Abandoned Factory

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MapIcon Ground AbandonedFactory.jpg
Possible Layouts
Icon GreenCheckmark.pngDomination
Icon GreenCheckmark.pngConquest
Icon GreenCheckmark.pngBattle
Icon RedXCross.pngBreak
Icon RedXCross.pngSkirmish
Other Information
2 km x 2 kmFull tank area size
Russia CountryIcon SUN.pngReal World Location
Full Map
MapLayout Ground AbandonedFactory.jpg


Abandoned Factory is a ground forces map available in all modes. It is set around a disused factory complex and offers both long-range and close-quarters. The south of the map is taken up by a rail yard, with train cars that can be shot through, and a number of small buildings / storage tanks. The middle area of the map is the main factory complex with a series of large buildings, storage tanks, and pipes. The north of the map contains a large field outside of the main complex. A smaller complex can be found on the hill in this area.

The tank battles area is 2km x 2km, see the below table for the exact size in each game mode. The air battles area is 65km x 65km. Abandoned Factory was added in Update 1.65 "Way of the Samurai".

Battle area Size
Game Mode AB RB SB
Domination 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km
Conquest #1 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km
Conquest #2 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km
Conquest #3 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km
Battle 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km

Historical Background

This map is inspired by Stalingrad.

Map configuration

Change Maps by Game Modes


The capture points are located in the same place in all three game modes, however the map area is increased in Simulator Battles.

Domination Mode - Map Layouts
MapLayout Domination AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Domination AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Domination AbandonedFactory SB.jpg

1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km

In AB point A is in the rail yard in the south of the map, point B is in the centre of the map, and C is in the small complex in the north of the map. In RB point A is in the rail yard in the south of the map, point B is in the centre of the map, and C is in the small complex in the north of the map. In SB point A is in the rail yard in the south of the map, point B is in the centre of the map, and C is in the small complex in the north of the map.


The capture points are located in the same place in all three game modes, however the map area is increased in Simulator Battles.

Conquest Mode - Map Layouts
Conquest #1 Conquest #2 Conquest #3
MapLayout Conquest1 AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest1 AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest1 AbandonedFactory SB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest2 AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest2 AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest2 AbandonedFactory SB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest3 AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest3 AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Conquest3 AbandonedFactory SB.jpg

1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km

1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km

1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km

In AB the capture point is in the rail yard in the south of the map. In RB the capture point is in the rail yard in the south of the map. In SB the capture point is in the rail yard in the south of the map.

In AB the capture point is in the centre of the map. In RB the capture point is in the centre of the map. In SB the capture point is in the centre of the map.

In AB the capture point is in the small complex in the north of the map. In RB the capture point is in the small complex in the north of the map. In RB the capture point is in the small complex in the north of the map.


In the Battle configuration there are two capture points, each belonging to one of the teams. Both capture points are near each other, in the center of the map.

Battle Mode - Map Layouts
MapLayout Battle AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Battle AbandonedFactory ABRB.jpg
MapLayout Battle AbandonedFactory SB.jpg

1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.2 km x 1.2 km 1.95 km x 1.95 km

In AB both capture points are near each other, in the center of the map. In RB both capture points are near each other, in the center of the map. In SB both capture points are near each other, in the center of the map.

Air battles area

Full Map for Air Battles
Avg abandoned factory map.jpg
65 km x 65 km


In ground battles, the southern section of the map (the rail-yard) is normally sparsely populated, as most players will go to the small northern-most complex (square D6) and the central factory area (square E6). The northern hill commands a view of the central factory areas and has a lot of cover, which makes it easily defensible.



See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to related locations

External links

[Devblog] New location: Abandoned Factory