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| about = British helicopter '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
| usage = other version
| link = Scout AH.Mk.1
== Description ==
== Description ==
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the helicopter, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the helicopter in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the helicopter, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the helicopter in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The Westland Wasp was a British marine helicopter manufactured by Westland aircraft. Initially designed as a torpedo-carrying light patrol and scout helicopter, the Wasp was later modified to be able to carry the SS.11 (AGM-22) wire-guided missile. It originated from a requirement for a new shipborne helicopter that was both small but could also carry two homing torpedoes - this was known as the MATCH (Manned Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter) program. The Wasp wasn't fitted with mounted machine guns, as they were deemed unnecessary for the anti-submarine warfare role. The first pre-production Westland Wasp flew on October 28th, 1962. The Wasp was used by the militaries of several nations, but has now been retired and replaced with more modern helicopters.
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a rank {{Specs|rank}} British helicopter {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update 1.91 "Night Vision"]].
It was introduced in [[Update 1.91 "Night Vision"]]. The Wasp is the next step along the British helicopter tech tree from the Scout, boasting largely the same playstyle with some added challenges for any prospective helicopter jockey. The Wasp furthers the steep learning curve that is early British helicopters, with no armour or countermeasures to speak of, less mobility than its predecessor, and a lack of any fixed armament such as machine guns. However, for any pilot willing to put in the time, this featherweight will certainly sting like its namesake. With a small profile and retaining a good standard of agility; you can ensure timely delivery of the same punishing payload pilots will remember from the scout.
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Flight performance ===
=== Flight performance ===
''Describe how the helicopter behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.''
<!-- ''Describe how the helicopter behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
Even a stock Wasp handles very well, 70-75% on the collective (the 'throttle') will allow you to skim close to the ground at a steady pace while retaining comfortable mobility to perform approaches through the valleys and defilades the Wasp requires to close in and deliver its payload. You will not see much altitude gain unless you push past this however and the helicopter will begin to descend around the sub-70% mark but very smoothly. Use this to finely adjust when performing 'masking' tactics to engage enemy ground units.
The tail rotor boasts excellent performance when the collective is lowered below the 50% mark, however it can lock up at speed or if the collective is pushed higher towards the 100% mark. You can perform some very snappy manoeuvres in such conditions but attempting the same at higher speeds will result in a sluggish turn and in some instances a stall. If you need to turn and engage an opportune target or change direction and shift into cover, bleed speed carefully and lower the collective. The Wasp will reward you with a sharp about turn and swift relocation.
The Wasp holds a very steady, smooth forward flight. This can be a great boon in tandem with the stabilised gunner sight for daring ATGM strafe manoeuvres for the bold. But with the agility (If handled correctly) to allow a hasty retreat should things go south rapidly.
When compared to the Scout, the Wasp has less mobility, but more stability. It is extremely difficult to lose control of it even with basic arcade controls (though still not impossible). Out of the less obvious downsides, the engine has a tendency to choke at the worst moments until the helicopter is completely spaded.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | Characteristics
! rowspan="2" | Characteristics
! colspan="3" | ''Stock''
! colspan="2" | Max Speed<br>(km/h at 1,000 m)
! colspan="2" | Max Speed<br>(km/h at 1,000 m)
! rowspan="2" | Max altitude<br>(meters)
! rowspan="2" | Max altitude<br>(metres)
! AB !! RB
! AB !! RB
| ??? || ??? || {{Specs|ceiling}}
! Stock
| 180 || 168 || rowspan="2" | {{Specs|ceiling}}
! colspan="3" | ''Upgraded''
! Upgraded
| 219 || 200
! colspan="2" | Max Speed<br>(km/h at 1,000 m)
! rowspan="2" | Max altitude<br>(meters)
! AB !! RB
| ??? || ??? || {{Specs|ceiling}}
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
''Examine the survivability of the helicopter. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical systems.''
<!-- ''Examine the survivability of the helicopter. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical systems.'' -->
The Wasp carries absolutely no armour on its airframe. Much like its namesake, while it can sting it should remember at all times that it is still a bug and can be swatted from the sky like one with incredible ease. All vital components of the aircraft are exposed owing to its function as a scout helicopter and its necessity for speed.
The aircraft may survive stray rounds and glancing encounters with infantry calibres provided the pilot is not hit. But at its BR it will very commonly encounter light tanks such as the Bradley, Marder, and BMP. Their rapid firing cannons often with high explosive rounds mixed into their belts will most of the time annihilate the Wasp with a single shot. As agile as this helicopter is, it cannot outrun a determined 20 mm.
Because of these factors, approaching the battlefield at all is not recommended and best left to the crazy or the overly bold rogues.
=== Modifications and economy ===
The Wasp comes stock with its only payload and owing to its fragility should not be overly concerned with mobility immediately. The flak jacket should be prioritised to help protect your crew from stray rounds that get lucky, then the NVD upgrade to allow you a better view hunting at night. After these, the rest of the upgrades will provide a slight improvement to the airframe but the speed benefits to position swiftly are the key.
== Armaments ==
== Armaments ==
=== Offensive armament ===
''Describe the offensive armament of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.''
=== Suspended armament ===
<!-- ''Describe the helicopter's suspended armament: additional cannons under the winglets, any bombs, and rockets. Since any helicopter is essentially only a platform for suspended weaponry, this section is significant and deserves your special attention. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.'' -->
=== Suspended armament ===
The '''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' can be outfitted with the following ordnance:
''Describe the aircraft's suspended armament: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.''
* 4 x AS.11 missiles
* 2 x AS.12 missiles
The missiles carried by the Wasp are identical to the missiles carried by its predecessor the [[Scout AH.Mk.1]] so the pilot should already be comfortable in their operation. The AS.11 missiles are SACLOS (Semi Active Command to Line Of Sight) guided munitions and must be guided for their entire flight. These missiles boast a relatively short range of only 3.5 km which for most pilots can be a distance to the battlefield one begins sweating at. With 600 mm of armour penetration on a flat surface ranging down to 300 mm at extreme angles, the AS.11 carries enough punch to defeat most if not all targets; however, with only 1.5 kg equivalent explosive of TNT as a payload, positioning the missile is critical. Aim at the top of turrets or the flanks of your target to try and knock out crew clustered in the turret or force an ammo detonation.
Only a single missile can be guided at a time, firing an additional while one is already in flight will 'cut the wire' and force the first missile to go 'wild', most of the time veering off course at a lazy angle and self-destructing after a while. The latest fired missile will be the only one being actively guided by the gunner sights and this weapon is extremely difficult to operate if your gunner is knocked out, leaving the helicopter with only approximated aim of the pilot (F key).
=== Defensive armament ===
The Wasp also has access to AS.12 missiles, a larger version of the AS.11 with significantly improved range, explosive capacity, and penetration. However, the AS.12 is also marginally slower and only 2 are able to be equipped at a time. It can be beneficial to utilise the AS.11s at lower BRs, playing against weaker targets in less well-defended airspace, while equipping the AS.12 when playing in dangerous territory and against more well-protected opponents, to fully take advantage of its improved characteristics.
''Defensive armament with turret machine guns or cannons, crewed by gunners. Examine the number of gunners and what belts or drums are better to use. If defensive weaponry is not available, remove this subsection.''
== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
''Describe the tactics of playing in a helicopter, the features of using helicopter in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in a helicopter, the features of using the helicopter in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
'''Mixed battles (RB)'''
The Wasp HAS.Mk.1 will feel almost identical to its predecessor in the tech tree: the [[Scout AH.Mk.1]]. The helicopter is fragile and small but this time lacking the last-resort of fixed machine guns. Any assault from other helicopters or aircraft will almost always result in an unfavourable end for the Wasp, however enterprising and skilled pilots can still bite back with some masterful aiming of the AS.11 missiles and timing which will make short work of an enemy aircraft should it end up actually hitting.
Its small size will favour hit and run tactics or 'masking' tactics usually. That being, flying low close to the ground and out of sight, getting close to the battlefield and striking with one of its missiles, before fading away or rising and ducking down below the horizon from a 'sniping' perch. Cover and confusion are a pilot's best friends in the Wasp.
A patient pilot will be greatly rewarded by the Wasp, with immediate access to guided anti-tank munitions the Wasp does not need to make the same gambles a helicopter with only access to rocket pods or bombs may. But with the low-payload nature of its missiles and their slow speed and range factors, a steady and calm pilot must quickly figure out how to insert themselves where the enemies' soft spots are exposed. In the right hands the Wasp can comfortably stall an entire enemy push in support of its teammates, however every shot has to count with the Wasp's loadout of only four missiles.
'''Helicopter PvE (AB)'''
With its tiny payload and lack of machine guns, the Wasp is a very poor pick for Helicopter PvE battles. Its engagement range is still outside of all SPAA ranges and its slow missile require attention throughout their entire flight. You cannot strafe light vehicles with your lack of machine gun armament and even if every missile hits you will only gain four kills and be stuck awaiting a reload as your teammates move in to engage the targets also. The AS.11s are the only loadout for the Wasp so taking rockets to strike gun emplacements is unfortunately not an option either.
If you must take the Wasp into PvE the best bet will be to play support as best you can, capture landing points and drop your missiles on SPAA or targets of opportunity when they arise but most of your gameplay will be spent in flight time.
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".''
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
* Carries air-to-surface missiles that are effective against tanks
* Tiny profile
* Has wheels instead of skids, allowing some movement across terrain
* Better stability when compared to the [[Scout_AH.Mk.1|Scout]]
* No guns
* No choice in armament options
* Fragile
* Poor mobility, especially when stock
== History ==
== History ==
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the helicopter in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).''
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the helicopter in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
The Westland Wasp was a British marine helicopter manufactured by Westland aircraft. Initially designed as a torpedo-carrying light patrol and scout helicopter, the Wasp was later modified to be able to carry the SS.11 (AGM-22) wire-guided missile. It gained the distinction of sinking a ship in combat, the ARA ''Santa Fe'', which was sunk using AGM-22s and torpedoes during the Falklands War. The Wasp has been used by the militaries of several nations, but has now been retired and replaced with more modern helicopters.<ref name=":0">Navy Wings. (2019)</ref>
=== Design and Development ===
The Westland Wasp originated from a requirement for a new shipborne helicopter that was both small but could also carry two homing torpedoes - this was known as the MATCH (Manned Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter) program.<ref name=":0" /> The Wasp was designed to operate in conjunction with its mothership, dropping its load of torpedoes on enemy submarines as directed by the mothership's sonar.<ref name=":0" />
The Westland design firm decided to design a new helicopter based on their successful Westland Scout design.<ref name=":0" /> The original skid-type landing gear was replaced with a quad-set of wheels, while the rotors and fuselage were designed to be fully foldable to make the helicopter as compact as possible.<ref name=":0" /> As well, the Wasp wasn't fitted with mounted machine guns, as they were deemed unnecessary for the anti-submarine warfare role. The first pre-production Westland Wasp flew on October 28th 1962.<ref name=":0" />
=== Operational History ===
[[File:Brazilian Westland Wasp over USS Mahan (DDG-42) 1977.jpg|thumb|A Brazilian Wasp hovers off USS Mahan, 1977.]]
Following the end of testing, the Royal Navy ordered a total of 133 Westland Wasps. These aircraft served on a variety of RN ships, where they distinguished themselves as reliable search, rescue and anti submarine warfare helicopters.<ref name=":0" /> Later on, the Wasp was given the ability to carry four AGM-22 missiles, which were license-produced variants of the SS.11 anti-tank missile developed by Nord Aviation.
The Westland Wasp had its largest success in 1982, when it engaged the Argentinian submarine ARA ''Santa Fe''.<ref name=":0" /> After a Westland Wessex helicopter managed to spot the submarine, three Royal Navy Wasps managed to fire several AS.12 (an anti-ship variant of the SS.11) missiles at the submarine, scoring hits. The damage suffered was enough to prompt the Argentinian crew to abandon the submarine, which was claimed by British forces and scuttled. The Wasp enjoyed a long service life, being retired in 1988 after the last Type 12 Rothesay-class frigates were decommissioned.<ref name=":0" /> It was also exported to several other nations, and was used by the Royal Malaysian Navy until 2000. A total of 133 Wasps were built.<ref name=":0" />
== Media ==
== Media ==
''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.''
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=wasp_has_mk1 Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
== See also ==
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
<!-- ''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the helicopter;''
* ''reference to the series of the helicopter;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* [[Scout AH.Mk.1]]
== External links ==
== External links ==
<!--''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''encyclopedia page on the helicopter;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''other literature.''-->
* [https://warthunder.com/en/news/6318-development-westland-scout-wasp-sting-like-a-bee-en [Development<nowiki>]</nowiki> Westland Scout & Wasp: Sting Like A Bee]
* [[wt:en/news/6318-development-westland-scout-wasp-sting-like-a-bee-en|[Development] Westland Scout & Wasp: Sting Like A Bee]]
=== References ===
<references />
* Navy Wings. (2019, October 14). Westland Wasp (G-KAXT). Retrieved November 20, 2020, from <nowiki>https://navywings.org.uk/portfolio/westland-wasp-2/</nowiki>
{{AirManufacturer Westland}}
{{Britain helicopters}}
{{Britain helicopters}}

Latest revision as of 13:38, 28 November 2023

Introducing Wiki 3.0
Wasp HAS.Mk.1
GarageImage Wasp HAS.Mk.1.jpg
Wasp HAS.Mk.1
9.0 9.0 9.0
Research:150 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:490 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png


The Westland Wasp was a British marine helicopter manufactured by Westland aircraft. Initially designed as a torpedo-carrying light patrol and scout helicopter, the Wasp was later modified to be able to carry the SS.11 (AGM-22) wire-guided missile. It originated from a requirement for a new shipborne helicopter that was both small but could also carry two homing torpedoes - this was known as the MATCH (Manned Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter) program. The Wasp wasn't fitted with mounted machine guns, as they were deemed unnecessary for the anti-submarine warfare role. The first pre-production Westland Wasp flew on October 28th, 1962. The Wasp was used by the militaries of several nations, but has now been retired and replaced with more modern helicopters.

It was introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision". The Wasp is the next step along the British helicopter tech tree from the Scout, boasting largely the same playstyle with some added challenges for any prospective helicopter jockey. The Wasp furthers the steep learning curve that is early British helicopters, with no armour or countermeasures to speak of, less mobility than its predecessor, and a lack of any fixed armament such as machine guns. However, for any pilot willing to put in the time, this featherweight will certainly sting like its namesake. With a small profile and retaining a good standard of agility; you can ensure timely delivery of the same punishing payload pilots will remember from the scout.

General info

Flight performance

Max speed
at 1 000 m200 km/h
Max altitude5 400 m
EngineBristol Siddeley Nimbus Mk.103
Power710 hp
Take-off weight2 t

Even a stock Wasp handles very well, 70-75% on the collective (the 'throttle') will allow you to skim close to the ground at a steady pace while retaining comfortable mobility to perform approaches through the valleys and defilades the Wasp requires to close in and deliver its payload. You will not see much altitude gain unless you push past this however and the helicopter will begin to descend around the sub-70% mark but very smoothly. Use this to finely adjust when performing 'masking' tactics to engage enemy ground units.

The tail rotor boasts excellent performance when the collective is lowered below the 50% mark, however it can lock up at speed or if the collective is pushed higher towards the 100% mark. You can perform some very snappy manoeuvres in such conditions but attempting the same at higher speeds will result in a sluggish turn and in some instances a stall. If you need to turn and engage an opportune target or change direction and shift into cover, bleed speed carefully and lower the collective. The Wasp will reward you with a sharp about turn and swift relocation.

The Wasp holds a very steady, smooth forward flight. This can be a great boon in tandem with the stabilised gunner sight for daring ATGM strafe manoeuvres for the bold. But with the agility (If handled correctly) to allow a hasty retreat should things go south rapidly.

When compared to the Scout, the Wasp has less mobility, but more stability. It is extremely difficult to lose control of it even with basic arcade controls (though still not impossible). Out of the less obvious downsides, the engine has a tendency to choke at the worst moments until the helicopter is completely spaded.

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 1,000 m)
Max altitude
Stock 180 168 5400
Upgraded 219 200

Survivability and armour

Crew2 people
Speed of destruction
Structural330 km/h
Gear320 km/h

The Wasp carries absolutely no armour on its airframe. Much like its namesake, while it can sting it should remember at all times that it is still a bug and can be swatted from the sky like one with incredible ease. All vital components of the aircraft are exposed owing to its function as a scout helicopter and its necessity for speed.

The aircraft may survive stray rounds and glancing encounters with infantry calibres provided the pilot is not hit. But at its BR it will very commonly encounter light tanks such as the Bradley, Marder, and BMP. Their rapid firing cannons often with high explosive rounds mixed into their belts will most of the time annihilate the Wasp with a single shot. As agile as this helicopter is, it cannot outrun a determined 20 mm.

Because of these factors, approaching the battlefield at all is not recommended and best left to the crazy or the overly bold rogues.

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB10 253 → 12 847 Sl icon.png
RB2 964 → 3 713 Sl icon.png
SB4 996 → 6 259 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications268 000 Rp icon.png
418 000 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost2 200 Ge icon.png
Crew training140 000 Sl icon.png
Experts490 000 Sl icon.png
Aces1 800 Ge icon.png
Research Aces780 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
100 / 300 / 430 % Sl icon.png
202 / 202 / 202 % Rp icon.png
Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
Mods jet compressor.png
27 000 Rp icon.png
42 000 Sl icon.png
210 Ge icon.png
Mods cd 98 main rotor.png
Replacing helicopter blades
30 000 Rp icon.png
47 000 Sl icon.png
230 Ge icon.png
Mods jet engine.png
67 000 Rp icon.png
105 000 Sl icon.png
520 Ge icon.png
Mods heli flak jacket.png
Flak jacket
27 000 Rp icon.png
42 000 Sl icon.png
210 Ge icon.png
Mods heli structure.png
Helicopter frame
30 000 Rp icon.png
47 000 Sl icon.png
230 Ge icon.png
Mods armor cover.png
87 000 Rp icon.png
135 000 Sl icon.png
680 Ge icon.png

The Wasp comes stock with its only payload and owing to its fragility should not be overly concerned with mobility immediately. The flak jacket should be prioritised to help protect your crew from stray rounds that get lucky, then the NVD upgrade to allow you a better view hunting at night. After these, the rest of the upgrades will provide a slight improvement to the airframe but the speed benefits to position swiftly are the key.


Suspended armament

List of setups (2)
Setup 14 x AS.11 missiles
Setup 22 x AS.12 missiles
Main articles: AS.11, AS.12

The Wasp HAS.Mk.1 can be outfitted with the following ordnance:

  • 4 x AS.11 missiles
  • 2 x AS.12 missiles

The missiles carried by the Wasp are identical to the missiles carried by its predecessor the Scout AH.Mk.1 so the pilot should already be comfortable in their operation. The AS.11 missiles are SACLOS (Semi Active Command to Line Of Sight) guided munitions and must be guided for their entire flight. These missiles boast a relatively short range of only 3.5 km which for most pilots can be a distance to the battlefield one begins sweating at. With 600 mm of armour penetration on a flat surface ranging down to 300 mm at extreme angles, the AS.11 carries enough punch to defeat most if not all targets; however, with only 1.5 kg equivalent explosive of TNT as a payload, positioning the missile is critical. Aim at the top of turrets or the flanks of your target to try and knock out crew clustered in the turret or force an ammo detonation.

Only a single missile can be guided at a time, firing an additional while one is already in flight will 'cut the wire' and force the first missile to go 'wild', most of the time veering off course at a lazy angle and self-destructing after a while. The latest fired missile will be the only one being actively guided by the gunner sights and this weapon is extremely difficult to operate if your gunner is knocked out, leaving the helicopter with only approximated aim of the pilot (F key).

The Wasp also has access to AS.12 missiles, a larger version of the AS.11 with significantly improved range, explosive capacity, and penetration. However, the AS.12 is also marginally slower and only 2 are able to be equipped at a time. It can be beneficial to utilise the AS.11s at lower BRs, playing against weaker targets in less well-defended airspace, while equipping the AS.12 when playing in dangerous territory and against more well-protected opponents, to fully take advantage of its improved characteristics.

Usage in battles

Mixed battles (RB)

The Wasp HAS.Mk.1 will feel almost identical to its predecessor in the tech tree: the Scout AH.Mk.1. The helicopter is fragile and small but this time lacking the last-resort of fixed machine guns. Any assault from other helicopters or aircraft will almost always result in an unfavourable end for the Wasp, however enterprising and skilled pilots can still bite back with some masterful aiming of the AS.11 missiles and timing which will make short work of an enemy aircraft should it end up actually hitting.

Its small size will favour hit and run tactics or 'masking' tactics usually. That being, flying low close to the ground and out of sight, getting close to the battlefield and striking with one of its missiles, before fading away or rising and ducking down below the horizon from a 'sniping' perch. Cover and confusion are a pilot's best friends in the Wasp.

A patient pilot will be greatly rewarded by the Wasp, with immediate access to guided anti-tank munitions the Wasp does not need to make the same gambles a helicopter with only access to rocket pods or bombs may. But with the low-payload nature of its missiles and their slow speed and range factors, a steady and calm pilot must quickly figure out how to insert themselves where the enemies' soft spots are exposed. In the right hands the Wasp can comfortably stall an entire enemy push in support of its teammates, however every shot has to count with the Wasp's loadout of only four missiles.

Helicopter PvE (AB)

With its tiny payload and lack of machine guns, the Wasp is a very poor pick for Helicopter PvE battles. Its engagement range is still outside of all SPAA ranges and its slow missile require attention throughout their entire flight. You cannot strafe light vehicles with your lack of machine gun armament and even if every missile hits you will only gain four kills and be stuck awaiting a reload as your teammates move in to engage the targets also. The AS.11s are the only loadout for the Wasp so taking rockets to strike gun emplacements is unfortunately not an option either.

If you must take the Wasp into PvE the best bet will be to play support as best you can, capture landing points and drop your missiles on SPAA or targets of opportunity when they arise but most of your gameplay will be spent in flight time.

Pros and cons


  • Carries air-to-surface missiles that are effective against tanks
  • Tiny profile
  • Has wheels instead of skids, allowing some movement across terrain
  • Better stability when compared to the Scout


  • No guns
  • No choice in armament options
  • Fragile
  • Poor mobility, especially when stock


The Westland Wasp was a British marine helicopter manufactured by Westland aircraft. Initially designed as a torpedo-carrying light patrol and scout helicopter, the Wasp was later modified to be able to carry the SS.11 (AGM-22) wire-guided missile. It gained the distinction of sinking a ship in combat, the ARA Santa Fe, which was sunk using AGM-22s and torpedoes during the Falklands War. The Wasp has been used by the militaries of several nations, but has now been retired and replaced with more modern helicopters.[1]

Design and Development

The Westland Wasp originated from a requirement for a new shipborne helicopter that was both small but could also carry two homing torpedoes - this was known as the MATCH (Manned Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter) program.[1] The Wasp was designed to operate in conjunction with its mothership, dropping its load of torpedoes on enemy submarines as directed by the mothership's sonar.[1]

The Westland design firm decided to design a new helicopter based on their successful Westland Scout design.[1] The original skid-type landing gear was replaced with a quad-set of wheels, while the rotors and fuselage were designed to be fully foldable to make the helicopter as compact as possible.[1] As well, the Wasp wasn't fitted with mounted machine guns, as they were deemed unnecessary for the anti-submarine warfare role. The first pre-production Westland Wasp flew on October 28th 1962.[1]

Operational History

A Brazilian Wasp hovers off USS Mahan, 1977.

Following the end of testing, the Royal Navy ordered a total of 133 Westland Wasps. These aircraft served on a variety of RN ships, where they distinguished themselves as reliable search, rescue and anti submarine warfare helicopters.[1] Later on, the Wasp was given the ability to carry four AGM-22 missiles, which were license-produced variants of the SS.11 anti-tank missile developed by Nord Aviation.

The Westland Wasp had its largest success in 1982, when it engaged the Argentinian submarine ARA Santa Fe.[1] After a Westland Wessex helicopter managed to spot the submarine, three Royal Navy Wasps managed to fire several AS.12 (an anti-ship variant of the SS.11) missiles at the submarine, scoring hits. The damage suffered was enough to prompt the Argentinian crew to abandon the submarine, which was claimed by British forces and scuttled. The Wasp enjoyed a long service life, being retired in 1988 after the last Type 12 Rothesay-class frigates were decommissioned.[1] It was also exported to several other nations, and was used by the Royal Malaysian Navy until 2000. A total of 133 Wasps were built.[1]



See also

External links


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Navy Wings. (2019)
  • Navy Wings. (2019, October 14). Westland Wasp (G-KAXT). Retrieved November 20, 2020, from https://navywings.org.uk/portfolio/westland-wasp-2/

[Expand]Westland Aircraft Limited
Fighters  Whirlwind Mk I · Whirlwind P.9
Turboprop  Wyvern S4
Attack  AH Mk.1 Apache**
Utility  Wessex HU Mk.5 · Scout AH.Mk.1 · Wasp HAS.Mk.1 · Lynx AH.Mk.1 · G-LYNX
  *After World War II, Westland Aircraft focused on building helicopters and changed its name to Westland Helicopters.
  **Licensed AH-64D
See Also  Boeing Aircraft

[Expand]Britain helicopters
Attack  AH Mk.1 Apache · Rooivalk Mk1F CSH · Superhind
Utility  Wessex HU Mk.5 · Scout AH.Mk.1 · Wasp HAS.Mk.1 · Lynx AH.Mk.1 · G-LYNX