WZ551 (Family)
The WZ551 is a family of Chinese APCs developed by NORINCO Factory 256 (now Chongqing Tiema Industries) as one of the earliest wheeled APC introduced to PLAGF by early 1990s; aside from APC variants dubbed as the ZBL92 series, the chassis has spin-offs vehicles such as ATGM carrier and wheeled assault gun with 4x4 or 6x6 drivetrain for different purpose.
Rank V
Rank VI
- AFT09 - WZ550, 4x4 chassis with quad HJ-9 ATGM launchers since early 2000.
- PTL02 - 6x6 chassis assault gun with 100 mm smoothbore cannon.
- WMA301 - Export 6x6 chassis assault gun with NATO 105 mm low-recoil rifled cannon.