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| about = German twin-engine fighter '''{{PAGENAME}}'''
| usage = other versions
| link = Do 217 (Family)
== Description ==
== Description ==
''In the description, the first part needs to be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert screenshot of the vehicle. If the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle it is talking about.''
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
The Do 217 N was one of the many variants built off the Do 217 platform. The Do 217 itself is essentially a bigger, more powerful version of the [[Do 17 (Family)|Do 17]]. It was a stark contrast to the Do 17 in many ways. While the Do 17 was intended for performance and subsequently had a weak bomb load, the Do 217 had comparable bomb loads to even the He 111. The Do 217 served in many roles, from regular bombing to attacking ships with guided munition such as the [[PC 1400 X (1,400 kg)|Fritz-X]] radio-controlled bomb. The Do 217 was in service even after World War II with the Swiss Air Force.
The Do 217 N was based off the 217 M, which introduced the Daimler-Benz "DB 603" engine. It provided a substantial increase in power and led to a significant number of subvariants. This also led to the Do 217 N, which was intended for nighttime duties against Allied bomber formations. The 217 N had substantially more armament including the addition of four upward-facing [[MG 151 (20 mm)|MG 151]] cannons mounted aft of the pilot. In theory, pilots would fly below a bomber and then use the upward-facing cannons to attack. An IR spanner and headlight would be used to accurately guide shots on target. The N-2 was a minor development from the [[Do 217 N-1|N-1]] and weighed less due to the removal of the bomb bay equipment.
Introduced in [[Update 1.39]], the Dornier '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a very unique aircraft. It is one of the few aircraft in-game that features fixed, upward-facing cannons. The 217 N-2 also comes equipped with the FuG-220 search radar, which can detect targets up to 8 km (4.97 mi) away. In addition to the Schräge Musik  cannons, the 217 N-2 also comes armed with four forward-facing [[MG 151 (20 mm)|MG 151]] cannons supplemented by another four 7.92 mm machine guns. With good aim, players can easily destroy fighters and bombers. However, the Do 217 is still a bomber airframe, so it cannot effectively dogfight enemy aircraft. It is highly advised to stick to teammates or pair up with a squadmate who is using a fighter.
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Flight Performance ===
=== Flight performance ===
''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Maximum speed, maneuverability, speed and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.''
<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="70%"
! rowspan="2" | Characteristics
! colspan="2" | Max Speed<br>(km/h at 5,500 m)
! rowspan="2" | Max altitude<br>(metres)
! colspan="2" | Turn time<br>(seconds)
! colspan="2" | Rate of climb<br>(metres/second)
! rowspan="2" | Take-off run<br>(metres)
! AB !! RB !! AB !! RB !! AB !! RB
! Stock
| 495 || 477 || rowspan="2" | {{Specs|ceiling}} || 28.9 || 30.1 || 4.6 || 4.5 || rowspan="2" | 800
! Upgraded
| 539 || 515 || 26.5 || 27.7 || 9.4 || 6.8
==== Details ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="5" | Features
! Combat flaps !! Take-off flaps !! Landing flaps !! Air brakes !! Arrestor gear
| X || ✓ || ✓ || X || X    <!-- ✓ -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="7" | Limits
! rowspan="2" | Wings (km/h)
! rowspan="2" | Gear (km/h)
! colspan="3" | Flaps (km/h)
! colspan="2" | Max Static G
! Combat !! Take-off !! Landing !! + !! -
| {{Specs|destruction|body}} || {{Specs|destruction|gear}} || N/A || 351 || 270 || ~9 || ~7
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="4" | Optimal velocities (km/h)
! Ailerons !! Rudder !! Elevators !! Radiator
| < 290 || < 360 || < 360 || > 250
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | Compressor (RB/SB)
! colspan="3" | Setting 1
! Optimal altitude
! 100% Engine power
! WEP Engine power
| 5,000 m || 3,000 hp || 3,330 hp
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured. Describe the armour, if there is any, also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.''
<!-- ''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.'' -->
* 8.5 mm steel - bulkhead in front of the cockpit
* 50 mm bulletproof glass - armoured windscreen and cockpit roof
* 5 mm steel - a box containing Schrage Musik cannons
* 5 mm steel - plate in the tail
=== Modifications and economy ===
== Weaponry ==
== Armaments ==
=== Offensive weaponry ===
''Describe the offensive weaponry of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.''
=== Offensive armament ===
<!-- ''Describe the offensive armament of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.'' -->
{{main|MG 151 (20 mm)|MG 17 (7.92 mm)}}
=== Suspended weaponry ===
The '''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' is armed with:
''Describe the aircraft's suspended weapons: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.''
=== Defensive weaponry ===
* 4 x 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, chin-mounted (200 rpg = 800 total)
''Defensive weaponry with turret machine guns or cannons, crewed by gunners. Examine the number of gunners and what belts or drums are better to use. If defensive weaponry is not available remove this subsection.''
* 4 x 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, Schräge Musik mounted in mid fuselage (200 rpg = 800 total)
* 4 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, nose-mounted (1,000 rpg = 4,000 total)
== Usage in the battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
''Describe the tactics of playing in an aircraft, the features of using vehicles in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
The Do 217 N-2 plays similar to most other heavy fighters, in that it is reliant on delivering a quick knock out punch to an enemy to be effective. However, the aircraft has two unusual traits, which make for different play styles than other heavy fighters. The first is the lack of any form of turret weaponry. This makes the N-2 a unique member in the German heavy fighter line, as virtually all other heavy fighters either have a tail gunner or are agile enough to not need one. The second feature is the inclusion of a set of vertical firing cannons, known as Schräge Musik. This weapon package brings a unique benefit to the table. As most bombers lack the ability to fire their turrets directly under themselves, you can fire away with near-complete immunity to retaliation from enemy gunners.
However, the N-2 is undeniably slow and has crushingly poor manoeuvring. This makes the lack of any form of turret defence all the more noticeable. Caution must be taken to avoid more nimble enemies when possible, as you will be greatly outclassed otherwise.
While the aircraft as a whole seems heavily dependent on lumbering up to a high altitude, and then slowly hunting down bombers, there does exist a fun, if unconventional, alternative. The alternative approach is to go about strafing ground targets, while flying upside down. The main reason for upside down strafing is the Schräge Musik. By flying inverted, you can strafe a large number of ground units in a single pass, while remaining fairly high above the trees. This combines well with the fact that the vertical and forward cannons use the same ammo belts. This tactic can even be put to use around airfields, putting a quick end to anyone on the ground. The only thing to remember when doing this is to always keep a close eye on your altitude. Flying upside down will cause you to fall fairly quickly, so do remember to roll back to right side up in time to avoid crashing. Results are not guaranteed.
* In simulator, the Schräge Musik provides a brand new way for bomber hunting. This weapon system is easy to learn but hard to master, and should only be used if the bomber is flying high, preferably above 800 m. if it is low, you are more likely to crash if you cannot control the aircraft well enough, or you can just use the forward-firing cannons. As you slide underneath a bomber, go into the Schräge Musik mode, and carefully align the reticle to the target. There is no set distance of how far below the target you should be, so the reticle will not always point towards where the shells will actually end up, so do fire some short bursts first to see if you are leading too much or not enough. Adjust the lead by controlling the pitch of the plane. Now as you watch the reticle move, you must also constantly scan the altimeter. This is because that in the Schräge Musik mode, you are just staring at the blank sky above so you are likely to lose sense of direction and not know whether you are diving or climbing. If the number jumps down rapidly, pull stick up immediately. To move the reticle sideways involve a combination of rudder and aileron input, which takes some practice. Each Schräge Musik cannon holds 200 rounds which leaves room for trial and error as they are indeed hard to aim. With precise aiming they are super efficient at destroying wings, fuselage and engines.
{{main|FuG 220}}
The Do 217 N-2 is equipped with a [[FuG 220]] search radar, located in the nose of the aircraft; a control box which is part of the radar damage model is located behind the pilot.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="4" | [[FuG 220]] - Target Detection Radar
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Detection<br/>Range|The maximum possible range at which a target can be detected}}
! {{Annotation|Guaranteed<br/>Detection<br/>Range|The range, below which, detection of a target is practically guaranteed}}
! {{Annotation|Max Azimuth<br/>Scan Angle|How far to each side the radar can scan (widest search mode)}}
! {{Annotation|Max Elevation<br/>Scan Angle|How far up and down the radar can scan (widest search mode)}}
| 5,000 m || 5,000 m || ±35° || -55°/+20°
=== Manual Engine Control ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" | MEC elements
! rowspan="2" | Mixer
! rowspan="2" | Pitch
! colspan="3" | Radiator
! rowspan="2" | Supercharger
! rowspan="2" | Turbocharger
! Oil !! Water !! Type
| Not controllable || Controllable<br>Auto control available || Not controllable<br>Not auto controlled || Controllable<br>Not auto controlled || Combined || Not controllable<br>1 gear || Not controllable
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
''Summarize and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Do not use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - they have a substitution in the form of softer "inadequate", "effective".''
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
* Very deadly nose mounted armament (4 x 20 mm cannons and 4 x 7.92 mm MGs) with fast fire rate, great one-second burst mass, destructive damage, flexible belt types and plenty of ammo (200 RPG for the cannons, 1,000 RPG for the MGs). This makes it excellent at head-on attacks against any aircraft, especially bombers and attackers
* Rigid construction that can take a lot of punishment from MG fire. It also barely catches fire
* Has access to a target detection radar which most planes don't have. Rather useful in clouds or with bad weather / low visibility
* Decent dive acceleration allowing it to easily dive at more than 500 km/h, outrunning slower opponents like the I-16 and F4F
* Improved ballistic performance of the 20 mm MG 151 over the FF/M allows for firing both the machine guns and cannons at the same time and hit the target accurately
* The 20 mm AP shells, its huge ammo capacity and the 8 x 50 kg bombs give it ground pounding ability to some extent
* Its appearance and name are very identical to its bomber variants. The player can sometimes utilise this and lure the unprepared enemy into a surprising head-on
* Schräge Musik can be a devastating surprise, for example upside down strafing. While unconventional, it can be of great fun and effect
== Historical part ==
* Extremely poor manoeuvrability. Turn time is more than 27 second even when upgraded, meaning it might get out-turned by attackers like the IL-2, A-20G or even bombers like the B-25
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too big, take it to a separate article, taking a link to an article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ historical reference" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Name-vehicles/historical reference) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to include links to sources at the end of the article.''
* Control surfaces tend to lock up at more than 500 km/h. Due to this, when diving it might not be able to pull up in time, or cannot pull the lead properly
* No defensive firepower makes it totally defenseless against any chasers
* Poor climb rate and energy retention makes it hard to intercept high-flying bombers
* Poor roll rate makes it hard to respond to offensive / defensive manoeuvres (e.g. scissors). The I-16 now becomes a deadly opponent due to its superior roll rate
* The fixed angle of the Schräge Musik makes it very hard to use, thus severely limiting its value in most scenarios
* Its poor flight performance makes it thoroughly difficult to effectively combat other fighters
* Is a big target which is easy to get hit
== History ==
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
{{Navigation-Start|{{Annotation|Archive of the in-game description|An archive of the historical description of the vehicle that was presented in-game prior to Update 1.55 'Royal Armour'}}|expand=true}}
Dornier Do 217 N-2 night twin-engine fighter.
In December 1942, the Do 217 N-2 night fighter was launched into full-scale production. Originally, planes of this variant were not equipped with defensive turrets, their bomb door was sealed shut, and no bomb release system was installed.
A more advanced FuG 212 Lichtenstein C-1 radar was mounted on the aircraft, different from the FuG 202 in its smaller weight, its modified antennas which provided lower aerodynamic resistance, and its enhanced accuracy. The effective detection range of the new radar was 100 to 2,000 m.
The above-mentioned measures helped significantly reduce the aircraft's takeoff weight, even though its armour had been reinforced (with an additional armour plate under the pilot's seat). The Do 217 N-2's speed and ceiling were higher than those of the N-1 variant.
As on the Do 217 N-1, a Schräge Musik mount could be installed on the aircraft.
During full-scale production, some aircraft received an even more advanced FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 radar. This radar was able to operate when the British used passive radar interference, that is, fragments of metal foil scattered in the air by British bombers to blind German radars.
Some Do 217 N-2s had a FuG 227 Flensburg radio direction finder tuned to the operating frequency of the British Monica radar which was installed in the tail section of RAF bombers to warn when German night fighters appeared. The use of the FuG 227 enabled German night fighters to reliably detect Allied bombers within a distance of up to 100 km and then pursue them.
In addition, one more radio direction finder, the FuG 350 Naxos Z, could be mounted on the Do 217N to detect British bomber units. It allowed the detection, within a distance of up to 50 km, of signals from the British H2S blind bombing radar system, which was installed on pathfinder aircraft flying in front of the bomber units.
The Do 217 N-2's production was discontinued in December 1943. A combined total of 364 Do 217s night fighters were built, including 130 Do 217Js and 234 Do 217Ns.
== Media ==
== Media ==
''Прекрасным дополнением к статье станут видеогайды, а также скриншоты из игры и фотографии.''
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=do_217n_2 Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
{{Youtube-gallery|MNacjyimuCQ|'''The Shooting Range #95''' - ''Pages of History'' section at 12:02 discusses the Do 217 N-2.|LguBHOwyjyo|''(Arcade): {{PAGENAME}}''' - ''tx141TX''}}
== Read also ==
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example,''
<!-- ''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
;Related development
* [[Do 217 (Family)]]
;Other aircraft equipped with Schräge Musik
* [[Ki-45 tei]]{{-}}[[Ki-45 hei/tei (China)]]
* [[Bf 110 G-4]]{{-}}[[Bf 110 G-4 (Italy)]]
== Sources ==
== External links ==
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!--''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''page on the Wikipedia;''
* ''other literature.''-->
* ''page on aircraft encyclopedia;''
* ''other literature.''
* [https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/436317-do217n-12/ Official data sheet - more details about the performance]
{{AirManufacturer Dornier}}
{{Germany twin-engine fighters}}

Latest revision as of 05:27, 22 October 2023

Introducing Wiki 3.0
This page is about the German twin-engine fighter Do 217 N-2. For other versions, see Do 217 (Family).
GarageImage Do 217 N-2.jpg
Do 217 N-2
Research:5 600 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:22 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png


The Do 217 N was one of the many variants built off the Do 217 platform. The Do 217 itself is essentially a bigger, more powerful version of the Do 17. It was a stark contrast to the Do 17 in many ways. While the Do 17 was intended for performance and subsequently had a weak bomb load, the Do 217 had comparable bomb loads to even the He 111. The Do 217 served in many roles, from regular bombing to attacking ships with guided munition such as the Fritz-X radio-controlled bomb. The Do 217 was in service even after World War II with the Swiss Air Force.

The Do 217 N was based off the 217 M, which introduced the Daimler-Benz "DB 603" engine. It provided a substantial increase in power and led to a significant number of subvariants. This also led to the Do 217 N, which was intended for nighttime duties against Allied bomber formations. The 217 N had substantially more armament including the addition of four upward-facing MG 151 cannons mounted aft of the pilot. In theory, pilots would fly below a bomber and then use the upward-facing cannons to attack. An IR spanner and headlight would be used to accurately guide shots on target. The N-2 was a minor development from the N-1 and weighed less due to the removal of the bomb bay equipment.

Introduced in Update 1.39, the Dornier Do 217 N-2 is a very unique aircraft. It is one of the few aircraft in-game that features fixed, upward-facing cannons. The 217 N-2 also comes equipped with the FuG-220 search radar, which can detect targets up to 8 km (4.97 mi) away. In addition to the Schräge Musik  cannons, the 217 N-2 also comes armed with four forward-facing MG 151 cannons supplemented by another four 7.92 mm machine guns. With good aim, players can easily destroy fighters and bombers. However, the Do 217 is still a bomber airframe, so it cannot effectively dogfight enemy aircraft. It is highly advised to stick to teammates or pair up with a squadmate who is using a fighter.

General info

Flight performance

Max speed
at 5 500 m515 km/h
Turn time27 s
Max altitude9 000 m
Engine2 х Daimler-Benz DB-603A
Cooling systemWater
Take-off weight17 t
Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 5,500 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 495 477 9000 28.9 30.1 4.6 4.5 800
Upgraded 539 515 26.5 27.7 9.4 6.8


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
700 300 N/A 351 270 ~9 ~7
Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 290 < 360 < 360 > 250
Compressor (RB/SB)
Setting 1
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
5,000 m 3,000 hp 3,330 hp

Survivability and armour

Crew3 people
Speed of destruction
Structural700 km/h
Gear300 km/h
  • 8.5 mm steel - bulkhead in front of the cockpit
  • 50 mm bulletproof glass - armoured windscreen and cockpit roof
  • 5 mm steel - a box containing Schrage Musik cannons
  • 5 mm steel - plate in the tail

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB631 → 798 Sl icon.png
RB1 286 → 1 628 Sl icon.png
SB1 949 → 2 467 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications10 320 Rp icon.png
13 830 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost750 Ge icon.png
Crew training6 300 Sl icon.png
Experts22 000 Sl icon.png
Aces250 Ge icon.png
Research Aces220 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
40 / 100 / 200 % Sl icon.png
124 / 124 / 124 % Rp icon.png
Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
Mods aerodinamic fuse.png
Fuselage repair
690 Rp icon.png
910 Sl icon.png
95 Ge icon.png
Mods radiator.png
690 Rp icon.png
910 Sl icon.png
95 Ge icon.png
Mods compressor.png
780 Rp icon.png
1 000 Sl icon.png
110 Ge icon.png
Mods aerodinamic wing.png
Wings repair
870 Rp icon.png
1 200 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods new engine.png
870 Rp icon.png
1 200 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mods metanol.png
Engine injection
1 100 Rp icon.png
1 500 Sl icon.png
155 Ge icon.png
Mods armor frame.png
780 Rp icon.png
1 000 Sl icon.png
110 Ge icon.png
Mods armor cover.png
1 100 Rp icon.png
1 500 Sl icon.png
155 Ge icon.png
Mods ammo.png
690 Rp icon.png
910 Sl icon.png
95 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods weapon.png
780 Rp icon.png
1 000 Sl icon.png
110 Ge icon.png
Mods ammo.png
870 Rp icon.png
1 200 Sl icon.png
120 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods weapon.png
1 100 Rp icon.png
1 500 Sl icon.png
155 Ge icon.png


Offensive armament

Ammunition1 600 rounds
Fire rate700 shots/min
Ammunition4 000 rounds
Fire rate1 200 shots/min

The Do 217 N-2 is armed with:

  • 4 x 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, chin-mounted (200 rpg = 800 total)
  • 4 x 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, Schräge Musik mounted in mid fuselage (200 rpg = 800 total)
  • 4 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, nose-mounted (1,000 rpg = 4,000 total)

Usage in battles

The Do 217 N-2 plays similar to most other heavy fighters, in that it is reliant on delivering a quick knock out punch to an enemy to be effective. However, the aircraft has two unusual traits, which make for different play styles than other heavy fighters. The first is the lack of any form of turret weaponry. This makes the N-2 a unique member in the German heavy fighter line, as virtually all other heavy fighters either have a tail gunner or are agile enough to not need one. The second feature is the inclusion of a set of vertical firing cannons, known as Schräge Musik. This weapon package brings a unique benefit to the table. As most bombers lack the ability to fire their turrets directly under themselves, you can fire away with near-complete immunity to retaliation from enemy gunners.

However, the N-2 is undeniably slow and has crushingly poor manoeuvring. This makes the lack of any form of turret defence all the more noticeable. Caution must be taken to avoid more nimble enemies when possible, as you will be greatly outclassed otherwise.

While the aircraft as a whole seems heavily dependent on lumbering up to a high altitude, and then slowly hunting down bombers, there does exist a fun, if unconventional, alternative. The alternative approach is to go about strafing ground targets, while flying upside down. The main reason for upside down strafing is the Schräge Musik. By flying inverted, you can strafe a large number of ground units in a single pass, while remaining fairly high above the trees. This combines well with the fact that the vertical and forward cannons use the same ammo belts. This tactic can even be put to use around airfields, putting a quick end to anyone on the ground. The only thing to remember when doing this is to always keep a close eye on your altitude. Flying upside down will cause you to fall fairly quickly, so do remember to roll back to right side up in time to avoid crashing. Results are not guaranteed.

  • In simulator, the Schräge Musik provides a brand new way for bomber hunting. This weapon system is easy to learn but hard to master, and should only be used if the bomber is flying high, preferably above 800 m. if it is low, you are more likely to crash if you cannot control the aircraft well enough, or you can just use the forward-firing cannons. As you slide underneath a bomber, go into the Schräge Musik mode, and carefully align the reticle to the target. There is no set distance of how far below the target you should be, so the reticle will not always point towards where the shells will actually end up, so do fire some short bursts first to see if you are leading too much or not enough. Adjust the lead by controlling the pitch of the plane. Now as you watch the reticle move, you must also constantly scan the altimeter. This is because that in the Schräge Musik mode, you are just staring at the blank sky above so you are likely to lose sense of direction and not know whether you are diving or climbing. If the number jumps down rapidly, pull stick up immediately. To move the reticle sideways involve a combination of rudder and aileron input, which takes some practice. Each Schräge Musik cannon holds 200 rounds which leaves room for trial and error as they are indeed hard to aim. With precise aiming they are super efficient at destroying wings, fuselage and engines.


Main article: FuG 220

The Do 217 N-2 is equipped with a FuG 220 search radar, located in the nose of the aircraft; a control box which is part of the radar damage model is located behind the pilot.

FuG 220 - Target Detection Radar
Max Azimuth
Scan Angle
Max Elevation
Scan Angle
5,000 m 5,000 m ±35° -55°/+20°

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Not controllable Controllable
Auto control available
Not controllable
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Combined Not controllable
1 gear
Not controllable

Pros and cons


  • Very deadly nose mounted armament (4 x 20 mm cannons and 4 x 7.92 mm MGs) with fast fire rate, great one-second burst mass, destructive damage, flexible belt types and plenty of ammo (200 RPG for the cannons, 1,000 RPG for the MGs). This makes it excellent at head-on attacks against any aircraft, especially bombers and attackers
  • Rigid construction that can take a lot of punishment from MG fire. It also barely catches fire
  • Has access to a target detection radar which most planes don't have. Rather useful in clouds or with bad weather / low visibility
  • Decent dive acceleration allowing it to easily dive at more than 500 km/h, outrunning slower opponents like the I-16 and F4F
  • Improved ballistic performance of the 20 mm MG 151 over the FF/M allows for firing both the machine guns and cannons at the same time and hit the target accurately
  • The 20 mm AP shells, its huge ammo capacity and the 8 x 50 kg bombs give it ground pounding ability to some extent
  • Its appearance and name are very identical to its bomber variants. The player can sometimes utilise this and lure the unprepared enemy into a surprising head-on
  • Schräge Musik can be a devastating surprise, for example upside down strafing. While unconventional, it can be of great fun and effect


  • Extremely poor manoeuvrability. Turn time is more than 27 second even when upgraded, meaning it might get out-turned by attackers like the IL-2, A-20G or even bombers like the B-25
  • Control surfaces tend to lock up at more than 500 km/h. Due to this, when diving it might not be able to pull up in time, or cannot pull the lead properly
  • No defensive firepower makes it totally defenseless against any chasers
  • Poor climb rate and energy retention makes it hard to intercept high-flying bombers
  • Poor roll rate makes it hard to respond to offensive / defensive manoeuvres (e.g. scissors). The I-16 now becomes a deadly opponent due to its superior roll rate
  • The fixed angle of the Schräge Musik makes it very hard to use, thus severely limiting its value in most scenarios
  • Its poor flight performance makes it thoroughly difficult to effectively combat other fighters
  • Is a big target which is easy to get hit


Archive of the in-game description

Dornier Do 217 N-2 night twin-engine fighter.

In December 1942, the Do 217 N-2 night fighter was launched into full-scale production. Originally, planes of this variant were not equipped with defensive turrets, their bomb door was sealed shut, and no bomb release system was installed.

A more advanced FuG 212 Lichtenstein C-1 radar was mounted on the aircraft, different from the FuG 202 in its smaller weight, its modified antennas which provided lower aerodynamic resistance, and its enhanced accuracy. The effective detection range of the new radar was 100 to 2,000 m.

The above-mentioned measures helped significantly reduce the aircraft's takeoff weight, even though its armour had been reinforced (with an additional armour plate under the pilot's seat). The Do 217 N-2's speed and ceiling were higher than those of the N-1 variant.

As on the Do 217 N-1, a Schräge Musik mount could be installed on the aircraft.

During full-scale production, some aircraft received an even more advanced FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 radar. This radar was able to operate when the British used passive radar interference, that is, fragments of metal foil scattered in the air by British bombers to blind German radars.

Some Do 217 N-2s had a FuG 227 Flensburg radio direction finder tuned to the operating frequency of the British Monica radar which was installed in the tail section of RAF bombers to warn when German night fighters appeared. The use of the FuG 227 enabled German night fighters to reliably detect Allied bombers within a distance of up to 100 km and then pursue them.

In addition, one more radio direction finder, the FuG 350 Naxos Z, could be mounted on the Do 217N to detect British bomber units. It allowed the detection, within a distance of up to 50 km, of signals from the British H2S blind bombing radar system, which was installed on pathfinder aircraft flying in front of the bomber units.

The Do 217 N-2's production was discontinued in December 1943. A combined total of 364 Do 217s night fighters were built, including 130 Do 217Js and 234 Do 217Ns.



See also

Related development
Other aircraft equipped with Schräge Musik

External links

Dornier Aircraft Corporation (Dornier Flugzeugwerke)
Fighters  Do 17 Z-7
  Do 217 J-1 · Do 217 J-2 · Do 217 N-1 · Do 217 N-2
  Do 335 A-0 · Do 335 A-1 · Do 335 B-2
Bombers  Do 17 E-1 · Do 17 Z-2
  Do 217 E-2 · Do 217 E-4 · Do 217 K-1 · Do 217 M-1
Jet Aircraft  Alpha Jet A**
Helicopters  ◄UH-1D*
  **Jointly manufactured with Dassault Aviation

Germany twin-engine fighters
Messerschmitt  Bf 109 Z-1
  Me 410 A-1/U2 · Me 410 B-1/U2
Dornier  Do 17 Z-7 · Do 217 J-1 · Do 217 J-2 · Do 217 N-1 · Do 217 N-2
Focke-Wulf  Ta 154 A-1
Junkers  Ju 88 C-6 · Ju 388 J