CDK Missile Variables

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Revision as of 11:00, 9 June 2024 by Noffie_ (talk | contribs) (Added page that details different information about missile variables in the CDK. Contains basic descriptions of what each known variable does and what units they use.)
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Basic Information[1]

This page is a basic guide to what variables in the CDK effect what aspects of a missile's flight performance, whether it be speed, aerodynamics, guidance type or anything in between. All documented variables and meanings are listed below.


Many of these variables are unreliable and are usually dependent on other variables like amount of engines or engine heat on the missile target.

Infrared Seeker variables

Variable Effect on missile
rangeBand0 Rear aspect maximum lock distance
rangeBand1 All aspect maximum lock distance
fov Field of view of the missile, often the small circle on the HUD (degrees)
lockAngleMax How far the seeker can traverse before launch, often the larger circle on the HUD (degrees)
angleMax How far the seeker can traverse after launch (degrees)
warmUpTime Time it takes to warm up the missiles seeker (seconds)
workTime How long the seeker can remain active (seconds)
gateWidth Inner field of view of the IR seeker, generally ignoring new heat sources outside of it
minAngleToSun How close the missile has to look towards to sun before locking it (degrees)

Flight Performance

Stat Card Related variables (Don't actually affect flight performance)

Variable Effect on missile
loadFactorMax Maximum G force of the missile
rangeMax Maximum range of the missile

Aerodynamic Related variables

Variable Effect on missile
startSpeed Speed the missile will start at, if it is zero it gets the velocity of the vehicle (m/s)
endSpeed Maximum speed limit that the missile can achieve (m/s)
maxDistance How far a missile is allowed to travel from its point of launch
timeLife How long a missile is allowed to travel from its point of launch
CxK In flight drag coefficient
finsAoaHor Maximum horizontal fin deflection angle (from 0 to 1) (finsAoa × 90°)
finsAoaVer Maximum vertical fin deflection angle (from 0 to 1) (finsAoa × 90°)

Speed Related variables

Variable Effect on missile
force Amount of force the motor of a missile will produce (Newtons)
timeFire How long the force will be applied (Seconds)

Maneuverability Related variables

Variable Effect on missile
propNavAccelMax The maximum amount of G force a missile is allowed to pull
thrustVectoringAngle Angle of which the missile can deflect its thrust
mass Mass of the missile before being fired
massEnd Mass of the missile after rocket motor has burnt out
loadFactorLimit Maximum amount of G force an aircraft can pull while still being able to fire the missile
timeOut Amount of time a missile is forced to fly straight before moving towards a target
  1. Zetaris. “The Missile Mechanics of War Thunder.” YouTube, 5 Aug. 2020, Accessed 9 June 2024.