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== Description ==
== Description ==
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' was the third prototype of the Horten Ho 229, a jet-powered flying wing aircraft designed by the Horten brothers in Nazi Germany during World War II. It was part of the Emergency Fighter Program, which aimed to produce cheap and simple fighters that could defend the Reich from Allied bombers. The {{Specs|name}} was intended to be the testbed for the first production model, capable of carrying two 30 mm cannons and, later on, possibly a 1,000 kg bomb load. The {{Specs|name}} was never completed, as it was captured by US forces in April 1945 at the Gothaer Waggonfabrik factory. The {{Specs|name}} was the only surviving example of the Ho 229, and it is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
The '''Horten Ho 229''', also known by its production designation as the '''Gothaer Go 229''', is a jet-powered flying wing aircraft designed by the Horten brothers in Nazi Germany during the later of World War II. The Ho 229 was the culmination of over 14 years of research and experiment by the Horten brothers for a flying wing design, which aims to maximize the aerodynamical efficiency of an aircraft by reducing as much drag as possible, resulting into an aircraft that has its airframe consists only of a wing without the tail or distinct fuselage. As the brothers lacked their own facility to produce their design, production of the Ho 229 was outsourced to the Gothaer Waggonfabrik company, to which the brothers has later alleged that Gothaer has underprioritize their project in favor of the company's own design.
Originally designed in 1943 in response to the RLM's requirements for a "3×1000" fast bomber; an aircraft capable of carrying up to 1,000 kg of bombs, with a range of 1,000 km, and a speed up to 1,000 km/h. Development of the Ho 229 was later reassigned into the Emergency Fighter Program in 1944, which aimed to produce cheap and simple fighters that could defend the Reich from Allied bombers. To achieve the cost issue, the design of the Ho 229 was simplified by Gothaer, most noteably redesigned the wings to be made of a mixture of plywood panels glued with charcoal and sawdust mixture and attached it to a steel "fuselage" mid-section.
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' was the third prototype of the Ho 229, and was intended to be the testbed for the first production model, capable of carrying two 30 mm cannons and, later on, possibly a 1,000 kg bomb load. The {{Specs|name}} was never completed, as it was captured by US forces in April 1945 at the Gothaer Waggonfabrik factory. The {{Specs|name}} was the only surviving example of the Ho 229, and it is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
The {{Specs|name}} was introduced in [[Update 1.43]]. It is the first jet in the "Zerstörer" tech tree of the Luftwaffe and currently comes before the [[G.91 R/3]]. Ironically, it goes against much of the doctrine set by the previous planes, favouring speed and manoeuvrability over armament and durability. Something that will immediately stand out with the {{Specs|name}} is how incredibly manoeuvrable it is compared to most other jet fighters. The {{Specs|name}} can almost quite literally turn on a dime and can even in some circumstances out-turn late super props such as the [[P-51H-5-NA|P-51H]] if manoeuvred correctly. However, if its manoeuvrability is used to its full extent, it also causes the plane to bleed speed at a crippling rate, making a sustained turn fight impossible to win. As such, it is advised to use the {{Specs|name}} as a Boom & Zoom fighter in order to maintain airspeed and altitude. Remember that jet engines' efficiency is directly proportional to the IAS, due to the increased air intake, meaning the {{Specs|name}} will be accelerating very slowly between 0-500 km/h, but beyond will be able to outrun any propeller-driven aircraft.
The {{Specs|name}} was introduced in [[Update 1.43]]. It is the first jet in the "Zerstörer" tech tree of the Luftwaffe and currently comes before the [[G.91 R/3]]. Ironically, it goes against much of the doctrine set by the previous planes, favouring speed and manoeuvrability over armament and durability. Something that will immediately stand out with the {{Specs|name}} is how incredibly manoeuvrable it is compared to most other jet fighters. The {{Specs|name}} can almost quite literally turn on a dime and can even in some circumstances out-turn late super props such as the [[P-51H-5-NA|P-51H]] if manoeuvred correctly. However, if its manoeuvrability is used to its full extent, it also causes the plane to bleed speed at a crippling rate, making a sustained turn fight impossible to win. As such, it is advised to use the {{Specs|name}} as a Boom & Zoom fighter in order to maintain airspeed and altitude. Remember that jet engines' efficiency is directly proportional to the IAS, due to the increased air intake, meaning the {{Specs|name}} will be accelerating very slowly between 0-500 km/h, but beyond will be able to outrun any propeller-driven aircraft.
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<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
The {{PAGENAME}} is a very unique aircraft in many senses. It was designed as a "pure" flying wing design with a notable absence of the tail section and a "fuselage" merged into the wing in one piece, aiming to reduce the drag as much as possible while maximize the lifting and aerodynamical capability. This results into the Horten having very low wing loading, generating more than enough lift the keep the plane in the air, and having very low stall speed (especially for a jet aircraft) at 165 km/h, giving the Horten an ability to execute the unconventional "cobra" manoevers by baiting the opponent into chasing it vertically until they ran out of air speed and stall, then you can swiftly roll down from the ascent to finish them off.
The lack of drag allow the Horten to have very tight turn radius, especially at a medium speeds (around 400 - 600 km), though this is often offset by the excessive lift that hampers the pitch and roll rate at times. The flying wing design also means that the plane can retains the energy very well while flying straight, but can bleeds the energy very quickly in an aggressive turn or prolonged horizontal manoevers.
While the {{PAGENAME}} shares the common deficientcy of early jets of slow initial acceleration, the Horten can gain an energy relatively quickly by take a shallow dive. While the initial gain is relatively slow, the plane will eventually accelerate enough to gain a momentum for climbing. The plane's excellent lift will allows it to climb much more efficiently than other early jets with noticeably less energy loss. Though, be sure to avoid prolonged dogfight as the plane would still requires a significant amount of time to regains its energy again.
A caveat worth noting about the Horten is its tendency to bounce while landing, especially at a speed above 200 km/h, which often results into the plane overshooting the runwaw. As such, be sure to use the plane's airbrake to bleeds the energy when beginning an approach, then keep the throttle on to maintain the airspeed between 160 - 200 km/h and reduce the chance of abrupt stall as you proceed to land on the runway, then apply the brakes when all wheels has touched the ground.
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* '''Default:''' {{Annotation|HEI-T|High-explosive incendiary tracer (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|I|Incendiary}}{{-}}{{Annotation|AP-I|Armour-piercing incendiary}}; okay against planes.
* '''Default:''' {{Annotation|HEI-T|High-explosive incendiary tracer (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|IT|Incendiary tracer}}{{-}}{{Annotation|AP-I|Armour-piercing incendiary}}; okay against planes.
* '''Armoured targets:''' {{Annotation|HVAP-T|High-velocity armour-piercing tracer}}{{-}}{{Annotation|I|Incendiary}}{{-}}{{Annotation|HVAP-T|High-velocity armour-piercing tracer}}{{-}}{{Annotation|AP-I|Armour-piercing incendiary}}; the armoured target belt is different for the Ho 229 V3, compared to all other Mk 103 armed aircraft, and is only a 1/2 as effective, due to the belt being filled with incendiary shells.
* '''Armoured targets:''' {{Annotation|HVAP-T|High-velocity armour-piercing tracer}}{{-}}{{Annotation|IT|Incendiary tracer}}{{-}}{{Annotation|HVAP-T|High-velocity armour-piercing tracer}}{{-}}{{Annotation|AP-I|Armour-piercing incendiary}}; the armoured target belt is different for the Ho 229 V3, compared to all other Mk 103 armed aircraft, and is only a 1/2 as effective, due to the belt being filled with incendiary shells.
* '''Air targets:''' {{Annotation|HEI-T|High-explosive incendiary tracer (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|HEI|High-explosive incendiary (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|HEI|High-explosive incendiary (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|I|Incendiary}}; each Minengeschoß (mine-shell) has the same HE power as a 37 mm round, wonderful against anything that flies and light ground targets.
* '''Air targets:''' {{Annotation|HEI-T|High-explosive incendiary tracer (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|HEI-T|High-explosive incendiary tracer (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|HEI-T|High-explosive incendiary tracer (minengeschoß)}}{{-}}{{Annotation|I|Incendiary}}; each Minengeschoß (mine-shell) has the same HE power as a 37 mm round, wonderful against anything that flies and light ground targets.
* '''Stealth:''' {{Annotation|AP-I|Armour-piercing incendiary}}; difficult to use; cannot destroy most tanks nor pillboxes, lacks the destructive force of HE shells against planes.
* '''Stealth:''' {{Annotation|AP-I|Armour-piercing incendiary}}; difficult to use; cannot destroy most tanks nor pillboxes, lacks the destructive force of HE shells against planes.
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Once the Horten is fully upgraded, or at least the performance parts are, one detail to notice is that the wings won't rip so easily like before, but the Ho 229 still has to turn cautiously, because it is still a wooden plane after all.
Once the Horten is fully upgraded, or at least the performance parts are, one detail to notice is that the wings won't rip so easily like before, but the Ho 229 still has to turn cautiously, because it is still a wooden plane after all.
Perhaps the most dangerous enemy of the Horten 229 is the F-84 Thunderjet. Since the Thunderjet gets an air spawn it already has all the energy it needs to get around the map quickly. There are occasions when players spawn in late, only to be strafed by an F-84 Thunderjet on the runway. The Ho-229 is decent at accelerating once up to about 550 km/h, past that point, the Ho 229 becomes a V2 rocket in terms of acceleration until about ~750-800 km/h, then there will be a hard time accelerating again.
Perhaps the most dangerous enemy of the Horten 229 is the F-84 Thunderjet. Since the Thunderjet gets an air spawn it already has all the energy it needs to get around the map quickly. There are occasions when players spawn in late, only to be strafed by an F-84 Thunderjet on the runway. The Ho 229 is decent at accelerating once up to about 550 km/h, past that point, the Ho 229 becomes a V2 rocket in terms of acceleration until about ~750-800 km/h, then there will be a hard time accelerating again.
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
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* Excellent armament, MK 103 is one of the best guns in the game
* Excellent 30 mm autocannon with an access 3/4 minengeschoß tracer belts and good ammo count
* Great ammunition supply with 170 rounds per gun
* Low wing loading, incredibly good at turning when flown at medium speeds (400-600 km/h)
* Low wing loading, incredibly good at turning when flown at medium speeds (400-600 km/h)
* Good energy retention if not manoeuvred too harshly
* Good energy retention if not manoeuvred too harshly
* Outruns piston-engine aircraft and all Allied jets, except for the F-84 Thunderjet when up-tiered
* Outruns piston-engine aircraft and all Allied jets, except when up-tiered
* Low stall speed of 165 km/h
* Very low stall speed of 165 km/h, capable of baiting opponents into stalling and strike back
* Fast when diving if flown at medium to high speeds before committing to a dive
* Fast when diving if flown at medium to high speeds before committing to a dive
* The air brake can bleed airspeed efficiently
* The air brake can bleed airspeed efficiently
* Excellent cockpit visibility in SB
* Slow rate of fire results in occasional misses when sweeping quickly behind enemies if aiming at wings, which have a thin profile
* Acceleration is slow- even its initial acceleration in a dive
* Only half of its armoured target belt is comprised of HVAP-T shells, unlike other MK 103 equipped aircraft, which have only HVAP-T shells
* Only 2/4 of its armoured target belt is comprised of HVAP-T shells, unlike other MK 103 equipped aircraft, which have only HVAP-T shells
* Acceleration is slow, even its initial acceleration in a dive
* Is easy to hit when turning, above, or below because of the size
* Is easy to hit when turning, above, or below because of the size
* Easy to destroy wings in hard turns at high speed
* Wings can be easily overloaded while turning at high speed
* Terrible yaw rotation
* Flying wing design results into poor roll rate and yaw speed, and causing the plane to loses speed quickly in elevator turns
* Poor roll rate - Significantly hinders the ability to counter defensive scissors
* Difficult to land due to its tendency to bounce on contact with the runway
* Slow rate of fire results in occasional misses when sweeping quickly behind enemies if aiming at wings, which have a thin profile
* Have to land slow, cause of the lack of brakes
* Loses speed quickly in elevator turns
* Gets matched against enemy jets that have superior performance
* Gets matched against enemy jets that have superior performance

Revision as of 11:53, 21 February 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0
GarageImage Ho 229 V3.jpg
ArtImage Ho 229 V3.jpg
Ho 229 V3
6.7 7.0 7.7
Research:105 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:300 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png


The Horten Ho 229, also known by its production designation as the Gothaer Go 229, is a jet-powered flying wing aircraft designed by the Horten brothers in Nazi Germany during the later of World War II. The Ho 229 was the culmination of over 14 years of research and experiment by the Horten brothers for a flying wing design, which aims to maximize the aerodynamical efficiency of an aircraft by reducing as much drag as possible, resulting into an aircraft that has its airframe consists only of a wing without the tail or distinct fuselage. As the brothers lacked their own facility to produce their design, production of the Ho 229 was outsourced to the Gothaer Waggonfabrik company, to which the brothers has later alleged that Gothaer has underprioritize their project in favor of the company's own design.

Originally designed in 1943 in response to the RLM's requirements for a "3×1000" fast bomber; an aircraft capable of carrying up to 1,000 kg of bombs, with a range of 1,000 km, and a speed up to 1,000 km/h. Development of the Ho 229 was later reassigned into the Emergency Fighter Program in 1944, which aimed to produce cheap and simple fighters that could defend the Reich from Allied bombers. To achieve the cost issue, the design of the Ho 229 was simplified by Gothaer, most noteably redesigned the wings to be made of a mixture of plywood panels glued with charcoal and sawdust mixture and attached it to a steel "fuselage" mid-section.

The Ho 229 V3 was the third prototype of the Ho 229, and was intended to be the testbed for the first production model, capable of carrying two 30 mm cannons and, later on, possibly a 1,000 kg bomb load. The Ho 229 V3 was never completed, as it was captured by US forces in April 1945 at the Gothaer Waggonfabrik factory. The Ho 229 V3 was the only surviving example of the Ho 229, and it is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

The Ho 229 V3 was introduced in Update 1.43. It is the first jet in the "Zerstörer" tech tree of the Luftwaffe and currently comes before the G.91 R/3. Ironically, it goes against much of the doctrine set by the previous planes, favouring speed and manoeuvrability over armament and durability. Something that will immediately stand out with the Ho 229 V3 is how incredibly manoeuvrable it is compared to most other jet fighters. The Ho 229 V3 can almost quite literally turn on a dime and can even in some circumstances out-turn late super props such as the P-51H if manoeuvred correctly. However, if its manoeuvrability is used to its full extent, it also causes the plane to bleed speed at a crippling rate, making a sustained turn fight impossible to win. As such, it is advised to use the Ho 229 V3 as a Boom & Zoom fighter in order to maintain airspeed and altitude. Remember that jet engines' efficiency is directly proportional to the IAS, due to the increased air intake, meaning the Ho 229 V3 will be accelerating very slowly between 0-500 km/h, but beyond will be able to outrun any propeller-driven aircraft.

General info

Flight performance

Air brakes
Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps
Max speed
at 8 000 m910 km/h
Turn time24 s
Max altitude12 000 m
Engine2 х Junkers Jumo 004D
Cooling systemAir
Take-off weight8 t

The Ho 229 V3 is a very unique aircraft in many senses. It was designed as a "pure" flying wing design with a notable absence of the tail section and a "fuselage" merged into the wing in one piece, aiming to reduce the drag as much as possible while maximize the lifting and aerodynamical capability. This results into the Horten having very low wing loading, generating more than enough lift the keep the plane in the air, and having very low stall speed (especially for a jet aircraft) at 165 km/h, giving the Horten an ability to execute the unconventional "cobra" manoevers by baiting the opponent into chasing it vertically until they ran out of air speed and stall, then you can swiftly roll down from the ascent to finish them off.

The lack of drag allow the Horten to have very tight turn radius, especially at a medium speeds (around 400 - 600 km), though this is often offset by the excessive lift that hampers the pitch and roll rate at times. The flying wing design also means that the plane can retains the energy very well while flying straight, but can bleeds the energy very quickly in an aggressive turn or prolonged horizontal manoevers.

While the Ho 229 V3 shares the common deficientcy of early jets of slow initial acceleration, the Horten can gain an energy relatively quickly by take a shallow dive. While the initial gain is relatively slow, the plane will eventually accelerate enough to gain a momentum for climbing. The plane's excellent lift will allows it to climb much more efficiently than other early jets with noticeably less energy loss. Though, be sure to avoid prolonged dogfight as the plane would still requires a significant amount of time to regains its energy again.

A caveat worth noting about the Horten is its tendency to bounce while landing, especially at a speed above 200 km/h, which often results into the plane overshooting the runwaw. As such, be sure to use the plane's airbrake to bleeds the energy when beginning an approach, then keep the throttle on to maintain the airspeed between 160 - 200 km/h and reduce the chance of abrupt stall as you proceed to land on the runway, then apply the brakes when all wheels has touched the ground.

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 8,000 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 871 847 12000 24.8 25.4 17.0 16.1 850
Upgraded 950 910 23.4 24.0 25.5 21.0


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear Drogue chute
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
980 450 558 529 380 ~10 ~5
Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 570 < 600 < 420 N/A

Engine performance

Engine Aircraft mass
Engine name Number Empty mass Wing loading (full fuel)
Junkers Jumo 004D 2 4,800 kg 188 kg/m2
Engine characteristics Mass with fuel (no weapons load) Max Takeoff
Weight (each) Type 17m fuel 20m fuel 30m fuel 45m fuel 57m fuel
750 kg Axial-flow turbojet 5,541 kg 5,667 kg 6,088 kg 6,720 kg 7,255 kg 7,500 kg
Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB / SB) Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (100%)
Condition 100% WEP 17m fuel 20m fuel 30m fuel 45m fuel 57m fuel MTOW
Stationary 1,050 kgf N/A 0.38 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.29 0.28
Optimal 1,050 kgf
(0 km/h)
N/A 0.38 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.29 0.28

Survivability and armour

Crew1 person
Speed of destruction
Structural0 km/h
Gear450 km/h

An obvious flaw of the Ho 229 is the large surface area created by the flying wing design. This means that is it easier for enemies to land a shot on the plane. It can be countered by turning the side of your plane towards the enemy, henceforth decreasing the surface area that can be shot.

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB3 882 → 4 918 Sl icon.png
RB9 668 → 12 249 Sl icon.png
SB13 709 → 17 369 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications90 200 Rp icon.png
146 000 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost2 100 Ge icon.png
Crew training86 000 Sl icon.png
Experts300 000 Sl icon.png
Aces1 700 Ge icon.png
Research Aces720 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
130 / 330 / 600 % Sl icon.png
196 / 196 / 196 % Rp icon.png
Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
Mods aerodinamic fuse.png
Fuselage repair
9 100 Rp icon.png
15 000 Sl icon.png
260 Ge icon.png
Mods jet compressor.png
10 000 Rp icon.png
16 000 Sl icon.png
290 Ge icon.png
Mods aerodinamic wing.png
Wings repair
11 000 Rp icon.png
18 000 Sl icon.png
320 Ge icon.png
Mods jet engine.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
24 000 Sl icon.png
430 Ge icon.png
Mods armor frame.png
10 000 Rp icon.png
16 000 Sl icon.png
290 Ge icon.png
Mods armor cover.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
24 000 Sl icon.png
430 Ge icon.png
Mods ammo.png
9 100 Rp icon.png
15 000 Sl icon.png
260 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 1.png
Mods weapon.png
11 000 Rp icon.png
18 000 Sl icon.png
320 Ge icon.png

Given the Horten's weight, the acceleration is an issue on the stock plane. Go for ammunition, engine and compressor upgrades first.

After that, any upgrade is equally good. Weapon upgrades can wait, as the Mk 103 is the best gun in-game, with high accuracy and long bursts stock. The belts also shouldn't be a priority unless using the Ho 229 as an attacker. In that case, the "Armoured targets" belt is very useful against tanks & light pillboxes.


Offensive armament

Weapon 12 x 30 mm MK 103 cannon
Ammunition340 rounds
Fire rate450 shots/min
Main article: MK 103 (30 mm)

The Ho 229 V3 is armed with:

  • 2 x 30 mm MK 103 cannons, wing-mounted (170 rpg = 340 total)


  • Default: HEI-T · IT · AP-I; okay against planes.
  • Armoured targets: HVAP-T · IT · HVAP-T · AP-I; the armoured target belt is different for the Ho 229 V3, compared to all other Mk 103 armed aircraft, and is only a 1/2 as effective, due to the belt being filled with incendiary shells.
  • Air targets: HEI-T · HEI-T · HEI-T · I; each Minengeschoß (mine-shell) has the same HE power as a 37 mm round, wonderful against anything that flies and light ground targets.
  • Stealth: AP-I; difficult to use; cannot destroy most tanks nor pillboxes, lacks the destructive force of HE shells against planes.

Usage in battles

Horten 229 Version 3 with its wings attached by the USAF in 1950.

The Horten 229 flying wing is a dogfighter, heavy-fighter, or even an attacker.

Its single wing design allows for amazing manoeuvrability despite its weight of up to 8 tonnes, when equipped with full fuel load. This is, however, the Horten's literal downfall; the weight. Its acceleration is awful, even for jets. But the energy retention is great and climb acceptable. With that in mind rule number one of jet battle comes into play: do not turnfight! The 229 will tempt anyone though. The low wing loading for a jet and even some piston planes allows for tight turning circles. Being heavy also allows to keep that velocity well in the initial turns, but with the inability to regain that speed afterwards... leads to a flaming wreck thanks to an opportunistic enemy. The classic dogfight is thus only for emergency situations!

As a fighter, stick with Boom & Zoom, in which the Ho 229's heavy weight is of assistance in zoom climbs. However, it will also dampen the Horten's starting acceleration in a dive, making out diving an enemy difficult. The bad roll rate makes it hard to get some shots on target, But watch out! Don't pull too hard on the elevator to get that shot, or the Horten will lose much speed (which cannot be regained quickly) or rarely, lose a wing.

The heavy fighter role equals the fighter one in every aspect, just that the targets are usually bombers. Stay fast, and try to get shots off in head-ons, or in slight diving turns from the bomber's six (tail), to make it difficult for the defensive gunners to hit the Ho 229.

The attacker role is a dangerous one. The Ho 229 will have to fly slow, in order to have time to properly aim, hit & evade trees. While all of these aren't difficult in the Horten 229 V3, it leaves the plane in a dangerous spot: low and without speed. Both are vital though for the sluggish plane. In this role, be sure to have good escort fighters, as enemies can come at any time in jet combat.

Once the Horten is fully upgraded, or at least the performance parts are, one detail to notice is that the wings won't rip so easily like before, but the Ho 229 still has to turn cautiously, because it is still a wooden plane after all.

Perhaps the most dangerous enemy of the Horten 229 is the F-84 Thunderjet. Since the Thunderjet gets an air spawn it already has all the energy it needs to get around the map quickly. There are occasions when players spawn in late, only to be strafed by an F-84 Thunderjet on the runway. The Ho 229 is decent at accelerating once up to about 550 km/h, past that point, the Ho 229 becomes a V2 rocket in terms of acceleration until about ~750-800 km/h, then there will be a hard time accelerating again.

Pros and cons


  • Excellent 30 mm autocannon with an access 3/4 minengeschoß tracer belts and good ammo count
  • Low wing loading, incredibly good at turning when flown at medium speeds (400-600 km/h)
  • Good energy retention if not manoeuvred too harshly
  • Outruns piston-engine aircraft and all Allied jets, except when up-tiered
  • Very low stall speed of 165 km/h, capable of baiting opponents into stalling and strike back
  • Fast when diving if flown at medium to high speeds before committing to a dive
  • The air brake can bleed airspeed efficiently
  • Excellent cockpit visibility in SB


  • Slow rate of fire results in occasional misses when sweeping quickly behind enemies if aiming at wings, which have a thin profile
  • Only half of its armoured target belt is comprised of HVAP-T shells, unlike other MK 103 equipped aircraft, which have only HVAP-T shells
  • Acceleration is slow, even its initial acceleration in a dive
  • Is easy to hit when turning, above, or below because of the size
  • Wings can be easily overloaded while turning at high speed
  • Flying wing design results into poor roll rate and yaw speed, and causing the plane to loses speed quickly in elevator turns
  • Difficult to land due to its tendency to bounce on contact with the runway
  • Gets matched against enemy jets that have superior performance


In the 1930s, the Horten Brothers were really interested by the concept of "flying wing" for the potential of drag reduction.

In 1943, Marshal Hermann Göring requested a plane that could carry a 1,000 kg bomb load to a range of 1,000 km at a speed of 1,000 km/h. Because jet engines of the time had poor efficiency, the Horten Brothers thought putting them in a flying wing, which had reduced drag, was the solution.

The Horten Brothers proposed their project for a bomber, Ho IX, but the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) thought the plane would be better as a jet fighter than a long range bomber and requested that two MK 103 cannons were mounted. The result was the prototype Ho 229.

Only one example of a Ho 229 V3 was in final phase of assembly at the end of the war, and sent on to the United States by the allies.

The Ho 229 had three prototypes before the facility was overrun.

Pilot with Draeger suit in Ho 229
  1. V1 was a glider to test the design.
  2. V2 was a down-scaled prototype fitted with the Jumo 004B.
  3. V3 was a testbed for serial production, it was however not completely finished when the US Army arrived.

Originally the V3 was intended to have the Jumo 004C jet engines, these weren't ready though and the Me 262 A's 004B was installed. The final production version would have had the ability to load bombs, switch the main armament to four MK 108 and the pilots were to be equipped with the Draeger pressure suit (G-Suit).



See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the aircraft;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

Gothaer Vehicle Factory (Gothaer Waggonfabrik)
Jet Fighters  Ho 229 V3

Germany jet aircraft
Germany flag.png  Luftwaffe
He 162  He 162 A-1 · He 162 A-2
Me 163  Me 163 B · Me 163 B-0
Ho 229  Ho 229 V3
Ar 234  Ar 234 B-2 · Ar 234 C-3
Me 262  Me 262 A-1a · Me 262 A-1a/Jabo · Me 262 A-1a/U1 · Me 262 A-1/U4 · Me 262 A-2a
  Me 262 C-1a · Me 262 C-2b
GDR flag.png  LSK
Fighters  ◊MiG-15bis · ◊Lim-5P · ◊MiG-19S
  ◊MiG-21MF · ◊MiG-21bis-SAU · ◊MiG-21 "Lazur-M"
Attackers  ◊MiG-23BN · ◊MiG-23MF · ◊MiG-23MLA
  ◊Su-22UM3K · ◊Su-22M4
FRG flag.png  Luftwaffe
F-84  ◄F-84F
F-86  ◄CL-13A Mk 5 · ◄CL-13B Mk.6 · ◄F-86K
F-104  ◄F-104G
F-4  ◄F-4F Early · ◄F-4F · ◄F-4F KWS LV
G.91  ◄G.91 R/3 · ◄G.91 R/4
Tornado  ◄Tornado IDS WTD61 · ◄Tornado IDS MFG · ◄Tornado IDS ASSTA1
Other  Alpha Jet A · ◄Sea Hawk Mk.100
Ex-LSK  ◄MiG-21 SPS-K · ◄MiG-29G · ◄Su-22M4 WTD61
Switzerland flag.png  Swiss Air Force
  ◌Hunter F.58 · FFA P-16