Wagers are a way of earning Silver Lions or, more rarely, Golden Eagles in War Thunder.
A Wager is essentially a bet. You put down a stake (in Silver Lions), then try to meet the conditions of the Wager during battles, to win the prize. With most Wagers, you get several chances (so several battles) in which to fulfil the conditions, and the more times you do, the bigger your reward. On the other hand, there is also a pre-determined number of times you can fail to meet the requirements. If you exceed that, the Wager ends and you get whatever reward you have earned so far.
As with most gambles where a stake is involved, the higher your stake, the more you can possibly win. So obviously, there is a maximum stake as well.
The conditions required to win Wagers are actually the Awards that one can win during battles, which are displayed on the results screen after a game.
The wording one sees in the pop-up when you hover your mouse over a Wager can be a bit confusing, and some details appear to have got lost when translating into English. So the easiest way to explain is to give an example.
Example: Thunderer Wager
Let's work from the top down:
- Max Stage: 10 – The maximum number of times that you can try to fulfil the conditions. So for this example, you get 10 attempts (10 battles). This corresponds to the Stage column shown on the left, counting from 1 to 10.
- Battles in which a new stage was not achieved: 6 – The maximum number of times you can fail, before the wager ends. Should you fail six times, you get whatever you earned that far, if anything. (Other Wagers have different numbers of allowed fails.)
- Stake: 0 - 10,000 – The range that your stake can be, in Silver Lions. Minimum 0 SL, maximum 10,000 SL. The more you bet, the more you can possibly win.
- Stage completing conditions: – The conditions are the Awards that you need to win in battles for this specific Wager. You can win any one of the listed Awards per battle, so you might get Thunderer in one battle, then Rogue Wave in another battle. Both count towards this Wager, but only one Award per game. And no, you don't have to win one of each type! You can complete the wager winning only one type of Wager as many times as you can in 10 battles.
- The above conditions must be fulfilled within a single battle – This can be confusing. Fear not, it does not mean you only get one chance! What it means is, if you fail to get one of the mentioned Awards in a battle, that counts as one failed attempt. You can have a total of 6 fails for this Wager, as explained in the second bullet above.
- Rewards: – This section gets updated after every battle (stage) you complete. If you win a required Award, you get a green tick-mark for that stage.
- Stage – Stage really means battle, it shows your progress though the Wager.
- At min. stake – How much you will win if you fulfil the conditions for this stage, given that you only staked the minimum. (Minimum stake is often zero SL). So if you get one of the required Awards in one battle, you win 12,500 SL. If you get another award in another battle, you win 25,000 SL, and so on.*
- At max. stake – How much you will win if you fulfil the conditions for this stage, given that you staked the maximum. (10,000 SL in this case, you devil you!). So if you get one of the required Awards in one battle, you win back 25,000 SL. If you get another award in another battle, you win back 50,000 SL, and so on.* * Note that the number per stage is the reward you get, you don't add the rewards up!
Activating Wagers
Table of Wagers
In alphabetical order.
(Add table here.)