Difference between revisions of "Add-on Armor"

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m (Tanks able to use modification: removed reference to BMP-1, as there are other tanks with similar modifications, and it is unnecessary to point it out)
(Tanks able to use modification: Updated)
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'''Add-on Armor''' is a modification in-game that allows the player to enable the addition of improvised armor onto their tanks.
== Description ==
'''Add-on Armor''' is a modification in-game that allows the player to enable the addition of armour onto their tanks. This additional armour is either improvised (for WW2 vehicles) or designed (for post-WW2 vehicles). Improvised add-on armour was most often a field modification performed by the crew by adding track links or mesh screens to the standard issue vehicle. Designed add-on armour is an upgrade tested and validated by the tank manufacturer. It comes in the form of an armour kit (addition of composite armour) or a protection package (addition of explosive reactive armour blocks). The add-on armour increases the overall weight of the vehicle, giving a lower power-to-weight ratio and thus worse mobility.
Tank warfare is a type of battle that can make the equipment involved become obsolete very quickly in terms of protection and firepower. In World War II, this is seen especially in the later half of the war when the [[M4|Shermans]] and [[T-34 (1942)|T-34s]] began being outgunned by better German tanks, and the German [[Pz.IV H|Panzer IV]] also being outgunned by those tanks. In an effort to get more protection onto their tanks, crew often improvise a variety of methods to increased the armor on their tanks. Methods included welding tracks or sheet metals as appliqué armor onto the tanks, placing sand bags on the hull, hanging logs from the sides, placing mesh sheets, or simply just pour concrete on the hull for the thickness. While these protection vary in their ability to stop a penetrating round or warhead, they all increase the overall weight of the tank, often taxing the suspension and steering beyond their normal capabilities. General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during the invasion of France, heard of this effect of improvised armor on the tank's suspension and forbid his units from using the common sandbags as improvised armor to mitigate vehicle breakdowns (he was however a fan of welded metal sheets similar to the [[M4A3E2|M4A3E2 Jumbo]] and had many normal Shermans made into make-shift Jumbos).
Results vary from the variety of improvised armor used in the war. Some armor, like the concrete, was deemed useless or impractical and were not widely used. Sandbags and logs were mostly seen as ineffective against the tank rounds and HEAT warheads used by infantry anti-tank launchers. Out of the bunch, welded metal was perhaps the most effective improvised armor one can put onto a tank. A study done by the U.S. Army on the improvised armor used by the tankers on their Shermans reveal that while the majority of improvised armor had little effect on armor protection, the best impact of improvised armor was morale, as they at least gave the worried tankers an additional bit of psychological, if not physical, protection for their tanks.
==Effect in-game==
In the game, the ''Add-on Armor'' modification adds spare track links along the hull and turret of the tank being modified. The track links, when added, give an around 17 - 20 mm of additional armor to where they are attached. As the vehicle ranks increased, the type of armor added increased in complexity from simply "improvised" type additions such as tracks to integral upgrades such as explosive reactive armor.
As of 1.67, the add-on armour now adds mass to the overall vehicle weight, meaning a lower power-to-weight ratio and thus lower mobility.
== Tanks able to use modification ==
== Tanks able to use modification ==
''As of v.''
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:USA flag.png|70px|link=Category:USA ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:Germany flag.png|70px|link=Category:Germany ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:USSR flag.png|70px|link=Category:USSR ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:Britain flag.png|70px|link=Category:Britain ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:Japan flag.png|70px|link=Category:Japan ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:China flag.png|70px|link=Category:China ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:Italy flag.png|70px|link=Category:Italy ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:France flag.png|70px|link=Category:France ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:Sweden flag.png|70px|link=Category:Sweden ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|<center>[[File:Israel flag.png|70px|link=Category:Israel ground vehicles]]</center>{{Tree-Skip|10px}}
{{Tree-Line|I Rank}}
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:USA flag.png|70px|link=Category:USA ground vehicles]]</center>
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:Germany flag.png|70px|link=Category:Germany ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:USSR flag.png|70px|link=Category:USSR ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:Britain flag.png|70px|link=Category:Britain ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:Japan flag.png|70px|link=Category:Japan ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:China flag.png|70px|link=Category:China ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:Italy flag.png|70px|link=Category:Italy ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:France flag.png|70px|link=Category:France ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
<center>[[File:Sweden flag.png|70px|link=Category:Sweden ground vehicles]]</center>
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|II Rank}}
{{Tree-Line|II Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|III Rank}}
{{Tree-Line|III Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|IV Rank}}
{{Tree-Line|IV Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|V Rank}}
{{Tree-Line|V Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|VI Rank}}
{{Tree-Line|VI Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|VII Rank}}
{{Tree-Line|VII Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
{{Tree-Line|VIII Rank}}
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
|style="border-left: solid 1px #cccccc;"|
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{{Notice|The [[BMP-1]], the [[SPz BMP-1]] and the [[ZBD86]] do not appear in the table because the modification increasing the weight of the vehicle is not armour-related (installation of an ATGM launcher).}}
<gallery mode="packed-hover" heights="200px">
AddonArmor M4A1(76)W.jpg|The [[M4A1 (76) W|M4A1 (76) W Sherman]] with add-on armor on side of the hull and turret.
AddonArmor PzIVH.jpg|The [[Pz.IV H|Panzer IV Ausf. H]] with add-on armor on the front of the hull and turret.
Tank warfare is a type of battle that can make the equipment involved become obsolete very quickly in terms of protection and firepower. In World War II, this is seen especially in the later half of the war when the [[M4|Shermans]] and [[T-34 (1942)|T-34s]] began being outgunned by better German tanks, and the German [[Pz.IV H|Panzer IV]] also being outgunned by those tanks. In an effort to get more protection onto their tanks, crew often improvise a variety of methods to increased the armour on their tanks. Methods included welding tracks or sheet metals as appliqué armour onto the tanks, placing sand bags on the hull, hanging logs from the sides, placing mesh sheets, or simply just pour concrete on the hull for the thickness. While these protection vary in their ability to stop a penetrating round or warhead, they all increase the overall weight of the tank, often taxing the suspension and steering beyond their normal capabilities. General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during the invasion of France, heard of this effect of improvised armour on the tank's suspension and forbid his units from using the common sandbags as improvised armour to mitigate vehicle breakdowns (he was however a fan of welded metal sheets similar to the [[M4A3E2|M4A3E2 Jumbo]] and had many normal Shermans made into make-shift Jumbos).
AddonArmor PantherD.jpg|The [[Panther D]] with add-on armor on the sides of the turret.
AddonArmor T-34-85.jpg|The [[T-34-85]] with add-on armor on the sides of the turret and hull.
Results vary from the variety of improvised armour used in the war. Some armour, like the concrete, was deemed useless or impractical and were not widely used. Sandbags and logs were mostly seen as ineffective against the tank rounds and HEAT warheads used by infantry anti-tank launchers. Out of the bunch, welded metal was perhaps the most effective improvised armour one can put onto a tank. A study done by the U.S. Army on the improvised armour used by the tankers on their Shermans reveal that while the majority of improvised armour had little effect on armour protection, the best impact of improvised armour was morale, as they at least gave the worried tankers an additional bit of psychological, if not physical, protection for their tanks.
AddonArmor ChurchillMkVII.jpg|A [[Churchill Mk VII]] with add-on armor on front hull, front turret, and turret sides.
<gallery mode=packed-hover caption="In-game screenshots" heights=200px>
AddonArmor M4A1(76)W.jpg|The [[M4A1 (76) W|M4A1 (76) W Sherman]] with add-on armour on side of the hull and turret.
AddonArmor PzIVH.jpg|The [[Pz.IV H|Panzer IV Ausf. H]] with add-on armour on the front of the hull and turret.
AddonArmor PantherD.jpg|The [[Panther D]] with add-on armour on the sides of the turret.
AddonArmor T-34-85.jpg|The [[T-34-85]] with add-on armour on the sides of the turret and hull.
AddonArmor ChurchillMkVII.jpg|A [[Churchill Mk VII]] with add-on armour on front hull, front turret, and turret sides.
<gallery mode=packed-hover caption="Historical photos" heights=200px>
Sandbagged-Sherman Patton.png|A [[M4A3 (76) W|M4A3E8 Sherman]] sporting sand bag add-on armour. The man in front is George Patton, who just finished chewing out the crew for using sand bags, which he banned on tanks.
<gallery mode="packed-hover" heights="200px">
Sandbagged-Sherman Patton.png|A [[M4A3 (76) W|M4A3E8 Sherman]] sporting sand bag add-on armor.<br/>''Trivia: The man in front is George Patton, who just finished chewing out the crew for using sand bags, which he banned on tanks.''
T3485E_hist.jpg|A [[T-34-85E|T-34-85]] with added mesh screens as protection against HEAT rounds.
T3485E_hist.jpg|A [[T-34-85E|T-34-85]] with added mesh screens as protection against HEAT rounds.

Latest revision as of 16:40, 21 June 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0


Add-on Armor is a modification in-game that allows the player to enable the addition of armour onto their tanks. This additional armour is either improvised (for WW2 vehicles) or designed (for post-WW2 vehicles). Improvised add-on armour was most often a field modification performed by the crew by adding track links or mesh screens to the standard issue vehicle. Designed add-on armour is an upgrade tested and validated by the tank manufacturer. It comes in the form of an armour kit (addition of composite armour) or a protection package (addition of explosive reactive armour blocks). The add-on armour increases the overall weight of the vehicle, giving a lower power-to-weight ratio and thus worse mobility.

Tanks able to use modification

Researchable vehicles Premium vehicles
USA flag.png
Germany flag.png
USSR flag.png
Britain flag.png
Japan flag.png
China flag.png
Italy flag.png
France flag.png
Sweden flag.png
Israel flag.png
I Rank
Item prem.png
II Rank
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Pz.IV F2
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
StuH 42 G
Item own.png
T-34 (1941)
Item own.png
T-34 (1942)
Item own.png
Item own.png
▄M10 GMC
III Rank
Item own.png
M4A1 (76) W
Item own.png
M4A3 (76) W
Item own.png
Jagdpanzer IV
Item prem.png
▀M4 748 (a)
Item own.png
Panther D
Item prem.png
Panzer IV/70(A)
Item own.png
Panzer IV/70(V)
Item prem.png
Pz.Bef.Wg.IV J
Item prem.png
Achilles (65 Rg.)
Item own.png
Churchill VII
Item own.png
Sherman Firefly
Item prem.png
Sherman IC "Trzyniec"
Item prem.png
Item own.png
␗T-34 (1943)
IV Rank
Item own.png
Item own.png
Panther A
Item own.png
Panther G
Item own.png
IS-2 (1944)
Item own.png
Item own.png
␗Т-34-85 (S-53)
Item prem.png
T-34-85 No.215
V Rank
Item prem.png
▃Magach 3 (ERA)
Item own.png
Item prem.png
Magach 3 (ERA)
VI Rank
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item prem.png
Merkava Mk.2D
VII Rank
Item prem.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
▃Merkava Mk.3D
Item prem.png
Leopard 2A4M
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Challenger 2
Item own.png
Challenger 2 (2F)
Item own.png
␙Challenger 2
Item own.png
Item own.png
Ariete PSO
Item prem.png
Ra'am Sagol
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Leopard 2A7V
Item own.png
Item own.png
Item own.png
Leopard 2A7HU
Item own.png
Strv 122B PLSS
Item own.png
Strv 122B+
Item own.png
Merkava Mk.4 LIC

Msg-info.png The BMP-1, the SPz BMP-1 and the ZBD86 do not appear in the table because the modification increasing the weight of the vehicle is not armour-related (installation of an ATGM launcher).


Tank warfare is a type of battle that can make the equipment involved become obsolete very quickly in terms of protection and firepower. In World War II, this is seen especially in the later half of the war when the Shermans and T-34s began being outgunned by better German tanks, and the German Panzer IV also being outgunned by those tanks. In an effort to get more protection onto their tanks, crew often improvise a variety of methods to increased the armour on their tanks. Methods included welding tracks or sheet metals as appliqué armour onto the tanks, placing sand bags on the hull, hanging logs from the sides, placing mesh sheets, or simply just pour concrete on the hull for the thickness. While these protection vary in their ability to stop a penetrating round or warhead, they all increase the overall weight of the tank, often taxing the suspension and steering beyond their normal capabilities. General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during the invasion of France, heard of this effect of improvised armour on the tank's suspension and forbid his units from using the common sandbags as improvised armour to mitigate vehicle breakdowns (he was however a fan of welded metal sheets similar to the M4A3E2 Jumbo and had many normal Shermans made into make-shift Jumbos).

Results vary from the variety of improvised armour used in the war. Some armour, like the concrete, was deemed useless or impractical and were not widely used. Sandbags and logs were mostly seen as ineffective against the tank rounds and HEAT warheads used by infantry anti-tank launchers. Out of the bunch, welded metal was perhaps the most effective improvised armour one can put onto a tank. A study done by the U.S. Army on the improvised armour used by the tankers on their Shermans reveal that while the majority of improvised armour had little effect on armour protection, the best impact of improvised armour was morale, as they at least gave the worried tankers an additional bit of psychological, if not physical, protection for their tanks.

