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|[[File:Award-heavymetalhero.png]]||'''Heavy Metal Hero '''<br />Destroyed the most ground vehicles of other players (not less than 12 enemy ground vehicles).
|[[File:Award-heavymetalhero.png]]||'''Heavy Metal Hero '''<br />Destroyed the most ground vehicles of other players (not less than 12 enemy ground vehicles).
|[[File:Award-heroofthesky.png]]||'''Hero of the Sky '''<br />Destroyed the most aircraft in Air Battles (not less than 13 enemy aircraft).
|[[File:Award-heroofthesky.png]]||'''Hero of the Sky '''<br />Destroyed the most aircraft in Air Battles (not less than 12 enemy aircraft).
|[[File:Award-intelligence.png]]||'''Intelligence '''<br />Airborne ally destroyed an enemy vehicle marked by you.
|[[File:Award-intelligence.png]]||'''Intelligence '''<br />Airborne ally destroyed an enemy vehicle marked by you.

Revision as of 20:07, 23 May 2019

Introducing Wiki 3.0

Match awards are like mini-achievements, resetting at the end of each game and can be earned a new in the next match. Each one of these will provide a silver lions Sl icon.png reward after the match ends.

Streaks are earned for continuous, successive acts during a match. The player is rewarded for his ongoing efforts with silver lions Sl icon.png.

Match Awards

Award-accordingtointelligence.png According to Intelligence
Reward for destroying an enemy vehicle marked by an ally.
Award-adamant.png Adamant
Take some hits, stay alive.
Award-antimech.png Antimech
Destroyed the most AI ground units. If several players have equal number of destroyed targets, the award is given to the one with bigger score.
Award-avenger.png Avenger
Destroy an enemy who has destroyed your teammate's vehicle.
Award-balancer.png Balancer
Destroyed the most vehicles of one rank higher. If several players have equal number of destroyed targets, the award is given to the one with bigger score.
Award-bomberhunter.png Bomber Hunter
Destroyed at least 5 bombers or assault planes.
Award-bomberrescuer.png Bomber Rescuer
Defended* a friendly bomber.
*Destroy an enemy player that recently dealt critical damage to a friendly bomber.
Award-bombersnightmare.png Bombers' Nightmare
Destroyed at least 10 bombers or assault planes.
Award-bulletproof.png Bulletproof
Didn't lose any vehicle and destroyed more targets than all other players who didn't lose any vehicle. If several players have equal number of destroyed targets, the award is given to the one with bigger score.
Award-eyeforeye.png Eye for Eye
Destroy an enemy who has destroyed your vehicle.
Award-fighterhunter.png Fighter Hunter
Destroyed at least 5 fighter planes.
Award-fighterrescuer.png Fighter Rescuer
Defended* a friendly fighter.
*Destroy an enemy player that recently dealt critical damage to a friendly fighter.
Award-fightersnightmare.png Fighters' Nightmare
Destroyed at least 10 fighter planes.
Award-finalblow.png Final blow!
Delivered the final blow.
Award-firststrike.png First strike!
Delivered a first strike.
Award-godmode.png God Mode!
Destroyed a vehicle 5 or more BR ranks higher.
Award-groundforcerescuer.png Ground Force Rescuer
Defended friendly ground/water troops.
Award-heavymetalfury.png Heavy Metal Fury
Destroyed the most ground vehicles of other players. If several players have equal number of destroyed targets, the award is given to the one with bigger score.
Award-heavymetalhero.png Heavy Metal Hero
Destroyed the most ground vehicles of other players (not less than 12 enemy ground vehicles).
Award-heroofthesky.png Hero of the Sky
Destroyed the most aircraft in Air Battles (not less than 12 enemy aircraft).
Award-intelligence.png Intelligence
Airborne ally destroyed an enemy vehicle marked by you.
Award-missionmaker.png Mission Maker
Delivered the first and final blow.
Award-onhand.png On Hand
Having the most assists in destroying enemy vehicles (up to 7). If several players have equal number of assists, the award is given to the one with bigger score.
Award-oneshot.png One Shot
Reward for destroying your enemies' vehicles without a miss.
Award-professional.png Professional: xN
Reward for destroying an enemy vehicle without losing your own.
Award-punisher.png Punisher
Destroyed the most vehicles of one rank higher.
Award-rankdoesnotmatter.png Rank does not matter
Destroyed a vehicle 1-2 BR ranks higher.
Award-skillmatters.png Skill matters
Destroyed a vehicle 2-5 BR ranks higher.
Award-sniper.png Sniper
Destroy an enemy vehicle from a long distance.
Award-softlanding.png Soft Landing
Landed a critically damaged aircraft.
Award-supportingfire.png Supporting Fire
The award for assist to a squadmate in destroying an enemy unit.
Award-surprise.png Surprise!
Destroyed an enemy plane with bombs.
Award-survivor.png Survivor
Haven't lost a single vehicle (whether aircraft or ground vehicles) whilst destroying more enemy vehicles than any other players who have not lost theirs (should be at least 5 enemies destroyed or more).
Award-tankrescuer.png Tank Rescuer
Defended* friendly ground unit.
*Destroy an enemy player that recently dealt critical damage to a friendly ground unit.
Tanks Hunter
Destroyed at least 5 tanks or tank destroyers.
Tanks' Nightmare
Destroyed at least 10 tanks or tank destroyers.
Award-teamwork.png Teamwork
The award for destroying enemy vehicles by any member of a squad. It is given to all members of the squad who were near the squadmate that destroyed an enemy unit. The distance between squad members shouldn't be greater than 1000 m for two aircraft, or 3000 m for an aircraft and a tank, and not greater than 100 m for squad members on tanks.
Award-terrorofthesky.png Terror of the Sky
Destroyed the most aircraft in Air Battles. If several players have equal number of destroyed targets, the award is given to the one with bigger score.
Award-thebestsquad.png The Best Squad
It is given to the squad that earned more squad streaks during the match than the other teams.
Award-thelastmanstanding.png The last man standing!
The last player remaining in the mission.
Award-thunderer.png Thunderer
Destroyed more ground AI targets than any other player in the mission. The number of destroyed ground targets must be at least 18 or more than any other player in both teams (Ships and any other naval targets will not be taken into account).
Award-unguided.png Unguided
Destroyed an enemy plane with rockets.
Award-wingbreaker.png Wing Breaker
Destroyed the most air targets in tank battles (at least 5 enemy aircraft have been destroyed whilst driving ground vehicles in tank RB or SB mode).
Award-wingman.png Wingman
Having the most assists in destroying enemy vehicles (8 or more). If several players have equal number of assists, the award is given to the one with bigger score.


Can be obtained several times per match.

  • Double strike! Shot down two planes in a row.
  • Triple strike! Shot down three planes in a row.
  • Multi strike x4! Shot down four planes in a row.
  • Multi strike: x Destroyed vehicles of %d players in a row.
  • Double strike! Wrecked two ships in a row.
  • Triple strike! Wrecked three ships in a row.
  • Multi strike x4! Wrecked four ships in a row.
  • Multi strike x Wrecked %d ships in a row.
  • Double strike! Destroyed two ground units in a row.
  • Triple strike! Destroyed three ground units in a row.
  • Multi strike x4! Destroyed four ground units in a row.
  • Multi strike x Destroyed X ground units in a row.
  • Win streak: x Destroyed X air targets in a row.
  • Air assists streak: xN  !
    Assisted allies to destroy air targets N times in a row.
  • Ground win streak: x Destroyed X ground targets in a row.
  • Water win streak: x Destroyed several water targets in a row.
  • Base capturer streak: xN  !
    N base captures in a row.
  • Base defender streak: xN  !
    N base capture interrupts in a row.
  • Shadow strike streak: xN  !
    Reward for destroying an enemy vehicle without getting yourself hit.