User:blockhaj/30 mm ADEN autocannon

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Msg-info.png This is a user made article on the 30 mm ADEN autocannon. It is WIP with no end.

The ADEN autocannon (acronym for of Armament Development ENfield) is a basically a German 30 mm MK 213 revolver cannon reworked to be produced in British factoriers.


Britain, along with the allies, captured the prototypes of the WIP 30 mm MK 213 in Germany at the end of the war and decided to finish the development for their own use. The US developed the gun into the 20 mm FMC T-160 (later redesignated to 20 mm M39) and the French developed it into the 30 mm DEFA series.

The British ADEN was originally more or less just a 1-1 copy of the German 30 mm MK 213, even using the 30×90mm RB cartridge but in the end it entered service with a 30×86mm cartridge (later with the suffix A).


  • ADEN 30 MM GUN
    • Mk.11945: ADEN 30 fitted with Mk.1 barrel chambered for the 30 x 86 mm A Low Velocity (LV) cartridge
    • Mk.21952: ADEN 30 fitted with Mk.2 barrel chambered for the 30 x 86 mm B Low Velocity (LV) cartridge
    • Mk.31954: ADEN 30 fitted with Mk.3 barrel chambered for the 30 x 111 mm J High Velocity (HV) cartridge
    • Mk.41957: ADEN 30 fitted with Mk.4 barrel chambered for the 30 x 113 mm B High Velocity (HV) cartridge (export variant)
    • Mk.5198_: ADEN 30 Mk.4 with raised rate of fire up to 1700 rounds per minute
    • Mk.6198_: ADEN 30 Mk.5 with unknown changes
  • ADEN 25 MM GUN
    • Mk.1199_: Improved variant chambered for the 25 x 137 mm NATO STANAG 4173 cartridge (cancelled 1999)


[Expand]25-30 mm ADEN autocannon specifications
Variant ADEN 30 Mk.1 ADEN 30 Mk.2 ADEN 30 Mk.3 ADEN 30 Mk.4 ADEN 30 Mk.5 ADEN 30 Mk.6 ADEN 25 Mk.1
Action Revolver drum
Operation Gas operation ? ? ?
Cocking-system Pneumatic ? ? ?
Priming Electric
Firing system ? ? ? 24 volts Direct current (DC)
115 volts Alternate current (AC)
Number of chambers 5 ?
Number of barrels 1
Number of grooves ? ? ? 16 ?
Rifling ? ? ? Progressive RH parabolic twist ?
Cartridge 30 mm ADEN
Type A (LV)
30 mm ADEN
Type B (LV)
30 mm ADEN
Type J (HV)
Type B (HV)
25 mm NATO
Chamber 30 × 86 mm 30 × 86 mm 30 × 111 mm 30 × 113 mm 25 × 137 mm
Gun dimensions
Max width (complete gun) ? ? ? 241.3 mm 249.94 mm
Max height (complete gun) ? ? ? 266.7 mm 246.13 mm
Max length (complete gun) ? ? 1590 mm 1638.3 mm 2284.44 mm
Length without barrel ? ? ? ? 789.44 mm
Length of barrel ? ? ? 1080 mm 1495 mm
Gun weights
Max weight (complete gun) ? ? ? 87.1 kg ? ? 92.1 kg
Weight without barrel ? ? ? 75 kg ? ? ?
Weight of barrel ? ? ? 12.25 kg ?
Recoil load (normal) ? ? ? 22.4 kN ?
Recoil load (max) ? ? ? 31.4 kN ?
Rate of fire (effective) 1,380 rpm 1,600 rpm 1,717 rpm
Rate of fire (minimum) 1,200 rpm 1,500 rpm 1,492 rpm
Rate of fire (maximum) 1,500 rpm 1,700 rpm 1,742 rpm
Effective velocity 604 m/s 790 m/s 790 m/s 985 m/s


30 × 86 mm A (Low Velocity)

30 × 86 mm B (Low Velocity)

30 × 111 mm J (High Velocity)

AP Mk.1 – Armour-Piercing Mk.1Z (brass case)
lMvzMzJ.png The AP Mk.1 cartridge with "brass case" is a pre 1970s cartridge design for the 30x111mm ADEN type J high velocity cartridge. The cartridge is fitted with an armour-piercing tungsten core projectile, otherwise known as "Armour-Piercing, Composite, Rigid" (APCR). Armour penetration was around 4 cm RHA on average.


  • British designation: Cartridge, 30mm., Aden gun, Armour-Piercing, Mk. 1, abbreviation: AP Mk.1Z.
  • Swedish designation: 30 mm skarp patron m/55 pansarprojektil m/55, abbreviation: 30 mm sk ptr m/55 pprj m/55.
Cartride Projectile Performance
Casing Brass case 483 g Type Armour-Piercing, Composite, Rigid (APCR)
Casing length Casing length Filling 150 g – tungsten penetrator
Propellant British NC powder 47 g Shell length (external) 150 g – tungsten penetrator
[Expand]30 × 111 mm J (HV) cartridges
Cross sections lMvzMzJ.png HwD0UzU.png fa9M0u6.png 2b78yvY.png IRkwEAc.png itu74ET.png
Cartridge name (RAF) Cartridge, 30mm, Aden gun,
Projectile name (RAF) AP Mk.1Z P Mk.2Z HE Mk.3Z P Mk.4Z HE Mk.5Z HE Mk.6Z
Fuze name (RAF) none FP, D.A., No. 933, Mk. 1 none FP, D.A., No. 944, Mk. 1 FP, D.A., No. 933, Mk. 1
Cartridge name (SAF) 30 mm sk ptr m/55
Projectile name (SAF) 30 mm pprj m/55 30 mm övnprj m/55 30 mm mgr m/55 30 mm övnprj m/55 not in SAF use 30 mm mgr m/55
Fuze name (SAF) none ö k sar m/55 none not in SAF use ö k sar m/55
Projectile type APCR TP (Inert HEHC) HEHC TP (Inert HEHC) HEHC HEHC
Main core Tungsten penetrator  Solid metal plug in place of fuze and explosive charge Torpex 5 (Hexatonal) explosive charge  Solid metal plug in place of fuze and explosive charge Torpex 5 (Hexatonal) explosive charge
Fuze type none Contact fuze none Contact fuze
Propellant type British NC powder ÅKB 106 British NC powder ÅKB 106 or NC 1058
Casing type Brass (early) Passivated (late) Brass Brass Passivated Brass Passivated
Cartridge length 199 mm 200 mm 199 mm
Shell length (total) 108 mm 115 mm 117 mm 115 mm
Shell length (external) 89 mm 90 mm 89 mm
Casing length 111 mm
Cartridge weight 483 g (early 491 g (late) 438 g 438 g 440 g 496 g 440 g
Projectile weight 270 g 226 g 226 g 220 g 270 g 220 g
Main core weight 150 g 80.5 g 56 g 80.5 g 48 g 52.5 g
Fuze weight - - 28 g - ? 28 g
Propellant weight 47 g 46 g 46.5 g 46 g
Casing weight 166 g (early 174 g (late) 166 g 166 g 174 g 166 g 174 g
Net explosive content of cartridge 47 g 46 g 102 g 46 g 95 g 98.5 g
Net explosive content of projectile - - - 56 g - 48 g 52.5 g
Copper units of pressure 2930 Bar
Muzzle velocity 720 m/s (at +20° C) 795 m/s (at +20° C) 795 m/s (at +20° C) 795 m/s (at +20° C) 720 m/s (at +20° C) 795 m/s (at +20° C)

30 × 113 mm B (High Velocity)

[Expand]30 × 113 mm B (HV) – solid projectile cartridges
Cross sections
US designations Cartridge CARTRIDGE, 30MM
Projectile TP, M788
Projectile type
Charge type
Fuze type
Propellant type
Casing type
Cartridge length 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
Shell length (total)
Shell length (external)
Casing length 113 mm
Cartridge weight
Projectile weight
Main charge weight
Fuze weight
Propellant weight
Casing weight
Net explosive content of cartridge
Net explosive content of projectile
Copper units of pressure
Muzzle velocity

Ammunition poster




  • HE = High Explosive
  • HEHC = High-Explosive, High-Capacity (Mine shell, aka Minengeschoß)
  • AP = Armor Piercing
  • APCR-BC = Armor-Piercing, Composite Rigid, Ballistic Cap
  • P = Practice
  • TP = Target Practice
  • FP = Fuze, Percussion
  • LV = Low Velocity
  • HV = High Velocity


  • sk ptr = skarp patron (live cartridge)
  • mgr = mingranat (high explosive, high capacity shell)
  • pprj = pansarprojektil (armor piercing projectile)
  • övnprj = övningsprojectil (practice projectile)
  • ö k sar = ögonblickligt känsligt spetsanslagsrör (instant, sensitive, nose contact fuze)




  • G AMKAT, Gemensam ammunitionskatalog, Data och bilder, 2001 års upplaga
  • AMRÖJ, Ammunitionsröjning, FV akanam. Data och bilder, kursutgåva 1975


  • Air Publication, 110L-0201-1, 30mm ammunition and fuzes, (Aden Gun), General and technical information. Ministry of Defence, Prepared by the Ministry of Technology. 1970


  • Volume 2, Part 3, Hunter Weapons, The 30mm ADEN Gun, Rocket Projectiles, Air To Air Missiles, Bombs, etc.

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