European Province

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MapIcon Ground EuropeanProvince.jpg
Possible Layouts
Icon GreenCheckmark.pngDomination
Icon GreenCheckmark.pngConquest
Icon GreenCheckmark.pngBattle
Icon RedXCross.pngBreak
Icon RedXCross.pngSkirmish
Other Information
4 km x 4 kmFull tank area size
Ukraine CountryIcon SUN.pngReal World Location
Full Map
MapLayout Ground EasternEurope.jpg


European Province is a ground forces map available in all modes, using the same map as the Eastern Europe map. It was added in Update 1.77 "Advancing Storm". The difference between this map and the Eastern Europe map is that the battle area has been significantly increased; whereas on Eastern Europe the battle area is restricted to just that of the town and a small section of the surrounding area, on this map the battle area is most of the full map (seen to the right).

Combat in the town is pretty much the same as on the Eastern Europe map. The increased battle area allows the fields around the town to be accessed, players can engage in long range combat shooting at other players in the fields on the other side of the town. The fields are generally pretty open with little cover, however there are clusters of farm buildings dotted across the map, and tree lines help break up the map and provide cover for players. There is a large farm in the fields south of the town, which is often used either as a capture point, or a spawn point for one of the teams.

The full Eastern Europe tank battles map (seen to the right) is 4km x 4km however. Dependent on the map configuration the tank battle area changes in size. The air battle area is 65km x 65km in all modes. The tank battle areas are:

Battle area Size
Game Mode AB RB SB
Domination 3.3 km x 3.3 km 3.3 km x 3.3 km 3.3 km x 3.3 km
Conquest #1 2.9km x 2.9km 2.9km x 2.9km 2.9km x 2.9km
Conquest #2 3.3km x 3.3km 3.3km x 3.3km 3.3km x 3.3km
Conquest #3 2.9km x 2.9km 2.9km x 2.9km 2.9km x 2.9km
Battle 3.5 km x 3.5 km 3.5 km x 3.5 km 3.5 km x 3.5 km

Historical Background

See the Eastern Europe map article for historical information.

Map configuration

Change Maps by Game Modes

At present, this map has the same layouts in AB, RB and SB.


Domination Mode - Map Layouts
MapLayout Domination EuropeanProvince ABRBSB.jpg

3.3 km x 3.3 km

In RB point A is in the farm in the south of the map, B is in an open area in the middle of the town, and C is among some buildings, next to the fuel depot, north of the town.


Conquest Mode - Map Layouts
Conquest #1 Conquest #2 Conquest #3
MapLayout Conquest1 EuropeanProvince ABRBSB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest2 EuropeanProvince ABRBSB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest3 EuropeanProvince ABRBSB.jpg

2.9km x 2.9 km

3.3 km x 3.3 km

2.9km x 2.9 km

In RB the capture point is on a bridge in the centre of the town.

In RB the capture point is in the farm to the south of the town.

In RB the capture point is on the northern edge of the town.


Battle Mode - Map Layouts
MapLayout Battle EuropeanProvince ABRBSB.jpg

3.5 km x 3.5 km

In RB the capture points are located on the very western edge of the town and around a farm building to the east of the town.


Describe what focus a team should have when spawning into the map


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

External links