Difference between revisions of "Jaguar IS"

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m (Filling out some known info per ingame sources. Apologies if this is not the correct procedure.)
(I have filled out the vast majority of the article, although it isn't quite finished. I will fill out the rest of it in the coming days.)
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== Description ==
== Description ==
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.''
The '''Jaguar IS''' is an Indian variant of the SEPECAT Jaguar, a supersonic jet attack aircraft that emerged as a joint Anglo-French venture for a supersonic jet trainer with light ground attack capabilities. One of many export variants, this vehicle has seen extensive service in its more than 40 years of continuous service, arming Indian squadrons since 1981.
Relative to its battle rating, the Jaguar IS sports rather modest suspended ordnance, especially when compared to its contemporaries. Nonetheless, it can pack quite a heavy punch, with a bombload of up to 8,000 lbs. The Jaguar IS retains the over-wing air-to-air missile pylons that made the Jaguar GR.1A so unique, meaning that this jet does not compromise on air-to-air capabilities, regardless of the air-to-ground ordnance selected. And these are no ordinary missiles: a pair of Matra R550 Magic 2s are incredibly potent, and are arguably among the most powerful infrared homing missiles in all of War Thunder.
The Jaguar IS was introduced in Update Air Superiority as a reward for the Sword of Justice event.
== General info ==
== General info ==
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<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.''
While it is indeed supersonic, the jet does not have particularly remarkable performance, and is outclassed by most of its contemporaries. It has lacklustre engine power and poor aerodynamics, lending to an inability to supercruise, lacklustre acceleration and terrible energy retention.
Thankfully, the Jaguar IS does have rather robust engines that are very slow to overheat, and give ample time to reduce throttle before incurring any damage to the engines. Additionally, it has adequate manoeuvrability and among the best nose authority of any aircraft in the game, rivalled only by other Jaguar variants. This gives the aircraft the ability to force the nose towards an enemy, thereby bringing the guns on-target. This technique often catches enemies off-guard, and can net a quick and satisfying kill from time-to-time.
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<!-- ''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.'' -->
<!-- ''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.'' -->
''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.''
The aircraft has no armour to speak of, thus the pilot, engines, and fuel tanks are vulnerable to stray shrapnel. This can lead to a "pilot-snipe", or set fire to the vehicle, a particularly common cause of death considering the Jaguar IS lacks any engine fire systems or fire-prevention equipment.
However, the Jaguar IS does have access to ample countermeasures including both flares and chaff. With 60 slots, it's by no means indulgent when compared to other aircraft like the Harrier GR.7, but it is more than enough to last most sorties in both Realistic and Simulator battles. This is compounded by its modern Radar Warning Receiver, which can detect radar bands E-J, Pulse Doppler, Track While Scan, and even Continuous-Wave radar. Furthermore, it is able to display the relative position of the radar source along 4 axes, which is sufficient for most use cases.
=== Modifications and economy ===
=== Modifications and economy ===
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<!-- ''Describe the aircraft's suspended armament: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the aircraft's suspended armament: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.'' -->
''Describe the aircraft's suspended armament: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.''
=== Air-to-Air ===
The Jaguar IS sports a pair of Matra R550 Magic 2 heat-seeking air-to-air missiles, which are arguably some of the most capable weapons of its class in all of War Thunder. The Magic 2 has a 35G overload and an all-aspect uncaged seeker. Furthermore, it has IRCCM, rendering it practically all but immune to standard calibre flares in the rear-aspect. This means that a rear-aspect lock on a target is pretty much a guaranteed kill. This is especially the case in a down-tier facing 10.0 aircraft, which often lack flares entirely.
=== Air-to-Ground ===
As a strike fighter, the Jaguar IS can be assumed to have a diverse and powerful array of suspended ordnance. However, this is unfortunately not the case: it has a rather modest payload of up to 8,000 lbs which is less than most of its peers. This means that it can only destroy one base (5,000lbs per base), with 3,000lbs to spare. Despite the somewhat mediocre payload, the CCRP for bombs as well as the fact that bombs are dropped one at a time (rather than in pairs) it can be very precise while delivering a sizeable payload. Assuming every bomb nets a kill (which is fairly reasonable given the explosive mass), the Jaguar IS can theoretically get as many as 8 kills - or more - in Ground Realistic battles.
It has access to up to 3 rather potent guided bombs which is above average for aircraft at its battle rating. This gives it excellent capability for long-range precision targeting, and is especially useful in Air Simulator, Ground Realistic, and Ground Simulator Battles.
Furthermore, the Tornado IS can mount unguided rockets, however they are not particularly potent or reliable as a weapon. While they do have a lot of penetration due to their HEAT warheads, conventional dumb or guided bombs are more reliable. Rockets are only worth considering in some Enduring Confrontation scenarios where the player wishes to kill numerous ground targets in a single sortie.
The Tornado IS has CCIP/CCRP for all available munitions and ordnance, allowing for precision target acquisition and bombardment. In the hands of a competent player, this pretty much guarantees that suspended armament will result in a kill.
== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
''Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
=== Air Battles ===
==== Air Arcade ====
The Jaguar IS is excellent in Air Arcade battles as a fighter. It's excellent manoeuvrability and nose authority grants it an unparalleled edge when compared to enemies. Furthermore, the flight models in Air Arcade better accommodate the quirks of the Jaguar airframe, minimising energy bleed while allowing the aircraft to pull manoeuvres otherwise impossible in other game modes. Unfortunately, the Jaguar IS has only 1 x 30 mm ADEN Mk.4 cannon, which reduces the likelihood of getting a kill from a glancing blow, increasing the time-to-kill. Luckily, the low velocity of this armament is accommodated by the presence of a lead indicator in this game mode.
Concerns regarding the scarcity of ammunition, countermeasures, and air-to-air ordnance are further alleviated in this game mode due to intermittent aerial rearmament upon running out of ammo.
Taking bombs is ill-advised at this battle rating due to the sheer onslaught of enemy aircraft, many of whom are quick to prey on strike jets like the Jaguar. Bomb targets in Air Arcade require more ordnance to successfully destroy than in Air Realistic battles, further condemning the rather lacklustre bombload of the Jaguar IS to mediocrity. It is for this reason that the recommended payload in Air Arcade battles is:
* 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 30 x flares & 30 x chaff
==== Air Realistic ====
The Jaguar IS is poorly suited to Air Realistic battles on most occasions due to its inadequate top speed and acceleration, and its overall vulnerability to enemy aircraft. While it has excellent air-to-air missiles, it only has two of them, and thus it is imperative to stay avoid being swarmed by enemy aircraft since the Jaguar IS can only reliably take one or two enemies at a time. Plus, it is rarely able to destroy bomb targets since most teammates are in much faster aircraft and are able to reach and destroy all available bomb targets long before the Jaguar IS reaches the battlefield.
The recommended payload in Air Realistic Battles is:
* 2x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 8x 1,000 lb bombs
* 30 x flares & 30 x chaff
This loadout gives the player the ability to defend themselves against enemy aircraft while fulfilling its strike role. It is ill advised to focus on player-vs-player (PvP) gameplay due to the vulnerability and lacklustre air-to-air capabilities of the jet, and so the only other viable option is to focus on strike, with air-to-air kills as a bonus if the situation presents itself.
It is advised that the player loiter behind the frontlines, climbing to a high altitude, waiting for the bomb targets to respawn. Alternatively, the player can opt out of bombs, carrying Matra Magic 2 missiles exclusively, to go for a couple of quick kills before immediately retreating to base. At base, the player can then re-equip the larger payload aforementioned.
==== Air Simulator ====
The Jaguar IS is a capable aircraft in Air Simulator, although its lack of radar severely hampers it. If encountering an enemy, the Magic 2 all-aspect missiles are exceptionally hard to dodge, although it is unlikely you will notice an enemy before they notice you considering most aircraft have radar at this tier.
For safe and reliable gameplay, it is advised to carry the maximum bombload to target enemy bases, as this is consistently the most reliable and safest way to earn points for your team in this vehicle. The dumb bombs are also more than capable of taking out most naval targets since their anti-air capabilities are largely redundant in this game mode. The head-up display (HUD) shows the bomb CCRP when selected.
However, should the player wish to target an aircraft carrier, or other ground units escorted by SPAAGs, it is best to use the guided bombs instead. This is because SPAAGs and carrier anti-air batteries are absolutely ruthless in Air Simulator battles, and a distance of at least a kilometre must be maintained at all times.
It is imperative to bring chaff in Air Simulator due to the increased reliance on radar-guided missiles and medium ranged combat in this game mode.
The recommended payload in this game mode is either:
* 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 8 x 1,000 lb bombs
* 30 x flares & 30 x chaff
* 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 1 x LITENING targeting pod
* 3 x Mk.13 guided bombs
=== Ground Battles ===
==== Ground Arcade ====
You have no control over the aircraft you are allocated or the ordnance equipped in Ground Arcade. Play with the cards you are dealt. The Jaguar IS is considered a reward vehicle and is not present in the standard Ground Arcade air battle event pool; players are overwhelmingly unlikely to spawn this jet in Ground Arcade.
==== Ground Realistic ====
The Jaguar IS can pursue two playstyles in Ground Realistic battles. The first is the more conventional aggressive playstyle featuring unguided bombs. This method can net up to 8 kills in the hands of a skilled player using the CCRP, although it is necessary to get close to carry out such strikes, putting the aircraft in range of enemy self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (SPAAG). Alternatively, the player can opt for a safer, more cautions approach, using the guided bombs to target enemies with greater precision from longer range. The Jaguar IS can only carry up to 3 guided bombs, so this strategy typically nets less kills, but it is much safer and allows the player to return to the airfield to re-arm and head back in on another bombing run.
It is not recommended to use unguided rockets in Ground Realistic due to their short range and unreliability against the particularly armoured targets encountered at this battle rating. Most enemies have either explosive reactive armour (ERA), composite armour, or both, which can completely neuter or significantly reduce the lethality of the HEAT warheads on the rockets. It is typically necessary to fire off at least a dozen or so rockets to guarantee a kill, at which point one might as well use bombs instead due to their reliability.
The recommended loadouts for Ground Realistic battles are either:
* 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 8 x 1,000 lb bombs
* 30 x flares & 30 x chaff
* 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 1 x LITENING II targeting pod
* 3 x Mk.13 guided bombs
* 30 x flares & 30 x chaff
==== Ground Simulator ====
In Ground Simulator, guided munitions are by far the most effective way to get kills. Pilot awareness in the first-person view is severely restricted and therefore the pilot is far more vulnerable to enemy SPAA. One must maintain a distance of at least two kilometres at all times from the battlefield in order to reliably mitigate this. Furthermore, aircraft are much more difficult to handle in Air Simulator battles, so using dumb bombs on often moving targets is difficult to do accurately. This means that the use of guided bombs is not only imperative for the safety of the pilot, but imperative for the precision of the strike itself.
The recommended payload in Ground Simulator battles is:
* 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
* 1 x LITENING II targeting pod
* 3 x Mk.13 guided bombs
* 30 x flares & 30 x chaff
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".''
* Excellent air-to-air missiles
** Matra R550 Magic 2 have IRCCM
** Matra R550 Magic 2 are provided stock
* Over-wing pylons mean air-to-air weapons do not compromise on payload
* Access to guided bombs with modern guidance systems
* Excellent nose-authority
* Constantly Computed Impact Point (CCIP) available for all ordnance
* No radar
* Poor acceleration & energy retention
* Sub-par payload & ordnance
** Maximum payload is less than many of its contemporaries
** Relatively scarce supply of countermeasures
** Only two air-to-air missiles
** Only one autocannon
== History ==
== History ==
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).''
The Jaguar IS is an Indian variant of the internationally successful SEPECAT Jaguar, which has seen service in as many as six countries, including France, the United Kingdom, India, Oman, Ecuador, and Nigeria. Originally developed as a jet trainer, this ambition was swiftly superseded with the goal of creating an all-weather light strike platform with interdiction capabilities. A joint-venture between France and the United Kingdom, it went on to see service in numerous roles and theatres of conflict including the Gulf War and the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia, where their precision-guided munitions proved crucial to minimising civilian casualties from aerial operations in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, and Herzegovina.
The Jaguar IS is one of several export variants, this one specifically intended for Indian service. The aircraft was initially adapted and produced by British Aerospace (BAe), however production was subsequently relinquished to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the remainder of its production run. 35 Jaguar IS jets were built by BAe, while the remaining 89 were built by HAL. India also fielded the Jaguar IB, a tandem trainer variant, with 5 built by BAe, and 27 built by HAL.
Later on, the Jaguar IS was adapted into a naval aircraft by HAL, designated the Jaguar IM. This variant was fitted with an arrestor hook for carrier operations, as well as a radar system. and up to two BAe Sea Eagle anti-ship cruise missiles.
The Jaguar saw operational deployment in Indian service on multiple occasions, including reconnaissance in Sri Lanka as a component of the Indian Peacekeeping Force, and again in an offensive role during the Kargil War where it was instrumental in its role as a strike aircraft.
== Media ==
== Media ==
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* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* [[Jaguar (Family)]]
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
** [[Jaguar A]]
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
** [[Jaguar E]]
** [[Jaguar GR.1]]
** [[Jaguar GR.1A]]
== External links ==
== External links ==
Line 177: Line 296:
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''other literature.'' -->
* [[wt:en/news/8742-development-sword-of-justice-jaguar-is-en|[Devblog] Sword of Justice: Jaguar IS]]
* [[wt:en/news/8742-development-sword-of-justice-jaguar-is-en|[Devblog] Sword of Justice: Jaguar IS]]
{{AirManufacturer SEPECAT}}
{{AirManufacturer SEPECAT}}
{{Britain jet aircraft}}
{{Britain jet aircraft}}

Revision as of 11:51, 8 March 2024

Introducing Wiki 3.0
This page is about the British strike aircraft Jaguar IS. For other versions, see Jaguar (Family).
Jaguar IS
Jaguar IS
11.0 11.3 11.3


The Jaguar IS is an Indian variant of the SEPECAT Jaguar, a supersonic jet attack aircraft that emerged as a joint Anglo-French venture for a supersonic jet trainer with light ground attack capabilities. One of many export variants, this vehicle has seen extensive service in its more than 40 years of continuous service, arming Indian squadrons since 1981.

Relative to its battle rating, the Jaguar IS sports rather modest suspended ordnance, especially when compared to its contemporaries. Nonetheless, it can pack quite a heavy punch, with a bombload of up to 8,000 lbs. The Jaguar IS retains the over-wing air-to-air missile pylons that made the Jaguar GR.1A so unique, meaning that this jet does not compromise on air-to-air capabilities, regardless of the air-to-ground ordnance selected. And these are no ordinary missiles: a pair of Matra R550 Magic 2s are incredibly potent, and are arguably among the most powerful infrared homing missiles in all of War Thunder.

The Jaguar IS was introduced in Update Air Superiority as a reward for the Sword of Justice event.

General info

Flight performance

Arrestor gear
Accelerates braking by grabbing the brake cable on the deck of the aircraft carrier
Air brakes
Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps
Drogue parachute
Reduces braking distance when landing on any runway
Max speed
at 10 668 m1 609 km/h
Turn time30 s
Max altitude13 716 m
Engine2 х Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Limited Adour Mk.811
Cooling systemAir
Take-off weight14 t

While it is indeed supersonic, the jet does not have particularly remarkable performance, and is outclassed by most of its contemporaries. It has lacklustre engine power and poor aerodynamics, lending to an inability to supercruise, lacklustre acceleration and terrible energy retention.

Thankfully, the Jaguar IS does have rather robust engines that are very slow to overheat, and give ample time to reduce throttle before incurring any damage to the engines. Additionally, it has adequate manoeuvrability and among the best nose authority of any aircraft in the game, rivalled only by other Jaguar variants. This gives the aircraft the ability to force the nose towards an enemy, thereby bringing the guns on-target. This technique often catches enemies off-guard, and can net a quick and satisfying kill from time-to-time.

Characteristics Max speed
(km/h at 10,668 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 1,576 1,558 13716 31.6 32.2 86.2 78.2 850
Upgraded ___ ___ __._ __._ __._ __._


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear Drogue chute
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
0 481 ___ ___ ___ ~__ ~__
Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< ___ < ___ < ___ > ___

Engine performance

Engine Aircraft mass
Engine name Number Basic mass Wing loading (full fuel)
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Limited Adour Mk.811 2 _,___ kg ___ kg/m2
Engine characteristics Mass with fuel (no weapons load) Max Takeoff
Weight (each) Type _m fuel __m fuel __m fuel
709 kg _____ _,___ kg _,___ kg _,___ kg _,___ kg
Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB/SB) Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (___%/WEP)
Condition 100% ___%/WEP _m fuel __m fuel __m fuel MTOW
Stationary ___ kgf ___ kgf _.__ _.__ _.__ _.__
Optimal ___ kgf
(_ km/h)
___ kgf
(_ km/h)
_.__ _.__ _.__ _.__

Survivability and armour

Aircraft countermeasures to distract IR and radar-guided missiles and also AA radar
Crew1 person
Speed of destruction
Structural0 km/h
Gear481 km/h

The aircraft has no armour to speak of, thus the pilot, engines, and fuel tanks are vulnerable to stray shrapnel. This can lead to a "pilot-snipe", or set fire to the vehicle, a particularly common cause of death considering the Jaguar IS lacks any engine fire systems or fire-prevention equipment.

However, the Jaguar IS does have access to ample countermeasures including both flares and chaff. With 60 slots, it's by no means indulgent when compared to other aircraft like the Harrier GR.7, but it is more than enough to last most sorties in both Realistic and Simulator battles. This is compounded by its modern Radar Warning Receiver, which can detect radar bands E-J, Pulse Doppler, Track While Scan, and even Continuous-Wave radar. Furthermore, it is able to display the relative position of the radar source along 4 axes, which is sufficient for most use cases.

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB3 645 → 4 902 Sl icon.png
RB8 618 → 11 591 Sl icon.png
SB11 033 → 14 839 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications263 000 Rp icon.png
409 000 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost2 900 Ge icon.png
Crew training240 000 Sl icon.png
Experts830 000 Sl icon.png
Aces3 000 Ge icon.png
Research Aces1 140 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
80 / 320 / 600 % Sl icon.png
238 / 238 / 238 % Rp icon.png
Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
Mods aerodinamic fuse.png
Fuselage repair
11 000 Rp icon.png
17 000 Sl icon.png
330 Ge icon.png
Mods jet compressor.png
11 000 Rp icon.png
17 000 Sl icon.png
330 Ge icon.png
Mods armor frame.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
450 Ge icon.png
Mods booster.png
New boosters
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
450 Ge icon.png
Mods aerodinamic wing.png
Wings repair
16 000 Rp icon.png
25 000 Sl icon.png
480 Ge icon.png
Mods g suit.png
16 000 Rp icon.png
25 000 Sl icon.png
480 Ge icon.png
Mods armor cover.png
21 000 Rp icon.png
33 000 Sl icon.png
640 Ge icon.png
Mods jet engine.png
21 000 Rp icon.png
33 000 Sl icon.png
640 Ge icon.png
Mods ammo.png
11 000 Rp icon.png
17 000 Sl icon.png
330 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 1.png
Mods pilon block rocket.png
LAU-5003 B/A
11 000 Rp icon.png
17 000 Sl icon.png
330 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods heli false thermal targets.png
11 000 Rp icon.png
17 000 Sl icon.png
330 Ge icon.png
Mods pilon block rocket.png
Matra SNEB
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
450 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods thermal sight.png
15 000 Rp icon.png
23 000 Sl icon.png
450 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 1.png
Mods weapon.png
16 000 Rp icon.png
25 000 Sl icon.png
480 Ge icon.png
Mods pilon bomb.png
Mk.N1 540lb
16 000 Rp icon.png
25 000 Sl icon.png
480 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods pilon bomb.png
Mk.10 1000lb
21 000 Rp icon.png
33 000 Sl icon.png
640 Ge icon.png
Mods laser guided bomb.png
21 000 Rp icon.png
33 000 Sl icon.png
640 Ge icon.png


Ballistic Computer
CCIP (Guns) CCIP (Rockets) CCIP (Bombs) CCRP (Bombs)
Icon GreenCheckmark.png Icon GreenCheckmark.png Icon GreenCheckmark.png Icon GreenCheckmark.png

Offensive armament

Main article: ADEN Mk.4 (30 mm)

The Jaguar IS is armed with:

  • A choice between two presets:
    • 1 x 30 mm ADEN Mk.4 cannon, belly-mounted (150 rpg)
    • 1 x 30 mm ADEN Mk.4 cannon + 60 x countermeasures

Suspended armament


The Jaguar IS sports a pair of Matra R550 Magic 2 heat-seeking air-to-air missiles, which are arguably some of the most capable weapons of its class in all of War Thunder. The Magic 2 has a 35G overload and an all-aspect uncaged seeker. Furthermore, it has IRCCM, rendering it practically all but immune to standard calibre flares in the rear-aspect. This means that a rear-aspect lock on a target is pretty much a guaranteed kill. This is especially the case in a down-tier facing 10.0 aircraft, which often lack flares entirely.


As a strike fighter, the Jaguar IS can be assumed to have a diverse and powerful array of suspended ordnance. However, this is unfortunately not the case: it has a rather modest payload of up to 8,000 lbs which is less than most of its peers. This means that it can only destroy one base (5,000lbs per base), with 3,000lbs to spare. Despite the somewhat mediocre payload, the CCRP for bombs as well as the fact that bombs are dropped one at a time (rather than in pairs) it can be very precise while delivering a sizeable payload. Assuming every bomb nets a kill (which is fairly reasonable given the explosive mass), the Jaguar IS can theoretically get as many as 8 kills - or more - in Ground Realistic battles.

It has access to up to 3 rather potent guided bombs which is above average for aircraft at its battle rating. This gives it excellent capability for long-range precision targeting, and is especially useful in Air Simulator, Ground Realistic, and Ground Simulator Battles.

Furthermore, the Tornado IS can mount unguided rockets, however they are not particularly potent or reliable as a weapon. While they do have a lot of penetration due to their HEAT warheads, conventional dumb or guided bombs are more reliable. Rockets are only worth considering in some Enduring Confrontation scenarios where the player wishes to kill numerous ground targets in a single sortie.

The Tornado IS has CCIP/CCRP for all available munitions and ordnance, allowing for precision target acquisition and bombardment. In the hands of a competent player, this pretty much guarantees that suspended armament will result in a kill.

Usage in battles

Air Battles

Air Arcade

The Jaguar IS is excellent in Air Arcade battles as a fighter. It's excellent manoeuvrability and nose authority grants it an unparalleled edge when compared to enemies. Furthermore, the flight models in Air Arcade better accommodate the quirks of the Jaguar airframe, minimising energy bleed while allowing the aircraft to pull manoeuvres otherwise impossible in other game modes. Unfortunately, the Jaguar IS has only 1 x 30 mm ADEN Mk.4 cannon, which reduces the likelihood of getting a kill from a glancing blow, increasing the time-to-kill. Luckily, the low velocity of this armament is accommodated by the presence of a lead indicator in this game mode.

Concerns regarding the scarcity of ammunition, countermeasures, and air-to-air ordnance are further alleviated in this game mode due to intermittent aerial rearmament upon running out of ammo.

Taking bombs is ill-advised at this battle rating due to the sheer onslaught of enemy aircraft, many of whom are quick to prey on strike jets like the Jaguar. Bomb targets in Air Arcade require more ordnance to successfully destroy than in Air Realistic battles, further condemning the rather lacklustre bombload of the Jaguar IS to mediocrity. It is for this reason that the recommended payload in Air Arcade battles is:

  • 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 30 x flares & 30 x chaff

Air Realistic

The Jaguar IS is poorly suited to Air Realistic battles on most occasions due to its inadequate top speed and acceleration, and its overall vulnerability to enemy aircraft. While it has excellent air-to-air missiles, it only has two of them, and thus it is imperative to stay avoid being swarmed by enemy aircraft since the Jaguar IS can only reliably take one or two enemies at a time. Plus, it is rarely able to destroy bomb targets since most teammates are in much faster aircraft and are able to reach and destroy all available bomb targets long before the Jaguar IS reaches the battlefield.

The recommended payload in Air Realistic Battles is:

  • 2x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 8x 1,000 lb bombs
  • 30 x flares & 30 x chaff

This loadout gives the player the ability to defend themselves against enemy aircraft while fulfilling its strike role. It is ill advised to focus on player-vs-player (PvP) gameplay due to the vulnerability and lacklustre air-to-air capabilities of the jet, and so the only other viable option is to focus on strike, with air-to-air kills as a bonus if the situation presents itself.

It is advised that the player loiter behind the frontlines, climbing to a high altitude, waiting for the bomb targets to respawn. Alternatively, the player can opt out of bombs, carrying Matra Magic 2 missiles exclusively, to go for a couple of quick kills before immediately retreating to base. At base, the player can then re-equip the larger payload aforementioned.

Air Simulator

The Jaguar IS is a capable aircraft in Air Simulator, although its lack of radar severely hampers it. If encountering an enemy, the Magic 2 all-aspect missiles are exceptionally hard to dodge, although it is unlikely you will notice an enemy before they notice you considering most aircraft have radar at this tier.

For safe and reliable gameplay, it is advised to carry the maximum bombload to target enemy bases, as this is consistently the most reliable and safest way to earn points for your team in this vehicle. The dumb bombs are also more than capable of taking out most naval targets since their anti-air capabilities are largely redundant in this game mode. The head-up display (HUD) shows the bomb CCRP when selected.

However, should the player wish to target an aircraft carrier, or other ground units escorted by SPAAGs, it is best to use the guided bombs instead. This is because SPAAGs and carrier anti-air batteries are absolutely ruthless in Air Simulator battles, and a distance of at least a kilometre must be maintained at all times.

It is imperative to bring chaff in Air Simulator due to the increased reliance on radar-guided missiles and medium ranged combat in this game mode.

The recommended payload in this game mode is either:

  • 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 8 x 1,000 lb bombs
  • 30 x flares & 30 x chaff


  • 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 1 x LITENING targeting pod
  • 3 x Mk.13 guided bombs

Ground Battles

Ground Arcade

You have no control over the aircraft you are allocated or the ordnance equipped in Ground Arcade. Play with the cards you are dealt. The Jaguar IS is considered a reward vehicle and is not present in the standard Ground Arcade air battle event pool; players are overwhelmingly unlikely to spawn this jet in Ground Arcade.

Ground Realistic

The Jaguar IS can pursue two playstyles in Ground Realistic battles. The first is the more conventional aggressive playstyle featuring unguided bombs. This method can net up to 8 kills in the hands of a skilled player using the CCRP, although it is necessary to get close to carry out such strikes, putting the aircraft in range of enemy self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (SPAAG). Alternatively, the player can opt for a safer, more cautions approach, using the guided bombs to target enemies with greater precision from longer range. The Jaguar IS can only carry up to 3 guided bombs, so this strategy typically nets less kills, but it is much safer and allows the player to return to the airfield to re-arm and head back in on another bombing run.

It is not recommended to use unguided rockets in Ground Realistic due to their short range and unreliability against the particularly armoured targets encountered at this battle rating. Most enemies have either explosive reactive armour (ERA), composite armour, or both, which can completely neuter or significantly reduce the lethality of the HEAT warheads on the rockets. It is typically necessary to fire off at least a dozen or so rockets to guarantee a kill, at which point one might as well use bombs instead due to their reliability.

The recommended loadouts for Ground Realistic battles are either:

  • 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 8 x 1,000 lb bombs
  • 30 x flares & 30 x chaff


  • 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 1 x LITENING II targeting pod
  • 3 x Mk.13 guided bombs
  • 30 x flares & 30 x chaff

Ground Simulator

In Ground Simulator, guided munitions are by far the most effective way to get kills. Pilot awareness in the first-person view is severely restricted and therefore the pilot is far more vulnerable to enemy SPAA. One must maintain a distance of at least two kilometres at all times from the battlefield in order to reliably mitigate this. Furthermore, aircraft are much more difficult to handle in Air Simulator battles, so using dumb bombs on often moving targets is difficult to do accurately. This means that the use of guided bombs is not only imperative for the safety of the pilot, but imperative for the precision of the strike itself.

The recommended payload in Ground Simulator battles is:

  • 2 x Matra R550 Magic 2
  • 1 x LITENING II targeting pod
  • 3 x Mk.13 guided bombs
  • 30 x flares & 30 x chaff

Pros and cons


  • Excellent air-to-air missiles
    • Matra R550 Magic 2 have IRCCM
    • Matra R550 Magic 2 are provided stock
  • Over-wing pylons mean air-to-air weapons do not compromise on payload
  • Access to guided bombs with modern guidance systems
  • Excellent nose-authority
  • Constantly Computed Impact Point (CCIP) available for all ordnance


  • No radar
  • Poor acceleration & energy retention
  • Sub-par payload & ordnance
    • Maximum payload is less than many of its contemporaries
    • Relatively scarce supply of countermeasures
    • Only two air-to-air missiles
    • Only one autocannon


The Jaguar IS is an Indian variant of the internationally successful SEPECAT Jaguar, which has seen service in as many as six countries, including France, the United Kingdom, India, Oman, Ecuador, and Nigeria. Originally developed as a jet trainer, this ambition was swiftly superseded with the goal of creating an all-weather light strike platform with interdiction capabilities. A joint-venture between France and the United Kingdom, it went on to see service in numerous roles and theatres of conflict including the Gulf War and the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia, where their precision-guided munitions proved crucial to minimising civilian casualties from aerial operations in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, and Herzegovina.

The Jaguar IS is one of several export variants, this one specifically intended for Indian service. The aircraft was initially adapted and produced by British Aerospace (BAe), however production was subsequently relinquished to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the remainder of its production run. 35 Jaguar IS jets were built by BAe, while the remaining 89 were built by HAL. India also fielded the Jaguar IB, a tandem trainer variant, with 5 built by BAe, and 27 built by HAL.

Later on, the Jaguar IS was adapted into a naval aircraft by HAL, designated the Jaguar IM. This variant was fitted with an arrestor hook for carrier operations, as well as a radar system. and up to two BAe Sea Eagle anti-ship cruise missiles.

The Jaguar saw operational deployment in Indian service on multiple occasions, including reconnaissance in Sri Lanka as a component of the Indian Peacekeeping Force, and again in an offensive role during the Kargil War where it was instrumental in its role as a strike aircraft.


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

External links

Jet fighters  Jaguar A · Jaguar E · Jaguar GR.1 · Jaguar GR.1A · Jaguar IS*
  SEPECAT was a joint venture between BAC (later BAe) and Bréguet (later merged with Dassault). Production were split between the two manufacturers.
*Built by BAe and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

Britain jet aircraft
Blackburn  Buccaneer S.1 · Buccaneer S.2 · Buccaneer S.2B
British Aerospace  Harrier GR.7 · Sea Harrier FRS.1 (e) · Sea Harrier FRS.1 · Sea Harrier FA 2
British Aircraft Corporation  Strikemaster Mk.88
English Electric  Canberra B Mk 2 · Canberra B (I) Mk 6 · Lightning F.6 · Lightning F.53
Gloster  Meteor F Mk 3 · Sea Meteor F Mk 3 · Meteor F Mk 4 G.41F · Meteor F Mk 4 G.41G · Meteor F Mk 8 G.41K · Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper
  Javelin F.(A.W.) Mk.9
de Havilland  Vampire F.B.5 · Venom FB.4 · Sea Venom FAW 20 · Sea Vixen F.A.W. Mk.2
Hawker  Sea Hawk FGA.6 · Hunter F.1 · Hunter F.6 · Hunter FGA.9 · Harrier GR.1 · Harrier GR.3
Panavia  Tornado GR.1 · Tornado GR.4 · Tornado F.3 · Tornado F.3 Late
SEPECAT  Jaguar GR.1 · Jaguar GR.1A · Jaguar IS
Supermarine  Attacker FB 1 · Attacker FB.2 · Scimitar F Mk.1 · Swift F.1 · Swift F.7
Foreign  Phantom FG.1 (USA) · Phantom FGR.2 (USA) · F-4J(UK) Phantom II (USA)
Australia  F-111C
India  ▄MiG-21 Bison
South Africa  ▄JAS39C