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(Created page with "{{Specs-Card|code=iar_81c}} == Description == ''In the description, the first part needs to be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well...")
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== Description ==
== Description ==
''In the description, the first part needs to be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert screenshot of the vehicle. If the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle it is talking about.''
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' was a Romanian fighter that was developed before but served in World War II. Developed from the IAR-80, the vehicle went through several modifications until reaching the IAR-81C standard, which was the latest wartime variant of the IAR-81. The C variant was requested by the Romanian Air Force in 1942, with a couple of improvements, mostly, improved offensive armament. The first order for 100 airframes was delivered, like all of the prior updates to the 81 series, with the centreline bomb rack removed to be used as fighters. An additional order for 35 was placed in February 1943, and then another 15 in January 1944. These aircraft were primarily to replace losses in earlier models while production of the Bf 109 G ramped up.
It was introduced in [[Update 1.79 "Project X"]]. It is the first domestic-produced Romanian plane in the game, added into the Italian tree. This variant is the up-gunned version, designated 81C and it excels at ground support. Boasting good offensive firepower and decent payload options for a converted fighter, the IAR-81 is capable of multiple roles. Harassing enemy ground forces only to follow up by securing the air space is among tactics typical for this type of fighter. While there are no obvious shortcomings to this fighter, neither does it excel in any category. The combat role flexibility is a force multiplier especially on early maps as it opens another crew slot for specialist vehicles.
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Flight Performance ===
=== Flight performance ===
''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Maximum speed, maneuverability, speed and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.''
<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
On paper the IAR-81C looks to be a [[Bf 109 E-3|Bf 109E]] clone. Though looks can be deceiving. This vehicle feels far heavier than it really is. Cause for this is the early starting lock-up of the elevator at high speeds and the lack of leading-edge wing slats at low ones. Flaps use is essential, but slows down the plane very much in using so. Turn characteristics are average which can be said for most of its statistics. Although it lacks the horsepower to accelerate ones coming out of a manoeuvre. Despite the elevator lock-up above 400 km/h, the IAR-81C is an excellent Boom & Zoom fighter. The sleek design, the terminal velocity of 680 km/h IAS and the late break-off speed for the flaps all greatly help. The latter especially is of use to tighten the recovery from dive attacks, ensuring that even at high dive speeds the flaps can be deployed.
A bit cumbersome the IAR-81C takes about 20 seconds to take-off from a standstill, especially with a payload onboard. A hard Split-S without the combat flaps is a dangerous affair thanks to the elevator locking up and will take about 460 m to perform. The Immelmann should be reserved for a better accelerating fighter for this plane is not a fan of it. A high Yo-Yo is preferable. Climbing should be done at 15° and between 250 and 270 km/h (240 ft/s), though a stable climb is possible at 150 km/h, too.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="70%"
! rowspan="2" | Characteristics
! colspan="2" | Max Speed<br>(km/h at 5,000 m)
! rowspan="2" | Max altitude<br>(metres)
! colspan="2" | Turn time<br>(seconds)
! colspan="2" | Rate of climb<br>(metres/second)
! rowspan="2" | Take-off run<br>(metres)
! AB !! RB !! AB !! RB !! AB !! RB
! Stock
| 467 || 451 || rowspan="2" | {{Specs|ceiling}} || 21.0 || 21.7 || 9.3 || 9.3 || rowspan="2" | 350
! Upgraded
| 504 || 485 || 19.1 || 20.0 || 15.0 || 11.9
==== Details ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="5" | Features
! Combat flaps !! Take-off flaps !! Landing flaps !! Air brakes !! Arrestor gear
| ✓ || ✓ || ✓ || ✓ || ✓    <!-- ✓ -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="7" | Limits
! rowspan="2" | Wings (km/h)
! rowspan="2" | Gear (km/h)
! colspan="3" | Flaps (km/h)
! colspan="2" | Max Static G
! Combat !! Take-off !! Landing !! + !! -
| 680 <!-- {{Specs|destruction|body}} --> || {{Specs|destruction|gear}} || 492 || 418 || 240 || ~11 || ~8
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="4" | Optimal velocities (km/h)
! Ailerons !! Rudder !! Elevators !! Radiator
| < 350 || < 300 || < 370 || > 341
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured. Describe the armour, if there is any, also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.''
<!-- ''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.'' -->
* 75 mm bulletproof glass windscreen
* 12.7 mm steel headrest
If one were to hit the pilot from the front, the enemy would need to pass through the engine block, the oil filter and one of two big fuel tanks. Engaging bombers or head-on attacks are well-nigh saved bets for the pilot. Further the fuselage inline fuel tanks are consequently safe from pursuit and frontal fire. The rearward protection is not as stellar though. The decently thick steel plate does not protect the entire pilot, leaving the lower back open. Overall a sturdy little fighter for its rank.
=== Modifications and economy ===
== Armaments ==
=== Offensive armament ===
<!-- ''Describe the offensive armament of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.'' -->
{{main|MG 151 (20 mm)|FN Browning (7.92 mm)}}
== Weaponry ==
The '''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' is armed with:
=== Offensive weaponry ===
''Describe the offensive weaponry of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.''
=== Suspended weaponry ===
* 2 x 20 mm MG 151 cannons, wing-mounted (175 rpg = 350 total)
''Describe the aircraft's suspended weapons: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.''
* 2 x 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns, wing-mounted (700 rpg = 1,400 total)
=== Defensive weaponry ===
The IAR-81C packs a considerable punch for its battle rating, including two MG 151's and two 7.7 mm machine guns for a total of 3.11 kg/s. Naturally, the MG 151's found on this aircraft gain access to the powerful ''Minengeschoß'' shells, making the vehicle a deadly force to be reckoned with for what it can face. The 7.7 mm machine guns found on this vehicle are adequate at best and provide the best effect when used with tracer rounds to provide more effective aiming when using stealth belts for cannons.
''Defensive weaponry with turret machine guns or cannons, crewed by gunners. Examine the number of gunners and what belts or drums are better to use. If defensive weaponry is not available remove this subsection.''
== Usage in the battles ==
A big downside is the wing-mounted position of all firearms. This location drastically lowers the firing density and brings with it the issue of gun convergence. In short, the convergence/crossing point is were the fire lines of each gun meet and close this imaginary triangle. For ground strafing the gun convergence should be set as high as possible, for the distance of engagement varies on the approaching run. For dogfights, a range from either 100 to 300 m is common to bring all guns in the crossing section to bear.
''Describe the tactics of playing in an aircraft, the features of using vehicles in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
=== Suspended armament ===
<!-- ''Describe the aircraft's suspended armament: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.'' -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! !! width="15%" | 1 !! width="15%" | 2 !! width="15%" | 3
| rowspan="4" width="30%" | <div class="ttx-image">[[File:Hardpoints_{{PAGENAME}}.png]]</div>
! [[SC50JA (50 kg)|50 kg SC50JA]] bombs
| 1 || || 1
! [[SC250JA (250 kg)|250 kg SC250JA]] bombs
| || 1 ||
! [[Wfr.Gr.21]] rockets
| 1 || || 1
{{Navigation-Start|Default weapon presets}}
* Without load
* 2 x Wfr.Gr.21 rockets
* 2 x 50 kg SC50JA bombs (100 kg total)
* 1 x 250 kg SC250JA bomb (250 kg total)
Where this vehicle really shines, however, is its access to a ground-pounding loadout of a 250 kg bomb and 2x ''"Werfergranate 21"'' rockets. Although created for anti-bomber use, the Wfr.Gr.21 rockets are capable of shredding tanks it faces at its battle rating or above, penetrating even a tank's side armour with a near-miss in some scenarios. With powerful HE shells for its cannons to demolish open-topped vehicles, a 250 kg bomb on a "trapeze"-style mount like those found on the [[Ju 87 (Family)|Ju 87-series]] aircraft, and Wfr.Gr.21 rockets for engaging fast-moving tanks or more armoured anti-aircraft vehicles from a distance (namely the [[Crusader AA Mk I]] or the [[AC Mk II AA]]), the IAR-81C provides the Italian tree with a vehicle that poses a serious threat to all but the most armoured vehicles or cautious anti-air.
== Usage in battles ==
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
The IAR-81C is a perfect CAS aircraft and also a good Boom & Zoom aircraft. It is quite agile when turning but it lacks engine performance and a low stall speed for a continuous turnfight.
The hard and horizontal manoeuvres are more for emergencies so don't use them unless you have a lot of experience with the aircraft.
Speaking of its secondary armament it consists of two rockets and a single 250 kg bomb to attack different targets after entering the battle. The rockets are perfect to destroy light targets or, with a little practice, to destroy armoured targets all in game modes. In naval battles, the IAR-81C can destroy small or medium boats with the rockets easily.
The 250 kg bomb can be very useful to destroy multiple enemies on the ground or on the sea. With a well placed hit, the bomb will penetrate and explode deep inside the enemy vessel and cause it to explode. To use the bomb in a dive like a dive bomber, be careful to watch the speed and not pull out to fast or you risk ripping the wings. Do not fly horizontally, this would make you  easy to shoot down by anti-aircraft fire.
Thanks to its main and secondary armament, the aircraft proves to be a multirole aircraft with destructive capabilities to help allies in their time of need by providing an air superiority over land (mixed ground battles) or over sea (naval Battles).
# Climb at the start to fight for air dominance with allies, so your allies on the ground or on sea can capture the capture points and advance.
# Full ground support with the option to defend oneself upon being spotted. Quickly release the ordnance upon enemy vehicles.
# To help your team after this, initiate a climb to dogfight altitude and set up a combat air patrol zone, to intercept enemy fighters or bombers.
In combined Air, Naval & Ground Battles the multirole nature of the IAR-81C is a great fortune as it proves to be flexible and can swap between ground support and air supremacy roles easily.
=== Manual Engine Control ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" | MEC elements
! rowspan="2" | Mixer
! rowspan="2" | Pitch
! colspan="3" | Radiator
! rowspan="2" | Supercharger
! rowspan="2" | Turbocharger
! Oil !! Water !! Type
| Controllable || Controllable<br>Not auto controlled || Controllable<br>Not auto controlled || Controllable<br>Not auto controlled || Separate || Not controllable<br>1 gear || Not controllable
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
''Summarize and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Do not use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - they have a substitution in the form of softer "inadequate", "effective".''
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
* Great multi-role aircraft
* MG151 cannons have very powerful high-explosive rounds
* Good payload options
* Good cockpit visibility (Simulator)
* Great armament
== Historical part ==
* No breakout features as a fighter, fighter-interceptor, bomber-interceptor or fighter-bomber
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too big, take it to a separate article, taking a link to an article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ historical reference" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Name-vehicles/historical reference) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to include links to sources at the end of the article.''
* Uncontrollable at high speeds, controls lock up
* MG151 cannons have weak armour piercing rounds
* Cannot compete with most turn fighters
== History ==
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
After fulfilling several governments and licence contracts, the relatively young I.A.R. (Industria Aeronautică Română) company had enough resources and technical know-how to begin developing their own fighter aircraft. Taking inspiration from previous licenced projects, I.A.R. engineers initiated a private venture by beginning work on their own fighter aircraft in late 1937, which would later be known as the I.A.R. 80. As work was progressing slowly, the first prototype wasn't completed until spring 1939. Initial testing produced positive results, proving that the I.A.R. 80 could be considered a modern fighter despite not matching the performance of contemporary Bf 109s and Spitfires. After addressing some minor issues and upgrading the prototype's engine, the I.A.R. 80 was tested in a head-to-head competition with the German He 112. Impressed by the aircraft's display, the Romanian government placed an order for 100 I.A.R. 80s to be produced, while only a limited number of He 112s were ordered for production. Despite starting production almost instantly after the order was placed, I.A.R. struggled to ramp up production as shortages on the Belgian-made FN Browning 7.92mm machine guns became an increasing issue in the wake of the German invasion of the Benelux states. By April 1941 however, with Romania joining the Axis, the armament shortages were temporarily addressed. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I.A.R. upgraded their fighter to the I.A.R. 80-A, increasing the number of machine guns to the initially proposed six and installing a more powerful engine, thus solving many initial concerns with the aircraft.
Even prior to Romania's entry into WW2 in 1941, the government was keen on modernizing their stock of strike aircraft and dive bombers. The latter role was to be filled with the Ju 87 Stuka. However, as Germany initially refused to permit a licence production, I.A.R. came up with the proposal to convert some I.A.R. 80 fighters into dive bombers, creating the I.A.R. 81. These machines differed only from fighter models in the installation of a bomb rack underneath the fuselage, capable of suspending a 225 kg bomb. The I.A.R. 81-C was the final modification of this series, featuring upgraded MG 151/20 20mm cannons compared to previous versions. Around 150 examples of this modification were produced out of the approximate total of around 350 I.A.R. 80/81. By the end of the war, most of the I.A.R. 81s were not used in the dive bomber role and were instead used side by side with the I.A.R. 80 as fighters, most notably taking part in the famous defence of Ploesti against U.S. bombing raids in 1944. I.A.R. 80s continued their service with the Romanian air force after the end of WW2 and even into the early 1950s, before being replaced by more advanced Soviet counterparts.
''- From [[wt:en/news/5525-development-i-a-r-81-c-supporting-the-axis-en|Devblog]]''
== Media ==
== Media ==
''Прекрасным дополнением к статье станут видеогайды, а также скриншоты из игры и фотографии.''
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=iar_81c Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
{{Youtube-gallery|Q7WJfgt3LuY|'''The Shooting Range #337''' - ''Pages of History'' section at 03:40 relates an airfight between P-38s and IAR-81s.|b6qqrQqgUZw|'''The Shooting Range #99''' - ''Pages of History'' section at 05:27 discusses the IAR-80 & 81.|CUGEtGFN4qc|'''"Why it's currently the best plane in Italian tech tree? IAR-81C"''' by ''HowToPlay1337''|Vb8MTRtg5Cw|'''"IAR-81C - Thumbs Up From Me"''' by ''Napalmratte''|NgeaBXpaYd8|'''"Forgotten Aircraft: The I.A.R 80 and I.A.R 81"''' by ''Wartime History''}}
== Read also ==
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example,''
<!-- ''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* [[P-40E-1]]
* [[Hurricane Mk IIB/Trop]]
* [[Yak-9B]]
* [[Re.2002_Early|Re.2002 Early]]
== Sources ==
== External links ==
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''page on the Wikipedia;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''page on aircraft encyclopedia;''
* ''other literature.''
* [https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/412550-iar-81-c-joining-the-italian-forces/ <nowiki>[</nowiki>WT Forum<nowiki>]</nowiki> IAR-81C discussion thread]
* [https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/414724-iar-81c/ <nowiki>[</nowiki>WT Forum<nowiki>]</nowiki> IAR-81C Flight Model thread]
* [[wikipedia:IAR_80|<nowiki>[</nowiki>Wikipedia<nowiki>]</nowiki> IAR-80 and IAR-81]]
* IAR-81C model created under the [[Affiliate Program Revenue Share]] by [https://live.warthunder.com/user/NovA29R/ NovA29R]
* [https://warthunder.com/en/news/5525-development-i-a-r-81-c-supporting-the-axis-en <nowiki>[</nowiki>Devblog<nowiki>]</nowiki> I.A.R. 81-C: Supporting the Axis]
=== References ===
<references />
{{AirManufacturer IAR}}
{{Italy fighters}}
{{Italy premium aircraft}}

Latest revision as of 11:12, 24 December 2023

Introducing Wiki 3.0
GarageImage IAR-81C.jpg
2.7 2.7 2.7
Purchase:1 000 Specs-Card-Eagle.png


The IAR-81C was a Romanian fighter that was developed before but served in World War II. Developed from the IAR-80, the vehicle went through several modifications until reaching the IAR-81C standard, which was the latest wartime variant of the IAR-81. The C variant was requested by the Romanian Air Force in 1942, with a couple of improvements, mostly, improved offensive armament. The first order for 100 airframes was delivered, like all of the prior updates to the 81 series, with the centreline bomb rack removed to be used as fighters. An additional order for 35 was placed in February 1943, and then another 15 in January 1944. These aircraft were primarily to replace losses in earlier models while production of the Bf 109 G ramped up.

It was introduced in Update 1.79 "Project X". It is the first domestic-produced Romanian plane in the game, added into the Italian tree. This variant is the up-gunned version, designated 81C and it excels at ground support. Boasting good offensive firepower and decent payload options for a converted fighter, the IAR-81 is capable of multiple roles. Harassing enemy ground forces only to follow up by securing the air space is among tactics typical for this type of fighter. While there are no obvious shortcomings to this fighter, neither does it excel in any category. The combat role flexibility is a force multiplier especially on early maps as it opens another crew slot for specialist vehicles.

General info

Flight performance

Arrestor gear
Accelerates braking by grabbing the brake cable on the deck of the aircraft carrier
Air brakes
Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps
Max speed
at 5 000 m485 km/h
Turn time20 s
Max altitude9 500 m
EngineIAR IAR-14KIVc32
Cooling systemAir
Take-off weight3 t

On paper the IAR-81C looks to be a Bf 109E clone. Though looks can be deceiving. This vehicle feels far heavier than it really is. Cause for this is the early starting lock-up of the elevator at high speeds and the lack of leading-edge wing slats at low ones. Flaps use is essential, but slows down the plane very much in using so. Turn characteristics are average which can be said for most of its statistics. Although it lacks the horsepower to accelerate ones coming out of a manoeuvre. Despite the elevator lock-up above 400 km/h, the IAR-81C is an excellent Boom & Zoom fighter. The sleek design, the terminal velocity of 680 km/h IAS and the late break-off speed for the flaps all greatly help. The latter especially is of use to tighten the recovery from dive attacks, ensuring that even at high dive speeds the flaps can be deployed.

A bit cumbersome the IAR-81C takes about 20 seconds to take-off from a standstill, especially with a payload onboard. A hard Split-S without the combat flaps is a dangerous affair thanks to the elevator locking up and will take about 460 m to perform. The Immelmann should be reserved for a better accelerating fighter for this plane is not a fan of it. A high Yo-Yo is preferable. Climbing should be done at 15° and between 250 and 270 km/h (240 ft/s), though a stable climb is possible at 150 km/h, too.

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 5,000 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 467 451 9500 21.0 21.7 9.3 9.3 350
Upgraded 504 485 19.1 20.0 15.0 11.9


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
680 280 492 418 240 ~11 ~8
Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 350 < 300 < 370 > 341

Survivability and armour

Crew1 person
Speed of destruction
Structural0 km/h
Gear280 km/h
  • 75 mm bulletproof glass windscreen
  • 12.7 mm steel headrest

If one were to hit the pilot from the front, the enemy would need to pass through the engine block, the oil filter and one of two big fuel tanks. Engaging bombers or head-on attacks are well-nigh saved bets for the pilot. Further the fuselage inline fuel tanks are consequently safe from pursuit and frontal fire. The rearward protection is not as stellar though. The decently thick steel plate does not protect the entire pilot, leaving the lower back open. Overall a sturdy little fighter for its rank.

Modifications and economy

Repair cost
AB942 Sl icon.png
RB788 Sl icon.png
SB1 130 Sl icon.png
Crew training4 800 Sl icon.png
Experts32 000 Sl icon.png
Aces250 Ge icon.png
Research Aces440 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
Talisman.png 2 × 50 / 100 / 200 % Sl icon.png
Talisman.png 2 × 124 / 124 / 124 % Rp icon.png
Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
Mods aerodinamic fuse.png
Fuselage repair
Mods radiator.png
Mods armor frame.png
Mods compressor.png
Mods aerodinamic wing.png
Wings repair
Mods new engine.png
Mods armor cover.png
Mods metanol.png
Engine injection
Mods engine extinguisher.png
Mods ammo.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods weapon.png
Mods pilon rocket.png
R6 modification
Mods ammo.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods weapon.png


Offensive armament

The IAR-81C is armed with:

  • 2 x 20 mm MG 151 cannons, wing-mounted (175 rpg = 350 total)
  • 2 x 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns, wing-mounted (700 rpg = 1,400 total)

The IAR-81C packs a considerable punch for its battle rating, including two MG 151's and two 7.7 mm machine guns for a total of 3.11 kg/s. Naturally, the MG 151's found on this aircraft gain access to the powerful Minengeschoß shells, making the vehicle a deadly force to be reckoned with for what it can face. The 7.7 mm machine guns found on this vehicle are adequate at best and provide the best effect when used with tracer rounds to provide more effective aiming when using stealth belts for cannons.

A big downside is the wing-mounted position of all firearms. This location drastically lowers the firing density and brings with it the issue of gun convergence. In short, the convergence/crossing point is were the fire lines of each gun meet and close this imaginary triangle. For ground strafing the gun convergence should be set as high as possible, for the distance of engagement varies on the approaching run. For dogfights, a range from either 100 to 300 m is common to bring all guns in the crossing section to bear.

Suspended armament

1 2 3
Hardpoints IAR-81C.png
50 kg SC50JA bombs 1 1
250 kg SC250JA bombs 1
Wfr.Gr.21 rockets 1 1
Default weapon presets
  • Without load
  • 2 x Wfr.Gr.21 rockets
  • 2 x 50 kg SC50JA bombs (100 kg total)
  • 1 x 250 kg SC250JA bomb (250 kg total)

Where this vehicle really shines, however, is its access to a ground-pounding loadout of a 250 kg bomb and 2x "Werfergranate 21" rockets. Although created for anti-bomber use, the Wfr.Gr.21 rockets are capable of shredding tanks it faces at its battle rating or above, penetrating even a tank's side armour with a near-miss in some scenarios. With powerful HE shells for its cannons to demolish open-topped vehicles, a 250 kg bomb on a "trapeze"-style mount like those found on the Ju 87-series aircraft, and Wfr.Gr.21 rockets for engaging fast-moving tanks or more armoured anti-aircraft vehicles from a distance (namely the Crusader AA Mk I or the AC Mk II AA), the IAR-81C provides the Italian tree with a vehicle that poses a serious threat to all but the most armoured vehicles or cautious anti-air.

Usage in battles

The IAR-81C is a perfect CAS aircraft and also a good Boom & Zoom aircraft. It is quite agile when turning but it lacks engine performance and a low stall speed for a continuous turnfight.

The hard and horizontal manoeuvres are more for emergencies so don't use them unless you have a lot of experience with the aircraft.

Speaking of its secondary armament it consists of two rockets and a single 250 kg bomb to attack different targets after entering the battle. The rockets are perfect to destroy light targets or, with a little practice, to destroy armoured targets all in game modes. In naval battles, the IAR-81C can destroy small or medium boats with the rockets easily.

The 250 kg bomb can be very useful to destroy multiple enemies on the ground or on the sea. With a well placed hit, the bomb will penetrate and explode deep inside the enemy vessel and cause it to explode. To use the bomb in a dive like a dive bomber, be careful to watch the speed and not pull out to fast or you risk ripping the wings. Do not fly horizontally, this would make you easy to shoot down by anti-aircraft fire.

Thanks to its main and secondary armament, the aircraft proves to be a multirole aircraft with destructive capabilities to help allies in their time of need by providing an air superiority over land (mixed ground battles) or over sea (naval Battles).

  1. Climb at the start to fight for air dominance with allies, so your allies on the ground or on sea can capture the capture points and advance.
  2. Full ground support with the option to defend oneself upon being spotted. Quickly release the ordnance upon enemy vehicles.
  3. To help your team after this, initiate a climb to dogfight altitude and set up a combat air patrol zone, to intercept enemy fighters or bombers.

In combined Air, Naval & Ground Battles the multirole nature of the IAR-81C is a great fortune as it proves to be flexible and can swap between ground support and air supremacy roles easily.

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Controllable Controllable
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Separate Not controllable
1 gear
Not controllable

Pros and cons


  • Great multi-role aircraft
  • MG151 cannons have very powerful high-explosive rounds
  • Good payload options
  • Good cockpit visibility (Simulator)
  • Great armament


  • No breakout features as a fighter, fighter-interceptor, bomber-interceptor or fighter-bomber
  • Uncontrollable at high speeds, controls lock up
  • MG151 cannons have weak armour piercing rounds
  • Cannot compete with most turn fighters


After fulfilling several governments and licence contracts, the relatively young I.A.R. (Industria Aeronautică Română) company had enough resources and technical know-how to begin developing their own fighter aircraft. Taking inspiration from previous licenced projects, I.A.R. engineers initiated a private venture by beginning work on their own fighter aircraft in late 1937, which would later be known as the I.A.R. 80. As work was progressing slowly, the first prototype wasn't completed until spring 1939. Initial testing produced positive results, proving that the I.A.R. 80 could be considered a modern fighter despite not matching the performance of contemporary Bf 109s and Spitfires. After addressing some minor issues and upgrading the prototype's engine, the I.A.R. 80 was tested in a head-to-head competition with the German He 112. Impressed by the aircraft's display, the Romanian government placed an order for 100 I.A.R. 80s to be produced, while only a limited number of He 112s were ordered for production. Despite starting production almost instantly after the order was placed, I.A.R. struggled to ramp up production as shortages on the Belgian-made FN Browning 7.92mm machine guns became an increasing issue in the wake of the German invasion of the Benelux states. By April 1941 however, with Romania joining the Axis, the armament shortages were temporarily addressed. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I.A.R. upgraded their fighter to the I.A.R. 80-A, increasing the number of machine guns to the initially proposed six and installing a more powerful engine, thus solving many initial concerns with the aircraft.

Even prior to Romania's entry into WW2 in 1941, the government was keen on modernizing their stock of strike aircraft and dive bombers. The latter role was to be filled with the Ju 87 Stuka. However, as Germany initially refused to permit a licence production, I.A.R. came up with the proposal to convert some I.A.R. 80 fighters into dive bombers, creating the I.A.R. 81. These machines differed only from fighter models in the installation of a bomb rack underneath the fuselage, capable of suspending a 225 kg bomb. The I.A.R. 81-C was the final modification of this series, featuring upgraded MG 151/20 20mm cannons compared to previous versions. Around 150 examples of this modification were produced out of the approximate total of around 350 I.A.R. 80/81. By the end of the war, most of the I.A.R. 81s were not used in the dive bomber role and were instead used side by side with the I.A.R. 80 as fighters, most notably taking part in the famous defence of Ploesti against U.S. bombing raids in 1944. I.A.R. 80s continued their service with the Romanian air force after the end of WW2 and even into the early 1950s, before being replaced by more advanced Soviet counterparts.

- From Devblog



See also

External links


Romanian Aeronautic Industry (Industria Aeronautică Română)
Fighters  IAR-81C
Utility  IAR 316B*
  *Licensed version of Aérospatiale's SA 316B Alouette III helicopter.

Italy fighters
Fiat  CR.32 · CR.32 bis · CR.32 quater · CR.42 · Marcolin's C.R.42 CN
  G.50 serie 2 · G.50 AS serie 7
  G.55 sottoserie 0 · G.55 serie 1 · G.55S · G.56
Reggiane  Re.2000 G.A. · Re.2000 serie 1
  Re.2001 serie 1 · Re.2001 gruppo 22 · Re.2001 CB · Re.2001 CN
  Re.2002 Early
  Re.2005 serie 0
Macchi  C. 200 serie 3 · C. 200 serie 7
  C. 202 · C. 202D · C. 202EC
  C. 205 serie 1 · C. 205 serie 3 · C. 205N2
IMAM  Ro.44
Germany  ▄Bf 109 G-14/AS
USA  ▄P-47D-30
Britain  ▄Spitfire Mk Vb/trop
Hungary  ◐Bf 109 F-4 · ◐Bf 109 G-2 · ◔Yak-9P
Romania  He 112 B-1/U2 · IAR-81C

Italy premium aircraft
Fighters  CR.32 bis · Marcolin's C.R.42 CN · He 112 B-1/U2 · Re.2001 gruppo 22
  C. 202D · IAR-81C · ▄Spitfire Mk Vb/trop · ◐Bf 109 F-4 · ◐Bf 109 G-2 · G.55S
Jet fighters  Ariete · G.91 R/4 · ▄F-104S TAF
Strike aircraft  ◐Bf 110 G-4 · Hs 129 B-2 (Romania) · Ro.57 Quadriarma
  AMX A-1A