HMS Spey

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HMS Spey
HMS Spey


GarageImage HMS Spey.jpg

The River-class, HMS Spey (K-246) is a gift rank IV British gunboat with a battle rating of 3.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in the Operation H.E.A.T event during Update 1.89 "Imperial Navy".

General info

Survivability and armour

The River class does not have much in the way of armour. The hull of the ship is made from 8 mm thick steel, with the superstructure being made of 4 mm thick steel. This is enough to repel damage from low calibre machine-guns but does little against the cannons and auto-cannons commonly found at this battle rating. The only armour on the ship is around some of the gun shields.

Armour Layout
  • Ship Construction
    • Hull: 8 mm steel
    • Superstructure: 4 mm steel
  • 5 mm Anti-fragmentation armour - Main calibre (102 mm) turrets gun shields
  • 12.7 mm Hardened armour - AA (20 mm) turrets gun shields


The River class is not particularly fast, with a top speed less than that of destroyers. However, it is relatively maneuverable for its size. Despite this you must remember the River class is no small vessel. Because of your size, you're a prime target for torpedoes and you need to be aware of your surroundings and the likely direction of enemy torpedoes if you wish to avoid them in time.

Mobility characteristics
Max Speed (km/h)
Mode Stock Upgraded
Arcade 37 51
Realistic/Simulator 32 38


Primary armament

Main article: Mark XIX (102 mm)

The primary armament of the River class consists of two Mark XIX 102 mm cannons, located at the front and rear of the ship. These are powerful cannons at the River class's battle rating; the HE shells can cause devastating damage to torpedo boats and sometimes destroy them in a single salvo. Even against larger ships, the HE shells can cause significant damage, which coupled with the high rate of fire (3 - 3.9 second reload depending on the crew) allows you to kill enemy vessels very quickly.

The Semi-armour piecing shells have a fairly good penetration of 137 mm at 1 km, this is better than the SAP shells found on most British destroyers, however the explosive mass is 600 g of TNT, less than the 700 - 900 g usually found on British destroyer guns.

Primary Armament
  • 1 x 102 mm Mark XIX cannon, forward turret, 200 rounds of ammo
    • Horizontal guidance: ±180°
    • Vertical guidance: -4° / +60°
    • Horizontal targeting speed: 10°/s
    • Vertical targeting speed: 10°/s
  • 1 x 102 mm Mark XIX cannon, aft turret, 200 rounds of ammo
    • Horizontal guidance: ±180°
    • Vertical guidance: -3° / +60°
    • Horizontal targeting speed: 10°/s
    • Vertical targeting speed: 8°/s

Secondary armament

Main article: QF Mark VII (40 mm)

The River class has a very powerful secondary armament of two 40 mm QF Mark VII auto-cannons. These are mounted in turrets on each side of the ship, just aft of the midpoint. The positioning of these turrets means they can both engage vessels on the same side, in an 80-degree arc from the front of the ship, this allows them to cause substantial damage to enemy ships within this area.

The 40 mm QF Mark VII is an extremely potent weapon, with a good rate of fire, and a shell large enough to pierce most armour found at this tier it is capable of causing incredible amounts of damage to both enemy ships and aircraft.

Secondary Armament
  • 2 x 40 mm QF Mark VII auto-cannon, mid-ship turrets, 2,000 rounds of ammo each
    • Horizontal guidance: ±180°
    • Vertical guidance: -10° / +90°
    • Horizontal targeting speed: 40°/s
    • Vertical targeting speed: 34°/s

Anti-aircraft armament

In addition to it's 40 mm secondary turrets the River class also has a pair of single Oerlikon Mk.II 20 mm auto-cannons mounted on each side of the bridge for anti-aircraft use. The Oerlikon's have a decent rate of fire and damage and are more than capable of taking down most aircraft you will face with little issue. It is also possible to use them against lightly armoured enemy ships, however, their damage is fairly limited and their mediocre gun depression coupled with high mounting location means they cannot effectively engage targets at less than about 200 m range.

Anti-aircraft Armament
  • 2 x 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.II auto-cannon, either side of bridge, 2,400 rounds of ammo each
    • Horizontal guidance: ±180°
    • Vertical guidance: -5° / +65°

Special armament

The River class can carry a truly staggering assortment of depth charges, of three different types. The first component consists of 34 Mk.VII depth charges which are dropped into the water from two dispensers on the stern of the ship (in the same manner as on the Flower class). The next component of the River class's depth charge armament consists of 48 Mk.VII depth charges distributed evenly between 8 depth charge mortars (6 chargers per mortar). There are four mortars on each side located at the rear of the ship, two mortars on each side launch depth charges directly out the side of the ship, with the other two are angled, pointing rearwards at approximately 45°. The final component is a 24 shot Mk.10 Hedgehog mortar (with another 24 depth charges in stock to reload it). This mortar is mounted on the bow of the ship and is capable of rapidly shooting 24 depth charges covering an area between about 200 m and 400 m directly in front of the ship.

Usage in battles

The River class's size allows you to choose to spawn at either the destroyer / large ships spawn or at the small ships (torpedo boats) spawn, which spawn you choose will determine how you play the River class. At the large ships spawn you can play as a mini destroyer and use your decent cannons to engage enemy ships at longer distances.

When taken into battle with the small ships the River class can be used as somewhat of a brawler. You can use your large calibre guns to devastate smaller torpedo boats (if you can hit them) and use the secondary 40 mm cannons to consistently shred fast-moving targets. The River classes large size, some armour, and fairly large crew means it can take a reasonable beating, however ships of powerful auto-cannons can still rapidly deplete your crew, and short-range torpedo attacks are always a major threat.

A safer option can be to keep out of the immediate area of the main fight use your impressive armament to rain down destruction from a distance while being somewhat safer from enemy return fire and torpedoes.


Tier Seakeeping Unsinkability Firepower
I Dry-Docking Tool Set 4 inch SAP 40 mm HE clips Anti-Air Armament Targeting
II Rudder Replacement Fire Protection System Smokescreen 4 inch HE-TF 40 mm AP clips Auxiliary Armament Targeting
III Propeller Replacement Shrapnel Protection Ventilation Improved Rangefinder Depth Charges Primary Armament Targeting
IV Engine Maintenance New Pumps Ammo Wetting 4 inch HE-VT Bomb mortar
  • As a premium ship, the River class (K-246)'s modifications are automatically unlocked upon purchase of the ship.

Pros and cons


  • Good primary armament
  • Lethal secondary armament can be used effectively against ships and aircraft
  • Adequate anti-aircraft armament
  • Carries an astounding amount of depth charges
  • Fairly manoeuvrable (considering its size)
  • Can take a reasonable beating
  • Rear turret can point quite far forwards, allowing you to hiot most targets with both of your main guns
  • All turrets can rotate a full 360° so switching to a target on the other side of the ship is less of an issue than on some other ships


  • Fairly slow
  • Very large target
  • Armour is lacking
  • Turrets susceptible to damage, leaving you in precarious situations
  • Large engine / transmission assembly prone to frequent damage and fires
  • Ships with high RoF auto-cannons can rapidly deplete your crew


The River-class frigates were developed in the early 1940s on the same premise as the preceding Flower-class corvettes; quick and cheap to build convoy escort vessels which would protect merchant shipping in the North Atlantic from the ever-growing axis submarine threat. Unlike the Flower-class corvettes, however, River-class frigates were larger, had a longer range and were overall more suitable for operations in the North Atlantic.

Production of the River-class frigates began in 1941, with the first vessels being completed in the following year. Overall, over 150 River-class frigates would be built throughout WW2, of which only 17 were lost in combat actions.

River-class frigates primarily served with the Royal Navy, but they also served with many other nations during WW2, such as Canada, Australia, the USA, France, Netherlands and South Africa. They remained popular even after the war, serving with Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, India, Portugal, Egypt, Argentina, Chile and many more nations! The last River-class frigates were decommissioned from military service during the 1970s.

- From Devblog


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

External links

Britain boats
Motor torpedo boats  Brave Borderer · Dark Aggressor · Dark Aggressor TD · Fairmile D (617) · Fairmile D (697) · Fairmile D (5001) · HMS Gay Archer
  MTB-1(1) · MTB-1(2) · MTB Vosper · MTB Vosper(2) · MTB-422
Motor gun boats  Dark Adventurer · Fairmile A (ML100) · Fairmile B (ML345) · Fairmile C (312) · Fairmile C (332) · Fairmile D (601) · Fairmile H LCS(L)(2)
  HMAS Arrow · HMAS Fremantle · MGB-61 · MGB-75 · ML 1383 · SGB Grey Fox · SGB Grey Goose
Gunboats  HMS Spey

Britain premium ships
Motor torpedo boats  MTB-1(2) · MTB-422 · Fairmile D (5001) · HMS Gay Archer
Motor gun boats  MGB-75 · SGB Grey Goose
Gunboats  HMS Spey
Sub-chasers  LÉ Orla
Frigates  HMS Whitby
Destroyers  HMS Montgomery · HMS Valhalla · HMS Verdun · ORP Garland · HMS Jervis · HMCS Haida · HMS Mohawk · HMS Cadiz · HMS Diamond
Light cruisers  HMS Belfast
Battleships  HMS Iron Duke