Can fire and guide both missiles at once. It's also possible to attack two different targets at once, one via radar, one via laser
* Can swim and snipe in water, rare for amphibious tanks
* Can swim and accurately snipe in water, rare for amphibious tanks
* Radar guided missiles can shut down any slow helicopter on their own if operator can keep the lock
* Radar guided missiles can shut down any slow helicopter on their own if operator can keep the lock
* Has thermal optics for commander and gunner
* Has thermal optics for gunner
* Great mobility and acceleration
* Great mobility and acceleration
* Heavily sloped frontal armour
* Heavily sloped frontal armour with additional plating can sustain machine guns or bad 20 mm ammunition
* Armour easily penetrated by any gun
* Armour is easily penetrated by any big gun and frontal penetration is almost always fatal due to fuel explosion
* Launcher & radar is easy to get hit when hull down
* Launcher and radar are easy to hit when hull down, allowing hostile tanks to explode the hull anyway, as it counts as open-topped
* 9M123 ATGM  is inferior to [[ADATS]] and SAM, making it inferior in duels
* Very vulnerable to assaults by strike aircraft and have no efficient way of fighting them
* 9M123 ATGMs have inferior speed when compared to surface-to-air missiles, making them inferior in missile duels
* Launcher can be hard to aim manually
* Launcher can be hard to aim manually
* Missiles have poor vertical manoeuvrability
* Has to follow a specific set of rules to be useful in AB, extremely niche due to its limitations and versatility of opponent ATGM
== History ==
== History ==
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).''
=== [[wt:en/news/6718-development-9p157-2-khrizantema-why-not-both-en|Devblog]] ===
In the eighties, the KB Mashinostroyeniya in Kolomna began work on an all-weather anti-tank missile system capable of efficiently detecting and destroying ground armoured vehicles, helicopters and other units at any time of day and any visibility level.
The system was chosen to be mounted on the BMP-3 chassis – a highly mobile, all-terrain platform that could even navigate water. That is how the 9P157-2 Khrizantema came to be it became a unique unit capable of simultaneously following targets on two separate channels – on its radar system and through visual contact.
Moreover, the abovementioned radar can detect and take aim at targets at any time of day and visibility level (be it night, smoke or sandstorm).
The system's missiles are capable of penetrating tank ERA along with over another 1,000 mm of armour beneath it. The Khrizantema was put into service by the Russian army in 2004 and has since undergone modernisation several times. The missile system has also been exported abroad and deployed by other countries.
== Media ==
== Media ==
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.''
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=ussr_9p157 Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
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== See also ==
== See also ==
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<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''encyclopedia page on the tank;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''other literature.'' -->

Latest revision as of 01:50, 17 April 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0
GarageImage Khrizantema-S.jpg
Research:260 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:710 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png


A few years after the fall of the USSR, efforts were restarted to develop an anti-tank guided missile with dual-control modes. The program was officially restarted and spearheaded in 1996 by the Konstruktorskoye Byuro Mashynostroyenia Engineering Design Bureau, or KBM for short. The project resulted in the 9M123 Khrizantema missile, which was available in both laser-beam riding and radar-beam riding variants. The design philosophy behind this was for new attack helicopters being designed during the '90s, such as the Ka-52 and the Mi-28N, to be able to launch two separate 9M123 missiles at two separate targets in different locations; one guided by radar while the other is guided with conventional laser optics. However, due to multiple reasons, chiefly delays and budget cuts during development of the Ka-52 and Mi-28N respectively, a new cheaper platform was devised for the 9M123 missile. This cheap platform was envisioned through a heavily modified version of the existing BMP-3 chassis, named the 9P157-2 Khrizantema-S. The Khrizantema-S launcher vehicle was hastily designed with simplicity but effectiveness in mind, touted by the manufacturer with the promise that "Only three defending [Khrizantema-S] tank destroyers are able to engage 14 attacking tanks and destroy at least sixty percent of the attacking force". The 9P157-2 Khrizantema-S had a few developmental delays and teething issues during testing, which were not ironed out for a few years, allowing it to finally enter service in 2005. Trials for an upgraded "Khrizantema-SM" version with better radar, electronics, and upgraded variants of the Khrizantema missile were officially completed in 2016, although it is not known if a full production order was issued for the upgraded model.

Introduced in Update "Starfighters", the 9P157-2 Khrizantema-S is essentially an amphibious ATGM carrier based on the chassis of the familiar BMP-3. It is the spiritual successor to the previous Shturm-S, which was also an amphibious ATGM carrier based on the chassis of the MT-LB that requires good positioning behind lines to perform well. However, unlike the Shturm, the Khrizantema-S is equipped with a ground-based radar system for its 9M123 "Khrizantema" (Chrysanthemum) missiles, which can be guided by both radar and laser beams. Despite its delicate name, the 9M123 is the most powerful Russian ATGM in War Thunder with a tandem warhead penetrating 1,200 mm of RHA and a fast flight speed of 550 m/s. However the platform also has many drawbacks: the armour protection is very poor and it has no gun armament whatsoever, making it a specialist vehicle that requires caution and relies on teammate support. The Khrizantema-S is best played as a back-line sniper with its incredible optics and radar to pick off targets with its fast and punchy missiles. Effectiveness of this vehicle will rely on player's knowledge of the terrain along with anticipation of "choke points" and hot-spots on certain maps.

General info

Survivability and armour

Creation of a smoke screen in the direction of movement of the vehicle
Self-entrenching equipment
Creation of ramparts and trenches in soft ground
Armourfront / side / back
Hull60 / 43 / 43
Turret0 / 0 / 0
Crew2 people
Visibility71 %

The Khrizantema-S is very lightly armoured and only has 2 crew members, so it will barely survive any attack stronger than 7.62 mm MG to the hull. It, however, has some RHA plates on front, which are also angled closer towards 80°, making it capable of deflecting heavy machine gun fire and, at times, 20 mm autocannon fire. They will not protect from APDS or APFSDS belts of light tanks.

Unlike the Shturm-S, which has a virtual plate of 5 mm RHA covering the launcher hole at all the times, the Khrizantema-S has a huge gaping hole in the middle of the roof with no protection at all, which makes the tank count as open-topped. Due to this and overall bad armour thickness, any HE shell will knock out the vehicle even with an indirect hit. This means that AP-I or even HE-I anti-air belts on planes, light tanks and SPAA are not a joke, but a legitimate lethal threat. Hellfire missiles or rocket salvos will also disintegrate the carrier.

Due to this, the Khrizantema-S requires hulldown positions or flat hills just to be able to fight, and should avoid direct fights and artillery fire at all costs. It is optimal to have 3 firing positions which are at least 60 m apart to rotate through if the Khrizantema-S is within artillery request range, allowing it to dodge artillery fire for as long as possible, but survival is not guaranteed regardless, as sometimes the initial correction shots are lucky enough to land straight on the roof and destroy the carrier.

To retreat from battle or to exploit its weapon system offensively, the Khrizantema-S can also use ESS together with thermal scope, creating a smoke wall behind and around itself. Unfortunately, it will not protect from tanks which also have thermal scope unlocked, which are the majority at the BR.

The weakness of armour is exacerbated by the fact that, even in hulldown, its launcher and radar are still widely exposed and can be hit with HE, HESH, or HEAT projectiles. This means that HE shells can be landed on top of it in such a way that it will destroy the Khrizantema-S via overpressure, allowing any tank and even SAM to defeat it, if their reaction time and aim are better.

There is no way to force the carrier to put the launcher down and close the hatch, so the tank is virtually exposed at all the times unlike with the Shturm-S. This is very unfortunate, as the hull is actually very short and could be hidden in the same manner as the predecessor otherwise.

The "Dozer Blade" upgrade allows the Khrizantema-S to create firing positions for itself anywhere, or to make attacking into its cover incredibly annoying and difficult, but its general weaknesses will remain the same.

Armour type:

  • Alloy ABT-102 (hull)
  • High hardness rolled armour (appliqué armour)
Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 18 + 10 (81°) Upper glacis
10 + 12 mm Upper plate
60 + 10 mm (53°) Lower glacis
60 Top front
43 mm Top rear
45 mm Bottom
13 mm Engine vent
43 mm Upper plate
43 mm (22°) Lower glacis
13 mm (22°) Exhaust
18 + 10 (9°) Front glacis
15 mm Fighting compartment
18 mm Launcher hatch


  • Suspension wheels and torsion bars are 15 mm thick while tracks are 20 mm thick.
  • Mudguards are 4 mm thick.
  • There are additional but sporadic 10 mm thick appliqué armour plates on the sides of the hull.
  • Belly armour is 10 mm thick.


The design allows you to swim and control movement in the water
Speedforward / back
AB77 / 23 km/h
RB and SB71 / 21 km/h
Number of gears8 forward
4 back
Weight18.0 t
Engine power
AB954 hp
RB and SB500 hp
Power-to-weight ratio
AB53.0 hp/t
RB and SB27.8 hp/t
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 77 23 18 710 954 39.44 53
Realistic 71 21 442 500 24.56 27.78

The Khrizantema-S's acceleration and mobility is somewhat closer to tracked light tanks due to its low weight, but it has rather limited maximum speed, when compared to top rank VI or VII vehicles.

In RB, its offroad forward speed is generally around 45 km/h. Its reverse speed is also limited, but will allow it to back out of a fight with about 15 km/h on demand. In AB, the acceleration is higher, so it is not impossible to reach 70 km/h with upgrades, but it will not outpace most medium tanks of the other nations at the rank.

The Khrizantema-S's climbing ability is mediocre, but it should be able to climb any hills when spaded. Overall, it's similar to the Shturm-S in that regard. The Khrizantema-S can swim with greatly reduced movement speed.

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB4 415 → 6 362 Sl icon.png
RB4 899 → 7 059 Sl icon.png
SB6 253 → 9 010 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications208 400 Rp icon.png
352 000 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost2 800 Ge icon.png
Crew training200 000 Sl icon.png
Experts710 000 Sl icon.png
Aces2 100 Ge icon.png
Research Aces1 080 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
160 / 210 / 250 % Sl icon.png
232 / 232 / 232 % Rp icon.png
Mobility Protection Firepower
Mods new tank traks.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank suspension.png
13 000 Rp icon.png
20 000 Sl icon.png
340 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank break.png
Brake System
13 000 Rp icon.png
20 000 Sl icon.png
340 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank filter.png
14 000 Rp icon.png
22 000 Sl icon.png
370 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank transmission.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank engine.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods tank tool kit.png
Improved Parts
4 500 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods extinguisher.png
Improved FPE
3 900 Rp icon.png
20 000 Sl icon.png
340 Ge icon.png
Mods tank reinforcement ussr.png
Crew Replenishment
14 000 Rp icon.png
22 000 Sl icon.png
370 Ge icon.png
Mods engine smoke screen system.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank horizontal aiming.png
Horizontal Drive
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods tank laser rangefinder.png
Laser rangefinder
13 000 Rp icon.png
20 000 Sl icon.png
340 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank vertical aiming.png
Elevation Mechanism
14 000 Rp icon.png
22 000 Sl icon.png
370 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
14 000 Rp icon.png
22 000 Sl icon.png
370 Ge icon.png
Mods dozer blade.png
Dozer Blade
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png
Mods thermal sight.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
400 Ge icon.png


Laser rangefinder
Reduces the error and increases the maximum measurable distance of the rangefinder
Night vision device
Improves visibility by enhancing natural light or active illumination.
Thermal imager
Allows to see thermal radiation in the infrared range day and night

Main armament

9M123 ATGM
Automatically feeds projectiles into the breech. The speed does not depend on the skills of the loader
Ammunition16 rounds
First-order13 rounds
Belt capacity2 rounds
Reload15.0 s
Fire rate60 shots/min
Vertical guidance-5° / 15°
Horizontal guidance-85° / 85°
Fire on the moveup to 5 km/h
Main article: 9M123

The Khrizantema-S has an ATGM handle similarly to the Shturm-S. It reloads two of the missile launchers at once, and only reloads them after both were used. Since it's completely automated, it will always take 15 seconds to reload.

Sniper optics and laser pointer are located on the very front-right of the hull, separately from the launchers. The optics must be able to point towards the target for semi-automatic (mouse) aim to work.

Since the launcher is very fragile, it is important to avoid being hit until "Parts" are researched, as if the handle or the launcher are critically hit, the field repair will fail to completely fix them and the Khrizantema-S will become useless until it finds a light tank, squadmate, or friendly capture point. This can be debilitating to a point it's easier to just bail out of the carrier rather than to try to repair.

The handle can aim in about a 160 degree sector in front of the tank, but has problems with pointing down and too far up, which makes sniper aim more useful in open, flat terrain, where the tank can fire at targets directly. If it must be used in cluttered streets, it's best to approach targets carefully while being mindful of the fact that the launcher is located behind the sniper scope and not just above it, to avoid misfiring and hitting the tank's own cover.

Similar issues follow radar aim as well, due to radar's limited vertical traverse, but it can guide missiles at angles far beyond capability of the laser designator and can easily guide shots behind a hill if the lock was somehow obtained.

Both missiles can be controlled at the same time, either both by laser, or the first by radar and then the second by laser.

Msg-info.png Missiles can be slaved to radar, therefore the first missile launched while radar is locked on will fly straight for it and ignore user's input. It will do so even if the Khrizantema-S's hull is furiously shaking while swimming and manual shot seems impossible to make. If you let the first missile reach its target before firing again, the next missile will also be guided by a radar.

Missiles themselves have high levels of horizontal mobility, but significantly lower vertical mobility - they can take sharp turns to the sides, but they will refuse to drop down at the last moment, so it is better to keep them level with the intended target, unless they are guided by radar, in which case you have no control over them and they generally go for the turret neck or the centre of the target. Radar has far better control over how missiles move, but it is still ill-advised to launch them at too high an angle, as they will just slam into the ground. They, however, will likely catch any slow flying helicopter, that does not immediately perform a drop straight down to the ground (which is very bad for RB helicopters and may result in unintended crash by itself).

Since the missiles are too bad at vertical manoeuvres, it's near impossible to use them for trick shots and for the same pseudo-hulldown tactics generally employed by the Shturm-S. There is no difference between AB and RB for this tank, so only radar shots can reliably land when launched beyond cover.

Missiles can fly up to 6 km before running out of fuel. It makes them useful against both ground and air, but it may fail to reach overly cautious rank VII helicopters, due to them being able to fire from 8 km away. They are not very good at catching planes which are evading direct shots, especially when guided by the radar, as it often leads them in a less than optimal way.

9M123 is an extremely powerful tandem missile, which can potentially penetrate any NERA currently in the game on direct hit and will definitely penetrate any ERA due to its power alone and tandem technology used to specifically breach ERA. Unlike the missiles of the Shturm-S, it is extremely unlikely that the target will survive, unless it was a glancing hit.

9M123F is the same carrier missile, but it is loaded with HE instead. In terms of penetration, they are equal to the strongest HE shells in the game. These are generally used to harass other light vehicles, which sometimes cannot be simply destroyed with HEAT payload, but, due to their high raw power, they sometimes can be launched at a main battle tank to destroy them if their turret is too thick even for the incredibly powerful default missile or their commanders are being way too paranoid to hit directly with HEAT. Due to the extreme explosive mass, these missiles can actually cause dents in the ground which are not only visible by the eye, but slowly wear down enemy cover over time (though it will still take a very long time to do and is not very viable outside of AB).

9M123 missile Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity (Belt) Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Autoloader
Arcade 16 (2) -5°/+15° ±85° N/A 35.2 48.8 59.2 65.5 69.7 15.00
Realistic 23.8 28.0 34.0 37.6 40.0


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
9M123 ATGM (tandem) 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
9M123F ATGM-HE 61 61 61 61 61 61
Missile details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (kg)
0% 50% 100%
9M123 ATGM (tandem) 550 6,000 46 0.4 0.01 6.16 80° 82° 90°
9M123F ATGM-HE 550 6,000 46 0.2 0.01 9.24 79° 80° 81°

Ammo racks

Ammo racks of the Khrizantema-S
rack empty
8 (+7) No


Msg-info.png The Khrizantema-S's radar can not only lock onto aerial targets but also search for and lock onto ground targets, and it can also lock onto targets behind smoke and trees, and in the dark, even if the user cannot see them. Keep both of these facts in mind when using it.

The Khrizantema-S is equipped with a single search and tracking radar, mounted to the left of missile launchers. The radar dish follows the targeting device and only scans in chosen direction. The radar system is incapable of scanning while tracking, and can only lock on targets within a 20° arc in direction the aiming device is pointed at. This limitation persists after locking on - if the user turns the sight too far away from the target, the lock will automatically break.

It is much easier to lock onto tanks by using binoculars and occasionally pressing "fire", as the tank will temporarily "aim" straight at the tanks through cover, ignoring targeting device limitations (as it can't really guide missiles with laser there and will derail the radar as well), ensuring that the radar tries to scan in that exact direction. When "lock on" is pressed, the radar will attempt to lock onto targets straight in the middle of binocular or sniper view, regardless of their vertical position.

Vertically, the radar also has rather limited angles at which it can lock and track, being very similar to limitations of the launcher itself. It also seems to rely more on hull position rather than aiming device when aiming at the sky. For that reason, it is better not to rely on search mode whatsoever and try to lock onto targets manually (by pressing the lock-on button in binocular mode while aiming at the target) to see if the tank needs to be moved, or it's just the radar being picky and the carrier needs to be moved.

The radar will generally refuse to lock if the target is behind a tree or something solid, which means you will not waste a shot by just relying on it. However, it will often fail to lock on to a turret of a tank (which could be hit resulting in target destruction), so radar suggestions are not absolute and manual aim is not to be discarded.

Sometimes, the radar can lock on and track hostile tanks at very long ranges, while aiming at them almost through the ground, allowing missiles to be launched over hills with minimal tank exposure and giving the Khrizantema-S an unexpected advantage, particularly noticeable at longer ranges of over 1.8 km.

Radar is hidden within vehicle whenever it is powered down or seriously damaged. Since radar is a valid target for explosives, sometimes it is worth turning it off on purpose in RB. Sometimes, it is possible to damage the radar even if it's hidden for some reason.

It is definitely necessary to turn it off sometimes in AB, as it is easy to lock onto "selected" tank from sniper scope within radar scan radius even if it's offline, and the radar will only pop out for a fraction of a second if the lock was unsuccessful, instead of being a liability when under heavy fire. The good time to have it always on is when there are non-ESS smoke screens popped all around, so it is necessary to continuously scan the smoke in order to stay safe and fight.

1L32-1 - Target Detection Radar
Max Azimuth
Scan Angle
Max Elevation
Scan Angle
relative speed
8,000 m N/A ±7° ±4.5° N/A
1L32-1 - Target Tracking Radar
Azimuth Tracking
Elevation Tracking
target speed
8,000 m N/A ±15° -10°/+20° N/A

Usage in battles

Arcade mode

Like the Shturm-S, the Khrizantema-S is an extremely flawed tank and is already outclassed by almost everything at its own BR, most noticeably when fighting proximity missile carriers. It also lost its anti-air ability, relying on the sheer speed of the missiles and, sometimes, its radar to hit aircraft. The radar is also quite a liability in AB due to it being a target for explosives in a mode where all cannon-mounted tanks have aim prediction and assistance, and, unlike with the Shturm-S, this carrier will explode if hit by a chemical shell anywhere.

However, the Khrizantema-S still has ATGMs with the highest raw damage in the game, which means that almost any tank hit directly will vaporize immediately. Unfortunately, the missiles also have poor vertical manoeuvrability, so it's impossible to imitate vertical ATGM and use hills like with the Shturm-S and a different strategy is required.

To decide whether to spawn this ATGM carrier or not, a few questions should be answered first:

  • Does the enemy team have an excessive amount of Dardo or M3A3 Bradley?
  • Are there good horizontal hulldown spots on this map that you can use?
  • Can you be easily hit to the hull in that hulldown spot (whether by ATGM or aim assisted HE/HESH/HEAT)?
  • Can you make it to the hulldown spot before you get sniped?
  • Is your team being steamrolled so hard that an enemy team can afford an endless air support?
  • Is it necessary to rush something down to win, at least right now? If so, is enemy position vulnerable to the attacks of Khrizantema-S and are you comfortable enough with the weapon controls to do it?
  • Are there close air support planes in this round? If so, are you good with hitting them without any help?
Although it is clunky, radar can still allow to hit enemy tanks over a hill. Do not expose the hull for it is generally unnecessary.

If any of these questions are a concern to you, it is probably better to spawn a different tank. Against proximity missiles, some medium tanks with ERA on the turret might be better. In some general combat situations, even the Shturm-S might be better due to its anti-air capability and lesser vulnerability to HEAT, but it has to use HE to fight NERA tanks and has to reload more often.

It is possible, that the second question puzzled you, as there are almost no sniping spots in this game, which could be normally used by the Khrizantema-S in AB without an immediate threat of being hit by a HEAT projectile (leading to an instant explosion due to a hole in the roof). This is very true due to launcher being exposed all the time, even before it can fire on targets. To avoid being instantly destroyed, it is necessary to use radar lock as much as possible.

At the very start of the match, turn your radar off and drive straight towards some flat spot that can cover carrier's hull completely. You want to hold the line until the very last missile with minimal movement. The line might be the front, which you can observe from behind an unusually big rock or a short flat hill, it could be a plateau, as it might allow you to use the radar to fire down. In general, you want to have as little vegetation in your way as possible. If using a hill, avoid taking positions too close to the enemy tanks, as close range combat is complicated, especially against ERA tanks.

If you have the Dozer Blade modification, you can try to reinforce a firing position in some unusual spot. But, whatever you choose, the launcher must be able to aim straight at the enemy tank (even if you fire from behind cover, the radar cannot lock beyond launcher aiming angles), so you are limited to only flat ground. Ideally, you want to be standing right next to your cover, as otherwise enemy might accidentally hit the hull by flinging shells, ATGM or even SAM over terrain (although radar or launcher hit would be equally fatal, it is slightly more difficult to pull off).

After taking the position and cleaning it up for missile launching, wait for the enemies to appear. It won't take long, since many players around rank VII have fast tanks. After seeing one, enter binoculars mode, press fire button to turn turret towards enemy, adjust aim, then try to lock onto enemy tank. Entering binocular scope is necessary to ensure that the radar is actually aimed at your target and not somewhere else.

Upon locking onto tank, enter sniper scope, aim above your cover and fire. If the tank in question is some sort of ATGM light tank or SPAA, you can immediately double tap them, even if you are generally sure of your aim, as to avoid being shot back into the launcher (which can be fatal if they use default belts or ATGM). Both missiles can be guided at the same time, so the second shot is not entirely wasted and can be redirected into the next tank.

Zone other ATGM carriers and sniper tanks out, punish any assault onto a capture point, use the radar to finish off tanks behind smoke screens, as they can't see you anyway.

If possible, plan a retreat route for yourself, as it is often impossible to stop rank VII tankers from advancing. Many of them either have enough speed and game knowledge to understand that they have to annihilate you and will go full throttle towards you while you reload, or will go full throttle towards you simply because they can. However, if you have a plan B and can retreat behind the next cover, you can avoid being destroyed during the reload and deny enemy access to the area for far longer.

If you won a battle for the capture point of your choice and nobody seems to be interested in attacking it anymore for more than two minutes, you can transition towards different sniping spot to try and blindside enemies somewhere else. It is, however, very likely that there still is at least one more enemy hiding somewhere nearby, so only move out when there are friendly aircraft in the air, to ensure that at least your immediate surroundings are safe, or that you at least know where the enemy tanks are (via radio communication skill). If you'll meet enemy tanks while out of cover and won't manage to fire before they react, you are going to be destroyed instantly.

Unlike with the Shturm-S, there are no anti-air missile on the Khrizantema, and it is even more vulnerable to air raids, so fighting back will be difficult.

If there are helicopters: Use a hill, which allows the radar to lock on to one of them regardless of height, then launch first missile via radar, while you guide the second missile into another one. Remember, radar lock will break if you turn the guiding device too far away from the first target, so if they spawned in a very spread-out formation you can just fire both missiles and guide them yourself immediately. If you see any helicopter ATGMs, use ESS and continue guiding the missiles via thermal scope towards the ATGM helicopter.

If there are planes: Forget about the radar and fire immediately. If you see a bomber spawning, immediately attack it, as they fly slower than the missiles and can't turn too much, so they are a relatively easy target. If you were able to shoot it down before they reached 1.8 km distance towards you, you are probably safe, but you can additionally move to a different cover if you saw any bombs flying off them. If there is a strike aircraft coming, you are pretty much dead, as they can easily dodge missiles and can keep throwing the plane up and down while firing off rockets, which the 9M123 will not be able to keep up with no matter what. Enemy fighters almost always come down to fire at the Khrizantema-S after fighting each other, but they are often spooked when you launch an ATGM straight at them, so when they reach 1 km distance or start directly diving onto you, fire an ATGM back at them and hope it hits or scares them away. Do not just forget about them after they passed you, as they definitely will circle around and try to hit you again.

If the enemy is using smoke grenades, pull the radar out and scan the screen, then lock onto them and fire one missile at the locked target. Scanning and locking on can also be done manually from the sniper seat without activating the radar, but you will have to be more precise about it, and you cant let yourself to be distracted by anything else. Remember that you still can use thermal scope to see through your own ESS if the radar was destroyed.

Pros and cons


  • Destructive ATGM with an astounding 1,200 mm penetration, can penetrate most NERA screens and will obliterate most tanks on direct hit
  • Radar can also lock onto tanks, through smokes, bushes, etc.
  • Can fire and guide both missiles at once. It's also possible to attack two different targets at once, one via radar, one via laser
  • Can swim and accurately snipe in water, rare for amphibious tanks
  • Radar guided missiles can shut down any slow helicopter on their own if operator can keep the lock
  • Has thermal optics for gunner
  • Great mobility and acceleration
  • Heavily sloped frontal armour with additional plating can sustain machine guns or bad 20 mm ammunition


  • Armour is easily penetrated by any big gun and frontal penetration is almost always fatal due to fuel explosion
  • Launcher and radar are easy to hit when hull down, allowing hostile tanks to explode the hull anyway, as it counts as open-topped
  • Very vulnerable to assaults by strike aircraft and have no efficient way of fighting them
  • 9M123 ATGMs have inferior speed when compared to surface-to-air missiles, making them inferior in missile duels
  • Launcher can be hard to aim manually
  • Missiles have poor vertical manoeuvrability
  • Has to follow a specific set of rules to be useful in AB, extremely niche due to its limitations and versatility of opponent ATGM



In the eighties, the KB Mashinostroyeniya in Kolomna began work on an all-weather anti-tank missile system capable of efficiently detecting and destroying ground armoured vehicles, helicopters and other units at any time of day and any visibility level.

The system was chosen to be mounted on the BMP-3 chassis – a highly mobile, all-terrain platform that could even navigate water. That is how the 9P157-2 Khrizantema came to be – it became a unique unit capable of simultaneously following targets on two separate channels – on its radar system and through visual contact.

Moreover, the abovementioned radar can detect and take aim at targets at any time of day and visibility level (be it night, smoke or sandstorm).

The system's missiles are capable of penetrating tank ERA along with over another 1,000 mm of armour beneath it. The Khrizantema was put into service by the Russian army in 2004 and has since undergone modernisation several times. The missile system has also been exported abroad and deployed by other countries.



See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the vehicles;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

USSR tank destroyers
SU-76M  SU-76M · SU-76M (5th Gv.Kav.Corps) · SU-85A
SU-57B  SU-57B · SU-76D
T-34 Derivatives  SU-122 · SU-85 · SU-85M · SU-100 · SU-122P
Heavy Tank Derivatives  SU-100Y · ISU-122 · ISU-122S · SU-152 · ISU-152 · Object 268
SU-100P and Derivatives  SU-100P · Object 120
Wheeled  YaG-10 (29-K)
Airborne  ASU-57 · ASU-85
Rocket  BM-8-24 · BM-13N · BM-31-12
ATGM  IT-1 · Shturm-S · Object 775 · Khrizantema-S
Artillery  2S1 · 2S3M
Other  SU-5-1 · ZiS-30 · SU-122-54
USA  SU-57