Difference between revisions of "Al-Khalid-I"

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m (Added what I believe are the pros/cons of the Al-Khalid-I.)
(Wrote armour and usage in battles.)
(4 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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| about = premium Chinese medium tank '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
| usage = the premium British medium tank
| link = Khalid
== Description ==
== Description ==
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a premium gift rank {{Specs|rank}} Chinese medium tank {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update "Dance of Dragons"]].
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' (Urdu: الخال; lit. eternal) is the Pakistani upgraded variant of NORINCO's [[MBT-2000|MBT2000]] by 2020s retrofitted by Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT). After the development of Sino-Pakistani MBT2000 passed for certification by both PLAGF and Pakistan Army, the first series Al-Khalid joined Pakistan Army in 2001 as their new MBT alongside with imported Ukrainian T-80UD against foes; while the MBT received very positive opinion from its operators, the tank would still require further upgrades to keep up with the mainstream of MBT development, especially against Indian Army which have received [[Bhishma TWMP|T-90S]] and planned for the T-90SM. With sufficient supply engine pack from Ukrainian KMDB and experiences gained on T 85-IIAP's production, Al-Khalid-I eventually received FCS and ergonomic upgrades by 2010s; officially introduced on 28th July 2020, the upgraded tank is now replacing the previous fleet of T 59/69 and further boosting the national defense capability of Pakistan with plans to further upgrade the vehicle with Chinese powerpack and redesigned turret in progress.
Introduced in [[Update "Dance of Dragons"]] as a new premium pack for Chinese tech tree, players of the MBT-2000 would soon get the grip on Al-Khalid-I with identical handling, firepower and protection. For new players, the tank features a powerful 1,200 hp engine with great reverse speed, while the mobility can make sure players can invade the flanks of enemies and delivery fatal blow to them; while the protection might not be the best of its tier, it can still sometimes save the tank from total destruction.
== General info ==
== General info ==
Line 12: Line 20:
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.''
The Al-Khalid-I's armour layout is very similar to the original MBT2000 but still has some changes. The base steel and composite armour is completely identical. Cosmetically, the FY-2 ERA is installed in the form of smaller tiles. This doesn't make any difference on the turret cheeks because the entire damage model is grouped together. Looking at the hull, on the sloped upper glacis, the ERA tile groups are smaller and slightly more numerous, which makes them more resistant to being stripped away by repeated attacks, but the bottom row of ERA that used to help cover the flat "lip" of the glacis housing the headlights is now missing, replaced by a couple of track segments. This is a bit of a letdown because that segment of the composite armour is not completely resistant to 3BM42-class APFSDS without FY-2 covering it, and makes the Al-Khalid-I's hull weak spots larger than the MBT2000's.
The main advertised difference is that FY-2 is installed on the front and sides of the storage racks on the sides of the turret bustle. The flush FY-2 tiles on the sides of the turret cheeks have been removed. The effects of this change are mostly positive but also slightly mixed. The storage racks are now capable of blocking HEAT-FS rounds, autocannon rounds, and weak ATGMs even in direct side attacks, but the less protected turret cheek sides can sometimes allow attacks from the front-side arcs to damage the turret crew.
Although it has no bearing on the actual protection, another cosmetic difference is that the Al-Khalid-I has two tall and unusually thick radio antennas, which can be more easily noticed by enemies when hiding behind cover.
'''Armour type:''' <!-- The types of armour present on the vehicle and their general locations -->
'''Armour type:''' <!-- The types of armour present on the vehicle and their general locations -->
Line 36: Line 49:
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.''
The Al-Khalid-I retained the Ukrainian Kharkov 6TD-2 engine pack as its power source for mobility and logistical reasons. Thanks to the revised transmission with additional side gears, this enables the tank to reverse at up to -31 km/h, more than enough to retreat from danger.
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{{main|ZPT98 (125 mm)}}
{{main|ZPT98 (125 mm)}}
''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.''
As 125 mm calibre has been selected as the calibre for Pakistan Army and the vehicle was developed mostly by NORINCO of Mainland China, Al-Khalid-I also selected the same cannon as ZTZ99 series - the ZPT98 cannon. All the specifications and ammunition options are totally identical to its Chinese cousins aside from having 49 spare ammo as demanded by Pakistan; while the traverse is sufficient at its tier at a much higher speed than Soviet/Russian serial production MBTs, be sure to turn the turret beforehand just in case - NATO tanks mostly have better traverse rate than Al-Khalid.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
Line 57: Line 70:
! Mode !! Capacity !! Vertical !! Horizontal !! Stabilizer
! Mode !! Capacity !! Vertical !! Horizontal !! Stabilizer
! Stock !! Upgraded !! Full !! Expert !! Aced
! Stock !! Upgraded !! Full !! Expert !! Aced !! Autoloader
! Autoloader
! ''Arcade''
! ''Arcade''
| rowspan="2" | 49 || rowspan="2" | -6°/+14° || rowspan="2" | ±180° || rowspan="2" | Two-plane || __._ || __._ || __._ || __._ || __._ || rowspan="2" | _.__
| rowspan="2" | 49 || rowspan="2" | -6°/+14° || rowspan="2" | ±180° || rowspan="2" | Two-plane || 28.6 || 39.5 || 48.0 || 53.1 || 56.5 || rowspan="2" | 7.10
! ''Realistic''
! ''Realistic''
| __._ || __._ || __._ || __._ || __._
| 17.9 || 21.0 || 25.5 || 28.2 || 30.0
==== Ammunition ====
==== Ammunition ====
{{:ZPT98 (125 mm)/Ammunition|DTP-125, DTB-125, Type 1985-I APFSDS, DTC10-125, DTB12-125}}
{{:ZPT98 (125 mm)/Ammunition|DTP-125, DTB-125, Type 1985-I APFSDS, DTC10-125, DTB12-125}}'''''Note: As premium vehicle, all ammunition is researched once purchased'''''
'''DTP-125, HEAT-FS, Stock''' - DTP-125 has been a long-time friend to the Chinese 125 mm gun and is one of the stock shells for the Al-Khalid-I; like many HEATFS of its tier, due to ERA and composite armour being commonplace at its tier, hitting enemies from the front would very likely be fruitless. So if opting for HEATFS to take out enemies, make sure to aim for non-ERA/composite covered parts or by flanking enemies if possible; remembering where their ammunition is located can earn players a quick kill against enemies. It is still a versatile shell to have against all types of ground target.
'''DTB-125, HE-FS, Stock''' - DTB-125 is also available as the other stock shell; HEFS can serve as a makeshift anti-tank shell by hitting enemy optics or top plates with low protection and possibly triggering overpressure, dooming the crew and internal compartments of enemy vehicles. This also enables the tank to do "top-down" attacks against tanks behind cover, notably NATO tanks with higher profile and CITV. Thanks to the high explosive content, it is also a better option to knock-out light vehicles right away than the HEATFS.
'''125-I, APFSDS, Tier I''' - 125-I (aka 一期弹 or officially, the 一步弹; Phrase/Stage I ammunition) has already been a familiar APFSDS for Chinese MBTs with 125 mm gun, players from ZTZ96 series can soon get on hand with the APFSDS with its good ballistic performance and penetration (the highest for 125 mm APFSDS <500 mm penetration), helping players to go through the stock stages; aim for different weak spots accordingly if facing higher-tier NATO/Warsaw-Pact tanks.
'''DTC10-125, APFSDS, Tier IV''' - as the main APFSDS of PLAGF and one of the highest-penetration (non-DU) export APFSDS for 125 mm guns, DTC10-125 (aka 三期弹 or officially, the 三步弹; Phrase/Stage III ammunition; DTC10E when export) can make sure it can also utilize its very high velocity to defeat most enemies it face without problem, this also enables Al-Khalid-I to defeat more advanced MBTs at higher-tier even at long range.
'''DTB12-125, HE-FS (VT), Tier IV''' - Unlike Soviet/Russian HE-FS with timed fuse, DTB12 is currently the only HE-VT for its calibre; not only can it still be used as "anti-tank" shells like its stock counterpart albeit with lesser explosive content, enemy aircraft will have to face a 125 mm makeshift AA gun with 7 m trigger radius - it is never a good idea getting hit by such a huge shell.
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
Line 76: Line 98:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! Full<br>ammo
! 1st<br>rack empty
!'''1st rack empty'''
! 2nd<br>rack empty
!'''2nd rack empty'''
! 3rd<br>rack empty
!'''3rd rack empty'''
! 4th<br>rack empty
!'''4th rack empty'''
! 5th<br>rack empty
!'''5th rack empty'''
! 6th<br>rack empty
!'''6th rack empty'''
! Visual<br>discrepancy
!'''7th rack empty'''
!'''8th rack empty'''
!'''9th rack empty'''
!'''10th rack empty'''
!'''11th rack empty'''
!'''Visual discrepancy'''
| '''49''' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __&nbsp;''(+__)'' || __
| '''49''' || 48&nbsp;''(+1)'' || 45&nbsp;''(+4)'' || 42&nbsp;''(+7)'' || 38&nbsp;''(+11)'' || 35&nbsp;''(+14)'' || 32&nbsp;''(+17)'' || 29&nbsp;''(+20)'' || 25&nbsp;''(+24)'' || 24&nbsp;''(+25)'' || 23&nbsp;''(+26)'' || 1&nbsp;''(+48)'' || No
For sustained combat endurance and demands from Pakistan, the Al-Khalid-I has 49 shells and its propellant onboard scattered around the chassis, mostly concentrated around the turret carousel. While having so many ammunition means missed shots can be compensated by subsequent shots (given the autoloader is not damaged), this also turns the tank into a walking powder keg at full-load, turning the tank into a firework show is never the best idea to end a battle; 23 shells in the autoloader and pre-load of breech are more than enough to finish the battle with relatively ease.
=== Machine guns ===
=== Machine guns ===
Line 94: Line 122:
<!-- ''Offensive and anti-aircraft machine guns not only allow you to fight some aircraft but also are effective against lightly armoured vehicles. Evaluate machine guns and give recommendations on its use.'' -->
<!-- ''Offensive and anti-aircraft machine guns not only allow you to fight some aircraft but also are effective against lightly armoured vehicles. Evaluate machine guns and give recommendations on its use.'' -->
{{main|QJC88A (12.7 mm)|Type 86 (7.62 mm)}}
{{main|QJC88A (12.7 mm)|Type 86 (7.62 mm)}}
''Offensive and anti-aircraft machine guns not only allow you to fight some aircraft but also are effective against lightly armoured vehicles. Evaluate machine guns and give recommendations on its use.''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="5" | [[QJC88A (12.7 mm)|12.7 mm QJC88A]]
! colspan="5" |[[QJC88A (12.7 mm)|12.7 mm QJC88A]]
! Mount !! Capacity (Belt) !! Fire rate !! Vertical !! Horizontal
!Mount!!Capacity (Belt)!!Fire rate!!Vertical!!Horizontal
| || ___ (___) || ___ || __° || __°
|Pintle||750 (150)||600||-6°/+85°||±180°
Line 112: Line 138:
! Mount !! Capacity (Belt) !! Fire rate !! Vertical !! Horizontal
! Mount !! Capacity (Belt) !! Fire rate !! Vertical !! Horizontal
| || ___ (___) || ___ || __° || __°
|Coaxial||4,000 (250)||700||-||-
Line 118: Line 144:
== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
Although it has a number of small differences in terms of protection and appearance, the Al-Khalid-I plays mostly like a slightly improved MBT2000 with better thermal optics - the gunner enjoys an improvement in resolution and the commander receives brand new thermals on the CITV of the same resolution (however it is still saddled with a fixed 6x zoom, unlike the variable 3x-10.7x CITV zoom of the ZTZ99s). Like the MBT2000, it has a very nice reverse speed and responsive handling by Soviet/Chinese standards because of its powerpack, and the overall protection is quite good, less so for the hull but above average on the turret. It can be played as a mobile flanker or midfielder. The reverse speed allows it to move beyond solid cover and perform shoot-and-scoot tactics much more easily than other Chinese tanks and the combination of both low and high zoom settings on the gunner optics is comfortable for brawling and sniping. Do note that the inherent protection is inferior to the ZTZ99s, as the composite armour is rather weaker and FY-2 is not as strong as FY-4, so take advantage of the mobility to move between good positions and avoid keeping the hull exposed to enemy fire.
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in a bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->'''Pros:'''
* Excellent mobility for a Chinese vehicle
* Punchy 125mm gun with good ballistics and top shell
* 2nd generation gunner thermals
* Good top reverse speed (-32km/h)
* Good turret armour
* Relatively quick top speed (70km/h)
* Small profile
* Slightly improved protection with larger ERA coverage at turret front and additions on turret baskets
* Powerful main cannon with varieties of ammunition
* Commander override of turret for retaliation
* Excellent mobility
** 1,200 hp engine with sufficient T/W ratio for flanking tactics
** Revised transmission enables pseudo-neutral steering and high reverse speed
* Two different magnifications for different engage range with large FOV
* Upgraded with 3rd generation TVD for both gunner and CITV
* Thick turret protection
* Turret mantlet is a vulnerable weakspot
* Fixed 7.1 second reload and infamous AZ-172 autoloader with high detonation rate once being hit
* Massive lower front plate is a glaring target for enemies
* Inconsistent protection
* Set loading speed of 7.1s due to carousel autoloader
** Cast-welded mantle still haunts the frontal protection
* Autoloader easily vulnerable to damage or ammorack via centre-mass shots
** Insufficient protection at its tier, especially compared to ZTZ99 or T-90 series
* Gun elevation, depression and turret slew leaves a lot to be desired, being slower than its Western counterparts
* Slow gun vertical traverse due to hydraulic drive
* 3-man crew can mean many one shots are fatal
* Engine deck with raised-up plates that blocks rear arc of fire
* Horrific ammo placement if full ammo is taken
* Cramped crew layout and densely packed ammunition onboard
== History ==
== History ==
Line 157: Line 182:
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* [[MBT-2000]] - its ancestor, aka '''Al-Khalid''' or VT-1
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
== External links ==
== External links ==

Latest revision as of 00:00, 29 September 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0
This page is about the premium Chinese medium tank Al-Khalid-I. For the premium British medium tank, see Khalid.
GarageImage Al-Khalid-I.jpg
11.0 11.0 11.0


The Al-Khalid-I (Urdu: الخال; lit. eternal) is the Pakistani upgraded variant of NORINCO's MBT2000 by 2020s retrofitted by Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT). After the development of Sino-Pakistani MBT2000 passed for certification by both PLAGF and Pakistan Army, the first series Al-Khalid joined Pakistan Army in 2001 as their new MBT alongside with imported Ukrainian T-80UD against foes; while the MBT received very positive opinion from its operators, the tank would still require further upgrades to keep up with the mainstream of MBT development, especially against Indian Army which have received T-90S and planned for the T-90SM. With sufficient supply engine pack from Ukrainian KMDB and experiences gained on T 85-IIAP's production, Al-Khalid-I eventually received FCS and ergonomic upgrades by 2010s; officially introduced on 28th July 2020, the upgraded tank is now replacing the previous fleet of T 59/69 and further boosting the national defense capability of Pakistan with plans to further upgrade the vehicle with Chinese powerpack and redesigned turret in progress.

Introduced in Update "Dance of Dragons" as a new premium pack for Chinese tech tree, players of the MBT-2000 would soon get the grip on Al-Khalid-I with identical handling, firepower and protection. For new players, the tank features a powerful 1,200 hp engine with great reverse speed, while the mobility can make sure players can invade the flanks of enemies and delivery fatal blow to them; while the protection might not be the best of its tier, it can still sometimes save the tank from total destruction.

General info

Survivability and armour

Effective action against the cumulative ammunition
Composite armour
Balanced protection against all types of ammunition
Smoke grenades
Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle
Creation of a smoke screen in the direction of movement of the vehicle
Self-entrenching equipment
Creation of ramparts and trenches in soft ground
Armourfront / side / back
Hull100 / 50 / 45
Turret220 / 50 / 20
Crew3 people
Visibility75 %

The Al-Khalid-I's armour layout is very similar to the original MBT2000 but still has some changes. The base steel and composite armour is completely identical. Cosmetically, the FY-2 ERA is installed in the form of smaller tiles. This doesn't make any difference on the turret cheeks because the entire damage model is grouped together. Looking at the hull, on the sloped upper glacis, the ERA tile groups are smaller and slightly more numerous, which makes them more resistant to being stripped away by repeated attacks, but the bottom row of ERA that used to help cover the flat "lip" of the glacis housing the headlights is now missing, replaced by a couple of track segments. This is a bit of a letdown because that segment of the composite armour is not completely resistant to 3BM42-class APFSDS without FY-2 covering it, and makes the Al-Khalid-I's hull weak spots larger than the MBT2000's.

The main advertised difference is that FY-2 is installed on the front and sides of the storage racks on the sides of the turret bustle. The flush FY-2 tiles on the sides of the turret cheeks have been removed. The effects of this change are mostly positive but also slightly mixed. The storage racks are now capable of blocking HEAT-FS rounds, autocannon rounds, and weak ATGMs even in direct side attacks, but the less protected turret cheek sides can sometimes allow attacks from the front-side arcs to damage the turret crew.

Although it has no bearing on the actual protection, another cosmetic difference is that the Al-Khalid-I has two tall and unusually thick radio antennas, which can be more easily noticed by enemies when hiding behind cover.

Armour type:

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull ___ mm ___ mm Top
___ mm Bottom
___ mm ___ - ___ mm
Turret ___ - ___ mm Turret front
___ mm Gun mantlet
___ - ___ mm ___ - ___ mm ___ - ___ mm
Cupola ___ mm ___ mm ___ mm ___ mm



Speedforward / back
AB78 / 36 km/h
RB and SB71 / 32 km/h
Number of gears7 forward
4 back
Weight48.0 t
Engine power
AB2 290 hp
RB and SB1 200 hp
Power-to-weight ratio
AB47.7 hp/t
RB and SB25.0 hp/t

The Al-Khalid-I retained the Ukrainian Kharkov 6TD-2 engine pack as its power source for mobility and logistical reasons. Thanks to the revised transmission with additional side gears, this enables the tank to reverse at up to -31 km/h, more than enough to retreat from danger.

Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 78 36 48 _,___ 2,290 __.__ 47.71
Realistic 71 32 _,___ 1,200 __.__ 25

Modifications and economy

Repair cost
AB3 275 Sl icon.png
RB3 302 Sl icon.png
SB3 876 Sl icon.png
Crew training10 000 Sl icon.png
Experts1 350 000 Sl icon.png
Aces2 100 Ge icon.png
Research Aces2 280 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
Talisman.png 2 × 150 / 200 / 230 % Sl icon.png
Talisman.png 2 × 238 / 238 / 238 % Rp icon.png
Mobility Protection Firepower
Mods new tank traks.png
Mods new tank suspension.png
Mods new tank break.png
Brake System
Mods new tank filter.png
Mods new tank transmission.png
Mods new tank engine.png
Mods tank tool kit.png
Improved Parts
Mods dozer blade.png
Dozer Blade
Mods extinguisher.png
Improved FPE
Mods tank reinforcement cn.png
Crew Replenishment
Mods thermal sight.png
Mods engine smoke screen system.png
Mods smoke screen.png
Smoke grenade
Mods new tank horizontal aiming.png
Horizontal Drive
Mods tank ammo.png
Mods tank cannon.png
Adjustment of Fire
Mods tank laser rangefinder.png
Laser rangefinder
Mods new tank vertical aiming.png
Elevation Mechanism
Mods art support.png
Artillery Support
Mods tank ammo.png
Mods tank ammo.png


Laser rangefinder
Reduces the error and increases the maximum measurable distance of the rangefinder
Night vision device
Improves visibility by enhancing natural light or active illumination.
Thermal imager
Allows to see thermal radiation in the infrared range day and night

Main armament

Two-plane stabilizer
Reduces the swing of the gun in two planes while moving
Automatically feeds projectiles into the breech. The speed does not depend on the skills of the loader
Ammunition49 rounds
First-order22 rounds
Reload7.1 s
Vertical guidance-6° / 14°
Main article: ZPT98 (125 mm)

As 125 mm calibre has been selected as the calibre for Pakistan Army and the vehicle was developed mostly by NORINCO of Mainland China, Al-Khalid-I also selected the same cannon as ZTZ99 series - the ZPT98 cannon. All the specifications and ammunition options are totally identical to its Chinese cousins aside from having 49 spare ammo as demanded by Pakistan; while the traverse is sufficient at its tier at a much higher speed than Soviet/Russian serial production MBTs, be sure to turn the turret beforehand just in case - NATO tanks mostly have better traverse rate than Al-Khalid.

125 mm ZPT98 Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Autoloader
Arcade 49 -6°/+14° ±180° Two-plane 28.6 39.5 48.0 53.1 56.5 7.10
Realistic 17.9 21.0 25.5 28.2 30.0


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
DTP-125 HEATFS 480 480 480 480 480 480
DTB-125 HE 45 45 45 45 45 45
DTC10-125 APFSDS 577 575 566 555 544 533
DTB12-125 HE-VT* 43 43 43 43 43 43
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (kg)
0% 50% 100%
DTP-125 HEATFS 905 18 0.05 0.1 2.62 65° 72° 77°
DTB-125 HE 850 23 0.3 0.1 5.46 79° 80° 81°
DTC10-125 APFSDS 1,770 4.85 - - - 78° 80° 81°
Proximity-fused shell details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
distance (m)
radius (m)
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (kg)
0% 50% 100%
DTB12-125 HE-VT* 850 23.2 0.3 0.1 500 7 5.3 79° 80° 81°
Note: As premium vehicle, all ammunition is researched once purchased

DTP-125, HEAT-FS, Stock - DTP-125 has been a long-time friend to the Chinese 125 mm gun and is one of the stock shells for the Al-Khalid-I; like many HEATFS of its tier, due to ERA and composite armour being commonplace at its tier, hitting enemies from the front would very likely be fruitless. So if opting for HEATFS to take out enemies, make sure to aim for non-ERA/composite covered parts or by flanking enemies if possible; remembering where their ammunition is located can earn players a quick kill against enemies. It is still a versatile shell to have against all types of ground target.

DTB-125, HE-FS, Stock - DTB-125 is also available as the other stock shell; HEFS can serve as a makeshift anti-tank shell by hitting enemy optics or top plates with low protection and possibly triggering overpressure, dooming the crew and internal compartments of enemy vehicles. This also enables the tank to do "top-down" attacks against tanks behind cover, notably NATO tanks with higher profile and CITV. Thanks to the high explosive content, it is also a better option to knock-out light vehicles right away than the HEATFS.

125-I, APFSDS, Tier I - 125-I (aka 一期弹 or officially, the 一步弹; Phrase/Stage I ammunition) has already been a familiar APFSDS for Chinese MBTs with 125 mm gun, players from ZTZ96 series can soon get on hand with the APFSDS with its good ballistic performance and penetration (the highest for 125 mm APFSDS <500 mm penetration), helping players to go through the stock stages; aim for different weak spots accordingly if facing higher-tier NATO/Warsaw-Pact tanks.

DTC10-125, APFSDS, Tier IV - as the main APFSDS of PLAGF and one of the highest-penetration (non-DU) export APFSDS for 125 mm guns, DTC10-125 (aka 三期弹 or officially, the 三步弹; Phrase/Stage III ammunition; DTC10E when export) can make sure it can also utilize its very high velocity to defeat most enemies it face without problem, this also enables Al-Khalid-I to defeat more advanced MBTs at higher-tier even at long range.

DTB12-125, HE-FS (VT), Tier IV - Unlike Soviet/Russian HE-FS with timed fuse, DTB12 is currently the only HE-VT for its calibre; not only can it still be used as "anti-tank" shells like its stock counterpart albeit with lesser explosive content, enemy aircraft will have to face a 125 mm makeshift AA gun with 7 m trigger radius - it is never a good idea getting hit by such a huge shell.

Ammo racks

Fullammo 1st rack empty 2nd rack empty 3rd rack empty 4th rack empty 5th rack empty 6th rack empty 7th rack empty 8th rack empty 9th rack empty 10th rack empty 11th rack empty Visual discrepancy
49 48 (+1) 45 (+4) 42 (+7) 38 (+11) 35 (+14) 32 (+17) 29 (+20) 25 (+24) 24 (+25) 23 (+26) (+48) No

For sustained combat endurance and demands from Pakistan, the Al-Khalid-I has 49 shells and its propellant onboard scattered around the chassis, mostly concentrated around the turret carousel. While having so many ammunition means missed shots can be compensated by subsequent shots (given the autoloader is not damaged), this also turns the tank into a walking powder keg at full-load, turning the tank into a firework show is never the best idea to end a battle; 23 shells in the autoloader and pre-load of breech are more than enough to finish the battle with relatively ease.

Machine guns

Ammunition750 rounds
Belt capacity150 rounds
Reload5.0 s
Fire rate600 shots/min
Vertical guidance-6° / 85°
Ammunition4 000 rounds
Belt capacity250 rounds
Reload8.0 s
Fire rate700 shots/min
12.7 mm QJC88A
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Pintle 750 (150) 600 -6°/+85° ±180°
7.62 mm Type 86
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 4,000 (250) 700 - -

Usage in battles

Although it has a number of small differences in terms of protection and appearance, the Al-Khalid-I plays mostly like a slightly improved MBT2000 with better thermal optics - the gunner enjoys an improvement in resolution and the commander receives brand new thermals on the CITV of the same resolution (however it is still saddled with a fixed 6x zoom, unlike the variable 3x-10.7x CITV zoom of the ZTZ99s). Like the MBT2000, it has a very nice reverse speed and responsive handling by Soviet/Chinese standards because of its powerpack, and the overall protection is quite good, less so for the hull but above average on the turret. It can be played as a mobile flanker or midfielder. The reverse speed allows it to move beyond solid cover and perform shoot-and-scoot tactics much more easily than other Chinese tanks and the combination of both low and high zoom settings on the gunner optics is comfortable for brawling and sniping. Do note that the inherent protection is inferior to the ZTZ99s, as the composite armour is rather weaker and FY-2 is not as strong as FY-4, so take advantage of the mobility to move between good positions and avoid keeping the hull exposed to enemy fire.

Pros and cons


  • Slightly improved protection with larger ERA coverage at turret front and additions on turret baskets
  • Powerful main cannon with varieties of ammunition
  • Commander override of turret for retaliation
  • Excellent mobility
    • 1,200 hp engine with sufficient T/W ratio for flanking tactics
    • Revised transmission enables pseudo-neutral steering and high reverse speed
  • Two different magnifications for different engage range with large FOV
  • Upgraded with 3rd generation TVD for both gunner and CITV
  • Thick turret protection


  • Fixed 7.1 second reload and infamous AZ-172 autoloader with high detonation rate once being hit
  • Inconsistent protection
    • Cast-welded mantle still haunts the frontal protection
    • Insufficient protection at its tier, especially compared to ZTZ99 or T-90 series
  • Slow gun vertical traverse due to hydraulic drive
  • Engine deck with raised-up plates that blocks rear arc of fire
  • Cramped crew layout and densely packed ammunition onboard


Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref></ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <references />. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under === In-game description ===, also if applicable).


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

  • MBT-2000 - its ancestor, aka Al-Khalid or VT-1

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • other literature.

China medium tanks
ZTZ59  Type 59 · ZTZ59A · ZTZ59D1
ZTZ69  Type 69 · Type 69-IIa
ZTZ88/96  ZTZ88A · ZTZ88B
  ZTZ96 · ZTZ96A · ZTZ96A (P)
ZTZ99A  ZTZ99A · WZ1001(E) LCT
Export series  MBT-2000 · VT4A1
Other  Т-34-85 Gai · Object 122MT "MC"
Bangladesh  T-69 II G
Japan  ␗Chi-Ha · ␗Chi-Ha Kai
Pakistan  Al-Khalid-I
USA  ␗M4A4 · ␗M4A4 (1st PTG) · ␗M4A1 (75) W · ␗M48A1 · ␗M60A3 TTS
USSR  ␗T-34 (1943) · ␗Т-34-85 (S-53) · T-34-85 No.215 · Т-62 №545

China premium ground vehicles
Light tanks  T-26 No.531 · ␗M3A3 (1st PTG) · ␗M41A3 · M64 · WMA301
Medium tanks  ␗M4A4 (1st PTG) · T-34-85 No.215 · Т-62 №545 · ZTZ59A · Type 69-IIa · T-69 II G · ZTZ96A (P) · Al-Khalid-I
Heavy tanks  IS-2 No.402