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* Relatively small warhead (comparable to a normal 500 kg bomb)
Relatively small warhead (comparable to a normal 500 kg bomb)

Revision as of 22:16, 18 May 2020

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The Fritz-X is a guided armour-piercing gliding bomb weighing circa 1.5 tons, with an explosive payload of 320 kg. It was equipped with a stabilizer and fins as well as a set of radio equipment. The bomb trajectory could be tracked visually from the launching bomber through the bomb sight (bright tracing lights lit up in the tail section of the bomb after launch) and corrected by radio signal using a special joystick. It was mainly used as an anti-ship weapon.

The PC 1400 X guided bomb, nicknamed Fritz X.
Mass 1570 kg
Explosive type Amatol
Explosive mass 320 kg
TNT equivalent 320 kg
Max armor penetration HE action 123 mm
Radius of destruction of armored vehicles 14 m
Radius of fragment dispersion 100 m

Vehicles equipped with this weapon

General info

Tell us about the tactical and technical characteristics of the bomb.

Effective damage

Describe the type of damage produced by this type of bomb (high explosive, splash damage, etc)

Comparison with analogues

Give a comparative description of bombs that have firepower equal to these type of weapons.

Usage in battles

Describe situations when you would utilize this bomb in-game (vehicle, pillbox, base, etc)

Pros and cons


  • Bomb can be guided into the target
  • Good for high altitude bombing cruisers and large slow-moving targets


Relatively small warhead (comparable to a normal 500 kg bomb)


Examine the history of the creation and combat usage of this weapon. If the historical reference turns out to be too big, take it to a separate article, taking a link to an article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ History" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/(weapon-name)/History) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article.


See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the article about the variant of the weapon;
  • references to approximate analogues by other nations and research trees.

External links

High-explosive and general-purpose bombs
100 lb  AN-M30A1
250 lb  AN-M57 · LDGP Mk 81
300 lb  H.E. M31
500 lb  AN-M64A1 · LDGP Mk 82
600 lb  H.E. M32
750 lb  M117 cone 45
1,000 lb  AN-M65A1 · AN-M65A1 Fin M129 · LDGP Mk 83
2,000 lb  AN-M66A2 · LDGP Mk 84
3,000 lb  M118
4,000 lb  AN-M56
50 kg  SC50JA
200 kg  Sprengbombe
250 kg  SC250JA
400 kg  Sprengbombe
450 kg  Sprengbombe 68/70
500 kg  SC500K
1,000 kg  SC1000L2
1,800 kg  SC1800B
2,500 kg  SC2500
25 kg  AO-25M-1
50 kg  FAB-50sv
100 kg  FAB-100sv · FAB-100M-43 · OFAB-100
250 kg  FAB-250sv · FAB-250M-43 · FAB-250M-44 · FAB-250M-46 · FAB-250M-54 · FAB-250M-62 · OFAB-250sv · OFAB-250-270
500 kg  FAB-500sv · FAB-500M-43 · FAB-500M-44 · FAB-500M-46 · FAB-500M-54 · FAB-500M-62
1,000 kg  FAB-1000 · FAB-1000M-43 · FAB-1000M-44
1,500 kg  FAB-1500M-46
3,000 kg  FAB-3000M-46
5,000 kg  FAB-5000
250 lb  G.P. Mk.IV · M.C. Mk.I
500 lb  G.P. Mk.IV · H.E. M.C. Mk.II · M.C. Mk.I
540 lb  Mk.M2
1,000 lb  G.P. Mk.I · M.C. Mk.I · L.D H.E. M.C. Mk.1 · H.E. M.C. Mk.13
4,000 lb  H.C. Mk.II · H.C. Mk.IV
8,000 lb  H.C. Mk.II
12,000 lb  H.C Mk.I
50 kg  Type 94 GPHE
100 kg  Type 94 GPHE
250 kg  Type 92 GPHE
500 kg  Type 92 GPHE
60 kg  Type 97 Number 6
250 kg  Type 98 Number 25 · Type Number 25 Model 2
500 kg  Type Number 50 Model 2
800 kg  Number 80 Mod. 1
100 kg  100-2
250 kg  Type 250-2 · 250-3
500 kg  500-3
1500 kg  1500-2
3000 kg  3000-2
50 kg  GP 50
100 kg  GP 100T · SAP 100M
230 kg  BAFG-230
250 kg  GP 250
460 kg  BAFG-460
500 kg  GP 500
800 kg  GP 800
920 kg  BAFG-920
50 kg  D.T. No.2 · G.A. MMN. 50 · Type 61C
75 kg  G2 Navale
100 kg  No.1
250 lb  SAMP Mk 81
150 kg  I2 Navale
200 kg  No.1
500 lb  SAMP Mk 82
250 kg  Matra 25E · SAMP Type 25
400 kg  SAMP Type 21
1,000 lb  SAMP Mk 83
500 kg  No.2
2,000 lb  SAMP Mk 84
50 kg  mb m/37AT · sb m/42 · sb m/47 · Model 1938
100 kg  Model 1938
120 kg  sb m/61 · m/71
250 kg  mb m/40 · mb m/50
500 kg  mb m/41 · mb m/56
600 kg  mb m/50
100 kg  100/50 kg G.P.
250 kg  250/50 kg G.P.
360 kg  360/50 kg G.P.
500 kg  500/50 kg G.P.
See also  List of armour-piercing bombs · List of guided bombs · List of retarded bombs