Gornostay-class (Pr.50) frigate

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The Gornostay-class (Pr.50) (Riga-class frigate in NATO reporting) frigates were a total of 68 frigates for the Soviet Navy in the 1950s.


Rank IV

  • Pr.50 "Rosomacha" - Росомаха, Wolverine
  • Pr.50 "Karl Marx" - Ex-Tur before transfer to Germany

Rank V

  • Pr.50 "Yenot" - Енот, Raccoon

USSR frigates
Pr. 50  Rosomacha · Yenot
Pr. 159  SKR-1
Pr. 35  SKR-7
Pr. 1331M  MPK Pr.1331M

Germany frigates
Germany flag.png  Kriegsmarine
K-class  K2
FRG flag.png  Bundesmarine
Köln-class  Köln · Lübeck
GDR flag.png  Volksmarine
Pr. 50  Karl Marx