C. 205 serie 3

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C. 205 serie 3
5.3 4.7 4.0
Research:46 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:155 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png
This page is about the Italian fighter C. 205 serie 3. For other versions, see C.205 serie 1 and C.205N2.


GarageImage C. 205 serie 3.jpg

The C. 205 serie 3 is a rank IV Italian fighter with a battle rating of 5.3 (AB), 4.7 (RB), and 4.0 (SB). This fighter was introduced in Update 1.69 "Regia Aeronautica" along with the initial Italian aviation tree.

The C.205 serie 3 is a refinement of the C.205 serie 1, which was a development of the C.202. The serie 3 addresses the main issue of the serie 1, which is its highly underwhelming firepower. The wings now each hold a 20 mm MG151/20 cannon which accompany what used to be the primary armament, 2 x 12.7 mm machine guns mounted above the engine cowling. The extra weight on the Daimler-Benz 605 engine marginally reduces flight performance.

General info

Flight Performance

The aircraft has a very good roll rate and generally good acceleration both in level flight and when diving. Overall handling is good and energy retention in level flight and in the vertical is very good. Control lock up starts with the rudder past 500 - 550 kph with the test of the control surfaces steadily locking up past 600 - 650 kph. Players should make sure to leave enough altitude to pull out of a steep dive. The control lockup prevents the wings from tearing due to excessive G-force. The engine maintains a lot of power even past 5,000 metres and takes a while to overheat.

For full real control pilots, the left wing is slightly longer than the right to counter the torque of the engine. This can cause the aircraft to roll to the side even when making a slight change in pitch.

Max Speed
(km/h at 7,000 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
648 629 10360 20.1 20.8 15.6 15.6 250
Max Speed
(km/h at 7,000 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
699 672 10360 18.0 19.0 23.3 19 250


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wing-break speed
Gear limit
Combat flaps
Max Static G
+ -
600 ~14 ~5
Optimal velocities
< 400 < 270 < 550 > 380
Compressor (RB/SB)
Setting 1
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
5,800 m 1,250 hp 1,407 hp

Survivability and armour

  • 50 mm Bulletproof glass - Windscreen
  • 8 mm Steel - Behind pilot
  • Decent build quality, can take some punishment.


Offensive armament

The C. 205 serie 3 is armed with:

  • 2 x 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, wing-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total)
  • 2 x 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns, Mounted above the engine cowling (400 rpg = 800 total)

Usage in battles

The ability of the aircraft to do a lot of things well gives the pilot many options when engaging opponents. Side climbing is advised as many of the C.205s adversaries, most notably Spitfires and Yak 3s, can outclimb it. Once at around 5,000 - 6,000 metres Boom and zoom tactics should be used against fighters below you. However the excellent armament means that you can stay at altitude and hunt down any pesky bombers which didn't decide to climb. While not a dedicated turn fighter, the C.205 can still compete in dogfights with good flap and throttle control.

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Not controllable Controllable
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Separate Not controllable
1 gear
Not controllable


Tier Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
I Fuselage repair Radiator Offensive 12 mm
II Compressor Airframe New 12 mm MGs
III Wings repair Engine Offensive 20 mm
IV Engine injection Cover New 20 mm cannons

Pros and cons


  • Good for BnZ
  • Good performance above 4,000 m (13,000 ft)
  • Good armament (especially when using air targets belt)
  • Great ammunition pool
  • Can be used as interceptor against bombers
  • Relatively tough


  • Average climb rate means it can find itself below or at equal altitude to the enemy
  • Very sluggish at low speed


Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ History" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref></ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <references />. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under === Encyclopedia Info ===, also if applicable).


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the aircraft;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • encyclopedia page on the aircraft;
  • other literature.

[Expand]Macchi Aeronautics (Macchi Aeronautica)
Fighters  C. 200 serie 3 · C. 200 serie 7
  C. 202 · C. 202D · C. 202EC
  C. 205 serie 1 · C. 205 serie 3 · C. 205N2
Captured  ▀C. 200 serie 3 · ▀C. 200 serie 7 · ▀C. 202

[Expand]Italy fighters
Fiat  CR.32 · CR.32 bis · CR.32 quater · CR.42 · Marcolin's C.R.42 CN
  G.50 serie 2 · G.50 AS serie 7
  G.55 sottoserie 0 · G.55 serie 1 · G.55S · G.56
Reggiane  Re.2000 G.A. · Re.2000 serie 1
  Re.2001 serie 1 · Re.2001 gruppo 22 · Re.2001 CB · Re.2001 CN
  Re.2002 Early
  Re.2005 serie 0
Macchi  C. 200 serie 3 · C. 200 serie 7
  C. 202 · C. 202D · C. 202EC
  C. 205 serie 1 · C. 205 serie 3 · C. 205N2
IMAM  Ro.44
Germany  ▄Bf 109 G-14/AS
USA  ▄P-47D-30
Britain  ▄Spitfire Mk Vb/trop
Hungary  ◐Bf 109 F-4 · ◐Bf 109 G-2 · ◔Yak-9P
Romania  He 112 B-1/U2 · IAR-81C