Difference between revisions of "Sherman Ic"

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Line 1: Line 1:
| about = Italian medium tank '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
| about = Italian medium tank '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
| usage = other uses
| other
| link = M4 (Disambiguation)
| usage-1 = other versions
| link-1 = M4 Sherman (Family)
| usage-2 = other uses
| link-2 = M4 (Disambiguation)
== Description ==
== Description ==
<!--''In the description, the first part needs to be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert the screenshot of the vehicle. If the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, they will immediately understand what kind of vehicle it is talking about.''-->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The '''M4 Hybrid (Composito) Sherman IC Firefly''' is an up-gunned modification of the [[M4 Hybrid (Italy)|M4 Hybrid]], which is the special combination of the first and second variants of the early-generation [[M4 Sherman (Family)|Medium Tank M4 (Sherman) family]]. The turret of the original [[Sherman Firefly|M4A4 Sherman VC Firefly]] is directly mounted on an [[M4 Hybrid (Italy)|M4 Hybrid variant]] hull rather than the regular [[M4A4 (Italy)|M4A4 variant]] hull, making it a very distinctive derivative of the M4A4 Sherman IC Firefly. This is a unique tank that served mostly with the Italian Army and is armed with the powerful 76 mm Ordnance QF 17-pounder tank gun. Due to the scarcity of historical information on this vehicle, it is unknown to what extent this unique derivation of the famed "firefly" truly engaged in World War II. Following the reconstruction of Italy in 1945, some M4 Hybrid (Composito) Sherman IC Firefly tanks were transported to the country and redesignated as M4 Tipo IC Composito. A minor military command for the territorial defence was founded in 1946, and the unit received numerous other M4 Sherman variants. They laid the groundwork for Italy's first post-war tanker training school. All M4 Sherman variants were formally decommissioned in 1952.
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a Rank {{Specs|rank}} Italian medium tank {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update 1.85 "Supersonic"]].
Introduced in [[Update 1.85 "Supersonic"]], the M4 Tipo IC Composito in the Italian Army ground forces is comparable to its British counterpart, as it was delivered by the British Army after World War II to aid in the reconstruction of Italy and the development of a territory defence force. The M4 Tipo IC Composito, armed with the renowned 76 mm Ordnance QF 17-pounder tank gun, will provide players with an extremely substantial increase in firepower above the early variants of the M4 Sherman used by the Italian Army ground forces, which were equipped with the 75 mm M3 tank gun. The M4 Tipo IC Composito, along with the M4A4 Sherman VC Firefly, will form the major backbone of the Italian Army's ground forces; however, it lacks access to armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) ammunition, which the latter has.
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat?''
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
''If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.''
'''Armour type:'''
* Cast homogeneous armour (Hull Front, turret, turret cupola)
* Rolled homogeneous armour (Hull sides, rear and roof, add-on bustle, turret roof)
{| class="wikitable"
! Armour !! Front (Slope angle) !! Sides !! Rear !! Roof
| Hull || 50.8 mm (8-74°) ''Upper Glacis'' <br> 50.8 mm (2-59°) ''Lower Glacis'' || 38.1 mm ''Lower'' <br> 50.8 ''Upper Front'' <br> 38.1 ''Upper Rear'' || 38.1 mm || 50.8 mm ''Front'' <br> 19.05 mm ''Rear''
|Turret || 50 mm - 76.2 mm (Varying Angles) ''Turret Front'' <br> 38.1 + 38.1 mm (cylindrical) ''Gun mantlet'' || 50.8 mm || 63.5 mm ''Original Bustle'' <br> 63.5 mm ''Add-on Bustle'' || 25.4 mm ''Crew Compartment'' <br> 50.8 mm ''Original Bustle'' <br> 25.4 mm ''Add-on Bustle''
|Cupola || colspan="3" style="text-align:center" | 50.8 mm || 25.4 mm
* 25.4 mm Plates Cover Portions of the Hull Sides
* Tracks - 20 mm
* Suspension - 10 to 15 mm
* Fenders - 10 mm
* Main Gun - 20 mm
* Machine Guns - 10 mm
The {{PAGENAME}} has survivability similar to that of the American M4A1 Sherman. The armour is not strong for the battle rating and most enemies, save for SPAA, will go right through the front. If the tank is penetrated it is likely that at least two of the five crew will survive, depending on where the shot hits and how much HE filler it has. The gun breech is quite large, and it can often save the crew members on one side from the shrapnel of a penetration to the other side of the turret. Additionally, almost all the ammunition is stored in the hull floor, while a minority is stored in the turret basket; this means it is unlikely for the ammunition to explode under most circumstances. Despite these factors, almost every penetration will cause crippling damage - either immobilizing the tank or disabling the main gun, which allows the enemy to take a second finishing shot soon after. In summary, the survivability of the {{PAGENAME}} is not to be relied upon as it will rarely survive two shots and will almost never bounce a shot. As such, you should plan your route in order to avoid frontal engagements with the enemy.
=== Mobility ===
=== Mobility ===
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
{{tankMobility|abMinHp= 620|rbMinHp= 354|<!--AoAweight=(optional) -->}}
=== Modifications and economy ===
== Armaments ==
== Armaments ==
=== Main armament ===
=== Main armament ===
<!--''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.''-->
* One 76.2 mm QF 17-pounder (77 rounds)
<!-- ''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.'' -->
{{main|QF 17-pounder (76 mm)}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="5" | [[QF 17-pounder (76 mm)|76 mm QF 17-pounder]] || colspan="5" | Turret rotation speed (°/s) || colspan="4" | Reloading rate (seconds)
! Mode !! Capacity !! Vertical !! Horizontal !! Stabilizer
! Stock !! Upgraded !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! Stock !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! ''Arcade''
| rowspan="2" | 65 || rowspan="2" | -5°/+25° || rowspan="2" | ±180° || rowspan="2" | N/A || 22.8 || 31.6 || 38.4 || 42.5 || 45.2 || rowspan="2" | 7.67 || rowspan="2" | 6.79 || rowspan="2" | 6.25 || rowspan="2" | 5.90
! ''Realistic''
| 14.3 || 16.8 || 20.4 || 22.6 || 24.0
=== Additional armament ===
==== Ammunition ====
''Some tanks are armed with several guns in one or more turrets. Evaluate the additional weaponry and give advice on its use. Describe the ammunition available for additional weaponry. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage. If there is no additional weaponry remove this subsection.''
{{:QF 17-pounder (76 mm)/Ammunition|Shot Mk.6, Shell Mk.1, Shot Mk.4, Shot Mk.8, 17pdr Shell SS Mk.1}}
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
[[File:Ammoracks_{{PAGENAME}}.png|right|thumb|x250px|[[Ammo racks]] of the {{PAGENAME}}]]
<!-- '''Last updated:''' -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! Full<br>ammo
! 1st<br>rack empty
! 2nd<br>rack empty
! 3rd<br>rack empty
! 4th<br>rack empty
! 5th<br>rack empty
! Visual<br>discrepancy
| '''65''' || 46&nbsp;''(+19)'' || 26&nbsp;''(+39)'' || 6&nbsp;''(+59)'' || 4&nbsp;''(+61)'' || 1&nbsp;''(+64)'' || No
* Shells are modeled individually and disappear from the rack after having been shot or loaded.
=== Machine guns ===
=== Machine guns ===
''Offensive and anti-aircraft machine guns not only allow you to fight some aircraft, but also are effective against lightly armoured vehicles. Evaluate machine guns and give recommendations on its use.''
<!-- ''Offensive and anti-aircraft machine guns not only allow you to fight some aircraft but also are effective against lightly armoured vehicles. Evaluate machine guns and give recommendations on its use.'' -->
{{main|M2HB (12.7 mm)|L3A1 (7.62 mm)}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="5" | [[M2HB (12.7 mm)|12.7 mm M2HB]]
! Mount !! Capacity (Belt) !! Fire rate !! Vertical !! Horizontal
| Pintle || 800 (200) || 577 || -10°/+15° || ±180°
The roof-mounted Browning .50 cal heavy machine gun is very good at knocking out tracks, punching through lightly armoured vehicles and shooting down low-flying aircraft.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="5" | [[L3A1 (7.62 mm)|7.62 mm L3A1]]
! Mount !! Capacity (Belt) !! Fire rate !! Vertical !! Horizontal
| Coaxial || 5,000 (250) || 500 || N/A || N/A
The small calibre of the L3A1 machine gun makes it largely ineffective against all armoured vehicles but the ones with an open compartment. It still can be used to ping targets as a rangefinding help or to mow down minor obstacles blocking your line of sight.
A second hull-mounted .30 cal machine gun is modeled but not usable.
== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
The {{PAGENAME}} is almost identical to the British Sherman Firefly, with minor cosmetic differences, an additional crew member, and a weaker overall gun mantlet. The player can be confidently rely on the mighty 17-pounder gun to effectively neutralize other tanks regardless of the angles (including the frontal armour of the Tiger or the T-34s). It excels at sniping from a distance and can also can spearhead an attack if needed.
'''Enemies worth noting:'''
R3 T20 FA-HS (AB):
This speedy wheeled vehicle can circle around you with ease and wipe out all your crew with its fast firing autocannon. In a close encounter, never expose your side to it, and do not even angle your hull. Face your hull directly to the R3, because on each side of the cast hull, above the inducer wheel there is a triangular area that blends and connects the upper front plate to the side. By angling the hull, this triangle becomes unangled to the R3, making it easily penetrated, and the driver / gunner will usually get knocked out first. It is harder for the R3 to penetrate your unangled hull thus giving you more time to react and destroy it.
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
<!--Summarize and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in a bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - they have a substitution in the form of softer "inadequate", "effective".-->
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in a bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
* Same 17-pdr armament as the Sherman Firefly
* Powerful British 17-pdr gun
* Has a .50 cal for defense against pesky aircraft
* Has a .50 cal HMG for defence against aircraft
* Good mobility, as with all variants of the Sherman
* Good mobility, as with all Shermans
* Cast hull does not have the thin armour weak spots of the M4A1
* Armor can be penetrated by most enemies at its rank
* Armour can be penetrated by most enemies at its battle rating
* No HE-filler in any of its AP shells at all, meaning that a shot either has to detonate the ammo rack of a target, or disable its ability to fire back, in order to allow a follow up shot
* No HE filler in any of its AP shells, meaning that a shot either has to detonate the ammo rack of a target or generate enough spalling to take out the tank
* .50 cal machine gun can't elevate very high; can only engage low-flying aircraft
* .50 cal machine gun can't elevate very high; can only engage low-flying aircraft
* Poor gun depression of only -5°
== History ==
== History ==
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the ground vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too big, take it to a separate article, taking a link to an article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article.''
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
{{main|Sherman_Firefly#History|l1=History of the Sherman Firefly}}
=== In Italian Service ===
[[File:M4 Tipo IC .png|thumb|Impression of an M4 Tipo IC on parade]]
The Firefly first saw action in Italy in British, American, and Polish hands in the Italian Campaign in 1944, but were ceased since heavy German armour proved to be a challenging opponent for the Firefly. After WW2, Italy was supplied with tanks by the US and UK, such as the [[Sherman Firefly]] (designated as M4 Tipo IC or [[Sherman Vc (Italy)|M4 Tipo VC]] depending on the variant) and [[M24 (Italy)|M24 Chaffee]], which were commissioned in 1947. At that time, Italy created the first nucleus for the formation of a tankers school and on the 1st of October officially formed the Military School Organization.
The M4 Tipo ICs were decommissioned and scrapped in 1952.
== Media ==
== Media ==
''An excellent addition to the article will be video guides, as well as screenshots from the game and photos.''
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=it_sherman_VII Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
[[File:The British Army in the Normandy Campaign 1944 .jpg|thumb|none|350px|<small>A British Firefly during the Normandy Campaign 1944<ref>http://www.theshermantank.com/sherman/the-firefly-the-teapot-with-teeth/</ref></small>]]
{{Youtube-gallery|Ege0ylN0RCA|'''Lookback: {{PAGENAME}}''' - ''Orangefan''|YK_kiOv7cJo|'''{{PAGENAME}} Composito, Italian, Tier-3, Medium Tank''' - ''Angry Nerd Gaming''}}
== See also ==
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
<!-- ''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
;Vehicles equipped with the same gun & turret
* [[Sherman Firefly]]
* [[Sherman IC "Trzyniec"]]
* [[Sherman Vc (Italy)]]
;Other vehicles of similar configuration and role
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* [[M4A1 (76) W]]
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* [[M4A4 (SA50)]]
== External links ==
== External links ==
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
=== References ===
* ''encyclopedia page on tank;''
<references />
* ''other literature.''
{{TankManufacturer Department of Tank Design}}
{{Italy medium tanks}}
{{Italy medium tanks}}

Latest revision as of 15:44, 13 March 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0
This page is about the Italian medium tank Sherman Ic. For other versions, see M4 Sherman (Family). For other uses, see M4 (Disambiguation).
GarageImage Sherman Ic.jpg
ArtImage Sherman Ic.png
Sherman Ic
4.7 4.7 4.7
Research:40 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:135 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png


The M4 Hybrid (Composito) Sherman IC Firefly is an up-gunned modification of the M4 Hybrid, which is the special combination of the first and second variants of the early-generation Medium Tank M4 (Sherman) family. The turret of the original M4A4 Sherman VC Firefly is directly mounted on an M4 Hybrid variant hull rather than the regular M4A4 variant hull, making it a very distinctive derivative of the M4A4 Sherman IC Firefly. This is a unique tank that served mostly with the Italian Army and is armed with the powerful 76 mm Ordnance QF 17-pounder tank gun. Due to the scarcity of historical information on this vehicle, it is unknown to what extent this unique derivation of the famed "firefly" truly engaged in World War II. Following the reconstruction of Italy in 1945, some M4 Hybrid (Composito) Sherman IC Firefly tanks were transported to the country and redesignated as M4 Tipo IC Composito. A minor military command for the territorial defence was founded in 1946, and the unit received numerous other M4 Sherman variants. They laid the groundwork for Italy's first post-war tanker training school. All M4 Sherman variants were formally decommissioned in 1952.

Introduced in Update 1.85 "Supersonic", the M4 Tipo IC Composito in the Italian Army ground forces is comparable to its British counterpart, as it was delivered by the British Army after World War II to aid in the reconstruction of Italy and the development of a territory defence force. The M4 Tipo IC Composito, armed with the renowned 76 mm Ordnance QF 17-pounder tank gun, will provide players with an extremely substantial increase in firepower above the early variants of the M4 Sherman used by the Italian Army ground forces, which were equipped with the 75 mm M3 tank gun. The M4 Tipo IC Composito, along with the M4A4 Sherman VC Firefly, will form the major backbone of the Italian Army's ground forces; however, it lacks access to armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) ammunition, which the latter has.

General info

Survivability and armour

Smoke grenades
Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle
Armourfront / side / back
Hull63 / 38 / 38
Turret76 / 50 / 63
Crew5 people
Visibility108 %

Armour type:

  • Cast homogeneous armour (Hull Front, turret, turret cupola)
  • Rolled homogeneous armour (Hull sides, rear and roof, add-on bustle, turret roof)
Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 50.8 mm (8-74°) Upper Glacis
50.8 mm (2-59°) Lower Glacis
38.1 mm Lower
50.8 Upper Front
38.1 Upper Rear
38.1 mm 50.8 mm Front
19.05 mm Rear
Turret 50 mm - 76.2 mm (Varying Angles) Turret Front
38.1 + 38.1 mm (cylindrical) Gun mantlet
50.8 mm 63.5 mm Original Bustle
63.5 mm Add-on Bustle
25.4 mm Crew Compartment
50.8 mm Original Bustle
25.4 mm Add-on Bustle
Cupola 50.8 mm 25.4 mm


  • 25.4 mm Plates Cover Portions of the Hull Sides
  • Tracks - 20 mm
  • Suspension - 10 to 15 mm
  • Fenders - 10 mm
  • Main Gun - 20 mm
  • Machine Guns - 10 mm

The Sherman Ic has survivability similar to that of the American M4A1 Sherman. The armour is not strong for the battle rating and most enemies, save for SPAA, will go right through the front. If the tank is penetrated it is likely that at least two of the five crew will survive, depending on where the shot hits and how much HE filler it has. The gun breech is quite large, and it can often save the crew members on one side from the shrapnel of a penetration to the other side of the turret. Additionally, almost all the ammunition is stored in the hull floor, while a minority is stored in the turret basket; this means it is unlikely for the ammunition to explode under most circumstances. Despite these factors, almost every penetration will cause crippling damage - either immobilizing the tank or disabling the main gun, which allows the enemy to take a second finishing shot soon after. In summary, the survivability of the Sherman Ic is not to be relied upon as it will rarely survive two shots and will almost never bounce a shot. As such, you should plan your route in order to avoid frontal engagements with the enemy.


Speedforward / back
AB43 / 6 km/h
RB and SB39 / 6 km/h
Number of gears5 forward
1 back
Weight31.5 t
Engine power
AB763 hp
RB and SB400 hp
Power-to-weight ratio
AB24.2 hp/t
RB and SB12.7 hp/t
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 43 6 31.5 620 763 19.68 24.22
Realistic 39 6 354 400 11.24 12.7

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB1 505 → 2 036 Sl icon.png
RB1 774 → 2 400 Sl icon.png
SB2 199 → 2 975 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications35 000 Rp icon.png
68 000 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost1 300 Ge icon.png
Crew training39 000 Sl icon.png
Experts135 000 Sl icon.png
Aces550 Ge icon.png
Research Aces390 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
80 / 130 / 160 % Sl icon.png
154 / 154 / 154 % Rp icon.png
Mobility Protection Firepower
Mods new tank traks.png
1 700 Rp icon.png
3 300 Sl icon.png
130 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank suspension.png
1 600 Rp icon.png
3 100 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank break.png
Brake System
1 600 Rp icon.png
3 100 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank filter.png
2 900 Rp icon.png
5 600 Sl icon.png
220 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank transmission.png
2 300 Rp icon.png
4 500 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank engine.png
2 300 Rp icon.png
4 500 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods tank tool kit.png
Improved Parts
1 700 Rp icon.png
3 300 Sl icon.png
130 Ge icon.png
Mods extinguisher.png
Improved FPE
1 600 Rp icon.png
3 100 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods tank reinforcement it.png
Crew Replenishment
2 900 Rp icon.png
5 600 Sl icon.png
220 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
1 700 Rp icon.png
3 300 Sl icon.png
130 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods new tank horizontal aiming.png
Horizontal Drive
1 700 Rp icon.png
3 300 Sl icon.png
130 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
1 600 Rp icon.png
3 100 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods tank cannon.png
Adjustment of Fire
1 600 Rp icon.png
3 100 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank vertical aiming.png
Elevation Mechanism
2 900 Rp icon.png
5 600 Sl icon.png
220 Ge icon.png
Mods art support.png
Artillery Support
2 300 Rp icon.png
4 500 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
2 300 Rp icon.png
4 500 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods smoke screen.png
Smoke grenade
2 300 Rp icon.png
4 500 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png


Main armament

Ammunition65 rounds
First-order5 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
7.6 → 5.9 s
Vertical guidance-5° / 25°
Main article: QF 17-pounder (76 mm)
76 mm QF 17-pounder Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Stock Full Expert Aced
Arcade 65 -5°/+25° ±180° N/A 22.8 31.6 38.4 42.5 45.2 7.67 6.79 6.25 5.90
Realistic 14.3 16.8 20.4 22.6 24.0


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
Shot Mk.6 AP 171 168 155 139 126 113
Shell Mk.1 HE 20 20 18 16 15 13
Shot Mk.4 APC 171 168 155 139 126 113
Shot Mk.8 APCBC 190 187 172 155 140 126
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
Shot Mk.6 AP 883 7.71 - - - 47° 60° 65°
Shell Mk.1 HE 883 6.98 0.2 0.1 580 79° 80° 81°
Shot Mk.4 APC 883 7.71 - - - 48° 63° 71°
Shot Mk.8 APCBC 883 7.71 - - - 48° 63° 71°
Smoke shell characteristics
Ammunition Velocity
mass (kg)
Screen radius
Screen deploy
time (s)
Screen hold
time (s)
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
17pdr Shell SS Mk.1 229 8.44 13 5 20 50

Ammo racks

Ammo racks of the Sherman Ic
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
65 46 (+19) 26 (+39) (+59) (+61) (+64) No


  • Shells are modeled individually and disappear from the rack after having been shot or loaded.

Machine guns

Ammunition800 rounds
Belt capacity200 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
10.4 → 8.0 s
Fire rate575 shots/min
Vertical guidance-10° / 15°
Ammunition5 000 rounds
Belt capacity250 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
10.4 → 8.0 s
Fire rate500 shots/min
12.7 mm M2HB
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Pintle 800 (200) 577 -10°/+15° ±180°

The roof-mounted Browning .50 cal heavy machine gun is very good at knocking out tracks, punching through lightly armoured vehicles and shooting down low-flying aircraft.

7.62 mm L3A1
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 5,000 (250) 500 N/A N/A

The small calibre of the L3A1 machine gun makes it largely ineffective against all armoured vehicles but the ones with an open compartment. It still can be used to ping targets as a rangefinding help or to mow down minor obstacles blocking your line of sight. A second hull-mounted .30 cal machine gun is modeled but not usable.

Usage in battles

The Sherman Ic is almost identical to the British Sherman Firefly, with minor cosmetic differences, an additional crew member, and a weaker overall gun mantlet. The player can be confidently rely on the mighty 17-pounder gun to effectively neutralize other tanks regardless of the angles (including the frontal armour of the Tiger or the T-34s). It excels at sniping from a distance and can also can spearhead an attack if needed.

Enemies worth noting:

R3 T20 FA-HS (AB):

This speedy wheeled vehicle can circle around you with ease and wipe out all your crew with its fast firing autocannon. In a close encounter, never expose your side to it, and do not even angle your hull. Face your hull directly to the R3, because on each side of the cast hull, above the inducer wheel there is a triangular area that blends and connects the upper front plate to the side. By angling the hull, this triangle becomes unangled to the R3, making it easily penetrated, and the driver / gunner will usually get knocked out first. It is harder for the R3 to penetrate your unangled hull thus giving you more time to react and destroy it.

Pros and cons


  • Powerful British 17-pdr gun
  • Has a .50 cal HMG for defence against aircraft
  • Good mobility, as with all Shermans
  • Cast hull does not have the thin armour weak spots of the M4A1


  • Armour can be penetrated by most enemies at its battle rating
  • No HE filler in any of its AP shells, meaning that a shot either has to detonate the ammo rack of a target or generate enough spalling to take out the tank
  • .50 cal machine gun can't elevate very high; can only engage low-flying aircraft
  • Poor gun depression of only -5°


In Italian Service

Impression of an M4 Tipo IC on parade

The Firefly first saw action in Italy in British, American, and Polish hands in the Italian Campaign in 1944, but were ceased since heavy German armour proved to be a challenging opponent for the Firefly. After WW2, Italy was supplied with tanks by the US and UK, such as the Sherman Firefly (designated as M4 Tipo IC or M4 Tipo VC depending on the variant) and M24 Chaffee, which were commissioned in 1947. At that time, Italy created the first nucleus for the formation of a tankers school and on the 1st of October officially formed the Military School Organization.

The M4 Tipo ICs were decommissioned and scrapped in 1952.


A British Firefly during the Normandy Campaign 1944[1]

See also

Vehicles equipped with the same gun & turret
Other vehicles of similar configuration and role

External links


Department of Tank Design
Medium Tanks 
Sherman Firefly  Sherman Firefly · Sherman IC "Trzyniec"
Centurion  Centurion Mk 1 · Centurion Mk.2 · Centurion Mk 3 · Centurion Action X · Centurion Mk.5 AVRE · Centurion Mk 10
Challenger*  Challenger Mk.2 · Challenger Mk.3 · Challenger DS
Tank Destroyers 
Achilles  Achilles · Achilles (65 Rg.)
Centurion-based  Conway · FV4005
Sherman Firefly  Sherman Ic · ▄Sherman Vc
Centurion  Centurion Mk.5/1 · Strv 81 · Strv 81 (RB 52) · ▄Strv 81 (RB 52) · Strv 101 · Strv 104** · Strv 105** · Sho't
See also  US Ordnance Department · Israeli Ordnance Corps · Vickers-Armstrongs Limited
  *By successor, the Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment
  **Swedish modernizations incorporating innovations from the Israeli Sho't Kals.

Italy medium tanks
M13/40  M13/40 (I) · M13/40 (II) · M13/40 (III)
M14/41  M14/41 · M14/41 (47/40)
M15/42  M15/42
M16/43  Celere Sahariano
P26/40  P40 · P40 "G.C. Leoncello"
OF-40  OF-40 · OF-40 Mk.2A · OF-40 (MTCA)
Ariete  Ariete (P) · Ariete · Ariete PSO · Ariete AMV
Germany  ▄Pz.III N · ▄Pz.IV G · ▄Leopard 1A5
Allied powers  ▄Sherman I Composito · Sherman Ic · ▄Sherman Vc · ▄Sherman V · M26 "D.C.Ariete" · M26A1 · M47 (105/55) · M60A1 "D.C.Ariete"
Turán  Turan I · Turan II · Turan III
Germany  ◔Leopard 2A4 · Leopard 2A7HU
USSR  ◔T-72M1