Difference between revisions of "75/32 M41"

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(Main armament: Updated tables to new template)
(Ammunition: Converted to transclusion)
(17 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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== Description ==
== Description ==
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the ground vehicle in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
[[File:GarageImage 75 32 M41.jpg|420px|thumb|left]]
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a rank {{Specs|rank}} Italian tank destroyer {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update 1.85 "Supersonic"]].
The '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a rank {{Specs|rank}} Italian tank destroyer {{Battle-rating}}. It was introduced in [[Update 1.85 "Supersonic"]].
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
<!-- ''Describe armour protection. Note the most well protected and key weak areas. Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? If necessary use a visual template to indicate the most secure and weak zones of the armour.'' -->
The 75/32, while not exactly ''well'' armoured, is certainly armoured enough to get the job done. It comes with a flat 50 mm plate on the front protecting the crew, tailed by a 25 mm thick plate just below it, constructed at an 80 degree angle (which provides around 70 mm of effective armour), and a 30 mm sloped plate below that, which mostly houses the transmission. The sides and rear of the tank destroyer are both 25 mm, and they both use mostly flat plates. The roof armour of the cab is 15 mm thick and flat, while the engine roof is 10 mm but slightly angled. Take note of the roof thicknesses because the 75/32 is often targeted by American CAS with .50s, who will often either attempt to kill the crew or at the very least kill the engine. Two crew members; the Driver and the Loader, sit on the left side of the tank, with the loader positioned directly behind the driver. On the other side of the tank sits the Gunner (who is also the Commander), and behind him sits the ammo. In between these crew members is the 75 mm gun, and covering them up to their knees is the transmission. The spaced out crew means that if the Gunner is killed there is a good chance the Loader and Driver will survive, however, if the Loader and Driver are hit, they will likely die together, killing the tank instantly. The transmission can act as an odd shield and can occasionally eat a stray round or two, sacrificing itself to keep the crew alive.
'''Armour type:'''
* Rolled homogeneous armour (hull, casemate)
* Cast homogeneous armour (gun mantlet)
{| class="wikitable"
! Armour !! Front (Slope angle) !! Sides !! Rear !! Roof
| Hull || 25 mm (80°) ''Upper glacis'' <br> 30 mm (cylindrical) ''Lower plate'' ||  25 mm || 25 mm ''Upper part'' <br> 27 mm (20°) ''Lower part'' || 25 mm (10°) ''Front glacis'' <br> 10 mm (16°) ''Rear - Engine hood'' <br> 5-25 mm (8°) ''Rear - Radiator vents''
| Casemate || 50 mm (5°) ''Casemate front plate'' <br> 50 + 50 mm (spherical) ''Gun mantlet'' <br> 30 mm (65°) ''Plate connecting with hull'' || 25 mm (8-9°) || 25 mm || 15 mm ''Centre'' <br> 15 mm (20°) ''Sides''
* Suspension wheels and bogies are 15 mm thick while tracks are 20 mm thick.
* The belly is 15 mm thick.
* Mudguards are 4 mm thick.
The {{PAGENAME}} comes with a flat 50 mm plate on the front protecting the crew, tailed by a 25 mm thick plate just below it, constructed at an 80 degree angle (which provides around 70 mm of effective armour), and a 30 mm sloped plate below that, which mostly houses the transmission. The sides and rear of the tank destroyer are both 25 mm, and they both use mostly flat plates. The roof armour of the cab is 15 mm thick and flat, while the engine roof is 10 mm but slightly angled. Take note of the roof thicknesses because the 75/32 is often targeted by American CAS with .50s, who will often either attempt to kill the crew or at the very least kill the engine. Two crew members; the driver and the loader, sit on the left side of the tank, with the loader positioned directly behind the driver. On the other side of the tank sits the gunner (who is also the commander), and behind him sits the ammo. In between these crew members is the 75 mm gun, and covering them up to their knees is the transmission. The spaced out crew means that if the gunner is killed there is a good chance the loader and driver will survive, however, if the loader and driver are hit, they will likely die together, disabling the tank instantly. The transmission can act as an odd shield and can occasionally eat a stray round or two, sacrificing itself to keep the crew alive.
Using the same hull and casemate as the 75/18, the Semovente 75/32 offers little in the way of effective protection, with its primary defence against enemy tanks being its small frontal profile. The 50 mm frontal plate struggles to keep out even rank 1 British and US guns at close range, while the extremely cramped interior means that penetrations will often knock out multiple crew members or modules in a single shot.
Unlike many of its low-rank open-top contemporaries, the {{PAGENAME}}'s fully-enclosed design offers protection against small-calibre machine gun fire and against artillery blast and HE shells. However, it still is very vulnerable to strafing aircraft and heavy calibre MG fire.
=== Mobility ===
=== Mobility ===
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
<!-- ''Write about the mobility of the ground vehicle. Estimate the specific power and manoeuvrability, as well as the maximum speed forwards and backwards.'' -->
{{tankMobility|abMinHp= 227|rbMinHp= 142}}
=== Modifications and economy ===
== Armaments ==
== Armaments ==
=== Main armament ===
=== Main armament ===
<!-- ''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.'' -->
<!-- ''Give the reader information about the characteristics of the main gun. Assess its effectiveness in a battle based on the reloading speed, ballistics and the power of shells. Do not forget about the flexibility of the fire, that is how quickly the cannon can be aimed at the target, open fire on it and aim at another enemy. Add a link to the main article on the gun: <code><nowiki>{{main|Name of the weapon}}</nowiki></code>. Describe in general terms the ammunition available for the main gun. Give advice on how to use them and how to fill the ammunition storage.'' -->
{{main|75/32 mod.37 (75 mm)}}
{{main|75/32 mod.37 (75 mm)}}
Line 31: Line 64:
! ''Arcade''
! ''Arcade''
| rowspan="2" | 43 || rowspan="2" | -12°/+22° || rowspan="2" | ±18° || rowspan="2" | N/A || 12.3 || 17.1 || __._ || __._ || 24.4 || rowspan="2" | 9.75 || rowspan="2" | _.__ || rowspan="2" | _.__ || rowspan="2" | 7.50
| rowspan="2" | 43 || rowspan="2" | -12°/+22° || rowspan="2" | ±18° || rowspan="2" | N/A || 12.3 || 17.1 || 20.7 || 22.9 || 24.4 || rowspan="2" | 9.75 || rowspan="2" | 8.63 || rowspan="2" | 7.95 || rowspan="2" | 7.50
! ''Realistic''
! ''Realistic''
| 8.3 || 9.8 || __._ || __._ || 14.0
| 8.3 || 9.8 || 11.9 || 13.2 || 14.0
==== Ammunition ====
==== Ammunition ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
{{:75/32 mod.37 (75 mm)/Ammunition|Granata Perforante mod.32, Granata mod.32, Gr. Fumogena, EPS M42}}
! colspan="8" | Penetration statistics
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type="text" | Ammunition
! rowspan="2" | Type of<br>warhead
! colspan="6" | '''Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)'''
! 10 m !! 100 m !! 500 m !! 1,000 m !! 1,500 m !! 2,000 m
| Granata Perforante mod.32 || APCBC || 77 || 75 || 66 || 57 || 49 || 42
| Granata mod.32 || HE || 10 || 10 || 10 || 10 || 10 || 10
| EPS M42 || HEAT || 100 || 100 || 100 || 100 || 100 || 100
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! colspan="10" | Shell details
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type="text" | Ammunition
! rowspan="2" | Type of<br>warhead
! rowspan="2" | Velocity<br>(m/s)
! rowspan="2" | Projectile<br>Mass (kg)
! rowspan="2" | Fuse delay<br>(m)
! rowspan="2" | Fuse sensitivity<br>(mm)
! rowspan="2" | Explosive Mass<br>(TNT equivalent) (g)
! colspan="3" | Ricochet
! 0% !! 50% !! 100%
| Granata Perforante mod.32 || APCBC || 630 || 6.26 || 1.2 || 14.0 || 270 || 48° || 63° || 71°
| Granata mod.32 || HE || 490 || 6.35 || 0.1 || 0.1 || 610 || 79° || 80° || 81°
| EPS M42 || HEAT || 580 || 5.3 || 0.0 || 0.1 || 640 || 62° || 69° || 73°
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="7" | Smoke shell characteristics
! Ammunition
! Velocity<br>(m/s)
! Projectile<br>Mass (kg)
! Screen radius<br>(m)
! Screen deploy time<br>(s)
! Screen hold time<br>(s)
! Explosive Mass<br>(TNT equivalent) (g)
| Gr. Fumogena || 490 || 6.4 || 13 || 5 || 20 || 50
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
==== [[Ammo racks]] ====
[[File:Ammoracks_75-18_M41.png|right|thumb|x250px|[[Ammo racks]] of the 75/18 M41 (identical)]]
[[File:Ammoracks_75-18_M41.png|right|thumb|x250px|[[Ammo racks]] of the 75/18 M41 (identical)]]
'''Last updated:'''
<!-- '''Last updated:''' -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
Line 125: Line 108:
== Usage in battles ==
== Usage in battles ==
''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the vehicle, the features of using vehicles in the team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but instead give the reader food for thought. Describe the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
;Combat tactics
Thanks to its longer gun, the {{PAGENAME}} is effective as a tank destroyer at long range with the good penetration of its APCBC round. With a maximum penetration of 60 mm at 1,000 m, the vehicle will have no problem penetrating the angled front armour of many similar rank vehicles from a distance. Light tanks, armoured cars and SPAA are the easiest targets. The vehicle's effectiveness improves once the HEAT shell is unlocked, with 100 mm of penetration at all ranges. This allows for reliable penetration of practically all the Semovente's potential adversaries. Your most dangerous opponents are fast and agile light tanks such as the M22 that can easily flank the Semovente undetected and disable you from close range. Their speed and small size make those light tanks difficult to target for the Semovente's howitzer.
With the HEAT shell, the Semovente can make for an effective tank destroyer, provided you stay at a distance guaranteeing your survivability. The one thing to remember about the HEAT shell is that it sacrifices the one-shot capability of APCBC, meaning that larger tanks will often take multiple hits to disable while the reload time is very slow for the battle rating. Unlike the 75/18 M41, the HEAT shell has a higher muzzle velocity making it capable to hit reliably targets at long range.
;Notable enemies:
=== Modules ===
Many tanks are capable of easily disabling you. By order of lethality:
{| class="wikitable"
! Tier
* Tank destroyers with long guns
! colspan="2" |Mobility
* Howitzers with powerful HE shells
! Protection
* Tanks with HEAT shells
! colspan="2" |Firepower
* Frontline tanks with APHE shells
* Light tanks or armoured cars with autocannons
| I
| Tracks
;How to defeat a {{PAGENAME}}
| Parts
The {{PAGENAME}} has several weak spots:
| Horizontal Drive
* In a frontal encounter, the vertical front plate is the easiest to target.
* Shoot the lower front plate to damage the transmission and immobilize the tank if you lack penetration power.
| II
* When flanking, aim for the weak sides of the casemate.
| Suspension
| Brake System
| Adjustment of Fire
| Filters
| Crew Replenishment
| Elevation Mechanism
| EPS M42
| IV
| Transmission
| Engine
| Gr. Fumogena
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
Line 172: Line 142:
* Decent 75 mm gun
* Decent 75 mm gun
* Has access to HEAT rounds
* Has access to HEAT rounds
* Enclosed design protects the crew from artillery blast and HE shells
Line 177: Line 148:
* Overall armour is not very good
* Overall armour is not very good
* Thin top armour; can be vulnerable to strafing aircraft
* Thin top armour; can be vulnerable to strafing aircraft
* Acceleration and speed leaves things to be desired
* Acceleration and speed leave to be desired
* Slower reload than other 75 mm italian SPG
* Slower reload than other Italian 75 mm SPGs
* Lacks a machine gun
== History ==
== History ==
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the vehicle in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
About 25 Semoventi 75/18s were re-equipped in mid-1943 with the improved 75/32 field gun, which had a longer barrel, increased muzzle velocity and range compared to the 75/18 howitzer. Some of these saw combat with the 135th "Ariete II" Armored Division around Rome in September 1943. A number were confiscated by Germany on Italy's surrender and turned over to Fascist Italian forces.
{{main|75/18_M41#History|l1=History of the 75/18 M41}}
Mid-1943, some Semoventi 75/18 were with the improved 75/32 field gun. The gun sported a longer barrel and offered increased muzzle velocity, flatter trajectories, bigger accuracy and a better range compared to the 75/18 howitzer. It was produced to only 25 units as the Italian command ended up favouring the L/34 gun for the anti-tank role and later switched the production of Semoventi to the [[75/34 M42]].
;Combat usage
Some of these saw combat with the 135th "Ariete II" Armoured Division around Rome in September 1943. A number were confiscated by Germany at the  Italy armistice and turned over to Fascist Italian forces.
== Media ==
== Media ==
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
Skin and Camouflages for the [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicleCountry=italy&vehicleType=tank&vehicleClass=tank_destroyer&vehicle=it_semovente_m41_75_32 75/32 M41] on War Thunder Live.
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=it_semovente_m41_75_32 Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
{{Youtube-gallery|M9IftNe-_s0|'''Semovente da {{PAGENAME}}, Italian, Tier-2, Tank Destroyer''' - ''Angry Nerd Gaming''|bOrp15KJUMM|'''Semovente {{PAGENAME}} Review, Another pointless TD!''' - ''Joseph 2000''}}
== See also ==
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
<!-- ''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.'' -->
* ''reference to the series of the vehicles;''
;Vehicles equipped with the same chassis
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* [[M14/41]]
* [[75/18 M41]]
;Other vehicles of similar configuration and role
* [[75/34 M42]]
== External links ==
== External links ==
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* [https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/italy/semovente_da_75-18.php <nowiki>[Tanks Encyclopedia]</nowiki> Semovente M40, M41 and M42 da 75/18]
* ''encyclopedia page on the tank;''
* [http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/weapons_semovente_da_75_32.html <nowiki>[History of War]</nowiki> Semovente da 75/32]
* ''other literature.''
{{TankManufacturer FIAT-Ansaldo}}
{{Italy tank destroyers}}
{{Italy tank destroyers}}

Latest revision as of 22:56, 24 January 2023

Introducing Wiki 3.0
75/32 M41
GarageImage 75 32 M41.jpg
ArtImage 75 32 M41.png
75/32 M41
2.3 2.3 2.3
Research:4 600 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:16 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png


The Semovente 75/32 M41 is a rank II Italian tank destroyer with a battle rating of 2.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.85 "Supersonic".

General info

Survivability and armour

Armourfront / side / back
Hull30 / 25 / 27
Turret50 / 25 / 25
Crew3 people
Visibility61 %

Armour type:

  • Rolled homogeneous armour (hull, casemate)
  • Cast homogeneous armour (gun mantlet)
Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 25 mm (80°) Upper glacis
30 mm (cylindrical) Lower plate
25 mm 25 mm Upper part
27 mm (20°) Lower part
25 mm (10°) Front glacis
10 mm (16°) Rear - Engine hood
5-25 mm (8°) Rear - Radiator vents
Casemate 50 mm (5°) Casemate front plate
50 + 50 mm (spherical) Gun mantlet
30 mm (65°) Plate connecting with hull
25 mm (8-9°) 25 mm 15 mm Centre
15 mm (20°) Sides


  • Suspension wheels and bogies are 15 mm thick while tracks are 20 mm thick.
  • The belly is 15 mm thick.
  • Mudguards are 4 mm thick.

The 75/32 M41 comes with a flat 50 mm plate on the front protecting the crew, tailed by a 25 mm thick plate just below it, constructed at an 80 degree angle (which provides around 70 mm of effective armour), and a 30 mm sloped plate below that, which mostly houses the transmission. The sides and rear of the tank destroyer are both 25 mm, and they both use mostly flat plates. The roof armour of the cab is 15 mm thick and flat, while the engine roof is 10 mm but slightly angled. Take note of the roof thicknesses because the 75/32 is often targeted by American CAS with .50s, who will often either attempt to kill the crew or at the very least kill the engine. Two crew members; the driver and the loader, sit on the left side of the tank, with the loader positioned directly behind the driver. On the other side of the tank sits the gunner (who is also the commander), and behind him sits the ammo. In between these crew members is the 75 mm gun, and covering them up to their knees is the transmission. The spaced out crew means that if the gunner is killed there is a good chance the loader and driver will survive, however, if the loader and driver are hit, they will likely die together, disabling the tank instantly. The transmission can act as an odd shield and can occasionally eat a stray round or two, sacrificing itself to keep the crew alive.

Using the same hull and casemate as the 75/18, the Semovente 75/32 offers little in the way of effective protection, with its primary defence against enemy tanks being its small frontal profile. The 50 mm frontal plate struggles to keep out even rank 1 British and US guns at close range, while the extremely cramped interior means that penetrations will often knock out multiple crew members or modules in a single shot. Unlike many of its low-rank open-top contemporaries, the 75/32 M41's fully-enclosed design offers protection against small-calibre machine gun fire and against artillery blast and HE shells. However, it still is very vulnerable to strafing aircraft and heavy calibre MG fire.


Speedforward / back
AB37 / 6 km/h
RB and SB34 / 6 km/h
Number of gears4 forward
1 back
Weight14.5 t
Engine power
AB305 hp
RB and SB160 hp
Power-to-weight ratio
AB21.0 hp/t
RB and SB11.0 hp/t
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 37 6 14.5 227 305 15.66 21.03
Realistic 34 6 142 160 9.79 11.03

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB600 → 742 Sl icon.png
RB660 → 816 Sl icon.png
SB801 → 990 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications8 410 Rp icon.png
9 410 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost640 Ge icon.png
Crew training4 500 Sl icon.png
Experts16 000 Sl icon.png
Aces160 Ge icon.png
Research Aces190 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
40 / 60 / 70 % Sl icon.png
118 / 118 / 118 % Rp icon.png
Mobility Protection Firepower
Mods new tank traks.png
560 Rp icon.png
630 Sl icon.png
90 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank suspension.png
470 Rp icon.png
530 Sl icon.png
75 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank break.png
Brake System
470 Rp icon.png
530 Sl icon.png
75 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank filter.png
530 Rp icon.png
600 Sl icon.png
85 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank transmission.png
910 Rp icon.png
1 000 Sl icon.png
140 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank engine.png
910 Rp icon.png
1 000 Sl icon.png
140 Ge icon.png
Mods tank tool kit.png
Improved Parts
560 Rp icon.png
630 Sl icon.png
90 Ge icon.png
Mods extinguisher.png
Improved FPE
470 Rp icon.png
530 Sl icon.png
75 Ge icon.png
Mods tank reinforcement it.png
Crew Replenishment
530 Rp icon.png
600 Sl icon.png
85 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank horizontal aiming.png
Horizontal Drive
560 Rp icon.png
630 Sl icon.png
90 Ge icon.png
Mods tank cannon.png
Adjustment of Fire
470 Rp icon.png
530 Sl icon.png
75 Ge icon.png
Mods new tank vertical aiming.png
Elevation Mechanism
530 Rp icon.png
600 Sl icon.png
85 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
530 Rp icon.png
600 Sl icon.png
85 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
910 Rp icon.png
1 000 Sl icon.png
140 Ge icon.png


Main armament

Ammunition43 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
9.7 → 7.5 s
Vertical guidance-12° / 22°
Horizontal guidance-18° / 18°
Main article: 75/32 mod.37 (75 mm)
75 mm 75/32 mod.37 Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Stock Full Expert Aced
Arcade 43 -12°/+22° ±18° N/A 12.3 17.1 20.7 22.9 24.4 9.75 8.63 7.95 7.50
Realistic 8.3 9.8 11.9 13.2 14.0


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
Granata Perforante mod.32 APCBC 77 75 66 57 49 42
Granata mod.32 HE 10 10 10 10 10 10
EPS M42 HEAT 100 100 100 100 100 100
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
Granata Perforante mod.32 APCBC 630 6.26 1.2 14 270 48° 63° 71°
Granata mod.32 HE 490 6.35 0 0.1 610 79° 80° 81°
EPS M42 HEAT 580 5.3 0.05 0.1 640 62° 69° 73°
Smoke shell characteristics
Ammunition Velocity
mass (kg)
Screen radius
Screen deploy
time (s)
Screen hold
time (s)
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
Gr. Fumogena 490 6.4 13 5 20 50

Ammo racks

Ammo racks of the 75/18 M41 (identical)
rack empty
rack empty
43 19 (+24) (+42) No


  • Shells are modeled individually and disappear after having been shot or loaded.

Usage in battles

Combat tactics

Thanks to its longer gun, the 75/32 M41 is effective as a tank destroyer at long range with the good penetration of its APCBC round. With a maximum penetration of 60 mm at 1,000 m, the vehicle will have no problem penetrating the angled front armour of many similar rank vehicles from a distance. Light tanks, armoured cars and SPAA are the easiest targets. The vehicle's effectiveness improves once the HEAT shell is unlocked, with 100 mm of penetration at all ranges. This allows for reliable penetration of practically all the Semovente's potential adversaries. Your most dangerous opponents are fast and agile light tanks such as the M22 that can easily flank the Semovente undetected and disable you from close range. Their speed and small size make those light tanks difficult to target for the Semovente's howitzer.

With the HEAT shell, the Semovente can make for an effective tank destroyer, provided you stay at a distance guaranteeing your survivability. The one thing to remember about the HEAT shell is that it sacrifices the one-shot capability of APCBC, meaning that larger tanks will often take multiple hits to disable while the reload time is very slow for the battle rating. Unlike the 75/18 M41, the HEAT shell has a higher muzzle velocity making it capable to hit reliably targets at long range.

Notable enemies

Many tanks are capable of easily disabling you. By order of lethality:

  • Tank destroyers with long guns
  • Howitzers with powerful HE shells
  • Tanks with HEAT shells
  • Frontline tanks with APHE shells
  • Light tanks or armoured cars with autocannons
How to defeat a 75/32 M41

The 75/32 M41 has several weak spots:

  • In a frontal encounter, the vertical front plate is the easiest to target.
  • Shoot the lower front plate to damage the transmission and immobilize the tank if you lack penetration power.
  • When flanking, aim for the weak sides of the casemate.

Pros and cons


  • Low profile
  • Decent 75 mm gun
  • Has access to HEAT rounds
  • Enclosed design protects the crew from artillery blast and HE shells


  • Overall armour is not very good
  • Thin top armour; can be vulnerable to strafing aircraft
  • Acceleration and speed leave to be desired
  • Slower reload than other Italian 75 mm SPGs
  • Lacks a machine gun



Mid-1943, some Semoventi 75/18 were with the improved 75/32 field gun. The gun sported a longer barrel and offered increased muzzle velocity, flatter trajectories, bigger accuracy and a better range compared to the 75/18 howitzer. It was produced to only 25 units as the Italian command ended up favouring the L/34 gun for the anti-tank role and later switched the production of Semoventi to the 75/34 M42.

Combat usage

Some of these saw combat with the 135th "Ariete II" Armoured Division around Rome in September 1943. A number were confiscated by Germany at the Italy armistice and turned over to Fascist Italian forces.



See also

Vehicles equipped with the same chassis
Other vehicles of similar configuration and role

External links

Autoblindo  AB 41 · AB 43
Light Tanks  L6/40 · L6/40 (31 Rgt.)
Medium Tanks  Celere Sahariano
M11/39  M11/39
M13/40  M13/40 (I) · M13/40 (II) · M13/40 (III)
M14/41  M14/41 · M14/41 (47/40)
M15/42  M15/42
P40  P40 · P40 "G.C. Leoncello"
Tank Destroyers 
L3/33  L3/33 CC
Semovente L40  47/32 L40
Semovente M41  75/18 M41 · 75/32 M41 · 90/53 M41M
Semovente M42  75/34 M42
Semovente M43  105/25 M43 · M43 "G.C.Leoncello" · 75/34 M43 · 75/46 M43
SPAAs  M42 Contraereo

Italy tank destroyers
M41  75/18 M41 · 75/32 M41 · 90/53 M41M
M42  75/34 M42
M43  105/25 M43 · M43 "G.C.Leoncello" · 75/34 M43 · 75/46 M43
Wheeled  Lancia 3Ro (100/17) · AS 42/47 · Breda 90/53 · Breda 501
Other  L3/33 CC · 47/32 L40
Germany  ▄StuG III G
USA  M36B1 · ▄M109G · M113A1 (TOW)
Zrínyi  Zrinyi I · Zrinyi II
USSR  ◔2S1