User:Jareel_Skaj/BR 5.3

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Vessel BR Sections Crew count Armor Hull material SupS material
Hull SupS Citadel Turrets Main fire tower
1 2 3 1 2 3
USA flag.png USS Atlanta 5.3 8 623 25 8 95 95 32 31.75 32 32 32 steel steel
USA flag.png USS Portland 5.3 8 1033 19 17 32 76 64 63.5 64 19 19 steel steel
USA flag.png USS Northampton 5.3 9 872 25 8 25 76 25 63.5 64 19 19 steel steel
Germany flag.png Leipzig 5.3 9 884 25 8 15 50 25 30 30 20 20 steel steel
USSR flag.png Krasny Krym 5.3 8 852 25 8 50 75 25 76.2 76 25 0 steel steel
Britain flag.png HMNZS Leander 5.3 8 767 25 8 25 76 32 25.4 25 25 25 steel steel
Japan flag.png IJN Agano 5.3 8 700 25 12 20 60 20 19 19 19 19 steel steel
Italy flag.png RN Trento 5.3 9 987 25 8 60 70 50 100 100 100 100 steel steel
France flag.png Colbert 5.3 9 773 25 8 16 50 25 30 30 30 30 steel steel
France flag.png Emile Bertin 5.3 9 567 25 8 20 20 20 0 steel steel

Theoretical broadside TNT equivalent per minute while using primary guns in 1st slot and the Icon HE Shell.jpgHE shells - hover to view the number of guns and TNT equivalent per minute.

1133.44 kg/min
173.44 kg/min

USS Atlanta
USS Portland
USS Northampton
Krasny Krym
HMNZS Leander
IJN Agano
RN Trento
Emile Bertin

Theoretical broadside TNT equivalent per minute while using primary guns in 1st slot and the Icon AP Shot.jpgAP shells - hover to view the number of guns and TNT equivalent per minute.

101.12 kg/min
58.32 kg/min

USS Portland
USS Northampton
RN Trento
Emile Bertin

Theoretical broadside TNT equivalent per minute while using primary guns in 1st slot and the Icon SAP Shot.jpgSAP shells - hover to view the number of guns and TNT equivalent per minute.

497.28 kg/min
106.88 kg/min

USS Atlanta
USS Portland
USS Northampton
Krasny Krym
HMNZS Leander
IJN Agano
Emile Bertin

See also