Help:Inserting videos
It is desirable to complement War Thunder Wiki articles with thematic videos to expand their themes. At the same time, the wiki does not have the feature to directly upload videos like images. Therefore, the desired videos must be first uploaded to a video hosting site, such as YouTube.
You can insert an external video into an article in the following ways:
[hide]Visual editor
Insert video gallery
To insert a video gallery through a visual editor, go to the "Template" section of the "Insert" menu.
In the dialog box that appears, select the template Youtube-gallery and click the "Add template" button.
In the next window, the "Field name" box, enter the number 1, then click on the appeared block with the name "1" with the caption "Unknown field." After these actions, another input box will appear on the screen, where you should enter the ID of the video from YouTube into it. You can get it from the video URL as follows:
The bold text will be the ID of the video.
Then, in the "Field name" box in the "Add more information" section, you need to enter the number "2" and click on the appeared block with the same name. Now in the new input box that appears on the screen, you can add an explanatory note to the video. You can continue adding these text by inserting digits in order (3, 4, 5, etc.) to infinity, with each odd field will be considered a video ID, and each even field will be considered as the description for the preceding number/video. Nevertheless, an infinite number of videos in the article would look somewhat inappropriate, so it is advisable to limit their number to three or four. An example with three inserted videos and their descriptions:
After all the parameters are specified, click the "Insert" button
Insert single video
To insert a single video through the Visual Editor, you need to go to the “Templates” section just like in the previous example, but this time choose the Youtube template.
In the required "url" field, you need to insert the ID of the video from YouTube, the receipt of which was shown in the last example. For the template, the additional parameters "align," "size," and "caption" are also available in the "add more information" section, the setting of which can be adjusted from the field box shown afterwards.
After all the parameters are specified, click the "Insert" button.
Wiki text editor
Insert video gallery
Using the wiki text editor, you can insert a video gallery using the following code:
- ID - Identifying numbers of the YouTube video. Example:
- Caption - Caption that will be displayed under video.
The number of videos in the gallery is not limited, but it is recommended to insert no more than three.
Usage example:
{{Youtube-gallery|0-J5Vg0SxLc|Victory is ours!|-ndHK-sKUkw|Unforgotten: T-44<br>'Start up and move out!' in Kubinka|8MoVAKl9uFc|Update 1.47}}
'Start up and move out!' in Kubinka
Read more about the template: Youtube-gallery.
Insert single video
G.55 Silurante
You can insert a single video through the wiki text editor using the following code (example of the result to the right):
{{Youtube |url = mzFOHUsXu-E |caption = G.55 Silurante |align = right |size = 300 }}
- url - link or video ID (required)
- caption - Caption under video
- align - center, left, or right (left by default)
- size - video size in pixels (default is 300)
Lines with optional parameters can be deleted.
Read more about the template: Youtube.
Insert video with #ev
The basic tool for inserting video contained in the EmbedVideo extension and able to work with a large number of video hosting sites. Example of inserting a video in #ev:
{{#ev:Site|ID or URL|Width|Alignment|Caption}}
- Site — the name of the service that hosts the video (see the table under the spoiler below)
- ID or URL — the address of a specific video
- Width — width of the video in pixels (640 by default)
- Alignment — align the video to the left, center, or to the right with their respective parameters
- Caption — Caption under video
We do not recommend embedding YouTube videos using #ev.
Once the code for the video is complete, add the code
afterwards, then the text will not flow around the video.